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Novus Laboratories

Novus Laboratories is engaged in the grey-market practice of bio-experimentation in artificial lifeforms for entertainment, security, utility, and other purposes. While their more outre creations are occasionally seen in the homes of the rich, they are most commonly known for their work in the medical field, as their research has resulted in great strides in the field of disease management and cellular regeneration. They are supposedly working on a variety of lucrative government contracts involving full-warfare versions of their security models.

Company Info

Public information.


Street users' summary.

Corporate Analysis

Corporate attitude towards the company.

Product Line


Novus Labs Bandaging Spray: This spray-on anti-septic bandage seals and disinfects minor injuries while acting as an analgesic. It adds an effective +2 to First Aid skill, stops bleeding, and restores 1 HP in five seconds. An emergency can with two applications costs $5 and weighs 2.5 ounces; the size found in most office first aid kits costs $20, weighs ten ounces, holds eight applications, and includes a visual reminder to replace the product when 3 or less applications remain.

Novus Labs Bio-Enhancement Division - Biomods

Neural Bridge Upgrade

The engineers at Novus Labs are proud to announce the Neural Bridge Upgrade, a bio-augmentation that installs a bundle of cultivated nerve tissue that links the motor coordination areas of both sides of the brain, granting the full use of both limbs without favoritism. Impress your friends and alarm your enemies as you show them why two hands are better than one!

Cost: $5,000

Surgery: Major

Effect: Grants the Ambidexterity advantage. Requires four weeks for the brain to acclimate to the neural connections; until then, skill use involving the former off hand, including skills performed with both hands, suffer a -2.

Neural Axon Enhancement

While wired reflexes are all the rage amongst the cyber crowd, they can be embarrassing when someone breaks out the EMP charges. For a more natural approach, Novus Labs uses its advancements in biotechnology to replace your neural passages with genetically engineered neurons with enlarged axon diameters, resulting in better and faster transfer of information and quicker reflexes.

Delta: Increases DX by 1, adds Combat Reflexes if not already present. Cost: $35,000; Major Surgery.

Gamma: Increases DX by 2, adds Enhanced Time Sense if not already present. Cost: $80,000; Major Surgery.

Cerebral Accelerant Gland

This augmentation to the pineal gland accelerates intellectual development and capacity, which results in better memory recall, easier information intake and processing, and improved tactical analysis. It should be noted that use of cerebral accelerants is considered unsafe for non-gengineered lifeforms beyond the point of maturity due to the high probability of developing mental aberrations.

Delta: This is considered the 'safest' version of the augmentation, and has passed quality control testing on normal humans as well as engineered human substitutes. Increases IQ by 1. Cost: $40,000; Extreme Surgery.

Gamma: Known to cause mental aberrations in normal humans past maturity; resist vs HT-2 or gain mental disadvantage equal to the amount of failure doubled in points (a failure by 5 would mean a 10 point disadvantage); double these numbers on a critical failure. Add +4 if specifically engineered to resist these effects; add +2 if under the age of adulthood. Increases IQ by 2. Cost: $80,000; Extreme Surgery.

Omega: Normally used only in clinical trials due to the high probability of failure. Resist vs HT-4 or gain mental disadvantages equal to the amount of failure x 5 (a failure by 5 would result in 25 points of disadvantages); as above, double these numbers on a critical failure. Add +4 if specifically engineered to resist these effects; add +2 if under the age of adulthood. Increases IQ by 3. Cost: $120,000; Extreme Surgery.

Hippocampus Augmentation

The hippocampus is responsible for long-term memory and spatial navigation, but is prone to deterioration over time due to aging of the body and is generally imperfect at storing data. However, with Novus Labs' new bioconstructs, the hippocampus can be optimized in order to push the limits of human biology.

Delta: This is the basic level of enhancement suitable for most people. Resist vs IQ+4 to avoid complications. Adds Eidetic Memory and Absolute Direction. Moderate Surgery, Cost: $10,000.

Gamma: This more complex modification has some known drawbacks, particularly among underdeveloped intellects. Resist vs IQ+2 to avoid complications. Adds Photographic Memory and 3D Spatial Sense. Major Surgery, Cost $20,000.

Genetek Neo-myelin

Genetek's work with the “living fossil” bacteria recovered from the Deep Shaft project has made the cover of infozines around the globe. The scientific community was stunned when we successfully recovered organisms incorporating a unique polymer biology from more than 12 kilometers beneath the Earth's surface. The first commercial product from that research is now available for the first time: Neo-myelin.

Standard myelin is a protein compound that blankets your nerve cells and prevents interference with the neural impulses traveling through them. Neo-myelin does the same thing, only better! Our improved biopolymer sheathing is fully compatible with human biology, increases transmission efficiency, and cuts down on bio-electrical interference. Get the speed you need with Genetek!

Type Cost HC Surgery Code Neo-myelin $700 1D6/2 Major

Effect Provides a +1 increase to Reflexes.

II. Circulatory system bioware

“He was still coming! I'd put a zipper into him, honest to god blown his right arm off at the elbow, and he was still freakin' coming! I almost high tailed it right then, but whatever it was that kept him alive didn't seem to work once I nailed him in the head.”

Maria “Black Maria” Alviera, freelance security consultant

ConGen Circulatory Sphincters

You'll keep going, and going, and going with the latest development in personal wound management from ConGen. A rapid drop in blood pressure, from a “Serious” or greater wound, causes rings of muscle spaced along the arteries of the limbs to contract and cut off blood flow to the injured area. Valves in the veins then slam shut and re-route circulation around the affected limb. Any tissue at the wound or lower is hamburger, but traumatic blood loss and further damage is prevented.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Circulatory Sphincters $3200 1D6 Major


Gives +2 to any Stun/Shock Saves and automatically prevents further damage from blood loss after a “Serious” or greater wound. Limb tissue below the wound site must be surgically removed and replaced with a cybernetic or vat grown alternative.

Arcane Biological “Enduro” Arterial Pumps

You'll never be out of breath again! The thick, flexible, muscular walls of the arteries expand when blood is pumped into them and then contract, pushing it onward and assisting the pumping action of the heart. The Enduro biomod re-inforces the muscle tissue of the arteries to increase their pumping action and accelerate blood flow throughout the body to give you the aerobic performance of an Olympic athlete.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Arterial Pumps $3400 1D6+1 Major


Gives the subject the equivalent of a +1 skill level in Endurance.

Shukutei Biomed “QuickClot” Hemofibrinic Nodes

The Quickclot system relies on two bioengineered glands that produce and store the blood clotting compounds fibrin and fibrinogen. One gland is attached to the mesenteric artery where it branches into the femoral arteries leading to the legs, while the other is located at the aortic arch where it branches into the axillary arteries to the arms and the carotid arteries to the head. Wounds that causes a drop in blood pressure or elevated levels of histamine trigger the nodes to release their contents and quickly seal off the site with a tough, fibrous scab.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

“QuickClot” Hemofibrinic Nodes $2500 2D6 Major


All wound states are treated as being one level less in severity (Serious is treated as Light and has no penalties, Critical becomes Serious with -2 REF penalty, etc.) On the down side the sudden release of clotting compounds has a 1 in 10 chance of causing a stroke or heart attack from clots lodging in the blood stream.

Clavisware “Metaheme” Hemological Replacement

Did you know your respiration was a lot more efficient before you were born? Oxygen was transported through your body using a molecule with a greater “attraction” for it than the massive hemoglobin molecule in the platelets circulating through your blood stream at this very moment. Now you can recapture that incredible efficiency, without the side effects of respiratory exhaust retention, with Clavisware's Metaheme viral transform therapy. Our custom engineered virus agents will modify your marrow stem cells to produce red blood cells carrying the metaheme molecule in place of hemoglobin. You'll see an instant increase in aerobic ability and overall athletic performance that simply has to be experienced to be appreciated. Fine tune your body with a little help from Clavisware.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Metaheme Hematological Replacement $1300 1D6/2 Minor


Subject gains the equivalent of Endurance 1 and can hold his breath for an additional 4 minutes.

III. Digestive system bioware

“Let me tell you, I'm glad the poison didn't have time to take effect. I just wish I hadn't, uh, violently ejected it from my body in the middle of the annual corporate ball. Getting the tux dry cleaned was a real bitch.”

Anton Lecar, VP Experimental Resources, PanOceanic

Genetek Toxin Screen

In the dog eat dog contest of the corporate world chances are you'll eventually be on the receiving end of a poisoning attempt. Protect yourself with Toxin Screen: a cluster of sensory tendrils in the stomach that detects poison in any food or drink ingested and automatically trigger the stomach to empty by reflex vomiting. You'll sleep easier knowing you're protected by Genetek!

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Toxin Screen $3400 1D6/2 Major


Detects orally administered toxins on a roll of 1-9 on a D10 and triggers the stomach to vomit tainted food. Whether the toxin is effective before being voided is at the discretion of the Ref.

Myogi SK “Kaloric” Secondary Gut

Rushed? Wish you could free up some more time in your day? Or are you planning a long duration trek and need to keep the weight to a minimum? Myogi comes to the rescue with the Kaloric: a secondary stomach chamber that empties into the small intestine in response to low blood sugar levels. You can eat when you have the time and the Kaloric won't send the food on to finish digestion until your body demands it.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Kaloric secondary gut $300 1D6/2 Major


Allows you to store up to a 2 day food supply in the gut and function as though you'd been eating normally.

Genetek “Afterburner” Symbiotic Digester

Your body wastes a significant portion of the food you eat because it's not designed to digest it, but with a little help from some bacterial friends you'll be squeezing every last bit of energy from your meals! When the Afterburner is surgically implanted between your stomach and small intestine Genetek's custom designed e. coli bacteria strains will convert indigestible cellulose and protein compounds into a form readily absorbed into your bloodstream. It's just the thing to keep your metabolism revving with limited intake.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

“Afterburner” Symbiotic Digester $400 1D6/2 Major


Allows subject to function on half their normal food intake.

IV. Muscular/skeletal system bioware

ConGen “Powermax” Endoskelatal Rebuild

Looking for extra strength, but don't want to advertise it with massive layers of vat grown muscle rippling under your skin? Once again, ConGen has the answer!

The Powermax Rebuild uses tissue from our proprietary muscle, ligament, and bone lines to reconstruct and relocate the skeletal anchor points of your muscles further away from the joints for enhanced leverage and strength performance. Corrective biosculpting during the Powermax operation prevents the absurd “long limbed” appearance so common with our competitors equivalent operations.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Alpha level Powermax $1200 1D6 Major


Adds +1 to BOD for calculating damage in hand to hand, carrying capacity, or strength feat.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Beta level Powermax $2300 2D6 Major


Adds +2 to BODY as above, reduces ATT by -1, reduces REF by -1. Every time the subject uses his enhanced Powermax abilities, unless he has TuffBone, he takes 1 point of damage unless a BOD save is made.

ConGen “PowerAct” Muscle Tissue

Improve on the strength nature gave you with ConGen's finest cultured muscle tissue! The PowerAct line has an altered polycontractile protein structure featuring a contraction rate comparable to normal fast twitch muscle fibers with enhanced force output. After implantation you'll be bench pressing professional level weights and bending bars with the best of 'em!

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Alpha level PowerAct $2000 1D6 Major


Weaves the cultured tissue into your existing musculature, improves BOD by +2 for the purposes of hand to hand combat damage, carrying capacity, and strength feats.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Beta level PowerAct $3100 2D6 Major


Improves BOD by +3 as above.

Shukutei Biomed Torso Endoarmor

Throw away the garish ballistic coats and T-shirts, because all it does is attract unwanted attention. Shukutei's torso endoarmor protects your chest and upper abdomen by replacing your ribcage with a custom fitted internal shield of flexible bone plates sheathed in calcified cartilage that repairs itself if damaged. It won't trigger security sensors or reduce your agility, but it will stop rounds up to .45 caliber from hitting you where it hurts.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Alpha level Torso Endoarmor $500 1D6/2 Major


Gives the torso 10 SP. Internal skeletal armor doesn't count against armor layering. If damage penetrates to the level of the internal armor, but is stopped by it, one point of damage is taken.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Beta level Torso Endoarmor $800 1D6 Major


Gives the torso 15 SP. Internal armor doesn't count against armor layering , and decreases Attractiveness by -1. If damage penetrates to the level of the internal armor, but is stopped by it, one point of damage is taken.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Gamma level Torso Endoarmor $1200 1D6+2 Critical


Gives the torso 20 SP. Internal armor doesn't count against armor layering , and decreases Attractiveness by -2. If damage penetrates to the level of the internal armor, but is stopped by it, one point of damage is taken.

Genetek “TuffBone” Skeletal Enhancement

Get pumped, get tough, get the power! Originally developed as therapeutic treatment for age- or low-g induced osteoporosis, Genetek's TuffBone treatment utilizes custom designed biocompatible bacterial strains to increase your bone density for augmented skeletal strength and improved muscle anchoring. Just a few days after the initial injections your bones will be fully colonized and begin bulking up with minerals deposited by the bacteria. Don't worry- we've made sure the process is self limiting and stabilizes in maintenance mode after reaching full development.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Alpha level TuffBone $1200 1D6/2 Minor


Increases Body Type by +1 and weight by 5 percent.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Beta level TuffBone $2300 1D6 Minor

Effect Increases Body Type by +2 and weight by 10 percent. Bone growth to limbs and facial structure decreases Attractiveness by -1.

V. Dermal bioware

All of these bioware products use custom designed viral agents to modify the structure of the skin. The procedure is generally safe, but in 1 out of 10 cases the viral transformation triggers skin cancer that will take sophisticated treatment to cure. Treatment will take 2-12 (2D6) months at a cost of $2000/month.

Genetek “TuffSkin” Dermal Armor

Looking for the advantages of Skinweave without the worry of nanoid malfunction or secondary psychological effects? Genetek's TuffSkin uses custom tailored viral agents to permanently alter the structure of your skin with a fibrous matrix of natural collagen and keratin, the materials cartilage and fingernails are made of. The result is a tough, leather-like dermis resistant to abrasion, penetration, and burning that functions as a natural part of your body. Secondary viral treatments can harmlessly reverse the process and remove the protective matrix. Rough, heavily wrinkled joints and stiff skin are sure signs of the treatment.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Alpha level TuffSkin $300 1 Minor


Gives the subject 8 SP of protection over the entire body.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Beta level TuffSkin $500 1D6/2 Minor


Provides 10 SP of full body armor, reduces touch based Awareness checks by -1.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Gamma level TuffSkin $1100 1D6/2 Minor


Provides the body with 12 SP, reduces touch based Awareness checks by -1, decreases Attractiveness by -1.

ConGen “Kiten” Dermal Plating

One of the strongest biological materials known to science is chitin, the tough, flexible biopolymer in the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans. Now you can harness that natural armor for your own use with ConGen's Kiten dermal plating. You'll be armored like an armadillo with hundreds of custom fitted plates designed to provide the maximum in protection and still allow free movement. Not only will you make an unforgettable impression with your appearance, but with the addition of appropriate air supplies your skin can act as a hazardous environment or vacuum suit!

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Kiten Dermal Plating $3000 2D6 Critical


Dermal Plating provides 20 SP to each body location, reduces ATT by -3, and REF by -1. Sets of sealed goggles, earplugs, and face masks are available for converting your body into a self contained space suit.

Biomod, Inc. “Sunblocker” Sunscreen

Let others cower before the effects of the thinning ozone while you worship the sun! The new Sunblocker viral treatment modifies your dermal cells to manufacture a protein, originally derived from the skin of an Asian toad, that stays inert until ultraviolet light triggers a structure change. Within 10 seconds of exposure the protein “curdles” and begins absorbing 90 percent of the incoming UV and visibly darkens the subjects skin. This is a common modification for spacers and anyone worried about that nasty old hole in the ozone.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Sunblocker Sunscreen $200 1 Minor


Prevents any kind of sunburn and reduces the risk of skin cancer induced by UV radiation to an insignificant level.

VI. Exotic modifications

ConGen “Seabreath” Secondary Gills

The burgeoning oceanic population has created an intense demand for workers capable of long term work at moderate underwater depths. Now ConGen debuts the answer: the Seabreath respiratory rebuild. Our unique osmotic membranes are installed in flow channels located in slits between the ribs to maximize gas exchange with water passing through the mouth. By slightly reducing your excess lung capacity, and installing a secondary tracheal valve, we make it a simple matter to switch from breathing air to dwelling in the watery home of our ancient ancestors. After installing Seabreath we guarantee that whole new areas of underwater employment will open up to you or we'll refund your money! Take the first step towards a bright future today- call today to schedule your Seabreath rebuild.

Type Cost HC Surgery Code

Seabreath Secondary Gills $3000 2D6 Critical


The user can breathe indefinitely in oxygenated water. The large absorption area of the gills make subjects with this modification especially vulnerable to airborne toxins (-3 to rolls), and the delicate tissues of the gills are sensitive to damage (additional +2 damage from any blow to the torso for shock to the structure).

Regal Biotract “Love Lure” Pheromone Glands

With biosculpt it's easy for anyone to get “the look”, but now you can go beyond the purely cosmetic and into the realm of subliminal seduction! Once our Love Lure pheromone glands are implanted in your groin and underarm area they'll produce irresistible amounts of sex attractant scents, primarily the alpha-3 and beta-2 chemical groups, that induce rampaging sexual excitement and arousal. While designed to hit the opposite sex like a sledgehammer our pheromone glands can also be tailored for same sex effectiveness with only minor adjustments to your hormonal balance. Love Lure- it's just the thing to put a little erotic magic in your life.

Type Cost HC

Alpha level “Love Lure” Pheromone $600 1


+1 on all Seduction rolls for the opposite sex. For an additional $100 Love Lure can be tailored for same sex effectiveness.

Type Cost HC

Beta level “Love Lure” Pheromone $800 1D6/2


+2 on all Seduction rolls for the opposite sex, -1 for reactions of same sex from triggering of submissive response by excessive pheromone levels.

ConGen “Exotica” Tail

Looking to make a fashion statement? Need an extra hand for orbital work? Either way, the best vat grown tails are brought to you by ConGen.

Type Cost HC

Alpha level Tail $300 1D6/2


Uh…you have a tail. Pick the length and wag to your little hearts content.

Type Cost HC

Beta level Tail $500 1D6


You have a fully functional prehensile tail, capable of grasping objects and lifting up to 5 kg.

Shukutei Biomed “Phibia” Aquatic Webbing

Return to your ancestral home in style! Our new webbing rebuilds let you move through the water with the greatest of ease- and with a speed that would put an unmodified Olympic swimmer to shame. Custom designed bone and skin lines are used to elongate your digits and create a froglike membrane of skin between them. See ya' at the beach!

Type Cost HC

Alpha level Aquatic Webbing $500 1D6/2


Hands are webbed. Add +2 to your underwater MA. House rule is that aquatic MA is one half normal MA, consult with your Ref for his ruling. Reduce REF by -1 for the purposes of manipulation.

Type Cost HC

Beta level Aquatic Webbing $800 1D6


Rebuild of hands and feet. Your underwater MA is equal to your normal MA rating. Reduce REF by -1 for the purposes of manipulation.

VII. Personal bioweapons

ConGen “Raptor” Claws

Personal defense for the budget conscious. The Raptor package features blade like claws that retract into slits in the finger tips of both hands. Sharpening is not required, but claws are not firmly anchored to the underlying bone and can be ripped out during combat (1 in 10 chance that a claw will be painfully ripped off every time they are used). Type Cost HC Claws $75 1D6/2 Effect Cause D6/3 damage in combat. For an additional $100 claws are available in a hollow version compatible with Venom. The hollow claws must inflict at least one point of damage for Venom glands to successfully inject toxin. ConGen “Intimidator” Incisors

Nothing says “Back off!” like a smile featuring our massive canine teeth. Type Cost HC Incisors $100 1D6/2 Effect Cause 1D6/2 damage. For an additional $100 hollow incisors for use with Venom can be purchased. The hollow incisors must inflict at least one point of damage for Venom glands to successfully inject toxin. Gohisuro Genetics “Needleskin” Quills

The newest name in Bioware presents the newest idea in personal bioweapons. Our tailored viral agents modify selected hair follicles to produce sharp, needle-like spines for combat or fashion. You'll never have to worry about nasty old Mr. Security Scanner again! . Quills cannot be Venomed, but you can have a Venom gland in your mouth and then lick them before use. Type Cost HC Alpha level Quills $200 for initial treatment, an additional $10 for every quill spine after the first. 1D6/2 Effect Alpha level Quills are 2-3 cm long, cause 1 AP damage in combat, has only 1 hit point, takes 2 weeks to regrow after use, and can be used only once Type Cost HC Beta level Quills $300 for initial treatment, an additional $10 for every quill spine after the first. 1D6 Effect Beta level Quills are 4-7 cm long, cause D6/2 AP damage in combat, and take 4 weeks to regrow after being expended. ConGen “Viper” Retractable Fangs

Nature has gifted the venomous snakes of the world with one of the most useful defensive/offensive bioweapons ever devised. Why let the snakes have all the fun? The new Viper package from ConGen gives you a pair of needle-like teeth that fold down from the roof of the mouth when the mouth is opened wide. They can be used with the Venom option, but will only inject poison if the user consciously desires. Type Cost HC “Viper” Retractable Fangs $300 1D6 Effect Causes D6/3 AP damage (depending on the roll 2 SP or 4 SP armor will automatically be penetrated). When used with Venom the victim must take at least one point of damage for the glands to inject toxin. ConGen “Bodyblade” Spur

You move through the night like a big cat- and now you can be just as dangerous! The ConGen bodyblade is a wickedly sharp non-retractable blade of polished bone on the side of the hand opposite the thumb perfect for slashing and puncture attacks in melee. Type Cost HC ConGen Bodyblade $300 1D6 Effect Reduces all REF rolls for manipulation by -1 and causes D6/2 +1 AP damage in melee. For an additional $200 you can purchase a hollow version for use with Venom glands. Shukutei Biomed Venom Gland

Simply the ultimate in biologically based personal weapons! Our Venom glands are custom built bioconstructs using your modified saliva glands to manufacture toxins that can be squirted out using muscular contractions. Venom glands are normally used with some kind of injector weapon, but can produce compounds absorbed through the victims mucous membranes for spitting. In terms of size and effectiveness there is no other bioweapon so cost effective. Type Cost HC Venom Glands $550/gland 1D6/2 Effect Each gland holds two doses of toxin and replenish one dose every 24 hours. The subject is immune to their own toxin. Commercially available toxins are listed below. Toxin Damage With Save Notes Hemotoxin 1 4D6 2D6 Must be injected Hemotoxin 2 6D6 3D6 Must be injected Neurotoxin 1 4D6 2D6 Injected or Absorbed Neurotoxin 2 6D6 3D6 Injected or Absorbed It's possible to purchase black market Venom glands that produce any type of street or medical grade drug. Cost would be equal to $100 for each point of Difficulty involved in manufacturing the drug traditionally. As an example, a Venom gland that produces SynthCoke (normal manufacturing Difficulty of 20) would have an additional cost of $2000, but would produce the drug for an unlimited time.

The availability of black market glands has led inevitably to gang activity centered around pushers who act as their own recreational drug factories. A twin pair of glands can produce four doses every day that can be administered using fangs or absorbed through mucous membranes through kissing or sexual activity. The addictive nature of the drugs and intimate method of use has led to some interesting tribal groups held together by personality and mutual addiction.

It's not unknown for pushers to recruit packs of “slaves” (junkies) that respond to their masters every whim in exchange for regular dosing. Goths seem especially attracted to the welcoming embrace of a Venomed tribal leader and will meet any attack on him with a berserk frenzy of violence. The power the head of this kind of gang has is phenomenal, since their drug may be unique and any attempt to align with a competing master would lead to nasty withdrawal symptoms.

VIII. Miscellaneous

Shukutei Biomed “Freezeban” Bioconstruct

Shukutei Biomed introduces the perfect bioware for cold weather work or traveling the spaceways in cryosleep. The Freezeban gland is implanted in the chest cavity where it maintains your body with a constant supply of metaglycogen, a chemical compound that prevents water in the tissues from forming ice crystals in below freezing temperatures. Type Cost HC Surgery Code “Freezeban” Bioconstruct $350 1 Major Effect Immunity to frostbite and +3 bonus on any cryosleep suspension and re-animation rolls. Genetek Optimmunal Nodes

Whether you're traveling abroad or working with biohazardous agents, don't let an infection put you out of commission. Genetek's optimmunal nodes are a matched pair of peanut sized organs implanted under the armpit area that increase the natural disease fighting abilities of the body. A network of fine tendrils spreads into the throat, sinuses, and lymphatic system of the upper body to constantly sample body fluids for the foreign antigens that identify an invading bacteria or virus. Until activation the node simply acts as an additional reservoir and manufacturing sight for lymphocytes, the specialized blood cells that attack infections. When an infection is detected it releases the pool of lymphocytes from it's central bladder, chemically alerts the rest of the immune system, and goes into lymphocyte production overdrive. Say goodbye to sniffy noses forever! Type Cost HC Surgery Code Optimmunal Nodes $400 1 Major Effect +5 to save on all rolls against disease. ConGen Ileocecal Siphon

Whether you're spending time in the desert or in the tropics the new ileocecal siphon from ConGen can make your stay a pleasant one. This artificial organ coils around the inside of the large intestine and removes up to 80 percent of the water from the body's solid waste products. Type Cost HC Surgery Code Ileocecal Siphon $200 1 Major Effect The Siphon's efficient recycling of fluid allows the user to function normally without water for 48 hours in a temperate climate, 24 hours in arid or hot conditions. Shukutei Biomed “Kickstart” Adrenal Maximizer

From the culture labs of Shukutei Biomed comes the perfect accessory for your accelerated lifestyle. The Kickstart bioconstruct is a pink, globular organ that nestles behind the kidneys in the abdominal cavity and stores adrenalin and noradrenaline produced by the adrenal glands. When you really need it all it takes is a thought to flood your body with the stimulant perfected by nature for high level performance. Type Cost HC Surgery Code Kickstart Adrenal Maximizer $1400 1D6/2 Major Effect Gain +2 to Reflexes for 2D6 turns twice a day. Reflex boost takes effect 10 seconds after triggering. Morris Biosystems “Optitect”Eye Shield

Clear vision is a necessity for optimum performance in any environment. The new Optitect modification is a protective third eyelid that can be opened or closed at will, is perfectly transparent, and keeps dust, gasses, and contaminated water from damaging the eyes. Type Cost HC Surgery Code Optitect Eye Shield $220 1 Minor Effect Subject has +2 on all saves against air or water born irritants including tear gas.

Brand Name CyberWare Todd Montgomery [aka Quiktek] ( Not every piece of cyberware is the same. Below is how I handle cyberware in my campaigns. I have found it adds a lot of variety and options for the Street Samurai and the other cybered characters. It is also a nice device that a GM can use to construct unique opponents. One central idea pervades this article. That idea is that cyberware can and is modular in design. By modular I mean that each cybernetic item is made first as a standard item. This item is then modified by the Street Doc (Who may acquire the item in a myriad of ways) to interface with the user of the item. This modularization leads well to production and use of cyberware and allows brand names to differ in appearance and/or function.

Cyberware Brand Names and Effects

These brand names are used for adding variety to the standard fair of cyberware options. Below also appears some more options to make any cybered character even more unique. A note on surgery: To get the most out of these options, I suggest that the cost of surgery to implant cybernetic (and bioware) implants be included in the items cost. The cost of recovery is, however, separate and must be paid in full.

Levels of Essence Effect:

      Level        Effect on Essence Cost
         1                 +10%
         2                  +5%
         3                   0%
         4                  -5%
         5                 -10%

Alpha and Beta Grade cyberware has the percent reduction to essence in parentheses. Maintenance:

Frequency in months / Percentage of cost to be paid in maintenance per year. (Does not include Street Index)

These are, by far, not the only brands available. Feel free to make up special brands for Shadowclinics, Street Docs, and/or major players in campaigns. Variety is the spice of life!

NOTE: Not all Brands carry every type of cyberware. GM discretion. But some suggestions appear below.

Used Cyberware's modifiers are in addition to existing modifiers.

Shadow Clinic Availability means that if the character manages to find a Shadow Clinic he can purchase the Cyberware. Each Shadow Clinic has a rating AlphaI, BetaII, etc. These are CUSTOM pieces and ARE specific to the Doctor, Clinic, and patient. The item must be constructed for each patient.

Damage to cyberware is handled as mentioned in Shadowtech, pages 39-40.

Damage Resistance operates as detailed in Street Samurai Catalog (SSC) Page 98. The first number is the Target Number for a Serious Wound and the second number is the Target Number for a Deadly Wound.

When a character is injured and Cyberware has been damaged roll 5 dice. For every one success generated for the piece of cyberware, the piece's damage level is reduced by one. Damaged cyberware functions in the same way as described in Shadowtech, page 40.

                                                              Street  Damage

Brand Name Level Cost Availability Maint. Index Resist.

CUSTOM BetaIII(-50%) x13.0 Shadow Clinic 6/10% +.3 3/4 CUSTOM BetaII(-45%) x9.0 Shadow Clinic 4/10% +.2 4/5 CUSTOM BetaI(-40%) x7.0 Shadow Clinic 4/10% +.2 4/5 CUSTOM AlphaIII(-30%) x5.0 Shadow Clinic 3/10% +.1 5/6 CUSTOM AlphaII(-25%) x4.0 Shadow Clinic 3/10% +.1 5/6 CUSTOM AlphaI(-20%) x3.0 Shadow Clinic 3/10% +.1 5/6 ChibaWare 5 x2.5 +4/x2 2/15% +.3 6/8 Ares-Custom 5 x2.25 +5/x3 2/20% +.3 8/10 Fuchi-SeriesII 5 x2.25 +4/x2 1/15% +.3 8/10 Ares-Gold 5 x2.5 +3/x1.75 3/12% +.3 8/9 Ares-Silver 4 x2.0 +2/x1.5 3/11% +.3 10/12 Fuchi-SeriesI 4 x2.0 +3/x1.5 4/15% +.2 9/12 BorgWare 4 x1.75 +4/x1.5 1/20% +.1 10/12 Ares-Turbo 3 x1.75 +1/x1.5 6/12% +.3 10/12 Ares-Milea 3 x1.5 +1/x1.25 3/11% +.1 12/14 Fuchi-Synth 3 x1.0 +0/x1 3/10% +.1 12/15 Ares-MarkV 3 x1.0 +0/x1 2/10% +0 12/15 StreetLethal 3 x.9 +1/x1.5 1/15% +0 14/18 Vindicator(Ares)3 x.8 +2/x2 3/12% +.1 15/18 Leme' 2 x.8 +0/x.5 1/20% +0 – Vigilante(Fuchi)2 x.75 +0/x.75 2/10% +.1 – NAO-AFFS 2 x.8 +1/x1 4/10% +.1 – CaTsClaW 1 x.7 +0/x.75 1/20% -.1 – Warrant 1 x.6 -1/x.5 1/30% -.1 –

MCT-Samurai 4 x2.0 +3/x2.25 3/10% +.1 8/9 MCT-Kama 3 x1.5 +2/x2.0 5/8% +.2 10/12 MCT-Ninjitsu 3 x1.25 +1/x1.5 3/8% +.1 12/15 DuroWare 3 x1.5 +4/x4.0 12/2% +0 8/9 Boss-V5 3 x1.0 +0/x1.0 2/8% +0 12/15 Euro-MarkII 2 x.75 +0/x.75 2/15% +0 – Shiawase-Torg 4 x2.0 +3/x1.5 3/11% +.2 9/12 Shiawase-Custom 5 x2.5 +4/x2.0 2/15% +.3 6/8 Shiawase-Alpha AlphaI(-20%) x3.0 +6/x3.0 3/10% +.1 5/6

Used As brand As brand+ As brand+ As brand+ As brand+ Cyberware x.5 -1/x.5 -1/+5% -.1 Yeah, Right Some other brands:


carries only cybereyes and eye options. The brand has the following brand name stats: Level: 3 Cost: x1.0 Availability: +1/x1.25 Maintenance: 4/7.5% Street Index: +.1 Damage Resistance: 10/12 Nikkon

carries only cybereyes and eye options. The brand has the following brand name stats: Level: 3 Cost: x1.0 Availability: +0/x1.0 Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: +.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 RCA

carries only cybereys, cyberears, and there options. The brand has the following brand name stats: Level: 3 Cost: x1.0 Availability: +0/x1.0 Maintenance: 2/10% Street Index: +.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Repair is the same as in Shadowtech page 40. All brand names are normal cyberware for target number determination. Use the modified cost of the cyberware for repair cost determination. Labor prices vary with the brand name, use level of brand -3 as a cost multiplier. Alpha levels all count as Alpha, and Beta levels all count as Beta.

Used Cyberware also has the disadvantages mentioned in SSC page100 as well as the modifiers above.

Example of Maintenance Cost:

The Street Samurai Archetype has the following Cyberware. Cybereyes with Low-Light Dermal Plating: 2 Muscle Replacement: 1 Retractable Hand Razors Smartlink Wired Reflexes: 2

Assuming all this to be Ares-MarkV Brand you have the following.

Cyberware Type Essence Cost Maintenance Cost

Cybereyes w/Low Light .2 8,000 800 per year Dermal Plating:2 1.0 15,000 1,500 per year Muscle Replacement.:1 1.0 20,000 2,000 per year Ret. Hand Razors .2 9,000 900 per year Smartlink .5 2,500 250 per year Wired Ref.:2 3.0 165,000 16,500 per year

TOTAL: 5.9 219,500 21,950 per year

Monthly Maintenance Cost = 21,950/12 = 1,829 Nuyen Maintenance Cost

Maintenance Costs can be paid monthly or every so many months equal to the Maintenance Frequency as long as the cost per year is equal to the brands maintenance cost percentage X the cost of the cyber item (not including street index). Failing to pay maintenance:

Every time a number of months goes by equal to the Frequency of Maintenance of the cyber brand name, the GM rolls 2D6. The Target number is equal to the Damage Resistance (Serious) of the Brand Name. If one success is generated, the cyber item is fine. If no successes are generated, then the item suffers a Light wound and must be repaired. See Shadowtech pg. 39-40 for damage levels and repair. Financing Cyberware:

Level 3, 4, and 5 cyberware can be financed by some corporations and agencies. The deals usually include some legal matters like contracts of business. The endorsers also usually require some DNA sample for purely medicinal use (Ritual Sorcery for delinquents). The financing usually involves a 20+% increase in price but the entire amount may be divided over 12, 24, even 36 month plans. Most financers require at least 20% of base cost down, up front. Failure to provide payments is VERY BAD. One month can slide but some fast talking MUST be done. And a gratuity will be expected. Two months might require some customer “retraining” to make him more responsible. Past two months you better leave the country and fast. Of course, a corp will probable follow if the customer was a substantial investment. Even some street organizations (read Loan Sharks, Mob, Yak, etc…) offer the above. Only payments are usually higher and retribution even less friendly. Hypoallergenics

The current lines of cyberware of levels 2-5 offer a full compliment of hypoallergenic options for there brands. The cost of such comfort is an increase of 50% in cost and a maintenance cost increase of 25%. Warranties and Cyber Insurance

Many companies carry plans for cyberware insurance and warranties. Unfortunately for the shadow community most of these services are just not accessible safely. But as always there are a few exceptions to every rule. The options that follow represent the more stable, less NOSY, organizations that will set up convenient insurance and warranty plans for the cybered individual. Sorry, no one legally will set up plans for Alpha or Beta cyberware.

[Insurance is always risky. Some times you

make out with a killing on your new replacement. And then sometimes you get ripped over the long run. For the sam who thinks he is in for one rough two years the Total Coverage is the way to go. Especially with repairs being typically upwards of 20% of the item's cost.]««

  1. Quiktek<11:48:37/01-19-53>


Allied State Cyberware Coverage

This cheap organization will take very little in the way of personal identification to set up an account. They have been known to take payment failure pretty personally. The same goes for people who start to really cost the company money. The plans they offer are detailed below. Basic Coverage

Cost: Varies This plan is just a basic coverage plan that will cover up to a certain fixed amount in repairs and maintenance for one year. Typical plans are in the range of 1,000Y/yr to 50,000Y/yr. Any amount can be specified in this range. The cost is just the amount covered divided by 13. This is a monthly rate and it is recommended that it be paid promptly. Allied State will not accept any applicants who sign up for a plan that is not equal to there normal maintenance cost X 12. To register an applicant must have all his cyberware registered and agree to a background check. This check is like using a false cred stick vs. a rating 6 identifier.

Basic Warranty

Cost: Varies This plan is useful for financing that oh so unexpected mishap with the local thrill gang. This plan covers all repairs and replacement of cyber systems (no medical costs) for the duration of the warranty. Any duration may be set up but the minimum is the six month plan. The cost of the plan is the cyberware item's maintenance cost + 5% divided by 12. This is a monthly rate. Each cyberware item must be covered under a different warranty. The longest warranty offered is three years (or 126 Million Heartbeats). As with the Basic Coverage, registration and a background check are required. This plan does not cover routine maintenance.

Total Coverage and Warranty

Cost: Varies This plan offers to the “street professional” the option of putting all his chrome into a big safe coverage plan. The plan works as follows. The cost is all the maintenance costs per year for each item added together then taking that amount and adding 35% to that. Divide that total by 12. This is your low monthly payment. This plan covers all maintenance, cyber system replacement, and repair. The minimum duration on this plan is 2 years and the maximum is four years. Registration is required and a rating 8 background check is performed on all applicants.


Yes the leader in Medical Insurance and Active Retrieval has now begun to enter the growing cyberware insurance market. These plans are totally separate from the usual DocWagon contracts. DocWagon offers plans almost identical to Allied State. Except there checks are much lower in rating, usually 4 except total coverage is 6. Information about other brands:


The MCT line of cyberware has been especially designed for low impact on the body, and it's appearance is stealthy. The MCT stuff that filters down to the streets is among the most highly demanded in the shadows. All MCT cyberware has a +1 to concealability. DuroWare:

This little known line of cyberware is made by only ONE Street Doc. His name is Mickey. He operates out of the Redmond Barrens in Seattle. Mickey owns and operates the “Mad House”, a local ripper shop that specializes in the bazaar, exotic, and/or the militant. Mickey will only install DuroWare into SPECIAL friends, or a person with a HUGE credstick. DuroWare is the toughest stuff next to Teflon when it comes to damage. And maintenance is nothing. Several people have tried to get Mickey's secrets but all have met the unhappy end of “Creeps” and “Gripes”, two of the largest and heaviest cybered Trolls you would ever want to meet. Mickey's common line of cyberware is termed StreetLethal.

[ Mickey is one tough Dwarf. He

personally outfitted the Troll twins, Creeps and Gripes. They are the closest thing I have ever seen to real CyBorgs. ]««

  1. -Quiktek<11:44:26/03-02-54>


The leader in cyberware has just released news of its upcoming line of cyberware. Initially termed Shiawase-Alpha, this line emphasizes Ultra-Low Impact (ULI) technology. (Officially termed ULICII (Ultra-Low Impact Cyber Interface integration)) This is what Mr. Yamaguchi, president of Shiawase Cyberware Division had to say: “We (Shiawase International) are very proud of our new Alpha Line. We are scheduled to release the initial batch of “Field Tested” 'ware around Easter. Only the FINEST clinics are to be authorized for retail. Any other questions I direct to Mrs. Hanover, our UCAS Representative.” For more information about Shiawase's upcoming line of cyberware, please contact a licensed Shiawase Dealer or Shiawase directly via matrix link or voice.

[ Oh Pease! We all know that the Alpha

Grade Stuff was out there. Mass Production, even if by Shiawase, well do nothing but make the general public know that the tech exists.]««

  1. -Quiktek<12:43:30/03-02-54>

These brands above carry most cyberware types. GM Discretion.

MultiTasking Robert A. Hayden ( Vincent Esposito ( INTRODUCTION

With the advent of the Encephalon as a cognitive multi-tasking control unit, a team of industrious cyber-engineers have been developing methods for multi-tasking several datajacks, allowing many interesting possibilities. Now you can run multiple cyberdecks, rigs, communication jobs, computers, synthesizers, etc. in nearly any combination, as long as you have enough datajacks. HOW MULTI-TASKING WORKS

Multi-tasking is accomplished by switching attention between tasks at an incredibly fast rate utilizing the cognitive multi-tasking of the encephalon. A person using this system to run 2 decks (and thus having 2 Matrix personas doing different things) or someone rigging a vehicle and using two remote control decks, for example, never actually executes two commands simultaneously. The encephalon allows the user to have his attention on one task for a few nanoseconds, and then switches attention to another task for a few nanoseconds. This switching is fast, but not instantaneous, so there is some degradation in response time.

Also, the encephalon was not designed to handle multiple datastreams, so the FIFO (First In/First Out) buffer is required. The buffer stores outgoing commands, and incoming segments of data, so that the encephalon only has to deal with one device. The encephalon simply looks up the region of the buffer that is associated with the datajack it is currently giving attention to, and writes output to that datajack in another partition of that region.

The I/O SPU associated with a datajack looks in it's assigned region of memory for data that is to be sent through the datajack, and places any incoming data in that region also.

Furthermore, a Math SPU added to the encephalon acts as a floating point math coprocessor of the 20th century, speeding up response time so reaction penalties are reduced.


The Basic system:

To multitask several datajacks you need a few things: An encephalon of appropriate level A number of datajacks An equal number of I/O SPU's of the same rating as the datajacks A FIFO (First-In/First-Out) buffer of headware memory (optional) A math SPU whose rating is at least that of the encephalon to decrease system overhead. The number of datajacks that can be controlled by an encephalon is equal to the rating of the encephalon + 1. (i.e. an encephalon-3 can multitask a maximum of 4 datajacks) Buffer Memory Requirements:

This is internal memory utilized by the encephalon to buffer commands and data. To determine the amount of buffer memory that must be installed, consult the table below. Reaction Penalties:

Multi-tasking does cause some loss of response time due to data clash and processing time spent switching between datajacks. Basically, this results in a reaction penalty depending on how many datajacks are being used at any given time. This is determined by the following table. Encephalon # of active datajacks Level 1 2 3 4 5

1 0 -1 – – – 2 0 -1 -2 – – 3 0 -1 -2 -3 – 4 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 This penalty applies to each “Task” being done. For example:

OddBall is running 3 datajacks, one is a remote vehicle rig, and the others are cyberdecks. This means that OddBall has a -2 to his reaction for each “task”.

NOTE: The addition of a Math SPU whose level is equal or greater than the level of the encephalon will speed up response time somewhat. Adding this extra hardware will reduce all reaction penalties by one point. (Suppose OddBall has a Math SPU, each of his “tasks” will now only have a -1 reaction penalty). A MATH SPU will not bestow a bonus for running only one datajack.


Optionally, a GM can allow multitasking players (and NPC's) to use the following “priority system” for reaction penalties. Instead of having an across the board reaction penalty to all processes, the multi-tasking user can distribute his reaction penalties in any fashion. This means that the user can rank the importance of each task by it's reaction penalty (hence the name “priority system”.)

The following table shows the total penalty for running a given number of datajacks. The user may distribute these “penalty points” among his active datajacks in any fashion. The penalties assigned must add up to the total given by the table.

Encephalon # of active datajacks Level 1 2 3 4 5

1 0 -2 – – – 2 0 -2 -6 – – 3 0 -2 -6 -12 – 4 0 -2 -6 -12 -20 NOTE: The figures in this table are derived by multiplying the base penalty (see previous chart) by the number of datajacks. Math SPU:

After assigning penalties to all datajacks, reduce each penalty by one if a Math SPU is present. (note: you cannot gain a bonus this way, a task running at -0 does not become +1 with a Math SPU) Changing Priorities:

At any time, a user may change the way his penalties are distributed. This takes one action to accomplish, and is done exactly the same as assigning the initial penalties. “Dead” Tasks:

If a task goes inactive, whether on purpose or as the result of an outside force (i.e.: A persona gets fried by IC, a remote drone is destroyed, someone pulls out one of your cords, etc.) then the user must re-distribute his priorities immediately to reflect the change in the system. This will take one action. If the user chooses, he can allow the automatic redistribution functions to take over. If this happens, the penalties are equally divided between all of the active datajacks. This takes no action as it is automatic. (Example: Static is running four datajacks in a prioritized system [total penalty is -12]. He has assigned penalties as 0, -1, - 4, -7. Suddenly, his -7 datajack is disconnected. The system reaction penalty is now -6 and the computer will automatically assign those points as -2, -2, -2 unless Static was to spend the next action assigning them differently.

Because each process must have a minimum amount of CPU time, there is a maximum penalty that you can assign to a process. This penalty is based on the number of datajacks being used and the processing power (rating) of the encephalon. Consult the table below to determine this maximum penalty.

Maximum Penalties:

Encephalon # of active datajacks Level 1 2 3 4 5

1 x -2 – – – 2 x -2 -4 – – 3 x -2 -5 -7 – 4 x -2 -6 -8 -11 Example: Splut is running four datajacks with a level 3 system. He must distribute 12 priority points. The maximum number of points he could put into one process would be 7, and he would have to use the other 5 in any of the other three datajacks.

{This is a classy setup, let me tell you. I

once knew a rigger who had three datajacks. Was able to plug himself into his car and drive, fire the car's guns, and control a flying drone all at the same time with very little apparent loss of control. It's not JUST for deckers.}««<

  1. - Joyride <13:18:36/10-10-52>
{The biggest problem I see with this

system is the fact that it is not very essence friendly. I mean, if you want a Level 4 Encephalon, 5 level 4 datajacks, 5 level 4 I/O SPUs, a level 4 MATH SPU, and 200 Mp of memory, you are looking at 5.16 points of essence!!!!!!! Who in their right mind would do something like that?}««

  1. - Splut
{I would.}««<
          -- Datajerk <13:28:21/10-10-52>

{Figures. Where this really pays off is that

you can have one person working on five computer projects at once. I've heard of a bunch of corps giving their wage-slaves level 4 systems in order to increase productivity. It isn't very cheap, but it really pays off in the end.

Deckers can also make good use of this system. I know a gal who usually runs with three decks. Each of the personas has a specialty. One can fight real well, one is the master data-gatherer, another sleazes and scans. Remarkable setup. Andeach of the personas of course use the same memory for utilities, dramatically cutting down on the amount of data being moved around. Even Black IC have problems fighting off three deckers at once. Really remarkable.}««<

  1. - Wolf 359 <13:41:46/10-10-52>
{Christ, Wolfie. You sound like you are in


  1. - Ramirez <>
{Well, just don't tell anyone.}««<
          -- Wolf 359 <13:43:04/10-10-52>

Programming Languages Todd Montgomery [aka Quiktek] ( Languages used to program utilities.

These include suites of tools to automate some of the programming, and compilers to actually produce cyberdeck executables. The languages come in two different styles, PC based and Matrix based. A programmer can not use a Language which has a level greater than his Computer Skill. All these programs are Legal to Licensed Matrix Corporations. These programs carry the same Legality of all other Matrix Programs (Highly Illegal most everywhere). Personal Computer (PC) based languages

These languages use a PC to program the code. These languages give additional dice to making programs (Add level of language to number of dice to roll).

Required Equipment:

Personal Computer (Mp equal to program being worked on + Size of language tool) CGI

(C Graphic Interface): Level 0 This basic compiler takes high level code and creates cyberdeck executable files. This is the standard tool used by 90% of the freelance programmers.

Cost: 500Y Size: 0 Mp, Tool is usually integrated into most PCs Availability: 4/48 hrs. Street Index: 0.5


(Object C Graphic Interface): Level 1 This tool includes a compiler as well as a collection of very good limited expert systems to do most of the actual coding.

Cost: 1,200Y Size: 32 Mp Availability: 6/72 hrs. Street Index: 0.8


(Matrix Elementwise Design Interface): Level 2 This tool includes a high performance compiler, suite of resource tools for graphics, and an extended group of limited expert systems to perform most of the coding.

Cost: 4,050Y Size: 108 Mp Availability: 10/14 days Street Index: 1.5


(Multi-Persona Design Tool): Level 3 This tool includes three separate compilers, dedicated to producing high quality code, a suite of resource tools, and a vast collection of limited expert systems to perform most of the actual coding.

Cost: 10,400Y Size: 256 Mp Availability: 12/24 days Street Index: 3.0

Matrix based languages

These programming languages require a connection to the Matrix to use. The link is necessary because the programs are highly dependent on Matrix utilities to help in Object visualization. This high dependency on Virtual Reality Construction and Mainframe system abilities allow the developer to full take advantage of the tool. These languages are the kind used by most corporations and as such are very difficult to LEGALLY get a hold of without getting permits. These languages lower the Target Number of the programming success test by their level. They do not add additional dice. The reduction of the Target Number is only used for the actual Programming Success Test, not for figuring the program size, ability limits, etc.

Required Equipment:

Matrix connection to a Mainframe system. Cyberdeck with Active memory equal to size of program being constructed + 1/5 size of tool being used. XMEDI

(eXtended Matrix Elementwise Design Interface): Level 1 This tool provides a large array of expert systems, compilers, and resource handlers that can drastically affect the Software development process. The use of Matrix simsense allows the developer the ability to tailor graphics to taste while not sacrificing program requirements.

Tool Size: 64 Mp Cost: 24,450Y Availability: 12/24 days Street Index: 2.0


(Library Born Technology): Level 2 This tool is the best on the market. It has all the capabilities of the XMEDI plus adds in a very limited expert control system which can actually code while the developer is spending all their energies on the “Big Software Picture”.

Tool Size: 324 Mp Cost: 48,650Y Availability: 24/60 days Street Index: 3.0



(Object Multi-Persona Design Tool): Level 2 This tool is a small utility which allows the Matrix user to develop short one-shots with a minimum of stress.

Tool Size: 32 Mp Cost: 3,750Y Availability: 8/14 days Use: This tool gives the decker 2 extra dice to design programs on the fly. Must be running to give the benefit.

Programming Languages:

Most deckers make their own suite of tools, and resources for their own use. This procedure, while being different from usual programming, is not extremely difficult. Two Kinds of Languages can be made: PC based, and Matrix Based. PC based adds its level in Dice to the success test, while Matrix based lowers the Target Number by its level.

Base Time: Size X 2 days Size:

      PC based: (Level+1)^3 x 4 Mp
      Matrix based: (Level+1)^4 x 4 Mp

Skill used: Computer Skill Target:

      PC based: (Level+1)*2
      Matrix based: (Level+1)^2

Required Equipment:

      PC based: PC (Mp equal to Size of
              Language + Size of any  
      tools being used.)
      Matrix based: Matrix connection to a 
              Mainframe system.       
              Cyberdeck with Active   
              Memory equal to 1/5 size of 
              tool being constructed.


      PC based: Level = Computer      
              Theory/3 (round off)
      Matrix based: Level = Computer  
      Theory/4 (round off)

Programming Library Options:

When, in the early days of the computer revolution, programmers needed routines to put output to the screen or read from a keyboard port, they were required to write these low level routines themselves, thus adding more time to an already laborious task. Early in the 1980's, the issues of software reuse were discussed. But as we all know it took several generations of computing experience to see that software reuse really could be useful. Today, most software developers look to premade libraries to provide them with needed code to meet tough program requirements. Speed, Memory size, Load Ratings, etc. are all tough requirements to fill. And it is libraries which make these requirements reachable. All the languages above and many other undiscussed languages have GigaPulses and GigaPulses of support libraries. Any of these specialized libraries can be incorporated into a programming project. The legalities of using libraries are covered under the World Trade Act of 2036. Corporations may use libraries for development as long as the library is licensed under their Matrix Licensing Permit.

Libraries, like most other programs, have ratings. But unlike most other programs, libraries are only used when a developer is designing/coding a project. These libraries contain a large amount of alternatives to the same problem. So that is why the actual size of these libraries varies so widely. These libraries also have a drastic effect on various aspects of a program performance. The trade off is will known in the software community.

Using these libraries:

The effects of each library are discussed below. Each library also has a size. This size has no effect on the programming. All it is used for is figuring time to develop libraries and how much memory such libraries take up. Size Optimizing Libraries:

These libraries allow programmers to use specially made subroutines which are optimized to take up as little space as possible. The trade off is these libraries are difficult to use and require careful planning. Ratings: 1-10 Size: (Rating^2) x 5 Mp Cost: As program of same rating. Availability: As program of same rating. Effect: Reduce size of finished

              program by (Rating x            
              Programmer Computer     
              Theory Skill/2 (Round           
              off))%.  Increase Target        
              Number for determining  
              Program Success Test by         
              Rating/2 (Round up).

Load Rating Optimizing Libraries:

These Libraries are optimized to take advantage of system characteristics to lessen the Load Rating imparted by a cyberdeck. But the tradeoff is increased program size. This is the result of the use of limited AI routines to decide how to load the system. Ratings: 1-10 Size: (Rating^2) x 4 Mp Cost: As program of same rating. Availability: As program of same rating. Effect: Reduce Size of Program,

              when determining
              contribution to Load Rating
              only, by (Rating x
              Programmers Computer
              Theory Skill)%.  Increase
              Size of Program by (Rating
              x 2.0)%

Non-Corruptive Libraries:

These libraries provide a level of bullet- proofing to utilties. This bullet-proofing allows the program more resistance to data corruption from viruses and arrant Tar class IC. The trade off is that the size of programs is slightly increased. Ratings: 1-10 Size: (Rating^2) x 5 Mp Cost: As program of same


Availability: As program of same rating

  1. 2.

Effect: Tar Baby and Tar Pit IC

              have their Ratings reduced      
              by the Rating of the            
              Library/2 when          
              determining if they corrupt
              a utility.  Increase Program 
              size by (Rating)%

A specific library is made for a certain Language. So self made Languages can ONLY use self-made Libraries. And a library written for XMEDI will not work with CGI or MPDT. Several libraries may be combined, but each library added adds 1 to the Target Number of the Programming Success Test. Each effect uses the Base program statistics before any modifications. And then all effects are added. Percentages are added before computing there actual value. Example:

Joey (Computer Theory Skill 6) is using Load Rating (4) and Size Optimizing (5) Libraries. The final program will size will be 1) = -7%. The Target Number for determining Program Success is +2, and The Program acts as if it were -(6 x 5)% to size when determining Load Rating.

Programming Libraries:

Libraries are programmed exactly like normal programs. But languages provide no additional dice OR reductions to Target Number.

CPU Controllers Robert Watkins ( One thing that people seem to overlook in these days of smart frames, killer ice, and GigaPulse program sizes is the simple art of convincing a computer to do something for you, as opposed to forcing it to. There are myriad advantages to this. The first and foremost is that it doesn't set off any alarms (assuming you do it right). However, it does have problems, of course. Otherwise people will still be doing it.

So how do you do this wonderful thing??

1st: Get to the CPU 2nd: You must deceive the CPU into thinking you are a permitted user. This isn't easy. [Deceiving a node has a target number of 10, and is a resisted success test. The node gets dice equal to it's rating times (it's level + 1). An example: A Blue-2 node only gets 2 dice (Rating = 2, Level = 0). A Red-6 node gets 24 dice (Rating = 6, Level = 3).] You can actually do this to any node, but if you do it to the CPU, it works for the entire system.

[Natch, doing it to only one node only

works for that node. Also, until the CPU is fooled, the check must be made every time you enter the node.]««<

  1. - Spunk

This deception will last until you leave the system. 3rd: Having convinced the CPU that you are a local sysop, you can do damn near anything. HOWEVER: Failure to convince the CPU (or any node) that you are a valid user will set off a passive alert. If you've got in, you must think of things to play with. You can activate any programs the system has on-line. You can run batch scripts, remove files, in essence, anything a sysop could do at his terminal. Most importantly, you can get it to do delayed actions. [Executing a command is a Computer test, vs. TN of 4. For really tricky stuff, the number could be bumped up.] Now, this would be fine if the computer was all there was. However, corps being suspicious folks, often get people to look over things. So, you've got to make your activity look normal. [ This is a Computer Theory test, TN the sysop's Comp. Theory. It's resisted by the sysop's Comp. Theory, to which is added the rating of the CPU, plus it's level. TN is your Comp. Theory.] If it's not normal-looking, the sysop will do things like come and have a look, all the way up to logging you out. This doesn't kick you out, but it will stop the computer thinking you belong, and probably set off an Active alert.

It's not easy. But if you can pull it off, you've got an in on the system. My all time favorite use for this is making other sysop accounts.

Okay, this is a quick sketch of how you can do things like make a system think you REALLY belong. One other side effect of making the Deception test: You can ignore node threshold (after all, if you belong, it won't resist you).

Consolidated Ammunition J Roberson (

[Even the greatest pacifist in the modern age is aware of who manufactures guns in the world. Names like Ares, Colt, and Fichetti have become synonymous with Death by Kinetic Energy. Police reports, the news, and other media have always given the manufacturer with the name of the gun. But who can name the maker of the bullets themselves? Without bullets, those big names would be so much dead weight on dead meat. Today we've put together a report on Consolidated Ammo, Inc, supplier of small arms munitions the world over and considered a leader in the industry and the standard against which all others are compared.. Our guide is Wesley Neville Smith.

“Call me Wes”

Very well. Could you describe your ammunition to us?

“Certainly. Here's a copy of our pamphlet, See Dick Die.”

Odd title.

“It's meant for kindergartners, to introduce them to the wonderful and colorful world of handguns. It's quite successful.”


Let's talk about armor, shall we? Today's armor is measured in both its ability to stop high-speed kinetic damage and any sort of edged penetration. These are the Ballistic and Impact ratings of armor. Ballistic armor is made of a high-tech polymer that is woven together to for a mesh. Imagine cloth, which consists of a number of strings woven together. You can't poke a whole through it very easily with a pencil eraser, not unless you poke very hard. But a knife will slip through with little pressure. Ballistic armor is the same way; only very powerful bullets can smash their way through the weave, but sharp objects like knives and arrows will slip through with no trouble.

That's why they add Impact armor. This is hardened plates that work like traditional armor; they offer a solid barrier that cannot be penetrated easily. It's weakness is its rigidity; at a certain point, it will shatter or fail. Bullets tend to have the speed to punch holes through this stuff, which is why you have ballistic armor to spread their energy out over the surface, resulting in less force per square inch.

Standard round

List Damage The standard round is made of lead. It can be cased or caseless.

General Armor-Piercing

-2 Ballistic This is different from APDS (described below). Instead of firing a saboted sub-caliber round, the bullet is made of denser materials (Tungsten or Depleted Uranium) and given a sharp point. It does not splatter as easy as lead bullets. resulting in less of its force being spread out by ballistic armor.

Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot (APDS)

Goes against Impact rather than Ballistic This is a sub-caliber round. Imagine a tungsten-carbide nail held in place by plastic that flies away in flight. It flies like a small high- speed arrow, thin and pointed to go right through ballistic armor. It is resisted with Impact armor. Similar to Needle rounds in NAGRL, but effective against up to 5 points of Impact. Useless vs. vehicles.


+1 wound level on unarmored targets; Resist with higher of Ballistic or double Impact. Exactly like in the rules. This is a number of tiny flechettes, like pellets from a shotgun. Unlike APDS, they do not have penetrate armor efficiently because they have a very erratic trajectory and little individual mass. They shred unarmored people, but who doesn't wear armor these days?

Additionally, Flechettes don't fly as far as normal bullets. Treat them as having a choke setting equal to the Power of the standard round. (SR2 p 95).

AP Flechette

+1 wound level; resist with Impact. These work exactly like flechettes, but are stabilized in flight and made of denser materials. They don't lose power as easily and consequently don't have as difficult a time with penetrating armor.


-2 Power; Special An explosive warhead is mounted in the bullet. It detonates on contact, adding slightly to the power of the bullet. If it detonates in meat, woe be the casualty of war.

A clean miss is a clean miss. If you can stage the ballistic damage to nothing with Combat Pool alone, you are not affected by the explosive at all. If you stage it to nothing using body dice, you take the external (4M) explosion using body, remaining combat pool, and external bioware such as dermal armor and orthoskin to. Impact armor protects. If you take damage from the ballistic round, you must resist the internal 4S explosion with nothing but Body Dice; Bone Lacing and other internal 'ware will help, but not Dermal Armor, Orthoskin, or armor worn.

Attacker's successes do NOT stage explosive damage.

This round is prohibited by most conventions on modern warfare but is still in use by violent revolutionaries, terrorists, and smaller nations, as well as clandestine operations for more advanced nations and corporations.

High-Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP)

Special The explosive is placed behind a more stable penetrator, negating the -2 Power for the initial attack. It is otherwise the same as the regular HE round.

Hollow Point

+1 wound level vs. people only, +2 Ballistic Armor There is a myth that Hollow Point is the standard round of our century. Given that they are relatively ineffective against armor, that is simply not the case. When they hit, air is compressed in the bullet tip, which then expands the round, increasing the surface and resulting in greater damage. However, the wider surface's kinetic energy is more easily absorbed by armor.

Tungsten/Depleted Uranium Core

+1/+2 power This option is already assumed for AP and APDS, and would be counter- productive on exploding and hollow point rounds. The size of Flechette makes their material moot. However, standard bullets can be forged of Tungsten or DU for a general increase in power. Unlike AP, they are not brought to a point. Tungsten is +1, DUC is +2.

Teflon coating

Halve Ballistic, -1 wound level. This coating keeps the bullet from losing it's shape, making ballistic armor much easier to penetrate. However,it also tends to continue traveling in a straight line, meaning it doesn't tumble and spin as much, which is what causes so much of a bullet's damage. It goes right on through. It may only be applied to standard, Tungsten and DUC rounds.

Incendiary Rounds

+2 Ballistic; Special Theses contain a hot chemical that continues to burn, even after penetrating the body. The effect continues for 3 rounds. At the start of each round, roll Body dice (no combat pool) against a 6L attack.

AP Incendiary Rounds

Special As above, but no penalty vs armor.

Silver Bullets

Double Ballistic; Silver Allergy Very popular with paranormal hunters and certain magical groups.

Well, that's certainly a good-sized array in your arsenal of democracy.

“Capitalism. We defend the free market now, not free government.”

“Of course.”]««

–Guns 'n' Ammo Electronic Edition Aug 2054


All legal except: General AP 4-L APDS 3-L AP Flechette 5-L Explosive 2-L HEAP 2-L DUC 4-L Teflon 3-L Incendiary 4-L AP Incendiary 3-L

Ammunition Conc Damage Wt Avail Cost SI (10 rnds)

Standard 8 Weapon .5 2/24h 20 .75 Gen AP 8 -2 Bal .75 4/4d 50 2 APDS 8 Impact .25 14/14d 70 4 Flechette 8 See rules .5 3/36h 100 .8 AP Flech 8 Impact .5 6/3d 150 3.5 Explosive 8 Special 1 16/21d 150 4 HEAP 8 Special 1 18/21d 200 5 Hollow Point 8 +1 wound .5 3/24 30 1 Tungsten 8 +1 Power .6 6/6d 50 1.5 DUC 8 +2 Power .75 8/12d 75 2 Teflon 8 Halve Bal Rnd +2 +25 3 Incendiary 8 +2 Bal;Special .75 8/48h 75 2 AP Incend 8 Special .75 10/48h 100 3 Silver 8 Allergy .5 6/6d 50 2 *End of File*


Tired of the bulky and intrusive cyberware required to operate more than one datajack? Then these systems are for you. Clustered Datajacks are complete I/O subsystems designed specifically for multitasking environments. Each system contains two to five of our ChromeTek shielded datajacks, a matching number of our award-winning Conductor I/O processors to control traffic flow, and a liberal supply of memory to buffer your important data.

Designed to be less intrusive than the old systems, each cluster is computer matched and synchronized to operate in perfect harmony with any one of our state-of-the-art Encephalons.

Clustered Datajacks are just that, a cluster of matched datajacks. Installing a clustered system yields a savings of approximately 33% on essence costs over the installation of the separate pieces alone. The cost is approximately 50% more, though.

Each system includes the datajacks, I/O SPUs, and memory required to multitask more that one datajack.

Consult the tables below to determine nuyen and essence costs for these systems. Level indicates the level of all components.

Level 1:

# Datajacks I/O SPUs Memory Cost Essence

     2           2           50      30,000       .35
     3           3          100      50,000       .60
     4           4          150      70,000       .85
     5           5          200      90,000      1.10

Level 2:

# Datajacks I/O SPUs Memory Cost Essence

     2           2           50      40,000       .50
     3           3          100      65,000       .80
     4           4          150      85,000      1.10
     5           5          200     110,000      1.40

Level 3:

# Datajacks I/O SPUs Memory Cost Essence

     2           2           50      55,000       .65
     3           3          100      87,500      1.00
     4           4          150     120,000      1.40
     5           5          200     155,000      1.75

Level 4:

# Datajacks I/O SPUs Memory Cost Essence

     2           2           50      90,000       .75
     3           3          100     140,500      1.20
     4           4          150     190,000      1.65
     5           5          200     240,000      2.00
[A little, pricey, don't you think?]««<
      --  Splut <01:48:16/10-21-52>

[Depends on what you need it for. Any

person using 5 datajacks will most likely have the money for it, or the corporate backing. Of course, for a complete level 4 system, you are looking at about 350k or so.]««<

  1. - Trog the Gnome <01:51:10/10-21-52>
[Don't forget to get a Math SPU.

Multitasking can slow down system response, which can be deadly if you are decking. A Math SPU helps to alleviate some of that system delay.]««<

  1. - Fiddler <01:55:43/10-21-52>
[Correction. A complete level 4 system

will cost you about 380k.]««<

  1. - Trog the Gnome <01:58:58/10-21-92>
[Any truth to the rumors that Yoshida Tech

is trying to match up the encephalon processor into the same essence friendly system?

This would be mint because you could drop in a complete multiport setup with completely matched components.]««<

  1. - Slipspeed <02:03:41/10-21-52>
[Yes we are. We have encountered two

major problems though. First, the encephalon base processor doesn't like to be very friendly, apparently. Computer processors don't work well together unless they are synced up correctly, and even then it is a pretty uneasy working relationship. Our subsystems get the processors to “be friendly” by having a less than .00003% data clash rate. Unfortunately, when we add in the processors for the encephalon expert system, it fights like hell to dominate the other processors, raising data clashes to .0074%. While this is well below typical multitasking operation levels, it doesn't meet our purposes of making it easy on the human mind. Research continues and I think we will have a viable product on the market within about six to eight months.

The other problem is in manufacturing. Right now we have sixteen different clustered systems available. If we offer every level of encephalon with every level of I/O subsystem, we will be looking at manufacturing 64 different products, which would probably make the costs prohibitive. But then again, that isn't my department. I just get the stuff made, it is up to someone else in the company to sell the damn things.]««

  1. - Lincoln Howe

Vice President of Cybertronics and

          Matrix Research
          Yoshida Technologies

2054 Fashion Guide, dateline Seattle

Those who are fashion conscious have, for ages, been looking for the 'look' which will bring them the attention that they know they deserve. In the past, one might have gone to a plastic surgeon to make you more attractive and younger looking. But this is a new, awakened world. And people of all races and creeds are looking to a new direction. The direction of genetics

As we move full-steam into the second half of the twenty-first century, we must keep in mind that the tremendous breakthoroughs in genetic engineering…

35 Mp deleted
      -- Jander  (12:30:33/03-15-54)

[Relax, you've seen it all before. Look back

into the 'Shadowtech' stuff and it explains all the gene-tech and grafting. I figured it would save space that you all need to add your own comments. Share and enjoy.]««<

  1. - Tyger (Any Time / Any When)

This year, the big hoopla was centered on Seattle.

[You expected differently?]««<
      -- Ursia  (12:45:32/03-15-54)

A new company, AnthroCo., a subsidiary of Aztechnology, has announced a breakthrough in genetics. The ability to alter any human, or metahuman to specific styles. If you thought a Mortimer Greatcoat was style defined, you should see what AnthroCo. has in store for you!

50 Mp deleted

[Ok, keep your pants on. If you really want

to see this background stuff, download a copy of 'Snazzy' magazine. It's all in there. But keep in mind that 'Snazzy' is also a subsid of Aztech. So you can expect a lot of flag waiving and general grandstanding.

The gist is talking to the scientists and letting them rave on about the process. All it is grafting animal DNA to human (& metahuman) genes through a process that they really don't explain, and I could really care less. All I know is it works. I figured that I could cut to the chase and let you folks cruise over the actual meat & potato(e)s of this article. If you want to read useless junk, go right on ahead…]««<

      >>>Tyger  (Any time / Any when)

The processes:

“The actual process is broken down into individual parts.” explains Dr. J Hamilton of AntrhroCo. “For each individual case, we sit down with the prospective patient and ask them what they want done, we work over the details, and work out a plan. Within a week of the first incision, the patient can walk out the door.” He says.

[Don't even think of walking in the door

unless you have a LOT of Nuyen to spare. It aint cheap, and the permit can be murder. More on that later. I'll let the boys talk about that.]««<

  1. - Abigail (06:34:25/03-19-54)

“We work one on one with each patient, so they are pleased with the end result.” Says Dr. Hamilton. With this work ethic, it's no wonder the list is growing the rate it is. “We have some ready made package deals available,” Dr. Hamilton says. “Because we expect requests for some of the more common animals. However, we can do custom work, and anything is possible in our laboratories.”

70 Mp Deleted
[We interrupt this bit of flag waiving to

bring you…. the TRUTH! What they don't tell you ANYWHERE in the article is how much it costs. So me and a few of the boys went into Aztech to bring you what it costs THEM to give all you people the 'look' you always wanted and never needed.]««<

       >>>Tyger  (Any time / Any when)

Process B.I. Cost Min. Facial Alterations .1 1,500 Maj. Facial Alterations .5 3,000 This covers moving ears around, modifying cheekbones, rounding out the head, and the like. Minor alteration still leaves you looking vaguely like who you started as. Major is a real trip to the wildside. Muzzle (Short) .3 6,000 Muzzle (Long) .7 8,000 A bit more drastic than the facial alterations, but a must for the full fuzz features. Mind you, this cost is on top of the facials! Ouch! Natural Fangs .3 1,500 Natural Claws .4 3,500 Retractable Claws .5 4,500 Horns (Small) .1 3,500 Horns (Large) .4 6,000 Hooves .5 6,000 What animal would be complete without claws? These are self explanatory. The claws do the same damage as a set of hand razors. They remove your old nails to put in the claws. And they do grow back. The horns do (Str)L1 for small, and (Str)S4 for large. (For the Shadowrun 2 people out there, this roughly translates into (Str)L for the small, and (Str+2)S for large, These are BIG HORNS!!!) The small horns are like devil horns, the large ones are like bulls and big- horn rams.

NOTE: This is all dependent on the animal type! If you get rams horns, the large horn damage is “STUN” only seeing the it's only impact. If you get a bull type of large horns, it is 'physical' slash / puncture damage. It's a GM's discretion and final call

Hooves is a weird one, they reconstruct your hands to be something like a club, leaving you with two fingers and an opposable thumb. This can screw your life over a bit (-4 on all skills dependent on finger manipulation, like all B/R skills, firearms, any instrument skill (Except, arguably, drumming…), bike, car, throwing, and so on). So why bother? Well, it acts as a natural club, but it hurts a lot more! <(STR)S2 in 1st ed, (Str)S in 2nd> And, wow. Oh yah, there's rumors of a weaponsmith who'll custom fit a gun for your 'hands', if you got the cash.

Extended Mandibles .9 10,000 Very insect like. See the 'Mantis' package notes for more info. Tail .3 3,000 Combat Tail .6 4,500 A normal tail is just that, a tail. The normal model (if you can call it that) is decorative, and only enhances the look. It can, however, be made to act like a real tail in all aspects of the term, mainly that of balance. This costs the surgical team an extra thousand Nuyen . But it screws your posture but good. Don't worry chummers, they make sure it all works fine in the end product (Pardon the pun), and there isn't any fatigue. (But it's funnier than drek watchin' a 'morph walking with their butts sticking out…) The combat tail is weighted, and can have a poison injector inside it (And that's not only illegal, but it costs ESSENCE to install the 'stinger' injector <.2 for the injector, and it's retractable too!> But since when did that ever stop us?) The injector holds four doses of anything you put into it. (4 human doses. You adjust accordingly per race.) Either way, either tail is sturdy enough to use as a hand (at about 1/2 Quickness) and it can be used to hold onto large objects. But believe you/me. It can't hold a troll…

Digitigrade Legs 1.75 10,000 Quadruped System 2.9* 50,000 Fur / Scales .75 20,000 Skinchange .2 5,000 Heavy Scales 1.0 25,000 Full Exo-Skeleton 2.0 50,000 Frame Alterations 1.5 20,000

  • The Quadroped system takes 2.9 Essence

Digitigrade legs move your feet so you walk on the tips, a lot like a dog. Trust me, this really screws you up for a week or so. (+7 to all action-oriented target numbers. This number goes down one per day, as you get used to it.) But the advantage is it can make you move like a banshee in heat once you get into it. (+2 to reaction, and it adds +3 to quickness for movement purposes only.) The 'quadroped system' is a fun one. They rip out your skeleton, and replace it with a plasteel one. Now, it's not like the OTHER 'steel skeleton' the sammies know and love. It's not armored. But, once you activate it, it runs through pistons and wires and makes you a 4 legged version of the animal you're sculpted to be.

The bad part. You have to have the digitigrade legs, starter. You get the most realistic sculpt you can (read, the most expensive), and then you go under the knife. Once you get it, it takes about five minutes for the full change over. When it's done, you look like either a really small bear, a really big doggie, or an average size lion.

What's so bad? From what we hear, the process is painful the first few times you use it, and you have to get used to walking on all 4's, and all your cyberware may not fit you anymore, and your armor won't fit, and so on and so forth. You can get 'customised' armor made up, if you'd like, if you can find someone to make it for you.

There is a brighter side, tho'. Because your using all 4 limbs for movement only, it tends to make you faster and more agile. <+2 dice athletics, +3 quickness, and a +1 to reaction when in full form> It also tends to make a Johnson a bit more lucrative in the cash department, soka?

A skinchange just pigments the dermis to a color pattern of your choice. This can simulate anything from a white rabbit to a orange and black striped tiger to a black & white zebra. Once you choose it, it doesn't change, it's permanent, kids. That is, until you go in for a different style. It's like a tattoo with an attitude, really.

The fur and scales are pretty much self explanatory. There is a chance of getting cancer from this process.

Heavy scales give the person actual armor! (1 ballistic, 2 impact) The full Exo-skeleton is even more so! (4 Ballistic, 4 Impact) but it munches your speed <+1 to all active skills for heavy scales, and +2 to all active skills for the exo-skeleton, including firearms! Also, a - 1 to quickness for heavy scales, -2 for exo- skeleton>. All in the quest to be a walking panzer, I guess.

Frame alterations basically make you smaller or bigger. Our figures guess somewhere around the 15-35% mark each way. This is covered in the other posting of 'biosculpting', but it's included in here so you can look more like a beast of your choice. I mean, who'd be intimidated by a scrawny little bear? (I know some guys who'd hug you instead a shooting you!)

Keep in mind that all those prices was the factory cost! The cost at the Seattle AnthroCo. Clinic is about x1.5 that cost, and a ripperdoc's cost can be higher still.

And, before you forget, remember you need permits for implanted weapons! AnthroCo. is generous enough to register you as an armed 'anthropomorph' in Lone-Star files. But, a ripperdoc doesn't ask questions (usually). The cost of the permit is equal to a weapon of like. (For example, a small blade weapon will cover fangs and claws. And a large bladed weapon will cover the larger horns.)

Package deals:

“Because of the high demand on certain types of changeovers,” Dr. Kass says “We have package deals that cover all the basics of a certain animal type. In the past, we have gotten some rather obscure requests, but we can do virtually anything that a customer can think up.”

[Sorry to interrupt again, but I feel I have to

apologize. See, the rest of this is all color adverts. And, seeing the medium I'm using, I can't show the photos. Now, granted, they look real nice. But the words are as effective. Oh yeah, remember that this is the cost to the consumer if you go to AnthroCo. Buyer beware? Neh? So, again, Sorry about the no-photos.]««<

  1. - Tyger (Any Time / Any When)
[Sure, he can blot out a time-date stamp,

but he can't zap a simple picture. Ha.]««<

  1. - Jander (00:49:23/03-23:54)


This package has a few incarnations. The first is a slight modification, only changing the facial features slightly and adding a tail. (Minor facial, Short muzzle, a tail and skinchange. Body: .9 Cost : 23,250

The second is a more striking cat, stronger features, and a stronger appearance. (Major facial, short muzzle, natch fangs, retractable claws, tail, fur[you specify pattern]

Body: 2.65 Cost : 57,000

[Expensive, yes.. But worth every


      >>>Tyger  (Any Time / Any When)
[Says you, you mangy furball.]««<
      -- Rascal  (17:38:46/04:10:54)


Again, this comes in stages. Dependent on your needs. For example, the pit-bull, a popular option for the back-alley types, is easily done. (Major facial, muzzle (short), natural fangs, (tail is negligible), digitigrade legs, fur. Body: 3.6 Cost: 60,750 This package also covers many other types of species such as wolves, foxes, and the like. »»>[Mix and match the price list above, I know an elf who had a fox conversion. Neat guy, too bad about the choice, however…]««< »>Tyger (Any Time / Any When) »»>[Yah, right.]««< »>Kit (14:14:14/03-21-54) Mantis We offer this mainly because we have had several requests for it in the Seattle area. It consists of replacing the body with the full exoskeleton and adding the mandibles. The effect is disturbing, if the user wants it to be. (Frame alteration, mandibles, and the exoskeleton). Body: 4.4 Cost: 120,000 We have also done one conversion to a scorpion-type humanoid for an up and coming urbanbrawler. Be watching the vids for him! »»>[I wouldn't go for this one, chummers.]««< – Rascal (13:23:55/03-20-54) »»>[Why not?]««< – Wolfman (13:24:10/03-20-54) »»>[I don't know the details, but it seems there was this guy who likened himself to an insect, something about the perfect predator and his connections. Well, he saved up the money and got himself a conversion. On the way out of the ripperdoc, he was geeked by about thirty 'runners all yelling it was a bug and it should be killed. Personally, I was on the other end of the sprawl when it happened…]««< – Rascal (13:25:12/04-02-54) Minotaur Again, this was by special request, but it was so interesting that we have added it to the line. This was made for 'Minotaur', a no-holds combat fighter on the Tri-vids. It has caused quite a stir, and it's now available to the public. (Major facial, Long muzzle, digitigrade legs, skinchange, and large horns. The tail is negligible. Body: 3.55 Cost: 48,000 »»>[Obviously, not for the carnivore in your life…]««< »>Jander (23:30:43/03-29-54) Dracoforms This style had long been popular. The fact that the Tri-vid show “Dinosaurs” has done so well is a tribute to this. So we offer this for the true beasts that roam the streets. (Minor facial, Short muzzle (or long, but this one is for short), natch fangs, retract claws, combat tail, digitigrade legs and scales). Body: 4.0 Cost: 60,000 »»>[Keep in mind they will add whatever you want to add. A chummer of mine had this done, and he got the heavy scales and got an injector on the tail. WOW! This guy can rock with the best of them! Oh yeah, this is a fun convert if you like to slam in the local mosh pit!]««< – Predator (10:32:52/04-01-54) »»>[Dunkelzahn won't be amused.]««< – Highwayman (17:33:54/04-08-54) »»>[Really?]««< – Dunkelzahn (–:–:–/–:–:–) »»>[HUH?!?]««< – Jander (13:23:11/04-10-54) Bears Some people are naturally drawn to bears of all kinds, so we include this with our stock exotica forms. (Minor facial, Short muzzle, natch fangs, natch claws, tail (negligible in costs) and fur). Body: 1.95 Cost : 48,750 »»>[There's a troll out there somewhere with this. I had the honor to work with him once. Awesome doesn't even begin to describe this guy. Honest to ghost, this guy picked up three Lone Star's and threw them across the street! Simultaneously! One mean bear. I'd like to work with this guy again sometime…]««< – Flynn (06:23:54/03-22-54) »»>[Thanks.]««< – Ursia (23:55:23/03-25-54) Equines Horses have often been signs of strength, loyalty, and bravery. So it seemed natural to include this into the package lists of AnthroCo. Any coat pattern can be made. (Major facial, long muzzle, hooves, fur skinchange, tail, and frame alteration). Body: 3.5 Cost: 53,250 »»>[I've heard a rumor that there's a ripperdoc somewhere in Chicago that's willing to do one of these with a twist. Seems he's found a way to make 'Joe Public' into a Pegasus furry or a unicorn! Again, I dunno the validity of this, but I can tell you that a chummer To mine said one of the 'houses of pleasurable delights' over there has a uni- morph as a “paid employee”. Then again, he's one to over-use a BTL, ya know…]««< – Zappy (19:58:33/04-9-54) »»>[NO RUMOR!!! It's fact! He also knows a way to make a Pegasus furry FLY! An eagle shaman friend of mine said it was some quickened thing, but it was spooky. Whoever he was got shot down by UCAS as a UFO and was taken in for questioning… 'just hope they don't ask 'bout me.]««< – Tyger (Any Time / Any When) Gadgets Todd Montgomery ( Spesdod Ethan Court The spetsdod is a very sophisticated weapon, consisting of a semi-adhesive block of plastic, a 6“ barrel, and a reloading port for magazines of various sorts. The plastic adheres to the flesh of the wielder when a chemical is added to the mixture to make it pliant. The barrel is then braced in the material, behind the index finger on the hand, and a second chemical is added to the plastic, causing it to become firm and fixed in position - for the duration of its use, a part of the wielder. It is this very facility with which this weapon can be used that makes it so dangerous. Should a person who is not fully proficient with the weapon attempt to wield it, he more often than not ends up shooting either himself of his comrades. The reason for this are simple; to fire the spetsdod, one merely points. A self-regenerating chemical compound exists at the very tip of the barrel which reacts to the fingernail of the wielder. This reaction causes the weapon to fire. It is the very simplicity of this trigger which makes the weapon so deadly, either to the wielder or to his foes. Until one has truly become proficient in the use of the spetsdod (i.e., specialized) one stands a good chance of firing unintentionally. For game purposes this means that if any arm motion occurs, the GM has the option to ask for a Willpower test -target number based on the difficulty of resisting consciously an unconscious habit - to see if the wielder shoots himself, a comrade, Mr. Johnson, etc. Also, due to the fact that this is a dart weapon, it is ineffective when hitting impact armor greater than 1. To reflect the fact that the majority of shots are called shots, and that firing is no more difficult than pointing, the Target Number modifier for Called Shot is halved, making it +2. Also reflecting the facility of firing the weapon is the fact that a specialized wielder suffers no off-hand penalty. This is a military variant of the Narcoject weapon, and as such is only available to those functioning in that capacity. This is a prototypical weapon, only now finding use in the UCAS Special Forces. Rumors abound of similar devices in use by the security forces of Aztlan, Japan, Renraku, CAS, and elsewhere. The spetsdod, meaning “point death,” is just now being touted in CFS as the “natural way,” and thus has seen a dramatic surge in its use by CFS security forces. The spetsdod is capable of fully-automatic fire, though seldom necessary. Because the spetsdod is gas-powered, there is no appreciable recoil. Each dart in the burst is treated as an individual shot, for purposes of targeting and resistance tests. The power of the damage code is cumulative, however, for burst fire and full auto, adding +1 to the power for each shot fired, including the primary. Type: Special Base Price: 3,600¥ Conceal: 7 Legality: 4P-E (w/o ammo) Ammo: 15 (clip) Damage: As per dart Availability: 18/21 days Weight: .25 AMMUNITION TYPES Civilian Darts ShokTox: 6D Stun. Touch sufficient. No side affects if resisted. 200¥ each. Stinger: No damage unless dart hits a vulnerable area. Treat at nuisance allergy otherwise. 100¥ each Military Darts DTox: Deadly venom. 3D damage. Eaten or injected. Neurotoxin. No side effects if resisted. SPAZM: No damage. Target resists 6D. If failed, all voluntary muscles knot up uncontrollably. Approximately 6 months of physical therapy will be required to restore use to patient. This is a genengineered virus, which mutates beyond the speed of possible cures. Dart Statistics: Conceal: 8 Legality / Availability: Stinger 10E 4/48hrs ShokTox 3F 4/48hrs. DTox 18L 14/14days SPAZM 26L 14/30days RANGE/Target # Table Short Med. Long Extreme 0-5 6-10 11-12 13-50 Target # 4 5 6 9 Taser / Hand Razor Combination Michael Crowley lt;> This item is a new device for those scrupulous razorguys and gals out there who need to bring somebody down quick, and discreetly, and didn't bring a Panther Cannon to do it with. It is basically hand razors, modified to a shape that allows good aerodynamics, as well as being slightly detachable. Attached to the tips of the hand razors, which can be installed in any or all fingers (excluding the thumb) of either hand without much room being taken up, are spools of very thin conductive wire that run back to a tiny, high-voltage battery. The entire setup is separately insulated. Due to the need for such insulation, however, these devices cannot be installed without at the very least a cybernetic hand replacement. The battery is in its own small compartment, with an access door optional for quick replacement. If more than one finger is set up to hold a dart, all of the wires run back to the same battery, but the battery must be of a higher grade (see table below). The battery can only be used once per level before needing recharging, counting each separate dart as a separate use. Smartgun adapters may not be used with these weapons. Upon firing the dart(s), the attacker makes a typical firearms success test, just as if he/she was firing a regular taser. Each additional dart fired at one time is affected just the same as a shot would be affected by recoil, (i.e. +1 TN modifier), and is rolled for separately as if it was a totally different shot, which it is. Regardless of whether the dart(s) hit or not, a charge goes down the wire to the tip of the dart(s) upon contact. If they hit their intended target, the victim must defend against 10S2 (stun) damage, adjusted by whatever extra successes the attacker might have. If the victim takes deadly stun damage from this weapon alone, he/she is paralyzed for 2D6 turns. After discharging, if the option is bought, the darts may be rolled back into place, but this action makes the hand inactive for 2 turns, in order for the tiny internal motor to do its work. Due to the fact that they conceal so well, and have a very good take-down factor, these weapons are highly illegal, unless you have the right pieces of paper to specify that you are permitted to carry them. A regular Cybergun permit will apply to these as well. Name/option Cost Taser/Razor Combo, one dart, no battery, no retractor 11,000 Each additional dart 1,000 Grade 1 battery 200 Grade 2 battery 450 Grade 3 battery 750 Grade 4 battery 1,000 Dart & Wire retractor 1,500 BRAND NAME EQUIPMENT Todd Montgomery Lester Ward The following equipment is created using the brand name rules found earlier in this tome. SMARTLINK OPTIONS Colt Frontline Smartlink This requires a datajack. A cord connects the gun and the users datajack. This either requires a special port for the gun (for smartgun variants of weapons) or a standard smartgun adapter. No other connection with the gun works. (No palm induction pads..) This is a cheap system that requires a Complex Action to hook up and start up. Colt markets this to military units, and is therefore popular among mercs. Essence: 0.2 Price: 1,000 Availability: 3/36 hrs Street Index: 1.1 Maintenance: 6/10%(100¥) Damage Resistance: 5/6 Legality: 5P-CA Colt Commando Smartlink Like the Frontline but does not require datajack. Instead the gun is connected to small special plugs installed in the wrist. Again this is aimed at military units. Essence: 0.35 Price: 2,000 Availability: 3/36 hrs Street Index: 1.1 Maintenance: 4/10%(200¥) Damage Resistance: 6/8 Legality: 5P-CA Ares Stealth™ Smartlink Standard smartlink. But the induction pad is subdermal and nearly undetectable both visually and by scanners (double Target Number). This system can be used with average thickness gloves. This piece comes in the all the standard Ares lines. The base stats are below. Essence: 0.5 Price: 10,000 Availability: 5/14 days Street Index: 1.25 Maintenance: As brand Damage Resistance: As brand Legality: 4-CA DATAJACK OPTIONS Ares Stealth™ Induction Datajacks These function just like there standard counterpart. The difference is that the port is inductive in nature allowing the jack to be all but invisible to sight and scanners double Target Numbers). For these jacks to be used a special cable (20Y) must be used. A special gel (10 uses, 1Y) must be used to reduce the motion artifact of the inductive connection. These come in all the standard Ares lines. Level Essence Price 1 0.15 2,000 2 0.20 4,000 3 0.30 16,000 Availability: Always Street Index: 1.0 Legality: Legal Fuchi Bodyjacks Standard datajacks, available in all levels, that can be mounted in optional places. The common locations are top of the shoulders, the wrists, and under the armpits. Fuchi carries these in all there lines of datajacks. Essence: +0.05 Price: +300 Availability: Legal Street Index: 0.9 Legality: Legal »»[ The armpits are perfect for connecting enough storage to capture what your vid link is picking up without dangling cords giving you away.]«« -Wordman<09:48:46 GMT/02-13-53> MCT Permanent Softlink Standard softlink chip holders, available in all levels, that are mounted entirely within the head. This makes them unreachable except through surgery. This makes them undetectable by visible searches and scanners are all but defeated (double Target Numbers). Essence: -0.05 Price: x3 Availability: 3/72 hrs Street Index: 1.0 Legality: Legal REFLEX ENHANCERS OPTIONS Ares React™ System This state-of-the art Wired Reflex™ System offers a more Essence friendly package for less money than standard systems. The reason for the less essence cost is because the users reaction is set and consistent every time. No more quick then slow just because of whim of cyberware. The patented adrenaline release system provides an even flow of adrenaline to all body parts and heightens those areas that need it the most. The user still only gets the standard 1D6 for Initiative. Ares currently offers this piece in all of its lines. These systems CAN NOT be combined with other reflex enhancements. Level React. Essence Price 1 +2 1.2 29,000 2 +4 2.8 87,000 3 +6 3.0 153,000 Level Index Availability Legality 1 1.0 5/14 days 8P-CB 2 1.25 5/14 days 5P-CB 3 1.5 8/14 days 3-CC »»[This piece is a mixed blessing. Typically the users react to this little jewel in much the same way as the users of a suprathyroid gland (i.e. FOOD). Except the system is always ON. These people generally act as if they are in fast mode. When someone asked Ares about this affect they flatly denied it. Of course that point is not advertised along with the product.]«« -Quiktek<10:51:26 GMT/01-18-53> Raineer Crossman Heightened Reflex System John Modica This system uses a secret design to provide the user with that needed speed boost. These systems are incompatible with other reflex enhancement systems, including synaptic accelerators. Level Init. Essence Price 1 +1D6 1.4 27,000 2 +2D6 2.1 75,000 3 +3D6 3.5 185,000 Level Index Availability Legality 1 1.0 4/3 days 8P-CB 2 1.25 4/6 days 5P-CB 3 1.5 6/10 days 3-CC Maintenance: 2/10% Damage Resistance: 8/10 »»[ This chrome is rapidly getting into vogue with gangers of all stripes and colors. Cheaper than Wired Reflex™ and not as permanent as Boosted™. This will assure that the streets will stay mean.]«« -Black Chain<07:14:55/10-02-52> Ares Reflex Controller This controller attaches to existing Reflex Enhancement Cyberware, except Boosted, and provides a convenient ON/OFF Switch for preservation of system usage. Activation of the system is by mere thought and takes a Free Action to accomplish. While the system is dormant, the user does not acquire the systems bonuses to his reflexes. When activated the system does provide its bonuses. The long term effect of this controller is x6 to the maintenance frequency and division of maintenance cost per year by a remarkable factor of 4 (i.e. 10% → 2.5%). Of course these effects are entirely dependent on the reduction in usage time of the cyber system. This controller is carried by all Ares lines. Essence: 0.1 Price: 500 Availability: 3/36 hrs Street Index: 0.9 Maintenance: 6/5%(25¥) Damage Resistance: 8/10 Legality: As Reflex System controlled Shiawase Booster This revolutionary system relies totally on the bodies natural andrenal gland to produce some hefty results. A small “sack” collects adrenaline at a constant SLOW rate. When the user activates the system (like the Ares Controller above) the adrenaline is released at a constant proscribed level into the users system. The only components are the “sack” and the control circuitry wired as an interface module. The adrenal “boost” lasts for only a short time as the adrenaline supply is depleted. This jewel acts much like the adrenal pump but without the spontaneous triggering from anger and such. The effects of overexertion with the heart that is common to the adrenal pump is still a problem. The pump can only be activated by the control circuitry. Level Essence Price 1 1.30 29,000 2 2.60 87,000 Level Index Availability Legality 1 3.5 12/70 days 5P-CB 2 4.0 12/70 days 5P-CB Maintenance: 4/10% Damage Resistance: 8/10 PACKAGE DEALS Sometimes manufacturers produce packages of cyber items especially designed to be a homogeneous item, such as the clustered datajacks earlier. Some additional examples are below. The total, unmodified, essence and price are given in parenthesis. Optical, Audial and Other Packages These packages were provided by Wordman. Thanx. I took his idea and expanded on it and included some more rules. The only disadvantages are that the packages are ONE unit and can not be modified or upgraded without taking the whole thing out. Zeiss Full Spectrum Cybereyes with Thermographic, Low-Light, and Flare Compensation Essence: 0.2 Cost: 10,000¥ (13,000¥) Availability: 5/48 hrs. Maintenance: 4/7.5% Street Index: 1.1 Damage Resistance: 10/12 Colt Scout Cybereyes with Low-Light, Flare Compensation, Optical Mag. 2, and Rangefinder Essence: 0.25 (0.3) Cost: 12,800¥ (16,000¥) Availability: 8/48 hrs Maintenance: 3/12% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Colt Sniper Cybereyes with Thermographic, Low-Light, Flare Compensation, Optical Mag. 3, and Rangefinder Essence: 0.4 (0.5) Cost: 17,500¥Y (21,000¥) Availability: 8/48hrs Maintenance: 3/12% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 »»[ I hear that this package is STANDARD issue to the UCAS Armed Forces Sharp Shooting units. ]«« -Quiktek<10:10:54/01-19-53> Nikkon Tourister Cybereyes with Camera, Electronic Mag. 1, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Recorder Essence: 0.6 Cost: 22,000¥ (27,500¥) Availability: 6/24hrs Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Nikkon ProSystem Cybereyes with Camera, Optical Mag. 3, Low-Light, Flare Compensation, Datajack Level 4, 300 Mp Memory (FIFF) Essence: 1.7 (1.85) Cost: 55,000¥ (70,000¥) Availability: 6/24hr Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: 12/15 »»[ Used by every fashion photographer and news fax writer worth their salt. ]«« -Quiktek<10:18:43/01-19-53> RCA Vidpack Cybereyes with Video Link, Datajack Level 1, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Recorder Essence: 0.9 Cost: 38,000¥ (48,000¥) Availability: 6/24hrs Maintenance: 2/10% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Sony XB5000 Cybereyes with Video Link, Optical Mag. 3, Datajack Level 4, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Cyberears with Select Sound Filter Level 5 Essence: 1.25 Cost: 80,000¥ (104,500¥) Availability: 6/24hrs Maintenance: 2/10% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Fuchi VI300 Cybereyes with Video Link, Optical Mag. 3, Low-Light, Flare Compensation, Thermographic, Datajack Level 4, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Cyberears with Select Sound Filter Level 5, Hearing Amp., Damper This package is part of the Fuchi-Synth line. Essence: 1.9 (2.05) Cost: 96,000¥ (119,500¥) Availability: 8/48hrs Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.1 Damage Resistance: 12/15 RCA Tridpack Eyecrafters Opticam, Datajack Level 1, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Recorder Essence: 0.9 Cost: 36,000¥ (46,000¥) Availability: 6/24hrs Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Fuchi FullTrid Eyecrafters Opticam with Optical Mag. 3 instead of Electronic Mag. 1, Dr. Spott Smartcam Implant, Low-Light, Flare Compensation, Thermographic, Datajack Level 4, 90 Mp Memory (FIFF), Cyberears with Select Sound Filter Level 5, Hearing Amp., Damper This package is part of the Fuchi-Synth line. Essence: 2.1 (2.25) Cost: 103,000¥ (127,500¥) Availability: 10/7 days Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: 12/15 »»[ Awe… Watch out for those Cybersnoops. This is their deal. ]«« -Quiktek<10:36:23/01-19-53> Bose Voxx System Voice Modulator (Rating 6), Increased Volume, Playback, Tonal Shift Essence: 0.4 Cost: 165,000Y (220,000Y) Availability: 6/24hrs Maintenance: 3/12% Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: 10/12 Shiawase Filter Suite Air Filter 5, Blood Filters 5, Toxin Filter 5 Essence: 2.3 (2.5) Cost: 140,000¥ (175,000¥) Availability: 6/4 days Maintenance: 3/10% Street Index: 1.1 Damage Resistance: 12/15 Sony Skillman Skillwires Plus Rating 3, Softlink Rating 3 Essence: 0.55 Cost: 40,000¥ (49,000¥Y) Availability: 4/10 days Maintenance: As brand Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: As brand Ares Skillmaster Skillwires Plus Rating 6, Softlink Rating 4, Encephalon Rating 4, SPU: I/O Rating 4 Essence: 3.5 Cost: 720,000¥ (895,500¥) Availability: 5/10 days Maintenance: As brand Street Index: 1.0 Damage Resistance: As brand »»[ A chummer told me that some of Ares' Company Men are wired with these babies. BURRRRRRR…… Scary thought.]«« -Quiktek<10:47:25/01-19-53> Ares Stealth™ Radio Suite Radio, Commlink-IV, Crypto Circuit HD Level 6 Essence: 0.8 (0.9) Cost: 110,000¥ (142,000¥) Availability: 6/36hrs Maintenance: As brand Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: As brand Ares Securetech Headphone Telephone, Commlink-VIII, Crypto Circuit HD Level 6 Essence: 0.6 (0.65) Cost: 122,000¥ (163,700¥) Availability: 6/36hrs Maintenance: As brand Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: As brand Ares BattleLink Radio, Commlink-X, Crypto Circuit HD Level 6, Scramble Breaker HD Level 6 Essence: 1.0 Cost: 340,000¥ (442,000¥) Availability: 6/36hrs Maintenance: As brand Street Index: 1.2 Damage Resistance: As brand Signal Router J Roberson ( The signal router sends and receives signals. It can be plugged into any commline and functions as a node, of sorts. Cyberdecks, phones, Trid broadcasts, virtually anything that can be transmitted over the Matrix can send their signal to the LTG# of the router, which will then send the signal on to final destination. In the case of two-way transmission, the router also routes the return signal back to the source (i.e., when decking). When used, the signal router serves to confuse the Trace. Its primary application is in decking.The Trace will go to the router before it finds the decker. The Trace will get past the router, but it takes time: a number of actions equal to the rating of the router, divided by the number of successes determined by rolling the Trace's dice against the router's rating. Routers also serve to slow down any IC which must affect the intruder's deck; Killer, Blaster, Tar Baby and similar programs follow the same procedure as above, unless another program has already succeeded in getting past the router. The advantage, obviously, is time. A decker can continue to operate while the IC tries to nail him. The disadvantage is that the router slows down the decker's speed, equal to rating. For instance, a rating 6 router would subtract 6 from a decker's Initiative. A number of routers may be used, but the effects for both IC and the decker are cumulative. BUYING A ROUTER These are illegal. They are used only by government and corporate deckers to crack illegal systems; the police vs. the Mafia, the government vs. another government, corp vs. whoever has the most geld. But they are also relatively easy to make, so a request for one usually won't take more than three weeks. Cost: 5000xRating Availability: 4+Rating/12+Rating in days BUILDING A ROUTER The parts are available in most repair kits and at Radio Hut. The knowledge to build them is easy to figure out but not generally taught below the college level. The expensive part of the list price is the LTG ID codes and numbers; these are difficult to obtain and make Routers expensive. Parts Cost: 1500xRating Note: Cost not lowered by # of successes. Base Time: 6+Rating in days Target #: 2+Rating Notes: You probably don't want the parts cost to be lowered by # of successes because either you have the parts or you don't. Most of cost covers the LTG hardware anyway. Expert Systems Robert A. Hayden ( The dream of any computer programmer is to develop an artificially intelligent computer. Well, Yoshida technologies is proud to announce that it has taken the first step into the world of AI with its new line of expert systems. Configured for use with present skillsofts, these systems provide maximum flexibility and usefulness. An Expert System is sometimes considered to be a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence. Single minded in task, it is able to conduct research many hundreds of times faster than a human could. An expert system is a research system and does just that, research. The system uses current information to make logical “guesses” and extrapolations about something unknown. First appearing in the engineering field and other physical sciences, these computer systems dramatically decreased the time required to take a product or idea from concept to execution by running simulations within itself, locating problems, refining the model, and repeating these steps, gradually working the “bugs” out of the system. WHAT IS NEEDED All expert systems consist of four parts. These parts are: The Expert System firmware A Knowsoft for the Technical, Knowledge or B/R Skill A Datasoft for the same skill A personal computer to provide an interface (requires memory equal to the Mp of the datasoft plus the Mp of the knowsoft times .5) Expert System Firmware The Firmware is really just a handful of computer processors designed specifically to work with data and make decisions. Each firmware is unique to the type of data it works with, so, for example, an Electronics system will not work with Physical Science Know- and Datasofts. Level Intelligence Price —————————— 1 1 Int 18,000 2 2 Int 35,000 3 3 Int 70,000 4 4 Int 105,000 Knowsofts: A Knowsoft will be used to synthesize the simulations for the expert system. These are the same Knowsofts utilized in a chipjack. Datasofts: These provide the raw library of information for the system. Sizes and prices of this library can vary, but a good base is as follows: Type Size Price ———————————————— General 10 times the size Mp x 20 of the Knowsoft in Mp Concentration 7 times the size Mp x 50 of the Knowsoft in Mp Specialization 4 times the size Mp x 100 of the Knowsoft in Mp NOTE: These prices are only guidelines and can vary with the data. A Hermetic library (required for spell re search) costs 100/Mp for example. Personal Computer: Provides the interface between the user and the expert system along with working memory and additional processing power. Must have memory equal to 1/2 the sum of the MPs of the Knowsoft and the Datasoft. HOW TO USE Any time a character chooses to do something that can take a great deal of time, such as writing a program or researching a hermetic spell for example, a research oriented expert system can be given the tasks and will dramatically reduce the time involved. The maximum rating of that being researched cannot exceed the level of the Knowsoft. To determine the amount of time it will take for the expert system to perform its task, multiply its rating by 50 and divide the base time required by this number. A level 4 system could perform a 200 day task in a mere day, for example. Once the computer has finished its computations, the GM should secretly roll a success test. The target number will vary with the complexity of the task, but usually the rating of that being researched is used. Roll the number of dice equal to the Intelligence of the computer. If the check succeeds, the computer has produced a correct answer (but remember, the player doesn't know this.) If the check fails, it must be determined if the computer realizes it has failed. Subtract the computer's intelligence from the previous target number. Roll the computer's intelligence in dice against this new target number. If you succeed, the computer knows it fails and informs the player. If the computer fails this check, it believes it has a working answer and gives it to the player. If the computer rolls all ones, use of the solution should have some kind of disastrous effect on the player. If a computer fails, and knows it has failed, it can keep working. Allow the same amount of time to pass as previous and make the checks again, but lower the target numbers by one. A computer can continue on a problem a number of times equal to its intelligence. Example: A decker is going to utilize his expert system to write himself a new level 6 MPCP program. He has a level 3 expert system with Computer Theory-6. The base time to program the MPCP is 288 days, divided by 150, yielding 1.92 days (round it to two days). The decker starts the program and walks away. Two days later he comes back. The GM rolls three dice with a target number of six and gets a 2,3 and 5. The computer has failed. The GM then rolls to see if the computer knows it. Subtract 3 from the target number of 6 and roll three dice, getting a 2,5, and 11. The computer knows it failed and tells the player, asking “Would you like me to keep working on it?” If the player says yes, he can come back in two days and see if it is done right. If so, the program is completed and ready for cooking. *End of File* BioSculpting Rob Rubin ( From Snazzy Magazine (Neo-Anarchists Guide (TRL!)), Circa 2054. Dr. Hamilton also let us in on other things that AnthroCo. is doing to improve society. “Using the exotica technique, we can alter what metahumanity looks like to an extent, she says. It has lessened the impact of goblinization on several of our clientele and their siblings.” »>“Don't believe the hype. A troll is a troll, and the best troll is a dead one.”«< -Straiff (13:43:59 \ 3/23/54) »>“Bite me.”«< -Grinder (17:22:38 \ 3/23/54) “The whole surgery is not unlike our biosculpting technique.” He went on to say. “And, as with the exotica lines, the patient is in and out within a week.” »»103 Mp deleted«« »>“Should I ask?”«< -Jander (03:42:10 \ 3/10/54) »>“No, but since you did, I deleted what wasn't necessary, because I left the real research to the boys who know the ropes, and the files, of Aztech. Oh boys? Play dat fuhnky moozic!”«< -Tyger (Any Time \ Any Where) »>“Thank you, Tyger. And greetings once again We hope to clear the air. So, on with tonight's entertainment!«< So, what can they do? Well, the answer depends on who and what you are. Let's start with a good percentage of the population, Humans. Now, they can easily make you look like a dwarf, elf, or ork. This is done with some frame alteration from the last installment. So what is a frame alteration, you ask. Well, it can increase or decrease a persons height and/or mass by about %25. This means if, for example, you're a human and you'd rather be an ork, you'd get a frame alteration, add some mass on, and you'd look like a humanish-ork. Not to say that those surgeons aren't miracle workers. I've seen pics of some nice lookin jobs. But, it just ain't the real thing! It shows too. Below is what can and cannot be done. But the impossible is just around the corner, neh? From Human To: Dwarf: Must be a short human Elf : BOD no higher than 5 STR no higher than 5 Ork : BOD no lower than 4 STR no less than 3 QUICKNESS max of 5 From Dwarf To: Human: BOD max of 6 From Elf To: Human: QUICKNESS max of 5 BOD no less than 4 Ork : BOD no less than 6 STR no less than 5 From Ork To: Human : BOD no higher than 6 STR no higher than 7 Troll : BOD no less than 5 STR no less than 5 QUICKNESS max of 5 Elf : BOD no more than 3 STR no more than 4 QUICKNESS at least 4 From Troll To: Human: BOD no more than 2 STR no more than 3 QUICKNESS at least 4 Ork : BOD no more than 3 STR no more than 5 QUICKNESS at least 3 »>This is before racial modifiers! «< -Tyger »>Mind you, if you get this done to you, you can lose not only your body index, but your body as well. Trolls tend to lose the toughened hide when they become another race. But elves hold onto their eyes (unless, natch, they're cybered.) And, hey mage-boys! Wanna see something wiz? Find a troll who now looks human, and get a load of what they look like astraly! WOW! Ever seen a more confused image? Neither did our rezi mage, he's still confused Remember, it's your life! Do what you like.”«< -da goon skwad (09:23:11\3/10/54) »>“So there you have it, the tawdry details. Trust me, it's easier to tell it this way then to spend 103 on drivel.” -Tyger (Any Time \ Any Where) Next bit, about if you can 'sculpt someone into another persona. If a player wants to do this, remind them it's a semi-permanent procedure. Once they commit, it's hard to turn back. If they REALLY WANT IT, let them have it. A good street doc can get the materials. It has a base availability of about 10, with the normal modifiers. Street index is 2.0 and up. Find a trustworthy one, chummers. The next step is the surgery. Once they go under the scalpel, roll an unresisted test using the surgeons skill. The target number is directly related to the difficulty number to detect the 'sculpt. EXAMPLE: Bob the samurai wants to look like the head man at Renraku Arcology. He goes to a really good street doc (Biotech skill of 8). He wants to be virtually perfect in appearance, so the GM decides this counts as a 15. The doc (who is smart…) asks for payment up front. The doc goes to work. He rolls his Biotech skill with a target of 15. The doc rolls (total) 2,5,7,9,13,15,16,22. With a grand total of three successes. Bob the samurai now looks like 'the man'. Anybody else who sees him must roll perception. Target of 15. If the viewer can get 3 or more successes, they notice the small flaws that give it away, like the fact that Mr. Renraku Arcology has a cleft chin, and this guy doesn't. If they don't he can pass for the real McCoy (Or whatever…) The difficulty also multiplies the cost exponentially. A good street doc (or “sculptors” as they call themselves) can start the cost at a base of 8,000 to 10,000 Nuyen. Multiply the cost of the 'sculpt by the ultimate difficulty. Let them haggle from there. Pricey, no? Keep in mind this is also going to ultimately try and fool electronic gadgets, guards, and so on. Magical security, however, remains totally unaffected by this charade. As such, the mages don't get any penalty to notice something is wrong. *End of File* Enzymatic Reinforcer Treatment Todd Montgomery [aka Quiktek] ( This chemical treatment injects a complex, non-harmful enzyme into the body. The enzyme is totally self-replicating and attaches to the human-cyberware interface units. The benefits of this are two-fold: 1) The enzyme produces a membrane over the cyber unit - nerve interface, in effect reducing the items impact on the body. Thus reducing essence loss if the enzyme is used before cyberware implantation. This effect has been termed the “HALO” Effect after the Treatments creator, Dr. John Halos Carpenter Marcus. 2) The enzyme acts as a sort of caretaker for the delicate interface. This reduces maintenance cost of cyber items and reduces the need for regular check-ups. The only disadvantage the treatment has is the fact that the enzyme lowers the bodies immune system to lower levels. This in effect means that the user has 1 point less body when dealing with diseases and toxins. The lowering of the maintenance cost works with diagnostic systems as well. Cost: 95,000Y Body Cost: 0.2 Availability: 12/60dys. Legality: Legal Street Index: 1.1 Effects: Maintenance cost is cut down to a fourth. All cyberware implanted after the treatment (except Alpha and Beta Grade, which uses a similar treatment) has a reduction in Essence Cost of 10% (Essence Cost = Essence Cost x 0.9). Matador Files Steve Wilcoxon ( [Based on the Matador series by Steve Perry.] Musashi Flex: A loose collection of fighters who constantly test themselves against one another. It is usually done one on one. The opponents decide on armed or unarmed (unarmed being more common), but sometimes resort to using hidden weapons in the event that they start to lose (the honor is in surviving). The fights can be to any extent - to the death, “blood and bones” (first blood or broken bone), submission, or some other basis for winning. The Musashi Flex is illegal in most areas as it tends to leave dead bodies around after encounters between “players”. The Maze: One of the few legally sanctioned events for the Musashi Flex, it is held periodically [however often the GM feels like making it] in a large section of abandoned buildings in [insert city]. There are 100 entrants and each must pay the 10,000Y entrance fee. The winner gets 500,000Y [it was 100% in the books]. The rules are as follows: 1) no weapons (if a weapon is used, the participant is instantly disqualified - losing their entrance fee) 2) there can be only one winner (alliances are allowed, but must be “broken” to determine a winner) 3) there is a one week time limit (if more than one entrant is left at that point, there is no winner). The rules, such as they are, are strictly enforced. A combatant is considered “out” when incapacitated (unconscious, severely wounded, or dead). There is excellent medical staff standing by so it is uncommon for someone to die. One of the most dangerous parts of the Maze is getting food. There are only 10 feeding stations which make prime sites for ambushes. Fugue: With the advent of improved technology and magic to help in determining the truth of statements, it became harder and harder to lie. Fugue is the skill of giving half-truths and undetectable mis-directions. Fugue is a social skill. The number of dice used in a fugue test can not be higher than the language skill being used. If the questioner has 2 or more levels in excess of the questionee, then fugue will do no good (the questioner knows what questions to ask to force a full answer, but he must still have a way of verifying the truth). Otherwise, an opposed success test is made between the two with a target number of the intelligence of the other. Fugue is useful against any form of mechanical lie detection short of a full brain scan (i.e. thoughts, memories, etc) [if this even exists in your game] and “simple” spells (like Detect Lie), but not more thorough spells (like Mind Probe). Bacterial Augmentation: This is a military treatment which involves injecting a short lived culture (6 months) into the patient's blood stream. The colony is self- replicating and will cause an extreme itching sensation until it is fully in place (2-3 days). The culture has the effect of greatly increasing reaction time. Effects: +2 Reaction +1D6 Initiative Body Cost: .25 [one-time cost (i.e. when re-injected in 6 months no further loss of Body occurs)] Legality: 1-M4 [this is highly restricted - anyone caught using or in possession of this will be fined and jailed (treat as upper part of M3 for sentencing)] Availability: 24/30 days Cost: variable [price is whatever the fixer/doc/whatever wants to charge] Reflex: This is a drug that boosts reflexes and heightens perceptions for short amounts of time (1D6 x 10 minutes). This drug has two side effects: 1) it is addictive [Willpower test with target number of 4 + # of doses in last week to avoid addiction], and 2) it causes the user to “crash” after the effects wear off (8S Stun). Effects: +1D6 Initiative Legality: 3-M1 Availability: 6/5d Cost: 200Y Parker Carbine: This is a .177 caliber assault rifle firing caseless high-explosive rounds mainly used by military units in war zones. Conceal: 3 Ammo: 500© [HE only] Mode: FA Damage: 6M (not adjusted for HE mods) Weight: 3.6kg empty, 5.1kg loaded Availability: 12/7d Legality: 1-G Cost: 2,500Y extras: gas-vent 2, recoil penalties are halved due to small round *End of File* Spells Buzz Chat Meteor Strike Fireflies Rain Teleportation »»>[Heyo once again chummers! None other than your fuzzy ear-to-the-pavement here to tell you about something YOU need to know about. Trust me. As usual, it's open for your comments, remarks, and crack-shots. Sorry about the cut & dry tone of it, but I pirated this off of API. (Dry & monotone defined.) The text was verbatim, I spliced in the sound bites where applicable. Share & Enjoy!]««< -Tyger API:Seattle Tuesday night there was a shooting incident near Dante's Inferno involving two rival gangs. Police are still sketchy on the incident. Eyewitness accounts claim that some of the combatants had taken several shots without any signs of injury. (Voice, male.) “Dis guy, no foolin', he took ten, twenty shots to da chest. Dinnt even flinch! An' he wasn't wearin no jacket, Check it chummer?” The police have determined that at least one of the gang members was under the influence of a spell, if not more. A Lone Star official press release states that they have no comment. »»>[No kidding! I just wanna see the body- bag sheets on this one! Lead all over the place, and one of the walking corpses took a burst without wincing! He was actually smiling!]««< -Jander <16:34:44 / 07-23-54> »»>[Seriously? We can get that for you…]««< -Da Goon Skwad <18:23:14 / 07-23-54> »»>[Errr, no thanks.]««< -Jander <18:30:35 / 07-23-54> »>5 Mp Deleted by Sysop »»>[Sorry. Tyger kinda garbled the last part. Something about the wire tap being 'violated', and a 'system corruption' It was deleted to save the collective tails of the (very, very) guilty.]««< -Shadowland <13:23:42 / 07-23-54> »»>[We all have our off days… Seriously. Any word from 'yall about what the frag those guys were on?]««< -Tyger »»>[The Almighty Tyger hasn't heard yet? I'm simply amazed. New trip called “Buzz”. First trip on us. Come on down to the 'barrens, if you want a try.]««< »»>[I'll take a no-go. But thanks for the offer.]««< -Tyger Buzz Rob Rubin / Winona RPSIG ( Type: Physical Range: Touch Target: 12 - Essence Drain: (force) S Duration: “Permanent” This spell needs a willing target. Upon successful casting, the subject has an adrenaline surge, and an endorphin rush simultaneously. It also affects the mind such that it feels nothing but pleasure. If the target has blood filters, symbiotes, pathogenic defenses, or any other filtration / purification systems, each level adds one to the target number of the caster. The spell lasts for 5 - 15 minutes (2d6 + 3). Effectively, the spell works to add a +1 to strength, +2 to willpower (to racial maximum), +1 to reaction and -2 to intelligence. (Minimum of 1.) All damage modifiers are halved (round down.) NOTE: The loss of intelligence DOES NOT effect reaction. At the time of casting, the mage can use his extra successes to either bounce up the numbers or extend the time. The stats increase by a 3-1 margin. Meaning for every 3 extra successes, the target can have a stat boosted +1. Or the mage can increase the time by 1d6 per 2 successes. The caster must make this clear before the spell is cast what successes are going where. The down side to all this, is that the spell is addictive. Every time the spell is cast on a target, the target must roll a willpower test. The target number is the force of the spell. However, they must overcome a threshold equal to their UNMODIFIED (charisma+body / 2) - 8. If they succeed, they remain 'normal' after exposure to the spell. If they fail, they are addicted to the spell's effects. (Detoxing them is the GM's problem, sorry.) Again, if the target has any filtration / purification system, they may use them as normal. Example : Bob the Samurai needs an edge. He asks Cyan, the resident mage, to cast 'buzz' on him. Cyan casts the spell, target of 11 (Bob is a samurai, remember….) Cyan then rolls 2d6, getting a 7. Meaning the spell will last ten minutes. After the ten minutes are up, Bob then rolls his willpower (Surprisingly, he has 5 dice) with a target of 3 (The spell force) and a threshold of 4 (a High body and decent charisma.) Bob rolls a 6, 5, 5, 3, 1. Bob is now addicted. Had Bob made one more success, he would have been OK. Karma can be used as usual. If the target has any bioware designed to boost the body's natural systems (synthacardium, adrenal pump, suprathyroid gland, and so on) they must make another body roll (Cyberware doesn't count), with a target number equal to the number of minutes the spell was in effect, and a threshold of the spell's force. If it fails, the target has overworked a system, and 'burned it out'. It will not work until repaired. Example : Bob has an adrenal pump. When the spell wears off, he rolls his body again. His target number is 10, and he needs 3 of them. Bob rolls 11, 10, 4, 4, 3 & 1. He's now not only addicted, but his adrenal pump has overextended itself and will not refill again. Not like he cares, he wants another hit from Cyan… Other systems are up to the discretion of the GM. Likely system failures happen in any reflex / brain based systems. (Wired, boosted reflexes, Headware memory, and so forth.) Telepathic “Chat” Stephen Wilcoxon ( Type: Detection Range: Extended Target: 4 Duration: sustained Drain: see below Note: requires voluntary target Allows the caster to “chat” with the target (must be human or metahuman). If the target is unwilling to communicate, then no link is established. Like a normal conversation, the other person in the link only knows what the “speaker” wants to tell him. There are two ways to calculate the drain code for this spell 1) From scratch new sense D superficial mind +1 sustained +1 detection spell -1 restricted tgt. -1 voluntary subject 1 extended range -1 specific target -1 total: [(F/2)-2]S 2) Based on MindLink new sense D deep mind +2 +1 sustained +1 detection spell -1 restricted tgt. -1 voluntary subj. -1 extended range -1 total: [F/2]D MeteorStrike David Altman ( Type: Physical Range: LOS Target: Body (R) Damage: D Duration: Instant Drain: [(F/2) + 6]D This spell was created and copyrighted by Lord Jefferey Farnsworth, U.C.L.A. Occult Studies. First Published in International Magick, Metaphysical, & Paranormal Association Journal, 2053. Magic Copyright code: Zurich Orbital Proprietary Knowledge Office #MS16642-SL Upon casting of this spell, a comet will fall from the sky and hit any location within the line of sight of the caster. A tremendous explosion will accompany impact, as well as secondary and collateral effects. These are resultant from the blast. This is an area-affect spell that causes physical damage, and has a Blast Elemental affect. Also, TN# will be +1 because of the disorientation on the impact. FireFlies David Altman ( Type: Physical Range: LOS Target: 4 Damage: M Duration: Sustained Drain: [(F/2) + 2]D This spell was created and copyrighted by Maxximillian “Warlock” St. Cyr, in 2054. Zurich Orbital Proprietary Knowledge Office #CFF99131-YX. Submitted to International Journal of Hermetic Magickal Science. The classification level of this spell has been established by the IAAT to be Entrant Master level or higher. DT DL +1 Physical spell +1 Sustained spell +1 Elemental (fire) Effect Damaging manipulation +1 Creates specific (Willpower) test at x1 successes This spell creates a “swarm” of fiery stars that will attack any one person that the mage designates, they will do this for a number of turns equal to the mages Sorcery rating. The mage does not have to consecutively inflict damage, but can order the Fireflies to attack, then stop, then attack again, until the spell ends. The fireflies can also set fire to anything flammable. Note: This spell is horrible to witness and feel. The fireflies attack the person by flying by him at a close distance, thus creating jagged burns marks, and essentially flaying him at the same time. This is an intimidation tool as well as a combat spell, Thus any spectator or the victim himself must make a Willpower versus the spell in order to keep from breaking down mentally. Rain Spells Chris Ryan (chrisr@FIT.QUT.EDU.AU) These area-effect spells cause a downpour (of water) in an area. Against certain targets elemental effects can occur, see GrimII p.112. This is the ONLY form of damage that occurs with these spells. If the area-effect has no targets to be affected by elemental effects (e.g. a garden bed or a human), then the spell will just wet the area affected for the sustained duration. Type: Physical Range: LOS Target: 4 Damage (For Elemental Effects only): Drizzle L Steady M Heavy S Tropical Downpour D Duration: Sustained Drain: Drizzle (F/2)L Steady (F/2)M Heavy (F/2)S Tropical Downpour (F/2)D Teleportation Doctor Doom ( Class: Manipulation Drain: (F/2)S Type: Physical Duration: Instant Target: The base Target Number is 4, modified by distance. Max. Range: Magic Attribute in km. Research and Development by: Doom Technologies & Dark Thought Publications Working on solutions best left in the dark. The threat of teleporting into a solid object is almost non-existent, applying Einstein's postulate that no matter, of any from, can occupy the space occupied by other matter. This also coincides with the precept in the Grimoire that no two auras can exist in the same space. Target location to which the magician shall teleport must be in Line of Sight. The target number may be modified by distance traveled…(the modifications presented here are “borrowed” from the optional rules regarding target number modification for LOS spells, Grimoire II, page 111) DISTANCE (meters) TARGET MOD. 0-150 None 151-300 +2 301-600 +4 601-1250 +6 1251-2500 +8 2501-5000 +10 5001+ Target not visible Also, this spell is not entirely accurate in terms of targeting the destination. This translates into game terms to “scatter” (borrowed from the rules concerning hand grenades, SRII, page 97). Once the mage has successfully teleported, roll 2D6 for the distance in meters from the target point. Roll 1D6 for direction, as per the illustration on page 97. However, all is not lost for the hapless mage who MIGHT appear as far as 12 meters away… After the scatter roll is made, the magician may reduce the distance by 4 meters per success made. Passengers The magician may, if he so chooses, take passengers with him. The maximum number that may accompany him equals his Magic Attribute divided by 3. The target number increases by +2 per passenger. Upon successful teleporting, each passenger must make an attribute test: Willpower: (meters/200)D Stun damage [The minimum being 2D.] This is due to the extremely unpleasant (one might almost say “mind pummeling”) effects that teleportation has on the nervous system. Stipulations The spell cannot be cast on someone to teleport them AWAY from the caster. Passengers must be willing subjects, and be within physical contact (either directly or indirectly through a human chain) with the caster. The caster cannot be forced to teleport someone with him. Just because someone is in physical contact with him (e.g. he is grappling or being physically bound by someone) and the magician decided to teleport, his assailant is NOT transported with him. The inertia of the magician is NOT negated by teleportation. For example, a mage has fallen off a twenty-story building, and after plummeting past the tenth story, he decides to teleport to a location six feet off the ground. Once there, he will still impact the pavement with the same force he had before he teleported, i.e. SPLAT, and the unfortunate mage will most likely expire from a combination of deceleration trauma and cement poisoning. *End of File* Toxin Exposure Hal Mangold ( These rules were originally design to simulate the pollution of the cities of 2053, but work equally well for toxic waste, and radiation exposure as well. For as much emphasis as the SR game puts on how screwed the environment is there need to be a few more concrete consequences of this. To wit, these rules EXPOSURE Toxic environments are a fairly common feature to the SII world, whether they be the East Anglian Stinkfens, or just the average suffocating pollution of Seattle. The consequences for those exposed to these substances can be severe, especially if a allergy is present. To simulate these effects in areas of variable exposure, first rate the level of toxic exposure from 1-4. A rating 1 area would be a city on an average day, while rating 4 would be a huge chemical dumping ground, just oozing toxins. This rating is not treated as a normal rating for damage purposes. Instead the rating equals the number of dice rolled to determine the power number of a toxic attack. Example: The Austin Biotech Waste Processing and Disposal Facility (read “big hole in the ground”) has a Toxic rating of 3. This means that the Power of a toxic attack can vary anywhere from 3 to 18. This variable Powered attack represents the shifting winds, etc., all the factors that are variable around a toxic site. The Wound Level of a toxic attack is also determined by the Rating, as follows: Rating Wound Level 1 L(stun) 2 M(stun) 3 S(stun) 4 D(stun) “Aha!” you cry. “Its only stun damage, and I have a trauma damper.” Yeah, well then you're safe until you hit the physical overflow point. After stun damage gets to Deadly, it starts overflowing onto the physical chart. Additionally this damage does not heal until the person is no longer exposed to the toxic environment. Magical Healing is an exception, of course. Keep in mind, though, that a piece of land so blighted as to be toxic will probably have a background count, so all you mages, don't get cocky. As a rule of thumb, make checks every two hours or so, although particularly deadly environments may require checks every hour, or even 1/2 hour. Another tactic for really toxic environments is to make the damage physical to begin with (i.e. corrosives in the air etc), instead of stun. Now this is for areas that have a fluctuating toxic level. In an area of constant exposure things are easier. Just set the Power and Wound Level at fixed numbers and require a check every so often (see above). Keep in mind that any PC with a pollutant allergy should have to deal with that on top of these effects. PROTECTION Protection against toxic exposure can be worn, but the protection must be appropriate for the type. Exposure can be divide up into inhaled, insulated and radioactive types. Proper protection for inhaled toxins is a filter mask or similar cyberware/bioware. The masks are very common on the streets of polluted cities like LA, New York, And Seattle. Insulasted protection comes in the form of sealed suits (like todays EPA workers wear). Radioactivity can only be screened by a radiation suit. All of these protective forms can be bought in varying ratings. The rating of the protective device is subtracted from the Power of the toxic attack, like armor in fire combat. Unlike fire combat, if the Power of the toxic attack is reduced to 0, no check is needed. HOW IT ALL COMES TOGETHER Brutus the Samurai is on the run, and stumbles upon a toxic dump area. The dump gives off airborne toxic vapors with a rating of 2, and Brutus is wearing a rating 5 filter mask. The GM rolls 2 dice and gets a result of 11. Since the rating for the site is 2, the initial Wound Level will be M(stun). The toxic attack will be at 11M(stun), and Brutus will get to treat his rating 5 mask as 5 points of “armor”, making the final attack 6M(stun). Keep in mind that if the toxins had been insinuative instead of inhaled, Brutus' mask would have been useless. Furthermore, the longer Brutus stays in this environment, the more checks he will have to make. *End of File* Dead Zones J Roberson ( MANN-TELLER THEORY OF DEAD ZONES: ORIGIN AND EXISTENCE There have been many reports of areas referred to as “Dead Zones”, where technology purportedly does not work. Their existence have been theorized since shortly after the Awakening (Lowe, 2025) and an abundance of theorists, ranging from respected Mage-scientists to vociferous neo- mages have contributed to the information, both true and false, collected on these areas. We have endeavored to field-test all the data used in the support of our theory, to eliminate ignorance and shed an authoritative light on the subject. BACKGROUND There have been many conflicting reports on just what does and does not work in a dead zone (DZ). In some cases, no piece of technology invented after c. 1300 would operate: gunpowder, electricity, or cyberware. The “rule of thumb” was that only nature's rules prevailed; any manipulation thereof would fail. But these reports contain contradictions in themselves; electricity is a force of nature, not humanity; and gunpowder, while an invention of the human race, is a natural reaction between natural chemicals. The problem is that almost every theory is based on some arbitrary cut-off point: nothing invented after 1800, 1200, 2000 would work. This means that devices used the same or similar natural processes would not work even if invented within 10 years of each other. Furthermore, all technology is based on a manipulation of a natural force; even the Matrix is generated on the manipulation of the flow of photons and electrons; cyberware is simply the control of electricity and mechanical parts. We ask that you cast aside the urban myths of “no-cyberware” zones, or regions where the telegraph will operate but not the trid. Forget the myth that steam engines are used in the northern NAN because maglev and internal combustion don't work. We believe we have put together a solid theory on the origin of Dead Zones and their consequences. THEORY Much of today's magic and its effects are echoes of our myths and legends. Trolls, Orks, Elves, and Dwarves, Halflings, Ogres, and Minotaur all have neo-historical counterparts in folk tales and popular fiction. Tales of wizards scouring the countryside, of mystic shamans and priests battling spirits; all of these modern realities have a basis in the myriad cultures of the world. One myth that has not been explored by any but a few dedicated magicians and theologians is the Atlantis myth and similar tales of a pre-historical advanced society. These “Ancients” have the following elements in common, whether mentioned in Homerian epics or legends of the Zuni: Large populations with a high leisure rate; exotic powers and abilities; the manipulation of vast amounts of power. Putting these into modern terms, we can find analogs in: The Corporate Middle Class Cybernetic Modification and Mages Fusion, Fission, and the Energy Infrastructure This is not to say that this pre-historical society was exactly like ours. As we have yet to find solid evidence of their existence, we freely admit this hypothesis could be wrong. But it does fit the facts at hand and help explain the DZs. For those interested in more details about this hypothetical society, we suggest Pembroke's EarthDawn: the Fourth World. It is by far the most scientific of the texts we discovered regarding the subject. Another theory which corroborates ours is the Rising Mana theory. The stipulation is that the Awakening was merely the beginning, and that the level of magical energy in the world is rising and has yet to peak. Like a person who awakens, it takes a little while for an alert and aware status to be attained; it will be some time before Mana reaches its full potential. If this pre-historical society had existed for some time prior to the emergence of the 5th world, then it is safe to assume that the Mana level had peaked and was higher than ours currently is. If the magical level was higher, then mages would have been capable of instigating proportionately higher manifestations of magical power. Completely new and different types of wards, sustained and quickened area effect spells, and magical effects of a not-yet imagined nature may very well have been as normal as Heal and Treat are in today's hospitals. We postulate that the Dead Zones are leftovers of this archaic age, areas which were affected by ancient wizards with powerful spells that have now Awakened as the Mana level rises. The Zones may have been so affected to deny or discourage entry of certain types of people, to prevent the use or operation of certain device, or as a whim on the part of the mage. The power of the magic used to create the DZs is strong enough to have survived the low Mana levels of the 5th world, and is now bringing the effects back into the existence with the Awakening of magic. This easily accounts for the variety in type and magnitude of effect found from zone to zone. Different magicians would have found different needs for their areas and so would have used different effects to discourage visitors. It may also account for the rather specific nature of certain zones, as well as the general nature of others. Depending on the reason for a zone's existence, a magician could have been as specific or general as desired in the formation of a Dead Zone. Dead Zones are likely to appear more often and more frequently as the Mana level continues to rise. Existing Zones will likely see their effects increase. We will continue to study them in order to understand them and make adapting to their existence easier for society. CASE STUDIES HERBERT'S GROVE, NOVA SCOTIA A small zone in the northern part of Nova Scotia, UCAS, this zone is approximately 5000 square meters on the surface. It is perpetually summer there; it never snows, nor does the temperature drop below the June mean temperature for the area. This is apparently the only direct effect of the DZ. The indirect effects are numerous. Obviously, the trees can't be in summer mode all the time, or their annual life cycle would be disrupted. They still grow new leaves, but at a rate that they quickly assume summer coloration. Birds flock around the area, their biological clocks apparently not telling them to fly south, though they do reproduce. Animals that stumble into this zone find good hunting relative to winter conditions, but they may or may not stay, depending on the real season outside the Zone. EDEN FIELD, MONTANA A large pasture in the NAN, this 50,000 square foot area apparently extends upwards in a hemisphere centered on the field. Apparently, nothing can fly here except vehicles using direct thrust. Planes and birds will not fly. Rockets work because their thrust is applied directly against gravity, constantly. Birds can fly only if they maintain their thrust by beating their wings. The result is: no gliding, and no lift is provided by wings, no matter what speed a vehicle is at. The focus seems to be air pressure. A balloon rises because the air within is lighter than the air without. Wings function by lowering the pressure above, allowing the pressure below to push the plane up. Birds can fly by constantly beating their wings to provide thrust; they are pushing against the air, rather than getting the air to push them up. Rockets work because they push the rocket up, not just as a reaction against the air. SHAO LA, MONGOLIA Interesting because this single building does not allow Illusion spells to work. That is the only effect. We include it as an example that DZs can alter paranatural laws as well as others. It is interesting because the temple is said to be a place of truth and beauty, where one can go to see reality in meditation. FINAL NOTES This brief case-studies list is by no means inclusive. There are zones where no vegetation will grow, where people can walk on walls, and where smokeless powder will not function (though Black Powder will). Zones are very complicated and have physicists struggling to discover just which laws are being broken (the Montana site is one such area, where they are still deciding which rules are affected). But Zones are not easily defined in the clear-cut sense that urban myth allows (no cyberware, no guns, etc.) *End of File* Regaining Essence Todd Montgomery (Quiktek) ( This is a touchy matter. Essence is a very delicate thing. It should be rare for a character to replace lost essence, but it should be available. GMs can use this to reward good players. Feel free to comment and modify it if you like. Rules: Magic and Essence are different. Magic CAN NOT be regained once lost. Any essence recovery does not recover magic. And further losses to regained essence will reduce Magic as if the essence was never regained in the first place. Example: Sting gets back 1.0 points of essence after receiving homeopathic medical treatments from Joseph-Black-Bear at the Seattle Rehabilitation clinic. Sting's Magic rating is a 4 and total essence of 5.5 (was 4.5 but 1 point is gained back). Sting decides to get some cyberware installed. The total essence cost is 1.0. This drops Stings essence back to 4.5 but drops his Magic to 3. Cyberware actively keeps essence from regenerating. While cyberware is installed the essence it is taking up can not be regenerated. Essence not being actively taking up by cyberware can occur as the result of upgrading of cyberware. This “free” essence may be regained. The regaining of essence happens very VERY slowly. Without any treatment essence returns at a rate of 0.01 per month. The fastest rate at which essence can return is 0.1 per month. The maximum essence that can be regained is 90% of what was lost. This is regardless of natural rate or combination of treatments. How to regain essence: People who have lost essence through paranormal Essence Drain, Drug Abuse, and severe trauma may regain essence. Also persons who have had cyberware REMOVED and NOT replaced may regain essence, BUT they do so at a slower rate (natural rate is 0.01 per 6 months). The natural rate of essence return, 0.01 per month or 6 months for cyberware removed, is the base rate. Factors such as Rehabilitation, Natural and Homeopathic treatments, Meditation, etc. can increase this rate. If no treatment is used the base rate is regained in essence each month. Each treatment has a maximum regain. This is the amount that the treatment ALONE can regain. Once a treatment has been used for enough time to have contributed its maximum regain it is ineffective. At the end of a month of treatment a willpower roll is made. This is done for each different treatment if more than one is being used. The target number is given with the treatments. One success is required to regain the essence for that month. Zero successes regain no essence. Each treatment has an availability. This availability assumes the character is going to great lengths to remain unnoticed. If the character can legally attain the necessary chemicals or substances and convince a professional to lend them help, then ignore the availability. Characters with skills that seem appropriate to the treatment may try using their skill to determine the correct administration of compounds, etc. Treatments and Practices: Rehabilitation: Drug, Clinical Cost: 5,000Y/month Availability: 4/48 hrs. Effects loss through: Drug Abuse, Severe Trauma, Paranormal Essence Drain Increase of Base Rate: +0.03 per month Maximum Regain: 90% of essence lost Target: 5+(Essence Lost (round up))-1 per month of treatment (limit is Target Number of 4). Cyberpsychotic Rehabilitation: Psychiatric readjustment to physical (and mental) addictions encountered with cyberware usage. Cost: 3,000Y/month Availability: 6/72 hrs. Effects loss through: Cyberware Increase of Base Rate: +0.06 per 6 months Maximum Regain: 50 % essence lost Target: 6+(Essence Lost (round up)) -1 per month of treatment (limit is Target Number of 4). Homeopathic Treatment: Dietary control and use of natural chemical agents to stimulate tissue and nerve regrowth Cost: 1,000Y/month Availability: 6/72 hrs. Effects loss through: Severe Trauma, Paranormal Essence Drain, Cyberware Increase of Base Rate: +0.02 per month (or +0.1 per 6 months for Cyberware) Maximum Regain: 50% of essence lost Target: 4+(Essence Lost (round up)) -1 per month of treatment (limit is Target Number of 2). Note: Incompatible with Naturpathic Treatment Naturpathic Treatment: Dietary control with Natural Substitutes to stimulate natural regrowth. Only natural ol' time home remedial substances used Back to nature. Cost: 2,000Y/month Availability: 6/72 hrs. Effects loss through: Severe Trauma, Paranormal Essence Drain, Cyberware Increase of Base Rate: +0.03 per month (or +0.12 per 6 months for Cyberware) Maximum Regain: 60% of essence lost Target: 4+(Essence Lost (round up)) - 1 per month of treatment (limit is Target Number of 2). Note: Incompatible with Homeopathic Treatment Chemical Nerve Regeneration: Chemical stimulus used to reconstruct and treat damaged nerves when cyberware is used. Cost: 8,000Y/month for first 6 months, 1,000Y/month for remainder. Availability: 8/4 days Effects loss through: Cyberware, Paranormal Essence Drain, Severe Trauma Increase of Base Rate: +0.05 per month (+0.03 per month for Cyberware) Maximum Regain: 70% (Cyberware), 50% otherwise Target: 7+(Essence Lost (round up)) -1 per month of treatment (first 6 months only) (limit is Target Number of 2). Meditation: Includes Yoga, Tai Chi, etc. Mind over body. Cost: 0 (Requires skill) Availability: -/- (Instructor: 4/48 hrs.) Effects loss through: Cyberware, Paranormal Essence Drain, Severe Trauma, Drug Abuse Increase of Base Rate: +0.01 per month Maximum Regain: 60% of essence lost Target: 4+(Essence Lost (round up)). Note: Test uses Meditation skill (Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.) instead of willpower. ull Adept Michael D. Bourgon and Dark Thought Publications (MDB0213@RIGEL.TAMU.EDU) A Null is the colloquial term for a being possessing no astral presence, or without a remarkable and individual one. To the best efforts of science and magic both, they remain unexplained, and no causal relationship has been discovered for this strange phenomena. A Null is, so far as science will speculate, a mutation, a deviation from the standard genetic pattern of homo sapiens sapiens, perhaps an experiment by Mother Nature in the world of the Third Awakening. No data exists to explain the null's lack of presence on the Astral Plane, and most Thaumaturgical circles deny their existence with a shudder. Nulls do not make astral “noise,” having no astral presence to speak of. This is not to suggest that they do not have one, rather, this means that they cast only the shadow of a normal astral presence, displaying only the disturbance normal for a living mass. Generally speaking, spells designed to interpret the aura, detect/manipulate the perceptions/thoughts/emotions of the null are unproductive. The spells are simply unable to find a presence to connect to. However, spells which merely require a miscellaneous target or have physical effects operate normally. Anonymous research in the SeaTac area suggests that combat spell effectiveness is unchanged, as well as healing spells. Spells which augment existing senses also are unaffected. Game Notes: Nulls must spend priority B on magic, and must be base-stock human [homo sapiens sapiens]. They are, however, non-magical: This merely represents the modification of their link with the Astral Plane. Neither their emotional nor cerebral characteristics may be determined from Astral Space. No manipulation of these may occur, either, as to do so would require a receptive target for the spell. For all intents and purposes, a null appears as a body without a mind - physical health may be evaluated, but any clues as to the nature and/or existence of their thoughts/feelings go unseen. Reactions to nulls vary; from merely strange glance, muttered “unnatural,” to acute digestive upper abdominal distention [regurgitation]. This last is purely psychosomatic, and seems to follow hand-in- hand with some of the more fundamentalist magical disciplines. Magical information extraction methods are useless on a null, so they are ideal for courier or information dealer positions, and often found in similar positions both in and external to corporate hierarchies. They are, of course, still susceptible to more conventional means of coercion. Totems Ant Eater David J. Altman ( Characteristics: Ant Eater, or Snout Tongue, is the great ravager of the insect world. He is also one of the most purposeful totems of the Sixth World. He is naturally inquisitive, and can often sniff out trouble, or those in trouble, with little difficulty. Environment: Any Land Advantages +2 Dice to Detection spells +2 Dice to Manipulation spells +2 Dice to Conjuring Spirits of Land (not desert) Disadvantages: Ant Eater is often slow to thinking and often times very stubborn. A Shaman of this totem requires a willpower test with a target of 4 to break off from his current action, be it attacking reading a book, swimming, etc. It is an unresisted test however, making it a little more “merciful” on the Shaman in question. He also is always looking for a meal, and will VERY rarely turn down an offer to eat of any kind (same willpower test above to avoid or turn down the offer). [GM's Note- Ant Eater has an additional set of advantages as well. He is a MAJOR opponent of Insect Spirits of all kinds. He gains an additional +1 modifier to his die rolls in ALL actions against any insect form, as well as against Spider and her related machinations. This includes resistance tests against ALL attacks, as well as ALL attacks made against an “insect form.” This number however is NOT cumulative with the effects of Initiate Grade.] Dingo The Wyrm Ouroboros (aalberdk@UCUNIX.SAN.UC.EDU) Characteristics: Dingo is the one of the great plains wanderers. He is similar to the western worlds “coyote” in many ways, though he is not as transient in his nature. Dingo is protective of his own, and will defend his kin, but not necessarily to the point of death. He also is not bound to anything, except perhaps his word. Environment: Plains and/or Prairie Advantages: +2 Dice to Detection Spells +2 Dice to Health Spells. +2 Dice for Conjuring Prairie Spirits. Disadvantages: Dingo is often considered to be a coward by others around him. If given the opportunity, he will opt for retreat, so as to deal with the situation from a better vantage point. He is not a coward in the true sense of the word, but is often misunderstood by others. A Dingo Shaman must make a willpower test with a target of 4 to remain in a given position/situation, or else he pull back to get a potentially better advantage. Dingo is also easily tricked and/or manipulated by others. He suffers a -2 to all his negotiation attempts, IF the other party is attempting to “pull the wool” over him. Dove Ethan Court ( Characteristics: Dove is thin and austere. She is flighty; quick in motion and in thought. She seems naive and inexperienced, often jumping to conclusions and believing in people's better natures. She avoids combat actively, and is primarily a healing totem. She is fastidious in dress, though often wearing simple and functional clothing. The Dove totem is the totem of those who practice the healing traditions of the ancient Christian sects, and in fact is one of very few totems to be openly espoused by the Catholic Church. Dove is a healer. It is her prime motivation and reason for being. She will refuse healing to none, often times healing even her enemies. Environment: Urban Advantages: +2 dice Healing Semi-empathy +2 dice for conjuring any Spirit of Man. Disadvantages: -1 die for casting any non-stun spell. A Dove shaman cannot refuse healing to anyone who requests it. A Dove shaman will not tolerate evil or ignoble actions. Dove shamans posses, almost as a side effect of their “choice” of totem, an heightened awareness of others' feelings. This does not allow them to read minds or to broadcast/receive others' emotions in any real sense, it instead allows the Dove shaman an infallible sense of when someone is in pain, even being capable of use as a locator. This form of empathy allows the Dove shaman to avoid physically damaging someone, as to do so is almost as painful to the Dove shaman as it is to the victim. The Dove shaman must use Willpower to resist a deadly stun with a Target Number of 4 if she witnesses a death due to violence. Koala The Wyrm Ouroboros (aalberdk@UCUNIX.SAN.UC.EDU) Characteristics: Koala is not a fighter, though she is quite capable of defending herself and her kin. Her affinity for nature has allowed her to remain in touch with the natural balance of life, and indeed is the most powerful of the known Totemic Healers. If cornered, she will retreat to the safety of the trees, and remain there until the danger has passed. Environment: Any Land Advantages: +3 Dice to all Health Spells +1 to all Health spell die rolls +2 Dice to Conjuring Spirits of Sky and Waters. Disadvantages: Koala is not a fighter. A Shaman of this totem will often try and find peaceable solutions to any situation. They also abhor violence in any form, thus ALL combat related actions suffer a -3 penalty to the die roll (firearms, gunnery, armed or unarmed combat, spells, etc.). This penalty is NOT incurred when defending themselves or another being. In fact, if defending another or themselves, they get a +1 to all their die rolls (mundane or not). [GM's Note- An Initiate of the Koala Totem has all the numbers for his/her advantages modified by grade. Thus, a grade 4 Koala Shaman would have +7 dice to all Health spells, and a +5 to all health spell die rolls. Their defense ability however is not modified, so no the Grade 4 does not get to add +5 to all their defense die rolls.] Panther Daniel Waisley BACKGROUND: “The puma is prominent in American Indian mythology, with its cunning, agility, and strength respected and admired by many tribes. The animal figures in the magic and shamanism of nearly all ancients as their progenitor, protector, or as a source of power to ward of disease or to excel as a hunter. Others are awed by the animal and consider it an omen of disaster.” The PUMA, Legendary Lion of the Americas - Jim Bob Tinsley As to Indian myth, from which most of the Shadowrun totems are taken from, Panther is feared and respected, and in some He is regarded as the Protector of the universe. The Zuni believed that the ancient ones wanted the world to be guarded by those keen of sight and scent. The puma (the greatest of them) was the sentinel of the north (the most important position). The Miwoks believed him to be the ideal hunter, while the Apaches and Hualapais thought her wailing was the omen of death. In Navajo myth a hero was wounded by witch objects shot into his body. Puma extracted them and saved his life. They also thought that the Puma benefited them by leaving the better part of the portion of its kill for the people to eat. Conversely the Papago and the later white settlers considered the cougar a flesh eating beast. The Inca hunted many animals in great round-ups where they would hunt the hunter. They found it much easier to catch bear and deer in the rounds-ups then panthers. To many Indian societies it was both a Totem and a source of help for hunting and warfare. In fact the Hopi and Zuni took carved mountain lions when hunting deer in hopes that they would be as good at it as the mountain lion was. In many cultures the puma was often deified for its ability to hunt. The panther is the largest lone carnivore in North America. It is known for its strength and speed. In fact, a Panther will often beat the larger Jaguar in battle. Of all the great cats the panther is the one to hunt the most out of proportion to its size. The tiger and jaguar my hunt large animals, but they only hunt prey up to about 2-3 times their size. The panther on the other hand is known to hunt animals up to 3-4 times its, giving precedence to the fact that it is one of the most dangerous of hunters. Panthers are also very quite hunters and make little noise when hunting. Panthers are noted to purr and scream (best description) much like a tabby but 10 times as big and loud. Panthers also have round not slitted eyes. They tend to rely on eyesight for hunting, but have acute hearing and smell. Totem Identification: Panther, Mountain Lion, Cougar, Puma, Catamount and assorted other English and Indian names (the America's) Characteristics: Panther goes by many names and faces; to some He is Panther, to others She is Puma and some know It as Mountain Lion. Panther likes it this way, for Panther believes in stealth. His prey never hears him before he strikes. Puma is a great warrior, but prefers the stealthy approach, for it does not do to go off half cocked. Cougar is very patient and quite, he will wait for the right moment to strike. Panther tends to try and protect mankind and innocents from harm. Puma is mostly solitary but will sometimes have close companions who she will defend to the death. Cougar kills quickly and will use the most efficient means to do so. He also tries to leave little evidence of his acts. Mountain Lion hates Evil and will try to hunt it down and slay it. Environment: Forest and Mountain Advantages: +2 dice for combat and illusion +2 dice for summoning either forest or mountain spirits (choose). Disadvantages: minimum quickness and intelligence of 4, Puma believes in attacking prey intelligently and quickly. Panther also believes that her shamans should be able to hunt and kill without magic (the need to take stealth and either unarmed or armed combat as skills). When in the midst of a large combat the shaman must make a willpower test tn# 5 to stop fighting as his instincts tell him to keep on lashing out. Quirks: Puma is not a coward, he will attack powerful enemies if need be, but will try to shift the odds in his favor and will wait for the right moment and not charge right in. Panther shamans are know to be quiet individuals, and will not get into needless arguments or conversations. Cougar shamans are also known for using the bare minimum of words or gestures when doing magic, they do not like to be noticed. The shaman will use the name he or she feels most comfortable with in talking about his totem, for the shaman realizes that they all describe the totem equally well. Note: the use of all the different names and he/she throughout the text was intentional. After all its like Orou said - 'Panther believes in smoke and mirrors.' Possum Chris Ryan Characteristics: Possum is curious, friendly and a collector by nature. She is one who prefers the night, avoiding the fierce light of day. Possum fights only when necessary, and tries to do it on her terms. Favored Environment: Any urban environment with trees or in the wilderness. Advantages: +1 dice for all Health spells +2 dice for all Manipulation spells +2 dice for any conjuring by night. (If your campaign includes spells for Low Light and Thermo vision, then possum shamans receive an extra +2 dice for these spells.) Disadvantages: A Possum shaman must eat unprocessed food only and suffers a +1 to target numbers involving any actions requiring vision in bright light, including daylight. Tiger David J. Altman Characteristics: Tiger is a stealthy hunter and prowler. She is a loner who is both ferocious and cunning. She is sleek and beautiful, especially when making her kill. Tiger often exudes a kind of deadly charisma. Subtlety is how she prefers to deal with her enemies, but she will face challenges directly if she has to. She is a cold and ruthless huntress who will not stop until her prey is caught. Preferred Environment: Jungle Advantages: +2 Dice for Combat spells +2 Dice for Detection spells Disadvantages: Tiger is often unpredictable, she will sometimes be brutally direct, other times excruciatingly subtle. One constant is her loathing of leaving survivors of a kill. Tiger can be cold and cruel to the point of alienating her comrades. Her charisma and appeal can cause problems within and without the party. Tiger shamans must make a Willpower Test during and immediately after combat to avoid a frenzy in which they try to get to, and kill, any surviving opponents, or if all opponents are dead (and the Tiger shaman has failed the test) they may turn on friends. Wild Dog The Wyrm Ouroboros Characteristics: The comparison to the western world's Wolf totem has been made repeatedly in the past. Wild Dog is a very pack oriented creature, and will usually operate within a pack like environment. Do not underestimate him however, for he is capable of independence if left to himself. Environment: Any Land, not inhabited by Man Advantages: +2 Dice to Combat Spells +2 Dice to Detection Spells +2 Dice to Conjuring Spirits of Land (not Desert). Disadvantages: A Shaman of Wild Dog will prefer to work in a group environment, and in fact gains a “moral boost” when doing so. All his spellcraft (Conjuring, Sorcery, and Theory) gains a +1 to the die roll in question (5's are 6's, etc.) However, if left to himself, he often flounders somewhat, thus lowering his moral standing with himself (lower ALL target numbers, mundane or not, by 1). *End of File***

Cyberware Rules

Rules on Usage: The following chart is a translation of the effects of cyberware, as listed in the Cyberpunk 2020 Sourcebook, for use with Cybermyth. The major change comes in with Humanity, which now works as follows. Determine Humanity Cost for each piece of Cyberware. Add together costs. If costs exceed the persona's Spiritual Effect Level, then the persona suffers one point of insanity per point exceeding. The character becomes an OP if the Spiritual Trait is surpassed. Otherwise, follow all the rules regarding Humanity. The Humanity Cost is not Spiritual Damage, nor does it affect any Spiritual K/S Areas or Spiritual checks.

Cyberware Listing

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Fashionware Biomonitor (N) One DR easier for Tolerance and torture resistance. 1 100 Skinwatch (N) Subdermal timepiece. 1 50 Light Tattoo (N) Decorative tattoo. .5 1-20 Shift-tacts (N) Color changing contact lenses. .5 1-200 ChemSkins (N) Color and pattern changing skin tints. D3 200 Synthskins (N) Color and pattern changing artificial skin. D6 400 Techhair (M) Color and light emitting artificial hair. 2 1-200

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Neuralware Neural Processor (M) Basic processor. Must have for all systems. D6 1000 Kerenzikov Boosterware (N) +3 per level to Physical Speeds for Initiative,

                           Avoidance, and Dodge rolls.  Max. level 2.       D6/level  500 per level  

Speedware (Sandevistan) (N) +9 to Physical Speeds for Initiative, Avoidance,

                           and Dodge rolls for 5 CTs.  One CT activation.      D3     1600  

Tactile Boost (N) +10 to Perception checks requiring touch. 2 100 Olfactory Boost (N) +10 to Perception or Tracking checks requiring smell 2 100 Pain Editor (N) Can ignore WL. 2D6 200 Cybermodem Link (N) Allows direct connection to a cybermodem. 1 100 Vehicle Link (N) For direct vehicle operation only. 3 100 Smartgun Link (N) Direct smartweapon operation only. 2 100 Machine/Tech Link (N) Allows control of autofactories, large, and small

                           machines.                                            2     100  

DataTerm Link (N) Allows downloading from DataTerms into internal

                           memory.                                              2     100  

Interface Plug (M) Allows links to operate and use of reflex chips. D6/pair 200 Reflex Chips - Any Physical K/S area available in three levels.

                           Each level grants a 10 STEEP.  Will NOT produce Heka.  
                           Cannot be increased.                                 -     200/level  

Memory Chip - As Reflex Chips, but Mental and Spiritual K/S Areas. - 250/level Chipware Socket (N) Allows upto 10 chips to be loaded D3 200

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs

Implants Nasal Filter (M) Reduces inhaled toxin STR by 75%. 2 60 Gills (MA) Water breathing system. Good for 4 hours. 3D6 400 Independent Air Supply (MA) Good for 5 ATs. 2D6 300 Mr.Studd Sexual Implant(MA) All night, every night and she'll never know. +10

                           to Seduction checks upon GM approval.               2D6    300

Contraceptive Implant (N) Good for 5 years, 98% effective. .5 100 Subdermal Pocket (M) 2” x 4“ space with RealSkinn zipper. 2D6 200 Adrenal Booster (M) +3 to Physical Speeds for Initiative, Avoidance, 2D6 400

                           and Dodge rolls.  Good for d6+2 CTs, 3 times per 

Subdermal Armor (CR) Armors torso to 18 in all areas. 2D6 1200 Motion Detector (M) Detects motion in a 20sq./m. area. 70% effective. 2D6 200 Digital Recorder (M) 2 hr. storage from any digital source. 2 200 Audio/Video Tape Recorder(M) 2 hr. storage from audio/video links. 2 300 Radar Sensor (M) 100 m. range radar. Must have Cyberoptics. 70% 2 200


Sonar Implant (M) 50 m. range. Water only. 70% accurate. 2 300 Radiation Detector (M) 10 m. range. 80% detection effectiveness. 2 200 Chemical Analyzer (M) 5 m. range. 70% effectiveness. 2 200 Voice Synthesizer (M) Can mimic any of 10 recorded sounds, 60% accurate. D6 600 Audio Vox (M) Vocal synthesizer for special effects. +10 to GM 2D6 700

                           approved checks.

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Bioware Grafted Muscle (MA) +3 per level to Physical Powers, but does not 2D6 1000/level

                           affect K/S areas.  Max. level 2.

Muscle and Bone Lace (N) +6 to Physical Powers, but does not affect K/S areas D3 1500 Skinweave (N) Armors all areas to 12. 2D6 2000 Enhanced Antibodies (N) Improves Physical healing rate by one point per day D3 3000 Toxin Binders (N) Gives +20 bonus to Tolerance, and reduces poison D3 3000

                           STRs by 20%.

Nanosurgeons (N) Doubles normal Physical healing rate. D3 6000

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberweapons Scratchers (N) Hands. D3 Cutting. 2D6 100 Vampires (N) Non-Lethal. D2 Piercing. Poison Injectors at

                           double costs.                                       3D6    200 

Rippers (M) Hands. D6+3 Cutting. Negates 5 points of armor. 3D6 400 Wolvers (M) Hands. Dd6 Cutting. Negates 5 points of armor. 3D6+1 600 Big Knucks (M) Hands. D6+2 Blunt. 3D6 500 Slice 'N Dice (M) Whips. 2D6 Cutting. Negates all armor. 3D6 700 Cybersnake (MA) Self-Controlling. D6 Piercing. 35 BAC.

                           2 Attacks/CT.                                       4D6    1200

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberoptics All costs and HC are per eye. Cybereyes (MA) Basic eye module. Can hold up to four options per eye.

                           20/20 vision, color of choice.                      2D6    500 

Color Shift (N) Allows color changes. .5 300 Image Enhancement (N) +10 to visual Perception checks. 1 300 Targeting Scope (N) +5 BAC with smartguns. 2 400 Time Square Marquee (N) LED screen in vision field for messages. 1 300 Teleoptic (N) Telescope ability 20x. .5 150 Micro-optics (N) Microscope. .5 150 Anti-Dazzle (N) Negates flash and laser blinding. .5 200 Low-Light (N) Darksee in dim light as if daylight. .5 200 Thermograph Sensor (N) See heat patterns. 1 200 Infrared Vision (N) Darksee by use of heat emissions. 1 200 Ultraviolet Vision (N) Darksee by UV flash. 1 200 Micro Video Optic (N) Video record upto 20 minutes. Takes two options. .5 300 Digital Camera (N) Shoots upto twenty images. Takes two options. .5 300 Dartgun (N) Poison dart. Three options. One dart. Dart K/S. 2 200

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberaudio All costs and HC are per ear. Cyberear (M) Basic ear module. No option limit. Perfect

                           hearing.                                            2D6    500 

Amplified Hearing (N) +5 to Hearing Perception checks. 1 200 Radio Link (N) Radio communication for upto 1 mile. 1 100 Phone Splice (N) Full Cellular communication (large city only). 1 150 Scrambler (N) Cannot overhear conversation without descrambler. .5 100 Bug Detector (N) Detects taps, bugs upto 3 meters. 60% effective. .5 200 Voice Stress Analyzer (N) Lie detector. +10% to related checks. 1 200 Sound Editing (N) +10 to Hearing Perception checks to hear specific

                           conversations.                                      .5     150 

Enhanced Hearing Range (N) Ability to hear supersonic and subsonic ranges. 2 150 Wearman (N) Stereo music system. .5 100 Radar Detector (N) Beeps if radar is detected. 40% chance of locating

                           the source.                                         .5     150 

Homing Tracer (N) Can follow a tracer upto 1 km. .5 200 Tight Beam Radio Link (N) Allows untappable radio communication within LOS. 1 200 Wide Band Radio Scanner (N) Will pick up all transmissions on all bands; Scanner 2 100 Micro-recorder Link (N) Transmits to recorder in body or via plugs. .5 100 Digital Recording Link (N) Transmits sounds to a digital recorder. .5 100 Level Damper (N) Automatic noise compensation. .5 300

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberlimbs All costs and HC are per limb/option. Cyberarm (CR) Standard arm replacement. 40 P Trait. Uses

                           persona's Attributes.  Up to 4 options.             2D6    3000 

Cyberleg (CR) Standard leg replacement. 40 P Trait. Uses

                           persona's Attributes.  Up to 3 options.             2D6    2000 

Quick Change Mount (N) Allows cyberware change in one BT. 2 200 Hydraulic Rams (N) Increases limb's P Trait to 75. Triples PMPow. 3 200 Thicken Myomars (N) Increases limb's P Trait to 60. Doubles PMPow. 2 250 Reinforced Joints (N) Increases limb's P Trait by 10. 1 200 Artificial Shoulder Mount(CR)Mount upto two extra arms below the first. 2D6 1500 Microwave/EMP Shielding (N) Limb is unaffected by Microwave side effects. 1 300 Plastic Covering (N) In colors or transparent. 1 300 RealSkinn (N) Limb looks like real. Perception at Difficult to

                           notice.  Lowers HC by d3.                            1     1-200 

Superchromeþ (N) High gloss metallic covering. 3 200 Armor (N) Gives 20 points of armor to all location on that limb

                           only.                                               D6     200      

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberlimb Attachments Attachments do count against the option limit.

                     The appropriate standard hand/foot comes with a cyberlimb, no additional cost.  

Standard Hand (N) Resembles normal hand. 0 150 Ripper Hand (N) Standard hand with Rippers built in. 2D6 600 Hammer Hand (N) Hydraulic ram does 3D6 Blunt damage. 2D6 600 Buzz Hand (N) Wire circular saw. 2D6+2 Cutting damage, negates 5

                           points of armor.                                    2D6    600 

Tool Hand (N) Fingers contain screwdriver, wrench, small drill, etc 2 200 Grapple Hand (N) Extends rocket-propelled grapple, 100' line. 3 350 Extension Hand (N) Hand extends on collapsible sleeve upto 1 meter. 2 350 Spike Hand (N) Palm spike extends true fingers, doing D6+3 Piercing

                           damage, negates 5 points of armor.                  2D6    500 

Modular Hand (N) Choose any 4 modular tools. 2 600 Standard Foot (N) Resembles normal foot. 0 200 Talon Foot (N) Extends toe blades, D6 Piercing damage, negates 5

                           points of armor.                                    2D6    600 

Web Foot (N) Doubles movement rate when swimming. +15 to Swimming

                           checks.                                              2     500 

Grip Foot (N) Designed for better gripping strength. +10 to all

                           climbing checks.                                     2     500 

Spike Heel Foot (N) Heel spike for climbing (+5) or lethal kicks. Does

                           2D6 Piercing damage, negates 5 points of armor.     2D6    500      

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberlimb Built Ins

AV Tape Recorder (N) 2 hour micro cassette storage, needs external pickup 1 250 Cybermodem (N) Built in cyberdeck. 5000 BUCs for Cellular version. 1 3000 Digital Recorder (N) Digital chip recorder. Must download or erase chip. 1 300 Storage Space (N) 2” x 6“ storage space. Can be locked. .5 50 MiniCam (N) Pop up digital camera, 20 shots. 2 200 MiniVid (N) Pop up mini-video camera, 30 minutes. 2 400 Hidden Holster (N) May conceal a gun upto Heavy Pistol sizes. 1 100 LCD Screen Readout (N) Can be linked to any output device. 1 200 Techscanner (N) Internal Techscanner, see Cyberpunk p. 69. 3 400

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Cyberweapons Can only be used in Cyberlimbs. Grenade Launcher (N) Internal grenade launcher, carries one grenade. 2D6 500 Micro-Missile Launcher (N) Carries 4 mini-missiles, each does 4d6 Impact damage,

                           using standard area effect rules.  Reloads costs 75 
                           BUCs each.                                          2D6    900 

Pop-up Gun (N) May mount any pistol, upto Very Heavy, in limb. 2D6 200-800 Flame Thrower (N) Internal flame thrower. One shot capacity. 2D6 600 Weapon Mount & Link (N) Mounting plate and neural link for one weapon. 3 100 2 Shot Capacitor Laser (N) Shoulder mounted smaller version of standard laser.

                           2 shots, doing 3d6 damage as per standard laser.    2D6    800 

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Linear Frames Reduce PSpds by 2 when in use. Can lift 60x PMPow in lb. Frame (MA) PMPow of 24. 2D6 6000 Frame (MA) PMPow of 28. 2D6 8000 Frame (MA) PMPow of 32. 3D6 10000

Cyberware Surgery Function HC Costs Body Plating Cowl (MA) Skullcap, all areas in the head have 25 points of

                           armor.                                              D6 200 

Faceplate (CR) Protective face mask, 25 armor to all areas in the

                           head.                                               4D6 400 

Torso Plate (MA) 25 armor to all areas in the torso, -4 to PSpds. 3D6 2000 Front Optic Mount (MA) Allows upto 5 optics to be mounted on face. -5 to

                           ATT.                                                4D6 1000 

Sense Extension (M) “Rabbit Ears”. Head mounted extension for audio,

                           optics, etc.                                        3D6 500 each     

Exceeding Capacity: In some cases cyberware may allow for a persona to exceed his/her Physical Capacities. If this should occur, the higher rating can still be used, after all Capacities are the human limit, and these are non-human augmentations. However, whenever undo stress is placed on the piece(s) of cyberware that is responsible for the increase, there is a percentage chance that bad things happen. This chance is worked out as the difference between Capacity and the Attribute in question. If that percentage is rolled then the persona suffers 3d6 PD, and that piece or pieces of cyberware are damage and will not function until they can be repaired. Repair costs will run 10% of the cyberware's cost, plus any surgery costs. It is strictly GM's discretion as to when the cyberware is overstressed.

Complete Cyberware List

This list was created and is maintained by Christian Conkle of Portland Oregon

Cyberpunk 2020 is a registered trademark of the R.Talsorian Company, 1994,1995.









Hands and Fingers


Built-In Weapons

Linear Frames

Body Plating

Subdermal Armor

Subermal Skull Armor


Spyke Body Covering

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Cyberware Surg. Description Cost H.Loss Ref. FASHION-WARE - APPEARANCE AND COSMETIC CYBERWARE - - 1-70 Biomonitor N +2 to Resist Torture and Drugs 100 1 1-70 Skinwatch N Subdermal Timepiece 50 1 1-70 Light Tattoo N Decorative Tattoo 1-20 .5 1-70 Shift Tacts N Color Changing Contact Lenses 1-200 .5 1-70 Chem Skins N Color/Pattern Changing Skin Tints 200 .5 1-70 SynthSkins N Color/Pattern Changing Artificial Skins 400 1D6/2 1-70 TechHair N Color/Light Emitting Hair Optishields M Bulletproof mirrorshades that cover the eyes. Holds 2 options 300 1D6+2 C1-31 Times Square - LED screen option for Optishields 250 .5 C2-5 Times Square Plus - LED link for MRAM and APTR for Optishields. Uses 2 options 500 1 C2-5 Teleoptics - 30x telescope option for Optishields 150 .25 C2-5 Lowlite - Lowlite option for Optishields 200 .25 C2-5 Infrafred - Infrared option for Optishields 250 .5 C2-5 Time/Day display - Time/Date display for Optishields, uses no options. 100 0 C2-5 Color gland control M Change eye color in 1D6 minutes. 250 1 C2-6 Subdermal Viewscreen M Subdermal LCD screen. 250 1D6/2 C2-8 Flashlight Implant M glowing patch of synthskin 90 1 16-2 Stobelight Implant N battery upgrade for Flashlight 150 1.5 16-2 Kill Display N Displays “Kills::XXX” up to 3 digits 100 1 C2-6 Cam-O-Skin N Camo skin, -1 on all Awareness rolls. 850 1D6/2 C3-30 Tranparent Skin N -1 ATT for each section covered. -4 ATT for face 1000/m2 3D6 C3-35 Whole Body Transparent N -9 ATT 7000 6D6 C3-35 Mood Skin N Displays mood, -1 BOD every two months 200/m2 1D6 C3-35 Whole Body Mood Skin N Dispays mood, -1 BOD every two months 700 6D6 C3-35 Turn-on Nails N Single-pattern automatic nails. Coloring pen costs 50eb 25 .1 C3-36 Turn-on Nails set of 10 N Same as above but in set of 10 200 1 C3-36 Show-Off Nails N Multi-pattern version of above. Color pen costs 90 eb 45 .2 C3-36 Show-Off Nails set of 10 N Same as above but in set of 10 425 2 C3-36


NEURALWARE - HEADWARE AND BOOSTERS - - BASIC PROCESSOR M BASIC PROCESSOR FOR ALL SYSTEMS 1000 1D6 1-71 Kerenzikov Boosterware N +1 to Initiatve rolls for every level bought 500* 2D6 1-71 Sandevestian Speedware N +3 to Initiative rolls for 5 turns 1600 1D6/2 1-71 Tactile Boost N Increased Sensitivity. +2 on any touch Awareness check 100 2 1-71 Pain Editor N Tunes out Hot, Cold, Pain. Negates Stun/Shock checks 200 2D6 1-71 Cybermodem Link N Allows direct connection to a Cybermodem 100 1 1-71 Vehicle Link N For direct vehicle operation only 100 3 1-72 Smartgun Link N For direct smartweapon operation only. +2 to hit. 100 2 1-72 Smartgun Link II - Upgrade your old smargun link to new induction spots 300 0 C3-23 Machine Link N Allows dirct control of autofactories, heavy machinery 100 2 1-72 DataTerm Link N Allows downloading from DataTerms into internal memory 100 2 1-72 Interface Plugs M Allows direct connection to all links 200 1D6 1-72 Model 100 Interface Plugs MA Old Interface plugs, +2 against Black Ice, -2 to all Actions 1000 2D6 C3-33 Used Model 100's MA Used Interface plugs, same as above. 100 2D6 C3-33 Chipware Socket N Allows up to 10 APTR or MRAM chips to be loaded 200 1D6/2 1-73 APTR Reflex Chips - Chipped Reflex and Tech Skills varies 0 1-73 MRAM Memory Chips - Chipped Intelligence Skills and Databases. varies 0 1-73 Wet Drive N 100 Meg Memory in skull 300 1D6 C1-35 Wetdrive Access Link M Interface to Wetdrive 200 1D6/2 C2-6 Mag-Duct Spots M Subdermal Interface plugs, no cybermodem, -1 to all others 220 1D6/2 C1-38 Pacemaker Coprocesser N Resarts heart in event of arrest. 150 2 C3-26


IMPLANTS - CYBERWARE PLACED IN THE BODY - - - Nasal Filters M Stops toxic gases and fumes, 70% effective 60 2 1-73 Gills MA Water breathing system good for 6 hours 400 3D6 1-73 Independent Air Supply MA Good for 25 minutes 300 2D6 1-74 Mr.Studd Sex Implant MA All night, everynight, and she'll never know 300 2D6 1-74 Contraceptive Implant N Good for 5 years , 98% effective 100 .5 1-74 Subdermal Pocket M 2”x4“ space with Realskin zipper 200 2D6 1-74 Adrenal Booster M +1 Reflexes for 1D6+2 turns. 8 hours to recharge 400 2D6 1-74 Motion Detector M Detects motion up to 20m in a 60o arc, 70% effective 200 2D6 1-74 Digital Recorder M 2 hr interal digital storage from A/V inputs 200 2 1-74 Tape Recorder M 2 hr internal tape storage from A/V inputs 300 2 1-74 Radar Sensor M 100m range radar. Must have Optic. 70% effective 200 2 1-74 Sonar Implant M 50m range sonar. Must have Audio. 70% effective in water only 300 2 1-74 Radiation Detector M 10m range geiger counter. 70% effective 200 2 1-74 Chemical Analyzer M 5m range 70% effective 200 2 1-74 Voice Synthesizer M Can mimic up to 10 recorded sounds at 60% effectiveness 600 1D6 1-74 AudioVox M Vocal Reverb for special effects. +2 to Performance 700 2D6 1-74 Voice Pattern - AudioVox option. mimics recorded sounds and voices 350 2 C1-35 Forked Tonge - AudioVox option. +1 Persuasion or Seduction 350 2 C1-35 Rebreathers MA Hold breath up to 15 minutes. Toxic Filter 55% effective 700 1D6+1 C1-36 Decentralized Heart CR +2 to all Death Saves 1300 1D6+4 C1-37 Pacesetter Sport Heart CR +1 to MA and BT for 4 minutes. -1 to Death Saves 900 1D6 C1-37 Pacesetter 2000 Overdrive CR +2 to MA and BT for 2 minutes. -1 to Death Saves 985 1D6 C1-37 T-Maxx Cyberliver MA Filters out alcohol with 98% effectivenss. +4 Drug saves 450 1D6 C1-37 E-Monitor M Analyzes Atmospheric conditions 185 1 C1-38 Gyro Stabilizer M +2 Space Sickness rolls, +1 0G maneuver rolls. 1000 1D6 C1-38 Zetatech Bodycomp MA Built in E-Book 1750 1D6+4 C2-8 Lifescan Body Monitor M Linked to Biomonitor, TimesSquare, and Nanites 4000 1D6 16-2 Compact Braindance Recorder CR Records up to 2 hours. Downloads out of back of head. 15000 2D6 C3-23 Cellular Phone MA Built in Cellphone. 500 3 C3-24 LiveWires M Prehensile 45cm wires resembling worms. 400 2D6 C3-24 Autoinjector M Holds up to 5 doses in subcutaneous IV in forearm. 750 1D6/2 C3-25


BIOWARE - BIOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENTS - - - Grafted Muscle MA +2 to Body Type 1000 2D6 1-75 Muscle and Bone Lace N +2 to Body Type 1500 1D6/2 1-75 Skin Weave N Armors all areas to SP 12 2000 2D6 1-75 Lifesaver Skin Weave N Advance Death Level once every 4 minutes 4500 1D6/2+1 C1-39 Enhanced Antibodies N Improve Healing by 1 point per day 3000 1D6/2 1-75 Toxin Binders N Improve Poison, Drug saves by +4 3000 1D6/2 1-75 Nanosureons N Doubles Healing rate 6000 1D6/2 1-75 Anti-Plague Nanotech N +3 to resist disease or BioHazard agents 1750 .5 C1-39 Nanooptical Upgrade N Reduces darkness effects 1500 1D6/2 C2-8 Muscle Enhancement N +1 to BT 1000 1D6/3 4-61 Chem Weave N +4 to Chemical Saves 2000 1D6+3 4-61 Thermal Weave N Increases Heat resistance to 107_ F 1500 1D6+3 4-61 Vac Weave MA Strengthens body aganst decompression 5000 1D6 4-61 Rad Weave N Provides radiation protection of 1 RSP 1500 2D6 4-61 Reflex Boost N +1 to REF 3500 1D6+3 4-61 Enhanced Sense M Improves one sense similar to a cyberoptic or audio 1200 2 per 4-61 Elderview MA Allows true vision of supernatural beings, -2 to Awareness rolls 5500 3D6 18-5 Nano-Groomers N +2 Personal Grooming 400 .5 C3-26 Endoframe Armor SCR +3 BOD, +1 H to H damage , 10 point sever, EV +1 12000 2D6+1 C3-28 Orbital Endo-frame Armor SCR +3 BOD, +2 H to H damage, 12 points sever, EV+0 25000 2D6+3 C3-28


CYBERWEAPONS - IMPLANTED BODY WEAPONS - - - Scratchers N Body Weapon (hands). 1D6 damage 100 2D6 1-75 Vampires N Body Weapon (mouth). 1D6 damage 200 3D6 1-75 Retractable Vampires Rippers M Body Weapon (hands). 2D6 damage 400 3D6 1-76 Wolvers M Body Weapon (hands). 3D6 damage 600 3D6+1 1-76 Big Knucks M Body Weapon (hands). 1D6+2 damage 500 3D6 1-76 Slice N' Dice M Body Weapon (hands). 2D6 damage 700 3D6 1-76 Cybersnake MA Cyberweapon, self controlling. 1D6 damage 1200 4D6 1-76 BigRipp M Body Weapon (hands). 2D6 damage 850 3D6 13-2 Mandibles MA Body Weapon (mouth). 2D6 damage 1200 5D6 18-4 Gang Jazzler M Body Weapon (hands). Electrical shock 600 2D6+3 C1-40 Stinger N Body Weapon (hands). Hypodermic needle 400 1D6+3 14-3 Bonespike MA Body Weapon (hands). 1D6+4 damage. Very Difficult to spot. 1000 2D6 C3-25 Spitting Cobra M Spits acid or Poison 6 feet. 400 4D6 C3-27 Retractable Spitting Cobras MA Same as Spitting Cobra but Retract. 700 4D6 C3-27


CYBEROPTIC MA BASIC EYE MODULE (Add up tp 4 options per eye) 500 2D6 1-76 REMOTE CYBEROPTIC MA DETATCHABLE EYE (Add only 1 option). RANGE 100M 1500 3D6 C2-9 EXTRA CYBEROPTIC CR EYE IN MIDDLE OF HEAD.-1 ATTR. 750 3D6+2 C3-28 LIVEFEED CYBEROPTIC M VIDEO RELAY EYE WITH MULTIPLE BUILT-IN OPTIONS 1200 2D6+1 17-3 Color Shift N Allows color change, special fashion effects 300 .5 1-76 Image Enhancement N +2 to Awareness using a visual search 300 1 1-76 Targeting Scope N +1 to all ranged attacks 400 2 1-76 Times Square Marquee N LED screen for messages 300 1 1-76 Times Square Plus N LED screen linke to APTR and MRAM chips. Uses 3 options 500 2 C1-38 Teleoptics N x30 telescope 150 .5 1-76 Micro-Optics N x100 microscope 150 .5 1-76 AntiDazzle N Immune to flash or laser blinding 200 .5 1-76 Lowlite N See in dim light 200 .5 1-77 Thermograph N See heat patterns, temperature readings. 200 1 1-77 Infrared N See in near total darkeness using heat emissions 200 1 1-77 Ultraviolet N See in total darkness using an UV flashlight 200 1 1-77 MicroVideo Optic N Mini-digital recorder with 20 minutes storage. Uses 2 options 300 .5 1-77 Digital Camara N Digital camera records 20 images digitally. Uses 2 options 300 .5 1-77 Dartgun N Poison dart gun takes 3 options and has one dart. 200 .5 1-77 Dodgeball N +1 to Brawling, Martial Arts, and Weapons after 3 turns 440 1 C1-39 Video Cam/Transmitter N Relays vision to a remote monitor or recorder. Uses 4 options 330 1 C1-39 Video Imager N Advanced Times Square for Video. Uses 2 options. 350 2 C1-39 Teargas Sprayer N One shot burst of gas, 1m range, lasts 1D6 turns. Uses 2 options 200 2 C1-39 Elderview MA Cyberoptic version of the implant. 5500 3D6 18-5 Bug Eye MA Oversized optic, holds 6 options per pair. ATTR -1or -2 1500 3D6 C3-23 Compass N Requires Times Square. 1 option space or 2 if Logcompass 300 1 C3-24 Laser-CommOptic M Low power laser communicator with 20m range. All spaces 425 1 C3-24 Interface Plug MA Takes all option spaces. Same as normal Interface Plug. 600 2D6+2 C3-27 Interferometry System M Stereoscopic Magnification, takes 1 space per eye. 400 1 C3-27 Verbal-Eyes M Takes 1 option space, displays images 750 3 C3-32 Video Imager Option N Specially designed for Verbal Eyes. Takes 3 options. 1000 5 C3-32 Customized Option N Takes 4 options, includes TimesSquare Plus. For Verbal-Eyes 1200 5 C3-32 REVELATION CYBEROPTIC M HOLDS 2 OPTIONS FROM CP2020, +1 AWARENESS EACH 2000 3D6-1 C3-36 USED REVELATION CYBEROPTIC M USED VERSION OF ABOVE 700 3D6-1 C3-36


CYBERAUDIO M BASIC HEARING MODULE. No option limit. 500 2D6 1-77 Amplified Hearing N +2 to Awareness checks using auditory cues 200 1 1-77 Radio Link N Radio Communication up to 1 mile (49Mhz) 100 1 1-77 Frequency Changer N Gives the user the option of 6 channels on Radio Link 100 0 C1-39 Phone Splice N Full cellular communication. 150 1 1-77 Scrambler N Scrambles all outgoing communication on Radio Link 100 .5 1-77 Bug Detector N Detects Taps and Bugs up to 3m, 60% effective 200 .5 1-77 Voice Stress Analyzer N Lie Detector, +2 to Human Perception and Interrogation rolls 200 1 1-78 Sound Editing N +2 to Awareness checks to hear a specific sound in a crowd 150 .5 1-78 Enhance Hearing N Ability to hear supersonic and subsonic audio ranges 150 2 1-78 Wearman N Stereo music system 100 .5 1-78 Wearman Mark II N Stereo music system with microdisk reader 200 0 C1-37 Radar Detector N Beeps if Radar system is detected, 40% effective 150 .5 1-78 Homing Tracer N Can follow a tracer up to 100m 200 .5 1-78 Tight Beam Radio Link N Allows untappable communication within line of sight 200 1 1-78 Wide Band Radio Scanner N 50Khz-10Mhz 200 channel scanner 100 2 1-78 Micro-Recorder Link N Transmits to a recorder in body or via plugs 100 .5 1-78 Digital Recorder Link N Transmits sound to a digital recorder 100 .5 1-78 Level Damper N Automatic noise compensation 300 .5 1-78 Seismic Detector N Motion detection through footfalls, requires Times Square 220 1D6/2 2-22 SPECTRUM AUDO M ORIGINAL HEARING MODULE. Limited options. 1500 3D6-2 C3-35 USED SPECTUM AUDIO M SAME AS ABOVE BUT USED. 650 3D6-2 C3-35 Enlarged Outer Ear - Awareness +1, ATT -1, 200 3D6 C3-35


CYBER ARM CR STANDARD ARM REPLACEMENT 3000 2D6 1-78 TENTACLE ARM CR 8 70 CM TENTACLES EACH SDP OF 5 AND SP20 4000 5D6 18-5 EXTENDABLE TENTACLES CR SAME BUT CAN EXTEND TO 150 CM. SUPERSIZED ARMS CR OVERSIZED ARMS. 2D10 CRUSH 3D6 PUNCH SP20 SDP30 4-5000 2D6 C3-25 ENABLE CYBERARM CR OLD CYBERARM. SDP 23 TO DISABLE, -1 REF EACH 4000 2D6+2 C3-34 USED ENABLE CYBERARM CR SAME AS ABOVE, BUT USED, -1 REF 500 2D6+2 C3-34 CYBER LEG CR STANDARD LEG REPLACEMENT 2000 2D6 1-78 ENABLE CYBERLEG CR OLD CYBERLEG. 28 SDP TO DISABLE, -1 REF AND MA EACH 6000 3D6+3 C3-34 USED ENABLE CYBERLEG CR SAME AS ABOVE BUT USED. 700 3D6+3 C3-34 CORVETTE CYBERLEGS CR HIGH SPEED CYBERLEGS, +3 TO MA, +8 WITH HSMS 3500 3D6 16-2, C4-5 ROMANOVA CYBERLEGS CR +1 WARDROBE/STYLE, +4-6 INCHES IN HEIGHT 5000/pair 2D6 C3-31 Quick Change Mount (limb) N Allows 1 turn changing of cyberlimbs 200 2 1-79 Hydraulic Mount N 25 limb SDP, 3x normal crushing damage 200 3 1-79 Thickened Myomar N 25 limb SDP, 2x normal crushing damage 250 2 1-79 Reinforced Joints N +5 to limb SDP 200 1 1-79 Artifical shoulder Mount CR Mount extra arms (2) below first set. 1 only 1500 2D6 1-79 Microwave/EMP shielding N Limb is unaffected by Microwave side effects 300 1 1-79 Plastic Covering N In colors, transparent, etc. 1-200 1 1-80 RealSkinn N Limb looks real (DIFFICULT task) lowers HC by 1D6/2 200 - 1-80 Superchrome N High gloss metallic coating 200 3 1-80 Armor N Armors Cyberlimb to SP 20 200 - 1-80 Spiked Limb Cover N Rows of 1 inch spikes1D6 damage 200 2 16-2 Double- Jointed Limb N +1 to Grapples, Holds, and Chokes, +2 to Dodge/Escape Extra Twist Joint N +2 REF/MA, +2 Grapples, Escapes +30% cyberlimb cost +10% each additional joint Tentacle Arm Cover N Hides Tentacle arm 800 0 18-5 Sycust FleshWeave N Cyborganic covering. 1 option space, repair cost 150% 20%+200 0 C3-21 Leg Boosters N Memory Plastic springs increase leap by 3m, 2 option spaces 500 1D6 C3-34 CyberPillow M Built-in pillow. Pillowcases cost 10. 80 .5 C3-26 CYBERFOOT N STANDARD FOOT THAT ATTACHES TO CYBERLEG 200 0 1-80 TALON FOOT N EXTENDABLE TOE BLADES. 1D6 DAMAGE. 600 2D6 1-80 TOOL FOOT N CAN MOUNT STANDARD FINGER OPTIONS 300 2 1-80 WEB FOOT N DOUBLES SWIMMING SPEED, +3 TO SWIM SKILL 500 2 1-80 GRIP FOOT N DESIGNED FOR BETTER GRIPPING STRENGTH 500 2 1-80 SKATE FOOT - INLINE SKATES ATTACHED TO FEET, 50 KMPH (MA=20) 440 1D6 C1-33 SPIKE HEEL FOOT N SPIKE IN HEEL FOR LETHAL KICKS, 2D6 DAMAGE 500 2D6 1-80 STEALTH FOOT N +1 BONUS TO STEALTH +150 1 C4-6

Hands and Fingers

CYBERHAND MA REPLACEMENT HAND, HOLDS 4 FINGER OR 1 HAND OPTION 750 1D6 C1-31 STANDARD HAND N CYBERLIMB ATTACHMENT , CANNOT MOUNT OPTIONS 150 0 1-80 RIPPER HAND N STANDARD HAND WITH RIPPERS BUILT IN 600 2D6 1-80 HAMMER HAND N HYDRAULIC RAM FIST DOES 1D10 DAMAGE 600 2D6 1-80 BUZZ HAND N ELECTRIC CHAINSAW, 2D6+2 DAMAGE PER TURN 600 2D6 1-80 GRAPPLE HAND N EXTENDS ROCKET PROPELLED GRAPPLE WITH 100M LINE 200 2 1-80 MODULAR HAND N CAN MOUNT UP TO 4 TOOLS OR 1 HAND OPTION 600 2 1-80 SURVEILLANCE HAND N DETATCHABLE REMOTE CONTROL MINI-CAMERA IN PALM 1000 1D6 17-2 WEB HAND N +2M SWIMMING SPEED, +2 TO SWIMMING SKILLS 250 2 C3-26 MACE HAND N HIGH DENSITY HAND AT END OF 1M CABLE, 2D6+1 DAMAGE 300 3 C1-36 MEDIC HAND W/CYBERARM N MEDICAL ACCESSORIES 975 1D6/2 C4-5 ALONE MA MEDICAL ACCESSORIES 975 1D6+2 C4-5 Tentacle Finger - 10 cm long tentacle 500 1 18-4 Extendable tentacle - 30 cm long tentacle 750 1 18-4 Dartgun - Same as Optic option 100 2 C1-32 Screwdriver - Powered screwdriver finger 50 .5 1-80 Wrench - Adjustable wrench finger 50 .5 1-80 Drill - Adjustable drill finger 50 .5 1-80 Soldering Iron - Electric Soldering Iron finger 50 .5 1-80 Socket Wrench - Adjustable powered socket wrench finger 50 .5 1-80 Lockpick - Concealed lockpick finger 50 .5 C1-32 Light Pen - Finger to write on apporpriate computer screens 45 .5 C1-32 MiniLight - Battery powered flashlight with a 25 m range 25 .5 C1-32 Finger Bomb - Detatchable bomb that does 2D6+3 damage in a 3m diameter 150 2 C1-32 Scissors/Wirecutters - 2 fingers used to cut, can do 1D6/3 damage 50 1 C1-32 Mace Sprayer - 2 Bursts of mace (-4 to REF and Awareness for 1D6 turns) 150 2 C1-32 Magnetic Grip - Magnetic pads for feet or hands, bought in pairs 60 0 C1-34 Cutting Torch - Hand option, blowtorch with 10 cm flame for 2.5 minutes 100 1D6/2+1 C1-36 Deringer - Hand option, 2 shot pitol, 1D6 damage 220 1d6 C1-36 Tazer Grip - Hand option, taser in palm 180 2D6+2 C1-38 Quick Change Mount - Hand option, quick change mount for fingers 150 1 C2-4 Vidcam - Video camera finger transmits image to Video imager 400 2 C2-4 Self-propelled grenade - Rocket propelled grenade finger, 2D6 damage in 2 m diameter 200 2 C2-4 Air Hypo - Air hypo finger with 4 injections per cannister of propellant 200 1 C2-4 Tracking Device - Tracking device finger, transmits to Times Square at 3km 300 .5 C2-4 Lighter - Lighter finger with 2 hours of fuel 25 2 C2-4 Cytech Custom Cyberhands - Customization of existing hands, various effects - - C2-5 Tri-Dart Launcher - Hand option, three darts between knuckles, 1D6/2 damage 300 1D6/2 C2-5 IR/UV Flashlight - Effective range of 10m 200 1 C3-22 Probe Link N Interface plug, -1 to all vehicle actions, cannot be quickchange 150 .5 C3-22 Flare - Altitude of 150m, 1D6/2 damage 200 2 C3-22 Parabolic Microphone - Amplifies x20 350 2 C3-22 Storage Compartment - Small storage space. 75 .5 C3-22 Flasher - Flashbulb. Difficult REF roll of suffer -4 blinded modifier 250 1 C3-22 Laser Pointer - Small laser with a 20m range. 150 .5 C3-22 Finger Flesh Mount M Attach Cyberfingers to real hands 100 1 C4-4 One-shot pistol N single shot 5mm pistol 250 2 C4-4 Ballpoint finger N Ballpoint pen 25 .5 C4-4


BUILT INS - BUILT INTO CYBERLIMBS Cybermodem N Built in Cyberdeck, 5000 for cellular 3000 1 1-80 Digital Recorder N Built in Chip recorder, must download or erase chip 300 1 1-81 Storage Space N 2” x 6“ storage space. Can be locked 50 .5 1-81 MiniCam N Pop up mini-camera 200 2 1-81 MiniVid N Pop up mini-video 400 2 1-81 Hidden Holster N Weapon sized based on Body Type 100 1 1-81 LCD Screen readout N Can be linked to any output device 200 1 1-81 Watchman N Pup up TV with 4.5” screen 180 1 C1-33 Limblink N Turns any pop up gun into a smartgun 100 1 C1-34 Winch N Winch with 15m cable, 1 ton test. 500 1D6+3 C2-5 Icer N CO2 Fire extinguisher in forearm 200 1D6/2 C1-36 Quickdraw Armholster N Launches small pistols into cyberhand, +2 Initiative 200 0 C2-6

Built-In Weapons

BUILT-IN WEAPONS - BUILT INTO CYBERLIMBS Grenade Launcher N Carries 2 grenades of any type 500 2D6 1-82 Micro-Missile Launcher N Fires 4 missiles, 4D6 damage each 900 2D6 1-82 Popup Gun N Any weapon, size based on Body Type varies 2D6 1-81 Flame Thrower N Range 1 m, Damage 2D6, 1D6/2 per round 600 2D6 1-81 Weapon Mount & Link N Mounting plate plus neural link for 1 external weapon 100 3 1-82 2 Shot Capacitor Laser N Shoulder mounted, As a laser only smaller 800 2D6 1-82 Shotgun N Folded in compartment, takes 2 spaces 400 1D6 1-82 Whip N 2.2m long alloy tentacle, 1D6/2 damage, 1D6 damage strangle 475 2D6 C1-34 Gas Jet N Pressurized cannister of any gas with a range of 2m. 275 1D6+3 C1-34 Flash Bulb N 20000 candlepower strobe in palm with a 6m range 250 1D6/2 C1-35 High Five N Wrist mounted, palm firing shotgun, 1 shot. 350 1D6 14-2 ChainRipp N Chainsaw, 3D6 AP damage, 2SP/hit on soft armo. 1250 2D6+4 C3-29

Linear Frames

LINEAR FRAMES - IMPLANTED EXOSKELETON FOR STRENGTH - - 1-82 Series-A MA Strength = 18, SDP=15, SP=6 12000 4D6 C3-34 Series-B MA Strength = 21, SDP=20, SP=8 15000 5D6 C3-34 Frame S MA Strength = 12 6000 2D6 1-82 Frame B MA Strength = 14 8000 2D6 1-82 Frame W MA Strength = 16 10000 3D6 1-82

Body Plating

BODY PLATING - EXOARMOR FOR COVERING BODY - - 1-82 Cowl MA Skullcap, covers head for SP 25 200 1D6 1-82 Faceplate CR Protective Facemask for SP 25 400 4D6 1-82 Torso plate MA Torso portection for SP 25 2000 3D6 1-82 Front Optic Mount MA Allows up to 5 optics to be mounted on face 1000 4D6 1-82 Sensor Boom M Head mounted estensors for audio and optics 500 3D6 1-82 Total Body Plating 2XCR SP 20 armor to all locations, -3 to REF, -1 to Stealth 6800 8D6 C2-9 Evileye Facial Remount MA Face Armor 15% SP 6, ATTR -1 150 1D6 C3-33 Jigsaw Facial Remount MA Face Armor 25% SP 12. ATTR -1 250 2D6 C3-33 Twoface Facial Remount CR Face Armor 50% SP 18. ATTR -2 350 3D6 C3-33

Subdermal Armor

SUBDERMAL ARMOR HC COST DIFFICULTY TO SPOT ATTR LOSS REF LOSS SP 6 1D6/3 350 Impossible (35+) None None SP 8 1D6/2 500 Impossible (32) None None SP 10 1D6/2+1 650 Impossible (30) None None SP 12 1D6 800 Very Difficult (25) None None SP 14 1D6+2 1000 Very Difficult (25) None None SP 16 1D6+3 1100 Difficult (20) None None SP 18 2D6 1200 Difficult (20) -1 (50%) None SP 20 2D6+2 1450 Average (15) -1 -1 SP 22 3D6 1750 Easy (10) -2 -2

Subdermal Skull Armor

SUBDERMAL SKULL ARMOR HC COST DIFFICULTY TO SPOT ATTR LOSS SP 4 1D6/3 300 Impossible (35) None SP 6 1D6/2 550 Impossible (30) None SP 8 1D6 750 Very Difficult (25) None SP 10 1D6+2 1000 Diffiicult (20) None SP 12 1D6+3 1200 Average (15) -1 (50%) SP 14 2D6 1400 Easy (10) -1


SKINWEAVE HC COST DIFFICULTY TO SPOT ATTR LOSS SP 6 1D6 1000 Impossible (35+) none SP 8 1D6+1 1250 Impossible (30) none SP 10 1D6+3 1600 Very Difficult (25) none SP 12 2D6 2000 Difficult (20) -1 (50%) SP 14 2D6+2 2400 Difficult (20) -1 SP 16 2D6+4 2750 Average (15) -2

Spyke Body Covering

SPYKE BODY COVERING PRICE DAMAGE BONUS HC SP SDP Head 400 1D3+1 1 10 +10 Shoulders and Chest 500 1D3+2 3 10 +10 Arms (Both) 450 1D6 2 10 +10 Legs (Both) 600 1D6+1 2 10 +10


As the world's Corporations vie for a larger market share and strive to outdo, undermine and destroy competitors, scientific knowledge has grown and continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Amazing new breakthroughs have been made in cybernetic enhancement and augmentative wares. This new technology originally slated and intended for intergalactic, military and covert Corporate use has, like most things; found its way into the streets. Around the world illegal clinics began sprouting up like tenacious weeds.

Recognizing the vast market to be exploited, the Corporations forced the legalization of many forms of cyberware and began funding and building their own clinics even as they funded authorities and mercenaries to shut down unlicensed competitors. The cost can be staggering and the effects both physically, mentally, and soul-chillingly depletive, yet still the clinics thrive. The range of enhancements is nothing short of amazing and no one wants to fall to an opponent who has the chip-edge over them. On the streets you need every advantage you can get, sacrificing a little of your humanity, or most… seems a small price to pay to stay alive.

Cyberware Quickjump











Knuckle Spikes

Composition Damage

(S) Min

1: Carbon Steel 1d4/2

1:200 10 2: Titanium 1d6/2 2:280 12 3: Poly-Ceramic 1d8/2 3:380 14

Available in stand-out version only, this process molecularly grafts a set of rivets to the subject's knuckles for additional damage in hand to hand combat. This modification is obvious unless special gloves are worn to hide the additional bulk. The listed cost is for both hands, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price.

Hand Razors Composition - Mod Damage Barrier Rating (NS) Min 1: Carbon Steel 1d4 4 1:800 14 2: Titanium 1d4+1 6 2:1100 16 3: Poly-Ceramic 1d6+1 10 3:1600 18 4: Viborium 1d8+8 14 4:2200 28

Bionic Housings (Conceal Bonus: +100%)

20% Increase


Di-Sheathing +1 +1

800 18

Monofilament +2 -

600 16

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

1100 20 Available in both retractable and non-retractable versions, hand razors are either grafted to reinforced fingers/fingertips, or secreted within specially crafted bionic bio-ceramic fingertip housings, allowing the subject to use their edged fingertips as close-combat slicing talons. Base razors are potentially composed of several different substances. While non-retractable hand razors can be partially concealed success in doing so is unlikely (Conceal Rating: 20%). Hand Razors have a chance of harming objects with a barrier rating that is less than their own.

Note: Against barrier rated targets of lesser strength razors do 1/3 their listed damage except for viborium which does 1/2. Treating hand razors with di-sheathing increases damage and barrier rating. Monofilament augmentation incorporates a strand of monofilament into the slicing edges of the blades that increases damage. Poly-Sheathing involves coating the blades in a translucent nanite solution that subtly warps light and renders the blades effectively invisible to cursory observance. Viborium cannot be treated with the di-sheathing or monofilament modifications, but is considered an energy attack as opposed to a kinetic based attack. The listed cost is for both hands, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price.

Cyber Claws Composition - Mod Damage Barrier Rating (NS) Mod

1: Carbon Steel 1d4(x# of pinions) 4

1:2000 (x#) 14 2: Titanium 1d4+1(x# of pinions) 6 2:2900 (x#) 16 3: Poly-Ceramic 1d6+1(x# of pinions) 10 3:3600 (x#) 18 4: Viborium 1d8+6(x# of pinions) 14 4:5000 (x#) 28

Bionic Housings (Conceal Bonus: +100%)

40% Increase 16

Di-Sheathing +1 +1

1200 18

Monofilament +2 -

1000 16

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

1600 20 Available in both retractable and non-retractable versions, this process involves grafting a set of up to four deadly claws to reinforced bone, or secreting them in subcutaneous bionic bio-ceramic housings within the patient's forearms for quick release. Although limited to the length of the subject's forearms, they allow the user to utilize a wickedly edged, razor sharp weapon in close combat situations. Non-retractable cyber claws cannot be effectively concealed. Cyber claws have a chance of harming objects with a barrier rating less than their own effective barrier rating. Note: Against barrier rated targets of lesser strength, claws do 1/3 their listed damage except for viborium which does 1/2. Treating cyber claws with di-sheathing increases damage and barrier rating. Monofilament augmentation involves a strand of razor wire being incorporated into the slicing edges of the claws that increases damage. In the case of di-sheathing or monofilament being added to the subject's claws, the bonus to damage accrues after base damage is tabulated. Poly-Sheathing involves coating the pinions in a translucent nanite solution that subtly warps light and renders the blades effectively invisible to cursory observance. Viborium cannot be treated with the di-sheathing or monofilament modifications, but is considered an energy attack as opposed to kinetic. The listed cost is for both hands, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price.

Ankle Spurs Composition Damage Barrier Rating (NS) Mod 1: Carbon Steel 1d4(x2) 4 1:1700 14 2: Titanium 1d6(x2) 6 2:2100 16 3: Poly-Ceramic 1d6+1(x2) 10 3:2800 18 4: Viborium 1d8+6(x2) 14 4:3600 28 Bionic Housings (Conceal Bonus: +100%) 30% Increase

16 Rotating Spindle (Bonus Damage: +6) 1900

18 Di-Sheathing +1 +1 1200

18 Monofilament +2 - 900 16

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

1600 20 This procedure involves grafting two retractable or non-retractable six inch spurs to one or both of the subject's ankles. The blades can be angled as the subject wishes and can even rest upon a bio-ceramic motorized spindle band that lies beneath or just outside of the subject's skin, depending upon whether the spurs are retractable or not. Ankle Spurs have a chance of harming objects with a barrier rating that is less than their own barrier rating. Note: Against barrier rated targets of lesser strength spurs do 1/3 their listed damage except for viborium which does 1/2. Treating ankle spurs with di-sheathing increases their damage and barrier rating. Monofilament augmentation involves incorporating a strand of razor wire into the slicing edges of the spurs that increases damage. In the case of di-sheathing or monofilament being added to the subject's spurs, the bonus to damage accrues after damage is tabulated. Poly-Sheathing involves coating the spurs in a translucent nanite solution that subtly warps light and renders the blades effectively invisible to cursory observance. Viborium cannot be treated with the di-Sheathing or monofilament modifications, but is considered an energy attack as opposed to kinetic. The listed cost is for both ankles, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price.

Taser Talons Composition - Mod Damage - Stun Damage Range BR (NS) Min

1: Carbon Steel 1d4 - 3d6+4 30 meters - 4

1:1500 14

2: Titanium 1d4+1 - 4d6+4 30 meters - 6

2:2200 16

Bionic Housings (Conceal Bonus: +100%)

25% Increase


Di-Sheathing +1 +1

800 18

Monofilament +2 -

600 16

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

1200 20 This modification incorporates a customized set of hand razors into the subject's fingertips with an added feature. Mini-darts are set within the center of each razor and are attached to a micro-generator housed in the subject's wrist. Fired upon mental command and linked by nano-trode wires to the generator they deliver varying charges of electricity. The darts are expelled by compressed nano-chem reaction and have a limited range but are totally silent. Though the flailing target struck by them most likely won't be. Note: Against barrier rated targets of lesser strength razors do 1/3 their listed damage. Treating hand razors with di-sheathing increases their damage and barrier rating. Monofilament augmentation involves incorporating a strand of razor wire into the slicing edges of the blades that increases damage. Poly-Sheathing involves coating the blades in a translucent nanite solution that subtly warps light, which renders the blades effectively invisible to cursory observance. Stun damage inflicted by the talons continues for up to 2 combat rounds or until/unless they are removed and/or at the discretion of the user of the talons, upon a successful hit and initial discharge. Darts are incorporated only within the four fingers, not the thumb and all are fired on either hand at once. This modification is not compatible with cyber claws. The nano-chem compression effect recharge for each set of darts requires 2 full minutes. If this ware is combined with the shock palm ware, divide the cost of the shock palm implant in half. The listed cost is for both hands, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price.

Monofilament Garrote Conceal Rating Location Damage (NS) Min 1: 98% Thumb tip 2d4+1(x3) 1:1200 16 2: 98% Wrist 2d4+1(x3) 2:1800 18 This process involves replacing or modifying either one of the subject's fingertips, fingernails or securing a very small spool and trigger soft-divot into the subject's wrist bone that upon pulling or depression frees the section of the fingertip, nail or wrist and allows the spool of deadly monomolecular razor wire to be pulled free for use as a brutally effective garrote. Ideal for surprise attacks, this deadly bit of near invisible wire can be used to lethal affect in close quarter combat. Note: With respect to monofilament edged weapons or the like, due to advances in armors, monofilament weapons no longer simply slice through such as if they didn't exist. Instead, damage beyond the armor's reduction rating is instantly accrued to the armor's AP value and once this is exceeded accrued to the person beneath. Against similar technologies, (Monofilament, particle weaponry, bio-ceramic bone lacing, black-synth skel, etc.) the weapons cause an earsplitting sound and no few sparks but simply glance off one another. (In the case of the bone augmentations, the subject's flesh is obviously not protected from this glancing effect. Viborium and Plasma Sheathed Monofilament will slice through monofilament.)

Shock Touch Conceal Rating Stun Damage (NS) Mod 1: 95% 3d6+4 1:1000 12 2: 95% 4d6+4 2:1500 14 This modification involves the inception of tailored, insulated induction pads being set just beneath the skin of the subject's palms, fingertips, knuckles, feet, etc. This allows the subject to utilize a devastating touch, punch, kick or grappling attack that can render foes unconscious and even in some instances kill. A specialized micro capacitor is housed within the subject's wrist in hand versions and elsewhere near the induction coils if placed in the feet, knees, etc. Note: Once an opponent has been successfully grappled and the initial discharge from the Shock Touch applied, the target suffers subsequent stun damage until/unless they are shocked free, break free, and/or at the discretion of the user of the Shock Touch for up to 2 combat rounds. Dependant upon the location of the pads, this modification is not always compatible with smart-links, hand razors, knuckle spikes, retractable ankle spurs, or retractable cyber claws. If combined with taser talons cut the cost of this implant in half.

Lasher Servo Conceal Rating Striking/Reflex Bonus (NS) Mod

1: 94% +3/+4

1:4600 18

2: 96% +6/+8

2:9200 22

3: 98% +9/+16

3:16000 26 The Lasher Servo involves equipping the subject with an articulated micro servo or servos that are connected to an expert system and some form of monofilament, be it plasma shrouded or mundane. Via this servo and the attached length of end-weighted monofilament the subject is capable of using the length of monofilament as an impressively accurate whip or less if desired for garrote type attacks, as well as gaining servo-aided base, additional attacks. Upon mental cue, the spool will automatically retract the monofilament's length back into its secure housing. The number of potential monofilament lines that can be utilized in conjunction with a single mini-servo is based on the servo itself. A lvl3 servo for instance can manipulate up to three separate monofilament lines at the same time, though rather than a +9 bonus to each, the bonus is divided by the number of lines being manipulated so each would only gain a +3 bonus to strike and reflex. It is possible to incorporate multiple servos into a subject and maintain a greater bonus, but obviously this is far more expensive. The reflex bonus goes towards initiative and autostrike chances.

Chem-Squirt Conceal Rating Reservoirs Range Damage (S) Mod 1: 95% 6 3-meters Variable 1:900 12 2: 95% 9 6-meters Variable 2:1400 14 The chem-squirt system houses a thin specially treated, semi-pliable bio-ceramic tube within the subject's forearm along with a pair of small reservoirs, the contents of which are expelled by compressed nano-chem reaction with limited range. Likewise, a pair of small inlet valves just below the subject's elbow allow for refilling the chemical reservoirs. The chem-squirt is totally silent and with the right chemicals offers its possessor a wide variety of ways by which to deal with foes. Note: The units nano-chem can fully unload its various mini-reservoirs before requiring refilling and recharging, a process which takes roughly 10 minutes to complete.

Chem-Coater (S) Min



12 This modification allows the subject to coat retractable cyber weapons with various chemicals or poisons for use in augmenting their edged or piercing attacks. The process involves equipping the subject with a specially treated cartridge and modifying (when necessary) his or her cyber weapons to utilize the chemical or poison without danger to the subject. Likewise the unit is equipped with a small inlet valve that allows the subject to refill the Chem-Coater as needed. Note: The Chem-Coater cannot be used in conjunction with Viborium.

Cyber Arm Composition Base Strength Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 16 2 - 40 -1 - 1d2+2

1:2500 12

2: Carbon Steel 18 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+2

2:4200 14

3: Titanium 19 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+4

3:6200 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 21 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+4

4:9000 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 20 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+4

5:11000 24

Di-Sheathing - +1 - +10 -1 - +1

2000 18 The cyber arm is just what its name would imply, an arm generally crafted from an extremely complicated combination of bio and poly-ceramics, titanium and so forth, all of which combine to create a fully articulated bionic appendage. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight and strength of their artificial arm. Despite this intense reinforcement, in almost all cases the cyber arm is capable of specific feats of strength that the subject's body is not necessarily capable of supporting. The strength of the cyber arm cannot be further augmented. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused by an elbow or punch, while half that amount would be caused to anyone striking the subject's arm or hand. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramic materials cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. Due to the nature of the subject's new arm, the conceal rating of other mods or weapons within their arm or connected cyber hand is usually 100% unless of course the mod in question isn't designed to be concealed.

Cyber Hand Composition Base Strength Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 16 2 - 40 -1 - 1d2+1

1:1000 12

2: Carbon Steel 18 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+1

2:2500 14

3: Titanium 19 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+2

3:4200 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 21 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+2

4:6800 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 20 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+2

5:8800 24

Di-Sheathing - +1 - +10 -1 - +1

1100 18 Incorporation of a cyber hand most often replaces a damaged or destroyed real hand. Generally crafted from an extremely complicated composition of materials to create a fully articulated bionic appendage. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight and strength of the artificial hand. Despite this intense reinforcement, in almost all cases the cyber hand is capable of specific feats of strength that the subject's body is not usually capable of. The strength of the cyber hand cannot be further augmented. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused by a punch, while half that amount would be caused to anyone striking the subject's hand or fist. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramics cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. Due to the nature of the subject's new hand, the conceal rating of other mods or weapons within their hand is usually 100% unless of course the mod in question isn't designed to be concealed.

Cyber Foot Composition Base Strength Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 16 2 - 40 -1 - 1d4

1:1000 12

2: Carbon Steel 18 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+1

2:2500 14

3: Titanium 19 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+2

3:4200 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 21 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+2

4:6800 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 20 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+2

5:9600 24

Di-Sheathing - +1 - +10 -1 - +1

1100 18 The cyber foot generally ends up replacing the subject's damaged or destroyed appendage and is composed of a series of deftly engineered gears and so forth, all combined to create a fully articulated bionic appendage. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight and strength of the artificial foot. Despite this intense reinforcement, in almost all cases the cyber foot is capable of specific feats of strength that the subject's body is not necessarily capable of supporting. The strength of the cyber foot cannot be further augmented. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused by a kick, while half that amount would be caused to anyone striking the subject's cyber foot. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramic materials cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. Due to the nature of the subject's new foot, the conceal rating of other mods or weapons within it is usually 100% unless of course the mod in question isn't designed to be concealed.

Cyber Gun Base Range Base Damage Rounds (NS) Min

1: Holdout 20 meters 1d4+1 12

1:700 12

2: Pistol 30 meters 2d6+5 9

2:1600 14

3: Machine Pistol 30 meters 2d6+3 18

3:2000 16

4: Submachine Gun 30 meters 2d6+5 21

4:2800 18

5: Shotgun 15 meters 5d6+3 8

5:4000 18 Integrated Silencer levels (1-4) 100(x lvl) 12 Recoil Reinforcement levels (1-4) 400(xlvl) 12 Sub-Sonic Capabilities 1000 14 This modification equips a subject's cyber arm with an integrated gun. Just beneath the elbow, the subject's arm is altered to take a specialized gun type and flat-clip of caseless ammunition. Bullets burst forth from just below the subject's upturned palm in most cases and the weapon can hold a variable number of shots within its own integrated chambering mechanism. Note: This weapon is not compatible with certain wares, primarily retractable cyber claws, some forms of the shock touch, monofilament whips, and chem-squirt modifications. Variants of the cyber-gun such as the machine pistol and sub machinegun are capable of burst fire mode, which adds a (x3) multiplier to damage and uses up three rounds per burst. The cyber-gun can be equipped with various add-ons though the integrated silencer is not an option with the shotgun modification.

Cyber Leg Composition Base Strength Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 16 2 - 40 -1 - 1d4+1

1:2800 12

2: Carbon Steel 18 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+3

2:4900 14

3: Titanium 19 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+5

3:7000 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 21 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+6

4:10000 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 20 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+5

5:12600 24

Di-Sheathing - +1 - +10 -1 - +1

2200 18 This process involves replacing the subject's leg with an incredibly complex series of joints, gears and articulated cybernetic musculature, all of which combine to create a functional bionic appendage. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight and strength of the artificial limb. Despite this intense reinforcement, in almost all cases the cyber limb is capable of specific feats of strength that the subject's body is not necessarily capable of supporting. The strength of the cyber leg cannot be further augmented. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused by a kick or knee attack, while half that amount would be caused to anyone striking the subject's cyber leg. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramics cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. Due to the nature of the subject's new leg, the conceal rating of other mods or weapons within the limb is usually 100% unless of course the mod in question isn't designed to be concealed.

Cyber Skull Composition Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 2 - 40 -1 - 1d4+1

1:1500 12

2: Carbon Steel 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+3

2:2500 14

3: Titanium 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+5

3:4800 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+6

4:7600 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+5

5:9400 24

Di-Sheathing +1 - +10 -1 - +1

1600 18 The cyber skull is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, a skull that is crafted from the material in question and composed of an extremely complicated design. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight of their artificial skull. Likewise either cyber-surgery or tailored application of similarly formulated nanites are required to repair damage to the cyberware. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused by a head-butt, while half that amount would be caused to anyone head-butting or punching the subject's head. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramics cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. Due to the nature of the subject's new skull, the conceal rating of other mods or weapons within it is usually 100% unless of course the mod in question isn't designed to be concealed.

Cyber Tendrils Strength Agility Length (NS) Min

1: 12 18 6 meters

1:2100 16

2: 13 17 6 meters

2:3200 16

3: 14 16 5 meters

3:4300 16

4: 15 15 4 meters

4:5400 16

5: 16 14 4 meters

5:5400 16

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

2200 20 This procedure involves incorporating a pair of cybernetic tendrils into the subject that come equipped with a specialized microprocessor and are composed of fully articulated micro-motors usually located at the subject's waist, shoulders, back or wrists, though almost any area is possible. Tendrils are often used to entangle opponents, latch onto ceilings and so forth. Tendrils range from relatively thin to roughly the width of a child's wrist. The wider the tendril is, the stronger it is, however conversely the less agile and shorter it tends to be of necessity. All forms are prehensile and can be manipulated by thought like any limb to one degree or another. Whether affixed with Clean-Tac sticking capabilities, miniaturized holo-recorders, etc. these tendrils allow a range of options that simply aren't available to a person without them. When not in use, the cyber tendrils are easily concealed upon specially articulated spools that are subcutaneous in nature and totally concealed. Note: Cyber tendrils can utilize a wide variety of potential augmentations to make them offensive, defensive or utility in nature.

Cyber Torso Composition Barrier - R - P DRR - Damage (NS) Min

1: Polyplast 2 - 40 -1 - 1d4/2

1:5500 12

2: Carbon Steel 4 - 60 -2 - 1d4+2/2

2:8500 14

3: Titanium 6 - 80 -3 - 1d4+4/2

3:11800 16

4: Poly-Ceramic 10 - 120 -4 - 2d4+6/2

4:14500 18

5: Bio-Ceramic 8 - 100 -4 - 1d6+5/2

5:17000 24

Di-Sheathing +1 - +10 -1 - +1

2400 18 The cyber torso is crafted from the base material in question and is composed of a carefully articulated design. In all cases the subject's physiology is strengthened to support the added weight of their new torso. These base materials, require either cyber-surgery or tailored application of similarly formulated nanites to repair damage to the torso. In the case of bio-ceramic materials, the bio-ceramic will repair itself at the rate of 5 barrier points per day. The damage listed would be caused to anyone striking the subject's cybered torso directly. Note: The technology of today is such that in most cases the subject's prosthetic is easily passed off as the real thing to all but the most advanced methods of detecting such unless of course this is contrary to the desires of the subject. Polyplast and bio-ceramics cannot benefit from Di-Sheathing. The recipient of a cyber torso usually gains a not insignificant amount of body mass/weight as a result of this procedure.

Dermal Motors Time to Alter Form (NS) Mod 1: 3 minutes 1:6200 22 2: 1 minute 2:10400 24 An expert microprocessor works in conjunction with specialized dermal motors, which are tiny servos hooked into the subject's skin and nervous system to effect an extremely rapid form of change to the subject's physical appearance whether gross or miniscule. The system can pull or push the subject's skin, causing it to take different shapes. The subject can make their skin tighter or looser, change the shape of their ears or nose, change the skin's texture, and even add or remove moles, wrinkles, and blemishes. Note: The subject can utilize the dermal motors to shift or change their appearance to a degree that almost insures they won't be recognized by those utilizing visual or physical recognition methods. Certain wares such as the bio-ceramic ballistic weave can hinder the process and cause the time required to alter the subject's form to take three times as long. Dermal motors are not compatible with bio-ceramic sheathing or sub-dermal armor.

Digi-Digits Situational Statistics Time Modifier (S) Min +6 to Reflex -10% 1600

12 This process involves replacing the subject's fingers on both hands and replacing them with cybernetic variants that split apart once at the base, once more at the first knuckle, once again at the third knuckle, and finally again at the tips, increasing the subject's usable digits from 10 to 50. Moving at frightening speed, these cybernetic digits type hundreds of times faster than normal fingers allow. This additional speed aids in general with a time modifier for such mundane tasks as data entry, programming, hacking, etc. Within the matrix, the additional speed aids hackers by granting them an added reflex bonus in terms of modifying programs, virals, or code on the fly and so forth.

Integrated Smart Link Systems (S) Min



16 Integrated smart link systems allow the subject to gain the benefits of smart-link technology with regards to internal missile or projectile weapons. (ie. Taser Talons, Chem-Squirt, Cyber Gun, Eye-Bite Laser Pulse, etc.) Note: Take the cost of the base smart link technology and add the price for this modification to it. Likewise the index is the same as the base link in question. (ie. Smart Link or Improved Smart Link.)

Smart Link Conceal Rating Single - Dual Call Shot - Dual (NS) Min 70% +2 - (-2 - -4) -2 - (-6 - -8) 3200

18 Smooth induction links are installed into the subject's palm or palms and connected to a specialized micro-processor that relays statistical information and intimate awareness of the status of similarly modified weaponry for display either via smart goggles or a heads-up-display. Effectively granting the user an exceedingly deadly symbiotic oneness with their weapon.

Improved Smart Link Conceal Rating Single - Dual Call Shot - Dual (NS) Min 80% +3 - (-1 - -3) -1 - (-5 - -7) 4600

20 An advanced version of the smart link system, this enhanced link combines with a higher grade microprocessor and any similarly altered weapon, allowing the user an intimate knowledge and command of a weapon's ammunition, clip ejection, mode of fire, control, and overall condition, along with a more flawless tactical symbiotic interface. Note: The subject gains an additional attack with the smart linked weapon every other round. i.e. A dual-smart linked subject wielding dual-smart linked weapons would gain 2 added shots every second round of combat.

Bio-Ceramic Ballistic Weave HP DRR WHP - Regen (NS) Mod 1: +20 -2 30 - (3 per hour) 1:14000 16 2: +30 -4 40 - (4 per hour) 2:26000

18 Through this extensive process bio-ceramic polymer fibers are crafted into a pliable full formfitting mesh within a subject’s skin, providing a relative degree of protection from almost all forms of attacks. Note: The ballistic weave procedures are not compatible with bio-ceramic sub-dermal armor or bio-ceramic dermal sheathing. Damage first comes from the weave's WHP, then the HP, then finally the subject's HP. If the WHP (Weave Hit Point) value provided by the ballistic weave reaches 0, until it regains a positive factor the (DDR) Damage Resistance Rating is halved, though the pseudo HP bonuses apply. Against energy attacks, the DRR is effectively halved and damage is done directly to the weave's HP until it's depleted, then directly to the subject.

Epidermal Lattice BAR - KAR HP - Regen (NS) Mod 1: -4 30 - (2 per round) 1:10000 14 2: -6 50 - (3 per round) 2:18000 16 3: -8 70 - (4 per round) 3:32000

18 This process involves incorporating specially crafted miniature kinetic field generators into the subject's body at crucial points. These points are the head, solar plexus, each of the subject's shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, thighs and ankles. Damage that goes beyond the ware's threshold (BAR/KAR) damage resistance rating, comes first from the pseudo HPs of the epidermal lattice before coming from the subject's HP. Unlike base armors, the epidermal lattice regenerates a portion of its HP value field each combat round. The epidermal lattice's BAR/KAR continues to aid the subject even if the lattice no longer has a positive HP value. Note: The epidermal lattice is not compatible with sub-dermal armor or dermal sheathing. If the HP value provided by the epidermal lattice reaches 0 the (BAR/KAR) ballistic and kinetic armor ratings apply but are halved in effectiveness, until its HP regains a positive value. Against energy attacks, damage completely bypasses the epidermal lattice.

Bio-Ceramic Sub-Dermal Armor HP DRR SDAP Detrimental Statistics (NS) Mod 1: +40 -4 60 - (5 per hour) -1 Reflex 1:6000 14 2: +50 -4 80 - (10 per hour) -2 Reflex - -1 Attractiveness 2:9800 16 3: +60 -4 100 - (15 per hour) -4 Reflex - -2 Attractiveness 3:14800

18 More bulky and faintly obvious when compared to the effectively invisible ballistic weave, this process involves placing thin bio-ceramic plates woven together with a similar, though less bulky, mesh of carbon polymers that act to protect the subject from most weaponry. Unlike the lesser weaves and lattices, bio-ceramic sub-dermal armor has a greater DRR and more HP. Likewise, the armor's HP repairs itself in just a matter of hours. Note: Bio-ceramic sub-dermal armor has detrimental side affects as well however. Sub-dermal armor is not compatible with bio-ceramic dermal sheathing, bio-ceramic ballistic weaves or the epidermal lattice. If the HP value provided by the sub-dermal armor reaches 0, until it regains a positive factor only half the armor's DRR is effective. There are specialized nanite injections that can completely refresh the sub-dermal armor's HP in a matter of hours, but they are quite expensive. Against energy attacks, the DRR is effectively halved and damage is done directly to the armor's AP and then the subject's HP until it's depleted, then directly to the subject. (Nanite Repair Injection - Cost: 2500 - Fully regenerates HP in 1d4 hours.)

Bio-Ceramic Dermal Sheathing HP DRR SDAP Detrimental Statistics (NS) Mod 1: +60 -4 80 - (8 per hour) - 1:8000 16 2: +70 -4 100 - (16 per hour) - 2:14000 18 3: +80 -4 120 - (24 per hour) -1 Reflex 3:22800

20 Bio-ceramic dermal sheathing is the latest in sub-dermal armoring and largely avoids the bulky, oft-times dehumanizing appearance that accompanies less recent versions of sub-dermal armoring though the process is much the same. Unlike the lesser weaves, lattices and bio-ceramic sub-dermal armor, bio-ceramic dermal sheathing has a greater DRR and more HP. Likewise, the sheathing's HP repairs itself at a swifter rate. Note: Bio-ceramic dermal sheathing has potential detrimental side affects as well however. Sheathing is not compatible with bio-ceramic sub-dermal armor, bio-ceramic ballistic weaves or the epidermal lattice. If the HP value provided by the sheathing reaches 0, until it regains a positive value only half the sheathing's DRR is effective. There are specialized nanite injections that can completely refresh the Bio-Ceramic Dermal Sheathing's HP in a matter of hours, but they are quite expensive. Against energy attacks, the DRR is effectively halved and damage is done directly to the armor's AP and then the subject's HP until it's depleted, then directly to the subject. (Nanite Repair Injection - Cost: 3500 - Fully regenerates HP in 1d3 hours.)

Protean Hands Situational Bonuses/Skills (NS) Min

+4 Escape - +2 to Grapple


16 This modification replaces the bones in the subject's hands with a specialized bio-ceramic that becomes pliable and easily shaped upon mental command. At a thought the bio-ceramic returns to its original hardened configuration that essentially grants the subject the same degree of enhanced damage with their fists as per kevlar bone lacing. Note: Protean hands are not compatible with any form of bone-lacing. Can alter fingerprints though not duplicate other patterns without a sample and neural programming.

Clean-Tac Graft Treatment Adhesive Rating (NS) Mod 1: 189.00 kilos - 100% 1:4400 18 2: 223.00 kilos - 100% 2:6800 18

Nanite Solution: Legal Clinic


12 Black Market 1800

10 The clean-tac craft treatment involves incorporating specially made nanites into the subject's palms, feet, forearms, knees and shins. These nanites grant the user the remarkable ability to cling to virtually any surface, save for frictionless surfaces which halve their effectiveness. (Nanite Sheathed vehicles, crafts, etc.) Unlike most nanite based cyberware, this treatment requires periodic replenishing of the tailored nanite solution. Unless the subject is equipped with a CTGT Nanite Hive mod. (See Nanites.) Note: Each nanite dose stores for 1 year and lasts 3 months once used to replenish the subject's dwindling supply. Subject gains a +2 to affect with grappling attacks and cannot be disarmed by kinetic force. (ie. kicks, punches, etc. A bullet through the hand would still work however.)

Magneto Sub-systems Magnetic Rating (NS) Mod 1: 166.00 kilos - 100% 1:3200 14 2: 198.00 kilos - 100% 2:4600 14 3: 230.00 kilos - 100% 3:7200

14 This surgical process grafts a specialized series of miniature electro-magnets into the subject's legs, knees, arms and palms, allowing the subject a far greater grip or the ability to simply stick onto ferrous metal materials. Useful in some instances to those who are used to running physical ops. Note: Most buildings and the like are no longer composed of ferrous type metals, those things that are, are older vehicles, structures and similar things.

Polyplast Bone Lacing Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Min P:1d2+1 K:1d4+1 -1 +10 HP 2 - 20 3500

12 In this extensive process, the subject's bones are reinforced to provide greater cohesion and strength, allowing for additional durability in physically stressing situations and added raw power in unarmed combat. The entire process is both lengthy and stressful on the subject's physiology. Polyplast bone lacing likewise grants the subject additional damage capabilities. Note: With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her with their fist takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's reinforced skeleton. Materials with a lesser Barrier Rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 50% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh and thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's knuckles and generally makes a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources, while the strength of the skeleton's structure is enhanced by the barrier points.

Kevlar Bone Lacing Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Min P:1d4+1 K:1d4+2 -1 +20 HP 3 - 30 5200

14 In this extensive process, the subject's bones are reinforced to provide greater cohesion and strength, allowing for additional durability in physically stressing situations and added raw power in unarmed combat. The entire process is both lengthy and stressful on the subject's physiology. Kevlar bone lacing likewise grants the subject additional damage capabilities. Note: With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her with their fist takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's reinforced skeleton. Materials with a lesser Barrier Rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 50% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh and thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's knuckles and generally makes a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources, while the strength of the skeleton's structure is enhanced by the barrier points.

Aluminum Bone Lacing Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Min P:1d4+2 K:1d4+4 -1 +30 HP - +1 Strength 4 - 40 8000

16 Reinforcing the subject's bones with a specially treated aluminum polymer thread, this process provides the subject's skeleton with greater physical resilience and dependability in both flat out stopping power, and damage in unarmed combat. Like polyplast bone lacing, this process is physically grueling and greatly stresses the subject's physiology. Aluminum bone lacing likewise grants the subject additional damage capabilities. Note: This adds about 1 kilo to the subject's overall weight. With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her with their fist takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's reinforced skeleton. Materials with a lesser Barrier Rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 50% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh and thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's knuckles and generally makes a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources, while the strength of the skeleton's structure is enhanced by the Barrier Points.

Titanium Bone Lacing Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Min P:1d6+2 K:1d6+4 -2 +40 HP - +2 Strength 6 - 60 14000

18 Titanium bone lacing makes the subject’s bones all but unbreakable and grants a great deal more raw stopping power and physical resistance than either polyplast, kevlar or aluminum bone lacing. Like its forerunners, titanium bone lacing is horribly stressing to the subject's physiology. Titanium bone lacing likewise grants the subject additional damage capabilities. Note: This adds about 5 kilos to the subject's overall weight. With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her with their fist takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's reinforced skeleton. Materials with a lesser Barrier Rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 50% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh and thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's knuckles and generally makes a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources, while the strength of the skeleton's structure is enhanced by the barrier points.

Enhanced Articulation Statistical Bonus (NS) Min

+2 Agility - +2 Reflex



Complete Treatment


10 By treating the primary joints of the subject’s body the subject gains an impressive degree of speed, combined with a contortionist's range of movement. Note: Upon request the subject's toes and fingers can be treated as well for a nimbleness that defies description! At an extra cost of course.

CP Landing System Situational Bonuses (NS) Min

+4 Agility/+4 Reflex


16 This piece of ware was created to aid in avoiding falling damage or injury. The Cat’s Paw Landing System strengthens and articulates both the subject’s wrists and ankles, as well as the base of their spinal column, to grant the ability to fall from most heights and still manage to land on one's hands and/or feet without fear of serious harmful injury.

Note: Range equates to 1 meter per 1/2 the subject's Reflex Rating. A byproduct of this enhancement makes even a total novice an expert in terms of navigating any form of partial or full freefall.

Skill Wire Rig Skill Rating Chipjack Slots (NS) Ext 1: Variable 3 1:18000

12 2: Variable 5 2:26000 14 3: Variable 7 3:42000

16 This extensive process allows the use of special skillsofts that are placed in the subject's chipjacks. The user is able to utilize the skills loaded upon the tailored chips as if the skills were his or her own, up to the level of the base skill recorded upon the chip. Generally chips are never as good as the real thing in that those with the real skill are more capable of improvisation and can more fully take advantage of their innate knowledge, while those utilizing skillsofts are limited by the rating of the chip itself, however some skill is better than none in any situation. Also in the case of skills the subject already possesses, combining the right chip with Skill Wires can further enhance the subject's innate skill by half again the value of the actual skill chip.

Expert Chipjack Plugs Skill Rating Bonus - 1: +1 1:2000 14 2: +2 2:4000 16 3: +3 3:6000

18 Expert chipjack plugs must be purchased separately for each skillsoft or knowsoft that the subject wishes the bonus for and are only compatible with skill wire rigs. Thus if the subject wanted a +3 bonus for her Karate lvl 4 skillsoft and mechanic build and repair lvl 3 skillsoft, she would have to buy a separate expert chipjack plug for both. The benefit is that the expert chipjack is compatible with multiple skill and knowsofts regardless of rating as long as they are the same type. (ie. Karate lvl 4 or Karate lvl 6 would both benefit from the same expert chipjack purchased for Karate.)

Booster Wires Situational Bonuses Autostrike - Evade Chance Armor - Strike Bonuses (NS) Mod 1: +1d4 Reflex 1% - - +1 1:4000 16 2: +1d4+2 Reflex 2% -1 - +1 2:8000 18 3: +2d4+2 Reflex 3% -1 - +2 3:14000 20 Similar though not as telling in effect as reflex coils, boosting a subject's reflexes is almost as invasive but far less expensive or stressful to the subject's system. A trigger to turn off the system is not necessary as it functions and powers down upon command. Booster wires are not as fast as reflex coils or flash wire systems. Note: With respect to the subject's chance to auto-strike/evade, the % is adjusted by subtracting any modifiers in this regard that the target might have as well, with parity voiding those bonuses. Booster wires are not compatible with coil enhancements, variable coil triggers, reflex coils, or flash wire systems.

Reflex Coils Situational Bonuses Autostrike - Evade Chance Armor - Strike Bonuses (NS) Ext 1:2d4+4 Reflex +1 Agility +1 Intuition 5% -2 - +2 1:18000 20 2:3d4+6 Reflex +1 Agility +1 Intuition 7% -3 - +4 2:26000 22 3:4d4+8 Reflex +2 Agility +2 Intuition 9% -4 - +5 3:42000 24 4:6d4+10 Reflex +3 Agility +3 Intuition 12% -6 - +6 4:74000 26 An extremely invasive and costly procedure, this surgery allows the subject to move/react/perceive and perform at vastly enhanced speeds. The effect to the senses of a wired person, being that ordinary people and those with lesser enhancements appear to be moving as if in slow motion. Note: Studies show that some subject's who stay fully coiled for an extended period of time tend to potentially develop nervous system problems and odd ticks. Reflex coils are not compatible with booster wires or flash wire cyberware modifications. With respect to the subject's chance to auto-strike/evade, the % is adjusted by subtracting any modifiers in this regard that the target has as well, with parity voiding those bonuses.

Variable Coil Trigger (S) Min



26 Due to the strain caused to the body and motor skills of being constantly wired, subjects are encouraged to likewise invest in a mentally cued variable coil trigger. It is not however a necessity. This allows the wired subject to disengage their inhumanly fast reflexes or lessen or heighten their affects until triggered again. Note: The variable coil trigger is only usable with reflex coils and is not compatible with booster wires or flash wire cyberware. Likewise the variable nature is limited by the base system of wired reflexes involved. (ie. A subject with reflex coils (lvl 1) can use the trigger only as a basic on/off switch, whereas a subject with reflex coils (lvl 3) would be able to utilize the trigger to lessen his or her coils to (lvl 2) - (lvl 1) or simply as an on/off switch for them.

Coil Enhancement Situational Bonuses Autostrike - Evade Chance (NS) Min 1: +1 Reflex - 1:2000 20 2: +2 Reflex 1% 2:4000 20 3: +3 Reflex 1% 3:6000 22 4: +4 Reflex 2% 4:8000 24 Through customized tweaking and honing a subject equipped with reflex wires can squeeze even more speed from their augmentations via an arduous process of coil enhancement.

Flash Wire Situational Bonuses Autostrike - Evade Chance Armor - Strike Bonuses (NS) Ext 1: 2d6 +6 Reflex +2 Agility 7% -3 - +4 1:24000 22 2: 3d6 +8 Reflex +2 Agility +1 Intuition 9% -4 - +5 2:33000 24 3: 4d6 +10 Reflex +3 Agility +2 Intuition 13% -6 - +7 3:51000 26 4: 6d6 +12 Reflex +4 Agility +3 Intuition 18% -8 - +10 4:87000 28 Flash wire systems are as horribly invasive as they are stressing to the subject's system. Due to the nature of the ware and its keeping the subject in a perpetual state of anxious hyper-activity, there is a 5% chance per month (non-cumulative) that the subject will develop TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy). Even if the subject stays clear of the disease, he or she will occasionally suffer momentary spasms as muscles quiver uncontrollably and their nervous system shunts the extra energy. Still the speed the system provides is glorious and frightening to behold and those augmented with these systems are unnaturally graceful and fluid in their movements. Note: The flash wire ware is not compatible with booster wires or reflex coil cyberware nor with the variable coil trigger or coil enhancement. With respect to the subject's chance to auto-strike/evade, the % is adjusted by subtracting any modifiers in this regard that the target has as well, with parity voiding those bonuses.

Auto Injector Dosage Number (S) Min 1: 3 1:1200 8 2: 6 2:2000 10 3: 9 3:3400

12 This modification places a specialized triggered injector for various chemicals or compounds, from drugs, poisons, antibiotics, antidotes and so forth. Each Auto Injector is equipped with a special inlet valve that allows the subject to refill the unit when necessary.

Body Compartment (S) Min



10 In addition to the fingers or teeth, other parts of the body can be hollowed out or otherwise modified to act as compartments for use in holding small items, devices or substances. Usually this process involves removing a piece of bone and replacing it with a poly-ceramic case. Typical compartment spaces are placed in ribs, knee-caps, toes and so forth. (Typical things kept within such a compartment are lock picks, data-chips, micro-transceivers, bugs, etc.)

Cryo-Circuit Duration Resuscitation Bonus (NS) Mod 1: 12 Hours 24% 1:2000 14 2: 24 Hours 48% 2:4200 14 3: 36 Hours 72% 3:6400

14 This modification incorporates a tailor-made latticework of miniscule fibers that act in the event that the subject's vital signs cease or drop below acceptable levels. In such cases the cryo-circuit drops the subject's body temperature dramatically, especially with respect to primary organs and provides the subject with hours in which he or she can potentially be revived rather than just a handful of minutes before brain damage and full-on death occur.

Note: Environmental variables can play a significant role in whether cryo-circuits are of any use in some cases. (ie. If the subject happens to be in a desert, tropical jungle or resting next to a blast furnace etc.)

Biomonitor Statistics Healing Bonus Resuscitation Bonus (NS) Mod 1: +1 Constitution +10HP +1 65% 1:5000 14 2: +2 Constitution +20HP +2 70% 2:8000 16 3: +3 Constitution +30HP +3 75% 3:12000

18 This thumbnail sized expert microprocessor coordinates and keeps track of all the usual health-tracking functions (pulse, respiration, brain activity, blood sugar, temperature and cholesterol levels), the biomonitor also keeps track of a whole slew of other factors (radiation levels and exposure, ultra-violet index, blood-oxygen level, blood-nitrogen levels, manganese, sulfur, lead, mercury, aluminum, biotoxins, current gravity, air pressure and pre-programmed drugs). Because the biomonitor needs access to the lungs for data, it is mounted just under the ribcage, usually with a connection to a readout in the subject's forearm or a link to cyber optics.

Note: The effects of the biomonitor are not cumulative with the bio array.

Filtration Systems Airborne Blood Ingested Rating Cellular (NS) Mod 1: 30% 20% 30% 20% 1:6000 14 2: 35% 25% 35% 25% 2:9000 14 3: 40% 30% 40% 30% 3:15000 14 4: 45% 35% 45% 35% 4:27000

14 The introduction of a filtration system applies to only one of the subject's various systems dependant upon the modification. Each, varying by its type monitors and filters that particular system through the use of tailored wares which provide resistance and semi-immunity to most toxins and impurities born via the specific method involved, whether by air, blood, ingestion, or cellular. Multiple filtration systems can be incorporated into a single subject.

Bio Array Statistics Healing Bonus Resuscitation Bonus (NS) Mod 1: +3 Constitution +35HP +4 80% 1:9000 16 2: +4 Constitution +40HP +5 85% 2:16000 18 3: +5 Constitution +45HP +6 90% 3:22000

20 This series of thumbnail sized expert microprocessors coordinate and keep track of all the usual physiological health-tracking functions (pulse, respiration, brain activity, blood sugar, temperature and cholesterol levels), the bio array also keeps track of a whole slough of other factors (radiation exposure, ultra-violet index, platelet count, blood-oxygen level, blood-nitrogen levels, manganese, sulfur, lead, mercury, aluminum, biotoxins, current gravity, air pressure and pre-programmed drugs). The bio array likewise coordinates and augments the capabilities of any other wares the subject might possess which relate to the character's physiology. Because the bio array interpolates data between and augments the functionality of so many other wares it is widely spread throughout the subject's body. The bio array has the capabilities of fully diagnosing and where possible, initiating steps to aid the subject in the event that their system has been compromised. In most cases the subject is kept abreast of their physiological, environmental, medial and ware based functionality either via a systems readout located in the forearm or through direct HUD or cyber optic display.

Note: The effects of the bio array are not cumulative with the biomonitor.

Bio Regulator Poison Resistance Disease Resistance (NS) Ext

15% 10%


18 This ware allows the subject to regulate certain autonomous functions of the body such as breathing, heart rate, gag reflex, fever and response to foreign materials. This makes the subject virtually (96%) immune to a specific subset of dazing or nauseating conditions. As a byproduct the subject gains an improved resistance to poison and disease and is far less likely to be easily winded from exertion.

Note: The subject automatically gains the Endurance skill as a byproduct of this ware.

Heat Diffusion Sheathe Heat Signature Bleed Processor Speed (NS) Ext 1: -2 12 seconds 1:8000 16 2: -3 10 seconds 2:12000 18 3: -4 8 seconds 3:18000 20 4: -5 4 seconds 4:24000 22 5: -6 2 seconds 5:32000

24 This elaborate network of heat bleeding shunts allows the subject to quickly shed excess and to a degree, even normal body heat, potentially allowing the subject to blend in easily with their surroundings. Primarily desired by those involved in various professions that require stealth. Note: In general your average person who is performing normally without exerting themselves is a 1, while exertion raises a person's heat signature by +1. Generally speaking, a value of 0 equates with blending in with one's surroundings, except in the case of extreme environments. The processor speed is the amount of time required to bleed downward each step. So that time would be doubled to drop two steps if of course the ware allows for such, and so forth.

Pain Editor Statistics Threshold Rating (NS) Mod 1: +1 Constitution +3 Will Ware Bonus 5% 90% 1:9000 14 2: +2 Constitution +4 Will Ware Bonus 10% 95% 2:15000 16 3: +3 Constitution +5 Will Ware Bonus 15% 98% 3:22000

18 This small piece of tech allows the subject to largely ignore the effects of pain. The subject does realize the extent of the damage he or she has suffered but can in most cases and up to a point still function (If physically possible.) despite the de-habilitating affects. The Threshold Rating represents the amount of damage that the subject can sustain before the Pain Editor is overloaded and goes dormant.

Note: The bonuses to constitution and will reflect the benefits of the pain editor in terms of increasing the subject's threshold to pain.

Ruthenium Sheathing Adaptability Processor Speed Stealth (NS) Mod 1: 70% 1.5 seconds +2 - +65% Unseen 1:9000 18 2: 80% 1 second +4 - +75% Unseen 2:15000 22 3: 90% .5 seconds +6 - +85% Unseen 3:22000

26 Ruthenium Sheathing involves a process of suffusing the subjects skin with specialized polymers that react to electric current that is flushed through a latticework of sensors to achieve varying colors or hues that allow the subject to more ably blend in with his or her surroundings. Equipped with hundreds of thousands of nano-vid feeds and a small host of micro-processors to alter the apparent pigmentation of the subjects skin quickly and effectively.

Note: Clothing can degrade the affects of the blending just as simple things like mud and so forth can. This modification is not possible in conjunction with Color Me or Chloro-Skin. The above listed modifiers take into account that the subject is naked or wearing clothing or armor that is likewise ruthenium based.

Touch Wires (NS) Min



18 These implants are composed of dozens of articulated prehensile near monofilament thin wires that snake forth from the subject's hands. Each wire is essentially a touch sensor that allows the subject to feel and distinguish extremely fine details on any surface.

Note: The subject can utilize the touch wires to search a ten by ten foot area in one round.


Cyber Optics Conceal Rating Subsystems (NS) Mod 1: 74% 4 1:1400 10 2: 80% 6 2:2600 12 3: 86% 8 3:4000 14 4: 92% 10 4:7800 14


A: 98% 13 A:11400 18 B: 98% 16 B:16000 20 D: 98% 19 D:23000 22 O: 98% 22 O:32000 24

By replacing the subject's organic eyes with cyber optics, a visual acuity of 40/20 or for mil-spec grades 60/20 is granted. Each tier also allows for a variable number of sub-systems, dependant upon the cyber optic purchased. With respect to concealing the fact that the subject's eyes are cybernetic as opposed to real the number listed is the highest achievable for that grade of ware, but can be lowered as per the subject's desires. Mil-spec rated cyber optics can alter their color, configuration, appearance and shape at will and gain a 6% bonus to both the Intuition and Stand Alone reaction ratings. (Mirrored, silver, violet gold, opaque, vertical, spiral, etc.)

Note: All cyber optics are automatically equipped with the Anti-Dazzle modification, which does not count toward the number of optional optical subsystems. The retinal pattern of mil-spec grade cyber optics can be altered, though not to an extent as to duplicate other patterns without a sample of the pattern to be copied and optical reprogramming. The modifications listed below with respect to augmenting normal eyes is limited to 3 slots worth of subsystem implants.

Anti-Dazzle Intuition Rating Stand Alone *(S) Min 90% 70% 1000


Subsystem slots: 0/1

This process enhances a user's eyes to near instantly compensate in the event of a flash or other visually harmful exposure to sudden light. If the subject has foreknowledge or makes an intuition check and knows a flash is about to occur it greatly heightens the chance of success, otherwise the Stand-Alone percentage comes into play. Note: This subsystem is already integrated into cyber optics.

Corpse Display Link - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 2


10 This process is a favorite among Corpse of all tiers as it provides the subject with a specialized Image-Link system combined with a mini-signal throughput capable of accessing the matrix in a very limited sense from nearly anywhere. (Void in unpopulated areas.) Through use of the Display Link, the subject is kept up to date with current news and likewise kept abreast of the most recent trading on the stock exchange. Ideal for the corpse who wants to keep up with the competition.

Electronic Magnification Magnification Rating *(S) Min 1: 40/20 x9 or 60/20 x9 1:2000 10 2: 40/20 x16 or 60/20 x16 2:3400 12 3: 40/20 x22 or 60/20 x22 3:5600 14 4: 40/20 x28 or 60/20 x28 4:8000 16

Subsystem slots: 1

This process enhances the subject’s eyes or cyber optics to amplify the visual input received via electronic magnification. While more powerful than simple optical magnification the quality tends to degrade at longer ranges. (Reduces range modifiers for distant targets by 1 level for every 2 levels of magnification.)

Eye Bite Laser Pulse Range Charges Damage *(S) Min 1: 3 meters 4 (per eye) (3d4x3) 1:8200 24 2: 3 meters 2 (per eye) (5d4+3) 2:12000 26

Subsystem slots: 4

The Eye Bite Laser Pulse alters the subject's cyber optics to be utilized as a brutal short-range weapon. Subject to an opposed test, the subject can attempt to harm enemies with a micro-burst beam of intense laser light. For purposes of attacking the laser burst strikes randomly and a called shot negates both the detriments to the targets Intuition and Agility and incurs the standard -4 to strike penalty. Note: Requires 24 hours to recharge.

Flash Strobe Light System Range Area of Effect Charges Duration *(S) Min 1: 100 meters 180 degrees 3 (per eye) 10 Seconds 1:1000 12 2: 900 meters 180 degrees 1 (per eye) 10 Seconds 2:2200 14

Subsystem slots: 2

The Flash Strobe Light System is a modification for cyber optics. intended to cause temporary blindness in surrounding targets.

Note: Recharging requires 1 hour per usage regained. Those within the area of affect must make an opposed test to avoid the de-habilitating affects or be blinded and suffer as follows (1:) Intuition (-3) + Agility (-3)/2 or (2:) Intuition (-6) + Agility (-6)/2 and suffer a -4 to all combat or visually dependant actions as a result of their temporary blindness. The duration is 4d4 combat rounds.

Gun Eye Modification Conceal Rating Range Darts - Rounds Damage *(S) Min Dart: 96% 6 meters 6 1d2+(Variable) 1:1200 16 Bullet: 96% 9 meters 3 1d4+1 2:2200 18

Subsystem slots: 3

This modification equips the subject with an integrated dart gun or basic gun that equates to a small hold-out pistol, housed within the subject's cyber optic. These systems hold 6 darts or 3 customized rounds that cost 40% more than base rounds. The weapon itself is almost totally concealed, but the process requires the replacement or modification of part of the subject's skull which makes it incompatible with some other ware types. The Gun-Eye Modification can be equipped with various miniscule integrated options such as Integrated Smartlink Systems. Note: Utilizing the Gun Eye causes the subject to be blind in that eye for 1d4 combat rounds if they possess the gun variant.

Holo Imager Subliminal Strength Duration *(S) Min 1: 85% 1 hours 1:8000 20 2: 90% 2 hours 2:16000 22 3: 95% 3 hours 2:36000 24

Subsystem slots: 4

This piece of ware places a high-powered miniscule holographic imaging system into the subject's cyber optics that allows her to project subliminally enhanced holograms. In certain circumstances the holo-imager is capable of being utilized as a weapon. (Whether used indirectly to distract or cause a foe to hesitate, or focusing its projector into a tight beam that can severely damage a person's retinas. Anti-Dazzle eye protection, whether the cybered version or based on some piece of equipment will grant immunity to this damaging effect.) Dependant upon both conditions and the projected illusion, certain vision types and of course any blind, tactile based investigation will make it readily apparent that the image or images projected are indeed just that. ultra-sound sight and similar augmentations can all potentially prove that holographic images projected are not real, dependant upon the image itself and or environmental factors.

Note: The subliminal aspect of the holo imager allows the subject to effect the illusion of all the senses as opposed to just sight. For each full minute that the illusion is kept up, the subject must roll under the subliminal strength or there are flaws in the illusion that can potentially spoil the entire affect.

Image Link - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


10 Through this delicate technique a miniscule microprocessor is connected to a subject's cyber optics and allows for a digital clock with full world time access, image viewing via one of the varied types of jacks or head-ware micro-memory, and full visual access to certain other cybernetic subsystems such as bio-monitors, etc.

Laser Spot Welder Range Duration Damage *(S) Min 1 meter 30 minutes 2d6+3 6000


Subsystem slots: 2

This option is useful for cutting through thin materials or welding materials together. Due to its short-range and limited strength it makes for a poor weapon. (-6 to hit)

Note: This option requires 1 full hour to recharge.

Light Sight Systems Type Range Duration *(S) Min 1: Basic 10 meters 3 hours 1:1000

10 2: Ultraviolet 10 meters 3 hours 2:2600 12

Subsystem slots: 1

The light sight modification is only viable with cyber optics and involves implanting a pair of powerful polarized light-sources, basic or ultraviolet, into the subject's optics. The beams can be controlled to provide pin-point or diffuse lighting as desired. While in pin-point or narrow mode, the polarization makes the light all but invisible to anyone not directly within the subject's field of vision, in diffuse mode however the light is readily visible.

Note: It takes an hour for the units to recharge once drained. The basic light sight system can be utilized to temporarily blind an opponent if eyecontact is made and the target fails an opposed reflexive check against the subject. (Intuition(-2) +Agility(-2)/2) The duration of the blindness is 1d4 combat rounds during which the subject suffers a -2 to all combat or visually dependant actions. To utilize the ultraviolet version the subject must obviously be able to see into the ultraviolet range.

Low Light - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


10 This simple process alters a subject’s eyes or cyber optics, to access lower ranges of light. This grants the user the ability to see in near any amount of visible light as if it were a dull form of broad daylight.

Microscopic Modification Range *(S) Min

3 meters



Subsystem slots: 1

This modification allows the subject to utilize his or her eyes to scrutinize things as if using a high-powered microscope. Useful in examining post conflict scenes, medical examinations, and so forth.

Opti Camera - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


10 This process enhances a subject's eyes or cyber optics, with a pin-sized fiber optic digital camera, allowing the user to take still shots of anything gazed upon. Photographic integrity is based on the actual sensory perception of the eyes in question. If other visual enhancements are available these can be utilized for varying options in picture taking as well. Photos can be stored directly onto head-ware, non-integrated micro-memory or onto any baseline optical data storage device.

Optical Magnification Magnification Rating *(S) Min 1: 40/20 x6 or 60/20 x6 1:3200 10 2: 40/20 x12 or 60/20 x12 2:5400 10 3: 40/20 x18 or 60/20 x18 3:7600 12 4: 40/20 x26 or 60/20 x26 4:10400 14

Subsystem slots: 1

This process enhances the subject’s eyes or cyber optics to amplify the visual input received via electronic magnification. While more powerful than simple optical magnification the quality tends to degrade at longer ranges. (Reduces range modifiers for distant targets by 1 level for every 2 levels of magnification.)

Range Finder Maximum Range *(S) Min

3000 meters



Subsystem slots: 1

Through the use of a combination of sound and light, this process enables a subject’s eyes or cyber optics, to utilize either, or both; to effectively ping the distance to an intended target. (Grants a +1 to strike with arched projectile weapons.)

Targeting Optics - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


12 This option allows a subject's natural, or cyber-optic eyes to superimpose a personalized targeting display on the inside of their retina. Invisible to all but the subject. (Grants the subject a +1 to strike with missile or projectile weapons.)

Thermal Sight - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


12 This process allows the subject’s eyes or cyber optics, to discern heat signatures. Granting the user the ability to see into the infra-red spectrum of light and note residual heat in various hues and degrees of saturation.

Ultra Sound Sight Maximum Range Dependability Factor *(S) Min 1: 30 meters 95% 1:2000 14 2: 60 meters 95% 2:4200 16 3: 90 meters 95% 3:6400 18 4: 120 meters 95% 4:8600 20

Subsystem slots: 2

Ultra sound sight allows the visual centers of the subject's eyes or cyber optics to utilize vibrational pulses, much like radar to bounce a signal outward in all directions against their environment and back to them, whereby an expert micro-processor converts the return vibrations into a 360 degree 3-dimensional visual overlay. This allows the subject to distinguish objects in an environment devoid of light or even if blinded though there is always a margin of potential error.

Ultraviolet Laser Designator Range Duration *(S) Min 500 meters 25 minutes 2000


Subsystem slots: 2

The Ultraviolet Laser Designator allows the subject to paint targets with a laser target designator for use with guided weapon systems that utilize the laser to zero in on their target. Note: All laser systems are line of sight oriented and this option requires 1 full hour to recharge. Ultraviolet laser systems require that the weapons associated for use also have to be outfitted for ultraviolet identification.

Ultraviolet Vision - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 2


16 Allows the subject to perceive images irradiated by ultraviolet light, detect florescent powders or tracing agents, or the use of ultraviolet lasers, laser sights, or flashlights. Note: Ultraviolet lasers and flashlights are undetectable by simple sight.

Vid Link - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 2


10 Through this process a subject's eyes or cyber optics, are enhanced with a pin-sized digital fiber optic video recording device. Visual data feeds can be saved directly to the subject's head-ware, non-integrated micro-memory, or fed live, via a cyberjack, chipjack, or comjack to any form of media recorder or transmitter. If other visual enhancements are available these can be utilized for varying options in recording as well.

Vid Link Transmitter - 1200

10 This pin-sized transmitter allows the user of a vid link to directly feed their transmission to a remote storage. Note: Non-integral transmitters exist and are far cheaper than the cybernetic implant though they are likewise more bulky and obvious.

X-Ray Optics - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 2


18 This ware allows the subject's cyber optics to emit and receive X-rays and convert them into images. The subject can see through up to 1 foot of brick or stone, 1 inch of metal or composite alloy, and 3 feet of wood, plaster, or dirt. Thicker substances or a thin sheet of lead block the subject's vision. The X-ray optics have a maximum range of 20 feet and allow the subject to see as if looking at something in normal light, even if there is no ambient illumination.

Cyber Ear Conceal Rating Subsystems (S) Min 1: 95% 5 1:1400 10 2: 95% 6 2:3200 12 3: 95% 7 3:5400 14 4: 95% 8 4:7700 16 This replaces the external ear structure with a malleable bio-ceramite mem-implant. With a simple cybernetic command the shape of the ears may be altered within a wide range of variants. These cybernetic ears are also capable of supporting a variety of useful subsystems.

Note: This ware is automatically fitted with audio dampening technology, which does not count towards additional optional or modifications. Likewise the modifications listed below with respect to normal ears and augmentation is limited to 3 slots worth of implants.

Audio Dampener Intuition Rating Stand Alone *(S) Min 90% 70% 1100


Subsystem slots: 0/1

This ware protects a subject's hearing from extremes of sound that might otherwise cause damage or disorientation. If the subject has foreknowledge of the sound or makes an intuition check it greatly heightens their chance to avoid the negative affects of the sound, otherwise the stand alone percentage comes into play. Note: This subsystem is already integrated into cyber ears.

Balance Augmentation Situational Bonuses *(S) Min

+3 Agility



Subsystem slots: 1

While the standard cybernetic ears provide all the normal balance standard human ears provide, this additional accessory provides the users with even an greater balance mechanism, which is often useful for those in professions which require balance such as entertainers. Note: This subsystem helps augment the subject's sense of balance in situations where balance is tested.

Hearing Amplification Range *(S) Min 1: 10 meters 1:2000 14 2: 20 meters 2:3500 16 3: 30 meters 3:5000


Subsystem slots: 2

This procedure enhances the sensitivity of a subject's real or cyber ears to grant greater auditory acuity, allowing the user to notice, even at a distance sounds that might have otherwise gone unheard. Note: If the subject is having hearing amplification added to their natural ears it is recommended that they likewise invest in an audio dampener.

Frequency Modulator Effective Range Detection Rating *(S) Min 1: 10 meters 65% 1:2000 16 2: 20 meters 70% 2:3400 18 3: 30 meters 75% 3:6200


Subsystem slots: 2

Through a simple procedure the subject's range of hearing in either normal or cyber ears, is increased to note sound transmissions that would be otherwise undetectable by normal human hearing. Note: With respect to the detection rating this applies to detection of various forms of eavesdropping or other sounds, whether by bug, laser microphone, wares, etc. In general there are a number of other relatively minor, specific cases where being able to hear beyond the range of normal hearing might be useful.

Recorder - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 1


10 Usable with all forms of auditory enhancement, this simple procedure allows the subject to record any auditory information directly into head-ware micro-memory or via any headjack type into any device capable of storing sound data.

Note: This subsystem helps augment the subject's sense of balance in situations where balance is tested.

Seismic Audio - *(S) Min

Subsystem slots: 2


16 This ware allows the subject's cyber ears to simulate the effects of a ground penetrating sonar array, allowing the subject to more easily listen to sounds on the far side of barriers. Note: This modification essentially counterbalances the penalties for listening through most doors or relatively thin walls, though it doesn't help against white noise generators or rooms specifically tailored to deaden sound.

Variable Sound Filter Effective Range Filter Rating *(S) Min 1: 10 meters 65% 1:2400 16 2: 20 meters 75% 2:4600 18 3: 30 meters 85% 3:6800


Subsystem slots: 2

Through the introduction of a thumbnail-sized microprocessor, this augmentation allows the subject’s ears or cyber ears to filter out background noises and or residual static, to eavesdrop on what is really important or effectively block out that which the subject doesn't wish to hear. It is usable in conjunction with all other auditory modifications. The level of the variable sound filter installed directly affects and grants the user a greater degree of range and general control over filtering. Note: The filter rating relates to the likelihood of specifically overhearing someone or thing within the effective range to the exclusion of interrupting noises that might crop up at any given moment. In some cases the environment can preclude such things and further enhance the ware's effectiveness. In terms of filtering specific sounds out within its given range the ware is totally effective.

SiS Rig (NS) Ext




(Emotive Option)


18 The simulated sensory rig is a cutting edge sim-xperia recorder capable of recording the full range of a subject's senses. sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The basic system does not allow for the recording of the subject's emotive state or attitude, though there is a pricey option, which can be added to allow even for this. A SiS-Player, cyberdeck, or cyberjack is required to play back the recorded sensory impressions, unless they have already been converted into chip format, at which point any jack will serve to interface the chip in question. The emotive option is listed below the SiS Rig price. Note: Those equipped with the SIS Rig are automatically modified with an enhanced version of both the recorder and vid link wares, neither of which count towards optical or audio limits with respect to those ware types.

SiS RT Relay Module (NS) Mod



16 The simulated sensory real time relay module is an add-on for the SiS rig system and allows the SiS rig user to transmit data to an outside, non-local data storage device or to broadcast the SiS rig data to someone similarly modified via hyperburst relay technology, effectively letting the individuals share either two way or one way sensory and possibly emotive response and orientation with another person. The SiS rig signal is simply causes too much drag for regular comjack/holojack matrix interface transfer. This variant is most often used in conjunction with a Splinter Core and SiS Rig to allow for real-time backup processing.

Note: Non-Integral transmitters exist and are far cheaper than the cybernetic implant though they are likewise more bulky and obvious, and require the subject to be connected to the unit via a cyberjack. Likewise a direct cyberjack matrix link is possible as a relay but becomes a potential liability to the SiS rigged individual.


Alert (S) Min



10 This procedure places a specially tailored miniscule chip along the subject's spinal column at the back of their neck and instantly awakens the subject when triggered. This modification must be connected to something else, whether it be a retinal clock or conventional jack linked to an external or matrix system or clock. Ideal for those long meetings or understandably paranoid souls.

Chipjack Data Transfer Rating Com Lines Ports (NS) Mod 1: 1 Unit 1 6 1:200 10 2: 1 Unit 1 8 2:400

10 Chipjacks are the least expensive, straightforward interface options available for those interested in directly experiencing SiS technologies, as well as a wealth of various data forms in chip or wired format.

Note: Chipjacks do not allow access to the matrix in and of themselves, though it would be possible to plug a chipjack into a computer via fiber to accomplish this. Chipjacks also grant basic communications as with a cell phone with minimal options.

Comjack Data Transfer Rating Com Lines Ports (NS) Mod 1: 1 Unit 4 8 1:600 10 2: 1 Unit 6 8 2:800 10 3: 1 Unit 8 9 3:1000

10 Comjacks are all but required in the minds of your average citizen (Note there is a distinction here between your average CIN carrier with a job versus lower caste categories.), whether it be in the form of integrated headware or similar to what was once known as a cell-phone, though drastically minimized. The difference between an external piece of tech and a comjack is that the user of this headware is provided with an audio/visual interface that others are simply not privy to even if the user is holding multiple conversations at once. (ie. You could be in a physical board meeting discussing projects with your boss while holding a scintillating conversation with your significant other and also talking to your parents, while listening to the live audio of your favorite artist or sim-show via the matrix, etc.) without any of them being remotely aware of the others or any conflicting sound issues or loss of quality. (An integrated smart system keeps you from getting confused.) The comjack is primarily utilized for communication/personal matrix interfacing (And has largely replaced the PDA and personal computer.) with a host of various services and software options as well as allowing the user to interface wired of chip SiS technologies and base variations of most data format chips. (It's recommended that the subject invest in the Remote Data-Relay ECM Module in cases where the subject truly wishes to avoid electronic eavesdropping or interference from others.) Note: While every comjack provides audio privacy while utilizing its various aspects it is only when used in conjunction with some sort of visual interface that the visual aspect, also totally private (unless of course your signal has been hacked) and visible only to the possessor of the comjack becomes available, whether it be contact lenses, glasses, goggles, cyber optics, etc.

Holojack Data Transfer Rating Com Lines Ports (NS) Mod 1: 1 Unit 8 8 1:1400 10 2: 1 Unit 10 9 2:2200 10 3: 1 Unit 12 9 3:3400

10 Holojacks perform all of the functions that comjacks are capable of but likewise provide a personal holographic full sensory interface. While this display is usually of a personal nature, (ie. Only the person with the holojack, which is tuned to a user specific frequency, can sense the full sensory illusion.) it is possible to project at least the visual and audio components if such is desired. It's also recommended that the subject invest in the Remote Data-Relay ECM Module in cases where the subject truly wishes to avoid electronic eavesdropping or interference from others.

Cyberjack Data Transfer Rating Com Lines Ports (NS) Mod 1: 14 Units Unlimited 9 1:6000 20 2: 16 Units Unlimited 9 2:9000 22 3: 18 Units Unlimited 9 3:14000 24 4: 20 Units Unlimited 9 4:21000 26


A: 48 Units Unlimited 1 A:40000 28 B: 60 Units Unlimited 2 B:56000 28 D: 72 Units Unlimited 3 D:74000 30 O: 84 Units Unlimited 4 O:86000

30 This piece of ware performs above and beyond every other form of jack (aside from the Riggerjack Cranial Black Box), including all the features of its lesser variants. Cyberjacks are what allow hackers to achieve a neural interface with various media and the matrix itself. This ware also vastly improves upon the data throughput that all jacks share, and grant the subject unlimited com lines which function as easily, and comprehensively as those on lesser jacks, and in the case of the uppermost echelon grant access to omni-ports. Each single omni-port functions effectively as either 10 lesser ports, capable of slotting multiple chips, datsofts, etc. or can allow the subject to interface a single skill soft or know soft per omni-port. As with any jack, the subject can shut them off at will, and of course reinitiate them. Due to the intrinsic dangers involved in being equipped with a cyberjack, which potentially makes the subject vulnerable to what is known as ghost hacking, it is recommended that anyone possessing this ware also invest in an ECM relay module to protect their individual signal frequency from interference or manipulation by others.

Note: While the possessor of a cyberjack is potentially vulnerable to ghost hacking, this can only happen if the cyberjack is functioning at the time, and cannot happen while the subject is projected into the matrix unless the source of the attempted ghost hack originates from within the matrix and essentially defeats the subject in neural combat first. (See Edgetech and Programs)

Riggerjack Cranial Black Box Situational Bonuses Maneuver - Rating Range Armor - Strike (NS) Ext 1: 1d6+4 Reflex +1 - +2 60 meters -1 - +1 1:42000 24

4% chance to auto strike or evade

2: 2d6+6 Reflex +1 Intuition +2 - +3 100 meters -2 - +2 2:74000 26

6% chance to auto strike or evade

3: 3d6+8 Reflex +2 Intuition +3 - +4 140 meters -3 - +3 3:138000 28

8% chance to auto strike or evade

4: 4d6+10 Reflex +4 Intuition +4 - +5 180 meters -4 - +4 4:260000 30

10% chance to auto strike or evade

An extremely invasive and costly procedure, this surgery allows the subject to directly and remotely access and utilize any vehicle, bot, or drone equipped with a relay module encoded to correspond to their own riggerjack frequency. The riggerjack suite allows riggers to perform a number of useful functions. The riggerjack cranial black box is equipped with a specialized scan modification that allows the rigger to search for vehicles (Within the range limitation of the ware.), drones and bots that are capable of a rigger interface. Likewise, it allows the rigger to attempt to usurp control from another rigger in the case of non-direct interfaces by mimicking the specific frequency being used. (ie. In the case of remote drones, vehicles or bots.) The basic scanning function can also be further augmented by other enhancements, such as the Remote Data-Relay ECCM Module or a Remote Data-Relay ECM Module. As with hackers, while a rigger is in full control of any given drone, his or her body is usually just so much unresponsive meat. While death is almost unheard of, it is possible for riggers to be stunned or rendered unconscious depending upon what affects a given rigged device they're in control of, in a very real sense the subject is what they are jacked into. Obviously riggers who crash while rigging vehicles they're physically within, can die just like anyone else.

Note: While a multitude of connections can be maintained and essentially held at the ready or issued simple dog-brain commands, only a single such connection can be fully utilized in the true sense of rigging unless a mil-spec grade dual encephalon is possessed. In the case of computers and integrated security systems, the rigger is simply put, out of luck and requires the aid of a hacker. With respect to remote signals whether controlled by automated systems or another rigger, the subject can make an opposed test pitting the riggerjack cranial black box's rating against that of the target black box or system. If successful he or she usurps control from the system or rigger though only one attempt per 10 combat rounds can be made and both riggers are aware of the struggle. (Intuition above 16 factors in at half.) Likewise however, if the target remote is protected via an ECM Module and the subject isn't equipped with its counter module, the subject's attempts to take control will be futile.

Data Filter (NS) Min



10 The data filter modification blocks the flow of information from short-term to long-term memory. The subject cannot later remember or recall anything that happened while the data filter was active. In most instances the subject is equipped with a timer, trigger mechanism, pass-phrase or the like both to turn on and turn off the filter. This piece of ware is primarily utilized by some joy-girls, meat puppets, Corpse, Lancers, bodyguards, or service that markets the guarantee of anonymity as a reason to do business with them.

Data Lock Physical Security Rating Fragmentation Chance (NS) Mod 1: 16 5% 1:3000 12 2: 18 2.5% 2:6200

14 This specialized ware used by couriers, spies, and the aides of top officials and Corpse, allowing them to act as walking data safes. Stored data is encrypted and a special code is required to transfer data in or out through the data lock. Most importantly, the data lock is not wi-enabled, nor does the implanted character have access to the data lock's contents, unless of course someone directly hacks it/them. Note: Every month there is a small non-cumulative chance that the data lock will cause cognitive fragmentation and spill some of the data stored away into the subject's normal memories due to the extensive modifications necessary to both chemically stored synaptic memory and its interaction or lack thereof with the secured micro-memory. Exceeding the storage capacity of the micro-memory is not recommended as it triples the likelihood of this happening and must be checked for every 6 hours. This seepage can cause a variety of affects.

Cortex Unit Cortex Affect Removal Rating Difficulty (NS) Ext 1: Pain 18 1:4000 26 2: Pain/Pleasure 18 2:6000 26 3: Helplessness 18 3:3000 20 4: Explosion/Death 18 4:6000 30 5: Death 18 5:6000 30 6: Mass Explosion/Death 18 6:12000 30 7: No-Escape Beacon 18 7:1000 16 8: IC Preview 18 8:9000 22 9: Specific Emotion 18 9:4400

24 Cortex Units are primarily used as a safeguard for most, expensive, oft-times expendable assets. The trigger is predetermined before implantation, whether its a certain frequency, phrase, etc. The subject suffers the affects enforced by the unit until the counter trigger is applied. The subject is unable to hear, or sense the triggering mechanisms as a byproduct of the process as a whole and conditioning. The various options listed under the Cause list, can be intermingled into a single item if desired, though the price is cumulative. Cortex Units are highly illegal. Once the initial trigger is defined or multiple triggers in some cases, it can later be altered, (though it still has to be of the initial type, (ie. Speech, circumstance, signal, etc.) by simply using the control word, which likewise is chosen upon implementation. Cortex Units are extremely difficult to remove, and most are made to react to attempts at, or resist easy, removal. The usual result of a failed attempt at removing a Cortex Unit is that the unit chooses its strongest facet and turns it up and doesn't stop until the subject is dead, or its original control is called into function. In high risk situations most Corpse will prefer to have each Cortex Unit installed separately instead of as a single unit with multiple properties, thus making it far more difficult for the units to be removed successfully.

The IC Preview allows a another party to monitor certain wares that might likewise be incorporated into the subject. (ie. cyber optics, cyber hearing, etc.) and grants the ability to piggy back on the subject's experience in real-time.

The Emotive Unit allows one specific emotion to be chosen at the time of implantation, though more than one emotive unit can be incorporated to call upon a host of various emotional conditions within the subject.

Sleep Regulator (NS) Mod



16 The sleep regulator does just what the name implies. This handy ware allows the subject to literally sleep at will, said sleep being deep and resting, as the subject achieves REM state naturally whenever sleeping. Likewise the regulator can allow the subject to avoid sleep if necessary for an extended period of time. (7 days max) Utilizing the Sleep Regulator allows the subject to gain more than enough rest with a mere 2 hours of sleep a day, caught at whatever time, in whatever intervals the subject wishes and allowing him or her to gain the full benefit of such rest.

Splinter Core (NS) Ext



10 The splinter core is a relatively small, innocuous looking crystalline, elongated diamond shaped piece of cyberware (Not quite the size of a cigarette butt.), however it is composed entirely of a highly damage resistant, transparent poly-ceramic and is further protected by the bone of the subject's spinal vertebra. Secreted within the vertebrae just beneath the subject's skull, the splinter is a relatively new, within the last decade; piece of ware and has met with very mixed reactions from the general populace. For obvious reasons, most religions believe that in a world of overly commingled man and machine, the splinter is the final straw, while others see it as a potential means to virtual immortality. What the splinter does is store the subject's consciousness and those aspects equated with it, memories, experiences, intelligence, intuition, willpower and so forth so that most forms of death are temporary. However the potential drawbacks are that because the subject's consciousness is stored in a digital medium it likewise is more easily subject to digital manipulation.

Note: As one might suspect, secop forces are pushing for their incorporation into all citizens based on the law enforcement benefits alone. Likewise, as with everything else these days, the creation of the splinter core has been abused by those hedonists who prefer to party, have sex, and in some cases outright live, within a virtual receptacle as a consciousness existing within a completely virtual reality as opposed to having to put up with real life. Corpsec and military forces swear by the splinters, since in most cases they're spared from having to train fresh troops. Likewise, owing to the potential trauma associated with experiencing your own, death, brutal or otherwise, and potentially doing so multiple times, psychosurgeons and their psyche repairing services have been in high demand ever since.

Dual Encephalon Statistics Time Modifier (NS) Ext 1: +1 to Intelligence -5% 1:12000 22


A: +1 to Intelligence -15% A:62000 24 B: +2 to Intelligence -20% B:86000 26 D: +2 to Intelligence -25% D:124000 28 O: +3 to Intelligence -30% O:212000 30

Few modifications equal the potency of the Dual Encephalon, which allows the subject to both multi-task their cognitive functions as well as heighten both intelligence and sheer processing potential. Aside from the obvious benefits of heightening the subject's effective intelligence and shortening the base time required to perform intellectually based skills, the dual encephalon quite literally allows the subject to function far above the capacity of those who aren't similarly modified. Through use of the dual encephalon the subject needs only sleep for 2 hours a day to be fully rested, to reflect the subject's ability to allow one portion of their brain to fully rest and recuperate while the other side functions. During this time however the statistical benefits of the encephalon are halved (Round down.) and the true multi-tasking capabilities of the encephalon are unavailable. Only when the subject is fully awake and utilizing both of their temporal lobes do they gain the full benefit of the dual encephalon. The primary benefit of the dual encephalon is true, real time cognitive multi-tasking, with the limit being the tier of the encephalon -1. Thus with an omega grade dual encephalon the subject would be capable of performing up to four tasks at once! This is achieved through nanosecond fast buffering (They can't literally do it all at once.) that allows the subject to seemingly perform multiple activities almost at the same time to the average person.

Note: For each task to be accomplished the limitation shifts from being the ability to realistically focus one's attention to whether or not the person can achieve what they'd like to at the same time. (ie. To rig two drones, move through the matrix and fire a gun, would require all the necessary skills and connections to do so. A riggerjack cranial black box, at least a cyberjack, and most likely a cyberdeck as well, and a gun. Even being able to do all of this, the subject suffers a penalty to their effective reflexes for each of these actions, the extent of the penalty being contingent upon how many things they're trying to accomplish at once.) The Time Modifier is a percentage subtraction from the time required for any given cognitive or knowledge-based skill set. If the subject also possesses the Sleep Regulator modification, he or she requires only 1 hour of sleep per day, which can quite literally be composed of single or multiple minute intervals as desired by the subject.

Expert Microprocessor Expert Task Benefit (NS) Mod 1: Cyber-Control +1 Reflex 1:2000 14 2: Cyber Locai: Fluidity +1% chance auto strike or evade 2:4000 16 3: Stress Admin +10 HP 3:6000 16 4: Network Admin +1 Will +2 Transfer Rating 4:3400 14 5: I/O Router +4 Transfer Rating 5:3200 14 6: Cyber Comp * See Below 6:1200 10 Generally installed in a specified version with many of the various cybernetic systems. If desired the subject can have additional Expert Microprocessors installed to speed up or supplement already existing cyberware sub-systems thereby enhancing the functionality of each in a way that achieves a slight degree of greater performance.

Cyber Control tweaks the user's existing cyber-systems and grants heightened grace and smoothness to the subject's movement.

Cyber Locai: Fluidity is similar to cyber control and heightens the subject's range of movement and sense of local space to an extent that grants the subject additional grace and fluidity in avoiding potentially harmful attacks and more readily attacking foes. Stress Admin involves tweaking of the subject's physiological cyber systems and grants the subject greater resilience to injury. Network Admin enhances the subject's cyber systems in relation to general resilience and basic functionality that likewise increases the flow of sub-system data and aids the subject's will due in part to the dehumanizing nature of this augmentative ware. The I/O Router acts as an expert general cyberware subsystem manager, correlating system data and making nanosecond modifications as required to provide greater functionality and likewise enhances the network of overall system functionality. Cyber Comp is a modification that implants a thumbnail sized expert processor within the subject, granting him or her a limited form of (lvl 2) Holojacked computer allowing the user to utilize the system much as one would any computer for purposes of data collection and matrix interaction as well as doubling the number of available com channels. Note: Cyber-I/O Router is not compatible with a Virtual AI Microprocessor.

Inertial Nav Sys (NS) Mod



12 Composed of a series of motion detectors and inertial-based spatial processors, this ware allows the subject to know how far they've traveled and in what direction in relation to a fixed starting point. Even if the subject was blinded or left at the center of a maze after being dragged in blindfolded would be able to unerringly navigate their way back to where the initially set their fixed starting point.

Micro-Memory (NS) Mod


8000 per chip

10 It is said that micro-memory was the precursor to the splinter core, and in most cases a single chip is enough to suffice. Some overzealous hackers or data-couriers may opt for two but rarely if ever will they dip into the capacity of the second chip.

Note: Headware micro-memory that is utilized in conjunction with cyberdecks can only be used as storage memory and is limited in data transfer throughput by the rating of the subject's cyberjack.

Datsoft -



Varies As one might suspect a datsoft is a chip that can be used in lieu of headware memory or to allow headware systems to access whatever data is held upon the datsoft, whether it be a statistical analysis, encyclopedia, star charts, etc. This doesn't automatically mean that the data will be useable by the subject, (ie. If you can't read a star chart a datsoft filled with all the current ones doesn't do you much good.) and empty versions can be utilized as standardized portable storage for use with or to supplement the various jacks, cyberdecks and computer systems.

Note: While it's true that a datsoft can be utilized as external headware memory it suffers a noticeable delay that makes it far from ideal for professional users or hackers. (Transfer Rate is lowered to 3/4.) Datsofts in general vary in price according to the data contained therein.

Lingsoft -


140 Per Language

10 In a global economy wherein borders have more to do with corporate guidelines and general politics than race or ethnic background, linguistic barriers can often create misunderstandings where nuances are concerned. In most cases penny sized translators keep the confusion to a minimum but for those who prefer a more integrated method of comprehension and speech in the same bundle the lingsoft is ideal. This allows the user to both understand and speak the language(s) in question.

Note: Unlike the tech gadgetry that translates for both parties involved in a modulated male or female voice, this option allows the subject to speak the language in question themselves as well as understand it. Such speech is fluent and tends to betray only the slightest of accents if any. Multiple languages can reside on the same soft up to a maximum of 12, in which case the prices are cumulative.

Persoft -



Varies This software can be inserted into any standard jack. There are two forms of persoft, based primarily upon the user's immersion into the persona encoded into the soft. Partial immersion versions allow the user to still act in accordance with their own will, their own goals and wishes despite whatever form of situation or stimuli might be introduced to them, whereas full-immersion softs see the user acting just as he or she would act if they were in fact the persona encoded onto the soft. As an example, a full immersion version of Cleopatra might choose to seduce a rival and failing that, poison or kill him or her, whereas a partial immersion version would heighten the user's ability and penchant for seduction and possibly even the urge to kill as in the case of the full-immersion soft, however the actual choice to act upon either is left to the user's discretion. In general, full immersion softs are usually tailor-made for meat puppet parlors, assassins, prostitutes, Corpse concubines or special order pleasure bots.

Tac-soft Tac-soft Capability Radius of Effect Max Rating - 1: Signal Detector 2 meters 16 1:1000 x Rating 22 2: White Noise Generator 2 meters - 2:1000 18 3: Signal Jammer 2 meters 16 3:1200 x Rating 26 4: Subterfuge Circuit Personal 16 4:2200 x Rating 30 5: Signal Identifier 2 meters 16 5:1400 x Rating 28 6: Psi Scanner 2 meters 16 7:1800 x Rating 28

Tac-softs are security based softs that provide certain sensory benefits without the need for more complicated gear or technologies and compose the bulk of such in the body of the soft itself which links directly to the subject via his or her jack. Some tac-softs are exceedingly expensive based primarily upon the benefits they grant their users.

The Signal Detector allows the subject to detect carrier signals beaming into or originating from the nearby area and allows them to be identified to a degree. (ie. It will give a varying idea of the strength without details as to exactly what type of signal it is. etc.)

The White Noise Generator fills the area near the subject with white noise that minimizes the auditory pickup capability of bugs, laser microphones, boom microphone pickups, etc.

The Signal Jammer surrounds the subject with a null-zone with respect to incoming cyber or bioware scanners and prevents tracking via GPU devices and the like.

The Subterfuge Circuit is a highly specialized piece of software that is pre-programmed with data corresponding to what the subject wants various types of scanners to pick up or register when scanning his or her person, thereby allowing them to potentially bypass cyberware, chemical, bioware and other scanners by subverting such systems and feeding them false information.

The Signal Identifier used in conjunction with a Signal Detector allows the subject to identify the type of signal to some degree. (ie. Whether it's a sim-sense signal, audio bug, tracking bug, com signal, radio, etc.)

The Psi Scanner tac-soft is a full range infra-red, pulse, pupil and voice evaluation suite that grants its user a remarkable knack for detecting falsehoods and more subtle evasions from those whom they're speaking with or interrogating. Note: All but the White Noise Generator are relatively illegal and fairly to exceedingly rare on the Black Market.

Skillsoft - Knowsoft Legal Quasi-Legal Illegal -

100/lvl 2500/lvl 7500/lvl


Varies Skillsofts and knowsofts are just what one might suspect them to be, skills or skill sets that supplement a person's own skills through softs produced by specialists in a given field, usually via a Know Ware contract. These skills are active in nature, usually consisting of specialized types, whether it be demolitions, power armor piloting, martial disciplines, aero mechanics and so forth. These simulated skills will never be as useful as having these skills naturally, primarily because the ability to adapt is largely missing. A person with a high level of natural proficiency at boxing, fighting someone who is chipped up with a roughly par version of boxing via skillsoft will still most often come out on top because they're capable of improvising intuitively whereas the person utilizing the Skill Soft is relatively automaton-like by comparison. That being said, these softs can turn nearly anyone into a useful operative in relatively little to no time. A lone skillsoft or knowsoft can be jacked directly into a jack (only one can be accessed regardless of how many jacks the subject possesses), though the soft functions at -4 to its skill level. To fully utilize skillsofts the subject must be outfitted with skill-wires or possess a mil-spec cyberjack. (See skill wire rig and cyberjack.)

Note: Skill and knowsofts with a level of proficiency of over 6 are exceedingly rare and expensive. For the most part skillsofts are expensive and in many cases can go from being relatively easy to find and legal to simply unavailable and highly illegal to boot. (ie. Rock climbing, swimming, auto-mechanics, etc. are probably as easy to find as going to your local sports retailer or auto parts shop whereas demolitions, sniper and so forth would require impressive contacts, no little credit and be highly illegal as well.) In cases where a skill or knowsoft might be used to supplement a subject's own knowledge or skill in a given category (Only possible in conjunction with Skill Wire Rig.) halve the soft's actual rating to determine its benefit to the subject's actual skill while it's being used.

Programming SPU Time Modifier (NS) Mod 1: -5% 1:2400 16


Time Modifier Statistics

A: -10% +1 to Hacking A:12000 20 B: -15% +2 to Hacking B:26000 22 D: -20% +3 to Hacking D:40000 24 O: -25% +4 to Hacking O:54000 26

This thumbnail sized expert SPU is primarily for programmers or hackers and provides the subject with an on the fly aid to hacking skills within and outside of the matrix.

Note: All but the level one Programming SPU are highly illegal. It is possible to slave a Programming SPU to a BlackOps VAI for added benefits. (See VAI) The Time Modifier is a percentage subtraction from base hacking or programming time.

Math SPU Time Modifier Statistics (NS) Mod 1: -4% - 1:1000 16 2: -8% - 2:3000 18 3: -12% +1 Hacking 3:8000 20 Primarily focusing on permutations and technical number crunching the math SPU grants the subject an added advantage in the formulation of theorems and programming. Likewise a handy accessory for any would be hacker. Note: The time modifier is a percentage subtraction from base hacking or programming time.

Personal GPU (NS) Min



10 This modification incorporates a personal Global Positioning Unit into the subject's physiology, allowing him or her to always be able to tell the cardinal directions and give them a rough idea of their general proximity wherever they are around the world. With certain equipment the subject can determine where they are within a 100 meter radius.

Sub-Vocal Microphone Chance of Being Overheard (NS) Min



12 This microphone, installed within the subject's throat allows the user to speak via a radio, or com unit without anyone in the general vicinity hearing a thing. Even someone standing right next to the individual would merely see the subject's lips moving, if that.

Cyber Transducer (NS) Mod



12 The cyber transducer is a step above the sub-vocal microphone in that it is directly wired into the brain and converts thought impulses into words and vice versa. This allows for no chance of being overheard and is ideal for clandestine operations. Likewise it has been revolutionary in treating people who were born unable to vocalize.

Tonal Shift Voice Quality Rating (NS) Mod 1: 8 1:8000 14 2: 10 2:12000 16 3: 12 3:18000 18 This simple device when attached to the subject’s larynx allows the user to disguise or alter their voice as well as reach a vast array of pitches and tones. Allowing a man or woman to sing or speak with flawless precision and beautiful sound quality and clarity as well as sound convincingly like a member of the opposite sex. When combined with the ability to speak various languages or utilize a chip that allows for such, this augmentation allows the subject to speak as though such dialects were their native tongue with accompanying inflections, accents and so forth.

Banshee Wail Range Statistics (NS) Mod 18 meters -15 to Charisma -8 to Attractiveness 12000

16 This bit of tech allows the subject to emit a keening wail that will strike terror into the hearts of those within the radius of affect, and further stun and deafen anyone within 9 meters. Those within the area of affect must make a Will check at -6 to maintain their composure and avoid the affects. Those stunned will become physically ill and must make a Will check each turn at -2 to shake off the affects. Regardless, anyone who does avoid the affects wants first and foremost to leave the affected radius of the wail.

Note: While wailing, the subject's sense of hearing is deadened and they may not take any other action while continuing to wail. The Audio Dampener renders the one equipped with it immune if they manage their reflex check.

Siren Call Range Statistics (NS) Mod 12 meters +3 to Charisma +4 to Attractiveness 14000

16 This tech allows the subject’s voice to take on a spellbindingly hypnotic tone that soothes those who hear it. If those listening fail an Intuition check at (-2) they suffer a -4 to Will and must make a successful Will check at (-2) to disobey reasonable requests from the subject.

Cranial Cyberdeck Situational Statistics Time Modifier

+24 to Reflex -40%

* See Edge-Tech section

There are a number of differences between a cranial cyberdeck and the more standard cyberdeck. The first that readily leaps to mind is that the subject no longer has to carry around a cyberdeck that usually represents a significant investment, both in terms of the actual hardware and the various mods, add-ons, and programs that their deck contains. Another bonus is that rather than being limited by the speed at which the subject can type to edit and modify their programs and code on the fly they are able make these changes at the speed of thought. The downside is that the subject is now always running around with what usually amounts to a highly illegal cyberdeck within their body. Things such as travel, scanning or inspection by those forces that pass for the law these days, pose a very real potential risk for the hacker who can't easily stash or hide their cyberdeck in a pinch.


EMP Shielding EMP Resistance - 1: 20% 1:600 18 2: 40% 2:900 20 3: 60% 3:1300 22 4: 80% 4:1800 24 This tailored resin shields treated cyberware from the costly effects of electro-magnetic pulse weapons or detonations. Note: The cost is per piece of ware shielded.

Microwave Shielding Microwave Resistance - 1: 30% 1:400 16 2: 50% 2:700 18 3: 70% 3:1000 20 4: 90% 4:1400 22 This resin shields treated wares from the deadly effects of microwave radiation, weapons, or detonations and their subsequent effects on cyberware. Note: The cost is per piece of ware shielded.

Scan Shielding Scan Resistance - 1: 20% 1:1400 18 2: 40% 2:3600 20 3: 60% 3:5000 22 4: 80% 4:8000 24 With this special polymer resin a subject's treated wares are protected from ware scanners, metal detectors and chem-sniffers. Note: The cost is per piece of ware shielded.

Note: Cyberware with an (asterisk * or -) as the procedures ranking has no notable ranking or is considered not to, as it is an add-on to another cybernetic ware. Cyberware with (*/(S)Min) or any other surgical rating is as above, the second rating is for unaltered tissue. i.e.: Thermal Sight being added to a natural eye as opposed to a cyber-optic. In all cases, the highest rating out of all procedures to be performed (At any one time.) is the only one that truly matters for that clinical visit. Nano surgical procedures almost always involve straight up surgical aspects as well, and vice versa.


Corporations jockeying for position and the never ending quest for greater grosses and a larger profit margin, have seen the biological sciences advance by leaps and bounds. Though initially the research and advances were aimed at fighting disease, aging and combating simple human frailty, bio-science has long since taken a far more lucrative turn.

With the creation of advanced cellular vat tanks and supposedly rudimentary cloning, bio-science has produced marvels that in some ways equal the advances of cybernetic and general technologies and in others impressively surpass them. Seeing the obvious market both abroad and within the streets, among the Lancers and even the Edger scum of the gutters, corporations have seen to the legalization of some of their bioware creations and processes and continue to make an impressively large profit from their numerous clinics. It’s natural… so what harm could it do?






Adrenaline Booster

Statistics Duration (NS) Mod

+3 Strength - +2 Agility - +4 Reflex - +2 Constitution 1d6 x 8 seconds

1: Allows 2 uses an hour

1:3000 18

2: Allows 3 uses an hour

2:5000 24 This tailored piece of bioware allows the subject to mentally cue an adrenaline surge as long as they haven't done so too often and recently. As the boost gradually wears off the subject is left temporarily fatigued and physically depleted as a result, for half as many minutes as the boost was active in seconds the subject suffers the bonuses that had been applied as detriments, though of course another boost removes all of these affects anew. The depletive affects are not cumulative. Note: Those with the Focus or Rage skills gain double duration from this bioware and can call on it one additional time per day.

Bio-Ceramite Mem-Implants

Appearance Time to Effect Change (NS) Ext

1: Facial Variation 2 minutes

1:8000 26

2: Full-Body Variation 10 minutes

2:14000 28

3: Gender: Full-Body Variation 20 minutes

3:20000 30

This process is generally reserved for those who require the ability to vary their appearance often or at relatively short notice. The bio-ceramite is similar to bio-ceramics, but is more mutable. Capable of altering its density to appear similar to cellulose, tendon, muscle or bone this ware is placed strategically throughout the subject's body dependant upon the degree of alteration that is desired. The number of variations possible is effectively unlimited though most such differences tend to be subtle as opposed to gross. Note: Akin to bio-ceramic based materials if the mem-implants are damaged they will repair themselves gradually (Usually a full day is required before they are once more fully operational.). In terms of reducing or generating extra mass the mem-implants are limited, they can only slightly appear to reduce mass in those with at least 10% or more natural body fat, and can generate a rough approximation of about 20 kilos. The third tier version of this bioware allows the subject to even vary their sex with regards to their appearance. This doesn't magically create the necessary organs or remove those already present but alters their apparent configuration to the point that they are effectively concealed even in the case of a strip search examination.


Composition Damage Barrier Rating (NS) Mod

1: Bone Chitin 1d4(x# of pinions) 3

1:2000 12

2: Hardened Bone Chitin 1d6(x# of pinions) 4

2:4000 16

Bio-Spurs are achieved via a combination of a tailored retro-viral and this unassuming piece of ware. Depending on the desired configuration of the pinion(s), the subject's hands or forearms are implanted with these miniscule discs that strengthen, modify and control bone growth in very specific ways. Via this process the subject rapidly develops surgically sharp bone spurs that can be used for raking or gouging attacks in close quarter combat. Bio-Spurs are not retractable, but can be triggered to destroy themselves. The chief benefit of bio-spurs is that they equip the subject with a weapon that easily avoids scans for dangerous weaponry or cyberware. Note: Takes 10 to 40 minutes for them to regrow.


(NS) Mod

- 4000


Surgically implanted between the subject's stomach and small intestine, custom designed E. Coli bacteria strains will convert indigestible cellulose and protein compounds into a form readily absorbed into the subject's bloodstream. Reduces the amount of sustenance necessary to maintain activity by 1/2 and helps maintain a lean physique.


Regeneration Rating Disease - Poison - Radiation Rating (NS) Mod

1: 1HP - 1 Hour 15% 10% 5%

1:12000 24

2: 1HP - 30 minutes 20% 15% 5%

2:24000 28

An extensive, delicate weave of bio-wires radiates outward from the interior of the subject's torso and stimulates the repair and regrowth of damaged tissue. The Bio-Weave also has beneficial if limited effect against other various health risks.

Cardiac Booster

Statistics Resuscitation Bonus (NS) Ext

1: +2 Constitution 15%

1:3000 10

2: +3 Constitution 20% 2:5000 14

3: +4 Constitution 25%

3:8000 18

This procedure involves the incorporation into the subject of a special organ that stimulates the subject's heart and ability to breathe, it likewise aids in making the subject easier to resuscitate if their heart or breathing stops and enhances endurance and overall health appreciably.

Cerebral Booster

Statistics (NS) Ext

1: +1 to Intelligence - +1 to all intellectual skills

1:16000 24

2: +2 to Intelligence - +2 to all intellectual skills 2:24000 26

3: +3 to Intelligence - +3 to all intellectual skills

3:32000 28

By adding a small amount of gray matter to the brain of the subject this process increases the subject's intelligence commensurately, likewise making communication between the lobes of the mind far more efficient.

Cerebro Enhancement

Statistics (NS) Ext

1: +1 to Intuition - +1 to all intellectual skills

1:12000 22

2: +2 to Intuition - +2 to all intellectual skills 2:20000 24

3: +3 to Intuition - +3 to all intellectual skills

3:28000 26

The cerebro enhancement is a genetically engineered version of the pineal gland that keeps the subject's brain bathed in elevated levels of NSC to boost every facet of his or her intellectual acumen, just as the brain is similarly boosted during early childhood.

Chitin Augmentation Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Ext 1: P:1d2 K:1d2 -1 +15 HP 1 - 10 1:3000 14 2: P:1d2+1 K:1d2+2 -1 +25 HP 2 - 20 2:5000

16 This process involves altering the composition of the subject's skeleton, making his or her bones both more resilient to injury as well as stronger. Likewise this augmentation adds weight to the subject's over all physique. Note: This bioware augmentation increases the subject's overall weight by 3 and 5 kilos respectively. With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (this is aside from any skill bonuses) and anyone striking him or her with their fist takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's reinforced skeleton.



- 75000


This is just what it appears to be. Clones are generally utilized to prolong the physical life of someone who has had their consciousness digitally transferred into a splinter core, thereby making them virtually immortal as long as they can avoid the small legion of ways by which even the splinterred can meet a final death. Note: Upon creation the clone has the exact cellular and genetic makeup as the original subject being cloned. In most cases, subsequently to its creation the subject's splinter is then directly loaded into the clone's splinter core configuration.

Damage Compensator Statistics Threshold Rating (NS) Ext 1: +2 Constitution +4 Will 10 HP 96% 1:6000 12 2: +3 Constitution +5 Will 20 HP 99% 2:8000

14 Much like the pain editor in function, the downside is that unlike the possessor of a pain editor, the user of a damage compensator is not truly aware save from visual examination, (if possible) of how damaged their body really is. Note: The additional HP are taken last (ie. After the subject's base HP.) and if depleted the subject dies outright halving the chance of resuscitation attempts being successful.

Muscle Augmentation

Statistics (NS) Ext

1: +2 Strength - +2 Constitution

1:4000 10

2: +3 Strength - +3 Constitution 2:9000 12

3: +4 Strength - +4 Constitution 3:14000 14

4: +5 Strength - +5 Constitution 4:22000 18

Through the attenuation of the subject's own vat grown muscle the subject's resilience and strength can be markedly increased. Aside from the more obvious effect of making the subject physically more intimidating and bulky, the subject's bones and cartilage are likewise strengthened to support the increased mass. Note: Additional constitution gained through this procedure applies only to potential HP values and do not enhance the subject's actual constitution with respect to the stat.

Enhanced Muscle Augmentation

Statistics (NS) Ext

1: +1 Strength - +1 Constitution

1:7000 12

2: +2 Strength - +2 Constitution 2:12000 16

3: +3 Strength - +1 Agility - +2 Constitution 3:18000 20

4: +4 Strength - +2 Agility - +3 Constitution 4:26000 24

5: +5 Strength - +4 Agility - +4 Constitution

5:38000 28

Through this process the subject undergoes a lengthy (2 month) treatment, wherein bio-engineered reinforced tissue is incorporated into the host form. Unlike basic muscle augmentation, this process doesn't necessitate the subject having to look as though they've had anything done. The additional strength, due to the methods utilized automatically applies to connective tissues and tendons as well and in the case of the upper echelon procedures the subject is not only granted strength and additional resilience, but also gains greater coordination and over all dexterity. Note: Additional constitution gained through this procedure applies only to potential HP values and do not enhance the subject's actual constitution with respect to the stat.

Genome Cellular Alteration

Regeneration Rating Disease - Poison - Radiation Resistance (NS) Mod

1: 1HP - 30 minutes 25% 10% 5%

1:8000 28

2: 1HP - 15 minutes 30% 15% 10% 2:16000 30

3: 1HP - 10 minutes 25% 20% 15%

3:32000 32

Through genomic alteration of the subject's, blood and tissue DNA, this procedure allows the subject to heal more rapidly than is otherwise possible. The subject likewise gains some degree of resistance to diseases, poisons and radiation exposure. Note: Genome Alteration may not be used in conjunction with symbiotic hosts. With respect to disease resistance, the Genomic Cellular Alteration only protects against bacteria based diseases and does not aid against viral outbreaks.

Mnemonic Enhancer

(NS) Mod




The subject will not only remember things long forgotten, but discover that memories (Recorded by the brain only.) after mnemonic enhancement are more vivid and detailed than anything experienced before said enhancement. This enhancement is only effective for skills and memories involving abstract thought, logic, mathematics, language, and visualization recorded in the cerebrum or neo-cortex.

Nephritic Screen

Situational Bonuses No Effect Chance

(NS) Mod

1: +4 to Con vs Poisons 12% 1:4000 14

2: +6 to Con vs Poisons 24% 1:6000 16

3: +8 to Con vs Poisons 36%



This tailored alteration to the subject's immune system allows the subject to more ably fight off toxins and poisons. Note: The no effect chance, represents the slight chance that the nephritic screen was able to screen a given toxin before had the chance to affect the subject.

Neural Bridge

Skill Target Modifiers

(NS) Mod

Ambidexterity -1/-3 3000


This handy little bit of bioware is a bundle of cultivated nerve tissue that links the motor coordination areas of both sides of the brain to make the subject ambidextrous. Note: Target modifiers apply if the subject is attacking with two weapons simultaneously (ie. in any given round). For those lacking the ability to fight with two weapons via natural or some form of augmented ambidexterity or the dual weapon fighting skill specialization, the penalties are much steeper forcing a negative modifier of -4/-6 to apply to the subject's attacks.

Neural Replacement

Statistics Time Modifier

(NS) Mod

1: +1 to Reflex -5% 1:4000 26

2: +2 to Reflex -10% 1:8000 28

3: +1 to Intelligence - +3 to Reflex -15%



Special nerve trunks with genetically engineered cells and enlarged axon diameters are implanted. The increased size means the electrochemical impulses zip down pathways with more surface area to support neuron to neuron chemical transmission and less interference from stray signals. This enhances the patient's physical and mental reactions. Note: Cannot be combined with the synaptic accelerator.

Olfactory Boost

Statistics Chance Effective Range Elapsed Time

(NS) Mod

1: +2 Intuition 70% 8 meters 12 hours - 100% 1:9000 24

2: +3 Intuition 80% 12 meters 24 hours - 100% 1:16000 26

3: +4 Intuition 90% 18 meters 36 hours - 100%



By means of this extensive process the subject's sense of smell is extraordinarily heightened. The resulting effect is that the patient can detect and categorize scents beyond the scope and ability of any known form of life. Cybernetically created scent testers/detectors are no true match for this bioware sensory apparatus. Due to the dangerous susceptibility that can be associated with this boost to the subject's sense of smell certain safeguards are both integral and others suggested. The booster is capable of shutting off entirely the user's sense of smell, and is likewise capable of filtering out scents as the subject dictates. Because some of the scent slips past the initial screening apparatus, it is recommended that those who get this enhancement likewise look into the pheromone sensor and toxin sensor.

Note: Each level has an ideal elapsed time, (12/24/36) if the residual scent is that recent, the chance of finding it is ideal at 100%. For each half again elapsed time, (ie. 6/9/12) the viability of finding the scent drops by 10% or more dependant upon prevailing conditions. There is a base chance that tailored pheromones can evade even this apparatus, in such a case subtract the detection vs sensor % and the remainder is the chance that the pheromones go undetected. The bonus to Intuition gained via the olfactory boost is situational, there are cases wherein the ability to detect scent is just as much a hindrance as a benefit.

Pheromone Sensor

Chance to Detect Pheromonal Agents

(NS) Min

1: 60% 1:7000 18 2: 85% 2:12000 20

3: 95%



This especially focused implant allows the subject to filter before becoming affected by (if) used in conjunction with the Olfactory Boost, those those ramped up pheromones that could be subtly influence the subject. In essence the Pheromone Sensor seines the surrounding air and upon picking on the telltale chemical precursors acts to minimalize or completely negate their effectiveness. In the case of passive mode pheromones the passive mode percentage is subtracted from the Pheromone Sensor's chance to detect them.

Note: This does not automatically protect the subject from said effects, but can provide sufficiently early warning to allow the subject to escape or take necessary precautions.

Reflex Recorder

Bonuses Reflex Associations

(NS) Mod

1: +2 Reflex - +1 to any one physical skill 2 1:6000 16

2: +4 Reflex - +1 to any one physical skill 3 2:8000 18

3: +6 Reflex - +1 to any one physical skill 4



This miniscule organ keeps tabs on neural signals and commands, allowing those who are performing a monotonous or field of tasks to record the command signal and thus all but wipe out the need to consciously order the action, allowing valuable seconds to be shaved from the time necessary to perform the task. The reflex recorder adds a bonus to the rating of specific skills or skill sets. (Combat and Physical skills only.) Whether it’s button pushing or the art of the quick-draw, the reflex recorder can serve you well. It is possible to recondition this organ to alter the particular reflex association after the initial choice, though this takes anywhere from 4 to 12 days dependant upon the level of the Reflex Recorder involved. (The more advanced the Reflex Recorder the more time is required to effect this change.)


           Sheathe Type                                             Statistics


1: Base Athlete 17 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution

1:100000 16

2: Perfect Athletic Specimen 18 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution

2:125000 18

3: Combat Specimen 18 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution (Special)

3:213700 20

4: Special Ops Specimen 19 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution (Special)

4:294300 24

5: Black Ops Specimen 20 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution (Special)

5:372300 28

6: Custom Specimen 20 Strength - Dexterity - Constitution (Special)

6:175000+ (Varies) 28

Gene Splice (Varies)



A sheathe is a genetically engineered organic host form that can be purchased to replace a subject's body, whether because of age, disease, gross injury, or simply as an upgrade from whatever form the splinter core previously occupied. In most cases these sheathes are specialized in some way, shape, or form, whether they are spliced with feline, wolf, shark, gecko, squid, dolphin, electric eel, etc. or just upper echelon DNA to effect a wide variety of appearances and innate capacities that simply aren't possible in the natural world. While it is possible for someone to have their splinter-core transferred into the chassis of a cyborg, meta-synth, synth, clone, and even some bots, for those interested in keeping it organic but who don't want more of the same old thing which is the cloning option, the sheathe is the way to go!

Combat Sheathe: Combat variations come equipped with the bioware equivalents of kevlar bone lacing, lvl 1 bio-ceramic ballistic weave, lvl 3 booster wires, lvl 2 biomonitor, lvl 1 filtration system, anti-dazzle, lvl 4 electronic magnification, image link, lowlight, thermal, targeting optics, vid link, audio dampener, lvl 3 comjack, data filter, lvl 2 data lock, sub-vocal microphone, lvl 1 bio-weave.

Special Ops Sheathe: Special Ops sheathes come equipped dual smartlinks, and the tailored bioware equivalents of lvl 2 bio-ceramic ballistic weave, aluminum bone lacing, lvl 3 reflex coils, lvl 3 biomonitor, lvl 2 filtration systems, lvl 1 pain editor, anti-dazzle, lvl 4 electronic magnification, image link, lowlight, thermal, targeting optics, vid link, audio dampener, balance augmentation, alert, lvl 1 holojack, data filter, lvl 2 data lock, cyber transducer, neural bridge, lvl 2 bio-weave.

Black Ops Sheathe: Black Ops Sheathes come equipped with dual improved smartlinks, and the tailored bioware equivalents of lvl 2 bio-ceramic ballistic weave, titanium bone lacing, lvl 3 flash wire, lvl 1 bio array, lvl 3 filtration systems, lvl 2 pain editor, anti-dazzle, lvl 4 optical magnification, image link, lowlight, vision upgrade, targeting optics, vid link, audio dampener, balance augmentation, lvl 3 variable sound filter, alert, lvl 3 holojack, data filter, lvl 2 data lock, cyber transducer, neural bridge, lvl 2 bio-weave.

Custom Sheathe: These sheathes are barebone bio-systems that are tailored for tiptop physical prowess, vigor, and strength, but are subsequently customized to meet the configurative desires of any given client.

Gene Splice: The gene splice augmentation is really an add-on to one of the other categories of sheathes and can be purchased up to three times for three different, genetic or specific sheathe effects that relate to physical and some mental capabilities.

Note: In most cases the subject's splinter core persona is transferred directly into the sheathe's own splinter core. (All sheathes are equipped with splinter-cores by default.) Speed augments in sheathes are usually different from cybernetic variations, and are referred to as neuro flash and cannot be integrated with cyberware augmentations for a cumulative affect, though it is possible to forgo neuro flash variants in favor of cyberware or similar type options. With respect to the appearance of any sheathe, it is highly mutable in that within reason, almost any appearance desired can be obtained. Also, it is important to note that there are lesser variant sheathes available. These are not quite as physically potent as the base athletic model. In general, temporary sheathing (As in the case of reviving a witness who was slain, etc.) and lower end insurance packages involve the use of an average sheathe that costs 60000 credits and has a value of 13 for its various physical attributes. These sheathes are generally referred to derogatively by non-sheathes and higher-end sheathes alike as thirteens not because of the value of the attributes in question but because the poor bastard, be it man or woman was unlucky enough to land themselves in one in the first place.

Stasis System

(NS) Ext




This system is associated with the involuntary respiratory sections of the brain, allowing manual override and near-shutdown of the subject's basic life functions. (Breathing, pulse, etc.) Note: The subject can enter a trance so deep that he or she almost attains suspended animation. Sensors, abilities and so forth that detect life or the like are incapable of determining that he or she is alive. While suspended, the subject is aware of their surroundings. The subject feels the passage of time on a day to hour ratio, (ie. One day equates to effectively one hour for the subject.) though he or she requires food, air and water as they normally would, at a much reduced rate. If the subject is damaged, he or she will awaken within 1d4 combat rounds.

Synaptic Accelerator

Statistics Time Modifier

(NS) Mod

1: +1 to Reflex -5% 1:2000 20

2: +1 Intelligence +2 to Reflex -10% 2:12000 24

Through a combination of surgery and nanite orchestrated tweaking of the subject's neural pathways, the patient’s response and intra-network of communication is greatly heightened. This allows the subject to respond and react faster in all facets of putting thought into action.

Note: Cannot be combined with Neural Replacement.

Symbiotic Hosts

Regeneration Rating Statistics Disease - Radiation Resistance

(NS) Mod

1: 1HP - 2 Hours 4 HP 30% 8% 1:5000 26

2: 1HP - 1 Hour 8 HP 45% 16% 2:10000 28

3: 1HP - 30 minutes 12 HP 60% 24%



Introduces a handful of biologically created organs that function as symbiotic aids to the subject's ability to heal more rapidly from physical harm, diseases, and limited radiation exposure.

Note: Symbiotic Hosts may not be incorporated into a subject who has undergone the genome cellular alteration process and vice versa. With respect to disease resistance, the symbiotic hosts only protect against bacteria based diseases and do not aid against viral outbreaks

Tailored Pheromones

Generic Pheromonal Modification

(NS) Min


1: 4 meters 1:4000 - 2: 8 meters 2:12000 - 3: 12 meters 3:24000 -

Generic Pheromonal Attraction

Situational Statistics Bonus Modification

1: +2 to Attractiveness +10% 1:6000 16

2: +4 to Attractiveness +1 Charisma +20% 2:12000 20

3: +6 to Attractiveness +2 Charisma +30% 3:18000 24

Alarm 8000 18 Psycho-Active Primer 8000 18 Sex 4000 16 Territorial 4000 18 Trail 6000 16 Volatile Necromone 5000 18

Passive Mode

1: 35% 1:10000 22 2: 45% 2:16000 24 3: 55% 3:24000 26

Tailored Pheromones are both useful and potentially double-edged. If pheromones have been used and detected, either while the subject is in a given area or twice as long in cases of the Olfactory Boost, there is little difficulty tracing the pheromonal flush to its point of origin. However a Passive Mode can be incorporated into this bioware, to allow the pheromones given off by the subject to make him or her virtually invisible to detection pheromonal sensors or olfactory boosts. (The Detection % is checked once upon first encounter and lasts until said parties go their separate ways.) Through careful use, this allows the subject to exert their influence even when such manipulation is being detected for, in most cases. The general affects of the subject's enhanced pheromones as pertaining to those affected is set upon incorporation into the subject and cannot be changed afterward. (ie. Attracting women, men or both, or via a specific set. For instance, if a subject purchased the sex, alarm and psychoactive primer variants, they could not later add trail and territorial or any other type without essentially wiping out all of them and reincorporating each from scratch.)

Alarm - The subject can cause either a semi-irrational flight response in the immediate area and in many forms of creatures, most especially those of similar genotype. Or can illicit a call for aid from those of its genotype in the immediate vicinity. This doesn't mean that men and women will start fighting on the subject's behalf, but may interpose themselves between she and any perceived enemies to find out why they are exhibiting animosity toward the subject, which in turn may give the subject time to escape.

Psychoactive Primer - This variant can be utilized to achieve amazing alterations in one's immediate environment. The particular reaction attained by the psychoactive primer is based upon that desired during incorporation into the subject and only one such option is allowed per alteration. Within the area of affect the subject can cause calm, briefly heightened awareness, worry and faint agitation. The degree to which those nearby are affected is based on the subject's situational statistics/bonus modifications as applicable.

Sex - This pheromonal was is relatively straight forward. Those affected in a positive sense, in some cases even to just a marginal degree from their natural inclination toward the subject will tend to cave in and seek the subject out for intimate pursuits. (Note: This doesn't alter one's sexual orientation. Men or women who aren't normally open to a specific sexual type won't give in by default, but they will more than likely began having conflicting trains of thought cropping up that cause them to gradually question such things. Obviously this would require heavily extended proximity.)

Territorial - The territorial variant allows the subject to, when desired; emit a pheromonal wash and occlude an area or even a person with respect to those types affected by their particular pheromonal adaptation. (ie. Men or women or both.) Within this area or around the person, those intruding are potentially subjected to an underlying sense of being out of place and will in most cases if influenced, seek to leave the given area as swiftly as possible due to an underlying sense of discomfort. Territorial pheromonal markers stay from between 24 to 36 hours and this form of chemical marking can't be performed again for a full 48 hours.)

Trail - This variant allows the subject to exude a familiar aspect of their scent that will trigger almost exclusively in those are familiar with the subject and allow them to follow their path even sans such modifications as pheromonal sensors or the Olfactory Boost bioware. The trail is potent enough along that very narrow vein to subsist for up to 72 hours, though rain will half that and hard rain will drop it to one third its normal duration. Most often used by high-level Corpse types seeking to safeguard their children, spouses, mistresses, specific corporate assets and the like.

Volatile Necromone - Similar in some ways in their potential usage to Territorial Pheromones, the Volatile Necromone variant puts out an air of powerful underlying decay scent that will repel most humans by default and attract various scavenger types from a significant distance. Obviously this is a double-edged pheromonal wash that can afford its user some privacy from fellow humans and most species of animals but will invariably attract Diablo rats and other carrion eating scavengers.

Note: At no time is the subject able to decide who is affected within the area of affect save through careful, judicial usage. Likewise the % chance to avoid detection by a Pheromone Sensor is only applicable to those subject's who have paid to incorporate the Passive Mode into their pheromone usage.

Thyroid Booster

                                    Statistics                                                     Heat Signature

(NS) Mod

1: +1 Strength - +2 Agility - +1 Reflex - +1 Constitution +2 1:9000 26

2: +2 Strength - +3 Agility - +2 Reflex - +2 Constitution +3 2:16000 28

3: +3 Strength - +4 Agility - +3 Reflex - +3 Constitution +4 3:34000 30

4: +4 Strength - +5 Agility - +4 Reflex - +4 Constitution +5



This is a modification to the patient's natural thyroid glandular array. Through this process the user gains perpetually added strength, speed, and effective physical resistance to various chemical, internal, and environmental stresses and threats. Likewise the subject must eat twice as much to maintain necessary nutrients, and gives off a far more visible heat signature and radiance, than those without a thyroid booster.

Toxin Screen

Chance to Detect Ingested Toxins

(NS) Min




Protect yourself with toxin screen, a cluster of sensory tendrils in the stomach that detect poison in any food or drink ingested and automatically trigger the stomach to empty by reflex vomiting.

Note: The subject, if the toxin screen detects poison in something just or recently ingested it will automatically expel the toxins detected via uncontrolled vomiting. In the case of swiftly working or contact poisons the toxin screen may prove to be of no use.

Toxin Sensor

Chance to Detect Airborne Toxins

(NS) Min

1: 60% 1:4000 24 2: 75% 2:6000 26

3: 85%



This especially focused implant allows the subject to filter before becoming affected by (if) used in conjunction with the olfactory boost, those airborne toxins or gases that could be harmful to the subject. In essence the toxin sensor provides a catalogued library of scents that are known to be deadly or potentially harmful.

Note: This does not automatically protect the subject from said effects, but can provide sufficiently early warning to allow the subject to escape or take necessary precautions.

Trauma Damper

Statistics DRR

(NS) Ext

1: +15HP - 30% -1 1:4000 26 2: +20HP - 60% -1 2:8000 28

3: +25HP - 90% -1



Through this process the subject's body is modified, various organs are modified to allow the subject to function in most cases despite electrical shock, physical trauma, and extreme environments. The subject gains the Survival skill with respect to surviving in extreme environments and the percentage reflects the chance to ignore the potential damage and stun damage, as well as the incapacitation that tasers and other electrical attacks might cause.

Note: This does not affect psychological shock or stress.

Vision Upgrade

(NS) Mod




This process involves utilizing specialized nanosurgeons to rebuild the user's retinas and optic nerves changing the ratio of rods and cones, giving the user the ability to naturally perceive the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum. This process is irreversible, at least with respect to that pair of eyes.


Beyond the run of the mill wares available in the back alley, secondhand chop shops and relatively low profile cyber clinics there are those enigmatic black hole institutions that deal in custom-made creations and grades of bio and cyberware that mark the difference between the lucky scag who managed to score enough creds to wire up a bit, and those elite professionals who are the man-machine top of the food-chain, pseudo living embodiments of walking death. Most often found within the bodies of uppermost end corporate assets or off the books entirely, where a single ultra-enhanced operative is preferable to throwing numbers at a problem, these are the operatives that most aren't even aware of until it's far too late.

The wares listed below are on the cutting edge of what passes for modern day science in 2312. Composed of both experimental elements and in some cases even theories, they represent the upper most echelon of what can be legitimately obtained at horrific prices in terms of credit and potentially the subject's own humanity. Fashioned and produced primarily via the megaorps these wares are generally incorporated into their hosts at especially secure and blacker than black cyber clinics that specialize in anonymity, unquestionable skill and reliability. In almost all cases a specific megacorp has to be behind the dissemination of any specific versions of these wares, the misplacement of which carries a hefty price.






Bio-Ceramic Bone Lacing Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Ext Punch:2d4+2 -4 +50HP - +4 Strength 14 - 140 65000

30 Kick:2d4+4 3HP - Hour 14HP - Hour

Composed of an amazingly resilient bio-ceramic further reinforced by segmented nanite woven mini-tubules, this lacing makes the subject's bones virtually unbreakable, and while lighter than titanium lacing, provides a great deal more stopping power and raw physical strength in unarmed combat. Like other forms of bone lacing modifications this operation is extremely stressful to the subject's physiology.

Note: The bio-ceramic filaments are interwoven into the subject's skeletal frame are surrounded by an ambient bio-plasma field that also enhances the subject's ability to regenerate and grants a degree of relative protection from specific forms of attack. As in the case of the black-synth skel modification, this field renders the neck, fingers, knees and toes unbreakable despite the lack of solid bone structure. (i,e. Cartilage, tendons, etc.) This ware adds about 1 kilo to the subject's overall weight. The additional Strength comes from the necessary reinforcement of the subject's muscles, ligaments, and tendons as well as the reinforced skeleton itself. With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's augmented skeleton. Materials with a lesser barrier rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 30% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh or thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's bones, damages a finite degree of the external structure and makes quite a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources. The skeleton's structure is enhanced by a barrier point amount that repairs itself at an impressive rate.

Bio-Plasma Shroud

(NS) Ext

- 100000


The cutting edge in bio-regeneration the shroud encapsulates the subject's body in a fluctuating energy field that totally regenerates damaged tissue and cells. This process requires 30 full minutes to complete, during which the subject is unconscious and excessively vulnerable. The shroud can only be used once every 7 days. If the field is interrupted healing does not take place and the subject must wait a full 7 days before the Shroud can be utilized again.

Note: The Shroud will automatically initiate if death would otherwise occur, assuming of course that it is possible.

Black Synth-Skel Damage DRR Statistics Barrier Rating - Points (NS) Ext Punch:2d6+6 -8 +90HP - +6 Strength - +2 Agility 18 - 180 200000

30 Kick:2d6+8 12HP - Hour 18HP - Hour

In this process the subject's skeleton is suffused and transmuted into a nigh unbreakable, lightweight experimental bio poly-ceramic. Lighter than all other bone lacing and mundane bone augmentations the synth-skel adds to the subject's speed even as it adds greater raw physical strength and stopping power than all other bone augmentation procedures.

Note: The transmuted skeleton and bones of the subject are surrounded by an ambient bio-plasma field that enhances the subject's ability to regenerate. As in the case of bio-ceramic bone lacing, this field renders the neck, knees, fingers and toes virtually unbreakable despite the lack of solid bone structure. (i,e. Cartilage, tendons, etc.) Added Strength and Agility are a byproduct of the skeleton's new composition and almost negative weight properties. With respect to damage modifiers the subject does the listed damage on a simple punch or kick to foes (This is in addition to any skill bonuses and counts as damage as opposed to sub-dual damage.) and anyone striking him or her takes half the damage if such a strike would contact any portion of the subject's transmuted skeleton. Materials with a lesser barrier rating can be harmed by the subject of this procedure causing 50% of the listed damage, though utilizing the skeletal enhancement in this way tends to destroy the flesh and thin veneer of tissue that covers the subject's knuckles and generally makes a mess. The DRR (Damage Reduction Rating) aids the subject in avoiding damage from most sources. The skeleton's structure is enhanced by the barrier point amount and repairs itself at an impressive rate.

Cyber Blade Composition - Mod Damage Barrier Rating (NS) Ext

1: Poly Ceramic 3d8+7 12

1:52000 28 2: Viborium 8d8+8 14 2:125000 30 3: Plasma 10d8+10 16 3:360000 32 4: Quantum 12d10+12 18 4:500000 34

Poly-Sheathing (Conceal Bonus: +90%)

1600 20 While the poly ceramic and viborium cyber blade versions are hidden within the subject's forearms the plasma and quantum variants are not. In the case of the latter two, the capacitor packs that power the projected fields of energy are housed within the subject's forearms instead. Though one might expect that the viborium and poly ceramic variants would be limited to the length of the subject's forearms at most, they can be half again as long due to the blade's ability to utilize a staggered telescoping technique. Once the blade's size is decided upon it cannot be altered without complete removal of the previous augmentation and replacement with a new variant of the desired length. In all cases the blade, whether solid or energy based projects from just above the subject's wrist and prevents the subject from lifting his or her wrist so that it would come into contact with the blade. Note: Against barrier rated targets of lesser strength, poly ceramic blades do 1/2 their listed damage while viborium, plasma and quantum variants do full damage. Poly-Sheathing involves coating the blades in a translucent nanite solution that subtly warps light and renders the blades effectively invisible to cursory observance. This treatment can obviously only be done to poly ceramic and viborium blades. Viborium is considered an energy attack as opposed to kinetic. The listed cost is for both hands, if only one is augmented with this ware halve the price. Plasma and Quantum cyber blades can only remain active via their capacitor packs for 2 full minutes after which they require 10 minutes of motion (normal movement) to recharge. Short successive uses, ie. 1 minute with 5 minutes rest between reuse, etc. can potentially allow them to be utilized indefinitely.

Cyber Brain

Data Transfer Rating                     Statistics                                 Time Modifier  

(NS) Ext

1: (x2) +5 Intel - Intuit +15 Reflex +8/+4 to Intel/Phys based skills -50%

1:2500000 30

2: (x4) +7 Intel - Intuit +21 Reflex +12/+6 to Intel/Phys based skills -75%

2:5500000 32

The cyber brain is an artificially ultra-amped state-of-the-art enhanced brain and neural net that replaces the subject's brain with one that is far more efficient and resilient. While it greatly enhances the subject's intuition and intelligence the most telling byproducts of the cyber brain are its incredibly enhanced data throughput modifiers and the nascent capacity to utilize eidetic memory and eidetic reflexes, a bonus to technically or intelligence and physical based skills, and the amount of time it allows the subject to shave off of those tasks that are mental or intelligence based in nature but require time to achieve. Whether it be programming, correlating, sifting through copious amounts of information, and so forth. Cyber brains are similarly capable of the same capacity as at least baseline dual encephalon modifications (and potentially upper echelon variants), though the benefits are not tabulated above.

Note: The cyber brain cannot be used in conjunction with the following wares: Cerebral Booster - Cerebro Enhancement - Mnemonic Enhancer - Neural Replacement - Dual Encephalon -Reflex Recorder - Synaptic Accelerator


Conceal Rating Single - Dual Call Shot - Dual

(NS) Mod

98% +8/ (+8/+8) +4/ (+4/+4)



The cutting edge of smart link technologies. Through the incorporation of nanite thin bio-alloys into the subject's palm or palms, the genius-link provides total intimate knowledge of a weapon's condition, number of rounds, mode of fire, barrel heat, etc. Genius-linked weapons allow gen-link users to fire at the same or separate targets with disgusting accuracy and ease. Otherwise with both these, and any weapon equipped with smart link technology the user gains a remarkable fluidity and poise of presence with their weapon that makes the improved smart linked soldier look like a child with a toy gun. Gen-linked weapons can be literally drawn to the hands of a subject's gen-linked hand from as far as 3 meters away. However if the weapon in question belongs to another gen-linked person, this is not an option.

Note: The gen-link ballistic expert system allows the gunman of today a chance to earn kills even off of ricochets in some instances, the user is also able to pre-call a repeat burst, (Treat ricochet shots as normal shots, no bonuses, no penalties. Range to target 3 meters from any ricochet, -3 to hit for each ricochet after the first, 3 ricochet max. Firing a weapon's max for that combat round in the same spot.) and negates dual-weapon use penalties when two gen-links are utilized. The gen-link grants an additional weapon attack per round if the weapon is likewise gen-linked and will override the smart grip protection feature often incorporated into guns. While the general benefits of the gen-link can be utilized even with weapons equipped only with basic smart link technology, only with gen-link adapted weapons do the bonus attacks become available or the ballistic expert system options noted above. The cost of gen-linking any weapon is 1200.

Infiltrator Voice Suite

Voice Quality Rating

(NS) Mod

18 30000


The infiltrator suite grants the subject full tonal, voice-print, and subliminal suggestive capabilities. Voice-print mimicry is dependant upon having at least 1 full minute of speech by the person to be duplicated. While the suite duplicates the voice the subject is unable to speak for a full three hours, as the ware hones the necessary modulation to mimic the desired target. Any cessation of this silence whether it be a growl a whisper etc., will halt the process and it will have to begin anew. Subliminal suggestions have a 25% chance of succeeding except in those cases where the course of action suggested is diametrically opposed to the targets own goals and personal well-being.

Plasma Sheathed Monofilament Conceal Rating Location Damage (NS) Min 1: 98% Thumb tip 2d6+4(x3) 1:20000 30 2: 98% Wrist 2d6+4(x3) 2:20000 30 This process involves replacing or modifying either one of the subject's fingertips, fingernails or securing a very small spool and trigger soft-divot into the subject's wrist bone that upon pulling or depression frees the section of the fingertip, nail or wrist and allows the spool of deadly plasma sheathed monomolecular razor wire to be pulled free for use as a brutally effective weapon. Ideal for surprise attacks, this deadly bit of coruscating razorwire can be used to lethal affect in close quarter combat. Note: With respect to monofilament edged weapons or the like, instead of interacting with such as would normal monofilament plasma sheathed monofilament interacts as follows. The plasma sheathing causes the monofilament to act as an energy weapon, allowing it to do direct damage to various armor and weapon types. Against similar technologies. For instance if plasma sheathed monofilament were to contact basic monofilament, the basic variation would be sliced through. (Vibranium, particle weaponry, bio-ceramic bone lacing, black-synth skel, etc.) the weapons cause an earsplitting sound and no few sparks but simply glance off one another. (In the case of the bone augmentations, the subject's flesh is obviously not protected from this glancing effect.)

Pulsar Z-Grav Implants

Speed Maximum Range

(NS) Ext

134 meters - per second 45 Miles every 10 minutes



Utilizing a tailored inertial field projector-dampener, along with modified Z-Grav implants the Pulsar enhancement allows its user to defy the laws of gravity and physics to a more controlled degree. Running along walls, leaping, or jumping vast distances, etc. are child's play to the subject who opts for the Pulsar Z-Grav Implants which allow them to actually fly for limited amounts of time. Expert navigation systems act to prevent collisions at more than a quarter speed.

Note: Extended use will begin to drain on the user and overwhelm them with lethargy for twice the time the ware's limits were exceeded. (All physical stats halved.) Max non-taxing duration is 9 minutes. Though repeated short-term usage, with at least 1 minute intervals between each usage will not cause a problem. Use in this way with 1 minute of rest after every 9 minutes of flight, would equate to 270 miles of flight in an hour. Pulsar Z-Grav Implants are not compatible with Warp-Ware. The benefits of this ware in combat are the same as Z-Grav implants and otherwise strictly apply to movement and don't allow the subject to act as swiftly as those who might be modified by any form of ware-based physical speed/combat enhancement.

Synergy Conduit

(NS) Ext

- 80000


The synergy conduit allows the subject to utilize any electrical outlet or generator to replenish or recover from either or both physical or mental exhaustion in a matter of minutes, whether as a result of exposure, torture, simple muscle fatigue, lack of sleep, and so forth. In a mere five minute span of time, the subject is completely revitalized and renewed as though he or she had rested the appropriate amount of time to fully recover from whatever form of temporary impairment, within the range mentioned above; might have been affecting them. The Synergy Conduit can only be used once in any 72 hour period.

Tactical Grid Suite Situational Bonuses Identify Friend or Foe Armor (NS) Ext

+4 Agility +3 Intuition +6 Reflex +6 -3

+6% chance to auto-strike - evade


24 Tactical-Grid Suite (sans TVAI) +2 Agility +1 Intuition +3 Reflex +3 -3

+2% chance to auto-strike - evade

This micro-processing suite was created to accentuate and augment the formidable T-VAI. When used in conjunction with the T-VAI the TGS allows its user to better use the terrain to their advantage and more easily predict the actions of enemy targets. The TGS is equipped with a hypersquirt relay expert intrusion system that is capable of tapping suborbital and orbital satellites only to allow 3D holographic projections of their own position and a 300 meter diameter radius. The TGS can likewise greatly aid in terms of allowing the subject to avoid some surprises.

Note: The lesser values represented above are what are available before data is fully tabulated and fed through to the T-VAI which requires 2 combat rounds. Likewise, if the subject is beneath more than 5 meters of ground the lesser bonus is all that can apply.

Tactical VAI Situational Bonuses Identify Friend or Foe Armor (NS) Ext 1: +2 Agility +2+2d4 Reflex +2 Intuition 8 -2 1:250000 28 4% chance to auto-strike - evade 2: +4 Agility +4+3d4 Reflex +4 Intuition 12 -4 2:550000 30 7% chance to auto-strike - evade 3: +6 Agility +6+4d4 Reflex +6 Intuition 18 -6 3:850000 32 10% chance to auto-strike - evade This tactical micro-processing suite sports a host of detective arrays and links to every sense the subject possesses, likewise honing them to fantastic levels. Resonance, magnetic shift, sightless sound radar, body-heat, and a host of other sensors are incorporated into the subject for use by the Tactical Virtual AI. Even the basest system allows for the simultaneous tracking of up to 8 distinct targets and assessment of tactics and most probable actions. Denoting in peaceful situations what environmental objects or people could prove most threatening or useful. Each T-VAI is automatically programmed with personal combat tactics that not only aid reflex, but provide the user with an uncanny combat intuition. Note: A full 2 rounds of combat must occur before ANY T-VAI bonuses accrue. Yes it even aids hackers in the void, though program opposition overrides auto-strike/evasion percentages which instead, only add half their % to the applicable program's effective rating. Within the void the Armor bonus is halved as a DRR bonus.

Virtual AI Statistics Intelligence Skill Bonus Data Transfer Rating (NS) Ext

1: +2 Intuition +2 Intelligence +2 +10

1:750000 26

2: +4 Intuition +3 Intelligence +4 +20

2:1250000 28

3: +6 Intuition +4 Intelligence +6 +30

4:2000000 30

The VAI impressively augments the subject's processing capacity and effective intelligence. The VAI possesses both a distinct user defined personality and various modes of communication, represented by a voice only audible to and chosen by the subject or an intuitive shared awareness. This thin, thumbnail-sized super micro-processor is capable of an impressive degree of autonomous functionality. While its primary objective programming varies, its scope is impressively wide ranged, whether it be self-preservation, accomplishment of predetermined objectives, etc. Beyond these potent functions the processor likewise correlates and oversees any and all wares in the host form. Regulating and managing all information and pertinent data faster and with a flawless ease that enhances both the wares and the subject’s overall capabilities.

Note: The bonuses gained from a virtual AI microprocessor are not cumulative with the expert microprocessor I/O router option, but are with the network admin option. Likewise, if the subject has a programming SPU and slaves it to the VAI microprocessor the SPU's functionality gains a 25% bonus to its functionality per level of the VAI. Where applicable various benefits are gained in conjunction with other wares.

Warp-Ware Situational Bonuses Armor - Strike Bonuses (NS) Ext 8d6 +30 (x2) to Reflex +24 Agility +21 Intuition -24 - +22 2000000

30 76% chance to auto-strike - evade Through the combination of geo-gravitational induction coils, manipulative inertial field generators, and specially tailored and experimental (lvl4) reflex coils, the subject steps beyond the realm of all other reflex enhancements. To the user of warp-ware the world around them quite literally slows to an unmoving crawl. The subject can move through a room without being seen as if by teleportation, easily avoiding detection. The applications and advantages in combat are painfully obvious. To the senses of anyone not similarly augmented it appears as if the subject simply vanishes or appears as the case may be. A localized inertial grav-field precludes the typical effects that might accompany anything moving at such speeds, such as the subject's potential inability to breath, sonic booms, localized air disturbance, etc. This effect can persist for only up to 1 minute and allows the subject to move roughly 1524 meters a second or almost 57 miles in a span of 1 minute and roughly 855 miles in an hour assuming of course that it's physically possible based on terrain.

Note: Each minute of peak use beyond the first, the subject runs the risk of lapsing into unconsciousness. There is a cumulative 1% chance per 10 seconds after the initial minute or until its effects are willfully ended. At most a subject could function at peak levels for 17 minutes and 40 seconds. Repeated short-term usage of a minute or less, with at least 3 minutes between each usage will not cause a problem. Use beyond this threshold will cause the subject to immediately fall into a comatose state for 1 hour per 30 seconds over the threshold. With respect to the subject's chance to auto-strike and evade, the % is adjusted by subtracting any modifiers in this regard that the target has as well, with parity voiding those bonuses gained due to both nullifying each other. Warp-Ware is not compatible with Pulsar Z-Grav Implants.


(NS) Ext

- 55000


This bio-engineered organ grants varying psychic abilities or phenomena to the subject. Still in the testing phase, it is hoped that those subject's that survive initial implantation and subsequent day to day life will aid in the honing of the process and understanding of the potential range of powers granted. Thus far, only three individuals have survived the process. Two have somehow escaped despite the extensive security precautions taken and the last serves an unidentified corporation. One of the escapees, a female, is dead and the third is believed to be dead or still at large.

Z-Grav Implants

Situational Modifiers Autostrike - Evade Chance

(NS) Ext

+4 Agility + 3 Reflex 2%



Utilizing a derivative of the geo-graviton science in Warp-Ware, Z-Grav implants allow the user to defy the laws of gravity and physics to a small degree and for a limited duration. Running along walls, leaping or jumping vast distances, weakening the pull of gravity on the user during a fall, all of these are potential uses for the implants. The rest is left to the imagination.

Note: Extended use will begin to drain on the user and overwhelm them with lethargy for twice the time the ware's limits were exceeded. (All physical stats halved.) Max non-taxing duration is 9 minutes. Though repeated short-term usage, with at least 30 seconds between each usage will not cause a problem.

Body Sculpting

Call it vanity or perhaps merely competition, in a global society where appearance and style readily trump substance, people have always desired to be more attractive physically, often disregarding what really counts. Today's world is no different. Body Sculpting clinics abound in the modern day, each promising to make you look exactly how you want, as beautiful as if you’d been born that way. Who cares if you lack true beauty, that rare brilliance that shines from within, and really; who takes the time to look that deep? The simple truth is, excepting the rare few, no one does. So here we are… Most alterations and enhancements whether subtle or gross, involve using the client’s own vat grown tissue or necessary bone or marrow to effect the changes both extravagant and subtle. In the majority of cases people order the prerequisite nanite solution and scour the matrix for a bodysculpting shop that has the modification they want at a price they can afford, or make payments on.

Body Sculpting





Anti-Halitosis Treatment

(NS) Min

- 450


This in-home minor procedure utilizes a generic nanite solution to alter the subject so that he or she excretes a specifically tailored enzyme from their saliva glands, that destroys bacterium and prevents that ghastly social faux pa known as Dragon Breath. The enzyme can further alter the subject's saliva to achieve a variety of tastes, whether it be peppermint, spearmint, etc.


(NS) Mod

- 2500


This fairly complicated procedure impregnates the cells of the subject's epidermis with tailored chloroplasts. Once completed these specialized cells allow the recipient to utilize photosynthesis, a chemical reaction wherein sunlight, water and carbon dioxide help create glucose and proteins. Through use of this process and a slightly altered diet the subject needs far less to eat than would otherwise be the case and gains some specific benefits and potential detriments.

Note: Chloro-Skin is not compatible with Ballistic Weave and has the side-effect (If desired.) of turning the subject's skin a greenish tone. Utilizing a specially made wetsuit, those who have been augmented by this procedure are able to generate up to 6 hours of their own air when diving and potentially more, if infrequent returns to the surface or exposure to sunlight are allowed. This modification is also not possible to use in conjunction with the Ruthenium Skin Treatment.

Color Me

Stealth - Camouflage Bonus (NS) Mod

+2 1600


Yet another in-home modification, this one involves the modification of the subject's epidermis by tailored nanites that grant the patient the ability to vary the hue of their skin to an amazing degree at will. The effect being a cascade shift that begins from the feet and works its way upward. Note: Pigmentation is limited to a single over all color, though various lighter/darker shades are possible just as in real skin pigmentation.

Dazzle Eyes

(NS) Mod

- 500


Through this process the patient's eyes are altered to such a degree that he or she is able to alter their color to just about any basic hue. This procedure has the added benefit of enhancing the subject's vision to 20/20 and removing any form of stigmatism or optical issue permanently.

Minor Physical Modification

(NS) Mod

- 1200


This procedure involves altering the client in a relatively limited form or fashion. Whether it be a nose job, the removal of unsightly wrinkles or blemishes, etc.

Note: Marketed as a Do-It-Yourself procedure, these slightly more involved physical modifications utilize a nanite pack and TNPP (Tailored Nanite Pre-Programming) options at a host of various Matrix Soft Clinics. Log in, edit your modification, plug in the nanite pack and then slap on the patch! You're new you will be ready in a matter of minutes!

Moderate Physical Modification

(NS) Mod

- 2800


This procedure involves altering the client in a moderately limited form or fashion. Whether it be a more comprehensive facial reconstruction, breast augmentation or relatively limited physiological alteration.

Note: Marketed as a Do-It-Yourself procedure, these slightly more involved physical modifications utilize a nanite pack and TNPP (Tailored Nanite Pre-Programming) options at a host of various Matrix Soft Clinics. Log in, edit your modification, plug in the nanite pack and then slap on the patch! You're new you will be ready in a matter of minutes!

Full Physical Revamp

(NS) Mod

- 6400


This procedure involves heavy alteration to the patient's form, whether it be biomass reduction, several aspects of a full body conversion or merely a minor form thereof. Whether the subject has a desire to look like an elf, a demon, famous sim-star, wants a tail, hooves, horns, claws etc. The base nanite solution cost is only part of the actual cost of this procedure, when you consider that the solution has to be custom programmed, most often via the matrix and one of a host of full-blown bodysculpting clinical options.

Note: This procedure effectively puts the subject out of commission for as long as 2 months during which the subject is able to perform only the most basic of tasks. Eating, drinking and sleeping as required, with minimum mobility and an inability to perform fine dexterity tasks. It is not unheard of for patients to expire if attempting to manage the procedure alone and in most cases private caretakers or robotic aids are rented to aid the subject during the procedure.

Extravagant Physical Revamp

(NS) Mod

- 14000


This procedure involves a great deal of alteration to the patient's physiology. In most cases an extravagant revamp deals with massive changes to the subject's physiology, whether it be adding or removing a great deal of biomass in the form of greater density, shrinking the subject and so forth. The base nanite solution cost is only part of the actual cost of this procedure, when you consider that the solution has to be custom programmed, most often via the matrix and one of a host of full-blown bodysculpting clinical options.

Note: This procedure effectively puts the subject out of commission for as long as 2 months, during which the subject is able to perform only the most basic of tasks. Eating, drinking and sleeping as required, with minimum mobility and an inability to perform fine dexterity tasks. It is not unheard of for patients to expire if attempting to manage the procedure alone and in most cases private caretakers or robotic aids are rented to aid the subject during the procedure.


(NS) Mod

- 1800


Developed and primarily utilized by those who are image conscious, this process involves altering the subject's gastrointestinal tract to limit the amount of food that is digested based on the subject's metabolism. Regardless of how much the subject eats and drinks they will not take on the extra proteins and carbohydrates that can turn into fat. The excess food is processed normally but passed via bodily waste as opposed to burdening the clients physiology.

Full-Spectrum Allergy Treatment

(NS) Mod

- 1800


Never suffer from allergies again after we’ve given you this extensive treatment. Who cares about what pets your significant other has or whether the pollen or mold count are in the billions, you're over it! A favorite of would-be veterinarians.

Genomic Revitalization Process

(NS) Mod

- 100000


This process involves the utilization of cutting-edge, expensive, tailored nanites and can effectively retroactively degrade the affects of time and age upon a subject. Through a vigorous process and no little expense, the subject can regain the physical health and appearance of a 21 year old version of themselves with but a single treatment!

Note: The process holds an intrinsic minor potential of retroactively removing past processes that a patient may have had undergone. This is to say that after the initial use of this process, subsequent processes of this type have an intrinsic chance of failing and retroactively degrading cells back to their original state, usually causing instant death. Those who have undergone this process are usually required to return 1 year and 3 years prospectively afterwards for fine tuning and simple check-ups.

Life Extension

(NS) Ext

- 80000


Unlike some other treatments, through one therapy session the subject's life expectancy is increased by up to 10 years by slowing down the aging process and eliminating some of the known effects of aging.

Life's Vigor

(NS) Ext

- 60000


This treatment deals with the side effects of aging without altering the aging process. This improves quality of life and restores a 70 year old to the energy and resilience of an adolescent.

Micro-Cast Perfect Teeth

(NS) Min

- 800


This dental process involves providing the client with flawlessly perfect teeth that will never crack, stain, or decay. Likewise, the Micro-Cast teeth can be specially ordered, whether a client desires to sport fangs or some more varied style. Client’s are recommended to continue brushing or to seriously consider receiving the Anti-Halitosis treatment.


(NS) Min

- 1400


Though initially only women were interested in this invaluable procedure, we’ve since received several eager men looking to get Neu Hair as well! Removing all of the client’s natural hair, specialized nanites are introduced into the subjects scalp and Voila! Neu Hair! These tiny weavers will last a lifetime, and are capable of altering the color, length, luster and even various styles upon mental cue for those with cyberware or at the tap of the specially designed stylus that comes with this augmentation. Just program the desired cut and color and it’s yours! The hair is composed of luminescent bio-filament hair breadth strands that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing! Never suffer a bad hair day, cut or split ends again!

Note: Additional constitution gained through this procedure applies only to potential HP values and do not enhance the subjects actual constitution with respect to the stat.


(NS) Min

- 240


This treatment injects a small population of specialized nanites into the hands and feet of the client. These nanites can stimulate or halt nail growth so that you can have the perfect nails for any occasion. Likewise the nanites are encoded with over 7000 color variations which can be effected by simply choosing one via micro-dot corneal display for those sporting cyberware or through the use of a special stylus that comes with the package!


(NS) Min

- 250


Our perma-tan treatment lets you have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy a lustrous healthy golden tan and never fear the suns skin damaging UV rays again. The Perma-Tan procedure grants the client a natural, beautiful tan with over 300 subtly different shades to choose from, while likewise protecting the subject from future harmful exposure to the sun's potent rays in our depleted atmosphere or low earth orbit.

Pheromone Type Casting & Perfect Me Scents

Statistics (NS) Min

1: +1 Attractiveness

1:12000 14

2: +2 Attractiveness

2:24000 14

2500 per ounce

This procedure involves extensive pheromone and scent type casting, which in turn goes into manufacturing a chemically specific perfume 'Perfect Me' that is specially formulated to enhance the natural pheromones of the subject. The type casting costs as specified and the cost of each ounce of perfume is listed above.

Scent Glands

(NS) Min



- 2200


Through this alteration of the subject's exocrine sweat glands, the client's sweat can be made to smell like almost anything. Including designer perfumes, spices and so forth. This process can also change the way the subjects sweat tastes. The scent and or taste of the subject's perspiration must be decided upon at the time the alteration is made. If the subject ever decides to change the scent or flavor the entire process must be endured once more and the costs are doubled.

Note: This procedure is potentially compatible with Tailored Pheromones however in such a case both this process and the Tailored Pheromone treatment cost 50% more as a result of the delicate tweaking that is involved. Likewise at roughly ten times the cost the subject can pick up to three different flavor/scent combinations that can essentially be invoked at will. It is not necessary that the scent and taste correspond. (ie. your sweat could smell like vanilla and taste like cherry juice, etc. Also, there is a variant of the Scent Glands that specifically relates to more specific glandular excretions/secretions that follows suit and costs roughly twice the listed price though all the other options are viable with it as well.)

Sense Skin

(NS) Mod

- 3000


Reach out and touch someone! Or better yet, let them touch you! Do you want just a little bit more in bed? To feel the wind washing over your skin? The gentle caress of your silk under garments? Sense skin has special sensors which enhance your sense of touch, and for those who fear sensory overload, a push of a subcutaneous divot or simple mental cue for those who sport headware will turn the sensory-trodes off. When you're ready for more, just reactivate them and the sensations come back!

Silk Skin

(NS) Mod

- 2000


Silk skin is a process wherein first, any and all blemishes and scars are removed and then the subject is immersed within a nutrient vat that grows an improved smoother topical layer of skin that is both flawless and has a reduced pore size. The end result is silken smooth skin that is perfect to the touch and flawless under close scrutiny.

Smart Skin

(NS) Mod

- 3000


This process involves making the subject's skin into a virtual advertising billboard in a sense. Through the incorporation of tailored nanites throughout the subject's skin cells and incorporation of a special datsoft, comjack or other method for streaming advertisements, videos, trid-shows or the like can play upon the subject's bare skin for the viewing pleasure of any who see them. Whether utilized by those who are after attention or looking to earn a few extra creds, smart skin is the way to go!

Note: Though it's possible for the subject to simply remain nude to produce the full images, there are obviously intrinsic risks involved in this; most choose to utilize smart clothing as well. This allows the subject to provide a seamless streaming image while offering them a degree of modesty and safety. (Those who opt for nudity usually only do so in specially designed venues, indoors and with prerequisite bodyguards.)


Situational Bonuses (NS) Ext

1: +1 Attractiveness 1:1800 14

2: +1 Attractiveness - +1 Reflex 2:3200


This rare surgery involves adding an additional lower spinal vertebra for those who desire an extra swivel in their hips. Always wanted to have the rhythmic hips of a hypnotic belly dancer without any of the effort, even just when walking? If so this is the procedure for you!


(NS) Mod

- 1600


This modification involves either enhancing the subject's sexual organs in specific ways or completely replacing them with new bioware variants. Essentially this modification removes such embarrassing problems as impotence or the soreness that generally accompanies long or repeated performances. This mod is primarily purchased by men and women who make their living in the pursuit of creds for pleasure.


(NS) Mod

- 2000


The X-Spot involves the incorporation of a specialized bundle of hyper sensitive nerves tailored to increase sexual pleasure to heretofore unrealized heights! A favorite among corporate courtesans, joy-clubbers, and hedonists everywhere! Contrary to popular belief this centralized bundle of nerves can be placed almost anywhere in relation to the patient's physiology and it's not unheard of to run into people who've had three or more installed in various places.

Note: For some, this stimulus can prove to be powerfully addictive.

Rumor Has It

  • The original CEO of Novus Laboratories was named Smedley Novus, and was actually quite jovial, if a bit off his rocker, and preferred the entertainment and medical markets. However, after his tragic death when the space station Pericles was destroyed by terrorist attack, the new CEO, Andrew Lyndsey, has been focusing on pushing combat bioroids into full market production.
  • Some say Mr. Novus isn't actually dead at all, or at least that he can't have stayed dead. A guy with access to that much cloning technology, and yet he never made a backup of himself?
  • Novus Laboratories also patented the Rejuven-You age reversal process. Some say Mr. Novus actually used it himself and just retired quietly, and now he's just living off of his massive profits somewhere nice while someone else deals with all of the hard work of running his business.
  • A fixer in the Granite City area supposedly was once a security handler for Novus Labs, and lost her job after an unexplained breakout incident in which several 'projects' escaped into the city's underground tunnel system. It's unclear what happened to the projects afterwards.
4 x 2)-(6/2 x 5
tower/worlds/granitecity2155/corporations/novuslabs.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/08 23:57 by

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