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Warheads and Ammunition

The default warhead for guns and missiles is an inert metal projectile, such as a jacketed lead slug. However, most ultra-tech weapons routinely fire more sophisticated (and deadly) rounds. The warheads described below are additional options.

For mines and hand grenades, there is no default warhead; each grenade or mine must be given one of the options described below.

Some types of warheads are only available for certain size classes – for example, swarm warheads must be at least 25mm.

The warhead sizes are notional. Feel free to rename a 25mm warhead “20mm” or “30mm” if that better fits a particular weapon description.


These modifications improve the complete round of ammunition. Use the Warhead options below to modify just the projectile.

Extra-Powerful (+P) Ammunition (TL4)

Most multi-part or fixed ammunition can be given an extra-powerful propellant charge to eke out higher damage and better range. Such “hot” ammo mainly sees use in sidearms – typically with solid, hollow-point, AP, or APHC projectiles – but other rounds can be handloaded (p. 174) to similar effect with the Armoury (Small Arms) skill.

Most cheap-quality guns aren’t designed to withstand such increased pressure in prolonged service: -1 to Malf. Automatic weapons are often sensitive to changes in propellant; they, too, may suffer Malf. penalties, and RoF is likely to increase. Multiply Dmg, Range, and ST by 1.1. Multiply CPS by 1.5.

Example: A “Kentucky rifle” (p. 107) does 4d-1 pi+. By increasing the powder charge, it could do 13 x 1.1 = 14.3, divided by 3.5 = 4.09 or 4d pi+ (see Adjusting Damage, p. 166). ST would increase to 9† x 1.1 = 9.9 or 10†.

Match-Grade Ammunition (TL6)

Carefully matching projectile and propellant can increase a round’s accuracy – especially when done for a specific model of gun. While such ammunition can sometimes be bought in small lots, it must usually be handloaded (p. 174). This option can’t be combined with ExtraPowerful (above), and the projectiles must be solid, hollowpoint, AP, or APHC. Match-grade ammo is used in sniper rifles and target-shooting firearms – not in automatic weapons.

Multiply Acc by 1.25 and drop fractions; maximum Acc bonus is +1. Double CPS.

Example: A Glock 23 pistol (p. 101) with Acc 2 wouldn’t benefit from match-grade ammo, since 2 x 1.25 = 2.5, which rounds to 2. An Accuracy International AWM sniper rifle (p. 118) with Acc 6 would benefit, as 6 x 1.25 = 7.5, which rounds to 7.

Subsonic Ammunition (TL6)

Subsonic ammunition has a muzzle velocity below the speed of sound (1,086 feet per second at sea level), resulting in a lower sound signature and increasing the effectiveness of sound suppressors. Some pistol and SMG rounds, such as the .32 ACP, .380 ACP, 9x18mm Makarov, and .45 ACP – and a few rifle chamberings, like the 9x39mm – are already subsonic and don’t need this option. Others, including the .22 LR, the 9x19mm Parabellum, all PDW rounds, and most rifle rounds, are supersonic, and will benefit from subsonic ammunition.

For pistol rounds, subsonic ammunition gives -1 to Hearing; multiply Range by 0.8. For PDW and rifle rounds, subsonic ammunition gives -2 to Hearing; multiply Dmg and Range by 0.6. In all cases, multiply CPS by 1.3.

Silent Ammunition (TL7)

Exotic “silent” rounds trap the propellant gases inside the case and launch the projectile with a piston, eliminating muzzle flash and smoke, and reducing noise. Most require a specially designed weapon to fire them; a few pistols have been chambered for such ammunition since the 1960s. Silent rounds interchangeable with normal ammo were developed for conventional shotguns (see Exotic Shotgun Ammo, p. 103) and grenade launchers (see Grenade Launcher Ammo, p. 143) in the 1960s, too, but neither caught on. “Silent” grenades are only truly silent if they’re not explosive, of course! This option is only possible for cased ammo.

In all cases, use the 16-yard line on the Hearing Distance Table (p. 158). Multiply CPS by 10. LC1.


Conventional rounds are ordinary kinetic-energy, chemical, or explosive warheads.

Solid (Full Metal Jacket)

A solid bullet is the baseline projectile for most small arms and early artillery. At TL3-5, it’s a ball of soft lead for small arms, while artillery fires cast-iron or stone balls. At late TL5, it’s a lengthened and streamlined projectile of hard lead. At TL6-8, it is a streamlined lead or steel projectile, enclosed in a sheath of metal such as copper alloy; this is known as “full metal jacketed” (FMJ).

Rifled Slug. This solid subtype is used in shotguns. Germany’s Brenneke company introduced it in 1898, but it was uncommon in America before the 1950s. Multiply buckshot damage by four. Change damage type to pi++ for shotguns of 20-gauge and larger, or to pi+ for shotguns smaller than 20-gauge (and remember that the higher the gauge, the smaller the bore – see Calibers, pp. 161-163). Add +1 Acc. Multiply buckshot 1/2D by 2.5, Max by 1.5. Remove any multiplier after RoF. A slug can be further modified by other projectile options.

Example: A 12-gauge 2.75” buckshot load does 1d+1 pi per pellet. A rifled slug would do 1d+1 ¥ 4 = 4d+4 pi++, or 5d pi++. A shotgun with RoF 3×9 would fire slugs at RoF 3.

Hollow-Point (HP)

“Hollow-point” is a generic term for any number of expanding projectiles. These include so-called “dum-dum” bullets, as well as commercial “jacketed soft-point” (JSP) and “jacketed hollow-point” (JHP) types. Most have a cavity in the tip that causes the projectile to mushroom on penetration. Expanding bullets have been widely available for rifles since the 1890s. Similar bullets in pistol calibers appeared around that time as well, but weren’t common before about 1960 – and not until the 1970s for SMGs and semiautomatic pistols. In 1899, the Hague Convention declared expanding bullets illegal for war use; subsequently, they became very rare for military weapons. However, they’ve been popular with hunters since the turn of the 20th century (being more likely to stop an animal with one shot), and with police agencies and antiterror units as of the 1980s (being more effective, and less likely to ricochet or overpenetrate and hit bystanders).

These bullets expand in flesh, causing bigger wounds. This improves damage type: pi- becomes pi, pi becomes pi+, and pi+ becomes pi++. However, HP ammo has trouble penetrating barriers or armor; add an armor divisor of (0.5). Unlike lower-TL hollow-point ammo, ultra-tech hollow-points never have problems expanding. They’re unavailable for grenades, mines, or weapons of 15mm+ caliber. Normal cost. LC4.


Poison ammo fires a bullet with a cavity designed to introduce a blood or contact agent into the target’s body. It was used at least as early as the 1860s, in the American Civil War, but the Hague Convention banned it for war use in 1899. A number of patterns were in service with secret agencies during WWII and the Cold War – including some intended for air guns.

Treat as a hollow-point bullet that has the effects of one dose of poison as a follow-up attack. Suitable poisons include botulin toxin (High-Tech p. 227), cyanide (p. B439), and ricin (High-Tech p. 227). Silver shavings, holy water, concentrated garlic, and other exotic fillers might be effective against supernatural foes! Poison ammo must be handloaded (p. 174). Add the cost of one dose of poison to CPS. LC1.

Armor-Piercing (AP)

Armor-piercing bullets are designed to penetrate more effectively than standard solid rounds. They employ a hardened tip or core, typically made of steel. Those used in TL6-7 tank and naval guns often add a tip or “cap” made of softer metal, which prevents deflection and shattering of the hardened core; thus, this ammo is sometimes known as “armorpiercing, capped” (APC) or “armor-piercing, capped, ballistic cap” (APCBC). AP ammunition became available for small arms and autocannon in the 1880s. By 2155, basic armor piercing rounds are often superseded by armor-piercing hard core (APHC) and similar ammunition.

Add an armor divisor of (2). Multiply damage by 0.7. If caliber is below 20mm (0.80”), reduce damage type: pi++ becomes pi+, pi+ becomes pi, and pi becomes pi- (no effect on pi-). Multiply CPS by 1.5. LC2.

Frangible (TL6)

Frangible rounds are designed to shatter against hard surfaces, including thick glass and aluminum, thereby minimizing the danger of overpenetration. Originally intended for training purposes, at TL8 and later they see use in combat situations where a miss would be dangerous – whether because a ricochet might endanger bystanders or because the surroundings are fragile (for instance, in aircraft, museums, and industrial facilities). Shotgun shells loaded with frangible slugs are employed as “breaching rounds” to destroy locks, door hinges, etc.

Frangible rounds are typically made of a mix of powdered metal and plastics or clay, or contain tiny pellets that spread on impact (like Glaser Safety Slugs, introduced in 1974). The process of breaking up against the target reduces penetration but transfers most of the energy. Due to their lighter weight, frangible rounds have less range.

Add an armor divisor of (0.5); objects without DR get DR 1, while against targets with DR, overpenetration (p. B408) won’t occur. Change damage type: pi- becomes pi, pi becomes pi+, and pi+ becomes pi++ (no effect on pi++). Multiply Range by 0.9. Multiply CPS by 1.5. LC3.

Example: A 12-gauge 2.75” shotgun fires a 5d(0.5) pi++ frangible slug point-blank at a standard door lock (DR 6, HP 3, and Unliving). The damage roll is 18. Against DR 6 x 2 = 12, that means 6 points of penetrating damage. On an Unliving target, a huge piercing attack gets only a x1 wounding modifier (see p. B380). The lock suffers 6 HP of injury, goes to -HP, and fails (see p. B484).

Baton (TL7)

Baton rounds use reduced loads to launch large-caliber projectiles made of solid wood, plastic, or rubber at low speeds (in technical terms, with muzzle velocities around 300 fps). They’re designed to stun rioters, but a close-range hit can still kill. Baton ammo was introduced for grenade launchers in 1967, and is also available for shotguns. Minimum caliber is 10mm. For a shotgun, start with the damage and range of a rifled slug (p. 166). Add an armor divisor of (0.5). Divide damage by five. Damage is crushing, and does double knockback (pp. B104, B378) if caliber is over 35mm. Apply -1 to Acc. Divide Range by five. Double CPS. LC3.

Example: A 12-gauge 2.75” shotgun slug does 5d pi++. Firing baton, it would do 1d(0.5) cr.

Beanbag (TL7)

Beanbag rounds launch a fabric sack filled with metal or plastic pellets (the “beans”). This is folded up in the cartridge but expands after leaving the barrel, spreading the impact over a larger area to prevent serious damage. Such ammo became available in 1970 but wasn’t popular until the 1990s. While typically fired from shotguns or grenade launchers, it’s also available in some revolver chamberings. Minimum caliber is 9mm. For a shotgun, start with the damage and range of a rifled slug (p. 166). Add an armor divisor of (0.2). Divide damage by five. Damage is crushing, and does double knockback (pp. B104, B378) if caliber is 15mm or larger. Reduce Acc to 0. Divide Range by eight. Triple CPS. LC3.

Example: A .38 Special revolver does 2d pi. Firing beanbag, it would do 1d-4(0.2) cr. A 12-gauge 2.75” shotgun with slug damage 5d pi++ would do 1d(0.2) cr dkb.

Exotic Bullets

The proverbial silver bullet is legend, but it’s possible to make bullets out of almost any metal or other reasonably hard substance (stone, hardwood, etc.). Possible doesn’t guarantee optimal, though! Many materials are expensive, difficult to work, and/or poorly suited for use in some firearms. In general, the more complex the weapon, the more complicated the exotic ammunition needs to be in order to withstand firing stresses and ensure the gun’s reliable operation. Thus, it’s prudent to reserve such projectiles for targets that are either immune to normal bullets or especially vulnerable to specific materials (see Vulnerability, p. B161).

For an example of the potential difficulties, consider silver. It has a high melting point (1,763°F); you need a blowtorch or a really hot flame to melt down ingots or jewelry, and a specially made mold that can withstand the molten metal (for more on making bullets for muskets and shotguns, see Home-Made Powder and Shot, High-Tech p. 163). Silver is also soft, and will foul the barrel – and possibly the action – of rifled firearms, giving -1 or worse to Acc and Malf. (GM’s discretion). Jacketed hollow-points avoid this problem: the jacket protects the barrel and the projectile mushrooms on impact, exposing the target to the silver. Manufacturing jacketed silver bullets gives -3 to Armoury (Small Arms) rolls, however (see Handloading and Reloading, High-Tech p. 174).

Bullets made from medium- to high-density metals, such as silver or gold, do normal damage. For lighter materials, such as stone or jacketed wood, halve damage and range. For very light projectiles, such as pure hardwood or plastic, multiply damage and range by 0.1.

Example: After his first encounter with the supernatural, Special Agent Lafayette decides he needs something special for his Glock 23 (p. 101): silver hollow-points filled with garlic. Damage is the same as for a normal hollow-point – but depending on how vulnerable vampires actually are to silver and/or garlic, penetrating hits may get a special wounding modifier or do further follow-up damage. To handload such rounds, he must make an Armoury (Small Arms) roll at -3 for each batch. The Ammunition Tables (p. 176) list a CPS of $0.3 for .40 S&W. Hollow-points cost the same; making them silver multiplies CPS by 50 (see Silver Weapons, p. B275), for $15. The poison option increases CPS by the cost of a dose of poison, but the cost of garlic is negligible. Total CPS is $15.

Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot (APFSDS)

This ammo is similar to APDS, but uses a longer, finned projectile with a smaller diameter (less than 30% of caliber) to achieve even greater penetration. APFSDS was introduced in the 1970s for tank guns, and was the standard tank-gun load of late TL7. At TL8, it also sees use in autocannon and anti-materiel rifles. The smallest experimental chambering is .50 Browning – but it’s theoretically possible to make APFSDS in smaller calibers as well.

Add an armor divisor of (2). Multiply damage by 1.5. If caliber is below 40mm (1.6”), reduce damage type: pi++ becomes pi, and pi+ or pi becomes pi- (no effect on pi-). Double Range. Quadruple CPS. LC1.

Semi-Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot (SAPFSDS) (TL7)

With its long, finned projectile, SAPFSDS is similar to APFSDS but intended for small arms only. The arrow-shaped dart – often called a flechette (from the French fléchette, “little arrow”) – is of small diameter (2mm or less) and made of steel or titanium. It has good penetration and range, but is expensive to make and of dubious stopping power. Such ammo has been used in experiments with assault rifles since the 1960s (see Flechette Rifle, High-Tech p. 116), but has yet to enter service.

Maximum caliber is 10mm. Add an armor divisor of (2). Reduce damage type to pi-. Multiply Range by 1.5. Double CPS. LC2.

Underwater Dart (UD)

Some smoothbore small arms specially designed for underwater use – notably the H&K P11 (pp. 91-92) and the TsNIITochMash APS (p. 117) – fire long, cavitation-stabilized projectiles. Such “underwater darts” were introduced in the 1970s.

Change damage type to impaling. Multiply distance to the target by 25 – not by 1,000 – underwater (see Firing Underwater, p. 85). Double CPS. LC2.

Armor-Piercing Hard Core (APHC)

These bullets or darts have a dense, armor-piercing core. Add a (2) armor divisor for most guns or missiles; this is not available for Gauss and rail guns, which already use similar ammunition. If the gun caliber is below 20mm, damage type degrades: pi++ drops to pi+, pi+ to pi, and pi to pi-. There is no effect on pi-. Unavailable for hand grenades or mines. Double normal cost. LC2.

Armor-Piercing Discarding-Sabot (APDS)

A sub-caliber tungsten dart encased in a plastic sheath that falls away when the round leaves the barrel. APDS works like APHC, but has a higher velocity: add (2) armor divisor, 50% to range and multiply damage by 1.3. This option is unavailable for railguns (which already use saboted ammunition), hand grenades, or mines. Five times normal cost. LC1.

Armor-Piercing Enhanced Penetrator (APEP)

An APDS round with a core made of tungsten-reinforced bulk amorphous metal (at TL9). This provides equivalent or superior performance to depleted uranium without toxic residue. Double range and give a (3) armor divisor to most guns and missiles; this is not available for Gauss and rail guns, which already use similar ammunition. Reduce the class of piercing damage by one step (to a minimum of pi-) unless the gun is 20mm caliber or larger. Unavailable for hand grenades or mines. Ten times normal cost. LC1.

Armor-Piercing Hardcore Explosive (APHEX)

A warhead with a high-density penetrator and a small charge fused to explode after penetrating. APHEX inflicts normal piercing damage with a (2) armor divisor, along with the damage shown below as a follow-up attack:

APHEX Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 1d-4 cr ex [1d-2]
15mm 1d-2 cr ex [1d-1]
18.5mm 1d-1 cr ex [1d]
25mm 1d cr ex [1d+1]
40mm 2d cr ex [2d]
64mm 4d cr ex [3d]
100mm 8d cr ex [5d]

Add +1 per die to the crushing explosive damage at TL10-12. Damage in brackets is cutting fragmentation damage.

This warhead is only available for 10mm or larger rounds; it is unavailable for hand grenades or mines. The normal armor divisor of Gauss guns and electromagnetic guns is downgraded to (2) when using APHEX ammunition. Cost is 4x normal cost.

Biochemical Aerosol

This releases an airborne chemical agent (see Gases and Clouds, pp. 159-160). The cloud fills the indicated area, usually lasting for about five minutes if there’s no wind. The effect depends on the agent.

Biochemical aerosol is available for any 10mm or larger round. A 10mm round will only affect a target if he’s struck in the face; it carries too little gas to affect a significant area. Grenades and satchel charges inflict the damage shown below. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the damage shown below. The table also shows the number of doses required to fill a typical warhead – for example, filling a hand grenade (64mm) will require 65 doses of the chemical.

Biochemical Aerosol Table

Warhead Damage Doses
10mm spec. (face) 1
15mm spec. (1 yard) 3
18.5mm spec. (1.5 yard) 5
25mm spec. (2 yards) 10
40mm spec. (4 yards) 40
64mm spec. (7 yards) 65
100mm spec. (10 yards) 250

They are normal cost plus the cost of filler times the number of doses. See Gases and Clouds (pp. 159-160) for the cost of various fillers, their effects, and their LC.

Biochemical Liquid

This is designed to release a ground-covering heavier-than-air liquid or foam. The effects are the same as biochemical aerosol, but with a different burst radius. Most liquids are persistent, remaining until cleaned up or evaporated. Biochemical liquid is available for any 15mm or larger round.

Biochemical Liquid Table

Warhead Damage Doses
15mm spec. (1 yard) 1
18.5mm spec. (1.5 yards) 2
25mm spec. (2 yards) 4
40mm spec. (4 yards) 16
64mm spec. (9 yards) 8
100mm spec. (18 yards) 16

They are normal cost plus the cost of filler times the number of doses. See Foams and Liquids (pp. 160-161) for the cost of various fillers, their effects, and their LC.


These release a pillar of smoke and burn brightly, removing all combat penalties for darkness over their illumination radius. They may start fires if in contact with flammable material, and will do 1d burning damage to anyone directly struck. They work normally underwater.

When a flare is set off, anyone within 1% of the illumination radius who is looking in that direction must succeed at a HT roll or be blinded for seconds equal to the margin of failure; this is a vision-based affliction effect. Roll at HT- 3 if the flare is set off in darkness.

Flares burn for five minutes. They are visible to the horizon if fired at ground level and for up to 20 miles if fired in the air (weather and intervening terrain permitting). Flares are usually equipped with a small parachute to allow them to stay in the air for the duration of the burn.

Flares are available for any 15mm or larger round. The radius shown under damage is the illumination radius.

Flare Table

Warhead Damage
15mm spec. (150 yards)
18.5mm spec. (185 yards)
25mm spec. (250 yards)
40mm spec. (400 yards)
64mm spec. (600 yards)
100mm spec. (1,000 yards)

Flares are double normal cost. LC4.

High Explosive (HE)

A warhead with a large explosive charge and a fragmenting case. This is the basic warhead for fragmentation hand grenades, and is also commonly used by grenade launchers and light artillery. It is available for any 10mm or larger round.

HE projectiles (except hand grenades) that are built at TL9 incorporate a programmable fuse that can be set for either impact or, if the target is at least 40 yards distant, for proximity detonation – see below.

Grenades and satchel charges with HE warheads inflict the damage shown below. When set for impact detonation, guns and launchers with HE warheads inflict their normal piercing damage with a (0.5) armor divisor, plus a follow-up attack causing the damage shown below.

HE Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 1d+1 cr ex [1d-2]
15mm 2d+2 cr ex [1d-1]
18.5mm 2d+4 cr ex [1d]
25mm 4d+4 cr ex [1d+1]
40mm 8d+8 cr ex [2d]
64mm 8dx2+16 cr ex [3d]
100mm 6dx5+30 cr ex [5d]

Damage in brackets is cutting fragmentation damage. HE warheads are normal cost. LC2.

Proximity Detonation

If the warhead is fused for proximity detonation, a sensor will detonate it when it is in the air, close to the intended target. Use the Attacking an Area (p. B414) rules: roll to hit at +4, and the square of the margin of failure is the distance missed by. Proximity-fuse airbursts can attack areas in space or the air as well as an area of ground. A proximity detonation round inflicts only fragmentation damage, typically in a cone in the direction of the shot. If used for indirect fire, apply the rules for Airbursts (p. B415): the fragments rain down from above, bypassing any cover that is not overhead and negating attack penalties to hit crouching, kneeling, sitting, or prone targets. Most HE rounds use laser proximity fuses, which are immune to radio-frequency jamming.

High Explosive Concussion (HEC)

This has a light body to minimize fragmentation. It is available for any 10mm or larger round. Grenades and satchel charges with HEC warheads inflict the damage shown below. Guns and launchers with HEC warheads inflict their normal piercing damage with a (0.5) armor divisor (no armor divisor for electromagnetic guns), along with a linked attack causing the damage shown below:

HEC Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 1d+1 cr ex
15mm 2d+2 cr ex
18.5mm 2d+4 cr ex
25mm 4d+4 cr ex
40mm 8d+8 cr ex
64mm 8dx2+16 cr ex
100mm 6dx5+30 cr ex

Concussion warheads are normal cost. LC2.

Shaped Charge (TL9)

This is a precision shaped charge with secondary explosive and fragmentation effects. The explosion forges the warhead into a high-velocity, high-temperature metal jet which can punch a small hole through most types of armor. These warheads are available for any 25mm or larger round. Grenades and satchel charges use the damage listed below, and must be placed on the target rather than thrown. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the damage shown below.

Shaped Charge Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
25mm 5dx3(10)+15 cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]
40mm 6dx4(10)+24 cr inc + linked 4d cr ex [2d]
64mm 6dx7(10)+42 cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d]
100mm 6dx10(10)+60 cr inc + linked 8d¥2 cr ex [5d]

Damage in brackets is cutting fragmentation damage. Shaped charge warheads are double normal cost. LC1.

Memory Baton

These expanding memory-plastic slugs are available for all weapons of 15mm or larger caliber. Change damage to crushing, add a (0.25) armor divisor and double knockback modifier, and reduce range to 1/5 range. They’re unavailable for grenades or mines. Five times normal cost. LC4.


This duplex-type round consists of two slugs with a footlong strand of monowire slung between them. They spread apart after leaving the barrel, creating a high-speed flying garrote that slices anything in its path. Monochain has half the damage and range of an ordinary solid round, but gets +1 to hit. If it hits a neck, face, skull, extremity, or limb (or anywhere on a foe who has SM -2 or less) it does cutting damage with a (10) armor divisor. Unavailable for mines or hand grenades. Five times normal cost. LC2.


Multiple-projectile rounds are available for grenade launchers, shotguns (including Gauss shotguns), and gyrocs. Divide the damage by 4, reduce the damage type from Pi++ to Pi, halve Range, add a x9 multiplier to RoF, and reduce Rcl to 1. Normal cost. LC4.

Smart Explosively Forged Projectile (SEFOP)

This is a multi-purpose sensor-fused round capable of top attack. The round will detonate several feet away and usually above the target, forging the warhead into a high-density slug that attacks from overhead.

SEFOP warheads are only available for homing projectiles. If fired to overfly the target, they may choose to attack the side they are facing or the top. If the warhead attacks from the top, it ignores penalties due to posture and cover that does not protect from above.

SEFOP warhead damage replaces the piercing damage of the weapon. TL10+ SEFOP warheads can also be programmed before firing to function as APHEX warheads. Decide which mode to use before the weapon is fired.

SEFOP Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
15mm 4d+4 (2) imp inc
18.5mm 5d+5 (2) imp inc
25mm 5d x 3+15 (3) cr inc
40mm 6d x 4+24 (3) cr inc
64mm 6d x 7+42 (3) cr inc
100mm 6d x 10+60 (3) cr inc

SEFOP warheads are five times normal cost. LC2.


A tangler warhead releases a mass of sticky weblike polymers. Anyone struck is grappled and rooted in place. The victim cannot select the Move or Change Posture maneuvers or change facing, and is at -4 to DX. The ST of this effect depends on the warhead size; see the table below. Additional hits layer over a victim; each extra layer further increases ST.

To break free, the victim must win a Quick Contest of ST or Escape skill against the ST of the attack. Each attempt takes one second. If the victim fails to break free, he loses 1 FP but may try again. Alternatively, he may try to destroy the tangle strands. Innate Attacks hit automatically; other attacks are at -4. External attacks take no penalty, but risk hitting the victim on a miss (see Striking Into a Close Combat, p. B392). The tangle strands have DR = ST/3 (round down). Each point of damage reduces ST by 1. At ST 0, it is destroyed and the victim is freed.

The 64mm and 100mm tangler warheads fill a one-yard radius: anyone standing next to the target struck will also be affected, as an area-effect attack. Hand grenades and mines use the warhead damage. Guns and launchers replace their piercing damage with the damage shown below.

Tangler Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
25mm ST 15 (+1 per additional layer)
40mm ST 24 (+2 per additional layer)
64mm ST 36 (+2 per additional layer); 1-yard radius
100mm ST 60 (+3 per additional layer); 1-yard radius

Tangler warheads are double normal cost. LC4.


These volumetric-slurry warheads produce high temperatures and massive overpressures by releasing a flammable explosive mixture and then igniting the cloud. They are used in mortars, missiles, and grenades, and their devastating effectiveness is one reason for the popularity of sealed combat armor.

They are available for 25mm and larger warheads. Hand grenades and mines use the warhead damage. Guns and launchers with thermal warheads replace their normal piercing damage with the warhead damage shown below. Thermobaric warheads rely on combining with air for much of their blast. Divide the damage by 4 in trace or vacuum conditions, and by 2 in very thin atmospheres.

Warhead Damage
25mm 8d+8 cr ex inc
40mm 8dx2+12 cr ex inc
64mm 6dx5+30 cr ex inc
100mm 6dx10+60 cr ex inc

Thermal warheads are five times normal cost. LC1.

Burrow Darts

These needles or bullets flex and change shape once they enter flesh, enlarging the wound channel and burrowing into the body. Burrow darts are only available for guns doing small piercing or piercing damage (i.e., under 10mm). They have a (0.5) armor divisor, plus a special cyclic follow-up attack: if even 1 point of injury was inflicted, the darts will burrow, inflicting 1 HP of injury each turn until the victim is dead, or seconds have passed equal to the caliber in mm. Digging a burrowing projectile out requires a sharp instrument and a First Aid roll (at -1 per second it has burrowed). Success or failure does one 1 HP of injury; success also removes the projectile. If a victim tries to remove a burrowing projectile from his own body, remember to also apply the shock penalty from its damage. Triple normal cost. LC2.

High Explosive Multi-Purpose (HEMP)

This shaped-charge warhead can be miniaturized to fit into a bullet-sized projectile. HEMP is available for any 10mm or larger round. Grenades and satchel charges with HEMP warheads must be placed on the target rather than thrown. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the damage shown below.

HEMP Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 8d(5) imp inc + linked 1d-2 cr ex [1d-2]
15mm 5dx2(5) imp inc + linked 1d cr ex [1d-1]
18.5mm 6dx2(5) imp inc + linked 1d+1 cr ex [1d]
25mm 6dx3(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]
40mm 6dx5(10) cr inc + linked 4d cr ex [2d]
64mm 6dx8(10) cr inc + linked 8d cr ex [3d]
100mm 6dx12(10) cr inc + linked 8dx2 cr ex [5d]

Damage in brackets is cutting fragmentation damage. HEMP warheads are double normal cost. LC1.


A stingray round is a charged capacitor sheathed in an insulator which is burned off in flight. This warhead is only available for 10mm or larger rounds, and not for hand grenades or mines. A stingray round inflicts half normal piercing damage with a (0.25) armor divisor, then discharges a linked attack that inflicts the lethal electrical damage (p. B432) shown below:

Stingray Round Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 1d-3 burn sur
15mm 1d-1 burn sur
18.5mm 1d burn sur
25mm 1d+1 burn sur
40mm 2d burn sur
64mm 3d burn sur
100mm 5d burn sur

Stingray rounds are five times normal cost. LC2.


This is a padded container designed to release swarmbots (Ultra-Tech pp. 35-37). They are available for 40mm or larger warheads. The number of one-square-yard swarms carried by the warhead is shown below.

Hand grenades and mines use the warhead effect. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the warhead damage shown below.

Swarm Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
40mm spec. (1-square-yard swarm)
64mm spec. (4-square-yard swarm)
100mm spec. (16-square-yard swarm)

They are five times normal cost plus the cost of the swarm. See Swarmbots (Ultra-Tech pp. 35-37) for the cost of various swarms, their effects, and their LC.


The warhead is replaced with a downward-facing wide angle camera and directional transmitter. A parachute keeps it aloft for one minute. The camera’s abilities and the transmission range are shown in the table below.

Camera Warhead Table

Warhead Effects
10mm NV 7, 2x magnification, range 200 yards
15mm NV 7, 2x magnification, range 500 yards
18.5mm NV 8, 2x magnification, range 800 yards
25mm NV 9, 4x magnification, range 1 mile
40mm NV 9, 8x magnification, range 3 miles
64mm NV 9, 16x magnification, range 10 miles
100mm NV 9, 32x magnification, range 30 miles

Camera payloads are four times normal cost, or five times normal cost to add Infrared Imaging, 10 times normal cost to add Hyperspectral Imaging, and 20 times normal cost to add PESA. LC3.

Robobug Hive

This is the precursor to the swarm warhead (Ultra-Tech, p. 156). The missile contains stored robobugs (Ultra-Tech, p. 111). The shell can be programmed to eject the robobug backward at apex (when fired into the air), just before any impact, or after an impact (to embed the hive into the dirt). Larger shells can carry more than one robobug. Change damage to crushing, and add (0.25) armor divisor.

Robobug Hive Warhead Table

Warhead Number of Robobugs
25mm 1 (worm only)
40mm 3
64mm 12
100mm 50

Robobug hives are five times normal cost plus the cost of the robobugs. LC3.

Smart Ammo

Nanoelectronics make possible cheap, light, and smart ammunition. Smart ammo is usable in any gun that uses projectiles; micro-missiles are automatically homing at no extra cost. These options cannot be combined with each other, but can be combined with other warheads.

Stabilized Ammo: Contains piezoelectric actuators that tilt the round's nose to correct for wind drift and compensate for gravity. Reduce the effective range to target by 30% before assessing range to-hit penalties. The weapon’s actual ranges do not increase, however. For example, a target 300 yards away is treated as if it is just 210 yards distant – but it is still beyond 1/2 damage range for a 4mm pistol. x2 cost.

Homing Ammo: The tip of the bullet is a nanocamera array. Can be used to make Homing (Vision) attacks (p. B413). For the Aim maneuver, use the normal appropriate skill for whatever weapon you are firing (e.g. Guns (Pistol) for a pistol). Aimed or not, also treat as stabilized x5 cost.

Laser Homing Ammo: As for homing, but only works if the firer is using a laser sight or designator, and receives the normal +1 bonus for a laser sight. Ineffective if the target is obscured by smoke, prismatic smoke, etc.

Gestalt Ammo: As for stabilized, but each round has a quantum-dot laser communicator in the tail. Telemetry is transmitted to following rounds fired in the same second, allowing them to correct their aim to the target should the first round miss, or correct for recoil if on target. When used for Rapid Fire attacks, increase the number of shots fired by 50% for purposes of assessing the Bonus to Hit only, and decrease the weapon’s Recoil number by 1 when assessing how many shots hit only.


In most societies, these weapons are strictly controlled. Their deployment is a matter for the highest levels of government, or the goal of a mastermind’s sinister plot. An entire adventure may hinge on a single nuclear warhead, or the repercussions of its use.

However, that doesn’t always have to be the case. Tactical nuclear warfare is common in some military science fiction, with every platoon, squad, or even infantryman issued one or more mininukes… usually in conjunction with a battlesuit to give them some chance of survival.


A mininuke uses a small laser diode, nuclear isomer, metallic hydrogen explosive, or microscopic pellet of antimatter to trigger a nuclear fusion; similar technology is also used to create the fuel pellets for nuclear pulse drive spacecraft. This results in a “clean” nuclear fusion explosion with limited or no radioactive fallout (although there is still radiation from the blast itself). Nuclear weapons are rated for their yield in kilotons of TNT. They inflict crushing damage with the explosion damage modifier, plus additional linked burning damage with the explosion, radiation, and surge damage modifiers. About half the energy is in the blast wave, and the rest is in the heat and radiation pulse. (Mininukes produce more radiation and less concussion than larger bombs.)

A mininuke has a dial-a-yield setting that can be set from 0.01 kilotons to one kiloton of explosive force. This takes a Ready maneuver. The minimum size of the mininuke is 64mm at TL10.

Mininuke Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
0.01 kiloton 6dx200 cr ex
linked 4dx200 burn ex* rad sur
0.1 kiloton 6dx600 cr ex
linked 6dx400 burn ex* rad sur
1 kiloton 6dx2,000 cr ex
linked 4dx2,000 burn ex* rad sur

* Divided by distance from the blast center, rather than by 3 x distance.

Cost is 1,000 times normal. LC0.

Micro-Antimatter Warheads

These warheads contain small amount of antimatter in a shielded magnetic “bottle.” When the warhead is detonated, it reacts with ordinary matter and is annihilated, converting 100% of its own mass, and the same mass of ordinary matter, to energy. This inflicts burning damage with the explosion and surge damage modifiers, plus linked toxic radiation damage.

Unlike mininukes, antimatter warheads are not dial-a-yield weapons. They create an intermediate explosion greater than conventional munitions but smaller than a nuke, with a high gamma radiation output but no significant nuclear fallout. The minimum size of the micro-antimatter warhead is 100mm at TL10.

There are three typical sizes of antimatter warhead: 0.1 micrograms, 1 microgram, and 10 micrograms:

Micro-Antimatter Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
0.1 micrograms 6dx4 burn ex sur*
linked 6d x 10,000 tox rad†
1 microgram 6dx12 burn ex sur*
linked 6d x 100,000 tox rad†
10 micrograms 6dx40 burn ex sur*
linked 6d x 1,000,000 tox rad†

* Divided by distance from the blast center, rather than by 3 ¥ distance. † Divided by square of the distance.

The cost is 10 times that of a normal round, plus the cost of the antimatter (see Demolitions, pp. 88-89). LC0.


Energy warheads contain a disposable power cell or explosive power cartridge and some form of energy emitter. Some energy warheads destroy themselves while emitting energy. Others activate for several seconds, and can be picked up or attacked.


This uses an explosive power cartridge to energize a non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse. Anything electrical (or anyone with the Electrical disadvantage) in the radius of the special effect (below) must make a HT-8 (2) resistance roll or be knocked out of action for seconds equal to the margin of failure. Robots become unconscious, while total cyborgs suffer the Seizure incapacitating condition (p. 429), ignoring FP loss if they have the Machine metatrait. EMP warheads are available for any 15mm or larger round. Grenades and satchel charges inflict the damage shown below. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the damage shown below.

EMP Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
15mm spec. (1 yard) + 1d-4 cr ex
18.5mm spec. (1 yard) + 1d-3 cr ex
25mm spec. (2 yard) + 1d-2 cr ex
40mm spec. (4 yard) + 1d cr ex
64mm spec. (8 yard) + 2d cr ex
100mm spec. (16 yard) + 4d cr ex

EMP warheads are 10 times normal cost. LC2.

Expendable Jammer

These neutralize all enemy radio equipment within a certain radius, swamping it with static. They are available for any 10mm or larger round.

When a jammer goes off, it gives a -10 penalty to all Electronics Operation (Comm) rolls made to operate radio and radar equipment in the radius of effect. The enemy will know immediately that a jammer is operating, but not where it is.

Jammer Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 10-yard radius
15mm 15-yard radius
18.5mm 20-yard radius
25mm 30-yard radius
40mm 40-yard radius
64mm 60-yard radius
100mm 100-yard radius

Jammers include a digital timer that can trigger at any time desired. This feature is often used as a diversion. They are five times normal cost. LC3.


Strobe warheads emit intense light, pulsing at frequencies that can induce seizures in many individuals. Anyone within the area of effect who is facing the strobe warhead when it goes off suffers a vision-based affliction attack. Failing the HT roll results in stunning and Blindness for seconds equal to the margin of failure. Failing by 5 or more (or any failure by someone with the Epilepsy disadvantage) results in an incapacitating seizure for minutes equal to the margin of failure. The effects dissipate with distance: add +1 to HT to resist for every yard away from the center of the effect.

The strobe option is available for any 25mm or larger warhead. Strobe grenades and satchel charges inflict the damage shown below, and guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with this damage.

Strobe Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
25mm HT-3 aff (3-yard radius)
40mm HT-4 aff (4-yard radius)
64mm HT-6 aff (6-yard radius)
100mm HT-10 aff (10-yard radius)

Strobe warheads are four times normal cost. LC3.

Warbler (TL9)

Warblers are sonic area denial warheads that produce an ear-splitting shriek. This hearing-based affliction area effect dissipates with distance: add +1 to resist for every yard from the center of the effect. A failed HT roll results in both Deafness and moderate pain (p. B428) for minutes equal to the margin of failure. A failure by 5 or more causes lingering hearing loss (recover as per a crippling injury). The warbler continues to function for up to 10 seconds. Repeated resistance rolls will be required if someone fails to succumb but remains in the zone – most people without hearing protection leave! Anyone within the area of effect is also at -10 on any Hearing rolls; anyone within twice the radius is at -5, and anyone within five times the radius is at -2.

The warbler option is available for any 25mm or larger warhead. Hand grenades and mines use the warhead damage. Guns and launchers replace their normal piercing damage with the warhead damage shown below.

Warbler Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
25mm HT-3 aff (3-yard radius)
40mm HT-4 aff (4-yard radius)
64mm HT-6 aff (6-yard radius)
100mm HT-10 aff (10-yard radius)

Warbler warheads are four times normal cost. LC3.

Plasma (TL10^)

Plasma warheads are essentially one-shot power cartridges. When armed, the warhead’s internal plasma generator compresses a pellet of hydrogen fuel, then releases it as a blast of ionized plasma. Guns that fire small-caliber plasma warheads are often confused with energy weapons. Plasma is available for any 10mm or larger warhead. Plasma warheads inflict burning damage with the explosion and surge damage modifiers.

Hand grenades and mines use the warhead damage. Guns and launchers with plasma warheads replace their normal piercing damage with the warhead damage shown below.

Plasma Warhead Table

Warhead Damage
10mm 1d+2 burn ex sur
15mm 3d burn ex sur
18.5mm 3d+2 burn ex sur
25mm 6d burn ex sur
40mm 6dx2 burn ex sur
64mm 6dx4 burn ex sur
100mm 6dx10 burn ex sur

Plasma warheads are 10 times normal cost. LC1.


These add-ons allow certain types of projectiles to benefit from various special effects.

Airburst (-AB) (TL5)

An “airburst” warhead is fused to detonate in the air over an area of ground or close to a flying target. It follows the rules under Attacking an Area (p. B414). Proximity fuses with tiny radars (TL7) or lasers (TL8) enjoy the full +4. In all cases, use the square of the margin of failure to determine scatter distance on a miss; see Scatter (p. B414).

This upgrade is most common for HE, leading to “HE-AB.” Such rounds inflict only fragmentation damage – typically in a cone in the direction of the shot. When used for indirect fire, apply the rules for airbursts (see p. B415): the fragments rain down from above, negating penalties to hit crouching, kneeling, sitting, and prone targets, and bypassing any cover that isn’t overhead.

Multiply CPS by 1.5. Shrapnel, beehive, and ABF already include this option at no extra cost.

Incendiary (I) (TL5)

A solid bullet can have a small amount of incendiary material (such as saltpeter or white phosphorus) inside. Such a projectile is likely to ignite fuel, ammo, and volatile gases – and even flammable vehicles. Incendiary rounds were invented in 1834 (TL5), and quickly adapted for rifles and muskets in Europe; they weren’t normally available for handguns, however. In the 1930s (late TL6), full-caliber AP and APHC rounds were sometimes given an incendiary element, resulting in “API” and “APHCI.” Such combination munitions replace basic incendiary ammo at TL7.

Add the incendiary (inc) damage modifier (pp. B105, B433). Multiply CPS by 1.5.

Self-Destruct (-SD) (TL6)

Any explosive projectile or warhead from late TL6 on can have a fuse that destroys it after it reaches a certain distance – usually 1/2D range. The intent is to avoid endangering friendly forces. This upgrade appears mainly on autocannon rounds, especially those employed for air-to-air combat and antiaircraft fire. Multiply CPS by 1.5.

Tracer (-T) (TL6)

Tracer rounds, introduced in 1917, contain a flammable element in the base of the projectile. This ignites upon firing, making the bullet’s path visible as a bright streak. In poor lighting conditions, squad leaders often use tracers to indicate to their troops where to fire. Almost any projectile can have a tracer element, leading to such ammo types as “APDS-T” and “SAPHE-T.” There are even multiple-projectile loads that include a tracing element. Tracers burn out at 1/2D range. Within that range, they function as incendiary attacks, and make it easier to observe and correct automatic weapons fire (on any turn immediately after a long burst of automatic fire, the shooter may add a non-cumulative +1 to skill). Firing tracers also gives away the firer’s position, however. At TL7-8, it’s possible to avoid this by using dark-ignition tracers, which travel 100+ yards before they ignite, or dim tracers, which emit infrared light that’s only visible to Infravision, Night Vision, and Hyperspectral Vision. Add the incendiary (inc) damage modifier (pp. B105, B433). Multiply CPS by 1.5.

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