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Character Templates

The following list is formatted with Template name, book source, and point value in brackets.

Skills appear in the following format: Skill Name (Difficulty) Relative Level [Point Cost]-Actual Level. For instance, “First Aid (E) IQ [1]-11.”

Investigator (GURPS Basic Set) [100]

You are a detective, investigative reporter, occult investigator, spy, or thief.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 11 [2]; Will 12 [0]; Per 13 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.75 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Alternate Identity [5 or 15], Charisma 1-3 [5-15], Contacts [Varies], Cultural Familiarity [1 per culture], Danger Sense [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5-15], Languages (any) [2-6 per language], Legal Enforcement Powers [5-15], Luck [15], Rapid Healing [5], Security Clearance [5-15], Smooth Operator 1 [15], Zeroed [10], +1 to +3 to Per [5-15], and Appearance (Attractive) [4] or (Handsome) [12].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among Alcoholism [-15], Curious [-5*], Duty [-2 to -15], Greed [-15*], Honesty [-10*], Pacifism [-5 to -15], Secret [-5 to -30], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Wealth (Struggling) [-10], Workaholic [-5], and -1 to ST [-10].

Primary Skills: Select three skills from: Climbing, Filch, or Stealth, all (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Criminology, Disguise, Electronics Operation (any), Holdout, Interrogation, Lockpicking, Occultism, Photography, Research, Shadowing, Smuggling, Traps, or Writing, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Observation or Search, both (A) Per+1 [4]-14; Pickpocket (H) DX [4]-12; Computer Programming, Diagnosis, Expert Skill (any), Forensics, Intelligence Analysis, or Law (any), all (H) IQ [4]-12; Detect Lies (H) Per [4]-13; or Computer Hacking (VH) IQ-1 [4]-11. You may opt to trade one choice for two extra secondary or background skills.

Secondary Skills: Select two skills from: Beam Weapons (Pistol or Rifle), Brawling, Crossbow, Forced Entry, Garrote, Guns (Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun), Knife, or Thrown Weapon (any), all (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Boxing, Cloak, Rapier, or Shortsword, all (A) DX [2]-12; Acting or Fast-Talk, both (A) IQ [2]-12; Sex Appeal (A) HT [2]-11; or Acrobatics, Judo, or Karate, all (H) DX-1 [2]-11.

Background Skills: Select one skill from: Area Knowledge (any), Computer Operation, or Current Affairs (any), all (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Carousing or Swimming, both (E) HT+1 [2]-12; Boating (any), Driving (any), Piloting (any), or Riding (any), all (A) DX [2]-12; Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-12; or Hiking or Running, both (A) HT [2]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. 120.

Mage (GURPS Basic Set) [100]

You’re a sorcerer, a wizard, a witch, an adept of the black arts…

Attributes: ST 9 [-10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 10 [2]; Will 13 [0]; Per 10 [-15]; FP 13 [6]; Basic Speed 5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Language (Accented) [4]; Magery 2 [25]; and one of Eidetic Memory [5]; Reputation +1 [5], Single-Minded [5], Status 1 [5], Versatile [5], or +1 to Will [5].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among Absent-Mindedness [-15], Bad Sight (Mitigator: Glasses, -60%) [-10], Bad Temper [-10*], Curious [-5*], Duty [-2 to -15], Gluttony [-5*], Obsession [-5* or -10*], Secret [-5 to -30], Sense of Duty [-2 to -15], and Shyness [-5, -10, or -20].

Primary Skills: Select two spells, each (H) IQ+2 [4]-15† or (VH) IQ+1 [4]-14†. Select 10 more spells, each (H) IQ [1]-13† or (VH) IQ-1 [1]-12†. See Magic for spell list.

Secondary Skills: Select two skills from: Hidden Lore (any), Occultism, or Research, all (A) IQ [2]-13; Expert Skill (any), Mathematics (any), Naturalist, or Theology (any), all (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Dreaming or Meditation, both (H) Will-1 [2]-12; or Alchemy or Thaumatology, both (VH) IQ-2 [2]-11.

Background Skills: Select one skill from: Guns (Pistol or Shotgun) or Knife, both (E) DX [1]-11; Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-13; or Driving (any), Riding (any), Shortsword, or Staff, all (A) DX-1 [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. 120.

† Includes +2 for Magery.

Note: Choose your 12 spells from pp. 242-253. Be sure to give each spell the proper prerequisite. You can modify template cost and your skill with spells by taking a higher or lower level of Magery, or by applying a limitation such as Dark-Aspected.

Soldier of Fortune (GURPS Basic Set) [100]

You’re a warrior. You could be a soldier, pirate, knight-errant, gunslinger, street fighter, or guerrilla.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Dmg 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among Ambidexterity [5], Charisma 1-4 [5-20], Combat Reflexes [15], Fit or Very Fit [5 or 15], High Pain Threshold [10], Luck [15], Magic Resistance 1-10 [2-20], Outdoorsman 1 [10], Rank 1-4 [5-20], Rapid Healing [5], Reputation [varies], Status 1-4 [5-20], Wealth (Comfortable) [10], +1 to ST or HT [10], +1 to +4 to HP [2-8], and +1 to +4 to Per [5-20].

Disadvantages: -35 points chosen from among Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Code of Honor [-5 to -15], Compulsive Carousing or Spending [-5*], Duty [-2 to -15], Fanaticism [-15], Flashbacks (Mild) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Comrades) [-5], and Trademark (Simple) [-5].

Primary Skills: Select two skills from: Beam Weapons (any), Crossbow, or Guns (any), all (E) DX+2 [4]-15; Axe/Mace, Bow, Broadsword, Lance, Rapier, or Spear, all (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Karate (H) DX [4]-13; or Tactics (H) IQ [4]-11.

Secondary Skills: Select one skill from: Brawling, Fast-Draw (any), Gunner (any), Knife, or Shield (any), all (E) DX+1 [2]-14; or Artillery (any) or Forward Observer, both (A) IQ [2]-11. Select one skill from: Crewman (any) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Driving (any), Environment Suit (any), Piloting (any), Riding (any), all (A) DX [2]-13; Hiking (A) HT [2]-11; or Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-12.

Background Skills: First Aid (E) IQ [1]-11. Select two skills from: Camouflage or Savoir-Faire (any), both (E) IQ [1]-11; Carousing or Swimming, both (E) HT [1]-11; Free Fall or Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-12; Electronics Operation (Comm or Sensors), Explosives (any), or Leadership, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; or Observation, Survival (any), Tracking, or Urban Survival, all (A) Per-1 [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. 120.

Action-Movie Character Templates

These templates are based around various ideals of the cinematic action hero that might serve well as part of a team.

ASSASSIN (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

You might be a hit man, a spy with a license to kill, or a sniper with a uniform and a serial number. Whatever your background, your specialty is quick, silent death. Where the demolition man might demolish a city block “just to be sure,” and the shooter would dive right in, guns blazing, you take pride in precision. On a squad, you’re the one the mooks don’t see, covering your allies from a stealthy perch.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Craftiness 4 [20] and Luck [15]. A further 25 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Per +1 to +5 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Absolute Timing [2], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gunslinger [25], Gun Perks [1/perk], Honest Face [1], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity 1 [15], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: Callous [-5]. -25 points chosen from among Code of Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Greed [-15*], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Obsession (Assassinate a particular target) [-5*], Secret (Professional killer) [-20], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. Another -20 points chosen from among the previous traits or Bloodlust [-10*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Loner [-5*], Nightmares [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Selfish [-5*], or Trademark [-5 to -15].

Primary Skills: Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [1]-16†; Guns (Rifle) (E) DX+2 [4]-18; Holdout (A) IQ+4 [2]-16†; Shadowing (A) IQ+4 [2]-16†; and Stealth (A) DX+4 [2]-20†. Five of Guns (Pistol, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun) (E) DX+1 [1]-17, bought from Guns (Rifle) default; or Crossbow, Fast-Draw (Knife or Pistol), Garrote, Knife, or Liquid Projector (Squirt Gun), all (E) DX [1]-16.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-16, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-17, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-15. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-15 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-16. Five of Armoury (Small Arms), Electronics Operation (Security), or Smuggling, all (A) IQ [2]-12; Acting or Disguise, both (A) IQ+4 [2]-16†; Poisons (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; Observation or Tracking, both (A) Per [2]-12; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or an unarmed skill by a level. Four of Forced Entry or Jumping, both (E) DX [1]-16; Climbing or Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle), both (A) DX-1 [1]-15; Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-14; or 1 point to raise one of those skills by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +4 for Craftiness.

Customization Notes

A cinematic assassin is nearly always a deadly sniper – his major choices concern his modus operandi the rest of the time. To strike from afar, he’ll want several Guns skills, possibly Crossbow, Armoury (for expensive rifles), and Observation (for spotting). For close-range ambush, Garrote, Knife, and Fast-Draw are valuable – as are Acting and Disguise. Other “weapons” include speeding cars (Driving) and overdoses (Poisons).

Background skills are crucial, too:

Criminal: For the mob hit man or faceless hireling, survival demands high levels of Intimidation, Savoir-Faire (Mafia), and Streetwise.

Intelligence: A shadowy “wet work” specialist knows targets and locations (Area Knowledge and Current Affairs), and likely has a sideline in Interrogation. A flamboyant secret agent prefers classic “spy skills” – Cryptography, Intelligence Analysis, etc. Either might have unusual skills; e.g., Liquid Projector, for cyanide-spraying cigarette lighters.

Law Enforcement: An ex-cop, out for revenge, or a particularly cold-blooded SWAT sniper. Either should know such standard police skills as Criminology, Law, and Savoir-Faire (Police).

Military: This generally means a sniper, with keen Observation, training at stealthy insertion (Parachuting, Scuba, Skiing, etc.), and exceptional Tactics.

Security: A sharpshooter wants as much Body Language and Tactics as he can afford. A “black bag” man who illegally eliminates suspected terrorists needs Criminology and Intelligence Analysis. Either should improve Observation.

CLEANER (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

You make evidence – prints, casings, blood, bodies, and all – disappear. You might clean for the mob or tidy up behind ultra-black government operators, but what you do for the team is crucial: make it look like they weren’t there, and when that’s impossible, make sure that nobody can discover the truth. Some call the assassin (above) a “cleaner,” but your art isn’t killing. Of course, not every “corpse” is dead yet, and an eyewitness is the most damning evidence.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Luck [15] and Unfazeable [15]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Will +1 to +6 [5/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Contact Group (Junkyard, port authority, snakeheads, etc.; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], Craftiness 1-4 [5/level], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gun Perks [1/perk], Honest Face [1], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Smooth Operator 1-2 [15/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: Callous [-5]. -20 points chosen from among Code of Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Greed [-15*], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Secret (Accessory to many crimes) [-20], or Sense of Duty (Team) [-5]. Another -20 points chosen from among the previous traits or Compulsive Behavior (Cleaning)† [-5*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Loner [-5*], Nightmares [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Pyromania [-5*], Selfish [-5*], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Driving (Automobile or Heavy Wheeled) and Stealth, both (A) DX [2]-14; Camouflage and Housekeeping, both (E) IQ+1 [2]-15; Holdout and Smuggling, both (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; and Search and Tracking, both (A) Per+1 [4]-15.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-14, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-15, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-13. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-13 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-14. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-15. Nine of Fast-Draw (Knife or Pistol), Guns (any other), or Knife, all (E) DX [1]-14; Acting, Animal Handling (Dogs or Pigs), Disguise, Electronics Operation (Media), Explosives (Demolition or Fireworks), Fast-Talk, Freight Handling, or Hazardous Materials (Biological or Chemical), all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Chemistry, Forensics, or Forgery, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; or 1 point to raise one of those skills by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-14.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Failed self-control roll means you must try to dispose of any evidence. If enemies are beating down the door, you might resort to acid, fire, or other extreme measures.

Customization Notes

The cleaner decides how he eliminates evidence. Trucking it off and dumping it with associates requires Driving (Heavy Wheeled), Freight Handling, and Hazardous Materials, plus a Contact Group. A successful skill roll by the Contact Group means the goods are incinerated, dumped overboard, or otherwise truly gone. A cleaner might use Animal Handling to feed bodies to animals; Chemistry to dissolve organic matter in acid; Explosives (Fireworks) for convenient fires; Acting, Disguise, and Fast-Talk to pose as the coroner; Electronics Operation (Media) to doctor security videotapes; and/or Forgery to fake death certificates.

Other considerations:

Criminal: A mob cleaner needs Streetwise for payoffs and Urban Survival to locate convenient Dumpsters and goalposts. Savoir-Faire (Mafia) is vital – the profession is built on connections.

Intelligence: Spies often make live people vanish. Such “hostile extractions” demand Observation and Shadowing, usually followed by Brainwashing or Interrogation. Cover-ups are also common; learn Propaganda for that.

Law Enforcement: A crooked cop makes a frighteningly efficient cleaner – he can operate even after the evidence is found! He uses Administration and Law (Police) to alter crime-scene reports, and Savoir-Faire (Police) to finagle access to the evidence locker.

Military: Commandos might bring along someone specifically to hide their activities. Secondary skills like Explosives, Guns, and Knife are likely. Lens skills will be whatever the unit teaches all members.

Security: Cinematic security agencies cover up illegal killings and kidnappings of enemies of the state with red tape – an abuse of Administration. Hazardous Materials specialties can dispose of WMD materials found during operations.

DEMOLITION MAN (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

Setting bombs is an excellent way to learn how to defuse them, while disarming them means thinking like a bomber. Thus, “demolition man” describes explosive ordnance disposal technicians, combat engineers, and mad bombers. All require a steady hand and familiarity with explosives, arson, and sabotage. The differences amount to “How crazy are you?” and “Who pays for your work?” If you belong to a team, you get the fun jobs of clearing booby traps ahead and leaving nasty surprises behind.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Enhanced Dodge 3 (Dive for Cover) [15] and Luck [15]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Timing [2], Artificer 1-3 [10/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gun Perks [1/perk], Hard to Kill [2/level], High Manual Dexterity 1-4 [5/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Shtick (Can strike a flame anywhere) [1], Signature Gear [Varies], Unfazeable [15], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Greed† [-15*], Honesty† [-10*], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Secret (Bomb-making nutcase)† [-20], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record)† [-5]. Another -10 points chosen from among those traits or Curious [-5*], Delusion (“Explosives are safe around me!”) [-5], Flashbacks [-5 or -10], Hard of Hearing [-10], Missing Digit [-2 or -5], Phobia (Loud Noises) [-10*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Pyromania [-5*], Trademark (Bomb design/deployment) [-5 or -10], or Wounded [-5]. A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Callous [-5], Impulsiveness [-10*], Oblivious [-5], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Stubbornness [-5], or Trickster [-15*].

Primary Skills: One Explosives specialty:

1. Explosives (Demolition) (A) IQ+6 [24]-20. Defaults: Explosives (Underwater Demolition) (A) IQ+4 [0]-18, Explosives (Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Fireworks, and Nuclear Ordnance Disposal) (A) IQ+2 [0]-16, and Engineer (Combat) (H) IQ [0]-14.

2. Explosives (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) (A) IQ+6 [24]-20. Defaults: Explosives (Nuclear Ordnance Disposal) (A) IQ+4 [0]-18, and Explosives (Demolition, Fireworks, and Underwater Demolition) (A) IQ+2 [0]-16.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-13, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-14, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-12. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-12 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13. Guns (Grenade Launcher, LAW, Pistol, or Shotgun) and Guns (second choice), both (E) DX+1 [2]-14. Four of Architecture, Armoury (Heavy Weapons), Artillery (any), Lockpicking, Machinist, Mechanic (Automobile), Scuba, or Traps, all (A) IQ [2]-14; Chemistry, Engineer (Combat), or Expert Skill (Military Science), all (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or a combat skill by a level. Four of Stealth or Throwing, both (A) DX [2]-13; Smuggling (A) IQ [2]-14; Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-13; Running (A) HT [2]-12; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-15; Search (A) Per [2]-14; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or a combat skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-14 and Driving (Automobile or Heavy Wheeled) (A) DX-1 [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Honesty typically precludes Greed, Secret, and Social Stigma in this role.

Customization Notes

The big question is “Which Explosives specialty?” The answer depends heavily on background:

Criminal: Crooks favor Explosives (Demolition). Bombers use secondary skills like Architecture and Mechanic to situate explosives effectively, and Smuggling to conceal them. Safecrackers need Lockpicking and Traps. Both benefit from Forced Entry, Filch, Holdout, and similar background skills.

Intelligence: Spies use skills identical to those of criminal bomb-makers. Area Knowledge, Interrogation, Observation, and Research can locate suitable targets.

Law Enforcement: Bomb-squad technicians need Explosives (EOD), Search, and Traps. Criminology is useful for outguessing bombers, while Expert Skill (Military Science) and Forensics can reveal where the explosives came from.

Military: Soldiers might follow either path, acquiring Armoury, Artillery, and Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW) along the way. Pooling secondary and background points can give formidable levels of Scuba and Swimming (for underwater demolition), Throwing (for grenades!), etc.

Security: As law enforcement, but focused on antiterrorism. Dirty bombs and nerve gas demand Hazardous Materials skills.

FACE MAN (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

Every crew needs a “social engineer” – they just don’t know it yet! You’ll convince them, though, because that’s your gift. Whether it’s fast-talking the guards at the gate or setting up the long con, you’re a pro at getting close to the mark and into his confidence. Your biggest asset is a devious mind, but you also possess cat-like grace and disarming good looks. Your chief weakness is that even your closest associates can’t quite bring themselves to trust you.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 15 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Attractive [4]; Honest Face [1]; Luck [15]; and Smooth Operator 2 [30]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Business Acumen 1-3 [10/level], Charisma 1-6 [5/level], Contact Group (Corporation, local black market, quartermaster, etc.; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], Cultural Adaptability [10], Daredevil [15], Fashion Sense [5], Gun Perks [1/perk], Language Talent [10], Languages (any) [2-6/language], No Hangover [1], Rapier Wit [5], Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Smooth Operator 3-4 [15/level], Voice [10], Wild Talent 1 [20], improve Appearance to Handsome [12] for 8 points or Very Handsome [16] for 12 points, or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or -15], Greed [-15*], Secret (Past scams) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], or Trickster [-15*]. Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Compulsive Gambling [-5*], Compulsive Lying [-15*], or Lecherousness [-15*]. A further -20 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Curious [-5*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], Kleptomania [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Selfish [-5*], or Trademark [-5 to -15].

Primary Skills: Savoir-Faire (High Society, Mafia, Military, or Police) (E) IQ+2 [1]-17†; Acting, Fast-Talk, Leadership, and Public Speaking, all (A) IQ+1 [1]-16†; Merchant (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; Diplomacy (H) IQ [1]-15†; Carousing (E) HT+2 [1]-13†; Sex Appeal (A) HT+2 [1]-13†‡; Intimidation (A) Will+1 [1]-16†; and Detect Lies (H) Per [1]-15†.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-13, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-14, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-12. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-12 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-14 and Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-14. Ten of Fast-Draw (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-13; Dancing, Filch, or Stealth, all (A) DX-1 [1]-12; Pickpocket or Sleight of Hand, both (H) DX-2 [1]-11; Savoir-Faire (any) (E) IQ+2 [1]-17†; Administration, Connoisseur (any), Disguise, Electronics Operation (Media), Gambling, Interrogation, Propaganda, or Smuggling, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; Counterfeiting, Forgery, or Psychology, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Body Language (A) Per-1 [1]-14; or 1 point to raise one of those skills or any primary skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-15 and Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +2 for Smooth Operator.

‡ Includes +1 for Attractive.

Customization Notes

Face men thrive in any social situation, but most have specialties: falsifying records (Administration, Counterfeiting, Electronics Operation, and Forgery), impersonation (Disguise, plus more Acting and Fast-Talk), living large (Connoisseur, Dancing, and Gambling), “psy-ops” (Interrogation, Propaganda, Psychology, and high Detect Lies), stolen goods (Smuggling and increased Merchant), theft (Filch, Pickpocket, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth), etc. Background puts a further spin on things:

Criminal: A crook has background skill points in Carousing, Intimidation, Savoir-Faire (Mafia), and/or Streetwise – all of which benefit from Smooth Operator!

Intelligence: Some spies use social manipulation to get near objectives; they’ll want Area Knowledge of exotic destinations, Photography (for miniaturized cameras), and Search (for rifling through handbags and discarded clothing). Others are psychological warriors with scary Brainwashing, Interrogation, and Propaganda skills.

Law Enforcement: Undercover detectives and cinematic vice cops need Streetwise (which gets the Smooth Operator bonus), Accounting (for quick peeks at the books), and/or Criminology (to outthink the opposition).

Military: Military face men are well-versed in Leadership, Savoir-Faire, and Tactics. Likeable officers also know Strategy, while well-connected NPCs improve Soldier skill.

Security: Some agencies employ spokesmen to defuse diplomatic bombs; e.g., when a spy is deported. Most hail from the side of the company that teaches Administration and Intelligence Analysis.

HACKER (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

Banks and utilities, streetlights and air-traffic control, communications and security systems… everything runs on computers. If you’re legit, your beat is huge and you face rivals halfway around the globe. If you aren’t, you’re betting your laptop against million-dollar opposition. On a team, you validate false ID for the face man, kill alarms ahead of the infiltrator, pull records for the investigator, and work geek-to-geek with the wire rat.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 13 [-10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Born to Be Wired 4 [20]; Luck [15]; and Quick Gadgeteer (H4xx0r, -50%) [25]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Absolute Timing [2], Artificer 1-3 [10/level], Business Acumen 1-3 [10/level], Contact Group (Online associates; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], Daredevil [15], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Intuition [15], Mathematical Ability 1-3 [10/level], Pitiable [5], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or -15], Greed† [-15*], Obsession (Hack a specific target)† [-5*], Secret (Past hacks) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record or Minor) [-5]. Another -10 points chosen from among those traits or Curious [-5*], Delusion (“The real world works just like the Internet!”) [-5], Clueless [-10], Gullibility [-10*], Honesty† [-10*], Loner [-5*], Oblivious [-5], Shyness [-5 or -10], or Trademark (Particular hack or “calling card”) [-5 or -10]. A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Bad Temper [-10*], Cowardice [-10*], Easy to Read [-10], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], Klutz [-5] or Total Klutz [-15], Laziness [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Slow Riser [-5], Squeamish [-10*], Stubbornness [-5], Trickster [-15*], Unfit [-5] or Very Unfit [-15], or one of Overweight [-1], Fat [-3], Very Fat [-5], or Skinny [-5].

Primary Skills: Computer Operation (E) IQ+4 [1]-19‡; Electronics Repair (Computers) (A) IQ+3 [1]-18‡; Computer Programming, Cryptography, and Expert Skill (Computer Security), all (H) IQ+2 [1]-17‡; and Computer Hacking (VH) IQ+3 [4]-18‡.

Secondary Skills: Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12. Six of Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Cartography, Electronics Operation (Communications, Media, Security, Sensors, or Surveillance), Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Accounting, Forgery, or Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ [4]-15; or Scrounging (E) Per+2 [4]-15.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (pp. 4-5). Bicycling (E) DX [1]-12 or Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Honesty is for “white hats” and security experts, and normally precludes Greed and Obsession as motivations (but not Secret or Social Stigma!).

‡ Includes +4 for Born to Be Wired.

Customization Notes

Cinematic hackers have a specialized skill set, but there’s still some flexibility. Those in grittier stories use “realistic” techniques: faking ID in order to gain physical access to the mainframe (Forgery), Dumpster-diving for passwords on Post-it notes (Scrounging), poring over manuals (Speed-Reading), etc. In more fanciful movies, they do tricks like create fancy 3D maps of the objective (Cartography), reprogram security systems (Electronics Operation (Security)), and turn traffic-monitoring systems into spy-cams (Electronics Operation (Surveillance)). Variations include:

Criminal: This is most hackers! Even the lovable kid – that’s what Social Stigma (Minor) and Bicycling are for – might have Streetwise, Gambling (to win at online poker), and Urban Survival (to locate Dumpsters for diving).

Intelligence: High-tech spies generally crank up Cryptography, Intelligence Analysis, and Research. Those that spread disinformation often know Propaganda, too.

Law Enforcement: Realistic computer-crimes investigators mostly aren’t hackers, but those in the movies are frequently “reformed” criminals. These routinely ignore physical police skills in favor of Administration, Accounting, and similar cerebral stuff.

Military: Cinematic elite units often include a skinny guy with a rifle and an olive-drab laptop. Everybody else has to bleed and die to get him to some secure objective. His best military skills are more likely to be Forward Observer and Strategy than Guns and Hiking.

Security: An expert in computer security is as likely as one in physical security. Most of the notes for law enforcers apply, but use background skill points to buy even higher levels of Cryptography – and likely Criminology, for computer-assisted profiling.

INFILTRATOR (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

You’re adept at getting into places that nobody else can get into and taking things that everybody else wants – preferably sans explosions and gunshots. If all goes well, the first person to discover your handiwork is the ambassador who can’t find his briefcase the next morning, or the watchman who realizes the Rembrandt is gone after it’s hanging in your condo by Central Park. When working with a crew, your priority is to go in ahead and open the door.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Flexibility [5]; Luck [15]; and Perfect Balance [15]. A further 25 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Per +1 to +5 [5/level], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5] or 3D Spatial Sense [10], Absolute Timing [2], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Breath-Holding [2/level], Catfall [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Craftiness 1-4 [5/level], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gun Perks [1/perk], High Manual Dexterity 1-4 [5/level], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity 1 [15], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], improve Flexibility [5] to Double-Jointed [15] for 10 points, or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: Loner (12) [-5] -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Greed [-15*], Kleptomania [-15*], Obsession (Steal a particular item) [-5*], Secret (Past crimes) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], or Trickster [-15*]. Another -25 points chosen from among the previous traits or Cowardice [-10*], Curious [-5*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Selfish [-5*], Shyness [-5 or -10], Skinny [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Trademark [-5 to -15], or worsen Loner from (12) [-5] to (9) [-7] for -2 points or to (6) [-10] for -5 points.

Primary Skills: Forced Entry and Jumping, both (E) DX [1]-15; Stealth (A) DX [2]-15; Climbing (A) DX+3 [1]-18†‡; Escape (H) DX+1 [1]-16†; Acrobatics (H) DX [2]-15‡; and Electronics Operation (Security), Lockpicking, and Traps, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-15, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-16, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-14. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-14 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-15. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-15. Four of Parachuting (E) DX+1 [2]-16; Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle), Piloting (Glider), or Submarine (Free-Flooding Sub), all (A) DX [2]-15; Scuba (A) IQ [2]-13; Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-12; Running (A) HT [2]-11; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or Acrobatics, Stealth, or an unarmed skill by a level. Six of Knot-Tying (E) DX [1]-15; Filch or Throwing, both (A) DX-1 [1]-14; Camouflage or Gesture, both (E) IQ [1]-13; Animal Handling (Dogs), Architecture, Cartography, Connoisseur (any), Electronics Repair (Security), or Holdout, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Observation or Search, both (A) Per-1 [1]-12; or 1 point to raise one of those skills or Climbing, Forced Entry, or Jumping by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-13.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +3 for Flexibility.

‡ Includes +1 for Perfect Balance.

Customization Notes

Secondary and background skill choices here vary greatly by motivation:

Criminal: Cat burglars steal to get rich before they’re too old for tight black catsuits. Most possess commonly taught secondary skills: Driving, Holdout, Running, Search, etc. Background points buy more Forced Entry and Stealth, plus enough Savoir-Faire (Mafia) and Streetwise to score tools and move loot.

Intelligence: Agents who photograph missiles and steal plans learn “technical” secondary skills – Cartography, Piloting, Scuba, Submarine, etc. The background skills Observation, Photography, and Search are crucial for intelligence-gathering.

Law Enforcement: Some cinematic cops-turned-PIs employ illegal entry as their chief investigative technique. Likely secondary skills are Animal Handling, Driving, Filch, and Search. Fitting background skills include Criminology and a respectable level of Guns.

Military: Because commandos frequently infiltrate hot zones, they should pool secondary and background points to buy high levels of Camouflage, Parachuting, Scuba, and Swimming, plus more and better combat skills.

Security: The classic infiltrator role here is the secret policeman who finds or plants evidence where needed. Secondary points go toward Holdout, higher Forced Entry and Stealth, and unarmed skills. Background skills always include Criminology and combat training.

INVESTIGATOR (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

It’s crucial to know where you’re headed, when the opposition intends to move, what you (or they) are grabbing, who you’re shooting at, and why. Hitting the wrong mark can be embarrassing – or fatal. You might not be as slick as the face man, a computer wizard like the hacker, or the equal of the wire rat at surveillance, but you still get the facts, and can coordinate these experts and analyze their results.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 17 [10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Intuition [15] and Luck [15]. • A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 or +3 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Contact Group (Investigative agency or police department; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], Cultural Familiarity [1/culture], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Gun Perks [1/perk], Honest Face [1], Languages (any) [2-6/language], Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Smooth Operator 1-2 [15/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -25 points chosen from among Curious [-5*], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or -15], Greed† [-15*], Honesty† [-10*], Obsession (Solve a particular case) [-5*], Secret (Past crimes – or cover-ups) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record)† [-5]. Another -25 points chosen from among the previous traits or Alcoholism [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Guilt Complex [-5], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Nightmares [-5*], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], Workaholic [-5], or one of Overweight [-1], Fat [-3], or Very Fat [-5].

Primary Skills: Intelligence Analysis (H) IQ+1 [8]-16. Six of Criminology, Electronics Operation (Surveillance), Interrogation, Photography, Research, Shadowing, or Speed-Reading, all (A) IQ [2]-15; Body Language, Lip Reading, Observation, Search, or Tracking, all (A) Per [2]-17; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-16.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-13, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-14, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-12. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-12 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-13. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX+1 [2]-14 and Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-14. Three of Administration (A) IQ [2]-15; Accounting, Cryptography, Expert Skill (Military Science), Forensics, or Psychology, all (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; or another primary skill choice. Three of Forced Entry (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Stealth (A) DX [2]-13; Area Knowledge (any), Computer Operation, or Current Affairs (any), all (E) IQ+1 [2]-16; Writing (A) IQ [2]-15; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; or 2 points to raise a combat skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Honesty is for legitimate lawmen, and normally precludes Greed and Social Stigma (but not the Secret!).

Customization Notes

Investigators have significant latitude in primary skills. Their many strategies include document searches (Research and Speed-Reading), physical searches (Criminology and Search), pursuit (Shadowing and Tracking), “reading” people (Body Language and Lip Reading), shakedowns (Detect Lies and Interrogation), and surveillance (Electronics Operation, Observation, and Photography) – pick a few favorites. Secondary skills cover everything from checking the news (Current Affairs) and the ’net (Computer Operation) to forensic accounting (Accounting), lab analysis (Forensics), and other exotica.

Criminal: Every crew needs someone to case objectives – typically via surveillance – and formulate plans. Major background skills are Streetwise (for “word on the street”), plus Filch, Forced Entry, and Stealth for testing security, grabbing keys, etc.

Intelligence: Like real spies, cinematic ones often utilize dogged research and tedious surveillance. Background training consists of many Area Knowledge and Current Affairs specialties, plus additional points plowed into primary and secondary areas.

Law Enforcement: The detective (private or police) might use any strategy! A decent Law (Police) skill is crucial to ensure evidence is admissible in court. Combat skills are vital when hunting dangerous crooks.

Military: Intelligence officers interrogate prisoners (Interrogation) and search enemy positions (Search). Lens skills are whatever the unit teaches all members.

Security: Counterspies use every means to locate spies. Background points should boost primary and secondary choices and buy the combat skills that every cinematic agent needs.

MEDIC (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

Firefights, explosions, and car crashes mean injuries – and when the hurt comes down, you’re ready with the dressings and defibrillator paddles. You might be a military field medic, an urban EMT, a first-rate physician, or a third-rate vet who stitches up mobsters for cash. Whatever your credentials, you find uses for your medical expertise even when nobody has been shot: captives need drugging, allies need antidotes, and an action hero’s world is full of scorpion stings, snakebites, and terrorist bioweapons.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 15 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Healer 4 [40]; Higher Purpose (“Medic!”) [5]; and Luck [15]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages (pp. 4-5), ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Contact Group (Clinic, hospital, etc.; Skill-12, 15, or 18; 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5, 10, or 15], Daredevil [15], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], High Manual Dexterity 1-4 [5/level], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Sensitive [5] or Empathy [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or -15], Greed [-15*], Honesty [-10*], Secret (Used or sold drugs, negligence, etc.) [-5, -10, or -20], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (License Revoked) [-5]. Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Charitable [-15*], Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Code of Honor (Hippocratic Oath) [-5], Delusion (“I’m God when I’m your doctor!”) [-5], Guilt Complex [-5], Selfish [-5*] or Selfless [-5*], or Vow (Refuse no request for medical aid) [-10]. A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Alcoholism [-15], Curious [-5*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Nightmares [-5*], Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Diagnosis, Pharmacy (Synthetic), and Psychology, all (H) IQ+2 [1]-17†; Physician (H) IQ+5 [8]-20†; and Surgery (VH) IQ+1 [1]-16†.

Secondary Skills: Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-11 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-12. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12. Four of Fast-Draw (Medical Gear) or Knife, both (E) DX+1 [2]-13; NBC Suit (A) DX [2]-12; Hazardous Materials (Biological), Research, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ [2]-15; Chemistry, Expert Skill (Epidemiology), Forensics, Naturalist, or Poisons, all (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or a grappling skill by a level. Three of Driving (Automobile or Heavy Wheeled), Piloting (Helicopter), or Stealth, all (A) DX [2]-12; Administration or Interrogation, both (A) IQ [2]-15; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-16; or 2 points to raise one of those skills by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-15.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +4 for Healer.

Customization Notes

Extreme Physician skill is necessary to simulate action movie realism. With decent gear (+1 or +2 to skill), the medic can accept the -10 for instant use described in Time Spent (p. B346) and thus patch people up during a gunfight! This suggests a talented professional; however, action heroes are rarely bookish researchers. A better archetype is the bush doctor (Knife, Naturalist, Piloting, and Scrounging): adept at working whatever’s at hand and treating venomous bites. Another is the cinematic epidemiologist (Expert Skill (Epidemiology), Hazardous Materials, Interrogation, and NBC Suit), who enters hot zones, identifies plagues, and confronts the miscreants who unleashed them. Background is equally important:

Criminal: A violent crew might include a back-alley doc. Good Filch and Streetwise let him steal or buy equipment – and other skills may suggest how he lost his license (Carousing or Gambling).

Intelligence: The hands that heal can also torture and administer truth serums. Lens skills of importance are Brainwashing, Interrogation, and improved Psychology.

Law Enforcement: Many an action-hero EMT is functionally a cop and a doctor. Crucial training includes combat skills – and often a remarkable level of Forensics.

Military: In military games, PC survival depends on somebody with Surgery being right there to stabilize mortal wounds. Corpsmen have their unit’s usual background skills – especially combat skills.

Security: The notes for the intelligence lens apply. Medics are also assets on a team of bodyguards, where they’ll need Body Language, Observation, and combat skills.

SHOOTER (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

It wouldn’t be an action story if the floor wasn’t covered with spent brass eventually – and while the entire squad shoots when the chips are down, you’re a true gunslinger. You’ll tackle a whole building full of mooks, if need be… you’re that good. The assassin scores higher with the sniper rifle and the demolition man does better with explosive weaponry, but you’re not choosy. If it shoots, you can and will use it.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 12 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Gunslinger [25] and Luck [15]. A further 30 points chosen from among lens advantages (pp. 4-5), ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Acute Vision [2/level], Ambidexterity [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1-2 [15/level], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gun Perks [1/perk], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Peripheral Vision [15], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Code of Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5] or (Soldier’s) [-10], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Greed [-15*], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5] or (Nation) [-10], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. Another -10 points chosen from among those traits or Bad Temper [-10*], Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], or Honesty [-10*]. A further -20 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Callous [-5], Flashbacks [-5 or -10], Impulsiveness [-10*], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Stubbornness [-5], or Wounded [-5].

Primary Skills: Fast-Draw (Ammo), Forced Entry, and Jumping, all (E) DX [1]-16; and Acrobatics (H) DX [4]-16. Guns (Pistol, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun) (E) DX+2 [4]-18. Seven of Guns (Light Machine Gun, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun) (E) DX+1 [1]-17, bought from default to first Guns specialty; Crossbow, Fast-Draw (Long Arm or Pistol), Gunner (Cannon or Machine Gun), Guns (Grenade Launcher or LAW), Liquid Projector (Flamethrower or Sprayer), all (E) DX [1]-16; or Throwing (A) DX-1 [1]-15.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-16, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-17, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-15. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-15 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-16. Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) and Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-15; Armoury (Heavy Weapons or Small Arms) and Holdout, both (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; and Running (A) HT [2]-12.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

Choose your weapons! First, select a primary Guns skill. Options are Pistol, Shotgun, and SMG because most action games visit the city, where heavier firepower slaughters more bystanders than bad guys. The GM might permit Guns (Rifle) if there’s no assassin to upstage, or Guns (LMG) in a military game. Background affects remaining choices:

Criminal: Gangsters favor common, easily replaced weapons. Top skills are Guns (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, and SMG), Fast-Draw, and Liquid Projector (Sprayer) for pepper spray. Archetypal background skills are Brawling and Intimidation.

Intelligence: Most trigger-happy “spies” are ex-military muscle. They’re encouraged to favor weapons that can be concealed and/or silenced, wielded with Guns (Pistol, Rifle, and SMG), Fast-Draw, and occasionally Crossbow or Liquid Projector. Lens skills such as Smuggling and Holdout help hide hardware, and Area Knowledge often explains why a gunman was retained.

Law Enforcement: A SWAT man. He’ll want Guns (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, and SMG), Guns (Grenade Launcher), and Throwing. Instead of using background points for more combat skills, buy decent levels of Observation and Tactics.

Military: Every soldier shoots, but the “heavy weapons man” knows some of Guns (Grenade Launcher, LAW, and LMG), Gunner (Cannon and Machine Gun), and Liquid Projector (Flamethrower). In the movies, he’s deadly with Knife and Spear (bayonets), trained at Tactics, and familiar with really heavy weapons – Artillery.

Security: Bodyguards lean toward concealable firepower – Guns (Pistol, Shotgun, and SMG), Fast-Draw, and Liquid Projector (Sprayer). Choice lens skills are Body Language (“Gun!”), First Aid, Holdout and Observation.

WHEEL MAN (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

As E.B. White said, “Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.” Sometimes you get there in a van, a chopper, or a rigid inflatable boat, but that maxim is a golden rule for action heroes. Whether you’re a lone transporter who moves high-value cargoes for a fee, or a chauffeur for gangsters, soldiers, or dignitaries, your stock in trade is the ride. You customize the vehicle, choose the routes, and sit behind the controls.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 6 [-5].

Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Driver’s Reflexes 4 [20]; Higher Purpose (Deliver the package) [5]; and Luck [15]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Acute Vision [2/level], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Artificer 1-3 [10/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1-3 (Vehicular) [5 or 10/level], Fearlessness [2/level], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Gun Perks [1/perk], Hard to Kill [2/level], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], improve Absolute Direction [5] to 3D Spatial Sense [10] for 5 points, or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Greed [-15*], Honesty [-10*], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. Another -10 points chosen from among those traits or vehicle-related Compulsive Behavior (Modification, speeding, etc.) [-5*], Delusions (e.g., “I’m immortal in my car!”) [-5], Odious Personal Habits (e.g., “Nobody touches my ride!”) [-5 or -10], or Phobias (e.g., Leaving vehicle) [-10*]. A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Bad Temper [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Three of Boating (Motorboat), Driving (Automobile, Heavy Wheeled, or Motorcycle), Piloting (Glider, Helicopter, Light Airplane, or Ultralight), or Submarine (Free-Flooding Sub), all (A) DX+4 [2]-18†. Four of Artillery (Bombs, Guided Missile, or Torpedoes), Electronics Operation (Communications or Sensors), Freight Handling, or Mechanic (any), all (A) IQ [2]-13; Navigation (Air, Land, or Sea) (A) IQ+3 [2]-16‡; or 2 points to raise one of those skills by a level.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-14, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-15, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-13. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-13 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-14. Three of Gunner (Cannon, Machine Gun, or Rockets) or Guns (Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, or Submachine Gun), all (E) DX+1 [2]-15. Five of Parachuting (E) DX [1]-14; Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Area Knowledge (any) (E) IQ [1]-13; Cartography, Connoisseur (Cars), Machinist, Shadowing, or Smuggling, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; or 1 point to raise one of those skills by a level or buy any primary skill at one level lower.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-13.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +4 for Driver’s Reflexes.

‡ Includes +3 for Absolute Direction.

Customization Notes

Wheel men have many choices. Most want Driving and Mechanic – but some stories feature teams that travel by boat or plane, or vehicles fitted with fancy gadgets. Further considerations:

Criminal: Getaway drivers and “transporters” learn Driving, Freight Handling, and Navigation (Land); use personal weapons; and master Area Knowledge and Smuggling. Their top background skill is Urban Survival – to know where not to drive!

Intelligence: Spies occasionally need exotica like Submarine and Piloting (Glider), but mostly Driving. They’re adept at Electronics Operation, and know Artillery and Gunner for spycar weapons! Pooling secondary and background points allows superior Shadowing and Smuggling.

Law Enforcement: Cops favor Driving specialties for the department’s motorcycles, cars, and vans, and/or Piloting for the chopper. Area Knowledge, Electronics Operation (Communications), and Shadowing are useful. Background points buy Observation (for stakeouts) and raise Guns to levels suitable for high-speed battles.

Military: Anything’s possible, but helicopter pilots enjoy a special place in action movies. Artillery, Electronics Operation, and Gunner– and Parachuting, for pilots – are common. Popular lens skills are Seamanship or Submariner to crew big vehicles, and Camouflage for when the squad disembarks to continue on foot.

Security: Most bodyguard teams include a chauffeur with Driving, Mechanic for reviving shot-up rides, and Area Knowledge and Navigation (Land) to pick routes. Savoir-Faire (Servant) and First Aid may be mandatory.

WIRE RAT (GURPS Action 1: Heroes) [250]

You’re the crew’s ears and eyes. Cameras, mikes, tracking beacons, wiretaps, lasers bounced off windows, optical fibers under doors… no act of electronic privacy invasion is too small. Small is good, actually, because it’s harder to see. When there’s nothing on CCTV, you entertain yourself rigging remote detonators for the demolition man, running cable for the hacker, and cutting power for the infiltrator. You’re truly a hotshot with the soldering gun.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 16 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Circuit Sense 4 [20]; Gizmos 1 [5]; Luck [15]; and Quick Gadgeteer (Solder and Duct Tape, -50%) [25]. A further 30 points chosen from among background lens advantages, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Acute Hearing [2/level], Artificer 1-3 [10/level], Daredevil [15], Gizmos 2+ [5/gizmo], High Manual Dexterity 1-4 [5/level], Mathematical Ability 1-3 [10/level], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or -15], Greed† [-15*], Honesty† [-10*], Secret (Illegal wiretaps, etc.) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record)† [-5]. Another -10 points chosen from among those traits or Curious [-5*], Clueless [-10], Delusion (“They are listening!”) [-5], Odious Personal Habit (Nosy) [-5], Oblivious [-5], Trademark (Device or wiring scheme) [-5 or -10], or Workaholic [-5]. A further -20 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Bad Temper [-10*], Cowardice [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Shyness [-5 or -10], Skinny [-5], Stubbornness [-5], or Trickster [-15*].

Primary Skills: Electrician, Electronics Operation (Communications, Security, and Surveillance), and Electronics Repair (Communications, Security, and Surveillance), all (A) IQ+3 [1]-18‡. Four of Electronics Operation (Media or Sensors) or Electronics Repair (Computers, Media, or Sensors), both (A) IQ+3 [1]-18‡; or 1 point to raise any primary skill by a level.

Secondary Skills: One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-12, Brawling (A) DX+1 [2]-13, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-11. Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-11 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-12. Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12. Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-15. Seven of Fast-Draw (Gizmo) or Forced Entry, both (E) DX [1]-12; Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Camouflage (E) IQ [1]-15; Holdout, Photography, Smuggling, or Traps all (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-16; Body Language, Lip Reading, Observation, or Search, all (A) Per-1 [1]-15; or 1 point to raise one of those skills by a level or buy a remaining primary skill.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point background lens [20 points] or suitable background traits and skills. Driving (Automobile or Heavy Wheeled) (A) DX-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Honesty is for lawmen, and normally precludes Greed or Social Stigma (but not the Secret!).

‡ Includes +4 for Circuit Sense.

Customization Notes

Customizing a wire rat means choosing primary specialties and secondary skills that complement some forte. For instance, a surveillance man boosts Surveillance specialties, learns Media specialties for tweaking recordings, and supplements this with Camouflage and Smuggling for concealing bugs, Photography for cameras, and Body Language, Lip Reading, and Observation to understand what he’s seeing. The cinematic geek, however, adds Media and Sensors specialties to primary skills, and learns Fast-Draw and Holdout for gizmos, Scrounging for finding parts, and Traps for digital surprises. Likely background options:

Criminal: An expert at cutting power and defeating alarms requires Electrician skill and Security specialties at high levels to work quickly, plus physical lens skills: Filch, Forced Entry, Stealth, etc.

Intelligence: Spies are frequently surveillance experts. Combining secondary and background points allows high levels of Holdout (for “wiring” people) and Smuggling (for concealing vehicular tracking beacons). Shadowing – for prowling around in the surveillance van – is common.

Law Enforcement: Wiretap experts resemble spies, but SWAT teams also deploy wire rats in the field to scout criminal hideouts before raids. This activity calls for Stealth, and for background skills like Guns and Tactics.

Military: The squad “comms” expert has Communications specialties for radios, plus Sensors specialties for thermograph and radar. Background points go into effective Guns skills – and Forward Observer turns a radio into a deadly weapon.

Security: The intelligence and law enforcement notes apply, but security agents often specialize in countersurveillance, and train Search to high levels for finding bugs.

BIG GUY (GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists) [250]

You’re a master of barehanded combat – but not the sort who jumps readily to mind. In fact, you prefer not to jump, and favor physical strength and grit over acrobatics. This doesn’t mean that you lack finesse; you simply like to settle scraps with solid hits, not by dancing around. As far as you’re concerned, leaping is a way to exit moving vehicles and second-story windows… and in those situations, you’re tough enough to take the fall!

Attributes: ST 15 [50]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 14 [40].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d+1/2d+1; BL 45 lbs.; HP 15 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 10 [0]; FP 14 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [5]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: DR 1 (Limited, Crushing, -40%) [3]; Luck [15]; and Trained by a Master [30]. • A further 30 points chosen from among lens advantages (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5), additional martial-arts abilities, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], HP +1 to +5 [2/level], Will +1 to +6 [5/level], FP +1 to +5 [3/level], Arm ST 1-2 [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Parry 1-3 (Bare Hands) [5/level], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to Kill 1-2 [2/level], Hard to Subdue 1-2 [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Lifting ST 1-2 [3/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Striker (Crushing; Shin, -20%) [4], Striking ST 1-2 [5/level], Strong Chi 1-4 [5/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], raise DR to DR 2 (Limited, Crushing, -40%) [6] for 3 points, or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Compulsive Behavior (Brawling) [-10*], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Obsession (Beat a specific rival or win a certain tournament) [-5*], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Vow (Always fight unarmed) [-15]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Bad Temper [-10*], Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], or Stubbornness [-5]. • A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Basic Move -1 or -2 [-5/level], Alcoholism [-15], Appearance (Unattractive or Ugly) [-4 or -8], Chummy [-5] or Loner [-5*], Gluttony [-5*], Ham-Fisted 1- 2 [-5/level], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Overweight [-1] or Fat [-3], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5].

Primary Skills: A total of 16 points in some combination of Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]-15; Boxing, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling, all (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Judo or Karate, both (H) DX [4]-13; or 4 points/level to raise any of these by up to three levels.

Secondary Skills: Five of Fast-Draw (Knife or Pistol), Forced Entry, Garrote, Guns (Pistol or Shotgun), Jumping, or Knife, all (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Shortsword, Staff, Stealth, or Two-Handed Axe/Mace, all (A) DX [2]-13; Acrobatics or Flail, both (H) DX-1 [2]-12; Acting, Leadership, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Carousing or Swimming, both (E) HT+1 [2]-15; Lifting (A) HT [2]-14; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-11; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-11; Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-10; or 2 points to raise one of those skills by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5). • Driving (Automobile, Heavy Wheeled, or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-12. Martial-Arts Abilities: A total of 15 points in any of the perks, cinematic skills, and techniques below. Where several specialties exist, choose unarmed ones. Perks: Cowpoker [1]; Deadly Pose [1]; Dirty Fighting 1-3 [1/level]; Finishing Move [1]; Focused Fury [1]; Iron Hands [1]; or Trademark Move [1].

Cinematic Skills: Immovable Stance or Push, both (H) DX-2 [1]-11; Kiai (H) HT-2 [1]-12; or Power Blow (H) Will-2 [1]-9. Spending a total of 2 points in any skill buys it at one level higher, a total of 4 points purchases it at two levels higher, and cost is 4 points/level after that.

Techniques: Arm Lock [1 to 4]; Choke Hold [2 or 3]; Disarming [2 to 6]; Dual-Weapon Attack [2 to 5]; Elbow Drop [2 to 5]; Elbow Strike [1 or 2]; Feint [2 to 5]; Ground Fighting [2 to 5]; Kicking [2 or 3]; Knee Strike [1]; Leg Lock [1 to 4]; Neck Snap [2 to 8]; Piledriver [2 to 6]; Proxy Fighting [2 to 5]; Roll with Blow [2 or 3]; Stamp Kick [2 to 4]; Sweeping Kick [2 to 4]; Uppercut [1]; or Wrench (Limb) [2 to 8].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

The two major big-guy archetypes demand careful choices of mental disadvantages. The “gentle giant” has several of Chummy, Honesty, Pacifism, Sense of Duty, and Vow. The “thug” has flaws like Alcoholism, Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Bully, Callous, Odious Personal Habits, and Social Stigma. Overconfidence suits both, but isn’t quite universal.

Then decide how you fight:

Mixed Martial Artist: Some MMA bouts are contests of technique and precision, but you focus on power. To borrow from Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai, take Karate and add Judo or Wrestling – possibly both. Buy your shins as a Striker, too! Additional skills should be athletic: Jumping, Lifting, Swimming, etc. The Focused Fury perk is good for knockouts; common techniques are Neck Snap, Ground Fighting, and Wrench (Limb); and Immovable Stance and Push let you decide when the ground fight starts.

Rassler: High kicking is for sissies! You prefer body slams and elbow drops. More ST – basic, Arm, Lifting, and/or Striking – is a priority. Wrestling is your key skill, but don’t overlook Brawling. Acting (to feign injury), Intimidation, and Jumping (from the top rope) are also useful. Be sure to select a showy Finishing Move or Trademark Move perk; improve some of Elbow Drop, Neck Snap, Piledriver, and Stamp Kick; and get Power Blow or Push for chucking opponents around.

Slugger: You’re a heavyweight who relies on his fists. You’ll definitely want Arm ST and possibly Striking ST, alongside the HP and DR to eat punches. Boxing hurts more than Brawling, but the latter includes kicks – choose wisely. Round this out with an athletic skill or two; e.g., Lifting and Swimming. A fitting perk is Iron Hands; techniques run to Dual-Weapon Attack (“the old one-two”), Roll with Blow, and Uppercut; and use Power Blow to throw fight-finishers.

Streetfighter: You’re a hardened biker or bouncer. You fight dirty – which includes using weapons, often improvised ones. Your enemies do, too, so consider improving DR. Start with Brawling and Wrestling, and add Intimidation, Scrounging, Streetwise, Urban Survival, and a Melee Weapon skill. All three levels of the Dirty Fighting perk are nearly a must, and Cowpoker is common; classic techniques are Knee Strike, Proxy Fighting (for launching scenery!), and Stamp Kick; and a fitting cinematic skill is Power Blow.

Sumotori: Size is your weapon! A sumo wrestler needs high HP for slams, plus the Overweight or Fat disadvantage – likely with Gluttony. The core skill is Sumo Wrestling (allows accurate and powerful slams), but Brawling is a good finisher, Carousing suits the stereotype, and Swimming enjoys a bonus when you’re fat. Focused Fury can make slams irresistible; Feint and Sweeping Kick are key techniques; and Immovable Stance, Kiai, and Push are all excellent cinematic skills. Movie sumotori are often traditionalists, and know Hobby Skill (Flower-Arranging or Origami) (IQ/E), Cooking (IQ/A), or Artist (Calligraphy) (IQ/H), bought with points from quirks like “Surprisingly delicate.”

FAST GUY (GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists) [250]

You’re what most people think of as a “martial artist”: lean, agile, and lethally skilled at unarmed combat. In the world of Action, this makes you the closest thing to a wuxia or chambara star. You can’t quite break the laws of physics, but you’re working on it! Until you succeed, you satisfy yourself with breaking boards, bricks, and records. You perform feats at the edge of human capability with ease – frequently to the surprise of friend and foe alike.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 8.00 [20]; Basic Move 8 [0].

Advantages: Luck [15] and Trained by a Master [30]. • A further 25 points chosen from among lens advantages (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5), additional martial-arts abilities, ST +1 or +2 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10/level], HP +1 to +3 [2/level], Will +1 to +5 [5/level], Per +1 to +5 [5/level], FP +1 to +3 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Attractive [4], Blunt Claws [3], Combat Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1-3 (Bare Hands) [5/level], Extra Attack 1 [25], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Flexibility [5] or Double-Jointed [15], Hard to Kill 1-4 [2/level], Hard to Subdue 1-4 [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Perfect Balance [15], Serendipity 1 [15], Striker (Crushing; Shin, -20%) [4], Striking ST 1-2 [5/level], Strong Chi 1-4 [5/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Compulsive Behavior (Thrill-seeking) [-5*], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Obsession (Beat a specific rival or win a certain tournament) [-5*], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Vow (Always fight unarmed) [-15]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor (“Fight fair!”) [-5], Delusion (“Skill always beats strength!”) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10]. • A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or HP -1 to -3 [-2/level], Chummy [-5] or Loner [-5*], Jealousy [-10], Skinny [-5], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Trickster [-15*], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: A total of 16 points in some combination of Boxing or Wrestling, both (A) DX+1 [4]-17; or Judo or Karate, both (H) DX [4]-16; or 4 points/level to raise any of these by up to three levels.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-2 [1]-14; Jumping (E) DX [1]-16; and Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-15. •Five of Fast-Draw (any), Forced Entry, Garrote, Guns (Pistol), or Knife, all (E) DX [1]-16; Climbing, Dancing, Jitte/Sai, Shortsword, Staff, Throwing, or Tonfa, all (A) DX-1 [1]-15; Escape, Flail, Kusari, or Sleight of Hand, all (H) DX-2 [1]-14; Carousing or Swimming, both (E) HT [1]-12; Running or Sex Appeal, both (A) HT-1 [1]-11; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-9; or 1 point to raise any secondary skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5). • Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-15.

Martial-Arts Abilities: A total of 15 points in any of the perks, cinematic skills, and techniques below. Where several specialties exist, choose unarmed ones.

Perks: Acrobatic Feints [1]; Acrobatic Kicks [1]; Cowpoker [1]; Dirty Fighting 1-3 [1/level]; Finishing Move [1]; Focused Fury [1]; High-Heeled Heroine [1]; High-Heeled Hurt [1]; Iron Hands [1]; or Trademark Move [1].

Cinematic Skills: Breaking Blow, Flying Leap (requires Power Blow), or Pressure Points, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-8; Pressure Secrets (requires Pressure Points at 16+) (VH) IQ-3 [1]-7; Immovable Stance or Push, both (H) DX-2 [1]-14; Kiai (H) HT-2 [1]-10; or Power Blow (H) Will-2 [1]-8. Spending a total of 2 points in any skill buys it at one level higher, a total of 4 points purchases it at two levels higher, and cost is 4 points/level after that.

Techniques: Acrobatic Stand [1 to 6]; Arm Lock [1 to 4]; Back Kick [2 to 5]; Choke Hold [2 or 3]; Disarming [2 to 6]; DualWeapon Attack [2 to 5]; Elbow Strike [1 or 2]; Evade [1 to 5]; Feint [2 to 5]; Flying Jump Kick [2 to 8]; Ground Fighting [2 to 5]; Jump Kick [2 to 5]; Kicking [2 or 3]; Knee Strike [1]; Leg Lock [1 to 4]; Lethal Kick [2 to 5]; Lethal Strike [2 or 3]; Proxy Fighting [2 to 5]; Roll with Blow [2 or 3]; Running Climb [2 to 7]; Spinning [1 or 2]; Spinning Kick [2 to 4]; Spinning Punch [2 or 3]; Stamp Kick [2 to 4]; Sweeping Kick [2 to 4]; or Uppercut [1].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

Classic fast-guy archetypes include “hard-working jock” (choose Code of Honor, Obsession, Stubbornness, and/or Workaholic), “hothead” (with several of Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Impulsiveness, and Obsession), “kid with heart” (select a few of Chummy, Honesty, Pacifism, and Sense of Duty), and “showoff” (look at Compulsive Behavior, Delusion, Jealousy, and Trickster). Overconfidence always fits!

You’ll also need a style of fighting:

Acrobat: You’re adept at Capoeira, Savate, Wushu, or the like, and dazzle rivals with spins and leaping kicks. You’ll want higher DX, Enhanced Dodge, or Perfect Balance. Pick Karate as your fighting skill, boost Acrobatics and Jumping, and consider Dancing and Running. If you buy Acrobatic Feints and Acrobatic Kicks, feel free to swap Karate and Acrobatics! Key techniques are Acrobatic Stand, Evade, Flying Jump Kick, Spinning, and Spinning Kick. The consummate cinematic skill is Flying Leap.

Boxer: You’re a master of the lightning punch. Efficiency is paramount – you only throw big, exhausting hits when they’ll be decisive. Raise Basic Move and get Enhanced Dodge to aid your footwork. Your core unarmed skill is Boxing, while logical supporting skills are athletic: Running, Swimming, etc. Feint is your most prized technique. Get the Focused Fury perk, Uppercut technique, and Power Blow skill to turn on the power when necessary.

Bruce Lee: You may favor Karate or Shaolin over Jeet Kune Do, but like Bruce, you use your whole body – and mind – in a fight. This role benefits greatly from cinematic skills, so Strong Chi is handy. The basics are Judo and Karate, plus Melee Weapon skills for exotic weaponry. Any perk, technique, or cinematic skill is fair game. Action movies are full of heroes who’ve honed one of Elbow Strike, Kicking, Knee Strike, Lethal Kick, or Lethal Strike to perfection, and heroines who deliver High-Heeled Hurt.

Mister Pain: Size matters not! You use your foe’s strength against him, traditionally through the secrets of Aikido or Jujutsu. Extra ST doesn’t hurt, though, and Flexibility is good for escaping beefier grapplers. Judo is your prime skill; helpful accompaniments are Escape, and more Acrobatics and Stealth, for weaseling into and out of “situations.” Dirty Fighting is the customary perk; Arm Lock, Choke Hold, and Evade are all useful techniques; and Immovable Stance, Pressure Points, and Push are ideal cinematic skills.

Mixed Martial Artist: Some MMA bouts are crude contests of power, but you focus on technique and precision. To reflect Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai, start with Karate and add Judo and/or Wrestling. Also buy your shins as a Striker! Supplemental skills should be athletic: Running, Swimming, etc. The fast guy often has a Trademark Move perk for his finishing move; vital techniques are Arm Lock, Choke Hold, and Ground Fighting; and Immovable Stance and Push can compensate for low ST.

NINJA (GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists) [250]

Hooded, black-clad, armed with an arsenal of deadly weapons, and able to come and go undetected, you are ninja. In many ways, you’re an assassin (Heroes, p. 7) without the rifle. Your methods date to an earlier era, though, and are often seen as “impossible” by modern-day folks – a misperception you encourage. Note that being a ninja doesn’t make you a murderous bad guy; some ninjas are killers for hire, but just as many serve only the most honorable causes.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Craftiness 2 [10]; Luck [15]; and Weapon Master (Ninja Weapons) [35]. • A further 25 points chosen from among lens advantages (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5), additional martial-arts abilities, ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Per +1 to +5 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Ambidexterity [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Craftiness 3 or 4 [5/level], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1- 2 (All) [10/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 (One melee weapon) [5/level], Extra Attack 1 [25], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Perfect Balance [15], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity 1 [15], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1-5 (Assassination, -60%) [2/level], Strong Chi 1-4 [5/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10], Zeroed (Ninja) [10], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: Either Callous [-5] or Loner (12) [-5]. • -25 points chosen from among Code of Honor (“Stay bought”) [-5] or (Bushido) [-15], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Obsession (Assassinate a particular target) [-5*], Secret (Professional killer) [-20], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. • Another -20 points chosen from among those traits or Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Delusion (“Guns are no match for ninjutsu!”) [-5], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Loner [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Stubbornness [-5], Vow (Use only muscle-powered attacks) [-10], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Stealth (A) DX+2 [2]-17†. • Judo and Karate, both (H) DX [4]-15. • Six of Fast-Draw (any), Garrote, Knife, or Thrown Weapon (Knife or Shuriken), all (E) DX+1 [2]-16; Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Jitte/Sai, Shortsword, Spear, Staff, Throwing, or Tonfa, all (A) DX [2]-15; Blowpipe, Flail, or Kusari, all (H) DX-1 [2]-14; or 2 points to raise one of those skills or Stealth by a level.

Secondary Skills: Jumping (E) DX [1]-15; Climbing (A) DX [2]-15; Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-14; and Holdout and Shadowing, both (A) IQ+1 [1]-12†. •Six of Forced Entry or KnotTying, both (E) DX [1]-15; Escape (H) DX-2 [1]-13; Camouflage (E) IQ+2 [1]-13†; Acting or Disguise, both (A) IQ+1 [1]-12†; Lockpicking or Traps, both (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; Poisons or Tactics, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-9; Swimming (E) HT [1]-11; Running (A) HT-1 [1]-10; Observation or Tracking, both (A) Per-1 [1]-10; any primary combat skill option at a level lower; or 1 point to raise one of these skill choices or Holdout, Jumping, or Shadowing by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5). Martial-Arts Abilities: A total of 10 points in any of the perks, cinematic skills, and techniques below – armed or unarmed.

Perks: Acrobatic Feints [1]; Compact Frame [1]; Deadly Pose [1]; Dirty Fighting 1-3 [1/level]; Finishing Move [1]; HighHeeled Heroine [1]; High-Heeled Hurt [1]; Off-Hand Weapon Training [1]; or Trademark Move [1].

Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap (requires Power Blow) or Pressure Points, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-9; Light Walk or Throwing Art, both (H) DX-2 [1]-13; Power Blow (H) Will-2 [1]-9; or Blind Fighting (VH) Per-3 [1]-8. Spending a total of 2 points in any skill buys it at one level higher, a total of 4 points purchases it at two levels higher, and cost is 4 points/level after that.

Techniques: Acrobatic Stand [1 to 6]; Arm Lock [1 to 4]; Back Kick [2 to 5]; Balancing [1 to 5]; Disappear [2 to 11]; Disarming [2 to 6]; Dual-Weapon Attack [2 to 5]; Elbow Strike [1 or 2]; Evade [1 to 5]; Feint [2 to 5]; Kicking [2 or 3]; Knee Strike [1]; Neck Snap [2 to 8]; Rappelling [1 to 4]; Retain Weapon [2 to 6]; Roll with Blow [2 or 3]; Rope Up [1 or 2]; Scaling [2 to 4]; or Toe Flip [1 to 5].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +2 for Craftiness.

Customization Notes

Ninjas vary – a lot. Movies offer many dramatic niches. You might be a traditionalist with several of Code of Honor, Duty, Fanaticism, Sense of Duty, and Workaholic; a youthful apprentice who has Code of Honor, Delusion, Overconfidence, and/or Vow; a vengeance-driven killer characterized by Bloodlust, Intolerance, Loner, Obsession, and Stubbornness; or a bloodthirsty murderer with problems like Bloodlust, Callous, No Sense of Humor, Paranoia, and Secret. Abilities, too, differ immensely. For one thing, there are many primary skill choices. As well, points can shift from advantages to martial-arts tricks. Finally, a ninja can – more than most martial artists – justify being an outsider who knows only his art. By selecting the martial-arts master or wise master lens, he can acquire 20 additional points for specialized capabilities.

Some examples:

Ghost: Your shtick is getting to supposedly inaccessible victims. More Craftiness helps – but consider higher IQ (from advantage points and/or the wise master lens) to help you outthink security, Danger Sense to avoid it, or Zeroed (Ninja) to foil attempts to unravel your methods. Pick weapon skills for armaments that can elude metal detectors, like Staff and Tonfa. Also learn and possibly improve Escape, Forced Entry, Lockpicking, and Traps. Valuable martial-arts abilities are the Compact Frame perk; the Flying Leap and Light Walk skills; and techniques such as Balancing, Rappelling, Rope Up, and Scaling.

Silent Death: You prefer to avoid combat. You’re a killer, not a warrior. You’ll want higher Craftiness, Night Vision, Striking ST (with the Assassination limitation), and/or Zeroed (Ninja). Be sure to raise Stealth, and pick skills for some concealable weapons – Garrote and Knife are favorites – and improve them. To this, add improved Holdout and Shadowing, and perhaps Acting, Disguise, and Poisons. Martial-arts abilities should be sneaky, like the Dirty Fighting perk, the Blind Fighting and Light Walk skills, and the Disappear technique.

Techno-Ninja: It’s the small things that matter to you – specifically, stun and smoke grenades, shuriken, and other nasty little surprises. You’ll certainly want Gizmos and Signature Gear. Primary skills should cover concealable and ranged weaponry; Blowpipe, Garrote, Knife, Shortsword, Throwing, and Thrown Weapon all work. Secondary skills ought to include Fast-Draw specialties for weapons – and maybe Poisons or Traps for deadlier gadgetry. The most important martial-arts ability is the Throwing Art skill, which turns “harmless” items into weapons.

Warrior of the Night: You confront your opponents in battle but use stealth to choose the battlefield. You relish the duel, ideally against rival ninjas! More ST and HT, Combat Reflexes, and Extra Attack all help in drag-out melees. Combat skills should cover heavy weapons: Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Flail, Spear, and Staff. Supporting skills vary, but always include Tactics. Suitable martial-arts abilities are the Deadly Pose and Off-Hand Weapon Training perks; the Power Blow skill; and the Disarming, Feint, and Retain Weapon techniques.

TRACEUR (GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists) [250]

You’re a traceur: a Parkour (PK) practitioner. Your discipline isn’t strictly a martial art – it’s about moving from A to B as efficiently and directly as possible, surmounting obstacles using your body and objects in the environment. But “obstacles” might include enemies, so traceurs sometimes regard PK as the martial art of the chase before or after a fight. Technically, PK isn’t about acrobatics, either; adding that makes it “free running.” You might not be a purist about this, however!

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 12 [10]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [0]; Basic Move 8 [5].

Advantages: Luck [15]; Perfect Balance [15]; Trained by a Master (Evasion, -50%) [15]; and Urban Jungle Gym [1]. • A further 30 points chosen from among lens advantages (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5), additional martial-arts abilities, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Will +1 to +6 [5/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], FP +1 to +4 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 or +2 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5] or 3D Spatial Sense [10], Arm ST 1-2 [5/level], Catfall [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], DR 1-2 (Limited, Crushing, -40%) [3/level], Enhanced Dodge 1-2 [15/level], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Flexibility [5] or Double-Jointed [15], Hard to Kill 1-3 [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Lifting ST 1-2 [3/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points, or generalize Trained by a Master (Evasion, -50%) [15] to Trained by a Master [30] for 15 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Compulsive Behavior (Physical fitness) [-5*], Compulsive Behavior (Reaching “inaccessible” locations) [-5*], Compulsive Behavior (Thrill-seeking) [-5*], Delusion (“I can win any chase on foot!”) [-5], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], or Sense of Duty (Team) [-5]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Impulsiveness [-10*], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5] or (Cannot Harm Innocents) [-10], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], or Trickster [-15*]. • A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Chummy [-5] or Loner [-5*], Curious [-5*], Honesty [-10*], Intolerance (Nonathletic people) [-5], Jealousy [-10], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Vow (No alcohol, drugs, or fatty food, just “health food”) [-5], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX+1 [4]-16†; Climbing (A) DX+2 [4]-17†; Jumping (E) DX+2 [4]-17; and Running (A) HT+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-14 and Urban Survival (A) Per [2]-12. • Two of Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-16; Boxing, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling, all (A) DX [2]-15; Judo or Karate, both (H) DX-1 [2]-14; or 2 points to raise one of those skills by a level. • Five of Bicycling, Forced Entry, Guns (Pistol), Knife, or Knot-Tying, all (E) DX+1 [2]-16; Dancing, Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle), Shortsword, Staff, Stealth, Throwing, or Tonfa, all (A) DX [2]-15; Area Knowledge (any) or Computer Operation, both (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Lockpicking, Navigation (Land), Shadowing, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-14; Hiking or Lifting, both (A) HT [2]-13; or 2 points to raise any secondary skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5).

Martial-Arts Abilities: A total of 15 points in higher primary skills or any of the perks, cinematic skills, and techniques below. Where several specialties exist, choose unarmed ones.

Perks: Acrobatic Feints [1]; Acrobatic Kicks [1]; Combat Pole-Vaulting [1]; Compact Frame [1]; or High-Heeled Heroine [1].

Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap (H) IQ-2 [1]-8; or Immovable Stance or Light Walk, both (H) DX-2 [1]-13. Spending a total of 2 points in any skill buys it at one level higher, a total of 4 points purchases it at two levels higher, and cost is 4 points/level after that.

Techniques: Acrobatic Stand [1 to 6]; Disappear [2 to 11]; Dive n’ Roll [1 to 4]; Evade [1 to 5]; Feint [2 to 5]; Flying Jump Kick [2 to 8]; Jump Kick [2 to 5]; Rappelling [1 to 4]; Roll with Blow [2 or 3]; Rope Up [1 or 2]; Running Climb [2 to 7]; Scaling [2 to 4]; Skidding [1 or 2]; Sliding [1 to 6]; Spinning [1 or 2]; Spinning Kick [2 to 4]; or Sweeping Kick [2 to 4].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +1 for Perfect Balance.

Customization Notes

The traceur is a newcomer on the action scene. This makes it tricky to suggest strong personality types. A reasonable choice would be a clean-living jock with traits such as Compulsive Behavior (Physical fitness), Intolerance (Nonathletic people), Vow (No alcohol, etc.), and Workaholic – but a troublemaking punk with disadvantages like Compulsive Behavior (Reaching “inaccessible” locations), Social Stigma, and Trickster would also work. All that’s certain is that the role demands some of Impulsiveness, On the Edge, and Overconfidence!

Not every traceur runs the same way:

Free Runner: You’re an urban acrobat, not a PK purist. Where’s the fun in running in straight lines? High Basic Move and Daredevil are apt advantage choices. Anything goes as far as skills are concerned; Dancing, improved Escape, and Karate (for showy kicks, not necessarily in a fight!) seem likely, and Computer Operation lets you post your cool videos to YouTube. Special-ability points might go into more Acrobatics or Running; the Acrobatic Feints and Acrobatic Kicks perks; the Flying Leap skill; or stunt techniques like Acrobatic Stand, Dive n’ Roll, Running Climb, Skidding, Sliding, and Spinning.

Monkey: You relish the vertical side of your discipline, defying walls, fences, and anything else that stands in your way. You’ll want Flexibility for its big Climbing bonus, Arm ST for pull-ups, and Catfall and/or DR for surviving falls. Helpful skills are Knot-Tying and Throwing for ropes and grapnels, plus Area Knowledge and improved Urban Survival to know your way around. Aside from higher Climbing, special-abilities points might buy the Combat Pole-Vaulting perk, the Flying Leap skill, or techniques such as Rappelling, Roll with Blow, Rope Up, Running Climb, and Scaling.

Punk: You are a warrior – maybe even a ruffian – but you privilege mobility above strikes and parries. Efficient uses of advantage points are combative traits like Combat Reflexes, DR, Enhanced Dodge, High Pain Threshold, and upgraded Trained by a Master. Skills should include Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, and probably weapons training. Useful martial-arts abilities are the Acrobatic Feints and Acrobatic Kicks perks; Immovable Stance skill; and combat techniques such as Feint, Flying Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Spinning Kick, and Sweeping Kick.

Urban Explorer: You use PK as a means to an end: exploring urban areas that are off-limits, like rooftops, sewers, abandoned buildings, and subway tunnels. More Perception, Absolute Direction, Flexibility (for the tiniest cracks), and Serendipity (“Oh, the door is open!”) can help. Valuable skills here are Area Knowledge, Forced Entry, Lockpicking, Stealth, and higher Urban Survival. Handy special abilities are the Compact Frame perk, the Light Walk skill (for areas condemned as dangerously unstable), and the Disappear and Evade techniques (for eluding security guards).

WEAPON MASTER (GURPS Action 3: Furious Fists) [250]

You’re an expert with a specific hand-to-hand combat weapon, and have few rivals at its use; it is to you as the gun is to the shooter (Heroes, p. 14). Indeed, in your hands, it is in many ways deadlier than a firearm. However, you realize that range is an advantage and that your favorite toy is no less detectable than a gun, so you also value stealth and concealment – although perhaps not as rabidly as the ninja (pp. 8-9).

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Enhanced Parry 1 (Weapon of choice) [5]; Luck [15]; Weapon Bond (Any starting weapon) [1]; and Weapon Master (Weapon of choice) [20]. • A further 30 points chosen from among lens advantages (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5), additional martial-arts abilities, ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Ambidexterity [5], Arm ST 1-2 [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1-2 [15/level], Enhanced Parry 2-3 (Weapon of choice) [5/level], Extra Attack 1 [25], Gizmos 1- 3 [5/gizmo], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity 1-2 [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1-2 [5/level], Strong Chi 1-4 [5/level], Wild Talent 1 [20], replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points, or expand Weapon Master (Weapon of choice) [20] to Weapon Master (Two weapons) [25] for 5 points or Weapon Master (Small class of weapons) [30] for 10 points.

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Code of Honor (“Fight fair!”) [-5], (Gentleman’s) [-10], or (Bushido) [-15], Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; Extremely Hazardous; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-10, -15, or -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Intolerance (Rival nation or other large group) [-5], Obsession (Beat a specific rival) [-5*], Secret (Illegal tournament deaths) [-20], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Delusion (“Guns are no match for my favorite weapon!”) [-5], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], On the Edge [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Vow (Use only muscle-powered attacks) [-10]. • A further -15 points chosen from either of the previous lists or Distinctive Features (Dueling scars) [-1], Jealousy [-10], Loner [-5*], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Stubbornness [-5], Trademark [-5 to -15], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: A total of 16 points in skills to wield your melee weapon of choice and ancillary weapons, chosen from among Fast-Draw (any), Knife, or Thrown Weapon (any), all (E) DX+2 [4]-17; Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Cloak, Jitte/Sai, Main-Gauche, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, Spear, Staff, Tonfa, Two-Handed Sword, or Whip, all (A) DX+1 [4]-16; Flail, Kusari, or Two-Handed Flail, all (H) DX [4]-15; or 4 points/level to raise any of these by up to three levels.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-14; Holdout (A) IQ+2 [8]-12; Jumping (E) DX [1]-15; and Stealth (A) DX [2]-15. • One of Boxing (A) DX [2]-15, Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-16, or Karate (H) DX-1 [2]-14. • Either Judo (H) DX-1 [2]-14 or Wrestling (A) DX [2]-15. •Five of Fast-Draw (any), Guns (Pistol), or Thrown Weapon (any), all (E) DX+1 [2]-16; Throwing (A) DX [2]-15; Parry Missile Weapons (H) DX-1 [2]-14; Armoury (Melee Weapons), Connoisseur (Melee Weapons), Soldier, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; Hiking or Running, both (A) HT [2]-11; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-10; or 2 points to raise one of these skills or Acrobatics, Stealth, or an unarmed skill by a level.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (p. 4 and Heroes, pp. 4-5). • Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-14.

Martial-Arts Abilities: A total of 15 points in any of the perks, cinematic skills, and techniques below – preferably armed specialties, where possible. Perks: Deadly Pose [1]; Dirty Fighting 1-3 [1/level]; Finishing Move [1]; Focused Fury [1]; Off-Hand Weapon Training [1]; Trademark Move [1]; or Weapon Bond [1].

Cinematic Skills: Flying Leap (requires Power Blow) or Pressure Points, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-8; Throwing Art (H) DX-2 [1]-13; Kiai (H) HT-2 [1]-9; Power Blow (H) Will-2 [1]-8; or Blind Fighting (VH) Per-3 [1]-7. Spending a total of 2 points in any skill buys it at one level higher, a total of 4 points purchases it at two levels higher, and cost is 4 points/level after that.

Techniques: Acrobatic Stand [1 to 6]; Arm Lock [1 to 4]; Disarming [2 to 6]; Dual-Weapon Attack [2 to 5]; Evade [1 to 5]; Feint [2 to 5]; Kicking [2 or 3]; Retain Weapon [2 to 6]; Roll with Blow [2 or 3]; Stamp Kick [2 to 4]; or Toe Flip [1 to 5].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

Cinematic weapon masters are all over the map. Classics include:

Escrimador: Escrima, Kali . . . it’s all beating the living daylights out of people with two sticks. Cinema tends to portray edgy, slightly unhinged types with issues such as Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Delusion, Impulsiveness, Obsession, On the Edge, and Stubbornness, although you need not be like that. Ambidexterity is nearly universal, and improved DX, better Basic Speed, and Extra Attack can give the customary blinding speed. Sticks call for Smallsword, Shortsword, or Broadsword, depending on size. Other important skills are Judo and Karate, along with Intimidation, Streetwise, and superior Acrobatics. The Focused Fury perk and the Pressure Points and Power Blow skills are common, and the Dual-Weapon Attack technique is crucial.

Fencer: You’re a fencing master, probably suave and carrying a sword cane. A Code of Honor is likely, often with Intolerance or Obsession toward those who’ve offended it; Bad Temper, Distinctive Features, and Jealousy suit hot-tempered duelists. Better IQ and Enhanced Parry help project a “scheming chess-master” image. Core skills include Smallsword (or, rarely, Saber or Rapier) and Fast-Draw (Sword), and maybe Shortsword to wield the sheath as a baton. Boxing, Connoisseur, Tactics, and better Acrobatics fit the archetype. Extra Weapon Bond perks are common, Flying Leap allows flashy lunges, and crucial techniques are Disarming and Feint. If you fight sword-and-dagger or sword-and-cane, extend Weapon Master to two weapons and add OffHand Weapon Training and Dual-Weapon Attack.

Knife-Fighter: Knives are cheap, common, concealable, and quite deadly when used properly. As a cinematic knife-fighter, you’re expected to be sly and ruthless; Bloodlust, Callous, Loner, Secret, and Social Stigma fit. As for advantages, better ST (regular, Arm, or Striking) can offset low knife damage, although a knife can benefit from at most effective ST 15 if small or ST 18 if large; Combat Reflexes or Enhanced Parry can offset the Parry penalty; and Extra Attack lets you fight like in the movies. Knife, Fast-Draw (Knife), and Thrown Weapon (Knife) are your go-to skills. You’ll also want Brawling and Wrestling for backup, and street smarts in the form of Guns, Intimidation, Running, Streetwise, and better Stealth. Important martial-arts abilities are the Dirty Fighting and Focused Fury perks; the Power Blow skill; and decent levels of Disarming, Evade, and Feint.

Samurai: You’re a master of the katana. A strict Code of Honor is likely, alongside a few of Bad Temper, Bloodlust, Fanaticism, Honesty, Sense of Duty, and Vow, the details of which depend on how you perceive “honor.” Striking ST and increased Basic Speed are valuable for killing with the first strike. Learn Broadsword and Fast-Draw (Sword) for onehanded use, and/or Two-Handed Sword and Fast-Draw (TwoHanded Sword) for two hands. Back this up with Intimidation, Judo, Karate, and Parry Missile Weapons. Also get a few of the Deadly Pose perk, the Kiai and Power Blow skills, and the Retain Weapon technique (don’t lose that ancestral blade!). For two swords, broaden Weapon Master to two weapons, add Shortsword for the wakizashi, and buy Dual-Weapon Attack and Off-Hand Weapon Training.

Sarge: Cinematic soldiers sometimes focus heavily on melee, despite their guns and grenades. Soldierly disadvantages such as Duty, Fanaticism, and Sense of Duty are good, and screaming drill sergeants often have Bad Temper, Distinctive Features, Odious Personal Habits, Stubbornness, and Workaholic. Boost Weapon Master to cover a small class of arms, and consider Combat Reflexes or more HT. Vital primary skills are Axe/Mace for shovels, Knife, Spear for fixed bayonets, and Staff for rifle butts. Other training includes Hiking, Intimidation, Soldier, Tactics, and the military lens and its Guns skills. Buy the Focused Fury perk, the Throwing Art skill (so you can hurl all this junk), and the Arm Lock, Retain Weapon, and Stamp Kick techniques to round out your capabilities.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Templates

BARBARIAN - 250 points

You’re a beefy warrior from somewhere distant and a little backward – probably the Frozen North. You combine physical grit with a connection to nature second only to that of the druid (p. 7). As the Big, Tough Guy, you can withstand almost any punishment, even dangers that armor can’t stop, making you as essential in combat as the party’s knight (p. 8). You’re also a more-than-capable outdoorsman, and as crucial as the scout (p. 10) on outdoor adventures.

Attributes: ST 17 (Size†, -10%) [63]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d+2/3d-1; BL 58 lbs.; HP 22 (Size†, -10%) [9]; Will 10 [0]; Per 12 [10]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 7† [0].

Advantages: High Pain Threshold [10] and Outdoorsman 4 [40]. • A further 30 points chosen from among ST +1 to +3 [9/level], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Animal Empathy [5], Animal Friend 1-4 [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Discriminatory Smell [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], Lifting ST 1-3 [3/level], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Magic Resistance [2/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Recovery [10], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 9†], Temperature Tolerance 1 or 2 [1 or 2], or Weapon Bond [1].

Disadvantages: Gigantism [0] and Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10]. • Another -10 points chosen from among Easy to Read [-10], Gullibility [-10*], Language: Spoken (Native)/Written (None) [-3], Low TL 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Odious Personal Habit (Unrefined manners) [-5], Phobia (Machinery) [-5*], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10]. • A further -20 points chosen from among the previous traits or Appearance (Unattractive or Ugly) [-4 or -8], Bad Temper [-10*], Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Compulsive Carousing [-5*] or Phobia (Crowds) [-15*], Gluttony [-5*], Ham-Fisted 1 or 2 [-5 or -10], Horrible Hangovers [-1], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5].

Primary Skills: Camouflage (E) IQ+4 [1]-14‡; Navigation (Land) (A) IQ+4 [2]-14‡; Survival (any) (A) Per+3 [1]-15‡; and Tracking (A) Per+3 [1]-15‡. • One of Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace, Harpoon, Spear, or Stick) (E) DX+2 [4]-15; or Bolas, Bow, Spear Thrower, or Throwing, all (A) DX+1 [4]-14. • One of these four melee skills packages: 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8]-15, and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16. 2. Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-14 and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16. 3. One of Polearm, Spear, Two-Handed Axe/Mace, or TwoHanded Sword, all (A) DX+4 [16]-17. 4. Two-Handed Flail (H) DX+3 [16]-16.

Secondary Skills: Brawling (E) DX [1]-13; Stealth and Wrestling, both (A) DX [2]-13; Mimicry (Animal Sounds or Bird Calls) and Naturalist, both (H) IQ+2 [1]-12‡; Swimming (E) HT [1]-13; Hiking and Running, both (A) HT-1 [1]-12; and Fishing (E) Per+4 [1]-16‡.

Background Skills: Animal Handling (any), Disguise (Animals), and Weather Sense, all (A) IQ [2]-10; and Intimidation (A) Will [2]-10. • Four of Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-13; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-12; First Aid, Gesture, or Seamanship, all (E) IQ [1]-10; Carousing (E) HT [1]-13; Lifting (A) HT-1 [1]-12; Skiing (H) HT-2 [1]-11; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes effects of Gigantism (p. B20). Rolls to hit you are at +1. You may use oversized weapons (p. 27) and must buy extra-large armor (p. 28).

‡ Includes +4 for Outdoorsman.

Customization Notes

Many barbarian archetypes exist. The savage berserker has more ST, extra “physical grit” like HT and Hard to Kill, and such disadvantages as Berserk and Bloodlust. The primal survivalist goes for more Per, Discriminatory Smell, Temperature Tolerance, and disadvantages like illiteracy, Low TL, and reduced Wealth. The noble wilderness guardian prefers Animal Empathy, Animal Friend, Fearlessness, and disadvantages like Overconfidence and Sense of Duty. Choose weapon skills that underline the desired “feel.” The stereotypical Dark Ages warrior might have Axe/Mace, Shield, and Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace). A caveman would probably prefer Spear and Thrown Weapon (Spear). Match Survival specialty and background skills to origin, too. An ocean raider from the Frozen North will want Survival (Arctic), Seamanship, and Skiing. A jungle guerrilla in leopard skin will find Survival (Jungle), Gesture, and Observation more useful. Since any weapon is deadly at ST 17, you don’t need a pricy sword; axes, sticks, and clubs will do. Unlike other warriors, then, consider using the 5 points that quirks give you to strengthen your archetype instead of sacrificing them for money. For example, a jungle warrior might buy two more levels of Camouflage and another level of Stealth – strong and sneaky is a deadly mix!

BARD - 250 points

You’re a magical minstrel who dabbles in a little of everything: the roguish pursuits of the thief (p. 12), the swordplay of the swashbuckler (p. 11), and the spellcraft of the wizard (p. 13). You rarely need to be so crudely direct, though – the power of Bard-Song (p. 21) lets you neutralize many opponents without resorting to violence or tiring spells. Exceptional social gifts round out your repertoire, helping the party score superior deals when buying or selling in town.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Bardic Talent 2 [16]; Charisma 1 [5]; Musical Ability 2 [10]; and Voice [10]. • 25 points in Bard-Song abilities (p. 21); put leftovers into special skills and spells. • A further 25 points chosen from among additional Bard-Song abilities or DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], FP +1 to +8 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Acute Hearing [2/level], Appearance (Attractive, Handsome, or Very Handsome) [4, 12, or 16], Bardic Talent 3 or 4 [8 or 16], Charisma 2-6 [5/level], Cultural Adaptability [10], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Honest Face [1], Language Talent [10], Languages (any) [2-6/language], Luck [15], Musical Ability 3 or 4 [5 or 10], No Hangover [1], Penetrating Voice [1], Signature Gear [Varies], Smooth Operator 1 [15], Social Chameleon [5], Wealth (Comfortable or Wealthy) [10 or 20], or Wild Talent 1 [20]. Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Lecherousness [-15*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Xenophilia [-10*]. • Another -15 points chosen from among Curious [-5*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Trickster [-15*]. • A further -20 points chosen from either of the two previous lists or Code of Honor (Gentleman’s) [-10], Compulsive Lying [-15*], Odious Personal Habit (Continuous singing or strumming) [-5], or Post-Combat Shakes [-5*].

Primary Skills: Acting (A) IQ [2]-14; Diplomacy (H) IQ [1]-14†; Fast-Talk (A) IQ+1 [1]-15†; Musical Instrument (any) (H) IQ [2]-15‡; Performance (A) IQ+1 [1]-15†; Public Speaking (A) IQ+2 [1]-16†§; and Singing (E) HT+4 [1]-15†‡. • One of Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, or Smallsword, all (A) DX+2 [8]-14. • One of Shield (Buckler) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Cloak or Main-Gauche, both (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or raise main sword skill to DX+2 [12]-15. • One of Thrown Weapon (Knife) (E) DX+1 [2]-13; or Bow or Throwing, both (A) DX [2]-12.

Secondary Skills: Fast-Draw (any) (E) DX [1]-12; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12; Current Affairs (any) and Savoir-Faire (High Society), both (E) IQ [1]-14; Interrogation, Merchant, Propaganda, and Streetwise, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Musical Composition (H) IQ [1]-14‡; Carousing (E) HT [1]-11; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-13; and Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-12.

Background Skills: Heraldry and Poetry, both (A) IQ-1 [1]- 13. • Six of Climbing or Dancing, both (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand, both (H) DX-2 [1]-10; First Aid or Gesture, both (E) IQ [1]-14; Connoisseur (any), Disguise, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Mimicry (Speech) or Ventriloquism, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-10; Sex Appeal (A) HT+1 [1]-12†; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-13.

Special Skills and Spells: Spend 20 points on Hypnotism (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Musical Influence (VH) IQ-1 [1]-13‡; Persuade (H) Will-2 [1]-12; Suggest or Sway Emotions, both (H) Will- 2 [1]-12 (require Persuade); Captivate (H) Will-2 [1]-12 (requires Suggest); or wizardly spells (p. 20) from the Communication and Empathy and/or Mind Control colleges, which will be either (H) IQ [1]-14 or (VH) IQ-1 [1]-13 with the +2 for Bardic Talent.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +2 for Voice.

‡ Includes +2 for Musical Ability.

§ Includes +1 for Charisma.

Customization Notes

A bard doesn’t start out an expert at anything, and can be challenging to play until he has earned some points to spend on his favorite tricks. Thus, bards are best for players who don’t mind supporting the party with a little song, a little spellcasting, and a little swordplay. It helps to decide early on whether to focus on Bard-Song (Rapier Wit and Terror work well in combat), spells (also combat-effective, and benefit from higher IQ or Bardic Talent), or out-of-combat effectiveness (e.g., high Charisma aids reactions, and enables the Enthrallment skills to sway platoons of neutrals to the bard’s cause; see p. B191).

Since a bard needs a costly blade and a musical instrument – the latter often bought as an expensive power item (p. 28) – it’s wise to sacrifice some of the 5 points from quirks for cash. Given the diversity of Bard-Song abilities, instruments, and spells, bards don’t especially need those points to further distinguish themselves from their peers.

CLERIC - 250 points

You’re the mortal representative of the Powers of Good. You might not be the physical foe of Evil that is the holy warrior (p. 7), but you’re no cloistered idealist – when Evil need whacking, you go out in the world and whack it. To complement your mundane weapons, your god grants you healing and protection spells (p. 19), and also the spark of Holy Might (p. 22), which never fails you even when you’re too exhausted to fight or cast.

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Clerical Investment [5] and Power Investiture 3 [30]. • 25 points in Holy abilities (p. 22); put leftovers into spells. • A further 20 points chosen from among additional Holy abilities or ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Will +1 to +4 [5/level], FP +1 to +6 [3/level], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Healer 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Languages (any) [2-6/language], Luck [15], Mind Shield [4/level], Power Investiture 4 or 5 [10 or 20], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], or Signature Gear [Varies].

Disadvantages: One of Honesty (12) [-10], Sense of Duty (Coreligionists) [-10], or Vow (No edged weapons) [-10]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism or Mysticism) [-5 or -10], Fanaticism [-15], Intolerance (“Evil” religions) or (All other religions) [-5 or -10], Vow (Chastity or Vegetarianism) [-5], or Wealth (Struggling or Poor) [-10 or -15]. • A further -25 points chosen from either of the two previous lists or Charitable [-15*], Compulsive Generosity [-5*] or Miserliness [-10*], Gluttony [-5*], Overconfidence [-5*], Overweight [-1] or Fat [-3], Selfless [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], or Weirdness Magnet [-15].

Primary Skills: Esoteric Medicine (Holy) (H) Per [4]-14 and Exorcism (H) Will [4]-14. • One of Innate Attack (any) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or Sling (H) DX [4]-12. • One of these three melee skills packages: 1. One of Axe/Mace or Broadsword, both (A) DX+2 [8]-14, and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14. 2. Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-13 and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14. 3. Staff (A) DX+3 [12]-15.

Secondary Skills: First Aid (E) IQ [1]-14; Hidden Lore (Demons, Spirits, or Undead), Occultism, Public Speaking, and Teaching, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Diagnosis, Theology, and Religious Ritual, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Surgery (VH) IQ-2 [2]-12; and Meditation (H) Will-2 [1]-12.

Background Skills: Five of Climbing or Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Gesture, Panhandling, or Savoir-Faire (High Society), all (E) IQ [1]-14; Research or Writing, both (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-11; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; or Observation or Search, both (A) Per-1 [1]-13. Spells: Choose 20 clerical spells (p. 19), which will be either (H) IQ+1 [1]-15 or (VH) IQ [1]-14 with the +3 for Power Investiture.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

The classic fantasy cleric who wants to turn undead should spend 24 of the 25 points earmarked for Holy abilities on True Faith with the Turning enhancement (GURPS Powers, p. 84). Other possibilities exist, but most work better as high-level abilities, to be acquired later with earned points.

After that, the most important thing to decide for a cleric is starting spells. Common areas of concentration include spells that boost resistance and combat effectiveness, known as “buffs”; healing spells; and spells for combating supernatural foes (evil wizards, undead, etc.). For example:

Buffs: Affect Spirits, Armor, Bravery, Coolness, Flaming Weapon, Magic Resistance, Might, Resist Acid, Resist Cold, Resist Disease, Resist Fire, Resist Lightning, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Resist Pressure, Shield, Strengthen Will, Vigor, Warmth, and Wisdom.

Healing: Awaken, Cleansing, Great Healing, Healing Slumber, Lend Energy, Lend Vitality, Major Healing, Minor Healing, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Relieve Paralysis, Restoration, Restore Hearing, Restore Sight, Restore Speech, Share Vitality, Stone to Flesh, Stop Bleeding, Stop Paralysis, and Stop Spasm.

Supernatural Warfare: Affect Spirits, Astral Vision, Aura, Command, Command Spirit, Detect Magic, Dispel Possession, Final Rest, Magic Resistance, Repel Spirits, Sense Spirit, Silence, Strengthen Will, Summon Spirit, Sunbolt, Sunlight, Thunderclap, Turn Spirit, Turn Zombie, and Watchdog.

These choices might have something to do with the cleric’s god, but other traits can reflect the deity’s nature. For instance, a priest of the War God might select more DX; disadvantages like Fanaticism, Intolerance, and Overconfidence; and “soldierly” skills such as Climbing, Hiking, and Stealth. Most clerics will want to trade some or all of the 5 points from quirks for money for a good power item (p. 28) – most often a superior holy symbol – and decent armor.

DRUID - 250 points

Your friends call you a “nature priest.” That’s half true: you do worship Nature, and Nature has powerful allies, but you’re dedicated to Life above all, and your powers are a divine reward for your fervor. Like the cleric (p. 6), you cast supportive spells (p. 19). You’re also an initiate of the Druidic Arts (p. 22). These gifts don’t work perfectly down in the dungeon, but they do work – and without you, the party often wouldn’t reach the dungeon!

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Green Thumb 1 [5] and Power Investiture 3 (Druidic) [30]. • 20 points in Druidic abilities (p. 22); put leftovers into spells. • A further 20 points chosen from among additional Druidic abilities or IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Per +1 to +4 [5/level], FP +1 to +6 [3/level], Animal Friend 1-4 [5/level], Green Thumb 2-4 [5/level], Healer 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Intuition [15], Luck [15], Mind Shield [4/level], Outdoorsman 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Power Investiture (Druidic) 4 or 5 [10 or 20], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Signature Gear [Varies], or Spirit Empathy [10].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism or Mysticism) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Wild nature) [-15], Vow (Vegetarianism) [-5], Vow (Never sleep indoors) [-10], or Wealth (Struggling or Poor) [-10 or -15]. • A further -25 points chosen from among the previous traits or Intolerance (Urbanites) [-5], Loner [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habit (“Dirty hippy”) [-5], Overconfidence [-5*], Phobia (Crowds) [-15*], Phobia (Fire) [-5*], Phobia (Machinery) [-5*], Stubbornness [-5], or Weirdness Magnet [-15].

Primary Skills: Esoteric Medicine (Druidic) (H) Per [4]-14; Herb Lore (VH) IQ [4]-14†; and Naturalist (H) IQ [2]-14†. • One of Innate Attack (any) or Thrown Weapon (Spear or Stick), all (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Bolas, Lasso, or Throwing, all (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or Blowpipe, Net, or Sling, all (H) DX [4]-12. • One of these two melee skills packages: 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Shortsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8]-14, and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14. 2. One of Spear or Staff, both (A) DX+3 [12]-15.

Secondary Skills: Camouflage (E) IQ [1]-14; Animal Handling (any), Disguise (Animals), Hidden Lore (Elementals, Faeries, or Nature Spirits), and Weather Sense, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Mimicry (Animal Sounds or Bird Calls), Pharmacy (Herbal), Religious Ritual (Druidic), Theology (Druidic), and Veterinary, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; and Survival (any) (A) Per-1 [1]-13.

Background Skills: Climbing and Stealth, both (A) DX [2]-12; and Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-12. • Three of Knife (E) DX [1]-12; First Aid or Gesture, both (E) IQ [1]-14; Animal Handling (any other), Hidden Lore (any other), or Teaching, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Diagnosis or Poisons, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-13.

Spells: Choose 20 druidic spells (p. 19), which will be either (H) IQ+1 [1]-15 or (VH) IQ [1]-14 with the +3 for Power Investiture (Druidic).

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +1 for Green Thumb.

Customization Notes

Druids fall into a few broad categories, defined largely by their spells. Beastmasters prefer spells that let them summon and interact with animals, and might enter play knowing Animal Control (Bird Control, Fish Control, Mammal Control, Reptile Control, and Vermin Control), Beast Link, BeastRouser, Beast Seeker, Beast Speech, Beast-Soother, Beast Summoning, Master, Protect Animal, Repel Animal (Repel Birds, Repel Fish, Repel Mammals, Repel Reptiles, and Repel Vermin), Rider, and Rider Within.

Elementalists favor spells of elemental fury. A typical starting list would be Clouds, Fog, Freeze, Frost, Mystic Mist, Rain, Recover Energy, Shape Air, Shape Earth, Shape Water, Snow, Summon Air Elemental, Summon Earth Elemental, Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Water Elemental, Wall of Wind, Waves, Whirlpool, Wind, and Windstorm.

Green druids focus on Plant spells and magic useful in the forest. Such a druid might start with Animate Plant, Blossom, Conceal, Create Plant, False Tracks, Forest Warning, Hide Path, Identify Plant, Plant Control, Plant Growth, Plant Sense, Plant Speech, Plant Vision, Pollen Cloud, Rain of Nuts, Rejuvenate Plant, Shape Plant, Tangle Growth, Walk Through Plants, and Walk Through Wood.

Of course, a druid could know just about any set of druidic spells – he isn’t limited to one of these lists. Druids who desire access to powerful combat and shapeshifting magic should be sure to raise Power Investiture (Druidic) to level 4 or 5 with advantage points.

Unlike other casters, druids rarely trade the 5 points they get from quirks for money for a power item. More likely investments are extra spells or Druidic abilities.

HOLY WARRIOR - 250 points

You fight for what’s right – and the gods have your back. You’re on a quest to bury Evil six feet deep and make sure it stays there. Like the cleric (p. 6), you carry the flame of Holy Might (p. 22), but where the cleric wields spells, you prefer the sword, much like the knight (p. 8). While people who don’t know you sometimes think that makes you a generalist, you’re a true specialist when it comes to destroying Evil.

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 14 [10]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Born War Leader 1 [5]; Higher Purpose (Slay Demons or Slay Undead) [5]; Holiness 2 [10]; and Shtick (Foes slain personally can’t rise as undead) [1]. • 25 points in Holy abilities (p. 22); put leftovers into more advantages. • A further 25 points chosen from among additional Holy abilities or ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], HP +1 to +3 [2/level], Will +1 to +5 [5/level], Born War Leader 2-4 [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Block 1 [5], Enhanced Parry 1 (One Melee Weapon skill) [5], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Higher Purpose (different from first) [5], Holiness 3 or 4 [5 or 10], Luck [15], Magic Resistance [2/level], Rapid Healing [5], Recovery [10], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 10], or Weapon Bond [1].

Disadvantages: One of Honesty (12) [-10], Sense of Duty (Good entities) [-10], or Vow (Own no more than horse can carry) [-10]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Charitable [-15*], Compulsive Generosity [-5*], Compulsive Vowing [-5*], Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism or Mysticism) [-5 or -10], Fanaticism [-15], Intolerance (“Evil” religions) or (All other religions) [-5 or -10], Selfless [-5*], Truthfulness [-5*], or Vow (Chastity) [-5]. • A further -15 points chosen from either of the two previous lists or Bloodlust [-10*], Code of Honor (Chivalry) [-15], Easy to Read [-10], No Sense of Humor [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Exorcism (H) Will [4]-14 and Hidden Lore (Demons or Undead) (A) IQ [2]-12. • One of Crossbow or Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace or Spear), all (E) DX+2 [4]-15; or Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-14. • One of these three melee skills packages: 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+3 [12]-16, and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16. 2. Flail (H) DX+2 [12]-15 and Shield (E) DX+3 [8]-16. 3. One of Polearm, Spear, or Two-Handed Sword, all (A) DX+5 [20]-18.

Secondary Skills: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Wrestling (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Leadership (A) IQ [1]-12†; Physiology (monster type) and Psychology (same monster type), both (H) IQ [4]-12; Strategy and Tactics, both (H) IQ [2]-12†; and Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-13.

Background Skills: Religious Ritual and Theology, both (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Meditation (H) Will-2 [1]-10; and Esoteric Medicine (Holy) (H) Per-2 [1]-10. • Five of Fast-Draw (any) (E) DX [1]-13; Climbing, Lance, Riding (Horse), or Stealth, all (A) DX-1 [1]-12; First Aid or Gesture, both (E) IQ [1]-12; Interrogation (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Physiology (other monster type) or Psychology (other monster type), both (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-12; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +1 for Born War Leader (p. 14).

Customization Notes

The whole point of playing a holy warrior is to have Holy abilities, so it makes sense to favor these when choosing advantages. Holy warriors get especially good use out of Blessed (notably the Heroic Feats variant; see p. B41), Resistant to Evil Supernatural Powers, and True Faith with Turning (GURPS Powers, p. 84). Gamers who wish to focus exclusively on fighting will be happier playing barbarians, knights, and swashbucklers.

Other choices should support a clear archetype. Some holy warriors are paragons of religious chivalry (peaceful Higher Purpose, more Holiness, Charitable, Code of Honor, and of course the Lance and Riding skills); others are hard-eyed inquisitors (more Will, Unfazeable, Honesty, Intolerance, No Sense of Humor, and skills like Stealth and Interrogation). All are crusaders, whether they lead armies (additional Born War Leader, Fanaticism, Sense of Duty, and soldier’s skills such as First Aid and Hiking) or confront Evil’s champions in personal combat (more ST and HP, High Pain Threshold, Bloodlust, and supplementary Physiology and Psychology specialties for monsters). Like most fighters, holy warriors should consider sacrificing some of the 5 points from quirks for cash enough to buy good weapons and armor.

KNIGHT - 250 points

Officially, you might not be a knight, but you’re more dedicated than some fop living in a castle. Anyway, “knight” sounds better than “fighter” (dull!) or “thug” (offensive!). Like the barbarian (p. 4), you favor heavy weapons, and like the swashbuckler (p. 11), you’re very skilled. Unlike both, though, you have the good sense to wear proper armor. You’re into dungeon delving to prove your mettle – although the loot doesn’t hurt, given the high price of decent weapons and armor.

Attributes: ST 14 [40]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d; BL 39 lbs.; HP 14 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Born War Leader 2 [10]; Combat Reflexes [15]; and High Pain Threshold [10]. • Another 60 points chosen from among ST +1 to +6 [10/level], DX +1 to +3 [20/level], HT +1 to +6 [10/level], HP +1 to +4 [2/level], Basic Speed +1 or +2 [20 or 40], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Born War Leader 3 or 4 [5 or 10], Enhanced Block 1 [5], Enhanced Parry 1 (One Melee Weapon skill) [5], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Penetrating Voice [1], Rapid Healing [5], Recovery [10], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 10], Weapon Bond [1], or Weapon Master [20 to 45].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Code of Honor (Pirate’s, Soldier’s, or Chivalry) [-5, -10, or -15], Obsession (Slay some specific type of monster) [-5*], One Eye [-15], Sense of Duty (Nation) [-10], Vow (Never refuse a challenge to combat) [-10], or Wounded [-5]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Bully [-10*], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Greed [-15*], Honesty [-10*], Lecherousness [-15*], Overconfidence [-5*], or Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5].

Primary Skills: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-15 or Boxing (A) DX [2]-14; Fast-Draw (any) (E) DX+1 [1]-15†; Knife (E) DX [1]-14; Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-16‡; and Sumo Wrestling or Wrestling, both (A) DX [2]-14. • One of Crossbow or Thrown Weapon (Axe/Mace or Spear), all (E) DX+2 [4]-16; Bow or Throwing, both (A) DX+1 [4]-15; or Sling (H) DX [4]-14. • One of these three sets of options: 1. One of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Polearm‡, Shortsword, Spear‡, or Two-Handed Sword‡, all (A) DX+6 [24]-20; or Flail (H) DX+5 [24]-19. 2. Two of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Polearm‡, Shortsword, Spear‡, or Two-Handed Sword‡, all (A) DX+3 [12]-17; or Flail (H) DX+2 [12]-16. 3. Three of Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Lance, Polearm‡, Riding (Horse), Shortsword, Spear‡, or Two-Handed Sword‡, all (A) DX+2 [8]-16; or Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-15.

Secondary Skills: Armoury (Body Armor or Melee Weapons) and Connoisseur (Weapons), both (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Leadership (A) IQ+1 [1]-11§; and Strategy and Tactics, both (H) IQ+1 [2]-11§.

Background Skills: Four of Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-14; Climbing or Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-13; First Aid, Gesture, or Savoir-Faire (High Society), all (E) IQ [1]-10; Gambling, Heraldry, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Carousing (E) HT [1]-13; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-12; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-9; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-10; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-9.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +1 for Combat Reflexes.

‡ Knights who prefer two-handed weapons can omit Shield and raise a two-handed combat skill by a level.

§ Includes +2 for Born War Leader (p. 14).

Customization Notes

With 60 points in advantages, any “heavy fighter” archetype fits. Examples include the chivalrous knight (more Born War Leader, Weapon Master with knightly weapons, Code of Honor (Chivalry), Honesty, Sense of Duty, and the Broadsword, Heraldry, Lance, Riding, and Savoir-Faire skills), the lithe Amazon (high DX and Basic Speed, Sense of Duty to her sisters, skill with Shortsword and Spear, and a soldier’s knowledge of First Aid, Hiking, and Scrounging), the thug (piles of ST, Bad Temper, Bloodlust, the Flail skill because it’s menacing, and Forced Entry and Intimidation), and the crusty mercenary (extra HT and HP, Hard to Kill, Rapid Healing, Code of Honor (Soldier’s), Greed, the Polearm skill for the battlefield, and Carousing and Gambling for downtime). An important decision is whether to master just one weapon skill or be good with two or three. A single skill will let you dominate combat with your weapon of choice right from the start. You can’t control what loot you’ll find, though – if you’re adept at Axe/Mace, Broadsword, and Flail, then you’ll be able to use most one-handed weapons that turn up. Don’t forget that some weapons need multiple skills; e.g., a samurai needs Broadsword and Two-Handed Sword for his katana (but can omit Shield). Most knights trade the 5 points from quirks for cash for arms and armor.

MARTIAL ARTIST - 250 points

You’re a true master of barehanded combat and exotic weapons, from a faraway land – probably the Mysterious East. While the knight (p. 8) and swashbuckler (p. 11) claim to be trained in “martial arts,” their kung fu is weak. Years as a monastic ascetic have awakened your gift for Chi Mastery (p. 21) and taught you disciplines that channel your inner strength. Now you’ve left the monastery for the dungeon to perfect your art against even the strangest of foes.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 16 [120]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [0]; Basic Move 8 [5].

Advantages: Chi Talent 2 [30] and Trained by a Master [30]. • 20 points in Chi abilities (p. 21); put leftovers into special skills. • A further 20 points chosen from among additional Chi abilities or ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Will +1 to +4 [5/level], Per +1 to +4 [5/level], FP +1 to +6 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Ambidexterity [5], Chi Talent 3 [15], Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 1 or 2 (Unarmed) [5 or 10], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], Flexibility [5] or Double-Jointed [15], High Pain Threshold [10], Luck [15], Magic Resistance [2/level], Mind Shield [4/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Unfazeable [15], Weapon Bond [1], Weapon Master (One exotic weapon) [20], or Wild Talent 1 [20].

Disadvantages: Disciplines of Faith (Chi Rituals) [-10]. • Another -25 points chosen from among Code of Honor (Bushido, equivalent to Chivalry) [-15], Compulsive Vowing [-5*], Honesty [-10*], Obsession (“Perfect my art at any cost!”) [-10*], Social Stigma (Minority Group) [-10], Vow (Vegetarianism) [-5], Vow (Silence) [-10], Vow (Always fight unarmed) [-15], or Wealth (Struggling, Poor, or Dead Broke) [-10, -15, or -25]. • A further -15 points chosen from among those traits or Callous [-5], Loner [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Jumping (E) DX [1]-16; and Acrobatics, Judo, and Karate, all (H) DX-1 [2]-15. • One of Thrown Weapon (Dart, Knife, or Shuriken) (E) DX [1]-16; Throwing (A) DX- 1 [1]-15; or Blowpipe or Sling, both (H) DX-2 [1]-14. • One of these three melee skills packages: 1. Two of Knife (E) DX+2 [4]-18; Axe/Mace, Jitte/Sai, Shortsword, Smallsword, Staff, or Tonfa, all (A) DX+1 [4]-17; or Flail or Kusari, both (H) DX [4]-16. 2. One of the Melee Weapon skills in option 1, and raise both Judo and Karate to DX [4]-16. 3. No Melee Weapon skills, but raise one of Judo or Karate to DX+1 [8]-17 and the other to DX [4]-16.

Secondary Skills: Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-15 and Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]-10.

Background Skills: Tactics (H) IQ [4]-10. • Three of Fast-Draw (any) (E) DX [1]-16; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-15; First Aid or Gesture (E) IQ [1]-10; Teaching (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Hiking or Running, both (A) HT-1 [1]-11; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-10; or Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-9.

Special Skills: Seven of Immovable Stance, Light Walk, Parry Missile Weapons, Push, or Throwing Art, all (H) DX+1 [2]-17; Breaking Blow, Flying Leap (requires Power Blow), or Pressure Points, all (H) IQ+1 [2]-11; Breath Control or Kiai, both (H) HT+1 [2]-13; Body Control (VH) HT [2]-12; Mental Strength (E) Will+3 [2]-14; Mind Block (A) Will+2 [2]-13; Autohypnosis or Power Blow (H) Will+1 [2]-12; Esoteric Medicine (Chi) (H) Per+1 [2]-11; or Blind Fighting (VH) Per [2]-10. All include +2 for Chi Talent.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

The martial artist must balance Chi abilities, other advantages, and special skills. It’s tempting to take a few combat-effective Chi abilities (DR, Striking ST, etc.) and put all leftover points into one skill (e.g., Power Blow). However, the warrior with Catfall, DR, Danger Sense, and Resistant will probably live longer to develop his skills!

Favored combat skills affect these choices. Some martial artists fight using Judo and Karate. They need DR (to protect their hands) and Striking ST (because they lack a weapon’s leverage), and should improve Breaking Blow early in order to defeat armor. Martial artists who fight armed can take a longer view – they have a weapon between them and their enemies. This template depicts a fighter fresh from the monastery or academy. He’s capable but needs time to hone his skills. He’ll grow quickly with a few points, and the 5 points from quirks can boost key skills significantly. Those points aren’t needed for cash – a martial artist requires only inexpensive weapons and perhaps gauntlets (count as brass knuckles and protect the hands).

SCOUT - 250 points

You’re called “archer,” “stalker,” and “tracker,” and you’ve filled all three roles in the past. Such labels don’t do justice to your expertise, however. By taking the stealth of the thief (p. 12) into the great outdoors and mixing it with the mobility and skill at arms of the swashbuckler (p. 11), you’ve become a master of guerrilla warfare. You track elusive prey of all descriptions – and when the trail leads down into the dungeon, you follow it without hesitation.

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 14 [15]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [10]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Heroic Archer [20] and Outdoorsman 2 [20]. • 20 points chosen from among ST +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX +1 [20], HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], Per +1 to +4 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5], Acute Vision [2/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Fit [5] or Very Fit [15], High Pain Threshold [10], Luck [15], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Outdoorsman 3 or 4 [10 or 20], Peripheral Vision [15], Rapid Healing [5], Signature Gear [Varies], Weapon Bond [1], or Weapon Master (Bow) [20].

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Bloodlust [-10*], Callous [-5], Greed [-15*], Honesty [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Stubbornness [-5]. • Another -35 points chosen from among the previous traits or Code of Honor (Pirate’s or Soldier’s) [-5 or -10], Intolerance (Urbanites) [-5], Loner [-5*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Odious Personal Habit (“Unwashed bushwhacker”) [-5], Paranoia [-10], Phobia (Crowds) [-15*], Social Stigma (Disowned) [-5], Vow (Never sleep indoors) [-10], or Vow (Own no more than what can be carried) [-10].

Primary Skills: Bow (A) DX+4 [16]-18; Camouflage (E) IQ+3 [2]-14†; Fast-Draw (Arrow) (E) DX [1]-14; Observation (A) Per [2]-14; and Tracking (A) Per+2 [2]-16†. • One of these two melee skills packages: 1. One of Broadsword, Shortsword, or Spear, all (A) DX+2 [8]-16, and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-16. 2. One of Broadsword, Shortsword, Spear, or Staff, all (A) DX+3 [12]-17.

Secondary Skills: Climbing and Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-13; Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Cartography, Shadowing, and Traps, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Navigation (Land or Sea) (A) IQ+1 [1]-12†; Mimicry (Bird Calls) (H) IQ+1 [2]-12†; Hiking (A) HT [2]-12; and Survival (any) (A) Per+1 [1]-15†.

Background Skills: 8 points in improved primary or secondary skills, or Brawling, Fast-Draw (any other), Garrote, Jumping, Knife, or Knot-Tying, all (E) DX [1]-14; Boating (Unpowered), Riding (Horse), Throwing, or Wrestling, all (A) DX-1 [1]-13; First Aid or Seamanship, both (E) IQ [1]-11; Armoury (Missile Weapons), Prospecting, or Weather Sense, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-10; Swimming (E) HT [1]-12; Running (A) HT-1 [1]-11; Skiing (H) HT-2 [1]-10; or Search (A) Per-1 [1]-13.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +2 for Outdoorsman.

Customization Notes

The scout has one of the more specialized templates. It’s built around the Bow and Tracking skills, plus supporting abilities. Thus, a scout requires interesting choices of advantages, disadvantages, and skills to stand out. Classic archetypes include:

Bounty Hunter: You capture criminals – dead or alive – supplementing archery with traps and beatings. Danger Sense helps you avoid attempts to turn the tables on you, and high Per doesn’t hurt, either. Especially suitable disadvantages include Callous, Code of Honor (Pirate’s), Greed, Loner, No Sense of Humor, and Paranoia. A one-handed Melee Weapon skill and Shield are handy; not every hunt ends with a bowshot. Use background skill points to raise Stealth and Traps, and to buy Brawling, Knot-Tying, and Wrestling for subduing and restraining your quarry.

Ranger: You’re an honor-bound protector of roads and wild places – part patrolman, part warden. Combat Reflexes is classic (nobody surprises a ranger), and the remaining points might raise Basic Move for covering ground quickly, or buy Absolute Direction. Disadvantages include several of Code of Honor, Honesty, Sense of Duty, and various Vows, plus Loner, Phobia, and/or Social Stigma to explain why you avoid others. Get sword and Shield skills, and spend background skill points to raise Navigation a couple of levels and buy Boating, Riding, Running, Skiing, and Swimming, all so that you can get anywhere at any time.

Sharpshooter: You’re a dedicated bow sniper – basically, an assassin. You’ll almost certainly want Weapon Master (Bow) for the damage bonus. Disadvantages ought to include a heavy dose of “negative” traits like Bloodlust, Callous, Intolerance, and No Sense of Humor. Since you use your bow whenever possible, you’ll probably want only a sword skill for backup (no Shield). Background skill points might raise Bow another level, buy other assassination skills such as Garrote and Knife, and add Fast-Draw for your blades.

SWASHBUCKLER - 250 points

You’re living proof that the sword is mightier, speedier, and more stylish than, well, just about everything. In the time it takes the plodding knight (p. 8) to strike his first blow, you’ve struck two, and with more flair – and although you respect the precision of the martial artist (p. 9), you would never bring fists to a swordfight. You like nothing better than to leap and tumble through battle, blade a blur, deftly covering the party’s flanks and rear.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 13 [30].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 13 [0]; Basic Speed 7.00 [0]; Basic Move 7 [0].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Enhanced Parry 1 (Weapon of choice) [5]; Luck [15]; Weapon Bond (Any starting weapon) [1]; and Weapon Master (Weapon of choice) [20]. • Another 60 points chosen from among ST +1 to +6 [10/level], DX +1 to +3 [20/level], Basic Speed +1 or +2 [20 or 40], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Alcohol Tolerance [1], Ambidexterity [5], Appearance (Attractive, Handsome, or Very Handsome) [4, 12, or 16], Charisma [5/level], Daredevil [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Enhanced Parry 2 or 3 (Weapon of choice) [5 or 10], Extra Attack 1 [25], No Hangover [1], Perfect Balance [15], Rapier Wit [5], Serendipity [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 [5 or 10], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Luck [30] for 15 points or with Ridiculous Luck [60] for 45 points.

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Code of Honor (Pirate’s or Gentleman’s) [-5 or -10], Obsession (“Become the best swordsman in the world!”) [-10*], Vow (Use only weapon of choice) [-5], Vow (Never refuse a challenge to combat) [-10], Vow (Challenge every swordsman to combat) [-15], or Vow (Never wear armor) [-15]. • Another -15 points chosen from among those traits or Impulsiveness [-10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Short Attention Span [-10*], or Trickster [-15*]. • A further -20 points chosen from the two previous lists or Chummy [-5] or Gregarious [-10], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Compulsive Spending [-5*], Greed [-15*], Jealousy [-10], Lecherousness [-15*], One Eye [-15], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Wounded [-5].

Primary Skills: Jumping (E) DX [1]-15; Fast-Draw (Knife) and Fast-Draw (Sword), both (E) DX+1 [1]-16†; and Acrobatics (H) DX [4]-15. • Either Thrown Weapon (Knife) (E) DX+1 [2]-16 or Throwing (A) DX [2]-15. • One of these three melee skills packages: 1. One of Broadsword, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, or Smallsword, all (A) DX+3 [12]-18; one of Shield (Buckler) (E) DX+3 [8]-18, or Cloak or Main-Gauche, both (A) DX+2 [8]-17. 2. One of the sword skills in option 1 at DX+4 [16]-19; one of Shield (Buckler) (E) DX+2 [4]-17, or Cloak or Main-Gauche, both (A) DX+1 [4]-16. 3. One of the sword skills in option 1 at DX+5 [20]-20!

Secondary Skills: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-16 or Boxing (A) DX [2]-15; and Wrestling (A) DX [2]-15.

Background Skills: Stealth (A) DX-1 [1]-14; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11 or Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-10; and Carousing (E) HT [1]-13. • Seven of Fast-Draw (any other) (E) DX+1 [1]-16†; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-14; First Aid, Gesture, or Seamanship, all (E) IQ [1]-10; Connoisseur (any), Fast-Talk, or Gambling, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Hiking or Sex Appeal, both (A) HT-1 [1]-12; Intimidation (A) Will-1 [1]-9; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-10; or Search (A) Per-1 [1]-9.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +1 for Combat Reflexes.

Customization Notes

The swashbuckler is built around one sword skill. Be sure that Enhanced Parry and Weapon Master agree with that choice, that Weapon Bond is with a suitable blade, and that any sword acquired as Signature Gear is similarly appropriate. If selecting the Vow pertaining to weapons, it should match all of this as well.

Obviously, this makes the swashbuckler a real weapon specialist – a lot like the scout. The difference is that the swashbuckler has great latitude with advantages. It’s possible to create completely different characters by focusing on offense (more ST, Extra Attack, Striking ST, and Signature Gear for fine swords), defense (more Basic Speed, Enhanced Dodge, and Enhanced Parry, not to mention extra Luck), or dash and flair (Appearance, Charisma, Daredevil, Rapier Wit, and Serendipity).

An interesting choice of background skills is equally important. Some swashbucklers are fops with Savoir-Faire and every known Connoisseur specialty. Others are rakes or pirates with Climbing, Fast-Talk, Gambling, Streetwise, and possibly Seamanship – and of course Search for looting dead bodies! Most swashbucklers would benefit from sacrificing the 5 points they get from quirks to acquire the money for a nice sword. Those with Signature Gear won’t need this, though, and may prefer to buy higher weapon skills or a few skills borrowed from the thief.

THIEF - 250 points

You’re a “procurement expert,” whatever unflattering terms others may use. You take things that need taking. Of course, the best stuff is inevitably in trapped chests behind locked doors guarded by monsters in mazes. This frames your business relationship with the party: they merely have to take care of the monsters. You’ll handle finding treasures and unlocking doors and bypassing traps – for a reasonable consideration, naturally. Oh, and those rumors that you moonlight as an assassin or a spy? Nonsense!

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 7 [5].

Advantages: Flexibility [5]; High Manual Dexterity 1 [5]; and Perfect Balance [15]. • A further 30 points chosen from among DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 or +2 [5 or 10], Ambidexterity [5], Catfall [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Enhanced Dodge 1 or 2 [15 or 30], Gizmos 1-3 [5/level], High Manual Dexterity 2-4 [5/level], Honest Face [1], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Peripheral Vision [15], Serendipity [15/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Striking ST 1 or 2 (Only on surprise attack, -60%) [2 or 4], Wealth (Comfortable or Wealthy) [10 or 20], or improve Flexibility [5] to Double-Jointed [15] for 10 points.

Disadvantages: One of Greed (12) [-15], Kleptomania (12) [-15], or Trickster (12) [-15]. • One of Callous [-5], Code of Honor (Pirate’s) [-5], or Curious (12) [-5]. • A further -20 points chosen from either of the two previous lists or Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Compulsive Carousing [-5*], Compulsive Gambling [-5*], Compulsive Lying [-15*], Compulsive Spending [-5*], Cowardice [-10*], Laziness [-10], Lecherousness [-15*], Loner [-5*], One Eye [-15], Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], Skinny [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5].

Primary Skills: Forced Entry (E) DX [1]-15; Climbing (A) DX+3 [1]-18†‡; Filch (A) DX [2]-15; Stealth (A) DX+3 [12]-18; Escape (H) DX+1 [1]-16†; Pickpocket (H) DX [2]-15§; and Lockpicking and Traps, both (A) IQ+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [1]-14‡; Sleight of Hand (H) DX-1 [1]-14§; Gesture (E) IQ [1]-13; Holdout, Shadowing, Smuggling, and Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-13; and Search and Urban Survival, both (A) Per [2]-14. • One of Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, or Smallsword, all (A) DX-1 [1]-14. • One of Shield (Buckler) (E) DX [1]-15; Cloak or Main-Gauche, both (A) DX-1 [1]-14; or raise main sword skill to DX [2]-15. • One of Crossbow or Thrown Weapon (Knife), both (E) DX [1]-15; Bow or Throwing, both (A) DX-1 [1]-14; or Sling (H) DX-2 [1]-13.

Background Skills: Brawling (E) DX [1]-15; Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; and Carousing (E) HT [1]-11. • Another 7 points spent on any previous skill, or on Fast-Draw (any) or Garrote, both (E) DX [1]-15; First Aid, Panhandling, or Seamanship (E) IQ [1]-13; Cartography, Connoisseur (any), Disguise, Fast-Talk, or Merchant, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Counterfeiting, Forgery, or Poisons, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-11; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-10; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; or Lip Reading or Observation, both (A) Per-1 [1]-13.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +3 for Flexibility.

‡ Includes +1 for Perfect Balance.

§ Includes +1 for High Manual Dexterity.

Customization Notes

Thieves aren’t combatants built around toughness and combat skills, nor do they have access to powers, spells, and special skills. They’re broad-based experts at mundane skills. Thus, they’re best-suited to players who prefer a supporting role in pre-combat scouting and post-combat looting. A party won’t live long without one thief, and may consist entirely of thieves.

The burglar specializes in getting in and stealing things. He might choose Catfall, Double-Jointed, and more High Manual Dexterity. He often suffers from Kleptomania and is Curious, and frequently has traits like Overconfidence and Skinny. His background skill points go into improved Climbing, Forced Entry, and/or Lockpicking, leaving a point or two for something like Observation (for casing targets). The mastermind is a plotter. He has more IQ – plus Wealth to bankroll his schemes. He’s classically a Trickster with a perverse Code of Honor about splitting up loot, and often Compulsive Lying. His background points go toward “urban” skills: higher Streetwise and Urban Survival, and things like Counterfeiting, Forgery, and Merchant.

The assassin uses his skills not to steal but to kill for hire. Combat Reflexes, Gizmos (for concealed weapons), and Striking ST (for backstabs) all help. Bloodlust, Callous, Greed, and Loner are common. Background skill points go toward raising combat skills and buying Fast-Draw, Garrote, and Poisons.

Many thieves put the 5 points from quirks into more skills. You can’t be “too good” at sneaking or finding traps!

WIZARD - 250 points

You’re the only truly learned delver. Your knowledge of magic is deeper than that of the cleric (p. 6) or druid (p. 7), and your spells don’t merely borrow the power of mercurial supernatural beings (demons are quite controllable). The party needs your mighty wizardry, knowledge of all manner of strange creatures, and raw intellect. Not that you don’t need the party – the greatest magical secrets are buried in the darkest pits, and you’re smart enough to travel with bodyguards.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 12 [-15]; FP 14 [9]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Magery 3 [35]. • 30 points chosen from among DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], Will +1 to +5 [5/level], FP +1 to +10 [3/level], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Gizmos 1-3 [5/level], Intuition [15], Language Talent [10], Languages (any) [2-6/language], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Magery 4, 5, or 6 [10, 20, or 30], Mind Shield [4/level], Signature Gear [Varies], Spirit Empathy [10], or Wild Talent 1 (Retention, +25%; Focused, Magical, -20%) [21].

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Curious [-5*], Frightens Animals [-10], Obsession (Become the world’s most powerful wizard, a lich, etc.) [-10*], Pyromania [-5*], Skinny [-5], Social Stigma (Excommunicated)† [-10], Unfit [-5] or Very Unfit [-15], Unnatural Features 1-5 [-1/level], or Weirdness Magnet [-15]. • Another -20 points chosen from among the previous traits or Absent-Mindedness [-15], Bad Temper [-10*], Clueless [-10], Combat Paralysis [-15], Cowardice [-10*], Hard of Hearing [-10], Klutz [-5] or Total Klutz [-15], Loner [-5*], Low Pain Threshold [-10], Nervous Stomach [-1], Oblivious [-5], Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Sense of Duty (Adventuring companions) [-5], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Hidden Lore (Demons, Magic Items, Magical Writings, or Spirits) and Occultism, both (A) IQ [2]-15; Alchemy (VH) IQ [8]-15; and Thaumatology (VH) IQ [1]-15‡.

Secondary Skills: Hazardous Materials (Magical), Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, and Writing, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; and Meditation (H) Will-1 [2]-14. • Either Shield (Buckler) (E) DX+2 [4]-14 and Smallsword (A) DX+1 [4]-13, or Staff (A) DX+2 [8]-14. • One of Innate Attack (any) or Thrown Weapon (Dart) (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or Sling (H) DX [4]-12.

Background Skills: Nine of Fast-Draw (Potion) (E) DX [1]-12; Climbing or Stealth, both (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Body Sense (H) DX-2 [1]-10; First Aid, Gesture, or Savoir-Faire (High Society), all (E) IQ [1]-15; Cartography or Hidden Lore (any other) (A) IQ-1 [1]-14; Diplomacy, Physiology (monster type), or Strategy, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-10; or Scrounging (E) Per [1]-12.

Spells: Choose 30 wizardly spells (p. 20), which will be either (H) IQ+1 [1]-16 or (VH) IQ [1]-15 with the +3 for Magery.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Means that helpful clerical spells (such as healing) work at -3 on you. Harmful ones aren’t affected!

‡ Includes +3 for Magery.

Customization Notes

Unlike other casters, wizards lack a power that’s distinct from their spells; their spell lists tend to define them. Essentially unrestricted access to magic makes generalization impossible, but here are three classics:

Artillery Mage: Specializes in direct-damage magic – especially area-effect spells. A representative spell list is Breathe Fire, Burning Touch, Concussion, Create Air, Create Fire, Deflect Energy, Explosive Fireball, Extinguish Fire, Fire Cloud, Fireball, Fireproof, Flame Jet, Flaming Armor, Flaming Missiles, Flaming Weapon, Heat, Ignite Fire, Lightning, Purify Air, Rain of Fire, Resist Fire, Shape Air, Shape Fire, Smoke, Sound, Spark Storm, Stench, Thunderclap, Wall of Lightning, and Windstorm. Extra Magery to enable higher damage dice is valuable, and the Innate Attack skill is indispensable.

Illusionist: Specializes in baffling (dumber) enemies. Typical starting spells would be Apportation, Blackout, Blur, Colors, Complex Illusion, Continual Light, Darkness, Daze, Fascinate, Flash, Foolishness, Haste, Hide, Hinder, Hush, Illusion Disguise, Illusion Shell, Independence, Invisibility, Light, Mage-Stealth, Mass Daze, Mirror, Perfect Illusion, Phantom, Silence, Simple Illusion, Sound, Voices, and Wall of Silence. A Photographic Memory for faces and voices greatly enhances believable illusions, and mundane Stealth and many of these spells are complementary.

Necromancer: Specializes in creating undead and throwing malisons. A necromancer might start with Agonize, Animation, Choke, Clumsiness, Control Zombie, Death Vision, Deathtouch, Debility, Decay, Frailty, Itch, Lend Energy, Lend Vitality, Minor Healing, Pain, Paralyze Limb, Pestilence, Rotting Death, Sensitize, Sickness, Skull-Spirit, Spasm, Steal Energy, Steal Vitality, Stun, Summon Spirit, Test Food, Wither Limb, Zombie, and Zombie Summoning. Spirit Empathy is handy, obviously – as are Hidden Lore specialties pertinent to darker beings.

Most wizards want as many FP as they can afford. It’s also useful to trade the 5 points granted by quirks to get money for a high-capacity power item (p. 28) and a belt stocked with paut (p. 29).

Leveling Up

It is highly recommended that in Dungeon Fantasy the GM allow players to cash back points spent on skills or secondary characteristics to raise their attributes appropriately. For example, a player that has spent 4 points in each of five DX-based skills to get +1 in each skill may then “buy down” those skills and takes the 20 points to buy up DX instead. His skill level in each of the 5 DX-based skills stays the same, but his DX goes up as does any other DX-based skills. Similarly, you may buy down secondary characteristics when raising attributes. When buying DX +1 [20] you can also take Basic Speed -0.25 [-5] for a final cost of [15] to buy the combined DX +1, BS -0.25.

  If you use these templates you should consider how you wish to allow the players to spend their character points - how they will "level up." There are many possibilities.

In the old school tradition, the characters have to save up the 50 points for the next level. Once they have enough points they simply spend them and make all of the changes to “level up” their abilities all at once. This method works best if you intend for there to be rapid growth in character capabilities, awarding 10+ character points per session.

The players must upgrade their characters only with the changes that are presented in these templates. This means that with few exceptions the points may only be spent to upgrade attributes and buy additional advantages from the template listings. This method provides a more gradual increase in capabilities and can work well with both moderate and high character point awards.

The players may upgrade some skills, advantages, and attributes along the way. However, they must always “cash back” the points from these traits to make the changes presented in the next “level” of the template. DX-based skills may only be increased if DX can be upgraded for the next level, and then only by +1, so that when they are cashed back to increase DX the skill level stays the same. The same holds true with IQ-based skills and IQ. This method provides more flexibility in character creation, and works fairly well with low to moderate character point awards.

A player is free to spend points in any template abilities he wishes without restrictions. It is highly recommended that he stick to the changes presented in these templates, but not necessarily required. The GM is free to decree that certain template abilities, especially those listed as Power-Ups in Dungeon Fantasy 3 and 11, have minimum attribute requirements which the character must fulfill before he may learn those abilities. This will help to keep character growth closer to the template recommendations from the original templates without actually forbidding advancement in other areas. It also means that the characters may look nothing like the original templates from the books by the time they work their way up to 250 points or greater, however it does provide the utmost in flexibility of character advancement and works well with any level of character point rewards the GM may wish to dole out.

Lower-Level Templates

Barbarian - 100 points

Attributes: ST 13 (Size†, -10%) [27]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 9 [-20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 45 lbs.; HP 14 (Size†, -10%) [0]; Will 10 [5]; Per 11 [10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6† [0].

Advantages: Reduce Outdoorsman talent to 2 (from 4). Take only 20 points (not 30) from among the listed advantages. † Includes effects of Gigantism (p. B20).

Barbarian - 150 points

Attributes: ST 15 (Size†, -10%) [45]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d+1/2d+1; BL 45 lbs.; HP 16 (Size†, -10%) [2]; Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6† [0].

Advantages: Reduce Outdoorsman talent to 3 (from 4). † Includes effects of Gigantism (p. B20).

Barbarian - 200 points

Attributes: ST 16 (Size†, -10%) [54]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [-20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d+1/2d+2; BL 51 lbs.; HP 20 (Size†, -10%) [8]; Will 10 [5]; Per 11 [10]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6† [-5].

Advantages: Reduce Outdoorsman talent to 3 (from 4).

† Includes effects of Gigantism (p. B20).

Bard - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Reduce Musical Ability to 1 (from 2), Bardic Talent to 1 (from 2). Take only 25 points from among Bardic Abilities and other advantages (instead of 25 points in Bardic Abilities and 25 points in other advantages).

Spells: Take only 8 Bardic spells (not 20).

Bard - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Bard - 200 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Cleric - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 25 points from among Holy abilities and other advantages (instead of 25 points in Holy abilities and 25 points in other advantages).

Spells: Take only 15 spells (instead of 20).

Cleric - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Cleric - 200 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Druid - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Reduce Power Investiture (Druidic) to 2 (from 3). Take only 20 points from among Druidic abilities and other advantages (instead of 20 points in Druidic abilities and 20 in other advantages).

Spells: Take only 10 spells (instead of 20).

Druid - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 13 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Druid - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Holy Warrior - 100 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 25 points in Holy abilities and other advantages (instead of 25 points in Holy abilities and 25 points in other advantages).

Holy Warrior - 150 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [10]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Holy Warrior - 200 points

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 13 [10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Knight - 100 points

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 60) from among the listed advantages.

Knight - 150 points

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 35 points (not 60) from among the listed advantages.

Knight - 200 points

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Take only 40 points (not 60) from among the listed advantages. Reduce Born War-Leader to 1; remove High Pain Threshold.

Martial Artist - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Reduce Chi Talent to 1 (from 2). Take only 25 points in Chi abilities and other advantages (instead of 20 in Chi abilities and 20 in other advantages).

Martial Artist - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 7 [5].

Advantages: Reduce Chi Talent to 1 (from 2).

Martial Artist - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 15 [100]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 8 [10].

Scout - 100 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Reduce Outdoorsman talent to 1 (from 2).

Scout - 150 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 12 [10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Scout - 200 points

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 7 [5].

Swashbuckler - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Remove Luck from the template. Take only 25 points (not 60) from among the listed advantages.

Swashbuckler - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Take only 30 points (instead of 60) from among the listed advantages.

Swashbuckler - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Thief - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 15 points (not 30) from among the listed advantages.

Thief - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 12 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Take only 15 points (instead of 30) from among the listed advantages.

Thief - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 13 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Wizard - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [-5]; Per 10 [-10]; FP 13 [9]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Reduce Magery to 2 (from 3). Take only 15 points in advantages (not 30).

Spells: Take only 20 spells (not 30).

Wizard - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [-5]; Per 10 [-15]; FP 13 [9]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Wizard - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 11 [-15]; FP 14 [9]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Artificer - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [-5]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Reduce Dungeon Artificer to 2 (from 4). Reduce Gizmo's to 1 (from 3). Take only 15 points (not 40) from among the listed advantages.

Artificer - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [-5]; Per 11 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 30 points (not 40) from among the listed advantages.

Artificer - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [-5]; Per 12 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Scholar - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Remove Intuition from the template. Take only 15 points (not 30) in advantages.

Scholar - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Scholar - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 15 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Demonologist - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [15]; Per 10 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 15 points (not 30) in advantages. Reduce Demonic Attunement to 2 (from 3).

Spells: Take only 8 points (not 10) in spells.

Demonologist - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [10]; Per 12 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 15 points (not 30) in advantages.

Demonologist - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 16 [10]; Per 13 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Elementalist - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 11 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 30) in advantages. Reduce Elemental Influence to 2 (from 3).

Spells: Take only 12 points (not 20) in spells.

Elementalist - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 12 [-5]; FP 12 [3]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 30) in advantages.

Spells: Take only 14 points (not 20) in spells.

Elementalist - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 13 [-5]; FP 14 [6]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Necromancer - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 10 [-5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 10 points (not 35) in advantages. Reduce Deathliness talent to 2 (from 3).

Skills: Reduce Expert Skill (Thanatology) to 12 (IQ+1) [8]

Necromancer - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 35) in advantages.

Necromancer - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 12 [-5]; FP 12 [3]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Shaman - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 20 points from among all the listed advantages or from Shamanic abilities.

Shaman - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-5]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 40 points (not 60) from the primary advantage list.

Shaman - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 40 points (not 60) from the primary advantage list.

Innkeeper - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 12 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 15 points (not 50) in advantages.

Innkeeper - 150 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 12 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Innkeeper - 200 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 13 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Ninja - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Reduce Ninja Talent to 1 (from 2). Take only 20 points from among Ninja abilities and other advantages (instead of 20 points in Ninja abilities and 20 in other advantages).

Ninja - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Ninja - 200 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Assassin - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 35) in advantages.

Assassin - 150 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Assassin - 200 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 11 [5]; Per 11 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Justiciar - 100 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Advantages: Take only 20 points (not 35) in advantages.

Justiciar - 150 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-15]; Basic Move 6 [5].

Justiciar - 200 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Mystic Knight - 100 points

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Take only 31 points (not 51) in advantages. Reduce Eldritch Talent to 2 (from 3); reduce Imbue to 1 (from 2).

Skills: Take only 9 points (not 20) in Imbuement skills.

Mystic Knight - 150 points

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [-5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Take only 31 points (not 51) in advantages. Reduce Eldritch Talent to 2 (from 3).

Mystic Knight - 200 points

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Take only 31 points (not 51) in advantages.

Other Character Templates

CULTIST (GURPS Metro of Madness) [9]

You are the member of a tightly knit fringe religion. This cult could be relatively benign, or it might be determined to exploit you for money or worse. It might even grant you access to occult power, for good or ill…

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 9 [-10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [6]; Basic Speed 4.75 [0]; Basic Move 4 [0].

Advantages: 30 points chosen from among increased Will [5/level], Ally (Fellow cultist) [Varies], Blessed [10] or Very Blessed [20], Channeling [10], Claim to Hospitality [1 to 10], Fearlessness [2/level], Higher Purpose [5], Illuminated [15], Less Sleep [2/level], Magery [5 + 10/level], Patron (Cult) [Varies], Patron (Cult leader) [Varies], Power Investiture [10/level], Rank (Cult) [Varies], Single-Minded [5], True Faith [15], or Unfazeable [15].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among Delusions [-5, -10, or -15], Disciplines of Faith [-5, -10, or -15], Duty (Cult) [Varies], Enemy (Foes of the cult) [Varies], Fanaticism [-15], Gullibility [-10*], Intolerance [Varies], Paranoia [-10], Reputation (Cultist) [Varies], Secret [-5 to -30], Secret Identity [Varies], or Sense of Duty (Cult) [-5].

Primary Skills: Religious Ritual (Cult) and Theology (Cult), both (H) IQ [4]-10.

Secondary Skills: Two of Gesture (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Acting, Fast-Talk, Hidden Lore (any), Interrogation, Occultism, or Public Speaking, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Brainwashing/TL8, Cryptography/TL8, Hypnotism, or Ritual Magic (any), all (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-10; Observation (A) Per [2]-10; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-9.

Background Skills: One of Brawling, Garrote, Guns/TL8 (Pistol or Shotgun), or Knife, all (E) DX [1]-10; Driving/TL8 (any) or Staff, both (A) DX-1 [1]-9; or Area Knowledge (any) or Computer Operation/TL8, both (E) IQ [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

METROPHILE (GURPS Metro of Madness) [27]

You are fascinated by metro systems. You visit different stations, often studying each one heavily. You frequently collect maps, tickets, and other items relating to metros. You communicate with other metrophiles. You may even publish your information on web sites or in journals.

Attributes: ST 9 [-10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [10]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Acute Sense [2/level], Contact Group (Metrophile community) [Varies], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Languages (any) [1-6 per language], Language Talent [10], Less Sleep [2/level], Lightning Calculator [2] or Intuitive Mathematician [5], Reputation (Knowledgeable; Among metrophiles) [Varies], or Single-Minded [5 points]

Disadvantages: -15 points chosen from among Careful [-1], Curious [-5*], Dreamer [-1], Gullibility [-10*], Imaginative [-1], Impulsiveness [-10*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Light Sleeper [-5], Loner [-5*], Obsession [-5 or -10*], Shyness [-5 or -10], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10].

Primary Skills: Hobby Skill (Metro) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12.

Secondary Skills: Two of Driving/TL8 (Locomotive) (A) DX [2]-10; Computer Operation/TL8 or Current Affairs/TL8 (any), both (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Cartography/TL, Hidden Lore (Metro), Research/TL8, or Writing, all (A) IQ [2]-11; or Observation or Urban Survival, both (A) Per [2]-13.

Background Skills: One of Driving/TL8 (any) (A) DX-1 [1]-9; Area Knowledge (any) or Games (any), both (E) IQ [1]-11; Computer Programming/TL8 or History (any), both (H) IQ-2 [1]-9; or Hiking (A) HT-1 [1]-9.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

PICKPOCKET (GURPS Metro of Madness) [69]

You are a pickpocket, a thief who separates a mark from his valuables with quick hands rather than mugging or burglary. You’re good at being unnoticed and are usually far away before your target realizes he has been robbed.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 13 [15]; FP 12 [5]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Per +1 to +3 [5/level], Acute Vision [2/level], Contacts (Fences or fellow pickpockets) [Varies], Danger Sense [15], High Manual Dexterity [5/level], Luck [15], Night Vision [1/level], Rapid Healing [5], or Smooth Operator 1 [15].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among ST -1 [-10], Addiction [Varies], Alcoholism [-15], Compulsive Gambling [-5, -10, or -15*], Compulsive Lying [-5, -10, or -15*], Dependents [Varies], Enemy [Varies], Greed [-15*], Kleptomania [-15*], Secret [-5 to -30], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], or Wealth (Struggling) [-10].

Primary Skills: Pickpocket (H) DX [4]-12.

Secondary Skills: Two of Filch or Stealth, both (A) DX [2]-12; Sleight of Hand (H) DX-1 [2]-11; Disguise/TL8, Fast-Talk, Shadowing, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Observation (A) Per [2]-13; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-12.

Background Skills: One of Brawling, Guns/TL8 (Pistol), Knife, or Thrown Weapon (any), all (E) DX [1]-12; Climbing or Driving/TL8 (any), both (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Area Knowledge (any), Computer Operation/TL8, or Current Affairs/TL8 (any), all (E) IQ [1]-10; Carousing (E) HT [1]-11; Running or Sex Appeal, both (A) HT-1 [1]-10; or Urban Survival (A) Per-1 [1]-12.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

SERIAL KILLER (GURPS Metro of Madness) [90]

You are a predator, a multiple murderer. Your victims may be those you deem a threat to society, anyone who reminds you of childhood trauma, or just whomever catches your eye.

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 15 [6]; Will 12 [10]; Per 11 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: 30 points chosen from among Acute Senses [2/level], Ambidexterity [5], Charisma [5/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Danger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Honest Face [1], Luck [15] or Extraordinary Luck [30], Night Vision [1/level], Rapid Healing [5] or Very Rapid Healing [15], Single- Minded [5], Unfazeable [15], or Voice [10].

Disadvantages: Secret (Serial Killer) [-30]. • -30 points chosen from among Addiction [Varies], Bad Smell [-10], Bad Temper [-10], Berserk [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Compulsive Behavior [-5, -10, or -15*], Delusions [-5, -10, or -15], Disturbing Voice [-10], Enemy [Varies], Fanaticism [-15], Flashbacks [Varies], Intolerance [Varies], Light Sleeper [-5], Loner [-5*], Low Empathy [-20], Lunacy [-10], Manic-Depressive [-20], Megalomania [-10], Nightmares [-5*], Obsession [-5 or -10*], Odious Personal Habits [-5, -10, or -15], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Phantom Voices [-5, -10, or -15], Pyromania [-5*], Sadism [-15*], Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5], Split Personality [-15*], or Trademark [-5, -10, or -15].

Primary Skills: Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-13. • Two of Brawling, Garrote, Guns/TL8 (any), Knife, or Thrown Weapon (Any), all (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Axe/Mace, Bow, Broadsword, or Shortsword, all (A) DX+1 [4]-13; or Blowpipe (H) DX [4]-12.

Secondary Skills: Three of Forced Entry (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Escape (H) DX-1 [2]-11; Acting, Disguise/TL8, Fast-Talk, Shadowing, or Traps/TL8, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Poisons/TL8 (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; Running (A) HT [2]-12; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-12; Observation or Tracking, both (A) Per [2]-11; or Detect Lies (H) Per-1 [2]-10.

Background Skills: One of Driving/TL8 (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Area Knowledge (any), Computer Operation/TL8, Current Affairs/TL8 (any), or Panhandling (E) IQ [1]-10; Occultism or Streetwise (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; or Survival (any) or Urban Survival (A) Per-1 [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

URBAN EXPLORER (GURPS Metro of Madness) [65]

You participate in “urban exploration,” which means you investigate buildings and other structures that are usually off-limits or hidden from the public. Targets of urban exploration are usually divided into three categories: abandoned sites; buildings in active use; and tunnels, such as steam tunnels, sewers, and transit access corridors. You may specialize in one category, or explore all three with equal enthusiasm.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [10]; FP 12 [3]; Basic Speed 5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 15 points chosen from among Absolute Direction [5], Acute Sense [2/level], Contact Group (Urban-explorer community) [Varies], Danger Sense [15], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Fearlessness [2/level], Less Sleep [2/level], Luck [15], Night Vision [1/level], Perfect Balance [15], Reputation (Among urban explorers) [Varies], or Single-Minded [5].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among Careful [-1], Curious [-5*], Imaginative [-1], Impulsiveness [-10*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Light Sleeper [-5], Loner [-5*], Obsession [-5 or –10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Shyness [-5 or -10], or Stubbornness [-5].

Primary Skills: Urban Survival (A) Per+1 [4]-14. • Two of Climbing (A) DX+1 [4]-12; Area Knowledge (City) (E) IQ+2 [4]-13; Cartography/TL8, Hidden Lore (any city-related), or Navigation/TL8 (Land), all (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Geography/TL8 (Regional) (H) IQ [4]-11; Hiking (A) HT+1 [4]-12; or Observation (A) Per+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: Two of Forced Entry or Jumping, both (E) DX+1 [2]-12; Stealth (A) DX [2]-11; Electronics Operation/ TL8 (Security), Fast-Talk, Lockpicking/TL8, Occultism, Photography/TL8, or Research/TL8, all (A) IQ [2]-11; Artist (Graffiti) (H) IQ-1 [2]-10; or Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-12.

Background Skills: One of Brawling (E) DX [1]-11; Driving/ TL8 (any) (A) DX-1 [1]-10; Computer Operation/TL8, Current Affairs/TL8 (any), or First Aid/TL8, all (E) IQ [1]-11; or Running (A) HT-1 [1]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

ACTIVIST (GURPS Biotech) [70]

Listen up, pigs! Unless you free all the political prisoners in three hours, the Neo-Anarchist Kommando will release a bio-engineered strain of hantavirus in New York City.

Activists in a world with biotechnology come in two distinct types: those motivated by biotech and those who use it to further their own goals. Some people oppose some or all types of biotech on social, ethical, or religious grounds. These range from peaceful lobbyists or picketers to violent extremists. They may be associated with groups as diverse as animal rights activists and eco-guerillas to conservative religious movements. In some worlds, biotech may be legally or socially repressed, and activists seeking to promote research and development of life extension or trans-humanism would emerge.

Some activists and extortionists instead use biotech, either to “fight fire with fire,” to attempt to discredit their foes, or to promote other agendas altogether. Such bioterrorists range from lone madmen with a grudge to highly organized movements with dozens of members and thousands of supporters. A terrorist bioweapon could be a lethal plague, nonlethal disease, nanomachines, proteus viruses, insect swarms, or mutant monsters. Often, these are cooked up in bargain-basement labs, stolen, or bought on the black market. As a result, they might be more or less virulent than the terrorists hoped for, or have other unexpected side effects.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10]. Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [5]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: A total of 20 points in Allies [Varies], Charisma [5/level], Clerical Investment [5], Contacts (Radical groups) [Varies], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5], Indomitable [15], Reputation [Varies], Outdoorsman [10/level], Smooth Operator [15/level], Tenure [5], and Zeroed [10].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Bad Temper [-10*], Fanaticism [15], Gullibility [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance (Varies) [-1 or -5], No Sense of Humor [-10], Obsession [Varies], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (any) [Varies], Selfless [-5*], Sense of Duty (Every living being) [-20], Stubbornness [-5], and Trickster [-15*].

Primary Skills: Pick two of: Forced Entry (E) DX+1 [2]-11, Law (Bioethics or Environmental) (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Propaganda (A) IQ [2]-12, Stealth (A) DX [2]-10.

Secondary Skills: 6 points chosen from among: Acting (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, Biology (Ecology) (H) IQ-2 [1]-10, Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12, Current Affairs (Headline News or Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-12, Fast-Talk (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, Leadership (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, Lockpicking (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Photography (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, Observation (A) Per-1 [1]-11, Teaching (A) IQ-1 [1]-11, and Writing (A) IQ [2]-12.

Background Skills: A total of 5 points from Bicycling (E) DX, Boating (any) (A) DX, Driving (any) (A) DX, Climbing (A) DX, First Aid (E) IQ, Hiking (A) HT, Meditation (H) Will, Philosophy (any) (H) IQ, Politics (A) IQ, Psychology (H) IQ, Public Speaking (A) IQ, Scrounging (E) Per, Survival (any) (A) Per, and Theology (any) (H) IQ, or additional points in primary and secondary skills. * Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Bioengineer or Gengineer (GURPS Biotech) [90]

Don’t you see? My discovery will change the world!

A scientist or engineer working in gengineering or industrial biotech. Most bioengineers are employed by corporations, while others work in university labs or even as freelance “genehackers.” A bioengineer may be anything from a lab technician to a Nobel-prize winning researcher. A common genre convention is the idealistic scientist who develops a process to benefit mankind, only to see it stolen and perverted by a rival or treacherous co-worker who is in the pay of a big megacorporation’s bioweapons division. Another is the obsessed genius whose cutting-edge project was so controversial that he was fired from his job or driven out of the field. Now he lives alone somewhere and continues his ground-breaking work in private, often without adequate biohazard safeguards.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: A total of 30 points from Additional IQ [20 per +1 IQ], Contacts (Professional) [Varies], Eidetic Memory [5], Intuition [15], Less Sleep [2/level], Reputation [Varies], Security Clearance [Varies], SingleMinded [5], Status [5/level], Wealth [Varies], Unfazeable [15], and Versatile [5].

Disadvantages: -25 points chosen from among AbsentMindedness [-15], Bad Sight (Mitigator: Glasses, -60%) [-10], Callous [-5], Curious [-5*], Enemy (Anti-biotech Activists) [Varies], Jealousy [-10], Oblivious [-5], Obsession [-1, -5, or -10*], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Bioengineering (Cloning, Genetic Engineering, or Tissue Engineering) (H) IQ+1 [8]-14; and either Biology (Biochemistry or Microbiology) (H) IQ [4]-13 or Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ [4]-13. Secondary Skills: Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-13; Diagnosis (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Electronics Operation (Medical or Scientific) (A) IQ [2]-13; Research (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12.

Background Skills: 6 points chosen from among Animal Handling (any) (A) IQ, Current Affairs (Science & Technology) (E) IQ, First Aid (E) IQ, Hazardous Materials (any) (A) IQ, NBC Suit (A) DX, Physician (H) IQ, Physiology (H) IQ, Psychology (H) IQ, Public Speaking (A) IQ, Surgery (VH) IQ, and Weird Science (VH) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


I’m afraid we cannot permit you to continue that research, doctor. The way public opinion has swung, such work on human germ cells would be detrimental to Metazyne’s corporate image.

A senior manager in a bioengineering company. Small, dynamic companies are often helmed by former or current scientists, until they make it big and get bought out by or turn into huge conglomerates. Often the new managers are businessmen, pure and simple, which can lead to conflict between the scientists (who enjoy pure research projects) and the executives (who’d rather see a profit in the next fiscal year or two). It can be fun to play the head of a small, struggling company, especially if the competition is doing everything – up to and including biological warfare – to wipe you out. The biotech exec also makes a good villain: He’s the guy who orders the ruthless cover-ups when something controversial or dangerous escapes from the lab, or who arranges expeditions to alien worlds to find deadly new species for the Bioweapons Division.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0]. Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.;

HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [5]; Per 12 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Wealth (Filthy Rich) [50]; 30 points chosen from among Business Acumen [10/level], Charisma [5/level], Fit [5], Less Sleep [2/level], Fashion Sense [5], Reputation [Varies], Security Clearance [Varies], Smooth Operator [15/level], Status [5/level], and additional Wealth (Multimillionaire) [25/level].

Disadvantages: -30 points chosen from among Callous [-5], Debt [-1/level], Enemy (Anti-biotech Activists) [Varies], Greed [-15*], Obsession [-1, -5, or -10*], Overweight [-1], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Pick two of the following: Administration (A) IQ+2 [8]-14, Bioengineering (Cloning, Genetic Engineering, or Tissue Engineering) (H) IQ+1 [8]-13, Finance (H) IQ+1 [8]-13, or Propaganda (A) IQ+2 [8]-14.

Secondary Skills: Current Affairs (Business or Science & Technology) (E) IQ [2]-13; Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-12 or Intimidation (A) Will+1 [4]-14; pick two of the following: Accounting (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Biology (Biochemistry or Microbiology) (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Economics (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Market Analysis (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ-1 [2]-11, or Public Speaking (A) IQ [2]-12.

Background Skills: 4 points chosen from among Carousing (E) HT, Computer Operation (E) IQ, Connoisseur (Any) (A) IQ, Detect Lies (H) Per, Electronics Operation (Medical or Scientific) (A) IQ, First Aid (E) IQ, Hazardous Materials (any) (A) IQ, NBC Suit (A) DX, Physician (H) IQ, Physiology (H) IQ, Psychology (H) IQ, Public Speaking (A) IQ, and Sports (Any) (A) DX.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


A planetary ecosystem is a complex entity, a synergistic whole. Even seemingly insignificant changes have the potential to send shock waves that ripple across the entire biosphere.

Ecological engineers are specialists at redesigning regional or planetary ecosystems for the purposes of terraforming. They also work to correct the depredations of environmental disasters such as pollution, overpopulation, failed terraforming experiments and deliberate sabotage by ecoteurs. They combine a knowledge of genetic engineering or nanotechnology, with an understanding of how even minor changes can effect entire planetary ecosystems.

Ecoteurs are the dark side of the ecological engineer – sometimes even former eco-engineers “gone bad.” These are mercenary, corporate or government agents who specialize in ecological sabotage (“ecotage”) aimed at disrupting or destroying the relationships between species. Ecotage is typically aimed at destroying a competitor’s economically valuable crops or livestock, but it might also be intended to force the current occupants of a sabotaged region to leave or surrender.

Some ecotage activities may be very straightforward. A “rabbits in Australia” ploy may introducea new species into an ecosystem in order to displace or kill livestock, crops or people. Ecotage can also be subtle. For instance, an ecoteur who has been hired to disrupt a region’s economy might release a bacteria that kills birds that prey upon a species of insect, resulting in the insects multiplying rapidly and devouring an economically important crop. This sort of ecological sabotage can be hard to trace back to the source, and in some cases, an enemy may never learn that sabotage has taken place!

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 30 points chosen from among Eidetic Memory [5], G-Experience [1-10]; Intuition [15], Less Sleep [2/level], Tenure [5], Reputation [Varies], SingleMinded [5], Status [5/level], Wealth [Varies], Versatile [5].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among AbsentMindedness [-15], Bad Sight (Mitigator: Glasses, -60%) [-10], Curious [-5*], Enemy (Environmental activists or security forces) [Varies], Oblivious [-5], Obsession (A particular project or cause) [-1, -5, or -10*], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Biology (Ecology) (H) IQ [4]-13; two of Bioengineering (Genetic Engineering) (H) IQ [4]-13, Engineer (Nanotechnology) (H) IQ [4]-13, or Geography (Physical) (H) IQ [4]-13 .

Secondary Skills: Pick three of the following: Animal Handling (any) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12, Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-13, Farming (A) IQ-1 [1]-12, Gardening (E) IQ [1]-13, Mathematics (Applied or Statistics) (H) IQ-2 [1]-11, Research (A) IQ-1 [1]-12, or Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12.

Background Skills: 5 points chosen from among: Electronics Operation (any) (A) IQ, Environmental Suit (any) (A) DX, First Aid (E) IQ, Hazardous Materials (any) (A) IQ, Hiking (A) HT, Observation (A) Per, Public Speaking (A) IQ, and Teaching (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


The victims don’t live near each other, don’t work together, and have never met, but every one of them was in Rachaelow Park less than a week before their symptoms hit. I suggest we move the search to there.

You study the distribution and determinants of morbidity, mortality, disability, and injury, and apply this knowledge to controlling health-related issues in populations. You might work for a government health department, federal disease control agency, hospital infection control, academia, private industry (particularly pharmaceutical companies), or the military.

Depending on your employer, you may be called upon to determine the cause of a mysterious outbreak, to figure out if the latest version of a certain bioroid is less prone to pyromania, or to test the effectiveness of a new drug.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0]. Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 20 points chosen from among +1 to IQ [20], additional Perception [5/level], Charisma [5/level], Common Sense [10], Cultural Familiarity [1 per culture], Fearlessness [2/level], Intuition [15], Languages (any) [Varies], Less Sleep [2/level], Resistant to Disease (+3 or +8) [3 or 5], and Status [5/level].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Curious [-5*], Honesty [-10], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Obsession [-1, -5, or -10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Humanity) [-15], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], and Workaholic [-5]. Other stress-related disadvantages may apply as well.

Primary Skills: Expert Skill (Epidemiology) (H) IQ+1 [8]-14; Mathematics (Statistics) (H) IQ+0 [4]-13; Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: Select three from: Biology (any optional specialty) (H) IQ-1 [2]-12, Chemistry (H) IQ-1 [2]-12, Computer Operation (E) IQ+1 [2]-14, or Electronics Operation (Scientific) (A) IQ [2]-13.

Background Skills: 8 points chosen from among: Area Knowledge (E) IQ, Current Affairs (Science & Technology) (E) IQ, Diplomacy (H) IQ, NBC Suit (A) DX, Physiology (H) IQ, Public Speaking (A) IQ, Sociology (H) IQ, Teaching (A) IQ, and Writing (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


This was no suicide.

You use your knowledge of causes of death and disease to help police catch criminals, or to build legal cases against them. You might specialize in performing autopsies, doing the followup labwork and analysis, or studying the decay of a body in detail to determine time of death. Sometimes you’ll be called into the field to examine a crime scene, or be present at an exhumation. It’s a job that takes dedication, thoroughness, and a lack of squeamishness. After putting the evidence together you’re likely to be called into court to present it to a jury. Explaining complex scientific findings to average people so they can come to the right conclusions is an important part of your job.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 14 [5]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: A total of 15 points in: additional Will or Perception [5/level], Contacts (Police) [Varies], Fearlessness [2/level], or Less Sleep [2/level].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Curious [-5*], Enemy (Convicted Criminal) [Varies], Honesty [-10*], Sense of Duty (Crime Victims) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Biology (Biochemistry, Entomology, or Microbiology) (H) IQ [4]-13; Diagnosis (H) IQ [4]-13; Forensics (H) IQ+1 [8]-14; Physiology (H) IQ [4]-13.

Secondary Skills: Criminology (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ-2 [1]-11; Physician (H) IQ-1 [2]-12; Savoir-Faire (Police) (E) IQ [1]-13; Surgery (VH) IQ-2 [2]-11; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-12. One of Chemistry (Analytical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12 or Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12.

Background Skills: A total of 6 points from Anthropology (H) IQ, First Aid (E) IQ, Guns (Pistol) (E) DX, Law (Local Criminal) (H) IQ, Poisons (H) IQ, Public Speaking (A) IQ, and Research (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

NURSE (GURPS Biotech) [65]

This will only hurt for a second.

Nurses are the primary point of contact between the patient and the world of health care, working directly with patients and their families. They perform evaluations, administer medication and IVs, and develop care plans for inpatients as well as at-home care (after release). Because the nurse is in frequent contact with patients, he is usually the first to notice any problem. Nurses are rarely supervised directly by a doctor; the head nurse coordinates the nursing team, while the doctor makes adjustments to the patients’ medical charts.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: A total of 20 points chosen from Common Sense [10], Empathy [5 or 15], Healer [10/level], Languages [Varies], Less Sleep [2/level], Lifting ST [3/level], Resistant to Disease (+3 or +8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Sickness (+3 or +8) [5 or 10], and Wealth (Comfortable) [10].

Disadvantages: A total of -20 points chosen from Charitable [-15*], Debt (Student loan) [-1/level], Guilt Complex [-5], Honesty [-10*], Insomniac [-10 or -15], Pacifism [Varies], Sense of Duty (Patients) [-10], and Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Physician/TL (H) IQ+1 [8]-13.

Secondary Skills: Diagnosis/TL (H) IQ [4]-12; Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-12; Electronics Operation/TL (Medical) (A) IQ-2 [2]-12.

Background Skills: A total of 7 points in Administration (A) IQ, Biology (Biochemistry)/TL (H) IQ, Body Language (A) Per, Chemistry/TL (H) IQ, Computer Operation/TL (E) IQ, Physiology/TL (H) IQ, Psychology (H) IQ, Teaching (A) IQ, and Writing (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


19 years old, good heart and lungs, healthy kidneys, no diseases . . . a jogger, huh? Good choice, Charlie. Problem with snatching street people, they’ve got so many retroviruses and defects, it’s not worth the trouble these days. Now this is prime stuff: at least two hundred Gs. Break her up, and burn the brain.

Organleggers kidnap people and break them down for spare parts, or – more subtly – loot the organs of sick or dying patients during hospital visits.

As the populace ages and immunosuppressant drugs improve, organs sell for huge profits on the black market to people desperate for transplants. The demand may slacken after bionic or cloned organs become available at TL9+, but organleggers can still compete by offering their wares at lower prices. At TL10+, organleggers could exploit a new market for adult human brains enslaved inside cyborg spaceships, biocomputers, or factories.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [5]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Choose 30 points from among +1 to IQ [20], Allies [Varies], Alternate Identity (Illegal) [15], Contacts [Varies], High Manual Dexterity [5/level], Languages (any) [Varies], Patron (Crime boss) [Varies], Wealth [Varies], and Zeroed [10].

Disadvantages: Callous [-5] and -20 points chosen from among Addictions (Tobacco, alcohol, or stimulants) [Varies], Enemies (Law enforcement or rival gangs) [Varies], Greed [-15*], No Sense of Humor [-10], Sadism [-15*], or Secret (Imprisonment) [-20].

Primary Skills: Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-12; Surgery (VH) IQ [8]-12.

Secondary Skills: Diagnosis (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; First Aid (E) IQ [1]-12; Merchant (A) IQ [2]-12; Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; Physician (H) IQ-1 [2]-11.

Background Skills: 5 points from Beam Weapons (Pistol) (E) DX, Biology (VH) IQ, Detect Lies (H) Per, Fast-Talk (A) IQ, Forgery (H) IQ, Guns (Pistol) (E) DX, Knife (E) DX, Physiology (H) IQ, and Shadowing (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

PHYSICIAN (GURPS Biotech) [95]

Say ‘Aaaah . . .’

You’ve dedicated your life to healing the sick. You examine patients, diagnose their conditions, and prescribe various treatments. If necessary, you’ll order lab tests or refer them to a specialist. You’ll also need to advise patients on various options and new treatments, which requires keeping up to date in a changing world.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: Choose 20 points from among +1 to IQ [20], additional Perception [5/level], Charisma [5/level], Common Sense [10], Empathy [5 or 15], Fearlessness [2/level], Healer [10/level], High Manual Dexterity [5/level], Languages (any) [Varies], Less Sleep [2/level], Resistant to Disease (+3 or +8) [3 or 5], Status [5/level], Wealth [Varies].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among Addiction (Tobacco, alcohol, or stimulants) [Varies], Code of Honor (Hippocratic) [-5], Curious [-5*], Debt (Student loan) [-1/level], Greed [-15*]; Honesty [-10*], Sense of Duty (The Sick) [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5*], and Workaholic [-5]. Other stress-related disadvantages may apply as well.

Primary Skills: Diagnosis (H) IQ+1 [8]-14; Physician (H) IQ+2 [12]-15; Physiology (H) IQ-1 [2]-12.

Secondary Skills: Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ-1 [1]-12; Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ [4]-13; Surgery (VH) IQ-1 [4]-12.

Background Skills: 4 points from Bioengineering (Tissue Engineering) (H) IQ, Biology (VH) IQ, Current Affairs (Science & Technology) (E) IQ, Forensics (H) IQ, Law (Medical) (H) IQ, Poisons (H) IQ, Psychology (H) IQ, Research (A) IQ.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.


Well, son, I’m 97, and most of the last 15 years have been spent in hospitals like this one. Now you’re telling me that if I let you pump that million dollars worth of nano-gook through my body, there’s an even chance it’ll either make me fifteen again or kill me. Gotcha, son. Where’s that consent form?

The desire of elderly people to escape death may be the driving force behind radical advances in human biotechnology. The aged will actively follow the latest life-extension treatments (and vote more money for health care subsidies, if these exist). The extremely rich can afford to sponsor competing lines of cutting-edge research, ranging from anagathic drugs and brain or organ transplants to cryonics, nanotechnology, and uploading. When it is a question of trying out these treatments or dying, they may well be the guinea pigs for experimental therapy.

Sometimes even illegal therapy . . .

Attributes: ST 9 [-10]; DX 9 [-20]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 8 [-20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 11 [-5]; FP 8 [0]; Basic Speed 4.25 [0]; Basic Move 4 [0].

Advantages: Choose 40 points from among +1 to IQ [20], additional Will or Perception [5/level], Ally (Loyal relatives, caregivers, or employees) [Varies], Common Sense [10], Less Sleep [2/level], Reputation [Varies], Social Regard 1 (Venerated) [5], Status [5/level], and Wealth [Varies].

Disadvantages: -40 points chosen from among AbsentMindedness [-15], Appearance [Varies], Bad Sight [-25], Chronic Pain [Varies], Enemies [Varies], Hard of Hearing [-10], Hidebound [-5], Obsession (Immortality) [-10*], Restricted Diet [Varies], Short Attention Span [-10*], Stubbornness [-5], Susceptible to Disease [4/level], Terminally Ill [-50, -75, or -100], and Unfit or Very Unfit [-5 or -15].

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

You will usually have high skill levels in former job skills. Diagnosis (of your own symptoms) and Current Affairs (Science & Technology) (for keeping up with cutting-edge health care and life extension plans) are also appropriate.

Crusader Knight (GURPS Crusades) [130]

This template represents a typical Crusader from the knightly/noble class. Armored knights were the heart of any Crusader army. They were also the driving force in Crusader politics, colonization, and administration. Although they come from many different European kingdoms, the knightly class in Outremer has a fairly common social background and similar martial training. Knights of this time were almost always illiterate. Although they could be devout, their concerns more often revolved around the interests of family and class rather than God, country, and the common good. In between active campaigns or punitive raids, a landed knight spent his time dispensing justice, maintaining his fief, and engaging in (or just surviving) Crusader politics. Newly arrived or non-landed knights had fewer responsibilities but were chronically short of money, giving them greater freedom for adventuring and a greater incentive to do so. Important not only as warriors but as pillars of Crusader society, knights will play an important part in any adventure. The lower classes looked to knights for leadership. In a group of adventurers, non-noble characters may actually be servants and retainers of a knight. Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10]. Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]. Advantages: Status 1 [5]. • A total of 40 points to be spent on advantages chosen from ST +1 to +2 [10/level], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +2 [10/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Fearlessness [2/level], Fit [5], Heir† [5], Languages [Varies]; Patron [Varies], Reputation [Varies], Signature Gear [Varies], Status 2+ [5/level], or Wealth [Varies]. Disadvantages: A total of -40 points in disadvantages selected from among Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], Code of Honor (Chivalric) [-15], Duty [Varies], Fanaticism [-15], Greed [-15*], Intolerance [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5*], Social Stigma (Disowned) [-5], or Vow [Varies]. Primary Skills: Riding (Horse) (A) DX [2]-13. • One of these skill packages: 1. Broadsword (A) DX+2 [8]-15, Lance (A) DX [2]-13, and Shield (E) DX+1 [2]-14. • One of Axe/Mace (A) DX [2]-13 or Flail (H) DX-1 [2]-12. 2. One of Axe/Mace (A) DX+2 [8]-15 or Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-14. • Broadsword and Lance, both (A) DX [2]-13; and Shield (E) DX+1 [2]-14. 3. Lance (A) DX+2 [8]-15 and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-15. • One of Axe/Mace or Broadsword, both (A) DX [2]-13; or Flail (H) DX-1 [2]-12. Secondary Skills: Knife (E) DX [1]-13; Leadership (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; and Tactics (H) IQ [4]-10. Background Skills: Heraldry (A) IQ [2]-10. • Four of Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-14; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Falconry or Politics, both (A) IQ [2]-10; Diplomacy or Strategy (Land), both (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; or Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-12. * Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. † A potential advantage; see p. B33.

Customization Notes

Early in the Crusades, the armor of a typical knight consisted of a padded gambeson worn under a long mail hauberk and a coif with a simple steel cap. He might have worn mail leggings. His shield was large and kite-shaped, possibly bearing his heraldic device. Later in the Crusades, a laminated (leather or iron) cuirass was added to the mail, with a heavier full-face helm. The chapel-de-fer (wide-brimmed helmet) and mail leggings were also popular in the later Crusades; shields were smaller and heraldic markings more common. Horses, weapons, and equipment are very expensive in a realistic medieval campaign; the Wealth advantage would be very helpful. This template can also be adapted slightly for a sergeant – a non-noble cavalryman. A sergeant’s weapons, primary skills, and some secondary skills would be similar to a knight’s; his background would differ, however, and he would generally wear less armor. For typical weapons for knights and sergeants, see Suggested Equipment (p. 32).


This template represents a typical Muslim noble warrior. Muslim society was semi-feudal. In theory the Arab Bedouin tribes elected their leaders democratically, but in practice certain families dominated the leadership and came to be treated as noble. Persian and Syrian societies were ancient monarchies with a feudal elite. The Turks were a tribal people with dominant clans and families. However, Islam had a strong influence on all these societies, teaching that all men are equal in the eyes of Allah. At the time of the Crusades, however, most of Islam was a roughly feudal society with somewhat more upward social mobility than in contemporary Europe.

The rulers of Islamic kingdoms were hereditary Caliphs. Under the Caliphs was a class of Emirs who gave service in exchange for land, like Western knights. Outstanding warriors or warlords were accorded high status in Islamic armies. Islamic people respected both wealth (whether gained through hard work or inheritance) and scholarship. A Saracen warrior could attain high status through great deeds of war, scholarship, self-made wealth, or a combination thereof. Islamic nobles were more racially and culturally diverse than their Western counterparts.

Although literacy was certainly not universal, literate nobles in an Islamic army were much more common than literate knights in a Crusader army (Languages, p. 31). More information on Arab society may be found in GURPS Arabian Nights.

Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.25 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: A total of 40 points to be spent on advantages chosen from ST +1 or +2 [10/level], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Charisma [5/level], Languages [Varies], Signature Gear [Varies], Status [5/level], or Wealth [Varies].

Disadvantages: Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism) [-5]. • A total of -35 points in disadvantages selected from among Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Code of Honor (Gentleman’s, Soldier’s, or Chivalry) [-10, -10, or -15], Fanaticism [-15], Intolerance [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5*], or Vow [Varies].

Primary Skills: Bow (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Broadsword (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Knife (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Lance (A) DX+1 [4]-14; Riding (Horse) (A) DX+1 [4]-14; and Shield (E) DX+1 [2]-14.

Secondary Skills: Area Knowledge (Small Nation) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Armoury (Melee Weapons or Missile Weapons) (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Public Speaking (A) IQ [2]-10; and Survival (Desert) (A) Per+1 [4]-11.

Background Skills: Four of Camouflage (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Falconry (A) IQ [2]-10; First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-11; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; or Tracking (A) Per [2]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

Typical armor for a Saracen consisted of mail and padding, similar to that of a Crusader but somewhat lighter in weight. His shield was medium and round; his helmet was generally a simple steel cap. For weapon ideas, see the Saracen cavalryman loadout under Suggested Equipment (p. 32).

Saracen nobles were more concerned with their appearance than their Christian counterparts. Often, Saracen armor was sewn into their garments. This might make them appear unarmored from a distance. Saracen cavalry were generally drawn from the affluent classes. Often they were literate and cultured, familiar with poetry and the Koran. Wealth is a useful advantage to pay for the expensive equipment a Saracen noble needed.

Since Saracen warriors came from a more varied background than Christian knights, the GM should allow more leeway in selection of background skills, as well as allowing players to shift points between primary skills in order to create more of a specialist. For example, it would be perfectly reasonable to create a warrior with Bow (A) DX+2 [8]-15, Broadsword (A) DX [2]-13, and Lance (A) DX [2]-13, who focuses on ranged combat more than melee.

ASSASSIN (GURPS Crusades) [130]

This template is representative of the fanatical Ismaili sect. Most Assassins were from the lower classes and of fairly young age; they could have any background. They were usually fit and would have other skills from the trades they followed before being recruited. In addition to their chosen profession, they also cultivated other common trades to help themselves blend in while on missions.

Assassins were fanatical in their devotion to carrying out their missions and in obedience to their order. They would only reveal Assassin secrets under torture. They preferred to kill their victims in public places to spread fear. Beside murder, other Assassin missions included reconnaissance and espionage. There was much intrigue surrounding Assassin missions, and an assassin might not know the reasons behind his orders.

Although most Assassins died performing public killings, a few were captured. While they were willing to die for their cause, there is no historical evidence of Assassins being ordered to commit suicide to avoid capture.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.25 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: A total of 30 points to be spent on advantages chosen from ST +1 to +3 [10/level], Will +1 to +3 [5/level], Per +1 or +2 [5/level], Basic Move +1 [5], Absolute Direction [5], Ambidexterity [5], High Pain Threshold [10], or Night Vision [1/level].

Disadvantages: Disciplines of Faith (Asceticism) [-15] and Extreme Fanaticism [-15]. • A further -10 points in disadvantages selected from among Obsession (any) [-5* or -10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty (Assassin cult) [-5], or Vow [varies].

Primary Skills: Disguise (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Knife (E) DX+2 [4]-15; Poisons (H) IQ [4]-11; Running (A) HT [2]-12; Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; and Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-14.

Secondary Skills: Lockpicking (A) IQ [2]-11 and Survival (Desert) (A) Per [2]-11. • One of Leatherworking or Sewing, both (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Carpentry or Masonry, both (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Artist (Pottery or Woodworking) (H) IQ-1 [2]-10; or Professional Skill (any craft), either (A) DX [2]-13 or (A) IQ [2]-11.

Background Skills: Six of Garrote (E) DX+1 [2]-14; Escape, Pickpocket, or Sleight of Hand, all (H) DX-1 [2]-12; Area Knowledge (any) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Hiking (A) HT [2]-12; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-12; or Survival (Mountain) or Tracking, both (A) Per [2]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

Assassins lived an ascetic life but were well-fed and in good physical shape. The GM should be cautious about allowing any physical disadvantages that would interfere with an assassin’s ability to disguise himself or blend into his surroundings.


Strictly speaking, the knights of the military orders were not Crusaders. They were warriors who took monk-like vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and swore military service to the Church to protect the Holy Lands. They lived a Spartan existence in barracks and spent their spare time in prayer and training.

There were many military orders across Europe, but only three played significant roles in the Crusades. The Templars and Hospitallers, both founded in the first half of the 12th century, were the most important to the Crusader kingdoms. The Teutonic knights, founded in 1198, were almost exclusively a German order, and played a minor role in the later years of the Crusades. Their greatest campaigns were in Eastern Europe, crusading against pagans in Poland and Lithuania.

A religious warrior has many occasions for interesting roleplaying. Such warriors garrisoned many key castles and were involved in almost every major campaign during the Crusades. Members of the military religious orders were armed like Crusader knights (see pp. 32-33) and used the same tactics. They differed mainly in their motivations, limitations, and organization. In battle, the military orders were famed for their bravery and tenacity. They very seldom surrendered, and often fought to the death. If captured, a religious warrior would not normally be ransomed.

Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11[10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: Legal Immunity [15] and Patron (Church; 6 or less; Equipment, +50%) [15]. • A total of 15 points to be spent on advantages chosen from ST +1 [10], HT +1 [10], Will +1 to +3 [5/level], Charisma [5/level], Claim to Hospitality (Religious order) [Varies], Combat Reflexes [15], Fit [5], Languages (Latin or other) [Varies], or Status [5/level]. Disadvantages: One of Duty (Church; 15 or less) [-15] or Fanaticism [-15]. • A total of -25 further points in disadvantages selected from among these two and/or Bloodlust [-10*], Disciplines of Faith [Varies], Impulsiveness [-10*], Intolerance [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5*], Sense of Duty [Varies], or Vow [varies].

Primary Skills: Knife (E) DX [1]-13; Riding (Horse) (A) DX [2]-13; and Theology (Christian) (H) IQ [4]-10. • One of these skill packages: 1. Broadsword (A) DX+2 [8]-15, Lance (A) DX [2]-13, and Shield (E) DX+1 [2]-14. • One of Axe/Mace (A) DX [2]-13 or Flail (H) DX-1 [2]-12. 2. One of Axe/Mace (A) DX+2 [8]-15 or Flail (H) DX+1 [8]-14. • Broadsword and Lance, both (A) DX [2]-13; and Shield (E) DX+1 [2]-14. 3. Lance (A) DX+2 [8]-15 and Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-15. • One of Axe/Mace or Broadsword, both (A) DX [2]-13; or Flail (H) DX-1 [2]-12.

Secondary Skills: Hidden Lore (Religious Objects) (A) IQ [2]-10; Leadership (A) IQ [2]-10; and Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9.

Background Skills: Four of First Aid (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Falconry or Heraldry, both (A) IQ [2]-10; Diplomacy, Naturalist, or Strategy (Land), all (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; or Tracking (A) Per [2]-10.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

The military orders built large fleets to transport pilgrims and fight pirates. Seagoing knights had skills like Navigation (Sea) and Seamanship in addition to the skills given in the template. As part of large organizations, religious warriors did not worry about equipping themselves; expenses were paid for by their order. (See the knight and sergeant loadouts in Suggested Equipment, p. 32, for arms and armor ideas.) The only authorities they acknowledged were the pope and the grand master of their own order. The religious orders offer PCs great protection and support but will limit their freedom of action. Latin is an exception to the suggestion under Languages (p. 31), in that written understanding is at least as common as spoken.

Screaming Victim (GURPS Zombies) [25]

Zombie movies, particularly the survival-horror kind, are full of people whose most notable feature is “wrong place, wrong time.” These can still make interesting PCs in a one-off campaign or a game where replacement characters are part of the plan! They represent most of us – their triumphs are our triumphs, and their horrible fates add to the horror.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 25 points chosen from among ST or HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], DX or IQ +1 [20], HP +1 to +3 [2/level], Will or Per +1 to +3 [5/level], FP +1 to +3 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Acute Senses (any) 1 or 2 [2 or 4], Animal Empathy [5], Appearance [4 to 16], Artificer 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Business Acumen 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Charisma 1 [5], Common Sense [10], Fearlessness 1 to 3 [2/level], Fit [5], Healer 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Intuition [15], Luck [15], Outdoorsman 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Penetrating Voice [1], Pitiable [5], Serendipity 1 [15], Single-Minded [5], or Standard Operating Procedure (Clean Freak) [1].

Disadvantages: -20 points chosen from among ST or HT -1 or -2 [-10 or -20], DX or IQ -1 [-20], HP -1 to -3 [-2/level], Will or Per -1 to -3 [-5/level], FP -1 to -3 [-3/level], Basic Speed -1 [-20], Basic Move -1 to -3 [-5/level], Appearance [-4 or -8], Bad Sight (Mitigator, Glasses or Contacts, -60%) [-10], Bad Temper [-10*], Chummy or Gregarious [-5 or -10], Code of Honor (Professional) [-5], Combat Paralysis [-15], Curious [-5*], Delusion (“Zombies are just like in the movies!”) [-5], Fearfulness 1 to 3 [-2/level], Gluttony [-5*], Guilt Complex [-5], Hard of Hearing [-10], Honesty [-10*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], Klutz [-5], Low Self-Image [-10], Odious Personal Habits [-5 or -10], Overconfidence [-5*], Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5], Phobias [Varies*], Selfish or Selfless [-5*], Sense of Duty (Companions) [-5], Squeamish [-10*], Stubbornness [-5], Unluckiness [-10], Workaholic [-5], or one of Skinny [-5], Overweight [-1], Fat [-3], or Very Fat [-5].

Primary Skills: One of Carpentry, Computer Operation, First Aid, Housekeeping, or Panhandling, all (E) IQ+3 [8]-13; Administration, Cooking, Electrician, Electronics Repair (any), Farming, Freight Handling, Mechanic (any), Merchant, Professional Skill (any), Soldier, or Teaching, all (A) IQ+2 [8]-12; or 8 points for an additional background skill at three levels higher.

Secondary Skills: Area Knowledge (any local) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11. • One of Bicycling (E) DX+1 [2]-11; Driving (Automobile, Heavy Wheeled, or Motorcycle) or Sports (Skateboard), both (A) DX [2]-10; Hiking or Running, both (A) HT [2]-10; or 2 points to raise Area Knowledge by a level. • One of Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2]-11; Leadership, Public Speaking, or Streetwise, all (A) IQ [2]-10; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-9; Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-11; Sex Appeal (A) HT [2]-10; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-10; or 2 points for another primary skill at two levels lower.

• Another 2 points for Area Knowledge (any) IQ+1 [2]-11, another choice from either secondary skill list, or to raise an existing secondary skill by one level.

Background Skills: Four of Brawling or Guns (Pistol, Rifle, or Shotgun), both (E) DX [1]-10; Boxing, Dancing, Riding (Horse), Sports (any), or Wrestling, all (A) DX-1 [1]-9; Judo or Karate, both (H) DX-2 [1]-8; Current Affairs (any), First Aid, Games (any), Gardening, or Hobby Skill (any), all (E) IQ [1]-10; Connoisseur (any) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Artist (any) or Musical Instrument (any), both (H) IQ-2 [1]-8; Singing or Swimming, both (E) HT [1]-10; Lifting (A) HT-1 [1]-9; Skating or Skiing, both (H) HT-2 [1]-8; Fishing or Scrounging, both (E) Per [1]-10; Survival (any) or Urban Survival, both (A) Per-1 [1]-9; or 1 point to raise an existing background skill by one level.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. Customization Notes

This archetype fits the time period in which most zombie films are set: TL6-9. Fiction about lower tech levels tends to portray ordinary folks more as survivors. To generate a survival-oriented modern Everyman suitable for a 50-point campaign, double the advantage allocation, taking care to stick to the usual limits on secondary characteristics.

A defining feature of the victim is problems, explaining the large number of disadvantage choices. These fall into three broad groups. Most noble are would-be hero motivations, including Selfless, Sense of Duty, and Workaholic when it’s turned toward the common good. Deadlier are difficulties for hapless types – say, a bum knee (reduced Basic Move) or glasses that get knocked off (Bad Sight). Finally there are jerk traits, like Bad Temper, Selfish, or even Honesty when it leads to hassling others about “stealing” survival supplies from an abandoned store. Individuals with the latter kinds of flaws tend to have another side that makes them sympathetic; e.g., the authoritarian-but-protective mall cop. But not always!

Beyond that, pick abilities to suit fictional archetypes with some grounding in reality; e.g., the heavyset contractor who enjoys a few beers and hunting on the weekend gets ST, Outdoorsman, Carousing, Carpentry, Fishing, Guns, and Survival. “Ordinary folks” in the movies often exhibit a few surprising talents – perhaps the soccer mom has high Per for watching kids, SOP (Clean Freak) for cleaning up after them, and an exceptional Driving skill for shuttling them to activities. And certainly there are campy stereotypes, like the cute cheerleader with Appearance, Fit, and Penetrating Voice (for screaming), Dancing as her primary skill, and a Sex Appeal level that’s decidedly inappropriate for her age.

Most important is a fair player-GM pact regarding genre conventions. It’s tempting to create an ex-army marksman with Guns (Rifle) as his primary skill, or to sink everything into useful survival traits, but that isn’t true to the stories. A 25- to 50-point campaign is about doing the best you can with what you’ve got. If the players create plausible delivery-van drivers, high-school jocks, and sales clerks, the GM should be generous when such low-powered types try things. This means giving bonuses for routine tasks (p. B345), and allowing the deliveryman to roll Freight Handling to pack the supplies before the zombies arrive, the jock to exploit Sports (Football) to evade zombies, and the clerk to use Per-based Merchant in place of Scrounging at shops.


Near the other end of the spectrum are tough folk who’ve weathered the storm – and, in a lighthearted campaign, zombiephiles who’ve spent their free time on ZombieFit courses and “zombie runs,” and their money on survival gear. They know what zombies are and what they can do. Most of all, they know how to survive. They aren’t masters of killing (though they can certainly take down zombies), but of not dying.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 12 [40]; HT 12 [20].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 12 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].

Advantages: SOP (On Alert) [1]. • 40 points chosen from among ST or HT +1 to +4 [10/level], DX or IQ +1 or +2 [20 or 40], HP +1 to +3 [2/level], Will or Per +1 to +6 [5/level], FP +1 to +3 [3/level], Basic Speed +1 or +2 [20 or 40], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Direction [5], Acute Senses (any) [2/level], Artificer 1-4 [10/level], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], Danger Sense [15], Eidetic or Photographic Memory [5 or 10], Enhanced Dodge 1 [15], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Fit or Very Fit [5 or 15], Green Thumb 1-4 [5/level], Hard to Kill [2/level], Hard to Subdue [2/level], Healer 1-4 [10/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Intuition [15], Less Sleep 1-4 [2/level], Luck or Extraordinary Luck [15 or 30], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Outdoorsman 1-4 [10/level], Perfect Balance [15], Peripheral Vision [15], Rapid or Very Rapid Healing [5 or 15], Reduced Consumption 1 [2], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Serendipity 1 or 2 [15 or 30], Temperature Tolerance 1 or 2 [1 or 2], or the perks on pp. 31-32.

Disadvantages: -10 points chosen from among Appearance [-4 or -8], Bad Temper [-10*], Bloodlust [-10*], Compulsive Survivalism (p. 32) [-5*], Delusions (anything zombie-related) [-5 or -10], Guilt Complex [-5], Light Sleeper [-5], No Sense of Humor [-10], Nightmares [-5*], Overconfidence [-5*], Paranoia [-10], Skinny [-5], Stubbornness [-5], Workaholic [-5], or Wounded [-5]. • Another -25 points chosen from among those traits or Callous [-5], Charitable [-15*], Chummy or Gregarious [-5 or -10] or Loner [-5*], Obsession (Find a cure) [-10*], Selfish or Selfless [-5*], or Sense of Duty (Companions) or (All humanity) [-5 or -15].

Primary Skills: Area Knowledge (any local) (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-13; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12; and Survival (any) or Urban Survival, both (A) Per [2]-12. • Four of Brawling, Crossbow, Guns (any), or Knife, all (E) DX+2 [4]-14; Axe/Mace, Bow, Boxing, Broadsword, Spear, Shortsword, Staff, Throwing, TwoHanded Axe/Mace, or Wrestling, all (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Judo or Karate, both (H) DX [4]-12; or 4 points to raise one selection by one level (up to three times).

Secondary Skills: Eight of Fast-Draw (any), Forced Entry, or Knot-Tying, all (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Boating (any), Climbing, Driving (any), NBC Suit, Piloting (any), or Riding (any), all (A) DX [2]-12; Acrobatics or Escape, both (H) DX-1 [2]-11; Area Knowledge (any), Camouflage, or Housekeeping, all (E) IQ+1 [2]-13; Acting, Armoury (any), Cartography, Disguise (Zombies), Electronics Repair (any), Hazardous Materials (any), Mechanic (any), Navigation (any), or Soldier, all (A) IQ [2]-12; Tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-11; Hiking or Running, both (A) HT [2]-12; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-12; Observation (A) Per [2]-12; 2 points to buy any unselected primary combat skill at one level lower; or 2 points to raise a secondary skill or a primary noncombat skill by one level.

Background Skills: Four of Carpentry, First Aid, Gardening, or Masonry, all (E) IQ [1]-12; Electrician, Farming, Machinist, Research, or Smith (any), all (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Bioengineering (any), Chemistry, Diagnosis, Engineer (any), Expert Skill (Epidemiology), Pharmacy (any), Physician, Poisons, or Psychology, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; Biology, Physics, or Surgery, all (VH) IQ-3 [1]-9; Fishing (E) Per [1]-12; Tracking (A) Per-1 [1]-11; or 1 point to buy any unselected secondary skill at one level lower, or an unselected primary combat skill at two levels lower. • Optionally, take only two background choices at a level higher, or just one at two levels higher.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

This template omits traits that rely on campaign-level decisions: Immunity to Zombie Plague, Social Disease (Carrier), Flashbacks (or Stress Atavism) for ex-zombies, the Hidden Lore (Zombies) skill, anything connected with the supernatural, and zombie templates. If the GM opts to allow such options, add them to the appropriate lists.

Here, too, disadvantages are pivotal. Unlike many 150- point character templates in GURPS, this one doesn’t have -50 points of disadvantages, but sticks to -35 points on the grounds that problem-laden people won’t survive. The first list addresses the mark made on the hero by the coming of the zombies – the situation has left him crazy, determined, disfigured, starving, twitchy, or filled with guilt or rage over those who didn’t make it. The second defines his attitude toward survival; he might be self-centered (Callous, Loner, and/or Selfish), group-oriented (Chummy and a Sense of Duty to friends), or trying to save the world (Charitable, Obsession with a cure, Selfless, or even a global Sense of Duty). It’s possible to be all scars, though!

As for advantages and skills, it’s reasonable to be an action-oriented fighter with improved DX and Basic Move; Combat Reflexes; a careful balance of ranged, melee weapon, and unarmed skills; dynamic secondary skills like Acrobatics, Climbing, Fast-Draw, Forced Entry, Running, and further combat training; and all background points in even more fighting skills. Then again, you could be a medic with a thoughtful take on evasion (Area Knowledge, Camouflage, Cartography, Navigation, and Observation), good work habits (Hazardous Materials, Housekeeping, and NBC Suit), and Diagnosis, Pharmacy, Physician, and Surgery kicked up to respectable levels by a maxed-out Healer advantage. And the survivor rebuilding the future stocks up on Artificer, using it to boost Carpentry, Machinist, Masonry, Smith, and diverse Armoury, Electronics Repair, and Mechanic specialties – and doubtless adds Guns and Soldier from that militia training.

In an apocalypse, choose capabilities that suit available resources. If the zombies just showed up, and you’re a cop or a biker holed up in a mall with a shotgun, it makes sense to focus on here-and-now stuff like DX, Combat Reflexes, Enhanced Dodge, and High Pain Threshold; it’s worthwhile to sacrifice a secondary skill for more Scrounging; and, in a TL6+ setting, weapons and transportation will be plentiful enough to support a dependency on Armoury, Guns, Mechanic, and vehicle skills. After the apocalypse, it’s more useful to have Rapid Healing, Reduced Consumption, or Resistant to Disease for one’s own survival, along with Artificer, Green Thumb, or Healer for humanity’s – and some of Bow, Fishing, Spear, and Tracking for catching food, Farming for growing it, Carpentry for shelter, and Smith for metalwork.

Zombie Slayer Lenses

A “slayer” is a survivor who focuses on zombie-killing – a zombie-hunter. To create one, start with Hardened Survivor (above) and add enough of the lenses below to reach points and effectiveness that suit the campaign. These lenses can work on templates from other GURPS books, too; many a slayer is superhuman, like the fantasy RPG paladin (use GURPS Fantasy or Dungeon Fantasy), or Alice from the Resident Evil movies (GURPS Bio-Tech, Psis, and/or Supers would fit). For a set of 10 templates for career monster exterminators, see the GURPS Monster Hunters series. In all cases, if zombie-ism is contagious, the GM should consider permitting slayers to buy Immunity to Zombie Plague [5] or Immunity to Zombie Curse [5] – as applicable – using advantage points.

Born Zombie-Killer (BZK) [+50]

You didn’t know what to do with your life until they appeared. Now you do: kill ’em all. Go as light as possible on noncombat traits such as the Green Thumb and Healer advantages, and Housekeeping, craft, and scientific skills. Then add the stuff below. In a lighthearted campaign reminiscent of Juan de los Muertos or Zombieland, this lens might even modify Screaming Victim (pp. 37-38)!

Advantages: SOP (Check the Bodies) [1] and Higher Purpose (Kill Zombies)* [5]. • 30 points of hardened survivor advantages chosen from among ST, DX, HT, HP, Per, Basic Speed, Basic Move, Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Enhanced Dodge, Fearlessness or Unfazeable, Fit or Very Fit, Hard to Kill, Hard to Subdue, High Pain Threshold, Luck, Night Vision, Peripheral Vision, or Rapid or Very Rapid Healing. • You may also use these advantage points or those on the template to buy Ambidexterity [5] and up to Enhanced Dodge 3 [15/level], Extra Attack 1 [25], or Ridiculous Luck [60].

Skills and Techniques: 14 points to improve existing combat skills, buy new ones, or add Beheading Blow and/or Headshot (see Techniques, p. 36). • You must use some of these points to acquire Hidden Lore (Zombies) (A) IQ [2]-12, if that skill is known in the campaign – that’s how you know their weaknesses!

* Gives +1 on all rolls to attack, defend against, damage, resist, and otherwise thwart zombies! The catch is that you must fight any zombie you meet, or lose the benefit until you kill a few hordes to get your mojo back.

Combat Monster [+50]

This is a less over-the-top version of Born Zombie-Killer (above) – although an over-the-top BZK could have both lenses! A non-BZK combat monster might be just an extra-hardened survivor, and won’t necessarily avoid the template’s noncombat traits.

Advantages: 40 points on the hardened survivor advantages noted for the BZK. • You may also use these advantage points or those on the template to buy Ambidexterity [5] or Extra Attack 1 [25].

Skills: 10 points to improve existing combat skills or to buy new ones.

Holy Warrior [+50]

You have divine support and enlightenment in your battle against the zombies. This is most useful if the zombies are supernatural and undead – but several of these abilities are valuable regardless.

Holy warriors are often TL2-4 fantasy heroes. These should avoid the template’s high-tech skills (Driving, Electrician, Electronics Repair, Guns, Machinist, Mechanic, NBC Suit, and Piloting), pick scientific skills only if the GM says that they exist (affects Bioengineering, Biology, Chemistry, Epidemiology, and Physics), and stick to primitive Engineer specialties and the “Herbal” specialty of Pharmacy.

Advantages: Rest in Pieces [1] and Won’t Rise [1]. • 30 points in Blessed (Heroic Feats) [10], Danger Sense [15], Higher Purpose (Kill Undead)* [5], Intuition [15], or True Faith [15] or True Faith (Turning, +65%) [25]. • You may also use these advantage points or those on the template to purchase up to Ridiculous Luck [60] or Serendipity 4 [60]. Skills and Techniques: Three of Hidden Lore (Demons, Spirits, or Zombies), Occultism, or Professional Skill (Mortician), all (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; Religious Ritual (any) or Theology (any), both (H) IQ [4]-12; Exorcism (H) Will [4]-12; or Esoteric Medicine (H) Per [4]-12. • 6 points to improve existing combat skills, buy new ones, or add Beheading Blow and/or Headshot (see Techniques, p. 36). * Works like the BZK’s Higher Purpose, but applies to all undead (zombies or not) instead of to all zombies (undead or not). Someone with both Higher Purposes gets +2 vs. undead zombies.

Magician [+50]

You wield magic in the service of zombie-slaying, with spells for detecting, repelling, inhuming, and cremating the undead, and for preventing the dead from reanimating. Be this thaumaturgy or theurgy, it’s no mere sideline – you’ve learned occult skills to match. Magicians are often low-tech fantasy characters to whom the notes on high-tech skills under Holy Warrior (pp. 40-41) apply.

Advantages: Either Magery 2 [25] or Power Investiture 2 [20] and 5 points of extra template advantages. • Those who have such advantages may buy more template advantages instead, and any magician may put template advantage points toward higher levels of these traits.

Skills: Hidden Lore (Demons, Spirits, or Zombies) (A) IQ [2]-12; Occultism (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Thaumatology (VH) IQ [2]-12*.

Spells†: Create Fire, Death Vision, Fear, Final Rest, Ignite Fire, Lend Energy, Lend Vitality, Magic Resistance, Pentagram, Scryguard, Seek Earth, Sense Emotion, Sense Foes, Sense Spirit, Shape Earth, Spell Shield, Summon Spirit, Turn Spirit, Turn Zombie, and Zombie, all (H) IQ [1]-12*.

* Thaumatology and spells get +2 from Magery. Theurgists enjoy +2 to spells from Power Investiture, but have Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2]-10.

† These spells assume standard prerequisites. Theurgists may use alternative ones that omit certain spells, especially Zombie. Use any leftover points for more occult skills, Exorcism (Will/H), Religious Ritual (IQ/H), or Theology (IQ/H).

=== Superhuman [+50] Odds are good that you were created by whatever caused the zombies. True or not, you’re clearly more than human!

Advantages: 50 points in exotic advantages attributable to your origin – and you may use points from the template to buy more. Some examples:

Bio-Tech Combat Mutant (TL9): Claws (Blunt or Sharp) [3 or 5], Catfall [10], Damage Resistance 1-3 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3/level], Striking ST 1-3 [5/level], and further physical advantages from the template (ST, DX, HT, HP, FP, Basic Speed, Basic Move, Fit or Very Fit, Hard to Kill, Hard to Subdue, High Pain Threshold, Night Vision, Perfect Balance, Peripheral Vision, or Rapid or Very Rapid Healing).

Bio-Tech Combat Mutant (TL10): As above, plus Chameleon 1 or 2 [5/level], Claws (Talons or Long Talons) [8 or 11], Clinging [20], Constriction Attack [15], Damage Resistance 4-6 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3/level], Enhanced Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 [25], Infravision [10], Recovery [10], Regeneration (Slow) [10], Striking ST 4-6 [5/level], or Vibration Sense [10].

Bio-Tech Combat Mutant (TL11): As above, plus Chameleon 3 or 4 [5/level], Doesn’t Sleep [20], Extra Attack 2 [50], Regeneration (Regular) [25], Striking ST 7-10 [5/level], or Super Jump 1 [10].

Esper: Clairsentience (ESP, -10%) [45], Danger Sense (ESP, -10%) [14] or Precognition (ESP, -10%) [23], Detect (Zombies; ESP, -10%) [5], ESP Talent 1-4 [5/level], or Para-Radar (ESP, -10%) [36].

Psychokinetic: Crushing Attack (Malediction 2, +150%; No Signature, +20%; PK, -10%) [13/level], Damage Resistance (Force Field, +20%; PK, -10%) [5.5/level*], Flight (PK, -10%) [36], PK Talent 1-4 [5/level], or Telekinesis (PK, -10%) [4.5/level*].

* Multiply by level and round up at the end.

Gamers with GURPS Bio-Tech, Psionic Powers, or Psis can use the abilities there instead of those above.

Zombie Master (GURPS Zombies) [150]

People who create and control zombies tend to be powerful. They’re often unsuitable as PCs even in a high-powered game, however – perhaps because the GM believes that zombie-making is for bad guys, or doesn’t want PCs unleashing armies or plagues on his game world, or considers the logistics of legions and new inventions to be an unwelcome burden. Still, a 150-point zombie-master who isn’t so competent that he’s likely to start with many minions or be attempting much invention might fit into a long-term campaign.

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 10 [0].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 15 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 50 points chosen from among Allies (Zombies) [Varies], Artificer 1-4 [10/level], Gadgeteer (Unspecialized, Specialized, or Doubly Specialized) [25, 13, or 5] or Quick Gadgeteer (Unspecialized, Specialized, or Doubly Specialized) [50, 25, or 10], Good with Zombies [1], High TL 1 [5], Horde-Walker [1], Magery 2, 3, or 4 [25, 35, or 45], Mind Control (with Zombie Command, -25% and other modifiers) [Varies], or Power Investiture 2-5 [10/level]. • Another 20 points chosen from the previous list or ST or HT +1 or +2 [10/level], DX or IQ +1 [20], Charisma 1 or 2 [5 or 10], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Healer 1 or 2 [10 or 20], Less Sleep 1-4 [2/level], Luck [15], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], Resistant to Poison (+3) [5], Single-Minded [5], Spirit Empathy [10], Tenure [5], Versatile [5], Wealth (Comfortable or Wealthy) [10 or 20], or the perks on pp. 31-32.

Disadvantages: -10 points chosen from among Delusions (anything zombie-related) [-5 to -15], Curious [-5*], Impulsiveness [-10*], Megalomania [-10], Obsession (anything zombie-related) [-5* or -10*], Overconfidence [-5*], Secret [Varies], or Xenophilia [-10*]. • Another -40 points chosen from the previous list or ST or HT -1 or -2 [-10 or -20], DX -1 [-20], HP -1 to -3 [-2/level], Will or Per -1 to -3 [-5/level], FP -1 to -3 [-3/level], Basic Speed -1 [-20], Basic Move -1 to -3 [-5/level], AbsentMindedness [-15], Appearance [-4 to -16], Bad Sight (Mitigator, Glasses or Contacts, -60%) [-10], Bad Temper [-10*], Callous [-5], Clueless [-10], Disturbing Voice [-10], Hunchback [-10], Intolerance (Anyone with IQ 10 or less) [-5], Jealousy [-10], Loner [-5*], Oblivious [-5], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Reputation [Varies], Skinny [-5], Stubbornness [-5], or Workaholic [-5].

Primary Skills: Four of Hidden Lore (Demons, Spirits, or Zombies), Occultism, or Professional Skill (Mortician), all (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Bioengineering (Genetic Engineering or Tissue Engineering), Brainwashing, Chemistry, Engineer (any), Expert Skill (Epidemiology or Memetics), Pharmacy (any), Physician, Physiology, Psychology, Religious Ritual (any), or Theology (any), all (H) IQ [4]-15; Alchemy, Biology, Herb Lore, Physics, Ritual Magic (any), Surgery, Thaumatology, or Weird Science, all (VH) IQ-1 [4]-14; Esoteric Medicine (H) Per [4]-15; or 4 points to raise one of those skills by one level. • Those with Magery or Power Investiture may trade two primary choices for these spells: Zombie (H) IQ-1 [2]-14, and Control Zombie, Death Vision, Lend Energy, Lend Vitality, Summon Spirit, and Zombie Summoning, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-13. Remember to add the Magery or Power Investiture bonus.

Secondary Skills: Five of NBC Suit (A) DX [2]-10; Armoury (any), Electrician, Electronics Operation (usually Medical or Scientific), Electronics Repair (any), Hazardous Materials (any), Hidden Lore (any), Mechanic (any), Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ [2]-15; Diagnosis, Hypnotism, or Veterinary, all (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-16; 2 points to raise one of those skills by one level; or 2 points to buy any unselected primary skill (not spell) at one level lower.

Background Skills: 1 point in each of four skills chosen from among unselected primary skills (not spells) at two levels lower, or unselected secondary skills at one level lower.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

Customization Notes

The player must ask the GM what’s allowed and available. Not all possibilities suit every campaign, and it’s conceivable that there’s just one path! Also, while this template omits traits such as Immunity to Zombie Plague and Social Disease (Carrier), these are fitting options if the GM permits them.

After those matters, the most important consideration when creating a zombie-master is his combination of skills and advantages. Generally, supernatural advantages such as Magery and Power Investiture should accompany occult skills and spells, while most of the other advantages need the Weird Science skill above all else. Moreover, skill sets should fit a theme: biological, chemical, magical, etc. Still, zombies are weird enough that there will always be exceptions. Some examples:

Classic Necromancer: Allies (10 superior zombies; 25% of own points; 12 or less; Summonable, +100%) [24], Charisma 2 [10] (for eventual Mass Zombie), Magery 2 [25], Rule of 15 [1], and Spirit Empathy [10], with skill at Alchemy, Esoteric Medicine, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Hidden Lore (Zombies), Occultism, Professional Skill (Mortician), Thaumatology, and spells.

Steampunk Reanimator: Artificer 2 [20], High TL 1 [5], Quick Gadgeteer (Zombies, -50%) [25], Single-Minded [5], Versatile [5], and Wealth (Comfortable) [10] (but they laughed at him at the University, so not Tenure), with skill at Biology, Chemistry, Electrician, Engineer (Electrical), Physician, Physiology, Scrounging, Surgery, Veterinary, and Weird Science.

Zombie Whisperer: Charisma 2 [10], Gadgeteer (Memetic Zombies, -80%) [5], Good with Zombies [1], High TL 1 [5], Horde-Walker [1], Mind Control (Hearing-Based, -20%; Independent, +70%; Suggestion, -40%; Zombie Command, -25%) [43], and Versatile [5], with skill at Brainwashing, Expert Skill (Memetics), Hypnotism, Psychology, Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, Weird Science, and Writing.

Pick disadvantages to fit personality, not expertise. The first list hints at motivations: madness (Delusions, Megalomania, and Obsession), making friends (Xenophilia), ruling the world (see “madness”), scientific curiosity (Curious), “it seemed like a good idea at the time” (Impulsiveness), etc. The second is about the stereotype… anything from a nervous, bespectacled scientist (low ST, Absent-Mindedness, Bad Sight, and Oblivious) to a disfigured, gravel-throated black magician (low Appearance, Callous, Disturbing Voice, Loner, and Odious Personal Habits).

This template omits anything not to do with the zombie master’s work – most such figures are monomaniacal, regardless of whether they have an Obsession. In a campaign where survival matters, consider using the 5 points that quirks give to buy practical adventuring skills.

Creepy Assistants (GURPS Zombies)

Zombie-masters from necromancers to mad scientists often employ at least one assistant (not always named “Igor”) to exhume corpses, grab test subjects, or be a test subject. In older movies, this figure is often naïve, even innocent, and sometimes turns out to be good. In recent fiction, he’s usually a heartless stooge of The Corporation (p. 23).

A creepy assistant needn’t be less able than a true zombie-master. In Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, for instance, Igors are considerably more capable than dark lords. In high bio-tech stories, the “master” may be a bureaucrat whose assistants are the real brains. To create a competent assistant, use Zombie Master (pp. 41-43), omitting the 50 points of special zombie-related abilities (Allies, Gadgeteer, Magery, Mind Control, etc.) if he’s meant to play second fiddle.

For a total stereotype – strong, menacing, and no rocket scientist – use the template below.

Creepy Assistant [75]

Attributes: ST 13 [30]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 10 [0]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13 [0]; Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 5.50 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].

Advantages: 25 points chosen from ST or HT +1 or +2 [10 or 20], HP +1 to +3 [2/level], Will or Per +1 to +3 [5/level], Fearlessness [2/level] or Unfazeable [15], Hard to Subdue [2/level], Hard to Kill [2/level], High Pain Threshold [10], Horde-Walker [1], Less Sleep 1-4 [2/level], Night Vision 1-9 [1/level], Pitiable [5], Rapid or Very Rapid Healing [5 or 15], Resistant to Disease (+3) or (+8) [3 or 5], SOP (Check the Bodies) [1], or Tastes Bad [1].

Disadvantages: Duty (To boss; 15 or less) [-15]. • Another -25 points chosen from IQ -1 [-20], Appearance [-4 to -16], Bad Smell [-10], Bloodlust [-10*], Bully [-10*], Disturbing Voice [-10], Hidebound [-5], Hunchback [-10], Incurious [-5*], Mute [-25], Odious Personal Habits [-5 to -15], Short Attention Span [-10*], or Xenophilia [-10*].

Primary Skills: Two of Two-Handed Axe/Mace or Wrestling, both (A) DX+2 [8]-13; Lifting (A) HT+2 [8]-13; or Intimidation (A) Will+2 [8]-12.

Secondary Skills: Three of Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ+2 [4]-12; Driving (any), NBC Suit, or Stealth, all (A) DX+1 [4]-12; Electronics Operation (Scientific), Freight Handling, Hazardous Materials (any), Packing, Professional Skill (Mortician), or Teamster (any), all (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; Scrounging (E) Per+2 [4]-12; 4 points to raise one of those skills by one level; or 4 points for an unselected primary skill at one level lower.

Background Skills: Brawling (E) DX+1 [2]-12.

rpg/gurps/templates/character/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 12:38 by wizardofaus_doku

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