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Barbarian: The barbarian is a brutal berserker from beyond the edge of civilized lands.

Bard: The bard uses skill and spell alike to bolster his allies, confound his enemies, and build upon his fame.

Cleric: A devout follower of a deity, the cleric can heal wounds, raise the dead, and call down the wrath of the gods.

Druid: The druid is a worshiper of all things natural—a spellcaster, a friend to animals, and a skilled shapechanger.

Fighter: Brave and stalwart, the fighter is a master of all manner of arms and armor.

Monk: A student of martial arts, the monk trains his body to be his greatest weapon and defense.

Paladin: The paladin is the knight in shining armor, a devoted follower of law and good.

Ranger: A tracker and hunter, the ranger is a creature of the wild and of tracking down his favored foes.

Rogue: The rogue is a thief and a scout, an opportunist capable of delivering brutal strikes against unwary foes.

Sorcerer: The spellcasting sorcerer is born with an innate knack for magic and has strange, eldritch powers.

Wizard: The wizard masters magic through constant study that gives him incredible magical power.

Hybrid Classes

Arcanist: Blending the power of the sorcerer with the versatility of the wizard, the arcanist draws upon a reservoir of power to bend magic to her will.

Bloodrager: Fusing the frenzy of the barbarian with the bloodline might of the sorcerer, the bloodrager calls upon innate power to give himself extraordinary abilities.

Brawler: Focusing on hand-to-hand combat, the brawler mixes the martial artistry of the monk with the specialist training of the fighter.

Hunter: Though both the druid and ranger can have animal companions, the hunter takes this bond to the next level, forming a deadly duo with her savage ally.

Investigator: With the rogue's cunning complemented by the alchemist's magical talent, the investigator is a peerless problem solver.

Shaman: Calling on the divine power of the oracle and the hexes of a witch, the shaman communes with her spirit animal to unleash doom upon her foes.

Skald: Sharing fury through song and deed, the skald takes the rage that lives in the heart of the barbarian and inspires it in others using the performances of the bard.

Slayer: Mixing the precise strikes of the rogue with the special training of the ranger, the slayer hunts down his foes with ruthless efficiency.

Swashbuckler: Combining the prowess of the fighter with the determination of the gunslinger, the swashbuckler is an acrobatic melee combatant.

Warpriest: Blending the cleric's divine might and the fighter's martial skills, the warpriest brings the fight to the enemies of his faith.

Advanced Classes

Alchemist: The alchemist is the master of alchemy, using extracts to grant him great power, mutagens to enhance his form, and bombs to destroy his enemies.

Cavalier: Mounted upon his mighty steed, the cavalier is a brave warrior, using his wit, charm, and strength at arms to rally his companions and achieve his goals.

Gunslinger: For a renegade few, battle sounds different than it does for the typical fighter. The clash of steel and the sizzle of spell energy are drowned out by the thunderous rhythm of gunfire—the pounding beat of the gunslinger. (Note: Eioan gunslingers receive Gun Training at first level instead of Gunsmithing, as they do not need to build their own weapons.)

Inquisitor: Scourge of the unfaithful and hunter of horrors, the inquisitor roots out the enemies of her faith with grim conviction and an array of divine blessings.

Magus: There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. The magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect.

Ninja: When the wealthy and the powerful need an enemy eliminated quietly and without fail, they call upon the ninja.

Oracle: Drawing upon divine mysteries, the oracle channels divine power through her body and soul, but at a terrible price.

Samurai: Few warriors are more dedicated to honor and the code of the warrior than the samurai. Trained from an early age in the art of war and sworn to the service of a lord, the samurai holds a position of power and respect in many lands, often serving as the voice and justice of the local noble.

Summoner: Bonded to a mysterious creature called an eidolon, the summoner focuses his power on strengthing that connection and enhancing his strange, otherworldy companion.

Witch: Lurking on the fringe of civilization, the witch makes a powerful connection with a patron that grants her strange and mysterious powers through a special familiar.

rpg/phoenix_rising/classes.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/26 18:12 by wizardofaus_doku

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