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Captives of the kingdom of Sargossa come together to avenge themselves against the kingdom. Potential enemies: (red flag with white X)

  • Royal Navy: The Royal Navy is the pride of Sargossa, and is one of the finest fleets in the world. Individual Navy officers think very highly of themselves. Enlisted men are often drafted for a period of service in exchange for a slightly better wage than they could earn elsewhere, but there is some resentment towards this forced labor as well as its comparatively low wages.
  • Royal Privateers: Privateers are basically pirates who fly under the Royal crown, and pay a portion of their take in exchange for the right to prey upon other ships. Privateers often do the Navy's work as pirate hunters.
  • Army Lobsterbacks: A relic of earlier days of conquest, the role of the Lobsterback is almost ceremonial now, with firearms and bodkin point arrows able to overcome even the strongest armor. However, in areas the Royal Army is called for to deal with 'savages', the imposing look of the Lobsterback remains a fearsome presence.
  • Army Riflemen: It was once said that in order to train an archer, first you had to start by training his grandfather. With the growing field of firearms, it has become far more effective to train soldiers in musket and bayonet, and only marginally more expensive.
  • Army Swordsmen: Individual soldiers may fight with the sword, or instead learn the fine arts of fencing, or at least be familiar with sword and pistol, if officers.

Other enemies:

  • Kingdom of Inagua (yellow flag with golden lion): The Inaguan kingdom is one of Sargossa's biggest rivals, particularly in territory claimed. The Royal Navy ostensibly leaves them alone, but Royal Privateers are very, very busy. Inagua, in turn, funds their own privateers to strike back, and pirates take on all comers without distinction.
  • Argent Empire (blue flag with swords): The Empire of Argent is pushing for colonization in new territories that have not yet developed gunpowder, but unfortunately they are putting up significant resistance at this time. Ostensibly at peace with Sargossa and Inagua.
  • Merchant-States of Sergai (green flag with cannons): Suppliers of firepower to all sides, these gunrunners are ostensibly at peace but crack down brutally on anyone that might cause them difficulty, often with help of other nations. Vale Blackthorn is currently sailing under their flag.

Neutral parties:

  • The Island Nation-States of Margot: A series of islands that are under frequent dispute by the major nations.
    • The Plantations: A number of small islands that have been converted into crop production facilities, usually owned by Sargossa or Inagua.
    • Sacre Lucre: One such plantation, under the control of the Inaguans.
  • The Walled Kingdom of Damask: An inland country that has large walls around the entire nation as well as around individual cities.
  • The Territories of Feravel: Considered savage and ripe for conquest by most other countries, this nation currently suffers the worst from colonial deprivations.
  • The Kingdom of Florence: A kingdom that doesn't have much of a navy of its own, but is often a neutral place to repair ships, and has a couple of drydocks in port towns of renown.
    • Blackthorn Manor: Home to Wynn Blackthorn and Tarric Greycloak.
    • Port City of Saivognon: One of the cities on the way back from depositing the madwoman Karsyn for high trial and providing testimony and evidence of her crimes.
  • The Elven Kingdom of Aeternis: The ancestral home of the elves, who have isolated themselves as much as possible, not that it keeps the ships away.
  • The Dwarven Kingdom of Mountaincrest: Housed under a major mountain range, this massive kingdom is actually home to many underground dwellers.
  • Liberitas (black flag). The black flag is the universal symbol of pirates throughout the Six Seas; claiming no king nor country, they nonetheless often have loyalty to a specific fleet that organizes their trade routes and clears them of threats, regardless of the nation.

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rpg/sargossa.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/22 16:44 by wizardofaus_doku

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