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About This Game

Oregoner is a work in progress, based loosely on the classic western exploration adventure tales, the Oregon Trail you may be familiar with from childhood classes, and some other wackiness.


  1. You must be 18 years of age or older to play.
  2. You must be available for at least some of the game sessions to play. Attendance at every game session is not required, we understand people have lives and won't be able to make every session. A fun IC reason will be used to explain character absences at these times (ie: sick in the wagon with dysentery).
  3. You must fill out the application and be accepted, then create a character sheet with mod guidance before you can start playing the game.
  4. Be kind to your fellow players. If you have a problem, please contact a mod for mediation.
  5. You can only control your own character. Other characters are handled by their players. NPCs (other than your character's family if he has one) are handled by the mods.
  6. Large plots and game events are handled by the mods. You are allowed to run your own personal plots (ie: Bob's giving up drinking, Sally's fighting with her mother over wearing a bonnet) on your own as long as they don't have a large game effect. Pregnancies and marriages and the like should be cleared by a mod.

Play Sessions

This game will be played over IRC in regular game sessions. The times and dates of these sessions will be determined by mod and player availability, and will then be posted here.

Our server information is as follows:

  • OOC room: #the_loft
  • IC room: #oregoner
rpg/old/oregoner/about.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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