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Jarvis Smithson

Character Stats

HP 19/19 AC 13

Str 17 Dex 17 Con 16 Int 17 Wis 9 Cha 14

Fort +3 +3 Ref +3 +3 Will -1 +3

Languages: Common, Gnome, Elvish, Undercommon.


Craft: Woodwork +2 +3 +3

Knowledge: Engineering +2 +3 +3

Intimidate +2 +3 +2

Perception +2 +3 -1

Profession: Engineer +2 +3 +3

Acrobatics +2 +3 +3

Stealth +2 +3 +

2 ranks in each


Unarmed Strike (d6)

Improved Grapple

Stunning Fist

Throw Anything


Flurry of Blows (+0/+0)

Base attack bonus +1


Jarvis Smithson. Second son of a small family. Mom, Dad,and older brother brother Gerard all have jobs of their own. Mom works in a pharmaceutical facility. Dad is a warehouse worker for a large building supply distributor. Gerard runs a small business with his girlfriend selling gently used clothing and other simple items that are either purchased from yard and estate sales or donated from local families. The family itself has a long history in the local area. Never particularly important, but always around the edges. By family history, the most important member was Jarvis' 9 times great grandfather, Willek Smithson. Willek attended the same academy that Jarvis did. Of course, this was before is became a purely academic facility. In Willek's time it was a temple and monastery. The monastery was under the Order of Technos, the temple was part of the worship of the goddess Cerranea who was a goddess of luck and has long since departed this plane. It may seem strange that the clerics and monks of a goddess of luck would get involved with technology, but at the time getting anything to work properly all the time involving a lot of prayer for good luck to make sure things worked, didn't blow up in your face didn't blow up in some aristocratic visitor's face, and etc, There had been a tradition there of sending 12 monks out into the world each year to gather information for a year, then return and add that to the school's library and another dozen would go out on the same mission. Willek shortly bacame one of these monks after his initial schooling and training mainly because he never could grasp the religious requirements. Each year he would go out and return for a number of years. Eventually more and more of the monks and even some of the clerics became more secular in their natures and less religious. It is believed that an old and venerable Willek was among those who instigated the change from monastery to academy. Several other members of the Smithson family have also attended the academy as well but with less notice. It will be noted that the academy does still believe in a motto similar to something like “A healthy body helps a healthy mind”

The wards: These are purchased ward sets. Each sets consists of 4 sets of 3 stones. One stone is white marble, another is black jet the third is gray granite. Directions are given for a simple setting pattern for several different distinct types of wards. The form Jarvis uses them for is a warning signal. The directions give a procedure to align the stone with what is to be protected and then set 3 to 6 inches apart for the strength of the alarm to be given to the user. Jarvis uses a slight alternate which he found on the company website which allows for a small piece of a stone attuned to the user to be set in the center of the arrangement to pull the user directly to the piece being protected. Jarvis uses bloodstone for this because he finds it east to attune himself to. He also realizes the quartz concept in the granite is very good at energy transformation. Jarvis does have a habit of setting the arrangement of stone up at a separation of more like 8 inches than the recommended 3-6, but he thinks it's okay because it keeps the stones out of the way of other dials and things that are on the machinery he's protecting. The white gray, and black color scheme is like the green yellow, and red of a traffic light. Jarvis had 3 sets of those set up at the time of the “incident”.

Jarvis will always recommend going to someone else's place. This is not because his place is that much of a mess or anything. But he does share it with two other guys. You'd be surprised how little they pay QC techs (which is what Jarvis originally hired on as) and the “promised” raise when he went to R&D project tech leader “hasn't gone through yet” according to the people in HR. The first guy he lives with is a Half Elf named Rocco (pronounced Rock-o) who is trying to make it as a musician and does computer repair and freelance writing on the side. The other is a Gnome named Murray. Murray works as a pastry chef and is taking courses for full chef certification. Needles to say, they guys don't worry too much about not eating well. Unless Murray screws up his assignment, that is. Both of them work odd hours, however, and Jarvis doesn't like to wake them up when they're trying to sleep or anything like that. So when he had pegged that Astor had a place of her own that was far more the place to meet than disturbing his roomies.

rpg/phoenix_rising/characters/jarvis_smithson.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/11 17:22 by wizardofaus_doku

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