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Elsbeth Mistwalker, Keeper of the Word

Character Statistics

Strength: ?
Dexterity: ?
Constitution: ?
Intelligence: ?
Wisdom: ?
Charisma: ?
Luck: ?

Character Class: Gestalt [Cleric / Wizard] level 7

HP: ? / BAB: +? / Fort: + / Ref: + / Will: + / Melee: + / Ranged: +

Special Abilities

Where the hell is the Tattoo Mage? bah.


Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion): +3 on Knowledge: Religion checks.

Tattoos of All Trades: (Jack of All Trades) Elsbeth can use any skill as if she had 1/2 rank in that skill. This means she can attempt checks with skills that normally don't allow untrained skill checks (such as Decipher Script and Knowledge).

Omniscient Whispers: Once per week, you can tune into the voices you hear, getting the answer to a question much as if you had asked it with a commune spell.



Elsbeth is a Keeper of the Word, an oracular acolyte of

rpg/old/rakenn/sheets/elsbeth.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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