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About the Divine

The Divine in people's day to day lives is somewhat more impactful, considering healing and miracles actually work. While the magical is well-understood, the applications of the Divine are more esoteric and difficult to analyze - gods and belief systems being fickle creatures indeed. During the Aeternal Wars, several religions from other dimensions got a strong start in this one, particularly when priests and religious folk who hadn't felt the word of their deity before discovered that here, miracles could happen, and the Aeternal Wars began between these two realms.

The Oldest Traditions

The older religions on Aerth have changed over the millenia, with new gods forming and old gods dying through the slow creep of time. And I'm promptly going to be a lazy bugger and ignore most of them for now.

Whispers of Dead Gods

These religions have faded, either due to the death of a deity or their followers.

The New and Improved

These religions have been founded within the last thousand years or less, and as such are taken somewhat less seriously. Unfortunately, their faithful are often just as powerful as the oldest and most ancient tradition, which annoys clerics of those religions to no end.





tower/1b/collective/divine.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/08 23:56 by

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