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Silver Scales: Tony

Tamara is the obvious muscle of the group, the strongest party member and the most prone to using his physical presence to dominate a combat situation.

Basic Information

Full Name: Antonio “Tony” Lyssrrna

Race: Half Silver Dragon / Human

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Alshira

Class/Level: Monk/Sorcerer level 8

Current XP: 33,321

Size: Large

Speed: 30 feet

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 7'3“

Weight: 423 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Skin: Silver scales

Racial Bonuses

Natural Armor AC +4 / AC+3 and DR 1

Considered a dragon for purposes of spells; ie spells that affect only humanoids do not affect Tony.

Bite Attack: 1d8

Claw Attack: 1d6

Dragonbreath: Cone of Cold (6d8, DC18)

Stat Boost: Str + 8, Con + 2, Int + 2, Cha + 2

Immunity to cold, sleep, and paralysis

Lowlight Vision/Dark Vision of 60 feet.

Hit dice raised by one (max d12).

Flight (Average Maneuverability, cannot hover, turns 45 degrees per five feet, turn max 90 degrees per turn, up angle of 90 degrees, half speed, down speed doubled, 5 ft between down/up).

Titles and Honorifics

  • Champion of Alshira
  • Liberator of Elahann

Character Statistics

Base HP: 74

Total AC: 23 = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 2 Dex Mod + 3 Natural + 4 MonkWis + 4 ClassDefense - 1 Size + 1 Amulet

Total DR: 1/-

Str: 26 (+8)

Dex: 15 (+2)

Con: 17 (+3)

Int: 14 (+2)

Wis: 16 (+3)

Cha: 20 (+5)

Fortitude: = +6 Base +3 Con (Monk)

Reflex: = +6 Base +2 Dex (Monk)

Will: = +6 Base +3 Wis (Monk)

Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 (Monk)

Spell Resistance: None

Grapple Mod: = +8 BAB +3 Str

Class-Dependent Powers

Monkly Powers

AC Bonus: + 3 Wis bonus to AC, +1/5lvls

Unarmed Damage: Inflicts 2d8 damage with unarmed strikes.

Flurry of Blows: Extra attack, -1 to all attacks

Evasion: Successful Reflex save means no damage instead of half damage.

Ki Strike: Unarmed attacks treated as magic weapons.

Slow Fall: Takes damage as if falls were 40 feet less.

Purity of Body: Immune to all diseases except supernatural/magical diseases.

Fast Movement: Unarmored Speed Bonus +20 ft.

Still Mind: +2 bonus vs. enchantment spells/effects.

Wholeness of Body: Can restore up to (2 x level) of his own HP each day.

Sorcerous Powers

Sorcerous Spell Points: (68) = 51 (Sorceror) + 17 (Charisma)

5 1st-level, 3 2nd-level, 2 3rd-level, and 1 4th-level spell.

0th-Level Spells (8 known: free 6x per day, then 1 SP thereafter)

Ray of Frost - Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.

Arcane Mark - Inscribes a personal rune.

Light - Object shines like a torch.

Detect Magic - Detect spells and magic items within 60 feet.

Mage Hand - 5 lb. telekinesis.

Message - Whispered conversation at distance.

Prestidigitation - Perform minor tricks.

Dancing Lights - Creates torches or other lights.

1st-Level Spells (5 known: 1 SP per casting)

Sleep - Put 4HD of creatures to sleep.

True Strike - +20 insight bonus to next attack.

Chill Touch - One touch/level deals 1d6 dmg/1 Str dmg

Endure Elements - Exist comfortably in hot/cold environments.

Mage Armor - Gives subject +4 armor bonus.

2nd-Level Spells (3 known: 3 SP per casting)

Blur - Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.

Spider Climb - Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

Resist Energy - Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.

3rd-Level Spells (2 known: 5 SP per casting)

Slow - One subject/level takes only one action per round, -2 to AC, -2 on attack rolls.

Arcane Sight - Magical auras become visible to you.

4th Level Spells (1 known: 7 SP per casting)

Ice Storm - Hail deals 5d6 damage in a cylinder 40 feet across.

Special Abilities

Aura: As a Champion, Tony has a strong goodly aura.

Blessing of Alshira: As an emissary of Alshira, Tony receives draconic bonuses as he continues to develop; he earns one additional feat per three full levels earned.

Draconic Transformation: Tony has embraced his inner dragon, and is considered a full dragon for all intents and purposes, despite his humanoid nature. As such, spells that normally affect only humanoids do not work on him. He gains Large size and the ability to use winged flight, which is listed in his racial bonuses.

Draconic Breath: Tony can convert arcane spell energy into a breath weapon that inflicts 2d6 damage per level of spell expended. Any creature can make Reflex save (DC 10 + level of spell + Tony's Cha) for half damage.

Next unlocked: Awaken Frightful Presence.

Character Feats

Improved Unarmed Strike (can inflict lethal damage; no penalties to attack unarmed; unarmed strikes inflict damage according to monk level.)

Stunning Fist: Foe damaged by attack must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 c.lev. + 2 Wis) or be stunned for 1 round (can't act, loses Dex mod to AC, -2 to AC). Usable times per day equal to monk level.

Improved Grapple: Do not provoke AoO when making touch attack to start grapple, +4 to Grapple checks.

Deflect Arrows: Once per round, can deflect a ranged attack.

Snatch Arrows: Can catch weapons stopped by Deflect Arrows; if a thrown weapon, can immediately throw it back.

Improved Disarm: Can attempt disarm without attack of opportunity, +4 to attempts.

Sun School: Tony has access to three special tactical maneuvers:

Inexorable Progress of Dawn: To use this maneuver, Tony must strike with the first two unarmed attacks from a Flurry of Blows. If he does, his opponent must move back five feet, and he can move five feet forward if he wishes. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity for either character.

Blinding Sun of Noon: To use this maneuver, Tony must successfully stun the same foe with an unarmed attack two rounds in a row. In addition to being stunned, that enemy is confused for 1d4 rounds thereafter.

Flash of Sunset: To use this maneuver, Tony must move adjacent to a foe instantaneously, as with a dimension door spell or the monk's abundant step class feature. If he does, he can immediately make a single attack at his highest attack bonus against that foe.

Character Skills

Balance: 2 + Dex

Bluff: 2 + Cha

Concentration: 11 + Con

Escape Artist: 6 + Dex

Jump: 5 + Str

Listen: 8 + Wis

Move Silently: 2 + Dex

Profession - Sailor: 1 + Wis

Sense Motive: 5 + Wis

Spellcraft: 10 + Int

Spot: 10 + Wis

Swim: 2 + Str

Tumble: 11 + Dex

Combat Notes

Grapple Notes – from p157 PHB

1. Grab. A melee touch attack against the target.

2. Hold. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action. (Grapple checks are +BAB +Str +Special size mod)

If you win, you can inflict 1d6 monk lethal or nonlethal damage, and you are now grappling.

3. Maintain Grapple. You must move into target's space on later rounds (and this provokes attacks of opportunity from other threatening opponents.)

While grappling, you can:

Attack: While grappling, you can make an unarmed strike/natural weapon attack, at -4 to hit.

Cast a Spell: DC 20 + spell level Concentration check to cast successfully.

Damage Opponent: You can inflict unarmed strike damage.

Escape from Grapple: Win an opposed grapple check (or Escape Artist check) to break a grapple.

Move: You can move at half speed if you win an opposed grapple check against all opponents.

Pin Opponent: Can hold opponent immoble for one round by winning an opposed grapple check.

Break Another's Pin: Can break a grappling opponent's pin on another with an opposed grapple check.

Use Opponent's Weapon: (Light weapons only.) Win opposed grapple check - if successful, make attack roll with weapon at -4 to hit.

If you pin an opponent, you can damage opponent, use weapon against him, or move the grapple as above, and can prevent pinned opponent from speaking.

You can use a disarm action to remove a well-secured object, but they resist at +4.

If pinned, you are held immobile for one round, and get a -4 AC penalty against all other opponents. Can try to break on your turn by winning an opposed grapple check.



Claw attack (+ Str + BAB to hit, 1d6 dmg, Crit 20/x2)

Bite attack (+ Str + BAB to hit, 1d8 dmg, Crit 20/x2)

Quarterstaff (+ Str + BAB to hit, 1d6+8 dmg)

Unarmed strikes / monk attacks increased to 2d8 damage due to monk training.

Cone of Cold. Usable once per day for 6d8 damage / DC 18 to dodge. Can be used additional times by using sorceror spell points (2d6 x spell level).

Equipped Gear

Amulet of Natural Armor +1. Adds +1 to AC.

Personal Inventory

Tony tends to carry much of the party inventory, since he has the highest carrying capacity.

Carrying Capacity

Light: 612 lb. or less

Medium: 613 to 1226 lb.

Heavy: 1227 to 1840 lb.

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