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Hidden Glories

Hidden Glories is a campaign world in which the Glories are a professional adventuring guild that serves as the backbone of an Empire's defenses against threats that aren't worth sending the military after.

The Glories

Most cities have their own militia forces to handle problems that arise - whether those problems are an belligerent town drunk or a rampaging ogre - but turn to more experienced folk when things go -really- wrong, but the situation doesn't warrant mobilizing the Imperial Army. These 'experienced folk' are known as 'The Glories' - originally short for 'Glory of the Empire', they are usually simply known as 'The Glories'. These people devote themselves to the Empire's glory and protect it from any threats, and as such, they are generally respected. Those accepted into the Glories traditionally must be good at heart and devoted to maintaining order, but in point of practicality, the Glories accept those who are willing to fight for the Empire (and overlook the fact that they may well be operating on self-interest.) Many of those who have attained high positions in the Empire or its army have been Glories at one point in their career. Generally, Glories are sponsored by a mentor who verifies their good intent and provides their basic tutelage and induction into the order; it is not common for potential Glories to apply directly, but it does occur, especially amongst wealthy households who want to push their secondborn and later offspring into future Glory to give them something to do.

House Rules

These house, optional, or alternate game rules are being used, as they help to set the desired tone for the game.

Team Glories

This team is currently based at the major trade city of Arinthal, where they routinely receive missions from their higher-ups, and can generally pick and choose what missions they take on.

Party Members

Active Glories that are in play.

Common Knowledge

These are things any commoner would probably know about the world they live in, particularly the Empire of Astor, or about the town they live in.

  • The World of Dorine: The world the player characters live in.
  • The Empire of Astor: The country the player characters live in.
  • The Houses of Astor: The 7 major and 42 minor merchant houses that amongst themselves run the empire, make decisions, and most importantly elect the Emperor.
  • The Imperial Army: Responsible for battles overland, as well as land invasions of other territories.
  • The Imperial Navy: Responsible for naval warfare, as well as controlling piracy and privateering.
  • The Trade City of Arinthal: A large city near the Imperial capital that acts as a centerpoint of trade between the major and minor houses. Practically all of the noble houses have a presence here.
  • The Port City of Cragworn: A bustling small city roughly thirty miles northwest up the coast from Shoreside.
  • The Port Town of Shoreside: A sleepy seaside town rumored to be a hotbed of smuggling activity.
  • The Glory of the Empire: The official organization for training would-be heroes and adventurers and confronting monstrous threats to the realm.
  • The Guild: Not beholden to any specific merchant house, the Guild is a deniable asset of all of them, and the Empire, at various times.
  • Unsorted Notes: The DM's scribbles for later.

Uncommon Knowledge

These are things most commoners don't have time to learn, but that scholars would readily be able to discuss.

Hidden Knowledge

These are things most people in general don't know, but the players or characters have learned about anyhow.

rpg/hidden_glories.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/04 20:12 by wizardofaus_doku

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