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Altair Holmes

Follower of the Traveler

Hero Points: 1

21 years old, 5'8“, 170 lbs, Brown hair, blue eyes, Chaotic Good

HP 10 AC 11/14

Male Human Cleric lvl 1

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 10 (+0)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Base Attack Bonus: +0

Fortitude: +2+2

Reflex: +0+0

Will: +2+2


Diplomacy +1+3+2

Heal +1+3+3

Knowledge/Nobility +1+3+2

Knowledge/Religion +1+3+2

Sense Motive +1+3+3

+2 to any skill without ranks due to Improvisation


Aura: 1st level good cleric

Spells: 3 0th level (cast at will), 1+1+1 1st level

Channel Energy 1d6: Can choose to damage undead or heal living within 30 feet (Will save for half vs DC 14). Can use up to 5 times per day.

Spontaneous Casting: Can convert spell slots into cure spells.

Current Spells:

Orisons – Light, Stabilize, Spark

1st Level – Bless, Sanctuary, Shadow Trap



Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.

Granted Powers

Rebuke Death (Sp): You can touch a living creature as a standard action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every two cleric levels you possess. You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Healer’s Blessing (Su): At 6th level, all of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.

Domain Spells: 1st—cure light wounds, 2nd—cure moderate wounds, 3rd—cure serious wounds, 4th—cure critical wounds, 5th—breath of life, 6th—heal, 7th—regenerate, 8th—cure critical wounds (mass), 9th—heal (mass).


Your faith is your greatest source of protection, and you can use that faith to defend others. In addition, you receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels you possess.

Granted Powers

Resistant Touch (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an ally to grant him your resistance bonus for 1 minute. When you use this ability, you lose your resistance bonus granted by the Protection domain for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Aura of Protection (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of protection for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. You and your allies within this aura gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC and resistance 5 against all elements (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic). The deflection bonus increases by +1 for every four cleric levels you possess beyond 8th. At 14th level, the resistance against all elements increases to 10. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—sanctuary, 2nd—shield other, 3rd—protection from energy, 4th—spell immunity, 5th—spell resistance, 6th—antimagic field, 7th—repulsion, 8th—mind blank, 9th—prismatic sphere.


Fast Learner

Benefit: When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit or you can choose an alternate class reward.


Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all skill checks for skills you have no ranks in. Furthermore, you can use all skills designated “trained only” untrained.



Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Will saves made to resist mind-affecting effects.

Devoted Healer

Benefit(s): Whenever you take 20 on a Heal check to treat deadly wounds, you restore an additional 1d4 hit points to those you aid.

Blessed Touch

Benefit(s): You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell.



Effect: If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks as long as you are farther than 10 feet away from your fallen ally.


Battle aspergillum (1d6 damage, x2 Crit, 4 lb, bludgeoning, can be filled with holy water) [worn]

Haramaki (silk sash around the stomach with thin chainmail lining; AC +1, 1 lb) [worn]

Armored coat (leather coat with metal lining; AC +4, can be put on in a move action, 20 lb) [in pack unless expecting a fight]

Dagger (1d4 damage, 19-20 x2 Crit, 1 lb, piercing/slashing) [worn]

Brass knuckles (1d3 damage, x2 Crit, 1 lb, bludgeoning, cannot be disarmed) [belt pouch]

Backpack (2 lbs, holds 2 cf) [worn]

Bandolier (negligible weight; currently holds: Potion of cure light wounds, Potion of antitoxin, six empty slots) [worn]

Bedroll (5 lbs) [Arcturus]

Belt pouches, 2 (1/2 lb each) [worn]

Blanket (3 lbs) [Arcturus]

Canteen (1 lb) [worn]

Candles, 10 [backpack]

Candle lamp (1 lb) [backpack]

Chalk, 10 pieces [backpack]

Clerical vestments (6 lbs) [Arcturus]

Traveling outfit (5 lbs) [worn]

Coffee Pot (holds 4 cups) (4 lbs) [Arcturus]

Cooking kit (16 lb): Contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport. [Arcturus]

False-bottomed cup (no weight) [backpack]

Flint and steel (no weight) [backpack]

Folding chair (10 lb) [Arcturus]

Grooming kit (2 lb) [backpack]

Hip flask (1/2 lb) [backpack]

Metal compass (1/2 lb; doubles as a holy symbol for the Traveler) [+2 to Survival or Knowledge/Dungeoneering to avoid getting lost] [worn on chain around neck]

Book of the Traveler [holy text, 1 lb] [backpack]

Jar of ink (one ounce) [backpack]

Ink pens, 3 [backpack]

Bag of marbles [backpack]

Deck of cards [backpack]

Mess kit [backpack]

Parchment, 1 piece clean, 1 piece written-on [backpack]

Pack mule (carries things; named Arcturus; wears saddlebags and sacks) [follower]

Poncho (2 lbs) [backpack]

Rope, 50 feet (10 lbs) [Arcturus]

Sacks, 4 (1/2 lb each) [Arcturus]

Signal whistle [belt pouch]

Soap (1 lb) [Arcturus]

Spell component pouch (2 lb) [worn]

Trail rations, 10 days [Arcturus, 1 in backpack]

Wandermeal, 10 days [Arcturus, 5 in backpack]

Twine, 100 feet (1 lb) [backpack]

Torches, 10 (1 lb each) [Arcturus, 2 in backpack]

Waterproof bag (1/2 lb) [Arcturus]

Waterskins, 2 (4 lb each) [1 worn, 1 on Arcturus]

Saddlebags (8 lbs) [Arcturus]

Animal feed, 4 days (10 lb each) [Arcturus]

Whetstone (1 lb) [Arcturus]


111 gold, 8 silver, 26 copper

rpg/kingmaker/pcs/altair.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/10 04:05 by wizardofaus_doku

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