Yes, this needs a better name, but I just watched “The Hidden Hand” and want to jot some notes down in case I ever do an 'aliens among us' / X-Com / GURPS Black Ops sort of game. So.
First of all, theme song is 'It's Hip to Be a Hybrid', both because it's an awesome song and because it'd be meaningful - the basic thought is that there are hybrid alien/humans (perhaps those who look human on the outside, but not so human in reality…) as well as a variety of other alien freaky shit. Some means us harm. Some just finds us amusing. And of course there's conspiracies out the ass about who's really controlling/working for/using/exploiting who.
Whether it's Men in Black meets X-Com (dead serious meets amusingly serious) or not, I thought I'd better write it down. So here it is next time I get bored.