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BARBARIAN - 250 points

You’re a beefy warrior from somewhere distant and a little backward – probably the Frozen North. You combine physical grit with a connection to nature second only to that of the druid. As the Big, Tough Guy, you can withstand almost any punishment, even dangers that armor can’t stop, making you as essential in combat as the party’s knight. You’re also a more-than-capable outdoorsman, and as crucial as the scout on outdoor adventures.

Attributes: ST 17 (Size†, -10%) [63]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d+2/3d-1; BL 58 lbs.; HP 22 (Size†, -10%) [9]; Will 10 [0]; Per 12 [10]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 7† [0].


  • High Pain Threshold [10] and Outdoorsman 4 [40].
  • A further 30 points chosen from among ST +1 to +3 [9/level], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Animal Empathy [5], Animal Friend 1-4 [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Discriminatory Smell [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], Lifting ST 1-3 [3/level], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Magic Resistance [2/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Recovery [10], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 9†], Temperature Tolerance 1 or 2 [1 or 2], or Weapon Bond [1].


  • Gigantism [0] and Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10].
  • Another -10 points chosen from among Easy to Read [-10], Gullibility [-10*], Language: Spoken (Native)/Written (None) [-3], Low TL 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Odious Personal Habit (Unrefined manners) [-5], Phobia (Machinery) [-5*], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10].
  • A further -20 points chosen from among the previous traits or Appearance (Unattractive or Ugly) [-4 or -8], Bad Temper [-10*], Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Compulsive Carousing [-5*] or Phobia (Crowds) [-15*], Gluttony [-5*], Ham-Fisted 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Horrible Hangovers [-1], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5].

Primary Skills:

  • Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [1]-14‡; Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+4 [2]-14‡; Survival (any) (A) Per+3 [1]-15‡; and Tracking (A) Per+3 [1]-15‡.
  • One of Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace, Harpoon, Spear, or Stick) (E) DX+2 [4]-15; or Bolas, Bow, Spear Thrower, or Throwing, all (A) DX+1 [4]-14.
  • One of these four melee skills packages:
    • 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8]-15, and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16.
    • 2. Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-14 and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16.
    • 3. One of Polearm, Spear, Two-Handed Axe/Mace, or TwoHanded Sword, all (A) DX+4 [16]-17.
    • 4. Two-Handed Flail (H) DX+3 [16]-16.

Secondary Skills:

  • Brawling (E) DX [1]-13; Stealth and Wrestling, both (A) DX [2]-13; Mimicry (Animal Sounds or Bird Calls) and Naturalist, both (H) IQ+2 [1]-12‡; Swimming (E) HT [1]-13; Hiking and Running, both (A) HT-1 [1]-12; and Fishing (E) Per+4 [1]-16‡.

Background Skills:

  • Animal Handling (any), Disguise (Animals), and Weather Sense, all (A) IQ [2]-10; and Intimidation (A) Will [2]-10.
  • Four of Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-13; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-12; First Aid, Gesture, or Seamanship, all (E) IQ [1]-10; Carousing (E) HT [1]-13; Lifting (A) HT-1 [1]-12; Skiing (H) HT-2 [1]-11; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes effects of Gigantism (p. B20). Rolls to hit you are at +1. You may use oversized weapons and must buy extra-large armor.

‡ Includes +4 for Outdoorsman.

Customization Notes

Many barbarian archetypes exist. The savage berserker has more ST, extra “physical grit” like HT and Hard to Kill, and such disadvantages as Berserk and Bloodlust. The primal survivalist goes for more Per, Discriminatory Smell, Temperature Tolerance, and disadvantages like illiteracy, Low TL, and reduced Wealth. The noble wilderness guardian prefers Animal Empathy, Animal Friend, Fearlessness, and disadvantages like Overconfidence and Sense of Duty.

Choose weapon skills that underline the desired “feel.” The stereotypical Dark Ages warrior might have Axe/Mace, Shield, and Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace). A caveman would probably prefer Spear and Thrown Weapon (Spear).

Match Survival specialty and background skills to origin, too. An ocean raider from the Frozen North will want Survival (Arctic), Seamanship, and Skiing. A jungle guerrilla in leopard skin will find Survival (Jungle), Gesture, and Observation more useful.

Since any weapon is deadly at ST 17, you don’t need a pricy sword; axes, sticks, and clubs will do. Unlike other warriors, then, consider using the 5 points that quirks give you to strengthen your archetype instead of sacrificing them for money. For example, a jungle warrior might buy two more levels of Camouflage and another level of Stealth – strong and sneaky is a deadly mix!

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