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Silver Scales: Bases and Headquarters

The various members of the Silver Scales and their affiliates and hirelingsThis is various things the Silver Scales can devote money to trying to improve. The 'Treasury' listing indicates how much money has been put into this cause, and the 'Progress' listing explains what is currently being worked on (and how close to complete it is), as well as how much more it will cost to complete.

Main Party Members

Tamarilana Kennis Race: Elf Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Arc Class/Level: Rogue/Fighter level 6 Current XP: 15,471 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 43 Gender: Female Height: 5' Weight: 103 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Light

Immune to magical sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects. Low-Light Vision: Can see twice as far as a human in poor light. Weapon Proficiency: Longsword, Rapier, Longbow, Shortbow; all simple/martial weapons; all armor and shields +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. Gets a Search check to notice secret doors if within 5 feet. Automatic Languages: Common and Elven.

HP: 47 Total AC: (27) = 10 + 3 Armor + 1 Shield + 5 Dex Mod + 8 ClassDefense

Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 17 (+3)

Fortitude: = +5 Base +1 Con Reflex: = +5 Base +5 Dex Will: = +2 Base + Wis

Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = BAB + Str

Special: Sneak attack +3d6 Trap Sense: +1 to Reflex/AC vs Traps Trapfinding Uncanny Dodge: Retain Dex bonus to AC even if flatfooted. Blessing of Arc: Can use powers as a cleric of 1/2 level. 1st level clerical powers: Turn or Rebuke Undead 6 times per day (d20+?) Cast four 0-level cleric spells, 2+1+1 1st level, 1+1+1 2nd level per day.

Domains: Travel and Luck Granted Powers – Travel: For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell 'freedom of movement'. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds.) This granted power is a supernatural ability. Luck: You gain the power of good fortune, usable once per day. This allows you to reroll one roll you have just made before the DM declares whether it results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse.

Domain Spells: 1st: Longstrider and Entropic Shield 2nd: Locate Object and Aid

Feats: Combat Reflexes (can get up to five extra attacks of opportunity) Power Attack (can trade base attack bonus for damage) Cleave (get another attack if you take down someone) Great Cleave (continue attacking if you take down someone) Combat Expertise (can trade up to -5 attack penalty for +5 AC) Improved Disarm: No attack of opportunity from opponents when attempting to disarm them; they also don't get to try to disarm you if you fail, and you get +4 on checks to disarm others. Weapon Finesse: Use Dex instead of Str for to-hit bonus with light weapons.


Appraise: 3 + Int Balance: 1 + Dex + 2 Tumble Bluff: 5 + Cha Climb: 4 + Str Decipher Script: 2 + Int Diplomacy: 2 + Cha + 2 Bluff Disable Device: 9 + Int Disguise: 1 + Cha Escape Artist: 4 + Dex Gather Information: 1 + Cha Heal: 2 + Wis Hide: 5 + Dex Intimidate: 0 + Str + 2 Bluff Jump: 1 + Str + 2 Tumble Knowledge/Religion: 1 + Int Knowledge/Arcana: 1 + Int Listen: 5 + Wis + 2 Elf Move Silently: 7 + Dex Open Lock: 9 + Dex Perform (Sing): 1 + Cha Profession - Sailor: 1 + Wis Search: 9 + Int + 2 Elf Sense Motive: 2 + Wis Sleight of Hand: 1 + Dex + 2 Bluff Spot: 4 + Wis + 2 Elf Swim: 2 + Str Tumble: 9 + Dex

Attacks: Hand Axe (1d6 dmg, Crit x3) Shortsword +1 (+6/+1 BAB + 5 Dex + 1 magic to hit, 1d6+4 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2) Sling (+5 BAB + 5 Dex to hit, 1d4 dmg, Crit x2, 50 ft range inc., 10 bullets) Masterwork Composite Longbow (+3 Str) (+6/+1 BAB + 5 Dex + 1 masterwork, 1d8+3, Crit x3)

Armor: Leather Armor (DR 1, +1 armor AC, max Dex +6, AC penalty -0) 10 arrows Elven Shoes (+2 to Move Silently when worn) Elven Chain Armor (DR 2, +3 armor AC, max Dex +4, AC penalty -2) Ring of Sustenance (doesn't need food/drink, only needs 1 hour of rest) Masterwork Buckler (+1 shield AC, no AC penalty)

Mapmaking Kit (35 gp), includes maps of Bellarosa/Vraal Golden Dove Earrings (35 gp) Women's silver headband (40 gp) Green silk elf dress (10 gp)

Antonio “Tony” Lyssrrna Race: Half-Dragon/Human Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Alshira Class/Level: Monk/Sorcerer level 6 Current XP: 15,321 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 6'5“ Weight: 197 lbs Eyes: Silver Hair: Black Skin: Light, w/silver scales

Half-Dragon Benefits: Natural Armor AC +4 / AC+3 and DR 1 Bite Attack: 1d6 Claw Attack: 1d4 Dragonbreath: Cone of Cold (6d8, DC18) Stat Boost: Str + 8, Con + 2, Int + 2, Cha + 2 Immunity to cold, sleep, and paralysis Lowlight Vision/Dark Vision of 60 feet Hit dice raised by one (max d12). HP: 56 Total AC: 23 = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 2 Dex Mod + 3 Natural + 4 MonkWis + 4 ClassDefense - 1 Size + 1 Amulet Total DR: 1/- Str: 26 (+8) Dex: 15 (+2) Con: 17 (+3) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 16 (+3) Cha: 19 (+4) Fortitude: = +5 Base + 3 Con Reflex: = +5 Base + 2 Dex Will: = +5 Base + 3 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +4 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +4 BAB + 8 Str + 4 feat + 4 size Special: AC Bonus: + 3 Wis bonus to AC, +1/5lvls Flurry of Blows: Extra attack, -1 to all attacks Evasion: Successful Reflex save means no damage instead of half damage. Ki Strike: Unarmed attacks treated as magic weapons. Slow Fall: Takes damage as if falls were 30 feet less. Purity of Body: Immune to all diseases except supernatural/magical diseases. Fast Movement: Unarmored Speed Bonus +20 ft Still Mind: +2 bonus vs. enchantment spells/effects Flight (Average Maneuverability, cannot hover, turns 45 degrees per five feet, turn max 90 degrees per turn, up angle of 90 degrees, half speed, down speed doubled, 5 ft between down/up) Spells per day: Sorcerer – 6 0th level, 6+1 1st level, 5+1 2nd level, 3+1 3rd level Spells Known: 0th Level x 7 Ray of Frost - Ray daels 1d3 cold damage. Arcane Mark - Inscribes a personal rune. Light - Object shines like a torch. Detect Magic - Detect spells and magic items within 60 feet. Mage Hand - 5 lb. telekinesis. Message - Whispered conversation at distance. Prestidigitation - Perform minor tricks. 1st Level x 4 Sleep - Put 4HD of creatures to sleep. True Strike - +20 insight bonus to next attack. Chill Touch - One touch/level deals 1d6 dmg/1 Str dmg Endure Elements - Exist comfortably in hot/cold environments. 2nd Level x 2 Blur Spider Climb 3rd Level x 1 Slow Feats: Draconic Heritage: Disguise is a class skill, +2 to save vs cold. Improved Unarmed Strike (can inflict lethal damage; no penalties to attack unarmed; unarmed strikes inflict 1d6 damage) Stunning Fist: Foe damaged by attack must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 c.lev. + 2 Wis) or be stunned for 1 round (can't act, loses Dex mod to AC, -2 to AC). Usable times per day equal to monk level. Eschew Materials: Do not need material components unless > 1gp in value. Improved Grapple: Do not provoke AoO when making touch attack to start grapple, +4 to Grapple checks. Deflect Arrows: Once per round, can deflect a ranged attack. Snatch Arrows: Can catch weapons stopped by Deflect Arrows; if a thrown weapon, can immediately throw it back. Improved Disarm: Can attempt disarm without attack of opportunity, +4 to attempts. Draconic Breath: Can convert arcane spell energy into a breath weapon that inflicts 2d6 damage per level of spell expended. Any creature can make Reflex save (DC 10 + level of spell + your Cha mod) for half damage. Grapple Notes – from p157 PHB 1. Grab. A melee touch attack against the target. 2. Hold. Make an opposed grapple check as a free action. (Grapple checks are +BAB +Str +Special size mod) If you win, you can inflict 1d6 monk lethal or nonlethal damage, and you are now grappling. 3. Maintain Grapple. You must move into target's space on later rounds (and this provokes attacks of opportunity from other threatening opponents.) While grappling, you can: Attack: While grappling, you can make an unarmed strike/natural weapon attack, at -4 to hit. Cast a Spell: DC 20 + spell level Concentration check to cast successfully. Damage Opponent: You can inflict unarmed strike damage. Escape from Grapple: Win an opposed grapple check (or Escape Artist check) to break a grapple. Move: You can move at half speed if you win an opposed grapple check against all opponents. Pin Opponent: Can hold opponent immoble for one round by winning an opposed grapple check. Break Another's Pin: Can break a grappling opponent's pin on another with an opposed grapple check. Use Opponent's Weapon: (Light weapons only.) Win opposed grapple check - if successful, make attack roll with weapon at -4 to hit. If you pin an opponent, you can damage opponent, use weapon against him, or move the grapple as above, and can prevent pinned opponent from speaking. You can use a disarm action to remove a well-secured object, but they resist at +4. If pinned, you are held immobile for one round, and get a -4 AC penalty against all other opponents. Can try to break on your turn by winning an opposed grapple check. Skills: Balance: 2 + 2 Dex Bluff: 2 + 4 Cha Concentration: 9 + 3 Con Escape Artist: 6 + 2 Dex Jump: 4 + 8 Str Listen: 7 + 2 Wis Move Silently: 1 + Dex Profession - Sailor: 1 + Wis Sense Motive: 4 + 3 Wis Spellcraft: 8 + 2 Int Spot: 8 + 2 Wis Swim: 2 + 8 Str Tumble: 9 + 2 Dex Attacks: Claw attack (+12 to hit, 1d6 dmg, Crit 20/x2) Bite attack (+12 to hit, 1d8 dmg, Crit 20/x2) Quarterstaff (+12 to hit, 1d6+8 dmg) Unarmed strikes increased to 2d6 damage due to monk training. Cone of Cold (once/day, 6d8, DC 18 to dodge) Amulet of natural armor +1 ————————————————— Zane Challo Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: Destiny Class/Level: Cleric/Sorcerer level 6 Current XP: 15,321 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'8” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Olive HP: 40 Total AC: (23) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 2 Dex Mod + 8 ClassDef + 2 Bracers + 1 Ring Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 13 (+1) Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 19 (+4) Cha: 18 (+4) Fortitude: = +5 Base + 1 Con Reflex: = +2 Base + 2 Dex Will: = +5 Base + 4 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +3 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +3 BAB + 1 Str Special: Turn or Rebuke Undead Cleric Domains: Fate, Luck Turn Undead: 7 times per day (p159, PHB) (+2 due to Knowledge, +Charisma) Granted Powers: Fate - Uncanny dodge [retain Dex bonus if flatfooted] Luck - reroll once per day. Spontaneous Casting (transmute non-domain cleric spells to healing) Can summon familiar Scribe Scroll Domain Spells: Entropic Shield or True Strike Aid or Augury Protection from Energy or Bestow Curse Spells per day: Cleric – 5 0th level, 3+1+1domain 1st level, 3+1+1domain 2nd level, 2+1+1domain 3rd level Usually uses: Bless Comprehend Languages Cure Light Wounds (1d8+2+level) D: True Strike 2nd: Aid: +1 on attack rolls/saves vs fear, 1d8+level temp HP Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+4+level) D: Augury 3rd: Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+6+level) Dispel Magic D: Protection from Energy Sorcerer – 6 0th level, 6+1 1st level, 5+1 2nd level, 3+1 3rd level Sorcerer Spells Known: 0th level x 7 Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 feet Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks. Disrupt Undead: 1d6 damage to undead. Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights. Flare: Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack for one minute). Mage Hand: 5-lb telekinesis. ??? 1st level x 4 Magic Missile Flaming Hands Feather Fall Identify 2nd level x 2 Melf's Acid Arrow Gust of Wind 3rd level x 1 Fireball Feats: Eschew Materials: Cast spells without material components Augment Healing: Add +2 per spell level to damage healed by any Healing spell you cast. Disciple of the Sun: Can spend two turn attempts to destroy undead instead of turning them. Sacred Healing: Can spend a turn attempt as a full-round action to grant fast healing 3 to all living creatures within a 60-foot burst, lasting for 1 + Cha rounds. Skills: +6 Concentration: 9 + Con Craft - Alchemy: 9 + Int Diplomacy: 2 + Cha Heal: 9 + Wis Knowledge/arcana: 9 + Int Knowledge/religion: 5 + Int Listen: 0 + Wis Profession - Sailor: 1 + Wis Spellcraft: 9 + Wis Spot: 0 + Wis Attacks: Unarmed attack (1d3+1, provokes attack of opportunity) Club (1d6+1 dmg) Quarterstaff of Hope (+1 to atk/dmg, 1d6+2 dmg, +5 to hit, can cast true strike or cure light wounds once per 2d4+1 rounds, can cast light on command) Possessions: Bracers of armor +2 Ring of protection +1 ———————– Raith Macavity Race: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Eric Garrett Class/Level: Ranger/Fighter level 6 Current XP: 15,321 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 25 Gender: Male Height: 5'11“ Weight: 175 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Skin: Tanned HP: 52 Total AC: (25) = 10 + 3 Armor + 0 Shield + 4 Dex Mod + 8 ClassDef Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 15 (+2) Wis: 17 (+3) Cha: 13 (+1) Fortitude: = +4 Base + 2 Con Reflex: = +4 Base + 4 Dex Will: = +1 Base + 3 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +5 BAB + 3 Str Special: Animal Companion (Greg [wolf]; HD 4; HP 30; AC 16; Init +2; spd 50ft; Bite +6 melee, 1d6+1 dmg; Trip; Scent; Str 14; Dex 16; Con 15; Int 2; Wis 12; Cha 6; Hide +7; Listen +10; Move Silently +8; Spot +8; Wilderness Lore +5, Weapon Finesse: bite), 2 bonus tricks, Evasion, Link, Share Spells. Nature Sense (+2 to Knowledge/nature and Survival) Wild Empathy (1d20 + level + Cha, treated as Diplomacy) Woodland Stride (can move through normal undergrowth at normal speed without ill effects) Trackless Step (does not leave tracks/cannot be tracked unless they want to in natural environments) Favored Enemy: Undead; +4 on skills/dmg vs them Favored Enemy: Plants; +2 on skills/dmg vs them Track Combat Style: Two-Weapon Combat Feats: Diehard: Automatically stable at -1 to -9, can choose to remain conscious. Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (penalties as if wielding light weapons) Throw Anything (can throw any weapon as though it were ranged, with 10 foot range increment) Two-Weapon Fighting (can fight with weapons in both hands; -4 to both, or -2 if second weapon is light) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (second attack w/off weapon at -5) Endurance (+4 to certain endurance checks) Combat Expertise (can fight defensively, taking up to -5 to hit in order to get up to +5 AC) Two-Weapon Defense (gains +1 to AC when using two weapons; +2 when fighting defensively or on full defense) Dodge: +1 AC vs selected target One plus One fighter bonus Ranger spells: (caster level 3rd) 1+1 1st level: Entangle - Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft-circle. Delay Poison - Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/level. Endure Elements - Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. Jump - Subject gets bonus on Jump checks. Resist Energy - Ignore ten or more points of damage/attack from specified energy type. Speak with Animals - Communicate with animals. Skills: Climb: 5 + Str Concentration: 0 + Con Diplomacy: 4 + Cha Handle Animal: 9 + Cha Heal: 9 + Wis Hide: 0 + Dex Jump: 5 + Str Knowledge/Nature: 9 + Int + 2 Survival Listen: 5 + Wis Move Silently: 2 + Dex Profession/Sailor: 1 + Wis Ride: 2 + Dex Search: 9 + Int Spellcraft: 0 + Int Spot: 9 + Int Survival: 9 + Wis + 2 Knowledge/Nature + 2 Search(followtracks) Swim: 2 + Str Use Rope: 6 + Dex Attacks: Longswords (1d8+3 dmg, +9/+4 w/one or +7/+2/+7/+2 w/both) Possessions: Chain Shirt +1 (+1 enchant bonus, +2 armor bonus, DR 2/-, armor penalty -1, 20% arcane fail chance) ———————– Name: Mark Hamill Race: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Herb Class/Level: Rogue/Fighter level 5 Current XP: 13,234 Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 18 Gender: Male Height: 5'9” Weight: 145 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark brown Skin: Medium HP: 45 Total AC: (25) = 10 + 1 Armor + 1 Shield + 3 Dex Mod + 7 ClassDef + 1 Ring + 2 Bracers Str: 16 (+3) Dex: 17 (+3) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 15 (+2) Fortitude: = +4 Base + 2 Con Reflex: = +4 Base + 3 Dex Will: = +1 Base + 2 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +5 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +5 BAB + 3 Str Special: Sneak Attack +3d6 Trap Sense +1 Trapfinding Evasion Uncanny Dodge Feats: Dodge: +1 dodge AC against chosen target Mobility: +4 dodge AC against some attacks of opportunity Point Blank Shot: +1 to attack/damage w/ranged up to 30 feet. Precise Shot: Can shoot into melee without -4 to hit. Rapid Reload: Can load one bolt as free action, can load three bolts as move action. Exotic Weapon Specialty: Triple Crossbow Shot on the Run: Can move before and after attack. Skills: Appraise: 2 + Int Balance: 2 + Dex Bluff: 5 + Cha Climb: 2 + Str Decipher Script: 1 + Int Diplomacy: 0 + Wis + 2 Bluff Disable Device: 8 + Int Escape Artist: 1 + Dex Gather Information: 2 + Cha Hide: 5 + Dex Intimidate: 1 + Cha + 2 Bluff Jump: 2 + Str Listen: 8 + Wis Move Silently: 6 + Dex Open Lock: 8 + Dex Profession - Sailor: 1 + Wis Search: 8 + Int Sense Motive: 3 + Dex Sleight of Hand: 2 + Dex + 2 Bluff Spot: 8 + Wis Swim: 3 + Str Tumble: 8 + Dex Use Magic Device: 1 + Cha Use Rope: 2 + Dex Attacks: Triple crossbow (hits for 1d8/1d8/1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 80 ft range, no strength bonus, full-round action to reload all three or move action to reload one; one attack roll used to determine all three hits, sneak attack only counts once.) Knife (1d4+1 dmg) Club (1d6+1 dmg) Posessions: Leather Armor (DR 1/-, +1 armor AC) Triple Crossbow Ten crossbow bolts Knife Club Shield, light wood (+1 shield AC) Has 24 gold and 12 silver Silent Shoes (+1 to Move Silently when worn) Ring of Protection +1 Bracers of armor +2 ———- Name: Daniel Nightblade Race: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Khiala Class/Level: Fighter/Rogue level 7 Current XP: 23,301 XP Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: 36 Gender: Male Height: 5'5“ Weight: 157 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Skin: Light HP: 70 Total AC: (22) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 4 Dex Mod + 8 ClassDef Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 18 (+4) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 17 (+3) Fortitude: = +5 Base + 3 Con Reflex: = +5 Base + 4 Dex Will: = +2 Base + 2 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +7 BAB + 1 Str Special: Sneak attack +4d6 Trapfinding Evasion Trap sense +2 Uncanny Dodge Feats: Two Weapon Fighting (-2 to both attacks if other attack is light) Two Weapon Defense (+1 to AC when using offhand weapon; doubled if fighting defensively) Combat Expertise (up to -5 to hit to increase AC) Improved Combat Expertise (subtract any number from to hit up to BAB to increase AC) Improved Disarm: Disarm w/out attack of opportunity, +4 to attempts Dodge: +1 AC vs one target Mobility: +4 AC vs attacks of opportunity Spring Attack: Move before and after attack Improved Critical: Double critical threat range. Whirlwind Attack: One attack against every enemy within range. Skills: Appraise: 5 + Int Balance: 10 + Dex + 2 Tumble Bluff: 10 + Cha Climb: 5 + Str Diplomacy: 10 + Cha + 2 Bluff Disable Device: 5 + Int Disguise: 2 + Cha Escape Artist: 5 + Dex Forgery: 2 + Int Gather Information: 5 + Cha Hide: 2 + Dex Intimidate: 5 + Cha + 2 Bluff Jump: 5 + Str + 2 Tumble Knowledge/Nobility: 5 + Int Listen: 2 + Wis Move Silently: 5 + Dex Open Lock: 5 + Dex Profession/Sailor: 2 + Wis Ride: 5 + Dex Search: 3 + Int Sense Motive: 5 + Wis Sleight of Hand: 10 + Dex + 2 Bluff Spot: 2 + Wis Swim: 3 + Str Tumble: 10 + Dex + 2 Tumble Use Magic Device: 1 + Cha Use Rope: 5 + Dex Attacks: Rapier (+2, 1d6 dmg, Crit 18-20/x2) Dagger of Khiala (+1, +2 AC when defending the weak, 1d4 dmg, Crit x2) Possessions: Heirloom Rapier (+1 per 3 levels up to +5, 1d6 dmg, light weapon) ———- Name: Lee Race: Pyrtar Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Alshira Class/Level: Rogue/Sorcerer level 5 Current XP: 10,800 Size: Tiny Speed: 20 feet Age: 10 Gender: Male Height: 1'1” Weight: 7 lbs Eyes: Red Hair: None Skin: Red scales HP: 39 Total AC: (26) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 5 Dex Mod + 4 ClassDef + 2 Size + 5 Natural Armor Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: 16 (+3) Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 13 (+1) Cha: 20 (+5) Fortitude: = +1 Base + 3 Con Reflex: = +4 Base + 5 Dex Will: = +4 Base + 1 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +3 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +3 BAB + 0 Str - size penalty Special: Flight (60 ft, Good Maneuverability, can hover, can move backward, move reverse at -5 feet per turn; turn 90 degrees per five feet, turn in place at the rate of 5 feet per 90 degrees, up at half speed) Does not get attacks of opportunity unless armed with a weapon. Can occupy the same space as a Medium or larger creature without special circumstances. Racial Bonus: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str. Cute and fast, but weak. Natural Armor: +5 AC, DR 1/- Sneak Attack +3d6 Trapfinding Evasion Uncanny Dodge Trap sense +1 Sorcerer Spells: 6 0-level, 6+2 1st-level, 4+1 2nd-level Sorcerer Spells Known: 0-level x 6: Detect Magic Light Mage Hand Message Resistance Read Magic 1st level x 4: Magic Missle Burning Hands True Strike Mage Armor 2nd level x 2: Flaming Sphere Invisibility Feats: Flyby Attack: Can take a partial action while moving. Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative rolls. Hoping to get Energy Substitution next to convert spells to fire spells. Draconic Claw: You have claws; 1d2 damage. Draconic Heritage: Heal is a class skill, +1 to resist sleep, paralysis, fire. Draconic Skin: +1 to natural armor. Draconic Resistance: Resist fire equal to 3x feats. Skills: Bluff: 5 + Cha Concentration: 8 + Con Disable Device: 5 + Int Escape Artist: 5 + Dex Heal: 2 + Wis Hide: 5 + Dex Knowledge/Arcana: 2 + Int Listen: 5 + Wis Move Silently: 5 + Dex Open Lock: 5 + Dex Search: 5 + Int Sense Motive: 8 + Wis Sleight of Hand: 8 + Dex Spellcraft: 8 + Int Spot: 5 + Wis Swim: 2 + Str Tumble: 8 + Dex Use Magic Device: 8 + Cha Attacks: Bite or claw Fire Breath (1d8 dmg to one target, usable once per round) Possessions: None Tiny Longsword (+3 to hit, 1d4 dmg) Tiny Buckler ———- Name: 'Rose' Race: Wanderkin Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: ? Class/Level: Cleric/Fighter/Rogue/Wizard Level 7 Current XP: 23,301 Size: Small Speed: 20 feet Age: ? Gender: Female Height: 3'10“ Weight: 75 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Skin: Light HP: 56 Total AC: (26) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + 5 Dex Mod + 6 ClassDef + 5 Cloak Str: 18 (+4) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: 14 (+2) Int: 20 (+5) Wis: 16 (+3) Cha: 14 (+2) Fortitude: = +5 Base + 3 Con Reflex: = +5 Base + 4 Dex Will: = +5 Base + 2 Wis Base Attack Bonus: +7/+2 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +7 BAB + 4 Str Special: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently, Hide Sneak Attack +4d6 Trap Sense +2 Uncanny Dodge Evasion Trapfinding Feats: ? Scribe Scroll Find Familiar Craft Wondrous Item Craft Wand Jack of All Trades: All skills at least at 1/2 skill rank. Ancient Knowledge: Can use 'bardic knowledge' skill. Improved Initiative Dodge: +1 AC vs one target Mobility: +4 AC vs attack of opportunity Skills: ? +11 + attribute on all skills. Spells: Clerical: 6 0-level spells, 4+1+1 1st-level, 3+1+1 2nd-level, 2+1+1 3rd-level, 1+1 4th-level Wizard: 4 0-level, 4+2 1st-level, 3+1 2nd-level, 3+1 3rd-level, 1+1 4th-level Spellbook: 0th level Arcane Mark Dancing Lights Daze Detect Magic Detect Poison Disrupt Undead Flare Ghost Sound Light Mage Hand Mending Open/Close Prestidigitation Ray of Frost Read Magic Resistance 1st level Cause Fear Change Self Color Spray Comprehend Languages Endure Elements 2nd level Blur Bull's Strength Cat's Grace Endurance 3rd Level Fireball Haste 4th Level Charm Monster Confusion Attacks: Small Spear (1d6 damage) Possessions: Cloak of Protection +5 Spear (1d6 damage) Bag of machine tools Light Hammer +2 (+2 to hit, 1d4+2+Str dmg, Crit x2, range 20 feet) ———- Name: Nibblet Race: Gnome Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: ? Class/Level: Rogue/Wizard level 5 Current XP: 12,500 Size: Small Speed: 20 feet Age: ? Gender: Male Height: 3'8” Weight: 65 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Skin: Tanned HP: ? Total AC: (?) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + ? Dex Mod + ? ClassDef Str: ? (+?) Dex: ? (+?) Con: ? (+?) Int: ? (+?) Wis: ? (+?) Cha: ? (+?) Fortitude: = +? Base + ? Con Reflex: = +? Base + ? Dex Will: = +? Base + ? Wis Base Attack Bonus: Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +? BAB + ? Str Special: +2 racial bonus to Move Silently, Hide Feats: ? Skills: ? +? + attribute on all skills. Spells: ? Attacks: Possessions: Gnomish Autocrossbow (RoF 1d6, 1d4 dmg) Dagger (1d4 dmg) ——— Name: Michael Malone Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good Deity: None Class/Level: Bard/Psion level 5 Current XP: ? Size: Medium Speed: 30 feet Age: ? Gender: Male Height: 5'4“ Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Brown Skin: Pale HP: 40 Total AC: (?) = 10 + 0 Armor + 0 Shield + ? Dex Mod + ? ClassDef Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 17 (+3) Int: 13 (+1) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 18 (+4) Fortitude: = +1 Base + ? Con Reflex: = +4 Base + ? Dex Will: = +4 Base + ? Wis Base Attack Bonus: +3 Spell Resistance: Grapple Mod: = +? BAB + ? Str Special: 5 songs per day Countersong - Can attempt to counter sonic-reliant spells/powers. Fascinate - Can fascinate up to two creatures for up to five rounds. Inspire Courage - Allies who can hear the person sing (and for five rounds after) gain a +1 bonus vs charm and fear, and +1 bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Psionic Combat Modes (7): Empty Mind - 1 PP Intellect Fortress - 1 mental hardness, 1 PP Thought Shield - 1 mental hardness, 1 PP Mental Barrier - 2 mental hardness, 3 PP Tower of Iron Will - 2 mental hardness, 10ft radius, 5 PP Ego Whip - 1d4 Dex, 3 PP Mind Blast - 60 ft cone, 1d4 Cha/3d4 stun, 9 PP Feats: Inertial Armor (+4 AC if at least 1 PP remaining) Psychoanalyst: +2 bonus on Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimiedate/Cha influence checks vs living humanoids with Int 4 or higher Versatile Performer (gain free Perform types equal to Int bonus) Skills: Perform/Sing: 8 (Perform/String Instrument): 8 Balance: 4 Climb: 2 Concentration: 8 Decipher Script: 3 Escape Artist: 2 Hide: 8 Listen: 2 Move Silently: 2 Sense Motive: 8 Sleight of Hand: 5 Spellcraft: 2 Tumble: 8 Use Magic Device: 2 Power Points Per Day: 19 0-level: 3+d (8 times per day for free, then 1 each) Control Shadow Far Hand Daze Elfsight 1st level: 2+d Biocurrent Object Reading Lesser Mindlink 2nd level: 1+d Body Adjustment Concussion Spells (Bard): Cast 4 0-level, 4 1st-level, 2 2nd-level per day Known: 0-level x 6 Detect Magic Daze Prestidigitation Read Magic Resistance Light 1st-level x 4 Sleep Cure Light Person Charm Person Feather Fall 2nd-level x 3 Cure Moderate Wounds Hold Person Invisibility Attacks: Possessions: Ring of Protection +1 Bracers of Armor +1 Cloak of Resistance +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Heward's Handy Haversack Masterwork mandolin (100 gp) Masterwork thieves' tools (100 gp) Leather speaking horn (5 gold) Bamsmacks, 4 (20 gp, makes loud noise) Miniblade (1 sp) Marked cards (3 gp) Puppet (7 gp) Silent Shoes (10 gp) Silk bodysuit (10 gp) Bag of marbles (8 sp) Lap slate (10 gp) Pewter mug (8 sp) Blank book with excellent lock (200 gp) Bottle of ink (8 gp) Five metal pens (12 gp) Mapmaking Kit (35 gp) Scrollcase (5 gp) Waterskin (1 gp) Lounging robe (5 gp) Socks (2 gp) Cotton chemise (3 gp) Doublet (1 gp) Leather belt (3 sp) Full hooded cloak (2 gp) Leather gloves lined with fur (2 gp) Linen surcoat (2 gp) High boots with dagger sheath (5 gp) Hand mirror (15 gp) Razor kit (5 gp) Scissors/manicure set (4 gp) Five 2” leather balls (5 sp) Dice and cup (4 sp) Five assorted tops (2 gp) Tarot deck (3 sp) Bedroll (20 gp) Mess kit (8 gp) Two person tent (8 gp) Roll of bandages (1 gp) Rattle (5 gp) Sack of candy (1 gp) Whistle (1 sp) Plush toy wolf (1 sp) Longsword (15 gp) Wand of Mount (CL 12; 24 hours, 44 charges left) 205 gold ===== Other Members ===== The Bugbear Army: 14 members, warrior 3, 8 male, 6 female All equipped with morningstar +1, masterwork chainshirt, masterwork buckler, masterwork composite longbow, 20 arrows. AC 20, touch 12, flatfoot 18 HP 22 Base atk +5, Grapple +8, atk +10 melee (1d8+4, +1 morningstar) or +8 ranged (1d8+3, masterwork composite longbow (+3 Str bonus)), SQ darkvision 60 feet, scent SV Fort +4, Reflex +6, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 7. Skills and Feats: Climb +7, Hide +5, Jump +5, Listen +4, Move Silently, +7, Spot +4 Alertness, Dodge, Weapon Focus (morningstar) Leaders: (higher Int/Cha) Tiam and Glar. Assorted Furniture 100 gold necklace 50 gold necklace 25 gold necklace Ten bugbears #1 - Tiam/male : 10 #2 - Glar/male : 10 #3 - Corgan/male : 12 : 10 : 8 #4 - Xihya/female : 12 : 10 : 2 #5 - Koln/male : 12 : 7 #6 - Mila/female: 10 #7 - Jagd/male : 10 #8 - Tyaan/female : 10 #9 - Harn/male : 12 : 9 #10 - Khia/female: 12 : 6 (not playing: Wyenneth and Allia, females, ?) Raith: 12 : 10 : 5 Mark: 12 : 10 : 8 Winners: Corgan wins first, Mark wins second, Raith wins third.

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