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Marilla Cascadia

Sea Witch / Changeling


Some gain power through study, some through devotion, others through blood, but the witch gains power from her communion with the unknown. Generally feared and misunderstood, the witch draws her magic from a pact made with an otherworldly power. Communing with that source, using her familiar as a conduit, the witch gains not only a host of spells, but a number of strange abilities known as hexes. As a witch grows in power, she might learn about the source of her magic, but some remain blissfully unaware. Some are even afraid of that source, fearful of what it might be or where its true purposes lie.

Familiar: blue ringed octopus named Octavian (provides +3 bonus to Marillas swim checks)

Str 10 (+0) Dex 11 (+0) Con 13 (+1)

Int 19 (+4) Wis 11 (+0) Cha 19 (+4)

HP: 12

AC: 11 (10 base +1 natural armor)

30 ft speed

Claws 1d4 melee damage

Darkvision 60ft


Class Skills

Craft/Woodworking (Int) 1+3+4
Fly (Dex) 1+3+0
Heal (Wis) 1+3+0
Intimidate (Cha) 1+3+4
Knowledge (arcana) (Int) 1+3+4
Knowledge (history) (Int) +1+3+4
Knowledge (nature) (Int) +1+3+4
Knowledge (planes) (Int) +1 +3+4
Profession/Sailor (Wis) +1+3
Spellcraft (Int), 1+3+4
Swim (Str) 0+3 Use Magic Device (Cha). 1+3+4
Handle Animal 1+3+4 (+2 to train)
Sleight of Hand 1+3 (small objects treated as Extra Small)


Sea Lungs (Sea Hag): The changeling may hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to three times her Constitution before she risks drowning.

Witchborn: Most changelings are talented witches. They gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma instead of a +2 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. This racial trait alters the changeling’s racial ability score modifiers.

Wild Domesticator: Benefit(s) Handle Animal is always a class skill for you.

Additionally, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks to train an animal, and can teach a trained animal one additional trick beyond its normal maximum.

Gifted Smuggler: You have a knack for hiding goods on your person. Any small object you attempt to hide on your body is treated as an extraordinarily small object for the purpose of Sleight of Hand checks.

Favored class: Witch

Witch Add one spell from the witch spell list to the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

Feat: Even at the start of your career, it was clear that you had a chance at greatness, and your legend continues to grow with every adventure.

Benefit: You gain a hero point. The maximum number of hero points you can have at any one time is increased to 5.

Witch Patron: Na Kika, the Octopus God. At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch’s patron adds new spells to a witch’s list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide.

Storms: 2nd—obscuring mist, 4th—fog cloud, 6th—call lightning, 8th—ice storm, 10th—call lightning storm, 12th—wind walk, 14th—control weather, 16th—whirlwind, 18th—storm of vengeance. Source PZO9456


Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. At 1st level, a witch gains one hex of her choice. She gains an additional hex at 2nd level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level, as noted on Table: Witch. A witch cannot select an individual hex more than once.

Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.

Hex: Water Lung:

Effect: An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.

Hex: Prehensile hair

Effect: The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand.

The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch’s elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch’s head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.


A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.

To learn or cast a spell, a witch must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a witch’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.

A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Witch. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).

A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.

Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Witch under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.

Spells: Can cast 4 cantrips and 3 1st-level spells per day.

Witch’s Familiar (Ex)

At 1st level, a witch forms a close bond with a familiar, a creature that teaches her magic and helps to guide her along her path. Familiars also aid a witch by granting her skill bonuses, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. This functions like the wizard’s arcane bond class feature, except as noted in the Witch’s Familiar section.

A witch must commune with her familiar each day to prepare her spells. Familiars store all of the spells that a witch knows, and a witch cannot prepare a spell that is not stored by her familiar. A witch’s familiar begins play storing all of the 0-level witch spells plus three 1st level spells of the witch’s choice. The witch also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her familiar. At each new witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new witch level) to her familiar. A witch can also add additional spells to her familiar through a special ritual.

Familiar Spells


Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).
Bleed Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying.
Dancing Lights Creates torches or other lights.
Daze A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect Magic Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Guidance +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Light Object shines like a torch.
Mending Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message Whisper conversation at distance.
Putrefy Food and Drink Makes food and water inedible.
Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Spark Ignites flammable objects.
Stabilize Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Touch of Fatigue Touch attack fatigues target.

1st Level Spells:

  • Charm Person: Makes one person your friend. o
  • Ear Piercing Scream Deal sonic damage and daze target.
  • Hidden Spring: Discover a temporary spring of fresh, flowing water.
  • Hypnotism: Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
  • Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
  • Marid’s Mastery: Target gains bonus to attack and damage rolls if it and opponent are touching water, or a penalty if they are touching the ground.
  • Nereid’s Grace: Gain a deflection bonus to Armor Class and CMD when not wearing armor or the armor is invisible.
  • Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
  • Summon Minor Monster: Summon 1d3 Tiny animals. (Blue Ringed Octopi)
  • Undine’s Curse: Target loses the ability to breathe automatically and begins to suffocate when unconscious or asleep.
  • Wave Shield: Water blunts one incoming attack or fire effect.


142 gold

Light underwater crossbow

Aquarium Ball Weight 20 lbs.

This clear, 1-inch-thick glass orb is the size of a large melon and hangs from a thick chain. It can hold up to 2 gallons of freshwater or saltwater, allowing it to house aquatic creatures such as fish or frogs. The cap near the top of the ball can be unscrewed for access. One Tiny creature or two Diminutive creatures can fit comfortably into an aquarium ball.

The bag of coin has 500 gold, (1x) 100gp diamond, and a black obsidian six sided die ( The one side has been replaced with your inital ). The bag itself is of felt.

Seafaring Outfit in blue


Father, Aegis Cascadia . Gruff but good hearted sea elf sailor. Raised Marilla from a wee child aboard ship.

Agytha the Foul, sea hag, is Marillas mother. She abandoned the child at birth with her father, but now is trying to call her daughter 'home' to embrace her heritage as a hag.


Backstory Part the First: I did a what now?!

This story starts, really, before Marillas birth. It starts with a sea elf sailor named Aegis, who had a little too much to drink on shore leave one moonless night.

He woke up in the arms of a beautiful woman, with no memories of the night before. She introduced herself as Agytha, and bade him to stay. He was besotted, and stayed behind even as his ship sailed on.

One night, when the moon rose high over the sea, he saw through his lover's disguise and realized she was a hideous sea hag. Disgusted with what he had done, Aegis fled into the sea and swam for his life.

He was picked up by a new ship, the Lady Dare, and he quickly made himself useful there. The crew were a diverse and friendly lot, ferrying passengers and goods between the islands. Aegis began to put his horrible past indiscretion behind him.

Part Two: Here, this is yours. Aegis, perhaps unfortunately, did see Agytha again. She showed up when the ship was in port, and dropped a squirming bundle at his feet.

“Here. This is yours,” she hissed. “I will call for it when it comes of age.” Then she cackled, and disappeared into mist.

Aegis nervously opened the bundle. It was a baby! It reached for his finger, and curled her hand around it. The sea elf was besotted all over again. After all, this was his daughter. It wasn't her fault who her mother was. He took her into his arms, and named her Marilla, for it had been his mother's name.

Part 3: Maria Cascadia, ship's mascot The captain of the Lady Dare allowed Aegis to raise his child on board. And soon she had not one, but many parents.

She learned to climb the mast with Mika the monkeyman, ship's lookout. Old Barthus, the gruff dwarven navigator, taught her the names of each of the stars.

Ella the ships gnomish cook fed her well and answered her many questions about what made “us girls” different than the guys on ship.

Sea shanties were her lullabies and pirate tales were her bedtime stories. It was a happy childhood.

Part 4: Why am I different? As she grew into a young teen, Marilla noticed that she wasn't exactly like the other people in ports they stopped in.

Her protective father and shipmates tried to keep her safe, and from interacting much with other children. But she noticed their stares and how they stopped their games when she walked by. She longed to play with them, and started to sneak away to join them.

They asked uncomfortable questions like who she was, and what she was. She came to her father with those questions, and reluctantly, he explained her history…

Part 5: Teen Angst, New Friends Feeling very dramatic about having a Tragic Backstory, Marilla decided to walk the plank and end it all. Goodbye, cruel world!

She landed in the water with a splash, and sunk sullenly to the bottom. She was even more sullen to realize she wasn't drowning at all. In fact, it seemed like she could breathe down there.

Now feeling very sorry for herself indeed, she sobbed and blurbled under the water. It was then that she felt the tiniest tug on her finger. It was a little blue ringed octopus!

“Don't be sad,” she heard him say. “You're not weird, you're special. And I can help you.”

Part 6: Destiny Marilla named the little octopus Octavian. He taught her about the benevolent octopus good that would become her patron. Through Octavian, Marilla learned spells and hexes and began to embrace her destiny as a sea witch.

She used her powers to help her father, and her sailing family on the Lady Dare . She went from ship's mascot to full fledged and vauable crewmate.

Her father insisted however, that she learn to use some more prosaic weapons in case magic ever failed her. She became skilled with the dagger and boarding pike. All was going well…too well

Part 7: Her mother's voice Starting with the onset of puberty and growing ever stronger, Marilla hears the call of Agytha's voice.

“Come to me, my child. Embrace who you are…”

She hears the voice in dreams, in whispers of the wind, in her mind.

It is very tempting for her to seek out and meet her mother– but she remembers well her father's stories of her mother as a hideous monster. She is afraid to embrace the monster within herself.

She also for that reason avoids romantic relationships. There is a young deckhans named Kalvin, a handsome half elven boy, that she is very fond of. But when wheb he flirts with her, she shies away not wanting to find our if it is romance that will turn her full on hag.

Part 8- And now.. Currently, the Lady Dare is sailing through The Race to deliver a sealed cargo to a nobleman in the isles. She is suspicious about its contents, but trusts Captain Shale to know what he is doing.

rpg/laura/marilla.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/12 18:34 by l_doku

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