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For now, just a holding place until/unless needed.

Ship Fund:

  • Sailor Pay: Currently 216 gold per month - three skilled hirelings (bard, chef, load balancer) at 2 gp per day, six not-so-skilled sailor hirelings at 2 sp per day)
  • Docking Fees: Currently 30 gold per month (paid for the month)
  • Food Costs: 120 gold per month for food (based on 5 sp per person per day x 8 PCs; NPC cost is covered by salary)
  • Ship Fund: 600 gold set aside

Vanayssyr's Lament

  • Ship Type: Sloop
  • Description: Sloops are single masted sailing boat that excels at sailing close to the wind or ‘upwind’. Usually under 50ft long to make it easier to keep the sails under control, sloops are fairly fast

vessels with small crew sizes. Like schooners, sloops have only one deck and have space for up to 12 guns, though realistically it is unlikely a sloop would have many more than 4 due to the amount of space that would have to be sacrificed.

  • Cost New: 10,000 gp
  • Crew: minimum 6, full crew 20
  • Passengers: 10
  • Speed: 14 mph
  • Cargo: 50 tons
  • Ballistas: Two fore, two aft (operated with Martial proficiency, 3d10 damage)
  • Front: Dragon Skull (lightning charged)
  • Sails: Dragon Sails (no speed bonus, but holy fuck is it scary looking)
  • Quarters: Standard (two cabins, one general quarters, one captain's cabin)
  • Mess Hall: Basic Galley

Ship Upgrades Available:

  • Improved Mess Hall (cost 2,500 gp) requires hireling… gives you 1d6 inspiration die once per long rest if you have at least one meal on board the ship.
  • Jail (cost 2,500 gp) lets you securely hold up to 5 medium or 3 large creatures. Cost does not include magical protection.
  • Armory (2,500 gp) when under attack any hireling that is not already noted as a spellcaster or soldier may visit the armory and therafter be counted as a guard.
  • Captain's Quarters (2,500 gp) gives captain a +2 to all ability checks to command the crew.
  • Armor Plating: 3000 gold, adds extra hp to the hull.
  • Silk sails: (500 gold) incrases speed by 25%. Not compatible with your dragon sails.
  • Extra ballistas (400 gp). Increases number of ballistas, takes deck space.

Ship Standard Food Stores:

4sp 40 lbs Beans
28sp 40 lbs Salted Beef
16sp 20 x Loaf of Wheat Bread
20gp 40 gal Rum
4sp 20 lbs Dried Fruit
5gp 20 lbs Nuts Mixed
1gp 10 lbs Seed Mixed
5gp 25 Pints Honey
5gp 20 lbs Butter
16sp 40 lbs Salted Pork
4gp 40 lbs Sausage
9sp 3 Barrels Pickled Fish
4sp 40 lbs Salted Chicken
2sp 40 lbs Flour
4gp 40 lbs Grains
1gp 100 lbs Rice
5sp 5 lbs Herbs
1gp Mixed Exotic Spices
20gp 10 Barrels (water)

54g 8s for complete resupply of ship, The Barrels of water cost (20gp) is a one time expense.

Ship Board Equipment:

5x Machetes

3x Crowbar

500' Hemp Rope

Carpenters Tools

50gp Wooden Planks

2x 10' pole

2x 10' Ladder

2x Grappling Hook

4x Signal Whistles

5x Balls of Twine (50')

3x Block and Tackle

2x Portable Heavy Hoist systems

rpg/scallywags.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/01 23:03 by benstickney

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