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28mm Dark Heaven Bones Black Resin Miniatures - Reaper Miniatures

manufactured by Reaper Miniatures in 28mm scale is ready for painting and perfect for inclusion in your next Dungeons and Dragons or other tabletop roleplaying game. Miniatures may come in multiple pieces, may need to be assembled, may require some minor straightening, and are unpainted. Pictures of the painted miniatures are for inspiration and are only examples. Reaper Miniatures are awesome in RPG and tabletop games like Pathfinder, Dungeons and Dragons (any edition), Dragon Age, Castles and Crusades, Hackmaster, Frostgrave, and Savage Worlds. Fantastic as an art piece, gift, family project, wargaming, or just for some fun. Not for children under the age of 13 years.

Average lead time is one to two weeks.

Need dice, miniatures, and more gaming goodness? View our full line at

The Rigged Rigging

An Investigation roll vs DC 15 will note that running through the edges are two extra cords; if held tightly, the rigging ladder stabilizes greatly, making it much easier to climb (Advantage on all rolls).

Climbing the rigging all the way up takes three rolls; one versus DC 10, one versus DC 15, and one versus DC 20 as the rig becomes more unstable the higher you go. A single failure causes the rig to flip, causing Disadvantage on any further rolls; two failures means falling off the rig! Reaching the top of the rig and ringing the bell wins you a prize!

Hammer Slammer

This uses a Strength-based proficient attack roll with Advantage, as it measures how much raw force you can output. Of course, a carnival may choose to rig their amusement, in which case this might use a normal roll or even a roll with Disadvantage when giving away prizes…

31+ Goddess of Might

29 to 30: Titan

27 to 28: Demigod

25 to 26: Dragon

23 to 24: Demon

21 to 22: Giant

19 to 20: Champion

17 to 18: Ogre

15 to 16: Minotaur

13 to 14: Hero

11 to 12: Orcish Warrior

9 to 10: Town Guardsman

7 to 8: Villager

5 to 6: Waiter

4 or less: Human Child


  • plan A. SSD/SSI/Medicaid/other assistance. Mostly listed first because it's something we should theoretically get, though obviously it's taking its time.
    • 1) Lawyer appointment on 16th at 1:30pm - Maria / Mid America Law Firm
    • 2) Truman Medical Center - reach out to them, they may be able to help with caseworking for social services, and they are a multispecialty practice. only problem is that they're not extremely nearby.
  • plan B: web sales and marketing (via roll4itdice and facebook). previously good but obviously losing Etsy and Paypal makes things much, much harder.
  • plan C: direct sales through collect-sell-trade, using Square to send invoices until we can afford to make payments to paypal. if we start doing this, we may be able to eventually borrow money through Square capital which would help, too.
  • plan D: follow up on Daivergent again / other small opportunities. money isn't great and I've yet to actually gte work from that, and I need to have migraines under control to put serious time into it.
    • Recently received mail from them and reached out to see if they actually have anything, so we'll see.
  • plan E: Facebook Marketplace sales, for trying to sell what we have here (minis, dice, etc) to locals, or whatever Nikki has to ship us.
  • plan F: eBay store sales - con is that it has to be carefully watched and that the money would go into paypal, not to us.
  • plan G: game design. one out-there thought is trying to get back to work on game coding, freemium style, to rebuild LoGL or build other games where people can pay for small advantages. again, money from that would likely go to paypal debt first.
    • Legend of the Green Leupak: A revival of this old Arcydean game for a new market. It was doing very well for itself, if we take what we know about how freemium games work, we might just be able to squeeze some money out of this.
    • Splitbit: I've had the urge lately to do a variant of LoGL (similar codebase, that is) that's about being an online persona that tries to hack into systems rather than an adventurer hacking through monsters.
    • Legends of Kyrael: I've also had the urge to make a Pokemon RPG game, or at least an RPG game that has Pokemon elements, hidden well enough to avoid casual cease-and-desists (the Play Store convinces me that as long as you don't call them Pokemon, you can get away with an astounding amount of copyright infringement, so something that's far less obvious might work out well.) Possibly using a variant of the Psyche Tamer idea that just happens to include Psyches familiar to those who like various video games…
  • plan H: begging and pleading. honestly think this is tapped out on Facebook but still going to keep trying. people are weird and willing to be generous sometimes.
dm.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/02 16:12 by wizardofaus_doku

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