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Law and Order in Kyrael

While each country has its own standards of law and order, there are some commonalities present across Kyrael that are worth knowing about.

Guardians of Kyrael

The Guardians of Kyrael are a worldwide organization that focuses on directly confronting and combating the actions of terrorist groups and rogue nations worldwide, and are sponsored through the Alliance of Nations, which maintains representatives from roughly half of the civilized nations of the world. Those accepted to the Guardians are among the best and brightest of Pokemon Trainers, rivaling the soldiers of many armies.

Law Enforcement

In recognition of the danger presented by Pokemon as potential weapons of mass destruction, many law enforcement agencies have weapons specialized against Pokemon in particular, in addition to those meant for dealing with more prosaic criminals. In addition, departments often maintain their own breeding programs to keep favored, friendly local Pokemon in ready supply to partner with officers on duty. Typically, law enforcement officers keep a full complement of six Pokemon in their possession, with up to three of them being 'working' Pokemon that are not used for friendly battles.

Right To Carry Balls

Generally, people are allowed to own at least one Pokemon for personal defense and assistance in performing work. Licensed trainers - those with an approved Trainer License issued by the local government - are permitted to maintain a team of six Pokemon on hand at any time, but are required to return others caught while out and about to an approved Pokemon Storage System. This restriction is occasionally enforced by security screenings. Typically, exceptions to the 'six at a time' rule are made by soldiers, Guardians, and those who have no respect for the law.

Terrorist Groups

Major terrorist organizations focus on stirring up fear and disrupting the standards of law and order in countries around the world, and often have overarching long-term goals. However, they seldom publicly identify themselves outside of propaganda broadcasts and overt terrorist strikes, and generally have the sense to conceal their identities when carrying these actions out. They also foment terror by providing lesser local criminal organizations with Poke-armaments from other regions to solidify their ability to resist law enforcement.

Street Gangs

Street gangs often use Pokemon to help them claim territory and terrorize their enemies and vulnerable victims. In places where these gangs hold sway, muggings and street brawls are common. Typically, gang-affiliated Trainers focus on Pokemon local to the area, although a brisk black market trade in Poke-armaments is commonplace, as is theft of Pokeballs and using technology to wrest control of Pokemon from trainers.

rpg/kyrael/law.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/18 15:06 by wizardofaus_doku

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