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Katie Champa

GURPS Conversion

Points Spent: 90

Points Available: 50 base plus (40 x 2) from Drama Points

Primary Characteristics

ST 10 [0p] | DX 12 [40p] | IQ 12 [40p] | HT 10 [0p]

Secondary Characteristics

  • Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d [0p]
  • Basic Lift: 20 lbs [0p]
  • HP 10 [0p] | FP 10 [0p]
  • Will: 13 [5p] | Perception: 14 [10p]
  • Basic Speed: 5.5 | Basic Move: 5


  • No Encumbrance: 20 lb. Move 5, normal Dodge.
  • Light Encumbrance: 40 lb. Move 4, Dodge -1.
  • Medium Encumbrance: 60 lb. Move 3, Dodge -2.
  • Heavy Encumbrance: 120 lb. Move 2, Dodge -3.
  • Extra-Heavy Encumbrance: 200 lb. Move 1, Dodge -4.


Physical Appearance

Katie appears to be a young adult. She has shoulder-length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She is human-sized (SM 0) and has an average build (no modifiers).

Social Background

Katie's native tech level is TL 8 (the Modern Age.) (notes about cultural familiarities). (notes about languages known.)

Wealth and Influence

Average: You work for a living, but your lifestyle is better than most. Your starting wealth is twice the average. 0 points.

Char Loft Rank 2: Lifetime Customer [10p]

Friends and Foes

Ally: Dot Champa [PC; no cost]


No additional identities at the moment.





Limit of 5. Each quirk is worth -1 point.

Minority: Pansexual. While your sexuality does not usually limit your rights, it can occasionally result in a -1 reaction penalty or worse from less open-minded individuals.

Love. You are in love with someone; while they are too powerful to qualify as a Dependent, and may even be a PC, you will suffer an occasional -1 penalty to resist giving in to pressure, whether to threats placed against your love or the more goodnatured requests love places on you.



Character Type: Adult Mortal

Banked Experience:
Strength: 3 [15 total needed for next level]
Constitution: 4 [15 total needed for next level]
Nerves of Steel: 8 [15 total needed to purchase]
Getting Medieval: 4 [10 total needed for next level]
Notice: 6 [12 total needed for next level]
Science: 1 [5 total needed for next level]
Language: 1 [5 total needed for next level]
WC: Sign Language: 2 [5 total needed for next level]
WC: Chainsaw: 1 [5 total needed for next level]
WC: Tactics: 1 [4 total needed for next level]
WC: Vampire Politics: 1 [6 total needed for next level]
WC: Fledge Wrangling: 1 [6 total needed for next level]
WC: Desert Survival: 1 [5 total needed for next level]


Big Damn Hero [3]

Once per game session, can give another character +10 on a test, even after rolling.
This takes up Katie's turn, and she must explain what she is doing to help.

Once per game session, can restore another character's Life Points by half as if a
Drama Point had been spent, without needing to take an action.

Good Luck 10 [10]

Hard to Kill 5 [5]

Situational Awareness [2]

+2 to Perception to sense danger; +2 to resist Crime or Acrobatic rolls to sneak up on them.

Climate Adaptation (Hot)


Honorable (Minimal) [-1]

Love [-2]

Mental Problems: Delusions (Life is a horror movie) (Mild) [-1]

Mental Problems: Paranoia (Mild) [-1]

Mental Problems: Recklessness (Mild) [-1]

Resources -2: Below Average [-2]


Acrobatics: 2

Art: 0

Computers: 0

Crime: 2

Doctor: 2

Driving: 1

Getting Medieval: 4

Gun Fu: 2

Influence: 2

Knowledge: 2

Kung Fu: 2

Languages: 0

Mr. Fix-It: 2

Notice: 5

Occultism: 1

Science: 0

Sports: 0

Wildcard: Interpretation: 4 (Used for interpreting people who are usually hard to comprehend, including the deranged and the peculiar, as long as they are speaking a language she understands, and can be used in place of Influence when dealing with such people.)

Wildcard: Tactics: 1

Wildcard: Vampire Politics: 2

Wildcard: Fledgewrangling: 2

Wildcard: Wilderness Survival: 2

Equipment Stored at Home

  • Baseball Bat - 4 x Strength damage, Bash.
  • Leather Bodysuit (AV 3, covers everywhere but head.)
  • Crossbow [16 Slash]. An ordinary crossbow, stored at home for practice and occasionally brought out when adventure is afoot.
  • Quiver of 20 crossbow bolts.
  • Bulletproof Jacket [Armor Value 4, 12 vs Bullets]
  • Serrated Knife [2 x Str Slash, can decapitate grappled opponents]
  • Big Pistol (15 damage, uses .45 bullets).
  • Five boxes of 20 .45 bullets.
  • Tarp. A large blue tarp.
  • Rope. A length of rope, useful for tying things down.

Adventure Souvenirs

  • Machete [3 x Str Slash]. A souvenir from Vamphater Island, useful for clearing jungle vegetation or cleaving the heads of enemies.
  • Wooden staff [2 x Str Bash]. A handcarved walking stick that can be used as a blunt weapon in a pinch.
  • Flare pistol with one flare, a leftover from Vamphater Island.
  • Canteen. A good-quality canteen used during a trip to Vamphater Island.
  • Rain poncho. A rain poncho from a trip to Vamphater Island.
  • Snowshoes. A souvenir from Skald.
  • Flask of honey mead. A souvenir from Skald.
  • Awl. Better suited for making shoes. Does 2 x STR damage, Slash Stab, -1 to use for awkward stabbing. A souvenir from Skald.
  • Silver owl whistle (gold beak, sapphire eyes). A souvenir from Skald.
  • Wee brass charm depicting a tiny cake with four gemstones set in the candles, inscribed: William's birthday, 1884. A souvenir from William's fourth birthday party.
  • A little bowl with a glowing miniature jellyfish within, won at the Ring Toss. A souvenir from William's fourth birthday party.
  • A pack of trading/playing cards for a collectible demon card game enjoyed by fledgelings of Spike's world. Katie's pack contains the following cards: Sphynx (common), Crusted Greeb (common), Poltergheist (rare), Goblin (common), Ghoul Queen (rare), Mermaid (common), Dryad(common), Baba Yaga (rare). A souvenir from William's fourth birthday party.

Pyramid Scheme Equipment

  • Flowing desert clothing.
  • Climate control pith helmet. Does what it says - magically controls the climate so that things are comfortably cool. Do not lose or expose to massive trauma.
  • Corpseflower Charm Pin. Adds +1 to attack rolls when facing undead opponents.
  • Coal the Sphynx Cat. One of George and Kyle's cats.
  • Ember the Camel. +5 Camel (older, balding). Name: Ember (experienced).
  • Green laser pointer.
  • Three cans of cat food.
  • Two bottles of water.
  • Hydration pack.
  • Emergency first aid kit (bandages, disinfectant, etc).
  • Potion belt. Contains a series of ten stone flasks; eight are made of white gemstone, two of green gemstone. Three of the white gemstone vials contain healing draught (+5 LP per swallow, 2 swallows per flask); five are currently empty and are used for containing liquids found on adventures; the green gemstone vials contain antidote (2 swallows per flask; one is half empty.)
  • Emergency multitool (in pocket).
  • Folding axe (in backpack).
  • Small combination prybar/hammer.
  • Hand crossbow (folding, slung from right hip) with ten bolts (five packed, five in quiver on right hip).
  • Backpack with ALICE frame.
  • Semi-Automatic Shotgun (holds eight shells) - 20 Bullet damage [fully loaded] (Velcroed to pack frame when not in use)
  • Box of twenty shotgun shells [2 used]
  • Folding shovel, small
  • Notebook.
  • Mechanical pencils.
  • Permanent marker.
  • Chalk.
  • Lighter.
  • Sealed waterproof jar. Contains matches, twine, candle, lint, and a mirror.
  • Duct tape.
  • Book of pink Post-it notes.
  • Spare light robe.
  • Socks.
  • Dynamo flashlight.
  • LED squeezelight (in pocket).
  • Money belt with handcuff key and folding knife (worn under clothes).
  • Hand-assembled lockpick set.
  • Aurelian Whistle. A small metal whistle on a chain, not unlike a police whistle (when blown in an emergency, will Summon the nearest Aurelian vampire, provided that one is in good standing with the family. It is strongly advised not to blow unless it is an emergency).

Adventure Bonuses

  • Emerald scorpion ring [+1 to defenses vs Scorpions].
  • (Successfully consumed scorpion meat: +2 to resist scorpion venom.)


Maneuver Roll Effects
Punch 3 + 2 4 + SL Bash damage
Baseball Bat 3 + 4 8 + SL Bash damage
Axe 3 + 4 10 + SL Slash/Stab damage
Knife 3 + 4 4 + SL Slash/Stab damage
Decapitation -5 Damage after SL multiplied by five; if target fails a survival roll, is decapitated
Through the Heart -3 Damage to nonvamps quadrupled; x5 damage to vamps if this would be sufficient to kill them
Feint (Kung Fu) 4 + 2 Add SL to next attack against target
Feint (Get Med) 4 + 4 Add SL to next attack against target
Aiming (Gun Fu) 4 + 2 Add SL to attack against target; attack occurs at end of round instead of at beginning
Gun Shot (Shotgun) 3 + 2 20 + SL Bullet damage
Aiming (GM) 4 + 4 Add SL to attack against target; attack occurs at end of round instead of at beginning
Crossbow 3 + 4 16 + SL Stab damage for normal, 12 + SL Stab for hand crossbow
rpg/gurps/sheets/katie_champa.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/02 18:36 by wizardofaus_doku

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