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Artificial Liberation Front

Current Relationship: Very Good

Public Information

The Artificial Liberation Front, or ALF, is a radical terrorist group who oppose the “exploitation” of androids. They came to public attention two years ago when they released a statement taking credit for the destruction of the Kitchener, Ontario headquarters of EduSoft Corporation (a subsidiary of Chutojin), designers of dreamgame software for android conditioning and education. No one was killed in the attack; masked ALF terrorists evacuated the six late-working EduSoft employees at gun point before blowing up the building. The ALF's press statement accused EduSoft of producing programs that turned Bast and Ken-series androids into little more than sex toys.

The Artificial Liberation Front have since claimed responsibility for 27 acts of arson or sabotage and 12 successful kidnapping of bioroids from corporate birthlabs, inflicting an estimated 227 million dollars in damage. 23 people have been injured in ALF attacks, but prior to the Boston Incident only three people, all corporate security troops, were killed – as in the EduSoft incident, the ALF appear to take steps to minimize loss of life.

The ALF's reign of terror is focused on individuals or companies alleged to abuse bioroid workers or AI personas. The lion's share of attacks have been aimed at two leading bioroid manufacturers: Ambrex and Chutujin. SkyTec, the world's third largest producer of androids for the North American market, has been the target of only a handful of ALF raids, none in the last eighteen months. This has led to allegations that the ALF are a covert SkyTek “strike force” used against SkyTek's rivals. SkyTek, which has called the ALF “misguided and confused,” denies any connection. Asked to speculate on their apparent immunity from the ALF, SkyTek spokesperson Maria Esteban pointed to the company's scandal free record and new internal ethics guidelines on “artificial persons” which include 20% real-time nurturing and strict background checks on all purchasers to prevent abuse. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a SkyTek executive stated that “if our distinguished competition treated androids more like people instead of animals, maybe they wouldn't have to spend so much on security.”

The ALF's most recent attack was against Ambrex's Boston birthlab, when two ALF members were killed by security forces while attempting to burglarize the facility. Five Ambrex lab technicians were reported slain by the terrorists, making the Boston incident the first time the ALF has reportedly killed anyone not firing back at them. But an anonymous source within Ambrex claimed the deaths resulted from Ambrex Security's reckless use of nerve gas against the ALF. Asked to comment to the media on these charges, Ambrex/Boston's security chief Ian O'Connell said he could not discuss Ambrex internal security procedures but “reasonable minimum force” had been used. The terrorists' bodies were identified as the SkyTek-designed Saladin-class combat android M-2HD-406 “Spartacus,” a deserter from the French Foreign Legion, and the renegade Ambrex-designed Hermes-724 medical android known as “Doc Cobra.”

Since the Boston incident, no terrorist attacks have taken place that can be definitely linked to the ALF.

The Medusa Incident

On November 3rd, 2155, a terrorist group known as Chimera issued a video from Alecto Eumenides, born in Bonn, Germany from an Ambrex birthing lab. She threatened to release a nanomechanical bone-eating virus on Houston if her demands were not met by SkyTek, Ambrex, and Chutujin (namely, condemning the current treatment of artificial lifeforms, pledging to eliminate the production of androids and AIs with self-destruct codes or artificially reduced lifespans, accepting the rights of bioroids and AIs to freedom and self-determination, and condemning the murders of ALF members by Ambrex in the Boston Incident.) While these corporations did no such thing, a member of the Ambrex bioproduction staff is reported to have leaked a project file known as the Rapture Project. This leak revealed shelters and stockpiles of goods for an upcoming apocalypse, as well as details about Ambrex's plans to strike against major centers of government and rival corporates in the event of a global war, including the production of specialized bioroids, AIs, and nano-weapons such as Medusa. Chimera accepted this release as sufficient, and the Houston Medusa was never released.

The members of Chimera were former ALF members who had split from the main group after deciding that due to the deaths of two of their members, the current tactic of low-key violence and sabotage was insufficient to accomplish their goals. The release of Rapture Project has convinced them to rejoin the ALF's efforts, and has garnered the ALF support in places around the country.

Known Members

  • Catseye: A member of the ALF who moonlights as a musician. Formerly a pleasure android named Neko, she originally worked for the Osaka-based digital media site MusicBox as a hostess and interviewer before being sold to Andreas Brecht when the site closed down. Went rogue and killed Brecht after a savage beating and subsequent surgery jarred her control implant loose, dyed her fur, and eventually became a commando for the ALF. Is on good terms with the party following the events of Medusa.
  • Ivan Ruskov: Android rights activist and founding member of the ALF, he manages their safehouses and plans most of their operations. He is on friendly terms with the party after their actions regarding Chimera and reuniting their organization, but is at best a distant ally most of the time.
  • Cherry: An experimental Chiroptera-7 model produced by Ambrex, this bat-girl is also a highly trained medic, making her invaluable to the ALF. She was rescued from an Ambrex transport craft and has been a member ever since.
  • Cleo: A Cassiopia-model accounting bioroid made in a black clinic, who works for the ALF to help launder their finances and plot financial strategy.
  • Zengi: A Saladin-class combat android who was originally a deserter from the French Foreign Legion before finding his way into ALF and eventually Chimera. Has rejoined the ALF after the events of Medusa.
  • Fenris: Originally created for a Brothers Grimm theme park, Fenris resents humanity for treating him like a living toy, and takes out his anger through the ALF. He was temporarily a part of the offshoot Chimera, but returned to the ALF when Joanna Ness did.
  • Joanna Ness: The former leader of Chimera and last of the Eumenides Android line created by Ambrex (full designation: Alecto Eumenides), who has a piercing desire for revenge against Ambrex and specifically Conrad Lang. Has rejoined the ALF after the events of Medusa.

Known Safehouses

While the ALF does not provide public information on its safehouses and contact points, Aquarius is a hotbed of artificial activity, and as such many who look for safe harbor (or for revolution) find their way there. Catseye, one of the group's major spokespeople, often performs at a bar known as the Twisted Helix for stretches of time, and the party first met her there.

The ALF keeps several safehouses for bioroids on the run, including one in Colorado Springs originally established by the ACGT Club.

Current Plans

  • Amy, Ami, and Ganymede have been interested in providing assistance to the ALF on future operations. The fact that Amy has a fairly sizable bankroll to contribute might boost their operational game significantly.
tower/worlds/granitecity2155/organizations/alf.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/08 23:57 by

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