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Melee and Thrown Weapons

No matter how advanced ranged weapons become, there will be times and places – stealthy assassinations, boarding actions, riot control, or just a startown brawl – where hand-to-hand combat cannot be avoided.


These weapons inflict damage by cutting, crushing, or impaling their victims, or by delivering explosive devices. Some are powered; others use ultra-tech material science.

Karatands (TL9)

These memory plastic gloves are flexible, but harden into an edge when the user strikes someone. They have the same effect as brass knuckles, but they’re not as obvious. They can also be installed in flexible armor. $100 each, neg. weight. LC3.

Limpet Mine Dispenser (TL9)

A close-combat weapon designed to attach to a battlesuit or robot’s arm. It is a “sleeve dispenser” for sticky limpet mines to slap onto the target. The mines attach themselves with molecular suction pads, then detonate after a preset interval.

To plant one, use Brawling or DX. A successful hit does no immediate damage; instead, it sticks a limpet mine onto the target.

The dispenser may be programmed to set mines with a time delay from 0 (going off at the end of the attacker’s turn) to 100 seconds. Removing a limpet mine requires a Ready action and a successful ST roll, minus one-tenth the DR of whatever the mine is stuck to or -20, whichever is less.

If the mine was stuck to flesh, it does 1 HP damage when pulled off. If a mine is slapped on a part that cannot be reached (for instance, the small of the back), it can’t be removed without help.

Limpet-mine dispenser magazines hold 10 limpet mines. Each mine has a 25mm warhead, and is identical to a shaped-charge limpet mine grenade. Limpet mines can also be stuck to the floor, walls, etc. for use as booby traps, but may not be thrown.

Rocket Striker (TL9)

A great axe, pick, scythe, spear, or warhammer may be fitted with a rocket striker, a small liquid-fuel engine that amplifies the force of the user’s swing, thrust, or throw. A button on the weapon’s haft triggers the rocket engine; skilled users activate it at the right moment. It has enough fuel for six boosted attacks at TL9 (doubled per TL after introduction).

The rocket striker must be activated before the to-hit roll. It adds +6 to Striking Strength. However, it also adds +3 to the weapon’s ST requirement – it is easier to lose control of the weapon! This drawback does not apply to thrown spears. Add $500 and 1 lb. LC3.

Superfine Blade (TL9)

Superfine blades are advanced alloy, ceramic, or crystalline blades superior to steel. Any edged weapon that does cutting or impaling damage can have a superfine blade. It adds +2 to cutting and impaling damage and has a (2) armor divisor. Superfine blades are six times normal cost. LC4.

Monowire Blade (TL9^)

Monowire weapons owe their superior cutting ability to a strand of super-strong wire a few molecules thick, which is stretched along the edge of a reinforced sword or knife.

Monowire blades inflict +2 cutting damage and get a (10) armor divisor. Since the monowire is only along a blade’s edge, it cannot cut into a flat surface. Any melee or thrown weapon that inflicts cutting damage can be made in a monowire version for 10 times normal cost. This upgrade is incompatible with superfine or vibroblade weapons. For other rules, see p. B406. LC3.

Monowire Whip (TL9^)

This is a weighted length of monomolecular wire attached to a short handle. It is a dangerous weapon, especially in the hands of an unskilled user (who may lose control of the weapon and injure himself with it). A control allows the wielder to vary length from one to seven yards, changing both reach and ready time. Adjusting the length requires a Ready maneuver.

When used to snare an opponent or a weapon, the whip cuts into its target, inflicting thrust+1d(10) cutting damage every turn it is pulled taut until the victim escapes. A “drop weapon” critical miss indicates the wielder hit himself or a friend. LC2.

Limpet Mine Damage Table


TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
9 Limpet Mine Dispenser varies C,1 no $200 2/0.6 See above

Monowire Whip Table

MONOWIRE WHIP (DX-6, Kusari-3, or Whip-3)

TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
9* Monowire Whip sw+1d-2(10) cut 1-7* -2U $900 0.5 5 See above

Monowire Switchblade (TL10^)

This weapon combines elements of both a monowire blade and whip. It consists of a weighted monomolecular memory wire attached to a powered knife hilt. As long as the hilt feeds an electric current into the “smart” wire, the wire remains rigid like a sword. Toggle switches in the hilt allow the user to play out more wire to vary the blade length from 0 inches (retracting the blade into the hilt) to 15 feet, or to turn the current on or off. If the current is cut off, the wire becomes a flexible razor-sharp monowire whip. Changing length or switching the current on and off requires a ready action.

As a rigid weapon, the monowire switchblade’s reach may vary from C to 5. It does swing + 1d + R(10) cutting damage, where R is its current reach (treat C as 0). It cannot thrust. The switchblade requires Force Sword skill when rigid. It can parry normally. The user must have enough room to swing the weapon: reach 3 to 5 isn’t possible without that many yards of vertical or horizontal space. As a flexible weapon, the monowire switchblade’s reach may vary from one to five yards, and it functions like a monowire whip (p. 163). If it runs out of power, the memory wire can no longer stay rigid, and the weapon functions only as a whip. B/10 hr. LC2.

Vibroblade (TL10)

These blade weapons vibrate thousands of times per second. Any edged weapon that does cutting or impaling damage can be a vibroblade. Turning on the vibro effect takes a Ready action. A successful Fast-Draw roll activates it as the blade is drawn.

A vibroblade adds +1d to cutting damage and has a (3) armor divisor. This armor divisor increases to (5) if the blade is also superfine, or (10) if it is also hyperdense (below). If the vibro effect is turned off, it functions like an ordinary blade (with the normal benefits of superfine or hyperdense construction, if applicable).

The blade vibrates so rapidly that its movement is invisible, and it is impossible to tell a vibroweapon from a regular weapon of the same type. A Hearing roll made from one yard away will detect a faint hum that marks a vibroweapon for anyone familiar with it. Anyone parrying (or whose weapon is parried by) a vibroblade will recognize its nature as the blade cuts into their own.

Vibroblades are not compatible with monowire or nanothorn blades.

Vibroblades are powered by C cells; the cell powers them for 300/weapon weight seconds. Thus, a half-pound knife operates for 600 seconds. Vibroblades cost 10 times as much as regular melee weapons (30 times as much if also superfine). LC3.

Vibroblade damage improves at higher tech levels. Add +1 at TL11, or +2 at TL12.


These include contact energy-discharge weapons, as well as weapons that generate a blade of energy.

Electric Stun Wands (TL9)

Also called shock clubs or stun sticks, these batons use low-powered electric currents to disorganize nerve function – an effect called electromuscular disruption.

They are often carried by police officers. Some are jointed, to prevent a victim taking damage even when struck by an adrenaline-charged riot policeman; others do damage as a baton.

The victim gets a HT-5 roll to resist.

Nonmetallic armor gives a bonus equal to its DR, and the stun effect has a (0.5) armor divisor: add +2 to HT for every DR 1. On a failure, the victim’s voluntary muscles convulse, and he is knocked down and paralyzed. He may roll vs. HT-5 each second to recover; however, the user may take a Concentrate maneuver to hold the baton in contact. This prevents recovery until it is removed, but drains a charge each second. DR does not add to HT on recovery rolls.

Stun wands are wielded using Shortsword skill. They use a B cell and strike 20 times before losing power. $100, 1 lb. LC4.

Zap Glove (TL9)

A zap glove looks like a heavy glove, but it contains electrical insulation (for the wearer) and a high-voltage generator. A person can attack with a zap glove by touching the victim. Boxing, Brawling or Karate allow the zap and normal damage simultaneously; Judo, Wrestling or a normal grapple apply the zap before any other effect. No attack roll is needed in social situations such as shaking hands.

A zap glove has two settings: “stun” and “kill.” Changing settings takes a Ready maneuver. On “stun,” the effect is the same as an electric stun wand. On “kill,” the zap glove does 2d burning damage and uses the rules for lethal electrical damage (p. B432). A B cell in the lining of the glove provides sufficient power for 10 zaps (each zap on “kill” setting counts as two). The glove protects the hand with DR 5. It can also be built into existing armor or vacc suit gauntlets. This increases the armor’s cost and weight by $400 and one pound. A zap glove is LC3.

Electric Stun Wand Table

TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
9 Zap Glove HT-6(2) aff C No $400 1 2 See above
or “kill” 2d burn C No 2

SHORTSWORD (DX-5, Broadsword-2, Force Sword-4, Jitte/Sai-3, Knife-4, Saber-4, Smallsword-4, or Tonfa-3)

TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
9 Electric Stun Wand sw cr 1 0 $100 1 5 See above
linked HT-5(0.5) aff
or thr cr 1 0 5
linked HT-5(0.5) aff

Neurolash (TL10)

These contact neural disruptor weapons use neural induction technology to stimulate paralysis, pain, or orgasmic pleasure in the brain and nervous system. Neurolash weapons are used for covert operations, pranks, as selfdefense or dueling weapons, or by slavers, prison guards, and police of oppressive regimes.

Neurolash effects are affliction attacks identical in effect to a strike from a neural disruptor (pp. 121-122). Neurolash weapons come in all standard neural disruptor versions.

A neurolash is usually integrated into a baton or whip, but it may be added to any melee weapon. It delivers a HT- 5 (2) affliction attack. A neurolash generator is not compatible with force blade, sonic, vibro, or monowire weapons. Add $500, .5 lbs., and a B cell (20 strikes). LC3.

Neuroglove (TL10)

The neuroglove delivers a neural shock by touch. It functions like a neural lash, but the larger contact area of the glove makes it more effective: it delivers a HT-6 (2) affliction attack. It can be used to strike with, or to ambush unsuspecting victims by shaking hands with them. It is also a favorite interrogation tool. Pain neurogloves delivering an Agony affliction are the most common, but gloves delivering all neural disruptor effects are available.

A neuroglove resembles an ordinary winter glove, and has DR 2. Any damage to the hand that penetrates its DR has a one-in-six chance of wrecking it as a weapon. $500, 0.5 lbs., B cell (20 strikes). LC2.

Neurolash Weapon Table

TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST
10* Neuroglove HT-6(2) aff C No $500 0.5 2
SHORTSWORD (DX-5, Broadsword-2, Force Sword-4, Jitte/Sai-3, Knife-4, Saber-4, Smallsword-4, or Tonfa-3)
TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST
10* Neurolash Baton sw cr 1 0 $520 1.5 6
linked HT-5(2) aff
or thr cr 1 0 6
linked HT-5(2) aff
WHIP (DX-5, Kusari-3, or Monowire Whip-3)
TL Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST
10* Neurolash Whip sw-2(0.5) cr 1-3* -2U $560 6.5 8
linked HT-5(2) aff

Sonic Shuriken (TL10^)

This throwing weapon is designed for use by assassins and commandos. A sonic shuriken appears to be a one-inch plastic disk. When activated and thrown it emits a disk of coherent sound twice its own diameter. Due to its small power source, the sonic blades only last for a second, but this is enough time for it to hit its target.

For an extra $50, a sonic shuriken may be fitted to spray a drug, poison or virus along the disk (two doses are required). This is a follow-up attack – if the shuriken penetrates armor, it delivers the drug or poison.

A sonic shuriken uses an A cell, which is completely drained after one use. It is reusable if its power cell is replaced. Because they use only A cells and are so easy to conceal (Bulk 0), these weapons are favorites with assassins. LC2.

TL Weapon Damage Acc Range Weight RoF Shots Cost ST Bulk
10* Shuriken thr (3) cut 1 x0.5/x1 0.1 1 T(1) $400 5 0

Laser Sword (TL10^)

The laser sword is a weapon that uses a cutting laser as its edge, rather than a blade. The beam is continuous and constantly-on when the weapon is powered, glowing an aggressive red as it scatters through air and dust. A laser sword may be activated as it is being readied on a successful Fast-Draw roll. Otherwise, it takes a Ready maneuver to activate it. In either case, the laser activates instantly once the switch is pressed.

When attacking, the laser burns into the target, while the reinforced backing smashes into them, dealing crushing damage in addition to the laser's burning damage. The weapon can be held to the target, dealing damage once per turn. Since the laser is only along the blade’s edge, it cannot cut into a flat surface. The 'point' is simply an endcap for the laser that absorbs and recycles the energy, so stabbing deals crushing damage only. The laser is powered by a C cell inserted into the pommel, which powers the laser continuously for 15 minutes. If power runs out, the laser sword functions like a light club, dealing its normal crushing damage only.

The backing can be made telescopic, allowing it to collapse into the handle to reduce size for carrying at the belt, storing or concealing. Collapsible laser blades are +1 CF and decrease the penalty to Holdout from -4 to -2 while collapsed. A sharpened point can be added to the end, which changes the thrust damage to thr imp and adds $20 to the cost. This point can take normal melee weapon options, such as superfine.

If the laser emitter is removed or the endcap is knocked out of alignment, it doesn't function as a laser pistol. The laser is designed to remain focused and coherent only over a short range. It does normal damage up to a range of one yard (use Beam Weapons (Projector) to hit). Past one yard, the laser defocuses, doing nothing more than warming the target. This can be useful for boiling water or tricking a thermal sensor but deals no actual damage.

Use Broadsword to wield it since, unlike force swords, the blade itself has mass. However, familiarity penalties should be strictly enforced, since untrained use of a laser sword still runs the risk of hurting yourself. The statistics below represent a single-edged laser sword. A double-edged laser sword is +1 CF, an extra 1.4lbs and has a reduced operating duration of 450 seconds per C cell. There's no benefit unless techniques that specifically use the back of a sword are used.

Weapon Damage Reach Parry Cost Weight ST Notes
Laser Sword linked sw+1 cr, 2d(2) burn 1 0 $200 4.8 11 [1] [2]
or thr+1 cr

[1] Uses a C cell per 15 minutes use, which is included in the listed weight.

[2] This attack can be parried but anything that parries automatically takes damage.

Under the Hood

The laser sword is a combination gadget, combining a light club (GURPS Basic Set p. 271) with a laser torch (GURPS Ultra-Tech p. 80). The laser torch is expensive for double cost and two-thirds weight, excluding the 0.5lb power cell. The club is heavier so 80% of the laser torch's weight is used. The torch is more expensive so 80% of the club's cost is used. This turned out to be 4.8333 lbs and $204, which were rounded to 4.8lbs and $200. The ST requirement was recalculated using the new weight.

tower/worlds/granitecity2155/equipment/meleethrown_weapons.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 18:57 by wizardofaus_doku

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