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Level 3 Shadar-kai shadow sorcerer
Background: Hermit
Proficiency bonus:+2
Alignment: CN
Player: Snk

Ac Initiative Speed HP/MaxHP Hit Dice
12 +3 35 24/24 3d8
  • Spell attack bonus: +5.
  • Spell Save DC: 13.
  • Resistant to necrotic damage
Stat Number Modifier/Save
Str 14 2/2
Dex 15 2/2
Con 15 2/4
Int 15 2/2
Wis 15 2/2
Cha 17 3/5
Skill Name Proficency Bonus
Acrobatics No 2
Animal Handling No 2
Arcana No 2
Athletics No 2
Deception Yes 5
History No 2
Insight Yes 4
Intimidation No 3
Investigation No 2
Medicine Yes 4
Nature No 2
Perception No 4
Performance No 3
Persuasion No 3
Religion Yes 4
Sleight of hand No 2
Stealth No 2
Survival No 2


rpg/oota/characters/lucyan.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/17 20:54 by nightwatcher13

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