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Dot Champa

GURPS Conversion

Unspent Points Available: 62

Primary Characteristics

ST 12 [20p] | DX 14 [80p] | IQ 14 [80p] | HT 12 [20p]

Secondary Characteristics

  • Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d+2 [0p]
  • Basic Lift: 28.8 lbs [0p]
  • HP 12 [0p] | FP 12 [0p]
  • Will: 14 [0p] | Perception: 14 [0p]
  • Basic Speed: 6.5 | Basic Move: 6


  • No Encumbrance: 28.8 lb. Move 6, normal Dodge.
  • Light Encumbrance: 56.6 lb. Move 4, Dodge -1.
  • Medium Encumbrance: 86.4 lb. Move 3, Dodge -2.
  • Heavy Encumbrance: 172.8 lb. Move 2, Dodge -3.
  • Extra-Heavy Encumbrance: 288 lb. Move 1, Dodge -4.


Physical Appearance

Dot appears to be a young adult female with red hair. (more appearance descriptors here). She is human-sized (SM 0) and has an average build (no modifiers).

Social Background

Dot's native tech level is TL 8 (the Modern Age.) (notes about cultural familiarities). (notes about languages known.)

Wealth and Influence

Average: You work for a living, but your lifestyle is better than most. Your starting wealth is average ($20,000, with $4,000 available for adventuring supplies and the rest invested in a house). 0 points.

Char Loft Rank 2: Lifetime Customer [10p]

Friends and Foes

Ally: Katie Champa [PC; no cost]


No additional identities at the moment.


Extraordinary Luck: Once per 30 minutes of play, you may reroll a single bad die roll twice and take the best of the three rolls! You must declare that you are using your Luck immediately after you roll the dice. Once you or anyone else has made another die roll, it is too late to use Luck. If the GM is rolling in secret (e.g., to see if you notice something), you may tell him you are using your Luck ahead of time, and he must roll three times and give you the best result. [30p]

Hard to Kill 5: You are incredibly difficult to kill. Each level of Hard to Kill gives +1 to HT rolls made for survival at -HP or below, and on any HT roll where failure means instant death (due to heart failure, poison, etc.) If this bonus makes the difference between success and failure, you collapse, apparently dead (or disabled), but come to in the usual amount of time - see Recovering from Unconsciousness. A successful Diagnosis roll (or a Mechanic roll, for machines) reveals the truth. [10p]

Acute Vision 2: Acute Vision gives you a bonus to spot things visually, and whenever you do a visual search (for instance, looking for traps or footprints). It is helpful for spotting threats and improving visual range. [4p]

Very Fit: You get +2 to all HT rolls (to stay conscious, avoid death, resist disease or poison, etc.) This does not improve your HT attribute or HT-based skills! You also recover FP at twice the normal rate, and lose FP at half the normal rate. [15p]

Magery 3: You are magically adept. Add your Magery to IQ when you learn spells. For instance, if you have IQ 14, Magery 3 lets you learn spells as if you had IQ 17. Add your Magery level to Perception when you roll to sense magic items, and to IQ when you learn Thaumatology skill. [35p]

Special Rapport (Katie): You have a unique bond with another person. This acts as a potent version of Empathy that works only with one person, without regard to distance. You always know when your partner is in trouble, in pain, lying, or in need of help, no matter where he is. This requires no IQ roll. Your partner receives the same benefits with respect to you. [5p]

Indomitable: You are impossible to influence through ordinary words or actions. Those who wish to use Influence skills on you (see Influence Rolls) must possess a suitable advantage: Empathy if you are a human or similar being, Animal Empathy if you're a beast, Plant Empathy if you're a plant, or Spirit Empathy if you're a demon, ghost, etc. Everyone else - however convincing - fails automatically. This trait often accompanies Unfazeable. [15p]



Honest Face: You simply look honest, reliable, or generally harmless. This has nothing to do with your reputation among those who know you, or how virtuous you really are! People who don’t know you will tend to pick you as the one to confide in – or not to pick you, if they’re looking for a potential criminal or troublemaker. You won’t be spot-checked by customs agents and the like unless they have another reason to suspect you, or unless they’re truly choosing at random. You have +1 to trained Acting skill for the sole purpose of “acting innocent.”

Citizenship (World's End): You have citizenship within World's End, and live there.

Office (Granite City Park Ranger): You hold a minor civil office. This isn’t merely Courtesy Title (above) – you possess real authority equivalent to 5 points of Legal Enforcement Powers, Security Clearance, Status, or similar. However, this has such limited scope that it’s only a perk. A more expensive social advantage or lack of social disadvantages is often a prerequisite, and you may have a Duty.


Congenial: You like company and you work well with others. You always choose group action over individual action.

Imaginative: You are a font of ideas, and are more than willing to share them with others! They may or may not be good ideas, of course…

Love: You are in love with someone; while they are too powerful to qualify as a Dependent, and may even be a PC, you will suffer an occasional -1 penalty to resist giving in to pressure, whether to threats placed against your love or the more goodnatured requests love places on you.

Minority: Pansexual. While your sexuality does not usually limit your rights, it can occasionally result in a -1 reaction penalty or worse from less open-minded individuals.

Nosy: You are always poking your nose into corners and everyone else's business (which is likely to result in a small reaction penalty once in a while).


Acrobatics [DX/H]: 12 [4p]

Acting [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Area Knowledge (Granite City) [IQ/E]: 12 [1p]

Area Knowledge (World's End) [IQ/E]: 12 [1p]

Body Sense [DX/H]: 10 [1p]

Broadsword [DX/A]: 11 [1p]

Carpentry [IQ/E]: 12 [1p]

Climbing [DX/A]: 12 [2p]

Computer Operation/TL8 [IQ/E]: 12 [1p]

Crossbow [DX/E]: 14 [4p]

Diplomacy [IQ/H]: 12 [4p]

Detect Lies [Per/H]: 10 [1p]

Driving/TL8 (Automobile) [DX/A]: 11 [1p]

Escape [DX/H]: 11 [2p]

Fast Draw (Ammo) [DX/E]: 12 [1p]

Fast Draw (Knife) [DX/E]: 12 [1p]

Fast-Talk [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Filch [DX/A]: 11 [1p]

First Aid/TL8 [IQ/E]: 13 [2p]

Gardening [IQ/E]: 13 [2p]

Geology (Earthlike) [IQ/H]: 12 [4p]

Gesture [IQ/E]: 13 [2p]

Holdout [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Knife [DX/E]: 13 [2p]

Karate [DX/H]: 12 [4p]

Leadership [IQ/A]: 13 [4p]

Naturalist [IQ/H]: 12 [4p]

Navigation (Land) [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Observation [Per/A]: 15 [12p]

Occultism [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Packing [IQ/A]: 11 [1p]

Psychology [IQ/H]: 10 [1p]

Research/TL8 [IQ/A]: 11 [1p]

Search [Per/A]: 12 [2p]

Sex Appeal [HT/A]: 10 [2p]

Shadowing [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Shortsword [DX/A]: 12 [2p]

Survival (Woodland) [Per/A]: 13 [4p]

Survival (Desert) [Per/A]: 12 [2p]

Survival (Mountain) [Per/A]: 12 [2p]

Survival (Jungle) [Per/A]: 11 [1p]

Survival (Arctic) [Per/A]: 11 [1p]

Swimming [HT/E]: 11 [2p]

Tactics [IQ/H]: 12 [4p]

Teaching [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Throwing [DX/A]: 12 [2p]

Traps/TL8 [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Urban Survival [Per/A]: 11 [1p]

Writing [IQ/A]: 12 [2p]

Wrestling [DX/A]: 12 [2p]


(At Home)

Tire Iron (3 x Str Bash, improvised weapon)


Bulletproof Jacket [Armor Value 4, 12 vs Bullets]

Serrated Knife (2 x Str Slash, can be used to decapitate if target is grappled)

Small Pistol (12 Bullet damage, 15/15 shots, takes .38 bullets)

5 loose .38 bullets

Special Corpseflower Pin: adds +1 to attacks against the undead

rpg/gurps/sheets/dot_champa.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/12 14:02 by wizardofaus_doku

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