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George Gable

Personal Information

Character Statistics

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 13
Luck: 16

Character Class: Gestalt [Monk/Rogue] level 3, Wizard/Cleric level 2 HP: 37 / BAB: +2 [Mnk] +1 [Clr] / Fort: +3 [Mnk] +3 [Clr] +2 [Con] / Ref: +3 [Mnk] +0 [Clr] +4 [Dex] / Will: +3 [Mnk] +3 [Clr] +3 [Wis] / Melee: +3 [BAB] +2 Str / Ranged: +3 [BAB] +4 Dex

AC: +3 [Wis] when unarmored

Special Abilities

Unarmed Strike (+1 to hit when unarmed, can inflict lethal damage) Flurry of Blows (+1 atk for -2 to all atks) Evasion Stunning Fist Fast Movement: +10 feet per turn Still Mind: +2 to resist enchantments 1d8 unarmed damage [lvl 3 monk + lvl 3 rogue] +2d6 sneak attack damage Trap Sense +1 Summon Familiar Scribe Spell Spontaneous Casting: Convert spells to cure spells. Ascetic Rogue: When you use an unarmed strike with a sneak attack to deliver a stunning attack, add 2 to the DC of your stun attempt. If you have levels in rogue or monk, those levels stack for the purpose of determining unarmed strike damage.

Clerical: 4 0-level spells, 2+1+1 1st level spells Wizardly: 4 0-level spells, 2+1 1st level spells

Spells Per Day:

Languages: Common Elven Thievecant


Appraise: +4 Balance: +5 Bluff: +6 Climb: +6 Disable Device: +6 Escape Artist: +6 Heal: +2 Hide: +6 Intimidate: +4 Jump: +5 Listen: +6 Move Silently: +6 Open Lock: +6 Search: +6 Sleight of Hand: +6 Spellcraft: +2 Spot: +6 Tumble: +6 Use Rope: +5


Shoes of Spider Climbing (max spd 15 feet)

Thin monk blade (d6 cut-a-bitch)

rpg/old/rakenn/sheets/george_gable.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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