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Trading and Trade Goods

The best way to make money in a world where teleportation is as yet a limited science is by trafficking in trade goods between locations. The rules of trading are as follows:

  • Each town has categories for its items - for example, one might wish to know about Saivignon spices. Roll a d20, subtract ten, and add that percentage to that category's prices. For example, if you roll a 7, spices are 3% less valuable here.
  • When checking after a delay of multiple days (say, on one's next trip), roll 1d8. On a 1, the value decreases by 1d20%. On a 8, the value increases by 1d20%.
  • Haggling and purchasing in bulk will generally lower or raise the price by (haggle check -10)%, roughly.

Categories of Trade Goods:

  • Alchemical Supplies
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Weapons and Armor
  • Raw Metals
  • Fabrics
  • Clothes
  • Jewelry
  • Personal Goods
  • Foodstuffs
  • Alcohol

Pricing in Florence, Savignon:

  • Alchemical Supplies: -8%
  • Tools and Equipment: -4%
  • Weapons and Armor: +8%
  • Raw Metals: -1%
  • Fabrics: +7%
  • Clothes: +0%
  • Jewelry: -15%
  • Personal Goods: +3%
  • Foodstuffs: +4%
  • Alcohol: +3%

Pricing in Liberitas (Mods Doubled):

  • Alchemical Supplies: -14%
  • Tools and Equipment: -6%
  • Weapons and Armor: -16%
  • Raw Metals: -4%
  • Fabrics: -2%
  • Clothes: -20%
  • Jewelry: +20%
  • Personal Goods: -20%
  • Foodstuffs: -6%
  • Alcohol: +10%

Pricing in Santa Domingo Colony (Island-States, Inagua) (Growing):

  • Alchemical Supplies: +18%
  • Tools and Equipment: +6%
  • Weapons and Armor: +11%
  • Raw Metals: +13%
  • Fabrics: +13%
  • Clothes: +17%
  • Jewelry: +8%
  • Personal Goods: +13%
  • Foodstuffs: +8%
  • Alcohol: +16%

Pricing in Elhadara (Merchant-States) (Haggle Halved):

  • Alchemical Supplies: -20%
  • Tools and Equipment: -10%
  • Weapons and Armor: -7%
  • Raw Metals: -19%
  • Fabrics: -19%
  • Clothes: -14%
  • Jewelry: -13%
  • Personal Goods: -3%
  • Foodstuffs: -16%
  • Alcohol: -7%

Pricing in Darton Colony (Island-States, Argent) (Buy Only)

  • Alchemical Supplies: -20%
  • Tools and Equipment: -10%
  • Weapons and Armor: -10%
  • Raw Metals: +10%
  • Fabrics: +10%
  • Clothes: +10%
  • Jewelry: -30%
  • Personal Goods: +5%
  • Foodstuffs: +15%
  • Alcohol: +10%

Pricing in Alford Colony (Island-States, Sargossa)

  • Alchemical Supplies: +1%
  • Tools and Equipment: -8%
  • Weapons and Armor: +2%
  • Raw Metals: +20%
  • Fabrics: -6%
  • Clothes: +9%
  • Jewelry: +10%
  • Personal Goods: +6%
  • Foodstuffs: -1%
  • Alcohol: +0%

Common Trade Goods:

Cost Food and Spices Materials Livestock
1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
1 cp 1 lb. of rice
1 cp One ashlar block (dressed and faced masonry stone)
2 cp 1 lb. of flour
2 cp Two dozen eggs
2 cp 1 lb. of dried fruit
2 cp 1 lb. of root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, turnips)
2 cp 1 lb. of fungi
2 cp 1 lb. of coal
2 cp One chicken
5 cp 1 lb. of salt
5 cp 1 lb. of cheese
5 cp One salted herring
5 cp 1 lb of zinc
1 sp 1 lb. of iron
1 sp 1 lb. of beef or mutton
1 sp 1 lb. of raw or fried beans
1 sp 1 sq. yd. of canvas
1 sp 1 lb. of zinc
2 sp 1 gallon of milk
2 sp 1 pint of honey
2 sp 1 lb. of wool
2 sp 1 lb. of tallow
2 sp 1 lb. of lead
3 sp 1 fleece of wool (1.5 lb)
5 sp 1 lb. of butter
5 sp 1 salmon
5 sp 1 gal. of cream
5 sp 1 shakshaka
5 sp 1 lb. of copper
5 sp 1 lb. of wax
5 sp 1 lb. of pewter
5 sp 1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth
1 gp 1 lb. of ginger
1 gp 1 lb. of alum
1 gp 1 lb. of cotton
1 gp 1 lb. of ivory
1 gp 1 lb. of tin
1 gp One goat
2 gp 1 lb. of cinnamon
2 gp 1 lb. of pepper
2 gp 1 lb. of camphor
2 gp 1 lb. of nutmeg
2 gp 1 lb. of sugar
2 gp 1 lb. of tea
2 gp 1 lb. of bronze
2 gp 1 lb. of brass
2 gp One sheep
3 gp 1 lb. of cloves
3 gp One barrel (60 gallons) of poor-quality ale
3 gp 1 lb. of frankincense
3 gp 1 lb. of mustard
3 gp One pig
5 gp 1 lb. of silver
5 gp One barrel of medium-quality ale
5 gp One quarter of grain (eight bushels, enough to make bread and porridge for one person for one year)
5 gp 1 lb. of steel
5 gp 1 lb. of silver
5 gp 1 sq. yd. of linen
8 gp One barrel of good-quality ale
8 gp 1 lb. of ginseng
8 gp 1 lb. of myrrh
10 gp One barrel of salmon (cleaned and salted)
10 gp 1 sq. yd. of silk
10 gp One cow
15 gp 1 lb. of saffron
15 gp One barrel of cheap wine
15 gp One ox
20 gp One barrel of beef (salted)
20 gp 1 lb. of electrum
50 gp One barrel of fine wine
50 gp One sack of wool (170 fleeces)
50 gp 1 lb. of gold
200 gp One slave, maid
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum
rpg/sargossa/trading.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/21 16:11 by wizardofaus_doku

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