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Sunset Club

  • Owners: Michael Czajak , Kit Bothwell
  • Employees: Anna Caruso, Juice Davis, Katie Miller, Kyle Walker, Ming Xi, Shanyuan Mari, Cinderella
  • Bands/Musicians: Spontaneous Neck Ruptures, Suicide Messiah, Michel Malone, Juice Davis
  • Description: A nightclub that mostly focuses on the disaffected teenager/college crowd, primarily gothic in nature. The Sunset Club is a fairly robust structure. Although it is located off an alley in the industrial district, it is nothing less than an old A-bomb shelter, doubtless built by a 50's businessman who felt Cuba was way too close. The club proper is reached by metal stairs leading down, but once at the bottom it's goths and mood lighting galore, a surprisingly good sound system and a bar specializing in wings a popular drink called the Bloodlust. The Sunset was purchased by Michael Czajak with money taken from his father's accounts after an incident in which the elder Czajak went a little crazy and tried to kill Michael and his girlfriend, Ming. Kit Bothwell is a silent partner in the operation, keeping things legal more than anything. Though Michael is legally emancipated, Kit holds the liquor lisence and other such affairs. The Sunset boasts a large back area in which a few employees and other refugees actually live. There is also a dimensional anomaly (caused by Kit during the summer of 1998) that affects certain back halls. The back area also boasts a training room and extensive library.


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rpg/old/osi/sunset.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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