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These next two rules apply to group efforts, when the entire team gets only a single success roll or other attempt at an action.

Got You Covered

In a situation where everyone must look out for himself but some heroes lack a vital skill, skilled PCs can sometimes cover for unskilled ones. When making a single roll for the entire team, start with the group’s best skill level, add a bonus equal to the number of people who know the skill (no defaults!), and subtract a penalty equal to group size. Most uses of Soldier work this way, making it possible for a military squad to “carry” a few civilians.

Pulling Your Weight

For things like Forced Entry, the GM must first decide how many sets of hands can contribute; e.g., two heroes could probably operate a small ram, while four could carry a stretcher. If combining ST for a ST roll or to cause damage (e.g., with that ram), use the highest ST plus 1/5 the total of the other ST scores (round up). If working together to lift a weight, add together everybody’s Basic Lift.

rpg/gurps/other/teamwork.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/17 03:16 by

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