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  • Powers/Skills: Sherpei demon - makes 'the face' when scared, cast iron stomach, long lifespan
  • Love Interest: none at the moment
  • Relatives: None in town
  • OSI Affiliations: Academy instructor
  • Other Close Friends: Clem is friends with a lot of the demon population- he's a friendly guy.
  • Residence: A little house of his own, with many cats.
  • About:

Full Name: Clem, just Clem.

Age: 38

DOB: 1/8/60

Hometown: Born in Cleveland

Current Residence: Sunnydale, CA

Profession/Specialty: Academy instructor / kitten poker player

Physical Description: corpulant with floppy ears and many skin folds

Personality: outgoing, friendly, likes to play games and cook/eat

Sexuality: likes the ladies

Marital Status: single

Brief History: Clem works as an OSI Academy instructor and spends most of his spare time either watching television, hanging out with friends, or playing kitten poker.

He's a demon of leisure- but he's very knowledgeable and connected.

rpg/old/users/l/characters/clem.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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