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Delver: Duergoth Town Square

The Town Square is a large, vaguely square area in the center of town, surrounding the Temple of the Godstone. When someone successfully releases one of the Ten Seals, the Temple changes visually - including making warp rooms available to take one quickly back to that level of the dungeon.

There is also a tinker's wagon located near the Temple – the tinker repairs, buys, and sells equipment, but his offers are very unfavorable to the adventurer. However, until heroes can access the better stores, they're stuck with this grimy, unpleasant fellow.

Since Duergoth is all too familiar with the raucousness of the adventuring classes, they generally require that adventurers earn their trust before being allowed to traipse unhindered throughout the city. In short, in order to be given free reign of the town, they need to accomplish a certain number of quests assigned by Duergoth's City Guard. The City Guard Headquarters are in the Town Square, and a number of armed guardsmen are within at any time, prepared to charge out and do battle with any monstrous entity – or foolhardy adventurer – that might seek to ravage the town.

Visiting adventurers can also tithe to their deity by visiting the Shrine of Commons. While most Deities worth their salt will eventually want their own shrine, this is a good start for building one's power as a Deity (and teaching one's Avatars to properly pay their respects.)

The Duergoth Alleyways riddle the area, providing practically no safety, but plenty of room for an adventurer to rest their weary head and possibly even receive a few coins from a charitable passersby. The Alleyways are also a good place for adventurers to get up to no good…

For those who can afford the entrance fee, the Duergoth Dormitoriums are a much better place to rest one's head. There's a limited amount of room here, but the Dormitorium continues to expand as people continue to stay there due to Adaptive Expansion, so it gradually evolves and adapts over the course of the game.

Also located near the dungeon is Rick's Generalities. Rick, for the record, is a silvery-white-feathered owlperson who wears a blue vest, from which he seems capable of extracting all manner of things. He assigns some basic tasks for adventurers – acquiring specific treasures from the dungeon and returning them to him, or helping to fill orders for his customers – and he is also the only store available to starting adventurers. From here, adventurers can buy the basic equipment they'll need to survive, although class-specific gear must be purchased elsewhere.

The Duergoth Academy for Aspiring Adventurers is perhaps the loftiest building in the square - it provides an opportunity for new adventurers (and players) to learn more about the game and the game world, in an environment where they won't completely screw up in the process. They give basic lessons, and once you have completed all of them (or take and pass the Test-Out Exam to breeze past them, once you've completed them at least once with another character), you are given access to Wise Man's Way, where the class-specific schools are located.

Once one has completed certain tasks to the City Guard's satisfaction - or figured out the alternate entrances - the character can access the other districts of town. These districts are the Merchant's Quarter, the Wise Man's Way, the Gentry's Borough, and the Imperial Plaza.

rpg/old/ideas/delver/layout/square.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/09 00:02 by

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