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Tamara DeMarco

750 pts / spent 277

ST 16 [60]

DX 15 [100]

IQ 12 [40]

HT 15 [50]

Handedness: ?

Dmg 1d thr/2d sw

BL 39 lbs

HP 20 [12]

Will 12 [0]

Per 16 [20]

FP 15 [0]

Base Speed 7.5 [0]

Base Move 10 [15]

Cat named Guido.

need to calculate cost of below Advantages – Wealth: Comfortable [10]

Enhanced Tracking [5]

Enhanced Dodge +2 [50]

Extra Attack [25]

Gunslinger [25] (You can make uncannily precise shots without Aiming; when firing single shots from a onehanded weapon, apply the Accuracy bonus without the need for an Aim maneuver. With automatic fire or twohanded weapons, apply half Accuracy bonus without needing to aim. If you do Aim, you ALWAYS get full Accuracy bonuses, and the usual benefits for additional time spent, bracing, scopes, etc.)

Hard to Kill 10 [20] (You get a +10 to survival rolls made at -HP or below, and on any HT roll where failure means instant death. If this bonus means the difference between life and death, you collapse, seemingly dead, but come to in the usual amount of time. A successful Diagnosis roll will reveal the truth.)

Hard to Subdue 10 [20] (You get a +10 to resist unconsciousness, whether as a result of injury, drugs, or ultra-tech weaponry, as well as abilities that cause it.)

High Pain Threshold [10] (You never suffer a shock penalty when you are injured, and get a +3 on all HT rolls to avoid knockdown and stunning, and a +3 to resist torture and ignore pain in other situations.)

Very Fit [15] (You get +2 to all HT rolls, recover FP to exertion, heat, etc, twice as fast as normal, and lose it half as fast as normal.)

Legal Enforcement Powers - Corporate [5]: You have jurisdiction within Novus territory, the right to arrest, detain, and search suspected criminals, and to respond with lethal force if necessary to defend your corporation. You are expected to turn over arrested criminals to proper authorities, however.

Luck [15]: Once per hour.

Versatile [5]: You are extremely imaginative. You get a +1 bonus on any task that requires creativity or invention, including most rolls against Artist skill, all Engineer rolls for new inventions, and all skill rolls made to use the Gadgeteer advantage.

Signature Gear [5]: Tesla's Taser

Novus Labs Personal Improvement Network Upgrades (PIN-Ups)

Hyperspectral Eye Upgrade (Hyperspectral Vision) [25]: Your vision extends across the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet portions of the spectrum. This integrated picture often reveals details that are invisible to those who merely possess normal vision, Infravision, or Ultravision.

Hyperspectral Vision grants near-perfect night vision: you suffer no vision or combat penalties if there is any light at all. In total darkness, it functions exactly like Infravision. This trait also gives +3 on all Vision rolls; on all rolls to spot hidden clues or objects with Forensics, Observation, or Search skill; and on all Tracking rolls.

Secondary Transparent Eyefilm (Nictitating Membrane 2 + Protected Vision) [7]

Seal Spleen Upgrade (Extended Oxygen Storage - can hold breath 50 times longer than normal) [Doesn't Breathe, -40%: 16]

Adrenaline Cognitive Redline (Enhanced Time Sense) [45]

Memory Retention Improvement (Photographic Memory) [10]

Hyperactive Repair Systems (Regular Regeneration; Heals Radiation; Includes Regrowth) [70]

Stomach Detoxification Lattice (+8 to resist Ingested Poisons) [5]

Lung Filtration System (+8 to resist Inhaled Poisons) [5]


Acrobatic Kicks: You’ve learned to kick as a natural extension of flips, jumps, and spins. Roll against Acrobatics-2 to hit with a kick. Kicking techniques can likewise default to Acrobatics. Acrobatic kicks don’t receive Brawling or Karate damage bonuses, however.

Area Defense/Beam Weapon/Pistol: You can shoot down incoming projectiles with your pistol. Your basic Parry is equal to your shooting skill / 2 + 3. Modifiers: -15 for the target; +6 for Enhanced Time Sense; full Accuracy due to Gunslinger. Success stops the projectile.

Deadeye: You’re a natural sniper. You can accurately gauge range, windage, thermal effects, and so on, allowing you to attempt Precision Aiming without special equipment. Since you aren’t fooling with ballistics tables, spotting scopes, etc., you may reduce the total time required to claim your Precision Aiming bonus by 10% (round up) after all other calculations. You may buy this perk several times; each level improves your margin by 10% (to a maximum of Deadeye 3, with a 30% reduction).

Pistol-Fist/BeamWeaponPistol - You can roll against Beam Weapons (Pistol) or Guns (Pistol) – you must specialize – to pistol-whip people. Treat this as a punch with brass knuckles. You can also parry melee attacks at (shooting skill/2) + 3, and even use this parry when slapping aside guns in close combat.

Quick-Sheathe/Pistol: Getting a handgun into or out of its holster takes one Ready maneuver. A successful Fast-Draw (Pistol) roll draws it as a free action. This perk lets you roll against Fast-Draw (Pistol) to stow it as a free action, too.

Weapon Bond: When using Tesla's Taser, you get a +1 to effective skill and all techniques based on that skill.

Eye for Distance: You can accurately gauge distances within line of sight without using tools. Error is around 5%; where relevant, the GM will secretly roll 2d-7 for the percentage, keeping negative numbers. The only combat effect is that you don’t need a rangefinder to benefit from rules that require one.

Alcohol Tolerance: Your body metabolizes alcohol with remarkable efficiency. You can drink steadily for an indefinite period with no major detrimental effects. Binging affects you as it would anyone else. You get +2 on all HT rolls related to drinking.

Fearsome Stare: You can use Intimidation without saying a word: simply cross your arms and glower. This conveniently leaves no evidence of a weapon, recorded threats, bruises…

Pet: You have a small, ordinary pet – cat, ferret, hamster, parrot, etc. This is equivalent to a modest Ally balanced by being a modest Dependent, but don’t bother doing the math. Aside from companionship, a pet grants occasional, minor benefits; e.g., a kitten might hiss at ghosts and give you +1 to reactions from cat fanciers.

Buying an animal as a Pet rather than with cash secures the GM’s promise to do what he can to avoid terrible fates for it provided that you do your best to keep it out of harm’s way. It’s effectively Signature Gear. If you want an attack dog or a shoulder dragon, buy an Ally!


Chummy [-5]

Duty: Novus Labs (Quite Often) [-10]

Guilt Complex [-5]


Acrobatics - DX/H - [4]: 15

Acting - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Artist/Drawing - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Artist/Painting - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Area Knowledge/Granite City - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Area Knowledge/NYC - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Armoury/Small Arms - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Artillery/Guided Missle - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Beam Weapon/Pistol - DX/E - [4]: 17

Beam Weapon/Rifle - DX/E - [1]: 15

Biology - IQ/VH - [1]: 9

Body Language - Per/A - [2]: 16

Camouflage - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Climbing - DX/A - [2]: 15

Computer Operation - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Connoisseur/Visual Arts - IQ/A - [4]: 13

Connoisseur/Guns - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Cooking - IQ/A - [4]: 13

Current Affairs/Popular Culture - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Dancing - DX/A - [1]: 14

Detect Lies - Per/H - [4]: 16

Diagnosis - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Diplomacy - IQ/H - [8]: 13

Driving/Automobile - DX/A - [2]: 15

Driving/Heavy Wheeled - DX/A - [1]: 14

Elec Operation/Comm - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Elec Operation/Elec Warfare - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Elec Operation/Medical - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Elec Operation/Security - IQ/A - [4]: 13

Elec Operation/Sensors - IQ/A - [2]: 12

NBC Suit - DX/A - [1]: 14

Vacc Suit - DX/A - [1]: 14

Expert Skill/Military Science - IQ/H - [4]: 12

Fast Draw/Pistol - DX/E - [4]: 17+1

Fast Draw/Rifle - DX/E - [4]: 17+1

Fast Draw/Ammo - DX/E - [1]: 15+1

First Aid - IQ/E - [4]: 14

Forced Entry - DX/E - [4]: 17

Free Fall - DX/A - [1]: 14

Freight Handling - IQ/A - [1]: 11

Games/Computer Games - IQ/E - [2]: 13

Gesture - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Gunner/Beam - DX/E - [4]: 17

Guns/Pistol - DX/E - [1]: 15

Guns/Rifle - DX/E - [1]: 15

Guns/LAW - DX/E - [1]: 15

Guns/GL - DX/E - [1]: 15

Guns/SMG - DX/E - [1]: 15

Hazardous Materials - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Hiking - HT/A - [1]: 14

Hobby Skill/Cat Trivia - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Holdout - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Intelligence Analysis - IQ/H - [2]: 11

Interrogation - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Intimidation - Will/A - [2]: 12

Judo - DX/H - [4]: 15

Karate - DX/H - [4]: 15

Knot-Tying - DX/E - [1]: 15

Law/US Police - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Leadership - IQ/A - [4]: 14

Lifting - HT/A - [8]: 16

Lip Reading - Per/A - [2]: 15

Liquid Projector/Water Cannon - DX/E - [1]: 15

Lockpicking - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Shortsword - DX/A - [2]: 15

Knife - DX/E - [2]: 16

Mind Block - Will/A - [2]: 12

Navigation - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Observation - Per/A - [2]: 16

Physiology - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Psychology - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Savoir-Faire/Military - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Savoir-Faire/Police - IQ/E - [1]: 12

Scrounging - Per/E - [1]: 16

Search - Per/A - [2]: 16

Shadowing - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Shield - DX/E - [1]: 15

Singing - HT/E - [1]: 15

Soldier - IQ/A - [4]: 13

Stealth - DX/A - [4]: 16

Streetwise - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Survival/Desert - Per/A - [2]: 16

Swimming - HT/E - [1]: 15

Tactics - IQ/H - [1]: 10

Teaching - IQ/A - [2]: 12

Cash: $100,000

Favored weapon: Electrolaser.

tower/worlds/granitecity2155/tamara_demarco.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/08 23:57 by

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