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McCain Family

A friendly farm family the hunters saved from being eaten.

The McCain family is a hardworking and dedicated family that has been running their family farm for generations. Mr. and Mrs. McCain are the heads of the family and have instilled a strong work ethic in their four adult children, Chris, Joey, Kayla, and Susan.

The McCain family farm is located in Whartonville and has been in the family for over a century. The farm is known for producing some of the freshest fruits and vegetables in the region. The family takes pride in using sustainable farming practices and providing their customers with high-quality, healthy produce.

Mr. McCain, the patriarch of the family, is a strong and stoic man who has dedicated his life to the farm. He wakes up early every morning to tend to the crops and animals, and works tirelessly until late in the evening. His wife, Mrs. McCain, is equally hardworking and manages the administrative tasks of the farm, including finances and marketing.

Chris, the eldest son, has inherited his father's work ethic and love for the farm. He is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the farm, including overseeing the planting and harvesting of crops. Joey, the youngest boy, is in charge of the livestock and takes care of the cows and pigs, on the farm.

Kayla tends the chickens She also manages the farm's social media presence and marketing campaigns.

Susan, the youngest daughter, is currently studying agriculture at a nearby university and brings new ideas and techniques to the farm.

Despite the challenges that come with running a farm, the McCain family works together as a tight-knit unit to ensure the success of their business. They take pride in their work and the quality of their produce, and are committed to providing their customers with the freshest and healthiest food possible. The McCain family's dedication to their farm and community is a testament to the importance of hard work, perseverance, and family values.

Mrs. McCain

Mr. McCain

Susan McCain

Chris McCain

Joey McCain

Kayla McCain

Ranger Ron

A forest ranger our hunters met at Batsto. The hunters saved him from an undead rat swarm.

Louis Daru

Faythe's boss at the agency.

Louis Daru is a tall and imposing figure, with a no-nonsense attitude and a sharp mind. As an FBI agent, he has spent years working on some of the toughest cases in the agency's history, but his current assignment is like nothing he has ever encountered before.

Daru is the head of the DOE a special task force within the FBI that investigates supernatural occurrences across the United States. He has seen everything from demonic possessions to unexplained disappearances, and he knows that there is always more to the story than meets the eye.

Despite the surreal and often terrifying nature of his work, Daru approaches his job with a calm and methodical demeanor. He knows that he cannot let his emotions get the best of him when dealing with forces beyond human comprehension.

Daru is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves. He is a natural leader who inspires respect and loyalty from his team, and he is always looking for ways to improve their effectiveness.

When he's not on a case, Daru can usually be found poring over old texts and folklore, searching for clues that might help him understand the strange phenomena he encounters. He is a firm believer that knowledge is power, and he is always eager to learn more about the supernatural.

Despite the danger and uncertainty of his work, Daru is driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to protect the innocent from the forces of darkness. He knows that the world is a strange and mysterious place, but he is determined to make it a safer one for everyone.

Andre, Lou's dog

Louis Daru has a trusted companion that he brings with him on all of his missions - a loyal Saint Bernard named Andre. Andre is a large and imposing dog, with shaggy fur and a friendly face that belies his formidable size.

Daru rescued Andre from a local shelter when the dog was just a puppy, and they have been inseparable ever since. Andre is fiercely loyal to Daru, and he will do anything to protect his master from harm.

Despite his imposing size, Andre is a gentle giant at heart. He loves nothing more than curling up at Daru's feet after a long day of work, and he has a particular fondness for belly rubs.

But don't let his easy-going nature fool you - Andre is a skilled tracker and has helped Daru solve countless cases over the years. His keen sense of smell and unwavering determination have saved lives and brought criminals to justice.

Daru and Andre make a formidable team, and their bond is stronger than steel. Whether they are chasing down a rogue werewolf or investigating a haunted house, they know that they can always count on each other to have their back


That weird guy!

Phil is an angelic Runner whose sole purpose is to track down the Chosen One. His job is to find this special individual and guide them towards their ultimate destiny. Phil takes his role very seriously and is deeply committed to his mission.

When it comes to Phil's appearance, he is bald with a scraggly beard. While some may find his look a bit unusual for an angelic being, it actually serves to make him more memorable and unique. His rugged appearance also gives him an air of toughness that is necessary for a Runner.

One of Phil's notable habits is that he smokes Newports. This is an interesting trait for an angel, as smoking is typically not associated with divine beings. However, it could be seen as a way for Phil to rebel against the strict rules of the Sacred and assert his independence.

Phil's catchphrase, “Keep on keeping on”, is something that he often repeats to himself and others. It reflects his unwavering determination to complete his mission and never give up, even when things get tough. This phrase is a reminder to stay focused and persistent, no matter what obstacles may arise.

Overall, Phil is a complex and intriguing character with a mix of traditional angelic traits and unexpected quirks. His unique appearance, smoking habit, and catchphrase make him stand out from other angels and his unwavering dedication to his mission adds depth and dimension to his character.

Mean Bean

Michael Malone, co owner

Jennifer Lee , co owner

Pamela Morgan

Environmental studies professor at Stockton university


Emil Vasago Coven leader, deceased



George and Kyle

Craig Vasago, new coven leader

Lobos Family

Anna Lobos, Erin's school friend. She once saw Kuchisake onna!

Maria Lobos, Anna's mom. Saoirse coworker at the bakery

Tina Lobos, Maria's wife

The Hyde

Jimmy Silvers, bartender

Frankie, bouncer

Kendra, apothecary worker

E, the boss


Dimitri, a vampire magician

rpg/monster_of_the_week/npcs.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/21 23:53 by

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