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OSI Dossiers: Individuals

Information on individuals spotted operating within the Sunnydale region, or whom are otherwise relevant to operations within the Sunnydale region. Where relevant, this section also provides information on relevant organizations whose members are documented herein.

OSI Employees and Associates

Active-duty employees of the OSI, and those participating in the OSI Academy at Sunnydale, California.

OSI-C: Command Division

Command Division is responsible for administration, whether of personnel, equipment, supplies, or research directives. Also referred to as Coordination Division, as their duties range from direct control of site operations to mundane supply and warehouse management. Command Division is traditionally divided into departments. All functions of Command Division are on a regional-or-higher level unless otherwise listed.

Administrative Department

Administrative Department is responsible for exactly what you'd think – making sure that efforts are being properly coordinated amongst all departments and divisions, and keeping up relations with their government backers. The Head of the Administrative Department is, effectively, the Head of the OSI. Even administrative assistants for this department require extensive security clearances.

Resources Department

Resources Department is responsible for handling human, nonhuman, and other resources and appropriately allocating them. Whether you need an APC full of Initiative grunts with flamethrowers, a specialist who can speak Swahili, or a place for a demon to find a job, Resources Department handles it. Resources Department is responsible for maintaining regional budgets and supply lines, and for transferring material and personnel between offices.

Practically any transfer request on file has at least been rubber-stamped by an office clerk in the Resources Department, and practically any yearly budget request on file has been scrutinized by an accountant of the Resources Department. Traditionally, a small staff of Resources Department personnel are assigned to every major location to act as go-betweens and to handle approvals or denials of major requisitions.

Resources Department is also called upon to handle mundane problems such as building planning, acquisitions, hiring of personnel for cover businesses, and other details.

Internals Department

Internals Department has the unpopular job of keeping an eye on the OSI to make sure that its operatives are behaving themselves - an internal police, of sorts. Internals Department operatives are highly paranoid and watchful - in part, because they are never entirely sure they're not under observation themselves. In most cases, an Internals Department officer in your area means big trouble.

OSI-S: Servator Division

Servator Division is most directly responsible for supernatural threat management. They are generally trained in field operations, and are responsible for handling isolated HST threat instances. Servator Division is also responsible for managing The Slayer Initiative, directing the activities of The Slayer and of potential future Slayers to best benefit humankind.

Servator does have subdivisions for classification purposes, but as a rule, Servators are organized by location; in most cases, Servator rank structure consists of Chief of Operations, Assistant Chief of Operations, Servator to the Slayer (if present), Servators, Slayer, and Potentials.

Chief of Operations

  • Martin Fisher. Acts as principal of Sunnydale High School, and handles coordination of Servator activities with Command concerns.

Assistant Chief of Operations

  • Marcus “MJ” Carver. Acts as gym teacher of Sunnydale High School, and also trains combat classes at the Academy. Coordinates most direct activities of Servator.

Servator to the Slayer

  • Vito Marchese. Servator to The Slayer. Married to Anna Caruso in Las Vegas.


  • Christopher “Kit” Bothwell. Previous Servator to the Slayer. High magical aptitude. Successfully (and against good judgment) resurrected his previously dead Slayer, India Cohen. Mentor to Michael Czajak, and co-owner of the Sunset Club. Prone to magical accidents. Specializes in teleportation as a form of transport.
  • Gregory Malone. Orisha. Servator to Ming Xi.
  • Rachel Lee.
  • Wesley Wyndham-Pryce.
  • Clive Williamson. Transferred to Servator after a number of incidents with team members in Initiative. Servator to Kayla McCaine.
  • Narcissa Mareau.


  • Anna Caruso. Slayer. Anna Caruso has held the position of Slayer for over a year; it seems, however, that her power is beginning to dwindle, either due to her advanced age at ascension or due to other causes. See Research file 11865.
  • India Cohen. Slayer. Previous Slayer to Anna Caruso, India was killed by a creature named the Wanderer; however, she was restored to life by Kit Bothwell. However, she has not retained most of the powers she had in her previous state of life, and her personality has also changed significantly, leading to speculation on the actual level of success of the resurrection.


  • Ming Xi. Potential. Chinese origins, recruited and transferred from native country. Dating Michael Czajak. Claims to have been a Slayer in a past life who was killed by Spike.
  • Gwen Morrison. Potential.
  • Alison “Morrigan/Morri” O'Grady. Potential.
  • Catherine Nikolaevna Baclanova. Potential. Russian origins, recruited and transferred from native country.
  • Buffy Summers. Potential.
  • Satsu. Potential. Recently incapacitated by Brittany Wakefield. Recommend increased training regimen by her Servator if she returns to active duty.
  • Kayla McCaine. Potential.

OSI-I: Initiative Division

Initiative Division is responsible for organized military reaction to HST threats, including reconnaissance, detainment, termination, and special operations. Initiative units have a team designation, which determines their overall mission function; however, Initiative units may be required to provide support for any operation, including field and base operations and emergency situations. Initiative units are organized into teams to handle specific mission requirements.

Alpha Team

Alpha Team is the first-strike team, responsible for providing direct reconnaissance and target engagement. Members of Alpha Team actively patrol Sunnydale due to its high hazard level.

Operatives include:

  • Antonio “Tony” DeMarco. Temporary Division Commander, Alpha Team Leader. Trained in sniper and close-in combat techniques. Civilian cover is as a student at UC-Sunnydale. While technically not of appropriate rank to maintain position as Division Commander, DeMarco is filling in until a new DC can be transferred.
  • Tamara Kennedy DeMarco. Alpha Team. Nicknamed 'Zap-Happy' by companions due to her high-voltage problem resolution preferences. Civilian cover is as a student at UC-Sunnydale. Tends to prefer working with her brother whenever possible.
  • Ambria. Alpha Team. Half-Fae.
  • Abbie Tatregon. Alpha Team. New transfer from OSI-Southern. Civilian cover is as a student at UC-Sunnydale.
  • Trey. Alpha Support. Comm System Operator. Responsible for coordinating communications efforts in the field, including compilation and transmission of reports as appropriate.

Beta Team

Beta Team is traditionally assigned to recovery operations, particularly in providing extraction or rescue of operatives in field operations.

Delta Team

Delta Team is responsible for capturing and bringing in wild HSTs for analysis or interrogation purposes. In Sunnydale, Delta Team is specifically assigned to pick up and transport HSTs incapacitated during field operations (usually by Alpha Team or Servator).

Epsilon Team

Epsilon Team is responsible for providing base security for OSI operations, including in Research and Servator installations. In addition to defending against traditional civilian threats, Epsilon also focuses on dealing with HST invasion or escape scenarios.

Omega Team

Omega Team is the special operations division, and there are generally a very limited number assigned to each OSI outpost. A full Omega Team, when present, consists of two support members, five main members, and one team leader. When less than a full team is operating in a vicinity, Omega Team members usually go by assigned colors.

Operatives include:

  • Alexander Wolf. Omega Red. Extensive special forces training overseas before joining OSI. Specializes in infiltration.

OSI-R: Research Division

Research Division is responsible for RAID - research, analysis, implementation, and documentation - within the OSI organization. In effect, Research Division collates reports from all units, manages and distributes this information as necessary, and conducts ongoing research into developing more effective anti-HST tactics and equipment, as well as into improving performance of OSI operatives across the board. Research Division is organized by department.

Engineering Department

The Engineering Department is responsible for developing new equipment against the HST threat - weapons, armor, vehicles, communications, sensors, and other areas of development. This includes researching existing developments in technology in order to quickly put them to best use in OSI operations, inventing new developments to increase anti-HST capability, and testing these developments before issuing them to front-line units.

  • Edward “Eddie” Lancaster. Division Commander, Department Head. Handles overall Research directives in Sunnydale, and is developing several classified projects. Speaks several languages fluently. Tends to pretend to speak English badly to throw observers off their guard. Highly intelligent.
  • Eve Maras. Assistant to Eddie Lancaster. MARAS (Mechanized Assault/Reconnaissance Automated System) project prototype. Technical details available in Projects file.

Medical Department

Medical Department is primarily responsible for treating injuries sustained by OSI personnel (and in some cases, particularly when relating to HST presence, civilians). Medical Division also conducts research into bioenhancement programs and developments, and has had moderate success in developing a number of bio-support agents.

A lesser known, but equally important, aspect of Medical Department involves the study of HSTs themselves - through analysis, physical examination, or dissection as necessary.

Medical Department is also called in when it is necessary to identify unusual causes of death, particularly when HST involvement is suspected, and to handle most any other problem in which study of living (or once-living) entities is necessary.

  • Smedley Novus. Bioengineering. 'Transferred' from COSMO.
  • Franco Smythe. Bioengineering. 'Transferred' from COSMO.

Occult Studies Department

Occult Studies Department is responsible for research, analysis, implementation, and documentation specifically as it relates to items of magical, demonic, or otherwise paranormal nature not covered by the Medical or Engineering Departments. Due to their extensive knowledge base, they also tend to be the first responders to help requests involving other esoteric information (translating Sumerian runes, whether they're magical or not, for instance).

  • Carmen Xiomara Garcia. Librarian, Sunnydale High School. Has the ability to speak to ghosts and spirits. Has been studying Chumash regional folklore and compiling a report on it in her free time.
  • Yansa Delacroix. Orisha. 'Keeper of the Cemetary Gates'. Has power over wind and undeath; generally unnerves vampires. Currently works within the OSI.

Transcription Department

Transcription Department is responsible for the acquisition, categorization, and documentation of existent books of lore. To prevent problems resulting from this process, all Transcription Division operations are performed in an isolated, heavily secured server environment disconnected from the main network.

Although the more hazardous aspects of Transcription Department are well-known (it is rumored that department turnover is particularly high amongst spellcheckers there), Transcription Department actually works to transcribe all manner of literature and information, including handwritten notes, textbooks, and other information resources that can later be called upon as necessary.

Intelligence Analysis Department

Intelligence Analysis Department (usually referred to as IAD) is responsible for handling incoming data (reports, videos, transcripted materials, and otherwise) and inserting it into OSI's Distributed Intelligence Network; they are also responsible for analysing data on file and comparing it to reported evidence (for example, identifying demons in the field based on reports), forming predictive models for potential HST hazards, and providing concise documentation on any subject deemed necessary, whether the blueprints of a building, the habits of a Nyarlha demon, or the proper way to plant and grow corn.

Operatives include:

  • Jacques Renior. Actual name: Jack Reynolds.

Field Research Department

Field Research Department is generally responsible for conducting research on a broad variety of topics in the field; many of their operatives began work in other departments and transferred to Field Research to get out of the stuffy laboratory. Field Research operatives frequently accompany Initiative teams when the need for on-site support is present, study ongoing environmental conditions (such as the Hellmouth), and provide supporting roles for Initiative and Servator activities within hostile areas. Field Research is considered an excellent precursor to service in the Servator division.

  • Ffion Rees. Policewoman.

Rehabilitation Department

Rehabilitation Department is responsible for attempting to convert hostiles (whether inhuman or otherwise) with ideal skillsets into assets for the OSI. This department is also responsible for handling the observation of nonhumans who are not deemed 'hostile'; the rehabilitation of humans with paranormal abilities who have endangered others; and for providing care and treatment to those who require more long-term care than typically handled by Medical Department.

  • Jolee Belle Madison. Handler, Nick.
  • Nick. Patient.
  • Veronica “Roni” Lynn Smyth. Handler, Alex.
  • Alexander “Alex” Daniels. Patient. Moderate to high prophetic capability, some instances of 'holy' power. Remanded to OSI custody following an incident in which Alex set a church on fire from the inside.
  • Emily Bishop. Handler, Victor Czajak.
  • Victor Czajak. Detective, Hammerfall Investigations. Father of Michael Czajak. Has the ability to detect demonic and magical powers, to some extent. Spent several months in Shady Acres Sanitarium after attempting to kill his son (and his son's girlfriend). Still holds a grudge.

OSI-A: Academy Division

Academy Division is responsible for developing and training future operatives. Within the Sunnydale area, the Academy is intended to induct those with promise or awareness of HSTs early, to keep HST alarmism to a minimum. Students at the Academy study the basics of demonology, combat training, weapons training, and general awareness, with other classes depending on the student's skills and eventual division assignment.

Teachers and Administration

As with any school, the Academy has teachers and administrators to give classwork, instruct students, and provide object lessons. These teachers are often drawn from other departments, and as such are not typically included under the classification of 'OSI-A'.

However, there are those who are members of the Academy faculty without having other OSI experience or classification. Usually, these are specialists in a particular narrow focus, or HSTs who have agreed to assist in the education of others, or lecturers on particular topics that may or may not relate to the OSI's overall goals. As such, these individuals are included in OSI-A classification systems if they are long-term members of the faculty or staff.

  • Clem. Sherpei demon. Teaches Demonology. Has connections within Sunnydale's demonic scene, and seems to be adept at finding non-aggressive HSTs willing to provide guest lectures.


The students of OSI-A division are often recruited for specific skills or aptitudes, or inducted after seeing things that can't be reliably forgotten or erased. As a result, the Academy tends to teach classes to people of nearly all ages. In OSI-Sunnydale, the typical student age tends to be between 14 and 27, although exceptional cases may occur. Note: Potentials (of OSI-S) are also commonly Academy students, but retain their OSI-S classification until the age of 19, when the probability of becoming the Slayer becomes nonrelevant.

  • Cassie Allen. Expertise Field: Memorization. Probable Division: Research. Extremely intelligent for her age, Cassie Allen was originally the daughter of a Wolfram and Hart lawyer who planned on harvesting her brain for dark purposes. After the disruption of this plan (and the death of the lawyer), Cassie has been remanded to the custody of Rachel Lee. Girlfriend to Andrew Wells.
  • Warren Mears. Expertise Field: Engineering. Probable Division: Research. A highly active inventor who has designed a number of interesting technological gadgets, some of which rely on parachronic physics to operate. Owns a business named Samus' Game Club, likely a primary base of operations. Currently a senior at Sunnydale High School.
  • Andrew Wells. Expertise Field: Summoning. Probable Division: Servator. Andrew Wells is an awkward teenager who happens to also be highly competent at summoning otherworldly creatures. Known to have summoned at least one demonic entity for long-term support with the assistance of Jonathan Levinson; a demonic winged monkey nicknamed Han Simian.
  • Willow Rosenberg. Expertise Field: Sorcery. Probable Division: Research.
  • George “Juice” Davis. Expertise Field: Survival. Probable Division: Research. Brother to David Davis. Currently lives at the Sunset Club due to attempts by the Council of Watchers to bring him and his family to England.
  • Michael Czajak. Expertise Field: Sorcery. Probable Division: Servator.
  • Prudence True. Recent addition to Academy roster, adopted by Kit Bothwell after breaking ties with her family over an incident whereby they planned to sacrifice her to a harvest demon.
  • Dominica “Nica” Marchese.
  • Rebecca “Reba” Lee.
  • Jonathan Levinson. Expertise Field: Sorcery. Probable Division. Research. Relies heavily on a demon bone for his rituals.
  • Dawn Summers.

Supernaturals and Subterrestrials

This section covers demonic, vampiric, and similar entities who, either through their powers, their nature, or their knowledge, are considered important to know and to watch. It also covers members of organizations of note.

Friendly Individuals

  • Master V. Vampire. Original name: Vincent Keane. Operates a bite club known as the Ivory Whites. Has cooperated with the OSI on several occasions, particularly in providing information leading to the destruction of the Order of Aurelius. Enforces a no-kill rule for customers of his club.
  • Gerald Richardson. Unknown. Formerly human, claims that his ability to turn into mist is the result of a text currently in the possession of his former employer, Richard Sheridan. Requires regular treatments of a synthesized serum in order to avoid degeneration and death.
  • Vladamir von Teshov. Nonstandard Vampire. Formerly human, imbued with vampiric nature (and the unusual ability to breathe jets of acid) as a result of a curse.

Neutral Individuals

  • Spike. Vampire. Also known as 'William the Bloody'. Former member of the Order of Aurelius, turned coat and was temporarily attached to an OSI-I operative, Tamara DeMarco. Currently lives in Sunnydale with Kya, occupying an apartment in Whitetail Grove. Sired by Drusilla.
  • Aleph Tentabaum. Architeutorian. Tentacular demon who is a regular at kitten poker tournaments.
  • Angel. Vampire. Former member of the Order of Aurelius; was given a soul several centuries ago, resulting in his leaving the order and striking out on his own. Tends to feel remorse for his previous activities. Sire of Drusilla.
  • Willy. Human. While technically a civilian, Willy owns a bar (known as Willy's Alibi Room) that caters to demonic clientele. Humans occasionally visit, most at their own peril. Willy is fairly unreliable, but does occasionally provide information (for a price.) The fact that nothing has eaten him yet either speaks highly for his survival skills or suggests at traces of demonic heritage.
  • Maya Lucca. Robot. Reportedly designed by Warren Mears for combat, information storage, and sexual gratification. Little direct information is known.
  • Dalton. Vampire. Owns a bookstore, not usually threatening to customers.
  • Benjamin Bale. Werewolf. Co-owner of the Bronze.
  • Bretton Bale. Werewolf. Co-owner of the Bronze.
  • Bronte Bale. Werewolf. Co-owner of the Bronze.

Hostile Individuals

Wolfram and Hart

Wolfram and Hart is one of the largest demonic corporations currently operating within the American sphere of influence, with satellite operations across the world and offices in most major cities. Wolfram and Hart has recently established offices in Sunnydale, and has made clear their intent to seize the Hellmouth for their own purposes.

  • William “Bill” Preston. Lawyer. Considered responsible for orchestrating several local Wolfram and Hart activities, including an attempted assault-by-subterfuge on the Hellmouth through Sunnydale High School's homecoming ceremony, the domination and subjugation of Christina Eliot, the disruption of Council of Watcher activities within the region, and attempts to control and manipulate Sunnydale High's teaching staff to gain greater access to the school. Went into hiding after the failure of these plans, has not been seen since.
  • Fantasma Del Diavolo. Demon. Attempted to ingratiate herself to the student population to become 1998 Homecoming Queen as part of a plot to control the teachers and student body and gain control of the Hellmouth. When these plans failed, she attempted to seize power by force and was defeated by the concerted effort of OSI operatives and students.
  • Dorian Del Diavolo. Lawyer. 'Father' of Fantasma, presumed to have some responsibility in planning the Homecoming incident and several other incidents. Last seen by Anna Caruso, triggering a spell that temporarily drove her into suicidal depression in an attempt to convert her into an employee.

Council of Watchers

Operates out of England, with branch offices in most major countries. Works towards the preservation of the planet and of their own superiority, not necessarily in that order; maintains the attitude that they will outlive most non-apocalyptic calamities and tends to plan accordingly. Uses their own systems of registration for magical talents; tends to frown on open use of powers or involvement of non-inducted personnel. Known to employ special squads to handle rogue Slayers and to induct new personnel or Potentials into their ranks. While the Council of Watchers is officially neutral regarding the OSI, recent actions on their part have marked them for inclusion as hostiles.


No public records exist for COSMO; however, former members claim that COSMO stands for the Committee for the Observation of Supernatural and Mystical Occurrences, a government black-ops organization with similar purposes to the OSI.

  • Richard Sheridan. Unknown Demon. Official records indicate that Richard Sheridan went missing six years ago during the shutdown of several government offices in the Kansas City area. However, reports suggest that Sheridan is operating within the Sunnydale area, and has become some sort of flesh-consuming demon with monstrous habits. He seems to be operating a group within the area known as COSMO.
  • Nicholas “Nick” Browning. Human. Formerly a bioengineering researcher of OSI-R-Medical. Fled after investigations into his activities showed signs of unauthorized experimentation on involuntary subjects for medical and personal benefit. Reported to be working with Richard Sheridan. Current location unknown, but presumed to still be somewhere in Sunnydale.


  • Drusilla. Vampire. Former member of the Order of Aurelius. Considered highly insane by most individuals. Known prophetic capabilities make her difficult to apprehend or destroy. Kidnapped Katie Miller, Jonathan Levinson as 'pets' at one point, is currently seeking to re-establish connections with Spike at the expense of his current love interest, Kya. Sire of Spike.
  • Brittany Wakefield. Vampire. Former Potential, now just another member of the undead. Seems obsessed with Gwen Morrison for some inscrutable reason.
  • Ashton “Ash” Kowalski. Senior, Sunnydale High School. Witch who is beginning to act out against members of society. Being watched very closely after having made several threats on the lives of former girlfriends and friends. Arrested for assault and battery against Andrew Wells last year after discovering that his girlfriend at the time (Dawn Summers) had cheated on him with Andrew; was eventually remanded to the custody of Mayor Richard Wilkins.

Sunnydale Civilians

Most individuals listed as civilians are humans with no direct (or provable) involvement in supernatural activities on a regular basis, or who are not considered a significant threat. Those who have significant involvement with local supernatural activities may be found in the appropriate section above.

Sunnydale High School


  • Martin Jones. Vice Principal, Sunnydale High School.
  • Xavier Welch. History Teacher, Sunnydale High School. Has strong interest in Chumash history and folklore, derived from ancestral heritage. Surprisingly combat-competent for his age, clearly aware of demonic activity, tends to involve himself in matters regarding the high school, the Hellmouth, or his apprentice, Emil. Also serves as 'Eric the All-American Eagle' during pep rallies and assemblies at Sunnydale High.
  • Emil Gregory. Assistant Teacher, Sunnydale High School. Lycanthropic Cockroach. Currently lives and works with Xavier Welch, earning his teaching degree. Has written a thesis on the physical duality of man and monster that he is seeking to publish.


  • Larry Blaisdell. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Plays football with Sunnydale Razorbacks; has recently expressed interest in involving himself in counter-HST activities after an incident at the 1998 Homecoming.
  • Amy Madison. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Witch of moderate power. Member of the Coven of the Requiem.
  • Katie Miller. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Former 'doll' of Drusilla, not yet deceased. Involved in a semi-romantic lesbian relationship with Christina Eliot. No magical or combat capabilities. May be a target for Drusilla, Wolfram and Hart.
  • Alexander “Xander” Harris. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Boyfriend of Buffy Summers. May be suffering from mild dementia.
  • Christina “Tina” Eliot. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Witch of moderate power. Member of the Coven of the Requiem. Was involved in several W&H-related plots, in some cases coerced into participation. After refusing to work for them further, she was captured, had her jaw wired shut, and was put to work grinding magical powders. Currently lives at the Sunset Club to avoid recapture by Wolfram and Hart.
  • Shanyuan Mari. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Commonly known as Mari. Cousin to Ming Xi. Works as a bartender at the Sunset Club.
  • Tara Maclay. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Minor magical capabilities. Lives with her aunt, avoiding the majority of her family for reasons left unstated.
  • Rebecca “Becky” Blackmoon. Junior, Sunnydale High School. Technically associated with the Council of Watchers, although the Council has apparently revoked her family's status and would like her brought to England for re-indoctrination. Has the habit of speaking in third person when nervous. Former experimental subject of Nicholas Browning.




  • Deanna Kiske. Works as a stripper at the Pink Kitty, and as an instructor in Tutorotica videos.

Business Owners and Employees

Sid's Diner

  • Kya. Waitress, Sid's Diner. Lives with Spike.
  • Zachery Kauanui. Waiter, Sid's Diner. Originally from Hawaii. Hobbies include surfing.

Sunset Club

  • Kyle Walker. Bartender, Sunset Club. Currently lives and works at the Sunset Club, formerly homeless. Parents died four years ago in an HST-related incident. Analysis indicates that Kyle is cursed and unconsciously attracts demonic activity. An amulet designed by Kit Bothwell and Michael Czajak is worn to keep this curse under control while Kyle is outside of the Sunset Club.

Others of Note

  • Anna Miller. Lawyer. Operates a small law office in downtown Sunnydale, specializes in civil law. Frequently away on business throughout the California area.
  • Alan Kingsley. Agent, Kingsley Talent Services. Formerly from Los Angeles, has come to Sunnydale recently to scout for marketable talent. Has a bite club addiction.
  • William (Billbo) Baggins. Human. Owner of the Magic Box.

News and Media

Sunnydale Local Access - Channel 13

  • Dave Reider. Cameraman, Channel 13 News. Suspected of concealing paranormal abilities.
  • Tanya Oake-Reider. Reporter, Channel 13 News.
  • Valentine Varner. Former television star, seeking to reclaim his former glory by signing with Channel 13 Productions. Signed with Kingsley Talent Services.

Public Officials and Servants


  • Mayor Richard Wilkins.


Spontaneous Neck Ruptures

A band of musicians who play to the goth/industrial crowd. Name derives from a common Sunnydale euphemism for vampire attack, used in media reports and occasionally in autopsies conducted in Sunnydale.

  • Cindy “Cinderella” Wright. Keyboardist, Spontaneous Neck Ruptures. Also a senior at Sunnydale High School, and working as a waitress at the Sunset Club to pay off bail debt. Calls herself “Cinderella” when performing.
  • Casey “Jones” Monroe. Drummer, Spontaneous Neck Ruptures. Lives with his father, expelled from high school two years ago, no GED. Calls himself “Casey Jones” when performing.
  • Lenny “Laird” Jove. Lead singer, Spontaneous Neck Ruptures. High school graduate, works part-time at Software, Etc. in Sunnydale Mall. Calls himself “Laird” when performing.
  • Alex “Xanth” Rosenberg. Guitarist, Spontaneous Neck Ruptures. High school graduate, part-time student at UC-Sunnydale (23 credits completed.) Calls himself “Xanth” when performing.

Other Citizens

  • Christopher “Chris” McCaine. Brother to Kayla McCaine.
  • Gideon Thrace. Local musician. Other names on file: Alpheus Kyros deVries.


(Either Aus has no idea who these people are or where they fit, or hasn't gotten around to categorizing them yet. Why not give him a nudge?)

Anya Jenkins - osi_anya

Ariel Harrington - arielharrington

Carly McDonald - carlymcdonald

Charlotte Kiske - charlottekiske

Chloe Van Warren - chloevanwarren

Cody Aston - clever_mongrel

Cynthia Stone - cynthiastone

Daniel (Oz) Osbourne - oz_fest

Daniel Morgan - hippiehitch

Dave Reider - auschars

David Davis - davidishotter

Delilah Zamora - electricdelilah

Devon Gibson - doomsdayvamp

Dorothy (Dot) Champa - greenthumbchick

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bothwell - lizzie_bothwell

Eliza Morely - eliza_morely

Ethan van Buren - sl_creepy_ethan

Eva Miller - plain_eva

Faith Lehane - dntfckwthfaith

Faustina - faustina_au

Frankee Stone - frankee_stone

Gerald Richardson - silver_or_gold

Gilbert (Gil) McCune - walkingxgil

Grace Emerson - em_grace

Gregory Malone - gritty_as_gold

Harmony Kendal - nikkichars

Helena O'Neil - helenaoneil

Hunter Blackmoon - jasonbeast

Iris Phillips - telekeneticspaz

Jack Delany - thejesschars

Jaide Travers - english_jaide

Jaime Caruthers - nathanchars

James Cohn - myriad_selves

Jason Castigliano - frayed_inside

Joseph Stephenson - thejesschars

Josephine Skylar James - socialiterocker

Kai Bishop - lchars

Kya - creepycheerful

Laili Tse Pryce - sanguinestars

Lexi Wilson - lexiwilison

Lindsey MacDonald - oklahomalawyer

Lucia Rossi - lchars

Mandy Smith - mandysinferno

Martin Grayson - eternalscholar

Meredith (Mere) Delany - band_chicka

Michael Malone - mi_malone

Neely Cole - neely_c

Nicolas Emilio (Nick) Gregor - real_short_fuse

Nikole Masterson - nikolemasterson

Patrick (Pat) McConnell - rockstar_pat

Perdita - perdita_lost

Samantha (Sam) Greene - my_sister_sam

Sherry Marchese - sherrybb

Stephen Winford - guitar_for_hire

Tim Robinson - party_on_dudes

Zephyros Iason Wilder - zephiasonwilder

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