Universal Data Transfer
This simplifying assumption determines that at some point, the varying standards for connector cords were eventually replaced by consistent tech at some point that has focused on fixing the flaws of modern USB design:
- Better transfer speed.
- Better power transfer.
- Better plug connections.
- Standardizing plug sizes so that items that need larger plugs for more data/power can do so.
- With a UDT connection, items can use power networks as an ad-hoc network.
- Items have surge protection and internal fuses to protect against power spikes.
Sizes of UDT Port:
- Standard: Basically a 1 cm x 0.5 cm connection jack, much like a modern USB plug. Standard for most devices.
- Thinline: Basically 2 cm x 0.2 cm, a narrow line connection that does not sacrifice much speed or take up much space; considered the improved form of the mini plug for handheld devices.
- Mini: 0.5 x 0.2 cm. A jack the size of a micro-USB plug that allows handheld devices to recharge and transfer data with relative ease.
- Micro: 0.2 x 0.2 cm. A tiny headphone-jack sized connector used for lightweight connections between lightweight objects.
- Large: 1 cm x 1 cm. A larger plug used for wired network connections as a universal standard where console plug power is not feasible or acceptable. (Powergrid networks have high noise to signal factor and may be vulnerable to interference, so many companies still have internal wired or wireless networks.)
- Console: 2 cm x 2 cm. This is basically the standard power plug for most building-powered appliances, and provides data communication as well.
rpg/resources/udt.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/03 13:04 by wizardofaus_doku