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Avatar Klusterkorp

A genetic engineering corporation based at Silas Duncan Station. They are known for their radical pantropic and transhumanist ideology and complete contemplt for the Earth-Lunar regime of the Genetic Regulatory Agency. Avatar developed and marketed the Tennin genetic sequences that allowed humans to survive indefinite periods of microgravity and cosmic radiation.

Avatar is neither huge (it has about 700 employees, and is privately held) nor exceptionally wealthy (profits of about $70 million in 2154). However, it is the biggest Duncanite company, and its shadow looms large over the modern solar system: its owners and researchers are the children and grandchildren of the Ares Conspiracy. The company has a near-legendary reputation for innovation and risk-taking. Despite somewhat lower benefits than some corporations, it attracts not just Duncanites but some of the rest of the solar system's most maverick (and ethically challenged) genetic engineers. Avatar is currently embroiled in a low-intensity conflict with preservationist terrorists on Europa.

tower/worlds/granitecity2155/corporations/avatar_klusterkorp.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/12 22:19 by wizardofaus_doku

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