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LoGL Locations

This is a summary of in-game locations and their function.


Valexville. The primary town featured in the game, at the heart of the Rosa Noir Forest, and dangerously close to the Lair of the True Green Leupak.

Village Square

The Village Square is the main social gathering point for adventurers.

The Black Rose Inn

A well-weathered inn with a lot of history.

Hall of Records

This unassuming hall tracks various records of the village, and also provides services for people wishing to start their own family.

Ye Olde Bank of Alshira

The Valexville branch of the Bank of Alshira. Bank of Alshira accounts can be accessed practically anywhere in Arcydea through special Credcard Readers.

Garrett Battle Academy

The Garrett Battle Academy is a center of learning within the Valexville area, and is also the future home of the Moonlight Arena.

Market Row

Home to most of the major stores in Valexville.

Kai's Weaponsmithy

Kai's Weaponsmithy is the place to acquire new weapons, a vital aspect to surviving the Rosa Noir Forests.

Eva's Armor and Accoutrements

If you need armor, you need to visit Eva's Armor and Accoutrements.

The Curious Rock

A curious rock located in the center of town. Rumor has it that striking your head against it can bring you great benefits.

Darken Path

A path running through the edges of town.

Poison Princess Pub

A tavern for those who don't like the service at the Black Rose Inn.

The Graveyard

Final resting place of fallen adventurers.

Enchantments for Less

This discount enchanter's provides services for upgrading and modifying your equipment.

Rosa Noir Forest

The Rosa Noir Forest, home to monsters and peculiar people.

Charla's House of Healing

This wanderkin-run business specializes in providing healing services to adventurers.

rpg/old/logl/locations.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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