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The World of Rakenn

Seafang Islands

This is a chain of small to medium-sized islands on which play will be based for the time being.

Deity Levels and Others of Note: (level system borrowed from and tweaked )

Greater Deity
Intermediate Deity
Lesser Deity
Legendary Hero
Notable Hero
Knight – godnamesources

Local Pantheon

The Seafang Islands are strongly water-aspected in their pantheonic beliefs, and many of the gods and goddesses therein are seen in their connection to the waters and the storms.

Vanartes, Sage of the Seas

Power Level: Greater
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domains: Knowledge, Magic, Water, Travel, Protection, Weather, Good
Chosen Weapon: Quarterstaff
Favored Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard
This god of knowledge and sorcery is worshipped most strongly in the Seafang Islands as the Sage of the Storm; within these islands, his holy symbol is that of a lighthouse between two crashing waves, and his portfolio expands to include navigation and sea travel. === Sobapa, Heart of the Volcano ===
Power Level: Greater
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Fire, Destruction, Chaos, War, Strength
Chosen Weapon: Dwarven Battleaxe
Favored Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Ranger
This fiery warrior god is worshipped on some of the more strongly volcanic islands in the Seafang; although in his home territory he is the unquestioned dwarven god of war, here he is the resident god of destruction by fire. His followers are hot-tempered, proud, and willing to fight – a number of native peoples worship him despite the best efforts of the Emissaries of the Waves to lure them to other pursuits. He is highly popular amongst pirates, craftsmen, gladiators, brutes, and anyone else who has a yearning fondness for blasting powder. === Topra Su, Lady of the Trees ===
Power Level: Greater
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Earth, Animals, Plants, Healing
Chosen Weapon: Longbow
Favored Classes: Druid, Ranger, Barbarian
The Lady of the Trees is known, if not as the most powerful goddess, then as the one whose reach extends furthest throughout Rakenn. It is she whose whispers can be heard in the rustling of grasses, whose eyes can be felt in the densest of forests, whose howl can be heard on dark nights when the moon is highest. She is beloved by the druids, the quintessential goddess of nature. Only in the realm of fire is her domain limited - here, where life-giving water is plentiful, she is worshipped by some as a goddess of healing and compassion, but mostly counts druids among her followers - to them, she speaks in the mysterious rustling of the leaves. === Prosetta, Caller of the Storms ===
Power Level: Greater
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: Air, Destruction, Evil, Death, Trickery
Chosen Weapon: Trident
Favored Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid, Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue
The Caller of the Storms is dreaded by those who brave the seas, her name spoken in embittered whispers. She is the emissary of watery death – and her dark fury ravages the islands, seeking to expunge them of those who will not bend in worship. Her power is strongest in the realm of winds, but here, she is still a force to be reckoned with. She is the antithesis of the Sage of the Seas, and they are in truth stern and bitter enemies who confront each other with the affairs of mortals like old rivals at a chessboard. === Sabel, Trickster of the Currents ===
Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Luck, Water, Air, Trickery, Travel
Chosen Weapon: Fencing Saber
Favored Classes: Rogue, Fighter, Bard, Ranger
Holy Symbol: A spyglass and a saber crossing each other.
When they say that Lady Luck can be a cruel mistress, they're probably referring to Sabel, the Trickster of the Currents. She has footing in each of the realms, as there are always those seeking to befriend the fates to improve their relationship. Unfortunately for both good and evil, Sabel is an equal-opportunity goddess who may be willing to hinder or harm anyone regardless of their cause, and she can be awfully capricious… === Ritarri, Protector of the Reefs ===
Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domains: Good, War, Healing, Protection, ???
Chosen Weapon: Longsword (and Shield)
Favored Classes: Paladin, Fighter, Monk
Holy Symbol: A shield with a blazing light emblazoned on it. Keeping order and fighting the forces of evil is all in a day's work for the emissaries of Ritarri, the Protector of the Reefs. While the islands are not a popular place for true do-gooders to hang out, their assistance is often welcomed when dealing with true evils. He is a staunch ally of those who would confront Prosetta, a beacon to the valiant everywhere. He has a strong contingent of armored paladins among his members, and his clerics also operate monasteries where the peasantry of the land can learn the arts of unarmed combat to defend themselves where men of greed refuse to raise their swords. === Verontus, Shark of the Night === Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Domains: War, Slaughter, Destruction, Evil, ???
Chosen Weapon: Spiked Chains
Favored Classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue
Holy Symbol: A miniature metal spiked chain tipped with blood-red flecks of stone.

Where there is bloodshed, there are those who seek to prevent it, and then there are those who revel in it and wish to see it spread. Verontus is one of these darker gods. He is worshipped by many barbaric races, urging them towards greater atrocities, and even amongst the more civilized cultures, his touch can be felt. He is the god of assassins and murderers, and he loves nothing more than to induct a new worshipper into the arts of horrific violence. Fighters who wade into combat, unmercifully cleaving through any who stand in their path; barbarians whose rage brings villages to ruin; monks who use their skills to destroy the will of the people - and every other part of them; paladins of carnage whose mounts are stained with the blood of the trampled; rangers who have chosen the life of the citybound murderer or the woodsy brigand; rogues for whom the art of violent murder is a blessing. All of these are stock in trade to the followers of Verontus, and they will use any means necessary to dispatch those who they feel are in the way.

Foisell, Stillness of the Deep

Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: True Neutral
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, ???
Chosen Weapon: Quarterstaff
Favored Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Monk
Holy Symbol: A set of scales made from seashell.
God or goddess, this enigmatic entity embodies the perfect tranquility of true balance - at one with the world and the tides. Those who seek to clear their mind of disturbances and focus inwards on their true self look to Foisell's quiet and peaceful nature for guidance. Although her followers have power, they use it only when they feel it is justified, as opposed to at will for personal gain. The most dedicated among them assume vows of near complete poverty, roaming the lands with little more than the clothes on their back and the book that records their journey, donating all other proceeds to help others. === Magannyo, Keeper of the Peace ===
Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: ???
Chosen Weapon: Club
Favored Classes: Rogue, Fighter, Bard, Ranger
Holy Symbol: A set of crossed arms in front of a setting sun.

Those who come to worship Magannyo are those who have decided that the best use of their individual talents is the preservation of order. As such, Magannyo's faithful are often welcomed in most cultures, and those of the roguish persuasion that want to practice their talents while remaining on the right side of the law often end up becoming Magannyo's followers. Many end up in law enforcement, using their talents to turn up information about criminals, then working to bring them to their just day in court.

Magannyo, Keeper of the Peace

Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: ???
Chosen Weapon: Club
Favored Classes: Rogue, Fighter, Bard, Ranger
Holy Symbol: A set of crossed arms in front of a setting sun.
Those who come to worship Magannyo are those who have decided that the best use of their individual talents is the preservation of order. As such, Magannyo's faithful are often welcomed in most cultures, and those of the roguish persuasion that want to practice their talents while remaining on the right side of the law often end up becoming Magannyo's followers. Many end up in law enforcement, using their talents to turn up information about criminals, then working to bring them to their just day in court. === Istorbo, Shadow of the Depths ===
Power Level: Intermediate
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Trickery, Shadow, ???
Chosen Weapon: Light crossbow
Favored Classes: Rogue, Bard, Fighter

Whenever you need something done, and you need someone who isn't too picky about morality or legality, you need a worshipper of Istorbo, the Shadow of the Depths. He is the god of stealth and subterfuge - the one for whom the term 'no honor among thieves' is simply common sense.

Campaign Idea:

Most of the gods are benevolent, active, immortal beings, that banished great elemental powers (hostile, active, immortal genies) and assumed their place in the world. However, these hostile entities still dream of creating the chaotic sort of world where their powers are allowed to run rampant, causing destruction and chaos. These entities now live in the Elemental Planes, and contemplate ways in which to return to their former glory.

Ranks of Divine Power:

Divine Rank 0 - Not the same as having no divine power; these entities (sometimes known as hero deities or quasi-deities) cannot grant spells, but are immortal and usually have one or more ability scores far above the norm for their species. They may have some worshippers, but do not need to maintain a particular amount to retain their Divine Rank 0 status.

Rank 1 to 5 - These entities, called demigods, are the weakest of the deities. A demigod can grant spells and perform a few deeds that are beyond mortal limits, such as hearing a grasshopper from a mile away. A demigod has anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand mortal worshippers, and may receive veneration and respect from many more. A demigod controls a small godly realm (usually on an Outer Plane) and has minor control over a portfolio that includes one or more aspects of mortal existence. A demigod might be very accomplished in a single skill or group of related skills, gain combat advantages in special circumstances, or be able to bring about minor changes in reality itself related to the portfolio. For example, a demigod of thieves might be able to change a stolen item so that it is no longer recognizable.

Rank 6 to 10 - Called lesser deities, these entities grant spells and can perform more powerful deeds than demigods can, such as sensing certain phenomena from ten miles away. Lesser deities have anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of worshippers, and control larger godly realms than demigods. They also have keener senses where their portfolios are concerned.

Rank 11 to 15 - These entities are called intermediate deities. They have hundreds of thousands of mortal worshippers and control larger godly realms than demigods or lesser deities.

Rank 16 to 20 - Called greater deities, these entities may have millions of mortal worshippers, and they command respect even among other deities. The most powerful of greater deities rule over other deities just as mortal sovereigns rule over commoners.

Rank 21+ - These entities are beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshippers. They do not grant spells, do not answer prayers, and do not respond to queries. If they are known at all, it is to a handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are called overdeities.

Divine Characteristics:

Most deities are creatures of the outsider type (usually with 20 outsider Hit Dice), with 30 to 50 gestalt character levels as well. Physical characteristics vary from deity to deity and are noted in their individual descriptions. A deity's outsider type and classes determines its weapon proficiencies, feats, and skills.

Divine Reincarnation – If a god is bested, it remains banished from the realm for a time, while it recuperates on its home plane. Each god has their own personal realm which they call home - a dimension willed by their existence, to which the spirits of their fallen are called to enjoy eternity with them.

The Island of Gableston

Gableston is one of the largest islands in the Seafang Island archipelago, and is named for its primary city, also known as Gableston. Gableston was founded approximately four centuries ago by a pirate named Darvos Gable and his crew, looking for a place to enjoy their ill-gotten gains. That pirate's den has since steadily developed into a nexus of activity between the Seafang Islands, as well as being home to the closest thing they have to governance - the mayors of the various towns throughout the islands occasionally meet here to discuss business and to work together to handle threats. The last major meeting between the islands was roughly twenty years ago, to remove a terrible plague of demons and monsters that had formed on the far side of Gableston around a temple dedicated to Prosetta, Caller of the Storms.

Travellers to Gableston can book passage from here to any of the Seafang Islands - ships frequently come in from most points, and there is usually at least one ship that can be commissioned for a particular trip, if necessary. At most, one month's wait is incurred while waiting for a convenient ship to arrive.

Fragments of a Prophecy

The Lighthouse Sage of Elmsford referred to George and Shadi cryptically as 'Threads of Fate'. To quote:

“Oh, I assure you, it is an accurate term… loose threads in the tapestry of this world's fate, the weave of this world. Tighten it, and the tapestry becomes more complete – break it, and it becomes more unraveled.”

In Pursuit

The party is being followed by assassins who want to finish the work George didn't. According to the Lighthouse Sage (a tattooed halfling known more formally as Gavionne Tidebreaker), they are likely to arrive one day after the party leaves.

Up Next

The party is currently carrying a strange wooden box that needs to be delivered to a Keeper of the Word by the name of Elsbeth, who frequently can be found at the Watery Warthog in Gableston.

Riding the Sea Dragon

Known crewmembers -

Gavin - First Mate

Exton - Quartermaster

Leondiras - Lookout

Village of Rothersby – hommlet

Wooded City of Anthwell – rahasia

Fogsdell – saltmarsh

Gableston's mountain - Shark's Tooth

Keep on the Borderlands – Keep of Lennesbynn

Worshippers Provide Power The biggest gods are innate, but divinity can be earned, gifted, or occasionally stolen

The current gods are not the actual creators of the game universe - there are long-dead gods and sealed gods in a can

Most gods are benevolent (at least to their followers); the reasons mortals worship them may involve love, gratitude, or fear

Mystery Cult: Keepers of the Word - These worshipful ones have pledged their lives to reclaiming lost knowledge and distributing it far and wide. Their patron god is the Sage of the Seas, and they are particularly intent on the 'sage' aspect. In their initiation ritual, they bind their skin with mystical tattoos that represent the knowledge they have fought so hard to gain - these magical tattoos contain sorcerous knowledge, and also probably serve as the cultists' spellbooks. Members of the Word have to have at least six levels in both arcane and divine spellcasting, must be literate, and must undergo a quest to find a lost or concealed piece of important knowledge. Just as the Sage of the Seas is in conflict with the Caller of the Storms, the Keepers of the Word are in bloody conflict with the Order of the Night Star (emissaries of the goddess known locally as Prosetta.)

Order of the Night Star - Shadi was inducted into the Order originally, and was supposed to become a full member. These keepers of the Night Star worship Prosetta, and believe that their sacred duty is to defend the elven race - by eliminating any threats to it, and hunting down magics to be used for the good of the elven people.

“May as well, it cost us a gold,” George mused, looking over the paper. Aside from the big announcement, there were a number of lesser incidents reported – mention of a haunted house near Fogsdell that was becoming a nuisance to travel, a trader that had been travelling to the wooded city of Anthwell has gone missing – the paper mentions that the 'elven masters of the wood' may be responsible; the Keep of Lennesbynn has sent word that monsters have been seen along the periphery of the Sharktooth, the point of the island where it rises upwards into a cragged peak; and the body of an orc was discovered in the back alleys of Gableston, the throat neatly cut - since orcs haven't been seen in the region in decades, let alone known to hang around town, the discovery is surprising to say the least.

Limited number of divine ranks?

Divinity can be earned… or taken… or a born right.

Deities are active and often meddle, directly or indirectly, in mortal affairs.

Gods Can Die (But it's hard, as the gods tend to band together)

Gods need to exist for each major class, race, and alignment.

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