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Vanassyr's Lament: Warship

This notorious pirate ship has been rechristened and repaired by Diego and Kate, and they are gradually attempting to build it up into something that can challenge the legendary Black Thorn captained by their enemy Vale Thornton.

Base Cost: 25,000 gp [Warship]

Draft 4 feet Length 175 feet Width 15 feet Weapon Mounts: Deck 4L, Broadsides 8M/8M Base Move 3 mph (2 mph base + 1 mph dragon sails
AC 15 HP 500 DT 20 Crew 60
Pass 60
Cargo Capacity 100 tons
Resistant to Piercing
Immune to Cold, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic Damage
Rigging Vulnerable to Acid and Fire Sails Immune to Acid and Fire +2 to Water Vehicle checks due to Extended Keel and Broad Rudder
+3 to opposed checks due to Dragon Sails as well
Winds Direction Travelled Effective Speed
Becalmed Any Can't Sail
Light Into the Wind 2 mph
Light With the Wind 4 mph
Light Across the Wind 3 mph
Light Anchored 0 mph
Moderate Into the Wind 1 mph
Moderate With the Wind 6 mph
Moderate Across the Wind 4 mph
Moderate Anchored 0 mph
Strong Into the Wind 0 mph
Strong With the Wind 7 mph
Strong Across the Wind 5 mph
Strong Anchored 0 mph
Gale Into the Wind -1 mph (backwards)
Gale With the Wind 8 mph
Gale Across the Wind 6 mph
Gale Anchored 0 mph
Storm Pushed 1d4 mph in direction of wind, can't safely deploy sails

Available Weapons

  • Light Ballistas (installed in swivel mounts): 1d10 piercing damage, Range 60/240 feet, RoF 1/1, AC 10, HP 25, DT 0, value 200 gp + 300 gp swivel mount)

Current Augmentations

Ship Modifications

  • Smuggler's Holds. There are four concealed 5-foot-square compartment areas for smuggling illicit cargo, concealed between various bulkheads. A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check and a thorough search are required to find them. Diego and Kate are aware of their location but have not told others yet.
  • Swivel Mounts. There are four swivel mounts on the deck of the ship; they currently mount light ballistas, used for harpooning or light combat. They may be upgraded in the future to use cannon.
  • Ramming Prow. The Lament has an armored ramming prow that can inflict heavy damage on impact. This inflicts an extra 1d4 damage to an enemy ship for every 1 mph of ship speed on a successful ram maneuver (+3d4 damage at full normal speed)

Weapon Mounts

  • Dragon Sails. The Lament uses sails made from the tough, but flexible hide of Vanassyr, the feared red dragon. This lacks the aesthetics of silk sails, but still provides the bonuses; the ship gains a +1 bonus on opposed sailing checks, and the ship's tactical speed is increased by 1 mph. They also are immune to fire, although the rigging is not.
  • Cannon Mounts. Instead of a double row of 25 oars on either side of the ship, this ship has cannon mounts prepared. Unfortunately the cannons are not currently in place. The weapon ports can only be recognized on a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
  • Extended Keel. This ship's keel is unusually long; ship length is 10% longer than normal. This doesn't affect cargo space, but does add a +1 to all sailing checks due to improved stability.
  • Broad Rudder. The ship has a wider rudder for enhanced maneuverability in tight spaces, adding another +1 to all sailing checks.
  • Figurehead. The ship includes the skull of Vanassyr on its prow, a silent reminder that the crew of the Lament are not to be trifled with.

Future Augmentations

  • Ram Augmentations. Improving the ram's damage potential further by allowing it to punch through tougher materials. Cost to add an extra +1d4 is 2,000 gp; cost to raise to +2d4 is 5,000 gp; cost to raise to +3d4 is 10,000 gp.
  • Replacement Cannons. There are eight cannon ports on each side of the Lament, which are for the ship's medium-size broadside cannons when it was active. These would cost 500 gp each to replace (a total of 8,000 gp to replace the whole arsenal.) Medium cannons have a base damage of 6d10, Range 200/1000, requires a 2-man crew, and has RoF 1/3, AC 15, HP 100, DT 10.
  • Chase Cannons. Two medium cannon mounts could be positioned at the forecastle, for firing on targets while chasing them or preparing for a ram attack. These would be the likely sources of chain shot attacks. The mounts would cost 600 gold total (300 gp each), plus another 1,000 gp for the cannons (500 gp each). Medium cannons have a base damage of 6d10, Range 200/1000, requires a 2-man crew, and has RoF 1/3, AC 15, HP 100, DT 10.
  • Retreat Cannons. Two medium cannon mounts could be positioned in cannon mounts at the sterncastle, for firing on pursuing targets. The mounts would cost 600 gold total (300 gp each), plus another 1,000 gp for the cannons (500 gp each). Medium cannons have a base damage of 6d10, Range 200/1000, requires a 2-man crew, and has RoF 1/3, AC 15, HP 100, DT 10.
  • Swivel Cannons. Light cannons that can be mounted on the swivel mounts in place of the ballistas would cost 400 gp each. Light cannons have a base damage of 4d10, Range 150/750, require only 1 crew and have RoF 1/2, AC 10, HP 60, DT 5.
  • Additional Cannon Mounts. Extra cannon mounts would cost 200 gp for light mounts, or 300 gp for medium mounts, plus 400 gp for light cannons or 500 gp for medium cannons.
  • Broadside Expansions. Adding extra broadsides ports costs an additional 200 gp per port in addition to the cost of mounts and cannons.
  • Mortar. A powerful indirect-fire siege cannon for blasting through fortifications – or bombarding enemy ships at extreme range. A heavy cannon mount costs 400 gp, plus 800 gp for the cannon itself. Heavy cannon inflicts 8d10 base damage, Range 400/2000, require a 4 man crew, RoF 1/5, AC 15, HP 200, DT 15.
  • Additional Shot Types: Aside from standard cannonballs, some options include heavy shot (cannonballs that are made of much heavier materials and fired with much more powder), chain shot (specifically for shredding rigging), alchemical capsule shot, flaming shot, grapeshot (specifically for shredding crew), etc.
  • Improved Crew Quarters. This improvement to the crew area would result in more comfort for the enlisted crew, which increases effective loyalty of crewmembers. Cost would be 5,000 gp, but any crew affected by Generic Crew Experience and Loyalty statistics have an extra +1 on all Loyalty checks. For another 7,000 gp, Loyalty checks are increased by two points.
  • Improved Galley. The existing galley is strictly functional and has cramped facilities for cooking and dining. Improvements to the galley would make it more comfortable to work and dine in. Cost would be 2,000 gp, but as long as the galley is properly stocked with supplies, Loyalty checks are increased by +1 (and the Cook receives a +2 circumstance bonus to any cooking checks made due to excellent utensils.)
  • Improved Cargo Storage. Better storage systems and similar improvements would upgrade cargo capacity up to 200 tons. Each added 20 tons would cost 7,500 gp.
  • Hull Armoring. By spending 7,500 gp on additional hull armor, Vanassyr's Lament increases AC by 1 and DT by 2. For an additional 12,500 gp (20,000 gp total), AC is increased by 2 and DT by 4.
  • Rapid-Deploy Sails. The ship rigging gets an overhaul to bring it up to modern engineering standards; the sails can be raised and lowered much faster, halving the time of sail adjustments and adding a +1 bonus to all sailing checks for only 2,500 gp.
  • Hull Reinforcement. The ship's body receives additional reinforcements and layers of wood, making it thicker and more resilient. DT is increased by 2 points for 2,500 gp, or 4 points for 7,500 gp.
  • Ship Armory. A place to store and maintain weapons for the crew's usage during boarding/counter-boarding operations. Without this, non-PC ship's crew always fight with clubs (simple weapons that inflict d4 bludgeoning damage; belaying pins and similar) or daggers (simple weapons that inflict d4 piercing damage). With this, crew can carry hand axes (simple weapons that inflict d6 slashing damage; boarding axes meant for cutting lines); light crossbows (simple ranged weapons that inflict d8 piercing damage); scimitars (martial weapons that inflict d6 slashing damage); cutlasses (based on shortswords; martial weapons that inflict d6 slashing damage); sabers (based on longswords; martial weapons that inflict d8 slashing damage); or rapiers (martial weapons that inflict d8 piercing damage). This costs 1,000 gp to stock, and may occasionally require replenishments.
  • Powder Room. Not your mother's beauty parlor, this is a room dedicated for storing powder kegs, casting bullets, repairing and cleaning firearms, and the like. This costs 5,000 gp to stock, will occasionally require replenishments depending on how many cannonfights the crew gets into.

Ship Locations:

  • Quarterdeck. A raised section at the rear of the ship that includes the ship's wheel, …finish this later, laptop being glitchy.

Ship Positions (from highest to lowest):

Ship Position AKA Pay Short Description Duties
Captain Commander, Skipper 10 shares or 8 gp per day Responsible for directing the ship's actions, and communicating with other ships. Duties
Ship's Mage Ship's Magician, Witch Doctor 9 shares or 7 gp per day Responsible for making magical attacks, putting out fires, using magic to fix the ship, etc. Duties
First Mate First Officer 8 shares or 6 gp per day Interprets the captain's orders, and fine-tunes ship actions. Duties
Navigator 6 shares or 5 gp per day Reads the water, currents, and weather; also responsible for assessing other ships and spotting weaknesses, if necessary. Duties
Pilot 5 shares or 4 gp per day Steers the ship, sets the ship's location and direction. Duties
Boatswain 5 shares or 4 gp per day Directs deck activities, reassigns crew stations when necessary. Duties
Sailing Master 4 shares or 3 gp per day Maximizes the speed and efficiency of sailors. Duties
Oars Master 4 shares or 3 gp per day Maximizes the speed and efficiency of rowers, manages out boats. Duties
Weapons Master 5 shares or 4 gp per day Train crewmates to operate weapons, coordinate weapon fire, fight alongside crew in combat. Duties
Ship's Carpenter 4 shares or 3 gp per day Fix damage, provide ship with temporary hit points. Duties
Ship Surgeon 4 shares or 2 gp plus 1 sp per crewman per day Track crew casualties, heal the wounded, restore crew to duty. Duties
Quartermaster 4 shares or 3 gp per day Make available tools and equipment, find replacement sails, rigging and supplies when in port. Duties
Shantyman 3 shares or 2 gp per day Improve morale, inspire the crew. Duties
Crewmember 1 or 2 shares, or between 1 and 5 gp per day depending on experience. Perform crew duties. Duties
Ship's Boy / Girl No pay; working for experience. May optionally be given gifts roughly equal to 1/2 share, or 2 sp per day. Improve morale, deliver messages and do basic tasks. Duties

Basic Crew Positions (in rough order of rank):

  • Lookout, Blacksmith, Scholar, Chronicler, Cook, Cooper, Able Seamen (Sailors, Riggers), Infantry (Archers, Artillerist, Swordsmen), Unassigned personnel, Powder Monkeys, Deck Monkeys, Ship’s Boy/Girl, Passengers, Pets, Captives.
rpg/isla_fortuna/vanassyr.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/04 01:55 by wizardofaus_doku

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