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Futuristic Materials


An incredibly hard transparent plastic reinforced with extensive carbon nanobonding, ideal for sealed or armored vehicles. Sometimes coated with an external polarizing photosensitive layer to protect those inside from harm due to extreme glare (when pointing towards the sun, for example).


Also known as 'degenerate matter' or element zero, neutronium is hypercollapsed matter theorized to exist in the core of neutron stars that is composed entirely of neutrons; it has no protons or electron shell, and therefore cannot chemically interact with other elements, making it theoretically indestructible. It is generated in gravitic collapsing chambers, which force the neutrons to bond at a subatomic level. It is extremely expensive to work with, as it must be interacted with on the nanomolecular level; as such, the only thing likely to cut through neutronium armor is a neutronium nanothorn blade. Unfortunately, it is also extremely, extremely heavy, even when it is only used as an encapsulating agent, and terribly expensive.


A lightweight material composite commonly used in ablative armors that dissipates energy weapons by acting as reactive armor at a subatomic level; when it fragments, it also generates small electromagnetic distortions, making it useful for defense against jacketed-beam weaponry as well as standard kinetic kill weapons. It is notoriously ineffective against pure-energy weapons, however, although some armor manufacturers compromise with an upper layer of citruvium laminate.


A reactive crystalline material with entropic properties, commonly used in heat dissipation systems as well as defensive plating. Citrivium-bonded fabrics are naturally resistant to high-energy weaponry as well as heat and flame; citrivium laminate is typically applied as an outer layer on ablative armors to enhance their combat lifespan and to provide additional protection to steelplas windows; citrivium is even used in foams meant to be sprayed in firefighting or emergency protection applications. Citruvium seems to absorb energy excellently, but is not impervious to it; prolonged exposure gradually wears away at citruvium. Heatsinks made of citruvium need to be inspected and serviced, armor coatings need to be reapplied every now and then, and mission-critical components need regular attention to ensure they are performing to spec.


A durable, yet quickly applied form of concrete with high impact and heat resistant properties. Typically dispensed by quickcrete trucks which use a high-pressure nozzle to spray contents from a mixing chamber that combines a slurry of inexpensive ingredients. This is typically used for rapid construction of structures, molded furnishings, and roadways.


An extremely durable concrete that takes roughly an hour to properly set, but lasts for hundreds of years of normal wear and tear without additional surfacing requirements; with sufficient surface treatments, duracrete structures are expected to last until intentionally destroyed.

Fantasy Materials

Awakened Metals

Most metals require some sort of awakening process in order to hold magics for a prolonged period. This is typically considered part of the enchantment process; however, some materials are magically active and thus expedite the enchantment process when used.


Soft, heavy, yellow, and nearly impervious to tarnish, gold is well-known across the many worlds. By itself, gold is magically inert, and must be awakened or be used with a catalyst such as rare earths in order to benefit from its properties. Attuned to fire and the sun, properly awakened gold can strengthen and support many sorts of magic, though the more subtle spells tend to overload after a time. Pure gold is nearly worthless for battle and requires extensive enchantments to match common iron; gold-iron alloys are commonly used as a substitute, requiring less enhancement to stand up to the same rigors of battle.

Gold, while not mystically “good” in nature, is supernaturally pure; attempts to pervert gold magic items or twist a symbol made of gold to purposes opposed to what the symbol represents may induce a magical backlash against the perverter. Prepared under the proper conditions, by innocents born under certain astrological arrangements, raw gold may be caused to become attuned to the essence of royalty; such metal can be utilized in a variety of ways to affect or aid the rulership of the land it was made in. Unfortunately, gold also tends to awaken greed and avarice in the hearts of many folk; dwarves and dragons seem especially susceptible.


The metal of the moon, silver is well-known for being able to ignore lunar-based defensive powers such as those of lycanthropy. Unlike gold, silver will tarnish readily unless protected, but it needs no special preparation for most magical uses. Awakened silver grants moderate bonuses to divinations and magical wards it is used in.

Unfortunately, silver is also strongly attuned to goodness and purity; it does not readily tolerate evil enchantments, having a marked tendency to decay into iron should the evil continue to be forced into it. However, this can be mitigated with the presence of blue sapphire, which aids the metal in resisting wickedness and thus is commonly used in enchantments specifically designed to combat evil. Emeralds will supposedly dampen the evil-resistant qualities (and decay factor) of silver if set in it.

Like gold, but to a much weaker degree, silver can provide support for a spell, and also like its yellow cousin, it requires strengthening for physical reasons if used in weapons and armor. A wide selection of alloys can be made using silver; many exhibit varying degrees of tolerance for magical lightning, a quality the pure metal does not seem to have. Quite a few spells utilize the innate goodness of silver to strike out at evil; generally this does not harm the metal in the least.


The red cousin of gold and silver, copper is the weakest of the triad metaphysically. Unlike the other two, copper cannot be used to support spells outside its own properties, nor does it have any inherent purity or alignment. What it does have is an affinity for battle, specifically for the defense of the bearer against attackers.

Copper has an unfortunate tendency to ground holy and unholy energies; as such, it is very hard to get such forces to remain in it for long, and it readily converts holy/unholy water to normal water if stored in copper vessels. Like silver, copper is not physically strong enough to be used pure in armor, needing strengthening. Attempting to make magical weaponry from pure copper is almost certain to fail, although copper sheathing or plating over another metal works quite well when enchanting by priestly methods, as the red metal renders the item mystically acceptable for purposes of the faith despite likewise negating any blessed/cursed status the cleric may wish to bestow.


An alloy of copper and zinc, brass exhibits metaphysical properties quite unlike either of the metals composing it. Brass is exceptionally receptive to unholy or evil forces; in a cosmic sense it is the dark reflection of silver. Attempts to force goodness upon brass will be resisted, and the metal will decay into iron rust if overwhelmed. Emerald aids the powers of brass, while blue sapphire weakens it. Unlike silver, however, brass is worthless for bypassing defenses based on related forces.

Brass has no magical bonus normally, but with regard to fire and dragon magic, it is slightly more potent. Unenchanted brass corrodes swiftly at the touch from any part of a creature of 'pure good', although permanently enchanted brass will not; however, enchanted brass that stores magical energy will be gradually drained by contact with such a creature, and prolonged contact can eventually disenchant such items completely.

Making an alchemical essence from brass is typically considered a complete waste of time; the resulting fluid will mildly taint items with demonic energies if they are doused in it, but so weakly that confining an imp within the item would provide greater evil. At best, it is considered an exercise for fledgeling alchemists.


Mystically the mirror image of copper in several regards, iron is the metal of offense. Unfortunately, unenchanted iron has some anti-magical properties, its presence especially disturbing faerie spells and illusions. Once magically awakened (whether through enchantment or via alchemy), iron loses all anti-magical qualities. Iron is exceptional in one regard, as greater quantities can be prepared at once without extensive preparation (up to five times normal quantities.)

By itself, iron lacks any innate bonus, but will support offensive powers as well as gold; defensive qualities require more work on the part of the enchanter. Many alloys containing iron retain its qualities over those of most other metals. In this manner it exhibits a kind of dominance, although alchemical theory states that this is not true dominance, so much as the imperfect nature of iron debasing the intrinsic powers of the finer material. Iron ores are utilized as the earthen base for making most of the elemental metals despite this supposed “imperfect” nature.


Not a very good metal for most magic, tin's primary use in enchantment circles is in making the alchemical essence Essential Tin, which is used to enable magic items to respond to specific words/phrases and to make items of rulership. Normal tin, if awakened, provides luck in gambling and income, and is commonly used as the setting for amethysts, opals, or jade as it resonates with them.


Heavy, soft, and resistant to magic, lead is not used much except as a defense against scrying or teleportation. Occasionally an alchemist will make an essence from it, but not often. Despite endless tales to the contrary, few alchemists try to turn lead to gold. Like iron, lead can be awakened in large quantities. Under some conditions, lead can extend the duration of spells or shield them from anti-magical environments.


Strong, nearly immune to acids, and silvery, platinum is used in small amounts in a wide variety of magics, being the sole mundane metal which is a better magical activator and supporter of spells than gold is. Like gold and silver, platinum should be awakened to utilize it to the fullest extent. The major alchemical essence of platinum, True Platinum, is among the valued of these fluids, as it is able to make spells permanent and supply never-ending magical potency to other ingredients when fashioning magical devices.

Quicksilver (Mercury)

A heavy, gleaming liquid metal, quicksilver is a slow-acting poison, and care should be taken in handling it and its' fumes. Absolutely useless for fashioning items from, quicksilver can be combined with other metals for some magical uses, such as certain talismans needing its resonance. Used in magic, quicksilver excels at reversing standard effects, laying curses, and changing constructive forces to destructive ones.

Small amounts of the stuff are used in making all of the alchemical essences, as it is needed for conversion of alchemic solution into an acid, which then is made into the alchahest used to distill essences. The alchemical essence of quicksilver, Variable Mercury, normally appears as fine red grains and is able to transmute iron into silver; some claim it can also be used to convert iron into other mystical materials given the proper inducement. One grain of Variable Mercury is a standard component of most polymorphing spells or similar extreme alterations.


A distinctive red-orange metal, orichalcum is heavier than gold and just as soft, though not as malleable. At least six distinct formulas for making it are known, none related to the rest. Due to this, it is suspected that orichalcum may not be a substance at all, but rather an embodiment of some magical force at present unidentified. Like gold and platinum, it is impervious to corrosion and supports spells very well, though no awakening is needed.


Best known of all the magical metals, mithril resembles silver in many respects, though it is physically stronger and never tarnishes. It also doesn't revert to iron if evil enchantments overwhelm its innate goodness.


A naturally occurring metal, ebon in hue, which is 25% harder than normal iron yet 15% lighter. It and the black steel made from it (called Yaddrann) have the property of holding arcane and mystic powers more strongly than any other known substance, so much so that ordinary non-magical methods can restore full powers to broken items of this metal, and fragments of previously enchanted items may retain some magical functions. Disenchanting items of yaddrakk or yaddrann is almost impossible without divine aid. Weapons and armor made from these materials are always detectable as innately magical objects.


This artificial metal was invented by the titan race (who call it Saerai), and possesses great power against the undead. Weaponry made from it has strong magical bonuses and can affect any type of being, even those who are immune to magic or metal. The merest touch of silbony automatically disrupts lesser undead, and horribly burns greater undead. It is as strong and hard as fine carbon steel, yet as light as aluminum. Like yaddrakk, silbony is an ebon hue, otherwise resembling silver in many ways.


This metal is as strong as good bronze but as heavy as gold. Any contact with aurebony causes great pain to any dragon, drake, or hydra. Items made from it have +20% power. Anything made of aurebony is utterly immune to flame or fire up to the power of the greatest gods (although the wearer gains no such protection, and phoenix fire/utterflame can ignore the immunity just as it ignores most other forms of fire resistance). Again, this is a black metal, naturally occurring in only a few places.


One of the rarest of the mystic ebon metals, Ethril is as light as willow wood and can float. It is as strong as fine nickel steel and totally unaffected by any degree of cold (wearer is not protected). All items crafted from it have an innate +25% bonus in addition to those rendered by enchantments; this benefit is not convertible into other powers. This black mithril is known to be toxic to all forms of elvenkind, even half-breeds, dark elves, moon elves, and other extreme diversions from the norm.

The merest touch causes nausea to elves, and any cut made to an elf by this metal will not heal naturally and poisons the wound. Of course, elves hate those who use it. As an interesting note on the toxic effects, orcs are also known to be affected by the poison, although to a lesser degree, and without the unhealing wounds.

Ethril has one final property; it is a potent non-conductor of psychic emanations, blocking them entirely. A simple headband of ethril can thus give considerable defense against mental attacks, although likewise hindering any mental powers of the wearer.

In the oldest elven legends, ethril was called “Eliadolyn” or Kiss of Death.


Adamony is to adamantium as yaddrakk is to iron, a higher-powered state of the same basic elemental material. It is as much harder than adamantium as adamantium is harder than gold. It is extremely rare and typically only seen in legends of ancient races.

Should armor or weapons ever be forged from adamony, they would have a base bonus of at least +35% in all ways. Adamony itself is indestructible by any known means short of direct assault by a greater god or cosmic annihilation, though no such invulnerability defends those using it or any magics enchanted into the metal.


Also known as Ebonalcum or Black Orichalcum, this is the most powerful of the ebon metals. Rare beyond description, it is said to possess not only life but an innate sentience as well! Anything made from it has a +30% bonus at the bare minimum, as well as a +50% bonus to resisting magic (including being enchanted). In all other ways it seems to be like normal orichalcum. Even mythic references to this metal are few and far between, and anyone re-discovering the process of making it could quite possibly bargain for divine ascension in exchange for the secret.


This dense, heavy, reddish-brown metal is almost never seen by anyone save dwarves. This is because no vein comes within a mile of the surface on any world it occurs on. With 90% of the weight of gold, and being about as hard as pig iron, cadrium has only one great property; it can withstand tremendous heat without transmitting it through itself. A one inch thick piece could withstand an acetylene torch indefinitely without the other side even becoming warm. Anything below 10,000 degrees would be held at bay like this. Past that point, the far side of the metal would only get to 1/6th as hot as the side being heated, until the metal finally begins to melt at 11,820 degrees. It boils at 13,000 degrees. Due to its rarity and unique properties, its value these days is about 6,850 times that of gold.


This silvery-blue metal weighs about 2/3rds as much as high steel, but is roughly 4 times harder. It is also 20% less brittle and 25% more resistant to heat. Its origin, composition (if it is an alloy at all), and working are known only to a very select few, and while a great many weapons and armor have been made from it, most are still in the hands of those who first crafted it, who never give it away. It has the gift of being able to affect/strike any being which is not immune to metal, a non-magical bonus of +5%, and weapons of it are “of sharpness” just on general principles.


This pale, rose-colored metal is so rare as to have been seen only eleven times in recorded history, and has never been seen in any amount larger than a 7“ bladed dagger, either. It has the heat resistance of the finest bronze, tensile properties like titanium, weight just under that of aluminum, and one special property. For each hour exposed to direct sunlight, it will glow at half sunlight intensity for 20 minutes. Rosantium also refuses to conduct electricity, but can still be damaged by it.


A greyish-white metal, neither rare nor common, close to aluminum in strength but weighs some 30% more. Never used (by anyone sane) for weapons or armor, this metal is best known for the intense heat and light produced when it is burned. However, there are only three ways in which it can be ignited. First, natural heat of 5,000 degrees or more may do so. Second, intense magical heat doing at least 60 hp. of damage. Third, any electrical shock exceeding 55 h.p. of damage. Once lit, it will consume a 1” diameter rod of itself at a rate of 1“ length per 30 seconds. Such a burning rod will illuminate a 30' radius at ten times the power of full sunlight, decreasing by one sunlight per 5' farther than 30'. The flame also will do 1-20 hp. of damage per second of contact, less 1 h.p. per 1” from the flame.


A brass-hued metal of similar properties to copper except for being 20% better at conducting electricity, brozahrium has few uses beyond coinage. The primary use of this metal is as sheathing for ship hulls, as over 95% of barnacles, worms, and other “hull garbage” will not attach themselves or grow on it.


A shiny metal of a peculiar blue-green hue, vartium is quite rare, but when a deposit is found it is invariably a large one (minimum of 14 tons of metal if all the ore is refined). For all non-magical uses, vartium is close to a good nickel steel in its tensile and heat-related properties. Magically, it has a bonus of 60% for all purposes involving resisting magic, even against those effects which are designed to overcome anti-magic (it isn't anti-magical, just very hard to affect). Orcish legends claim that an alloy of mithril and vartium can be made which has properties very close to those of adamantium.


Possibly the most powerful metal that mortal hands can make, the secrets of forming this sapphire blue alloy have been discovered only twice in the known history of the multiverse. So powerful is it, that a single, unenchanted bastard sword made entirely of Kyrrad is said to have slain a godling in a single blow, splitting asunder his enchanted adamantium armor. Kyrrad is, according to several legends half of a million years in age, an alchemically formed alloy of ethril, orichalcum, and a nameless metal (of a translucent ruby hue) which fell blazing from the sky. It took 13 years just to make enough of the alloy for that one sword, with no metal left over. Whenever any of the shattered pieces of the Sword have re-appeared, extraordinary events have surrounded whatever device is crafted from it. So far as is known, not even a greater god can truly destroy Kyrrad, only break it. The effort needed to forge Kyrrad is such that even eog, adamantium, and pelleum seem easy to work in comparison (although it isn't as hard to work as titanite). For game purposes, anything made of Kyrrad should have an irreducible minimum bonus of +35%, no matter what curses are applied, no matter how bad the craftsmanship. It can effortlessly sustain unlimited spells provided no single enchantment exceeds this +35% power. If successfully enchanted (it can be done by mortals, barely), an Kyrrad weapon of great worksmanship could very possibly have combat bonuses exceeding +300%! It is believed that, since the multiverse came into being, only enough Kyrrad has ever been made for a pair of two-handed swords at most. Kyrrad's value is beyond price, as even a short piece of wire could be used to form a rune empowering a mighty device.


The refined, concentrated essence of copper, truecopper drains mana (including energy reserves, power stored in power stones, etc.) from anything in contact with it at a rate of two units of mana per minute per tenth pound of truecopper present. Under no circumstances should this metal be mistaken for the alchemical True Copper, which is a stabilized, fluid form of the essence of copper, unlike this solid, metaphysically reactive form of the essence.

Resembling normal copper in appearance, truecopper can be told apart by almost any spell user at the merest touch. Each tenth pound of truecopper takes 100 pounds of normal copper to make, requires a spellcaster who is also a master of metallurgy, and requires the spellcaster to rest a full day after making it due to the strain on his spirit. Most who attempt to make truecopper are actually rendered unconscious by this strain, leaving only those of the strongest spirit to succeed.


A refined, concentrated, and reactive form of the essence of silver, truesilver is a thick metallic fluid valued at 3 to 5 silver coins per _drop_. Again, never mistake it for the alchemical True Silver, a fluid essence of silver useful in enchanting items of spell storing and animation of golems. This truesilver, while deadly poisonous if consumed, is best known for its uses in creation of permanent magical devices, especially those in which a portion of the spirit or magical potential of the maker must be sacrificed in the making. A few drops of truesilver can be substituted for each unit of sacrifice normally required, making such items available without harming any living thing. Truesilver cannot be used to make potions or other consumables, and it just isn't powerful enough to be substituted in those magics which call for Primal forces, such as divine-level powers. Truesilver can be refined by an enchanter of moderate power and metallurgical talent. It takes an hour and 1/25th pound of silver to make each drop (individually!).


Again a reactive essence, truelead is no more dangerous then normal lead. It is a somewhat heavier metal than lead, but otherwise much like it. Its main magical property is that for every ten pounds of it incorporated into something, that thing gains one “unit” of magical resistance. It is also used in making several magical alloys. Thankfully, it cannot be mistaken for the alchemical True Lead, a violet liquid of somewhat greater resistive powers. The rituals of making truelead are harder than those for truesilver, but not as difficult as those for truecopper, and there is no danger to the enchanter.

Silvered Steel

An alloy of silver, steel, and magic, silvered steel enhances some combat magics when they are cast on it, and a physical weapon of silvered steel can harm (with full damage) those things which can only be affected by spiritual attacks. The requirements for making a pound of silvered steel include: a pound of normal steel, 1/5th of a pound of silver, a forge 6 times as hot as is needed for melting steel, metallurgy skill equal to what is needed for truesilver, and an expert spellcaster.

Pitch Metal

Has the same magic resistance as truelead (1 unit per ten pounds) but the weight of steel. This is an alloy of steel, truelead, and a little truesilver. However, making it also requires sacrificing a tiny amount of the makers spirit/magical potential, which in this case cannot be substituted for unless the maker is at least a demigod.

Blood Metal

A dreadful alloy, anything of blood metal is innately poisonous. Thankfully, it is not very durable, being only equal to iron physically. Fumbled attempts to enchant blood metal often kill the one who attempted it. Cuts from blood metal will each inflict 2 h.p. of damage every 20 seconds for several minutes. Other than the poison, blood metal is mundane, exhibiting no magical modifiers or other properties. Thankfully, making it is harder and more dangerous than making truecopper, requiring great skills in metallurgy, spells, and in alchemical poisons.

Gods Copper

Looking like copper, this metal is extremely rare, its origin unknown. Never knowingly wasted in weapons, gods copper armor completely blocks any critical hit which would normally affect the area it covers. Items made of it can withstand twice as much damage as normal before being harmed, and it bestows considerable magic resistance (reduce attacking magic by one level per 8 pounds or so of gods copper, more if enchanted or blessed).

Black Titanium

As hard as diamond, this black metal is immune to magnetism, and can be induced to resist psionics and earthpower if the user projects a tiny amount of their life force into the metal. The resistance starts at 50% and can be boosted up to 75% with additional life force (1 point per 5%). However, this resistance lasts but three seconds per activation. The expended life force is completely restored by a good sleep. Weapons of softer materials do only 1/10th of their normal damage (1 10th of protection) against black titanium, although magical fires affect it rather easily, as it melts at 3,987 degrees. Black titanium is artificial in origin, not requiring any excessive skills or power to make if the materials and formula are available.

Forgotten Steel

Despite the name, there is no iron in this strange, misty silver metal. It accepts enchantment as if it were made to be enchanted, can fire a beam of magical force up to 100 feet if someone projects their lifeforce into it (beam does about 1d10 damage per point), and can double the effectiveness (but no more than double) of magic and mutational energy focused through it. The amount of metal needed for either the beam or the doubling is equal to a wand 1 foot long and 1/2 inch in diameter. For all physical purposes, forgotten steel reacts the same as normal steel. For chemical purposes, it reacts in ways that do not resemble any other metal.


Found in the same ores as forgotten steel, gravanium has negative weight. A 1“ cube of it can lift 2.95 pounds. In appearance, it is a blue metal as strong as steel, which melts at a mere 620 degrees (on the same scale, aluminum melts at 660 degrees).


This is a silver metal named after Hadrathus, God of War and Winning. It is several times harder than diamond and can cut through black titanium. Impervious to electricity, hadrathium is poisonous to all dragons, drakes, and hydras. A cut from it does 10 h.p. per 3 seconds it is in contact with their bloodstream, and they must withstand a metabolic shock or fall unconscious for at least an hour. Melting at 6,786 degrees, a one inch cube of this light metal can withstand over 50,000 pounds of pressure before deforming. Hadrathium has 2 10ths of protection.

Hell Iron

Another exceedingly rare metal (these days at least), Hell Iron is normal iron, when on its native plane. Anywhere else, and it develops devastating powers. It ignores the ability of other materials to lessen the amount of damage inflicted per blow, and in piercing mortal flesh it can automatically steal the victim's soul, storing one soul per pound of Hell Iron in the weapon. When it contains souls, it is sheathed in red flames. Breaking the metal can release the souls, if the piece is too small to hold as many souls as it has in it. Physically, Hell Iron is much stronger than normal iron, but still weaker than normal titanium in most ways except its heat resistance (it melts at 9,100 degrees). Hell Iron has no 10ths, but ignores all 10ths of the target.


This excruciatingly heavy metal (almost 4 pounds per cubic inch) can only be made by a master alchemist possessed by a greater earth elemental, or by divine powers. For all its might, pelleum melts at a mere 10,000 degrees, although it can withstand over 120,000 pounds per inch in pressure without harm. The alchemist who made it can, whenever possessed by a greater earth elemental, reshape the pelleum he made at will with a touch. Otherwise, arcane means must be found to work it. Pelleum has 3 10ths.

Power Iron

Seeming to be normal iron in all ways, power iron is utterly immune to being detected as such or located in any supernatural way. However, should someone project even one point of lifeforce into the metal, it gives itself away by vibrating gently as it absorbs the life force. Each ounce of power iron can store 1 point of HT, freely absorbing and releasing it to the user at their will and touch. Even gods cannot tell power iron from normal iron unless it has HT stored in it. Power iron is so rare that it makes Hell Iron, Shadarkeem Metal, and Adamony seem common in comparison.

Shadarkeem Metal

Close to Kyrrad in power, this dreaded material has NO melting point and cannot be vaporized or disintegrated, although in all other ways it resembles extra-strong iron. It actually is normal iron, except that it originates on the dread plane Shadarkeem, where gods become as mortals, and those who are normally mortal cease as if they had never been. It can absorb and nullify practically any power except those based on Venderant Nalaberong (V.N.), the language of the making of the multiverse. Its most feared power resembles the soul stealing ability of Hell Iron, save that Shadarkeem Metal can only steal the souls of immortals and gods, and the merest touch imprisons them physically within. Just being within 1 foot per pound of Shadarkeem Metal causes immortals and gods to collapse, comatose until it is removed or 5 minutes have passed, at which time they _die_, their essences drawn into the metal. Titanite is known to block this effect, and some legends indicate yaddrakk may bestow some protection as well. No one has yet succeeded in bringing a piece of this metal near a Drelth (a level of beings as far above the gods as greater gods are above rocks), but it is suspected that they may also be subject to this horror, although they would certainly be able to use V.N. against it.


This, physically (but not magically) the strongest of the metals known even to the gods, possesses 5 10thes, infinite h.p., and may only be melted ONCE, after which it cools to be invulnerable to below the power of V.N. or Primal (divine power). Even Hell Iron can't affect this stuff. A radiant golden hue, titanite ore is found only on certain airless planes.


This is the pure metal form of the hard jet-black ferromagnetic ore known as adamantite, from which adamantine, adamantium, and adamony are made. One of the hardest of the commonly known magical metals, pure adamant is capable of slicing through most other metals as if through air, but a stout blow from almost anything will break it. Too brittle to be used for weapons and armor by itself, adamant is usually used in experimentation (seeking to develop alloys better than adamantine and adamantium) or as styluses used to etch metals. Adamant is a gleaming, glossy black. Any reflections seen in it acquire rainbow edges, and this property is considered the surefire way to identify this metal. Adamant itself appears to be invulnerable to fire and heat; complex alchemical treatments are needed to work it. It exhibits some resistance (or tolerance?) of cold, electricity, acids, and attempts to disintegrate it.


An alloy of adamant, electrum, steel, and mithril, adamantine is fully as hard as adamant yet possessing a rugged durability making it almost unable to be cracked, much less shattered as adamant may be. Black in hue, but possessing a green sheen which turns to purple-white under most magical radiances, adamantine can rarely be mistaken for any other metal. Unlike adamant, it can be affected by fire & heat, although the temperatures needed to work it are excruciatingly high and it is tricky to work with at best, requiring special oils to slake and temper the metal properly. Very receptive to enchantment, enchanter spells cast upon it tend to be 10% more effective than normal. One thing frightens mages about adamantine; there are at least 4 recipes for it from completely unrelated metals (the combination above is considered “true adamantine”), hinting that it, like orichalcum, is a metametal rather than a specific magical substance.


This metal is a secret of the gnomish races, who alone hold the knowledge how to work it to fashion useful items. The ore from which it is made occurs as streaks of blue-green within obsidian. If worked improperly, the resulting metal is as brittle as the obsidian it is found in, but the gnomes have found that tempering the metal in the blood of a lightning-breathing dragon while it is being forged prevents it from becoming brittle. Unflawed arandur is silver-blue, reflections in it have a greenish cast. Arandur bonds so well with other metals that no melding spells are needed when enchanting it, and is renowned for holding a sharp edge even when abused, although it lacks any innate bonuses. It also partially absorbs magic missile-type energy pulses, someone wielding or wearing an item made of arandur suffers slightly less damage per magic missile or related pulse that strikes them.


An alloy of unknown origin and composition, darksteel was invented by the Ironstar clan, now believed to be extinct. While it is unheard of for new darksteel to be made, there are rare ingots of the metal still scattered among dwarven ruins far below the surface. In most respects it is much the same as common steel, merely a bit lighter, but when coated with certain oils (whose formulas are extremely obscure these days) and heated in even a small fire, the coated metal becomes molten and may be re-cast. Remarkably, darksteel re-cast or reforged in this fashion retains all existing enchantments unless they require a specific shape or symbol, and most come through even unchanged. Moreover, it takes new enchantments readily even if already heavily laden with dweomers. Finally, it absorbs all electricity touching it, refusing to conduct it nor be harmed by it.

Darksteel is silvery in hue when polished or cut, but exposed surfaces have a deep purple luster.


A bone-white metal that can be mistaken for ivory from a distance, dlarun is a little-known metal made by the halflings, who take care to keep word of it as inaccurate as possible. Derived from roasting clay gathered from certain riverbanks, dlarun is gathered as white chips among the ash which are then melted down in a crucible filled with a secret mixture of liquids. When this mess is cooled, it results in a lump of soft, soaplike metal that can easily be carved with any sharp object, whether knife or claw. Once carved as desired, the metal is again heated, this time in open flames fueled with certain secret materials, transforming it into a lightweight, rigid metal which has but one magical property: it steadies the mind of any being in direct contact with it, helping them withstand mental assaults and trickery.


An extraordinarily rare white metal named after the long-ago dwarven discoverer, it is found in scattered but very rich deposits of greenish-grey mud far below the surface. Its preparation is very complex; should even a single element of the process be left out or bungled it remains mud rather than becoming useable metal. If successfully transformed into metal, hizagkuur must be cast, worked, or forged within one day of the transformation and thereafter can never be reworked. If left untouched for that day, the metal becomes inert and may never be worked (although direct divine intervention can return it to the workable state, no mortal magic is capable of this).

Hizagkuur is unsuitable for use in items to be wielded or worn for two reasons. First, it generates a constant surge of electricity, damaging any living flesh in contact with it unless immune to such. Second, it reflects magic back at the caster - any sort of magic (possibly even V.N., though not divine power), itself being unaffected by it.


Originally a gnomish secret, this alloy of mithril, platinum, copper, and silver is now made by certain elvish and orcish smiths as well. In many writings it is hidden behind the phrase, 'the trusty metal', often misunderstood by sages to mean steel or perhaps bronze.

Telstang is dull, resembling pewter in appearance, but gives off a clear bell-like tone when struck. Readily forgeable and non-magnetic, telstang never oxidizes but does tend to be brittle and break if struck hard. While its shortcomings make it unsuitable for weapons and armor, it is often worn (by folk who know of its special power) in brooches, pendants, bracers, and the like. Telstang's secret? It and all organic material in contact with it cannot be altered in state, granting nearly total immunity to being transmuted, polymorphed, shapechanged, petrified, or similar attacks. This cuts both ways, however, blocking beneficial magical transformations too.

Some alchemical tales claim that telstang and a philosopher's stone negate each other on contact in a terrifying detonation; it has been confirmed that the metal can temporarily counteract the benefits of the elixir of life if in contact with one who has drunk of it, though the telstang swiftly corrodes as if dipped in strong acid.


A rare, durable, amber-to-red metal, zardazil is only known to occur in a handful of places. A very soft metal, zardazil is never used in pure form, but rather is alloyed. When added to any other metal, it bonds perfectly, but apparently vanishes into the other metal without changing it… except for gaining the power of body phase.

When an item that is partially or wholly made of zardazil spills blood for the very first time in its existence, an inexorable internal alteration begins in it. Ten minutes later, the zardazil item completes the change, behaving as it has always done, _except_ with respect to the being whose blood started the change. To that single entity, the metal does not exist, and vice versa, the two passing through each other as if neither exists. Any non-metal parts of the item still interact in the normal fashion with the attuned being. At least three noble ladies have drawn forth daggers tied to throat jewelry from their bodies in recent years to defend themselves.

No matter how small the amount of zardazil used in making the weapon, the entire metal content of the weapon enters the state of body phase. Able to coexist with the attuned beings' body freely, it is out of reach of metal-specific magics and attacks aimed at while it is within the body. It will fall through the body unless a nonmetal part is present; thus a leather grip or thong is usually attached to such items. The presence of the body-phased zardazil blade does not affect the body containing it in any way; weight, spells cast on them, bodily processes and so on are unchanged. Blood, poisons, and other contaminants the blade might have acquired are not communicated to the body when the blade is slid home, as it is in body phase rather than being in direct contact with flesh, blood, and bone. Note that a zardazil blade doesn't body phase through clothes and armor; they are still subject to its edge.


Made by mixing gold, silver, and iron while flooding the molten metals with enormous amounts of raw magical energy, electrium resembles its mundane counterpart electrum in most regards, save that it receives enchantments willingly. Attempts to enchant items made of it take only 1/10th the effort and mana they would normally require, though electrium can not normally be enchanted past +15% strength, nor may most of the more powerful spells be embedded in it.


A naturally occurring alloy of arinyark, found in useable form near deposits of arinyark, taurith is silver-blue in color. It is usually worked cold, as melting or softening it with heat destroys several valuable properties. These properties include: the strength to withstand extreme torque without cracking or bending, the ability to take and retain a very sharp cutting edge, and being able to be enchanted as easily as electrium provided the enchantments are mage-derived (unlike electrium, which accepts priestly and psionic enchantment as readily as wizardly and alchemical ones).


A soft, shiny silver-hued metal, ithildin is an alloy of mithril, though only the elven smiths know what else is in it. Used almost exclusively for inlay and decoration, ithildin appears dull and lusterless by day or in sunlight, often all but invisible against surrounding metals. Under the moon or stars, it regains its silvery brilliance and shimmers with a fine white light. It may be the material that the dwarves use to write moon-letters, enchanted script which can only be read under a moon of the same phase and day of the year it was written.

Irbynite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The elemental metal of aether, irbynite is naturally invisible. Working it requires a forge fueled by burning undead creatures (skeletons, mummies, and zombies will not do, more strongly negative entities are required), likewise the major tools should be well-imbued with undead essences and the item should be quenched in living flesh. Actually making the metal generally requires a lich and a large supply of rust long buried under a blood-drenched, frequently used battlefield, plus a master alchemist to distill them. Irbynite has from +15% to 20% magical bonus, but it can only be used to power magics of invisibility, yin necromancy, or those which duplicate ghostly powers.

Peraltoid ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The elemental metal of air, this transparent grey metal is very light, but rather hard to work with. It has power equal to +10% to +30% depending on the potency of the forge used in making it, but this bonus only applies with regard to powering animating spells and some wind magics. Peraltoid is the key material used in fashioning dancing weapons and can substitute for the mix of alchemical essences otherwise needed to animate constructs such as golems and suits of armor, though unlike the essences such constructs won't have a life force or respond to spoken commands. Members of Clan Borguunaar make this metal with ease, utilizing their hereditary soulbinding powers to smelt down air and earth elementals, other groups have to laboriously blend the two elements via a variety of methods.

Lysaughton ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Chaos in metallic form, lysaughton is frighteningly difficult to work due to the constant changes it undergoes. Generally white, lysaughton may exhibit pastel forms of any color at random times. Forges used in reworking bits of broken metal are most often fueled with dung from demons and shapeshifters, augmented with broken wands, a variety of powdered gemstones, and large outpourings of magical energy via uncontrolled alteration and/or illusion spells. As weapons or armor, lysaughton constantly shifts between different designs of the same general shape. No formula exists in mortal hands for making this metal, the primary source is somewhere in the demon realms.

Eog ¯¯¯ Another immensely hard metal, eog has the peculiarity of needing intense cold to soften enough to be worked as well as fire such as may be found in the hearts of efreet lords or the burning blood of a lesser phoenix. Several colors of eog are known, all slight variations on the basic formula of mithril, durang (titanium), the soulbound essence of a glacier or major ice spirit, and several secret ingredients. Eog possesses terrifying magical potential, some samples have been known to sustain a single power equal to +45% without complex magery backing them, this may be a function of metaphysical cold permeating the stuff and freezing the spells in place. However, eog has another power, one that makes it dreadfully hard to enchant… it dispels magic constantly in the region around it, the enchanter must overcome this as well as enchanting the stuff. Some evidence exists that eog is not as effective in nullifying divinely derived magic as it is at quenching wizardly magic into oblivion.

Mcgrail ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Utterly black, mcgrail items leave a trail of moderately short-lived shadows behind them as they move. Weapons forged of mcgrail shed darkness to hide the wielder, armor made of it enables the wearer to blend into shadows or even step into the shadow of the world itself to come forth from a lesser shadow elsewhere. Making this elemental metal requires ore that has never seen the sun, moon, or growing plants/animals. It may see fire, but not spells that produce heatless light. The process needs water from wells that likewise have never been illumined, distilled essences of shadow creatures, and a fire fed solely with things which are inherently black. Often the spark that starts the fire is itself struck with an older piece of mcgrail.

Davistone ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Not truly a metal, davistone is classified as one of the elemental metals due to how it is made. This brownish-grey stuff can be worked like a metal, but great care is needed since it really isn't very malleable. Its primary power is that of barrier breaking, weapons of davistone can often sunder armor and bring down many sorts of wall spells. Davistone armor, while heavy and uncomfortable, permits the wearer to pass through many kinds of protection spells and magical diagrams unaffected. Unlike other elemental metals, no special forges are needed to work it.

Platnite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Made through fusing lightning spirits with earth spirits, platnite is a blue-white elemental metal primarily used in weaponry, as it can pass through most other metals as if they did not exist.

Javednite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Though an elemental metal, no one is quite sure just which element javednite is related to. Like the earthborn davistone, it breaks things, but unlike davistone javednite's power is focused against the living, as it specifically snaps bones struck by or against it. Armor made of javednite and suitably enchanted will protect the wearer's bones from damage or permit freedom of action despite broken bones. Some priests have had success fashioning holy symbols from this metal, they appear to be exceedingly effective when turning skeletal undead.

Catoetine ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The heat-based counterpart of eog, catoetine is not nearly as effective for holding spells. This shimmering metal bestows quickness, weapons made of it can be swung faster/more often, boots made utilizing it permit faster running, etc. Its power is solely over physical speed, don't try to use it to increase the speed of thought, you'll literally cook your brain.

Elrodnite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Another elemental metal, elrodnite almost exactly resembles mundane zinc, save for the cold mist near-perpetually swirling in the air around it. While not nearly as magically potent as its cousin eog, elrodnite can still hold moderately powerful spells via the same freezing effect. Most gear made from elrodnite is enchanted to utilize the mist defensively, surrounding the bearer and obscuring his location, though some fashion wands of frost from it.

Inniculmoid ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The metal of force, inniculmoid is quite hard to make as spirits of 'force' are all but unknown, unlike the number of 'force' spells known to mages. When this elemental metal is available, it is most often crafted into hammers, anvils, and similar tools to take advantage of its ability to generate and harmlessly absorb tremendous concussion blasts, a quality which smiths who work with enchanted materials greatly prize. A handful of inniculmoid shields are reputed to exist, no one wastes this metal on swords, and very rarely is it used in jewelry.

Boernerine ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Made from smelting down light elementals with earth spirits, boernerine is relatively common as elemental metals go, though generally loathed by sun-priests and others who revere light. Boernerine items continually shed a magical radiance, different batches seem to have different potencies.

Neurolite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Black yet white, cold yet hot, neurolite is a paradox. Nearly impossible to work without repeatedly destroying your tools, this metal shreds other materials as if strongly acidic, yet without causing any dissolving or changes to the other substance. It has been observed that things encased in neurolite do not decay or spoil, the metal seems to hold things in stasis. Some sages believe that the stasis property is the primary one, that the shredding effect comes from portions of the other material being in stasis and other portions moving around outside the stasis effect.

Wetznite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Made from stolen pieces of the energies which form planar boundaries, fused with undead earth elemental material, wetznite is rarely seen or heard of. It has the property of distance, permitting effects such as daggers which can slash the air and the wound appears on someone the wielder is staring at across the room. Irbynite armor can completely block such an attack if it was aimed at the protected part of the body, as can wetznite items in combination with appropriate defensive auras.

Fabrinine ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also called the metal of mortality, this elemental metal has all of the primary elements in it in perfect balance. A fabrinine item will bond to the first person who uses it, when that person dies the metal dies with them unless the item is itself ensouled. By touch and will, the owner may cause a bonded item to merge with his soul or come forth again. When it is within the owner's soul or physically on their person, the bond grants some protection from death magic and critical blows.

Sevenril ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Outlawed in all but the most evil lands, or reserved for the sole use of the royal line, sevenril is the elemental metal of spirit itself. Physically weak, sevenril's power lies with the mind and heart, permitting command of others and drawing them into friendship with the bearer. Good rulers may utilize sevenril lined crowns to bring cheer and friendship, tyrants may use it in weapons such as the infamous Mindsword.

Eonmite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ No known method of making this elemental metal is available, it is considered a theoretical possibility. Eonmite is the metal of time, believed to be able to prevent aging or vampirically steal youth.

Mabril ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Usually the result of failed attempts to make fabrinine, mabril contains all of the primary elements in an imbalanced combination. It is known for having an anesthetic effect, wounds inflicted with mabril blades don't hurt at all and may be totally overlooked by the victim until they actually see them. Unlike fabrinine, mabril doesn't bond.

Raysorite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The metal of sound, raysorite is what most of the fabled 'singing swords' are made from. Parrot-like, it can be alchemically taught to repeat certain sounds under certain conditions. Making raysorite usually involves several hundred assistants such as opera singers, harpies, sirens, etc., may of whom will lose their voices in the process.

Bolusture ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The elemental metal of water, bolusture has no power on land or in flight, but under the waves it gains magical strength, bolusture armor may permit the wearer to breath water and move freely, weapons crafted from it both act as freely as if on land and multiply the effectiveness of the wielder's combat skills.

Antine ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Often mistaken for peraltoid, antine is a related metal that is prone to return to places it just left. Missile weapons made of it can be useful or annoying, depending on the craftsmanship and magics involved. It is also used in making items that are hard to get rid of.

Keron ¯¯¯¯¯ A black, shiny alloy, keron has such a high luster as to appear oiled. It holds a keen edge, equal to +10% but not magical.

Arinyark ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A blue-green, lustrous metal, arinyark has the ability to absorb and store raw magical energy. Arinyark items can be tapped by mages of most sorts as a source of additional mana/heka. It can also slowly drain energy from kregora, reclaiming what was lost. A full suit of armor laminated with arinyark provides a +30% bonus to resisting magic (only).

Kregora ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ An extremely rarely made alloy of gold, mithril, celebur (uranium), and several secret alchemical substances, kregora is too soft and ductile for much use in armor or weapons. However, it is among the most potent of anti-magical substances known, applying a +500% bonus towards nullifying magic it is in contact with or encases. Even artifacts may go dormant when wrapped in kregora mesh. Being surrounded by kregora, even as a slender wire around the perimeter of a room, is enough to swiftly sap mana/heka from a mage or banish the majority of elementals and demons back to their own planes. Alas, unlike gold and mithril, kregora is subject to tarnishing and to acids.

Magmir ¯¯¯¯¯¯ A lustrous red metal, magmir is produced solely by alchemical means. It is primarily used for defensive purposes, as it not only withstands and protects from fire, but actually stores a portion (about 10%) of the attacking flame's power within itself. With the right enchantments, magmir can release the flames in various forms, or convert captured energy to heal the wearer.

Iclling ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Made via a variant of the process used in making magmir, iclling has the same powers only for cold instead of heat. In appearance, it resembles fine crystal, spontaneously forming facets as the metal is tempered whether the smith wishes them or not.

Vaanum ¯¯¯¯¯¯ A strange silvery-white metal of unknown origin, vaanum is very difficult to affect with magic. This is not due to any anti-magical or resistive properties, however, the metal is just too alien to our plane. This same alien quality is what makes it feared, vaanum weapons are “of Slaying” vs. all mortal life and most immortal life, save only those in whose veins the blood of Borguunaar runs or those who have devoted their existences to corruption. Vaanum screams if brought into contact with any Borguunaar magic or Borguunaar-forged metal, twisting and writhing in attempts to escape. Prolonged contact annihilates the vaanum item utterly, beyond the power of a Wish to bring back or locate.

Ogamur ¯¯¯¯¯¯ A dwarven invention, ogamur is a black metal with a truly unusual innate quality; it is elastic, even more so than most kinds of rubber. Its properties make it ideal for springs and devices designed to absorb impact.

Mithrarian ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Dangerous to make, dangerous to be around for long, mithrarian is related to kregora, but rather than draining magic, this alloy drains gravity, permitting weightlessness of whatever is above it. The formula includes eog, mithril, celebur, and a host of other metals in trace amounts. It also is immune to all counterspells that would negate flight or bring things down to earth.

Cinnabryl ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Found in red clay deposits in regions afflicted by exceptionally potent curses, this crimson metal protects to some extent against the harmful aspects of curses, while permitting beneficial aspects to affect the wearer normally. Unfortunately, if worn by someone not under a curse, cinnabryl starts sapping the health of the wearer. One ounce of cinnabryl protects against one week's worth of curses, slowly depleting to become red steel as it does so. Unlike what it becomes, cinnabryl is soft and easily worked. It must be worn against the skin to give full protection, it also only is depleted while defending against curses. The weight of a piece of cinnabryl decreases at a specific rate as it depletes, this allows sages and alchemists to judge how much defensive magic it has left. Should cinnabryl be depleted by a method other than interaction with living flesh and spirit, it crumbles into the silver-red granules known as steel seed. It can also be used to brew the potion called crimson essence, which temporarily bestows a semi-random magical power (and curse) upon the drinker.

Red Steel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Half the weight of normal steel and just as strong, this crimson metal readily soaks up enchanting spells. It is able to harm beings immune to magical weaponry or those which require a minimum power level to injure, though those which are 'immune' to metal still retain this gift against it.

The following metals are taken straight from their sources, without any attempts on my part to translate them:

Siderite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also commonly called Meteorsteel or Skysteel, good for all weapons and armor. Simply made from iron meteorites, but tends to hold enchantment and heat well. Siderite is an exceptionally good metal to use for swords that will be enchanted with heat or fire spells. The metal gives no automatic bonuses to the hit and damage scores of a weapon, but gives a +2 bonus to enchanting attempts and +4 to saves and enchanting attempts involving heat or fire.

Volcanosteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Iron made from liquid lava and quenched in hot springs. Volcanosteel is immune to any kind of heat damage and will never melt. It must be shaped by cold forging. Also does not conduct heat at all. Weapons gain no automatic hit or damage bonus.

Irridesium ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Irridesium is a hard but resilient metal that appears black with iridescence playing along surfaces that reflect or catch the light. The primary source for irridesium is the kzin manufacturing citadels. Several human metallurgists have recently learned how to rework captured irridesium into new forms, but only the kzin engineers know what goes into the alloy or how to make it. Irridesium is very easy to enchant, giving +4 on any attempts to do so and reducing the enchanting time by 50%. Before magic or exceptional craftsmanship is taken into account, irridesium weapons enjoy a +1 hit and +1 DAM bonus, and cost ten to twenty times the normal price. Greatswords are usually available at only five times the standard price. Irridesium automatically succeeds in saves vs. crushing blow, normal blow, fall, acid, normal fire, electricity, or any sort of rusting or corrosion, magical or not. It receives a +2 save bonus against all other forms of damage.

True Iron ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Good for weapons. Shiny gray, rustproof. Distilled from iron. Takes 20 lb. iron and 2 hours of master labor to produce 1 lb. True Iron. Weapons made from it get +1 DAM. $100/lb wholesale, availability 75. LM True Iron has +1 hit, +2 DAM, $200/lb, availability 25. Saves vs. fall, crushing blow, normal fire, acid, and disintegration at +3. Saves vs. electricity, lightning, cold and magical fire at +2. The best Trobyn Armories weapons are forged from True Iron by loremaster crafters. These blades have +2 hit, +3 DAM from materials and craftsmanship, and cost ten to twenty times the normal price.

True Copper ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Shiny and bright red. Distilled from copper. 12.5 lb copper and 10 hours of master labor for 1 lb. True Copper. Gives +2 DAM, $400/lb whsl, availability 40. LM True Copper has +1 hit, +3 DAM, $700/lb, availability 20. Uncommon in the Four Kingdoms, but highly prized in the Japanese Empire. True Copper saves against fall, crushing blow, acid, and normal fire at +2, and against electricity and lightning at +1.

Mithral ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also known as True Silver. Shiny bluish silver, holds polish. Distilled from silver or from mithril ore. Mithral is the lightest and most supple of metals hard enough to be used in the making of armor. Material made from mithral has only 50% of the mass of a similar item made from regular steel. Elven chain and plate armors are made from mithral alloys. Weapons gain no automatic bonuses and costs $1,250/lb, but Loremaster mithral gives +2 hit, +2 DAM, $5,000/lb. Availability of mithral is 60; loremaster mithral is 20. Slight magic resistant properties, but takes enchantment readily if properly prepared. Wearers of mithral armor gain a +1 saving throw bonus or lessening of damage done by the magic by 1 point per die, whichever is more favorable to the mithral wearer.

True Gold ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also called Novagold. Shiny yellow gold. Holds polish. Distilled from gold. 7 lb gold and 200 hr LM labor for 1 lb True Gold. True Gold has properties that make it an excellent choice for holy objects and items representing powers of purity, goodness, or light. Weapons made from True Gold gain +2 hit, +4 DAM, $40,000/lb. The formula for True Gold is not widely known, and thus True Gold is generally unavailable. Strong magic resistant properties.

Iron Absolute ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Commonly called Mold Metal. Toughest of all known materials;has an effectively infinite Break Threshold and toughness value. An object of Iron Absolute must be made in the shape it is to have, and cannot be reshaped or broken thereafter, except by divine power or by someone who drinks a special potion that will allow them to easily mold the metal to any desired form for a few minutes. Quality of product is appropriate to the molder's rank in the craft required to make the item being molded. Iron Absolute is rough and dark gray in color. Distilled from True Iron. 16 lb. True Iron and 15 hr LM labor to make 1 lb Iron Absolute. Iron Absolute weapons ignore up to 10 points of protective armor, striking even a knight in full plate armor as if he were unarmored, +2 hit, +5 DAM, $2500/lb, availability 10. The molding potion is a very difficult Alchemical creation, requiring the same effort and costing the same as a dose of Jump Juice or Ultimate Solvent. Iron Absolute is rustproof, of course.

Copper Absolute ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Superconducts heat and electricity; no protection whatsoever against heat, cold, or electricity attacks, and will conduct heat, cold, and electricity back to the wielder's hand. Despite this major disadvantage, it has a lot of value for technomancers. It also seems to hold powers of quickness, and weapons made from Copper Absolute strike at weapon speed 2, as if they were no more than daggers in mass. Distilled from True Copper, retaining and deepening its ruddy color. 14 lb True Copper and 40 hr LM labor to make 1 lb Copper Absolute. Weapons are +1 hit, +3 DAM, $8000/lb, availability 10.

Silver Absolute ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sometimes called Local Adamantite, but this metal is not actually an alloy of adamant. Black in color, and shiny. Distilled from True Silver. 7 lb True Silver and 100 hr LM labor for 1 lb Silver Absolute. Weapons have +3 hit, +6 DAM, $20,000/lb. Formula not generally available. Strong magic resistant properties, but takes enchantment readily. Gives a +3 on all enchanting attempts. Saves against all perils at +5. Silver Absolute cannot be polymorphed, disintegrated, or changed in form by any type of magic.

Gold Absolute ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Also called Megametal, this alloy was originally discovered in the aftermath of the fiery destruction of an evil god in the midst of a vast treasure hoard. Megametal resists all change. Its toughness is the highest rated, equivalent to starship armor. Persons armored in Megametal cannot be struck by ordinary weapons, and suffer only the magical damage bonus from enchanted weapons. Does not conduct heat, cold, or electricity. Strong magic resistant properties. Weapons made of Megametal ignore magical protective pluses of armor and protective spells. This would allow Megametal rifle bullets to penetrate a protection from normal missiles and stoneskin spell combination. 2.6 lb True Gold and 800 hours LM labor to make 1 lb Gold Absolute. +3 hit, +8 DAM, $100,000/lb. Formula not generally available.

Solarite ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Solarite, or Sun Steel, is what Heinree make their sunswords out of. Must be activated with a solar concentrator, after which it's plasma and can't be reverted to metal. The original conversion doesn't always work; there's about a 50% chance that it'll just evaporate and you'll have to start over. Unactivated Solarite ore is mined from rock outcroppings in the hottest deserts, and is extremely rare. The metal extracted from the ore has an exceptionally high toughness and is purely a black-market commodity as the Heinree hunt down any non-male-Heinree who is found to possess it. To make an activated Solarite object, the metal must be shaped (difficult considering its toughness) and subjected to highly concentrated sunlight in a process known only to the Heinree. After activation, the item will cut or melt any material with a natural AC worse than -6, and cannot itself be cut or broken. It has +3 hit and +6 DAM, and its damage is considered fire damage for purposes of igniting flammables. It is not possible to make armor from Sun Steel. Activated Sun Steel is as bright as the surface of the sun. Price subjective, but typically at least $150,000 a pound for worked, activated Sun Steel.

Soul Steel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Cuts nonliving material like air, but does not exist for living tissue: it merely passes though living matter like a ghost, inflicting no harm at all. Great for use against doors and Undead, simply chopping inanimate matter up without resistance, doing effectively infinite damage to whatever it hits. The only exception is material that has toughness equal to or higher than that of Soul Steel. +2 hit, +2 DAM. Price subjective; no known terrestrial ore sources. Expect to pay at least $80,000/lb if you find some for sale. It has been theorized that Soul Steel can only be created through divine intervention, and it seems to require the trapping of the soul of an intelligent creature for each pound of metal. Formula is not known, nor has it been discovered how to release the trapped souls from the metal, although communication with them (they are almost always wise and benevolent) is possible.

Demonsteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This horrible alloy is forged in certain Hells and allowed to enter the real world for the purpose of spreading fear and death. It does continuous damage, screaming and moaning when it touches blood. A piece of Demonsteel stuck in a creature will do full maximum weapon damage every round after it first strikes. Each pound of Demonsteel requires the soul of an intelligent creature to make, but this is not a problem in Hell. Release of the trapped souls does not seem possible, but communication with them (they are almost always selfish and evil) is. Demonsteel has +4 hit (it likes to seek flesh) and +4 DAM. Fairly commonplace, but outlawed nearly everywhere. Costs typically $6000/lb, availability 25.

Glowiesteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This material was only recently distinguished from Megametal, and its formula is not generally available except to a few exceptionally skilled metallurgists. Its main feature is its absolute resistance to all magic, except divine intervention. It will never be affected in any way by any normal magic or psionics, or that of Terrans or Sorcerors. Won't pass though teleport gates, cannot be located with magic. Also glows yellow. The source of ore seems to be the bones of a dead god, mined in a distant and inaccessible land, or possibly from a god island in the Astral. Glowiesteel is also a fine weapon metal, with +3 hit, and +5 DAM. Price subjective but at least $400,000/lb.

Exotic Adamantium ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Evaporates target (up to 100 times the weight of the impacting weapon) on a natural 20, plus is strongly magic resistant, and conveys some magic resistance to anyone holding even a small piece. Exotic Adamantium is brought here from a different plane, where it is created by divine intervention. Extremely rare. Every known piece has a stylized logo on it that seems to be a merger of the letters A and C. Weapons are +3 hit and +5 DAM, price subjective but at least $100,000/lb, availability 1. Exotic Adamantium is dull black and lusterless.

Hard Water ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ripples like water, and is reflective and neutrally buoyant, but keeps its shape. The rippling is mainly a special effect, though, and Hard Water is not a particularly potent metal. No hit or damage bonuses. Made from Ice Crystals, requiring $5000 worth of them and 50 hours of LM labor to create 1 pound. $8000/lb wholesale, availability 10. More a curiosity than a practically useful material.

Diamondsteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Best of the so-called Mineral Metals, which are commonly known and often used for weapons. Transparent. Diamondsteel is extremely tough and resiliant, +4 hit and +8 DAM, no special properties. Takes 800 hr LM labor and $27,000 worth of diamonds to make one lb. $75,000/lb wholesale, availability 15.

Emeraldsteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Second best of the Mineral Metals. Green translucent. +3 hit, +6 DAM. 500 hr LM labor and $10,000 worth of emeralds to make 1 lb. $40,000/lb wholesale, availability 20.

Rubysteel and Sapphiresteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ These two tied for third best Mineral Metal. Transparent red and blue respectively. Weapons are +2 hit and +4 DAM. 200 hr LM labor and $8,000 worth of rubies/sapphires to make 1 lb. $20,000/lb wholesale, availability 20.

Greensteel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fourth Mineral Metal, but possibly the most beautiful. Looks like normal jade shot with veins of silver. Surprisingly tough, +1 hit and +2 DAM, 25 hr LM labor and $1,000 worth of purest greenstone jadeite to make 1 lb. $2500/lb wholesale, availability 25.

Adamant (2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Adamant is a moderately hard black metal that is usually found in a bright blue ore near areas where vulcanism is common and mana is dense. When forged in an alloy with iron, a very difficult task, 10% Adamant 90% Iron the resulting metal is incredibly strong per unit weight. The section on armor details the typical values for different types of adamant armor. Adamantium steel weapons, if they can be made, do +50% more added damage and have +50% break. They also have 25% less delay, to a minimum of -1. Magic items made with pure adamant that have more than half their mana spent on earth or water magic gain only need 7% of the mana/experience spent they would otherwise need.

Magnesium ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Magnesium is a light strong metal, quite hard to refine, that can be ignited by white hot coals or other hot fires and which burns with an actinic light that should severly annoy demons, undead, and other creatures of darkness.

Mithril (2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mithril is a soft pale silver metal found deep in the earth in a white ore that can be forged by adding trace amounts of zinc and tin into a very hard somewhat light metal that can accept mana and enchantment abnormally well. Mithril armor is detailed in the section on armor. Mithril weapons get +30% more added damage and +30% break as well at 10% off their weapons speed. Magic items made with pure mithril that have more than half their mana spent on spirit or air magic only need 60% of the mana/experience spent they would otherwise need.

Orchallium ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Orchallium is a pale orange metal about as hard as iron and slightly less dense. It is found mixed with copper or silver in the vicinity of massive releases of magic or mana. It does not make good alloys for armor and arms, being too brittle, but is extremely friendly to elemental magic, especially fire magic and is often used to make magic items. Magic items made with pure orchallium that have more than half their mana spent on void or fire magic only need 60% of the mana/experience spent they would otherwise need. Other elemental areas require only 80% of mana/experience in the same fashion.

Tarnrill ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Tarnrill is a bizarre metal which is a blackish brown in color and is found in a dirty brown, greasy ore. The ore is most commonly found deep in the earth beneath mass graves or near where acts of necromancy took place. Tarnrill has the bizarre property that at least moderately bright sunlight causes it to burst into flames. Burning tarnrill does 8d6 per round and takes a long time to finish burning emitting smoke that acts as intensity two speed VI poison. Water will put out the fire only if sunlight is not also present. Tarnrill alloyed with iron makes a jet black alloy that is similar in strength to Mithril. This alloy will do a maximum of 6d6 and can be put out by immersion though as soon as it is out of water it will burn again when sublight is present. Tarnril weapons get +30% to their damage bonus and break and 10% off their weapons speed. Tarnrill is friendly to necromancy and shadow lore. Magic items made from pure tarnrill that have at least 50% of their spells in these two areas need only 60% or the mana they would normally need. Tarnrill conducts necromantic attacks to that a shadow, wraith, vampire or other undead that has a drain attack that requires touch to use may still use it when wielding a tarnrill weapon.

Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Tsargo is a jet black metal found deep in the earth in a transparent crystalline ore. The refinement techniques are known to very few and are said to involve pure water, actinic flame, and lightning. Tsargo reacts with magic in a violent fashion. It is far to rare to be made into armor even in alloys save as a trace element. Tsargo in its pure form is unstable and explodes violently in the presence of spellcasting (d100's or damage over a large area). Tsargo alloys have a number of bizarre properties.

Adamant/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -120. An alloy of 25% adamant and 75% tsargo forms a matte black metal capable of absorbing potions, poisons, and fluids as described in the spell Absorption in metal alchemistry. A daggerweight of the metal can absorb three vials worth of fluid and the fluid is released as in the spell Absorb. If different fluids are absorbed then use the rules for mixing potions in potion alchemistry with +30 to any failure rolls as the metal completely mixes the potions. An alloy of 50% tsargo and 50% adamantium forms a translucent black metal, appearing not unlike obsidian, with the property that is 50 grams or more are in contact with the skin of a living creature then any spell directed at the creature, other than elemental magic spells that do direct damage is absorbed as per the ability Magic Absorption. The creature saves versus magic at -3 per mana in the incoming spell and if the save is made gets each mana point as a design points worth of recharge to mana, health, hits, and stamina in that order. An alloy of 75% adamant and 25% tsargo creates a lustrous and shiny black metal that makes translation into the spirit plane easier. In contact with the skin and in amounts greater than 20 grams it grants the skill Spiritual Awareness at the base level or adds two ranks to the skill of a spiritually aware creature.

Copper/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -30. An alloy of copper with at least 3% but no more than 5% tsargo forms a bluish metal that emits a small amount of electrical current all the time, in proportion to its velocity. When thrown or used as a bludgeon the metal delivers a shock of d6 per 10 over the hit roll was to a maximum of whichever is smallest: 18d6, d6 per gram, d6 per inch thrown for a missile. When delivered as an arrowhead or other high speed missile it does at most 18d6, 4d6+d6 per inch traveled, or d6 per gram. For every die over 8d6 a sample of this metal does there is a chance of 3% it will transform back into copper oxide and Tsargo ore. An alloy of copper and tsargo with 5%-10% Tsargo acts like the thinner alloy but does magic damage and has a 5% per die over 6d6 or separating. If the alloy exceeds 10% Tsargo it tends to explode if moved at all for d100 in a 2d6” radius. If placed in a containment that completely excludes magic it can be moved safely.

Gold/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -50. An alloy of gold and tsargo with 50% or more tsargo forms a red-gold metal that has an affinity for enchantment. Magic items with at least half the spells within the enchantment school (illusion, control, vision, mirror) need only 60% of the mana or unspent experience they normally would. Alloys of 5% or more tsargo and gold have the property that they trigger avarice to an abnormal degree. Any creature even somewhat given to avarice will feel great longing to possess this form of red gold.

Iron/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -10. An alloy of tsargo and iron with 1-2% Tsargo makes a weapon that learns its wielder's desires and hence gains in ability to hit. Each week that the wielder practices at least 1 DP with a Tsargo/Iron weapon the hit plus increases d3% if he rolls over the current hit plus on 3d10. The hit plus for the wielder of a weapon is a hit minus for anyone else - the weapon is extremely personalized. If the alloy has more than 2% Tsargo then the sword will, in addition to the above property, develop a personality not unlike its wielders and the ability to control its hit plus minus as it sees fit. It is quite likely to start making demands for decoration, magical runes, and other things. If the Tsargo fraction in the alloy passes 5% then the weapon will detonate for d100 destroying itself when it grows angry. Iron-tsargo alloys are jet black and lustrous.

Magnesium/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -50. An alloy of 3-5% tsargo and magnesium forms a clear metal with the mechanical properties of steel and the ability to store light. It stores an amount of light equal to an hour of bright sunlight and releases it at the rate it was absorbed. The metal is slightly harder to burn than refined magnesium but burns as brightly and hotly. Alloys above 5% burst into flame when illuminated substantially and are sometimes used to ignite plain magnesium.

Mithril/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -140. An alloy of 25% mithril and 75% tsargo forms a white metal with polychromatic highlights that, when in contact with the skin in amounts greater than 30 grams, grants a magic save versus alchemical potions and essences and versus poisons. If the save is made the substances are rendered inert within or while touching the imbiber. An alloy of 50% mithril and 50% tsargo forms a lustrous, pearly white metal that has a great affinity for magic. Magic items made from this metal will recharge +2 mana per hour faster than normal (this makes charged items have a recharge, possibly quite valuable). In addition this metal has an affinity for thaumaturgy and essential alchemistry. Magic items made from this metal that have at least half their spells in the area of thaumaturgy or essence alchemistry need only 50% or the mana or experience it would normally need. If the fraction of tsargo is too high, more than 55% the metal explodes for 4d100 of damage when mana flows through or near it. If a 50% mithril/tsargo setting is used for mana stones it increases by 100% the mana capacity of the stones. An alloy of 75% mithril and 25% tsargo forms a metal with the color and mechanical properties of freshly polished silver with polychromatic highlights in colors other than red, purple, and orange. In contact with the skin in amounts of 20 grams or more it grants the recipient +1 WP and doubles his mana recharge rate. Used to coat a weapon, as with silvering, the weapon does double damage against any creature with a susceptibility to silver or mithril.

Orchallium/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -120. An alloy of 25% orchallium and 75% tsargo creates a soft, bright red metal that will flame whenever someone touching it concentrates and makes a stress save. If they maintain concentration the flame will not burn them. Skin contact with 30 or more grams of this metal also gives +6 fire armor. The fire is small doing d6 per round and is mostly useful for ignition of fires and the like. An alloy of 50% orchallium and 50% tsargo makes a soft orange metal that will liquify fire by touch, as per the fire element spell of the same name. In addition this metal allows a magic item that has only fire element spells in it to recharge at a rate of +1 mana/hour faster than normal. If spells of any other area are in the item it will prevent recharge. An alloy of 75 hard, straw-yellow metal that will release mana from a charged or recharging magic item as fire by touch. The rate of drain is one mana per round per 50 grams of metal and each mana point released creates d6 of damage in a burst with a radius equal to the square root of the number of dice. The burst continues until the item in question is drained. Permanent items recharge as recharging items.

Lead/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -25. An alloy of lead and 3-5% tsargo forms a grey metal with incredible density that is immune to the effects of void. A coating with this metal, not an easy task, grants immunity to disintegration effects associated with the void. A container coated with this metal can be used to contain void elementals and the like. This alloy drains mana from items contained within it slowly and neither mage not item can recharge when surrounded by it. The substance can be used to shield copper-tsargo alloys for transport.

Platinum/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -60. An alloy of 25% platinum and 75% tsargo creates a very soft, dull, nonreflective orange alloy. This allow has a melting point of about fifty degrees F. Skin contact with 20 grams or more of the metal renders the spirit of a material creature completely invisible to spirits or on the spirit plane. In addition nonliving objects touching this alloy have no spiritual counterparts and cannot be caused to have them. On a roll of -3/die of spiritual damage done this alloy allows a person or object in contact with it to take spirit damage as fire damage. An alloy of 50% platinum and tsargo forms a pale whitish-orange metal that is liquid at temperatures of -5 centigrade of more. This substance forms an impenetrable barrier to spirits and which has an armor against spirit damage of 20. In addition the metal is extremely malleable when chilled and can be shaped with greater ease than gold. The fluid form can be painted on if mixed with some kinds of binders. An alloy of 75% platinum and 75% tsargo creates a metal that looks like yellow-orange tinged platinum. This metal is friendly to Ipso Lore and any magic items made from this metal (or substantially incorporating it) that have at least half their mana spent on Ipso Lore require only 75% of the mana they normally do.

Silver/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -60. An alloy of silver and tsargo that is 5-15% tsargo forms a metal that gives a lycanthrope touching at least 20 grams of the metal a stress save to control his transformation. The normal stress save prevents involuntary transformation. A stress save at -30 permits transformation at will. An alloy of silver and tsargo that is at least 20% tsargo forms a white metal that has a great affinity for magic. Magic items made from this metal will recharge +1 mana per hour faster than normal (this makes charged items have a slow recharge, possibly quite valuable). This has no useful effect on a permanent item. In addition this metal has an affinity for thaumaturgy and magic items made from this metal that have at least half their spells in the area of thaumaturgy need only 70% of the mana or experience it would normally need. If the fraction of tsargo is too high, more than 30% the metal explodes for 2d100 of damage when mana flows through or near it. If a silver/tsargo setting is used for mana stones it increases by 50% the mana capacity of the stones.

Tarnrill/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -90. An alloy of 25% tarnrill and 75% tsargo form a greenish black metal that does not have Tarnrill's tendency to burn in sunlight but which rather does d6/round of necromantic damage to anyone touching it when exposed to sunlight. This metal has an extreme affinity for necromancy and magic items containing only necromantic spells require only 40% of the mana or unspent experience they would otherwise need. In addition this alloy affects sentient undead as tsargo-gold alloy does men or dragons. An alloy of 50% tarnrill and 50% tsargo is a sickeningly green, slick, shiny metal that has an affinity for demonic lore. In sunlight rather than burning it does d6 per round of hellfire damage to anyone touching it. Magic items constructed from this alloy containing only demon lore spells require only 40% of the mana or unspent experience they would otherwise need. In addition this alloy affects sentient demonic creatures as tsargo-gold alloy does men or dragons. An alloy of 75% tarnrill and 25% tsargo forms a pale yellow metal. This metal bursts into flame in sunlight as does tarnrill. Used in a magic item it allows the magic item to recharge by draining hit points out of a living creature that is damaged with it. For each die of damage done with the magic item the magic item recharges one mana. It cannot regain more than two mana per round this way. Usually the tarnrill-tsargo alloy is incorporated into the center of a blade made of an iron alloy.

Tin/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -10. An alloy of tin and tsargo in any combination that is at least 10 has roughly the mechanical properties of lead. Application of a large amount of mana in the form of a spell, especially fire magic, will cause the metals to separate. This alloy is often used to store tsargo.

Zinc/Tsargo ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Difficulty: -50. An alloy of zinc with at least 5% but no more than 12% Tsargo forms a greenish metal that emits a small amount of life energy all the time, in proportion to its compression. When thrown or used as or in a hand to hand weapon the metal delivers on impact a burst of life energy that applies d6 of life energy per 10 over the hit roll was to a maximum of whichever is smallest: 18d6, d6 per gram, d6 per inch thrown. If crushed it delivers 2d6 per man weight of compression. The energy does the equivalent of magic damage to undead with no divisor or immunity. If this damage hits a person it heals one hit per three points of damage or one stamina per one point of damage done but requires a shock save at minus damage done or the victim will lose a point of health. If the alloy is more than 12% tsargo it separates spontaneously and violently doing d100 points of magic damage and vaporizing the metal involved. This metal is friendly to the magic of natural lore and magic items made from this metal that have more than half their spells in natural lore need only 50% unspent experience.

Earth's Blood ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Dwarven antimony, this metal resembles solid lava, even retaining the intense heat. Flammable items touching it have a 90% chance of catching fire, and living flesh takes 1d10 damage from it per round unless protected by thick gloves or similar safeguards. Weapons forged from it inflict +7 points of fire damage with their blows.

Dwarven Copper ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This mystical metal holds several healing virtues. An ounce of it, powdered and sprinkled on injuries, protects against infection, even most mystical diseases being forestalled by this treatment if applied early enough. For every 5 full ounces of it touching the skin, a +1 bonus is applied to both Fatigue and Body Point recovery, so long as the contact remains through the entire recovery period. Instruments crafted from it give a +1 roll on the crit die for a chirurgeon using them in healing.

Dwarven Electrum ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ One ounce confers increased longevity in the amount of one month for every ten years it is worn against the skin. The more metal worn, the greater the increase in longevity, up to a maximum of 12 ounces, which will increase the lifespan by 1 year for every full ten it is worn. As both a solar and lunar metal, it causes +3 damage to demons, devils, and lycanthropes.

Greater Gold ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Has twice the lifespan-boosting power of Dwarven Electrum, an ounce adding a month of longevity per 5 years worn, with the same 12 ounce limit. Items constructed of it never tarnish and they emit light equal to a candle.

Dwarven Lead ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Perishable items placed in a dwarven lead container spoil at 1/4th the normal rate. Every ounce of this metal carried adds +1% to the magic resistance of the bearer.

Solid Quicksilver ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The unique nature of dwarven mercury is that it is actually a solid, though the surface ripples and flows as if it were water. Items constructed of Solid Quicksilver will float in water, regardless of their weight.

Miner's Tin ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Dwarven tin radiates exceptional 'luck'. Anyone bearing at least 3 ounces of it on their person may re-roll 01 critical failures again. The number of failures that may thus be avoided in a lunar month (new moon to new moon) equals the total ounces of Miner's Tin in the largest single piece/item of it carried. (Two versions of the same set of ideas follow, I'm unsure of the systems used as well as the original source)

Produce True Lead and Mercury of Lead ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Philosophical Sulfur, and 3000 gp. Each requires 37 days. True Lead produces 100 cn of lead which no spell (even those of named spirits) can penetrate. When mixed in a ratio of 1:10 with paint, it can be used to anti-magick a wall or other structure of up to 1000 square feet (though in this diluted state the spells of named demons can penetrate). It can also be applied to suit armor to give the wearer a +2 to save vs magic. True lead is necessary to bind named demons into prisons. The Mercury of Lead is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. In either case 300 days can substitute for the cost on a successful Alchemy roll.

Produce Star of Iron and Mercury of Iron

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4000 gp. Each requires 47 days. This metal can be used in making vorpal weapons (which sever body parts on a 75% critical hit) (8 PP), dancing weapons (which attack by themselves at the skill of the wielder) (4 PP), holy weapons (+5/+10 vs the enemies of a religion along with a turning chance as a cleric of similar level or double level if used by a cleric) (16 PP), soul-stealing weapons (on a successful hit the target is life blasted for 1d8) (8 PP), bane weapons (weapons which automatically kill when they strike) (16 PP), and greater armor and shields (+4 or better) (4 PP). Each of these is an alchemical device. The alloy to be used is 1:3 star of iron to iron. The Mercury of Iron is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. 400 days may substitute for the cost in either operation.

Produce Star of Copper and Mercury of Copper

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4000 gp. Each requires 47 days. This metal can be used in making books and scrolls, reducing the writing time by half by using it in the ink. When used with any 7 gems or any single alchemical gem it is increase the recharge rate of magic items by one spell per day. When used in a focus it will add +1. It may be enchanted as an amulet of protection vs any six types of spells. It may be enchanted as a talisman for six spells. The Mercury of Copper is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. 400 days may substitute for the cost on a successful Alchemy roll.

Produce Star of Silver and Mercury of Silver

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4000 gp. Each requires 47 days. This metal can be used in making Magical Mirrors (scrying devices like similar to a crystal ball) (16PP), Amulets of Night Vision (allow the wearer to see at night as if it were daylight) (4 PP), Cloaks and Helms of Invisibility (allowing the wearer to become invisible at will) (4PP). Used in a holy symbol, it will repel undead at +3 (2 PP). Used in a device with daily spells, it increases the number of spells/day by one. Used in a focus the result is a +1. This metal is called True Silver by some. Weapons forged of it are +2 automatically, and destroy lesser undead by touch, and do double damage to greater undead. The Mercury of Silver is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. 400 days may substitute for the cost on a successful Alchemy roll.

Produce Star of Gold and Mercury of Gold

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4500 gp. Each requires 52 days. Devices of fire made from this metal will contain all the list spells automatically (36 PP)! Rings of spell capture made from this metal have the property of holding up to 22 spells (36 PP). When used as the setting for magic rings containing Alchemical Rubies or Emeralds it increases the daily rate of any spells by one, and triples the number of charges. The Mercury of Gold is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. 450 days may substitute for the cost on a successful Alchemy roll.

Produce Star of Platinum and Mercury of Platinum

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4500 gp. Each requires 52 days. This metal has the virtue of containing all spells of water. When used as a setting for Alchemical Diamond, it has the property of allowing the diamond to store 22 spells. Any device made from this combination will recharge at 3 spells per day with 1000 charges! The Mercury of Copper is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. 450 days may substitute for the cost on a successful alchemy roll.

Produce Fixed Mercury and Mercury of Mercury

Each of these operations requires 1 cn each of Philosophical Salt and Sulfur, and 4500 gp. Each requires 52 days. This remarkable material has the property that it will hold an infinite number of spells, any device made from it will have 5000 charges and will recharge at 25 charges per day! The Mercury of Mercury is produced in 7 + d100 doses and is used to create a universal solvent, and is used in the production of a Philosopher's Stone or Elixir. This solvent is made only when it is to be used and requires one dose of each of the Mercuries, the result is a substance which will completely dissolve 1d10 cubic feet of ANYTHING(!!) in 1d100 rounds. 450 days will substitute for the cost on a successful Alchemy roll.

Star of Iron

To produce this metal an alchemist needs 500 pounds of iron, 1 ruby and the blood of 14 different monsters, so he will obtain 50 pounds of the alchemical metal. Mixed with a ratio of 1 to 3 pounds of common iron the alchemist will have a metal giving two bonus armor points to a metallic armor, +10 hit points to weapons and a bonus of 10% to attack and parry.

Star of Copper

This operation requires 250 pounds of copper, 1 emerald and 7 bones to produce 25 pounds of star of copper. Powdered and mixed with ink (in a ratio of 1 to 5 pounds) it reduces the writing time by 50%.

Star of Silver

To produce 10 pounds of this metal an alchemist will have to mix 100 pounds of silver, 1 diamond and 7 liquids. Used in an object made to receive an enchantment of stealth (ie a Silence spell matrix) it will reduce the POW and the MP expanded by two.

Star of Gold

50 pounds of gold are necessary, as 3 diamonds, 7 liquids and 1 sunflower, to produce 5 pounds of this metal. When used in items containing spells of fire it raises the intensity by one.

Star of Platinum

An alchemist will have to mix 25 pounds of platinum, 3 diamonds, 7 liquids, 7 essences, 1 black rose, 1 black lotus and 1 black poppy to produce 1 pound of star of platinum acting like the Star of Gold for spells of water.

Fixed Mercury

An alchemist can produce 50g of this rare metal in mixing 5 pounds of quicksilver, 3 enchanted trees freshly cut, 1 diamond and the fresh blood of a sentient creature tied to the Plant, Stone or Earth rune. This metal acts like a Magic point matrix of 25 points, self recharging in a full day.


Cost: Normal Weight: Normal AC: Normal Magic: Normal Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: Normal

This is the standard in most areas of the planes when it comes to weapons and armor. While there may be many different colors and textures depending the Prime World or Plane of origin, one steel is much the same as the other.

All standard stats (weight, cost, speed, etc.) of armor and weapons reflects the fact that they are made out of steel.

Fine Steel

Cost: 10 x Weight: .1 x AC: Normal Magic: Normal Attack: +1 or Normal Damage: +1 or Normal Init: Normal Fine Steel refers to steel that has had extra time spent on it. Either a few extra runs in the refining of the raw metal, perhaps a bit more time spent in the balance of the blade or the angle of the armor plates; a craftsman made this metal. This grade can be found on any Prime or Plane.

Due to the workmanship, items made of Fine Steel weight 10% less than normal and cost 10x as much. Weapons gain a +1 to hit OR damage.

Exceptional Steel

Cost: 100 x Weight: .5 x AC: Normal Magic: +5 Attack: +1 Damage: +1 Init: -1 This grade of steel is reserved for steel that is no longer pure. Soemthing extra has been put into the mix, creating an alloy that is superior to either of its parts. This metal is only available from Master Craftsmen, those who spent their lives refining their art.

Again, found on any Prime or Plane, items made of this metal weigh 50% less than normal, and cost 100x more. Weapons gain +1 to hit AND damage as well as gaining a -1 bonus to weapon speed.

Dwarvish Steel

Cost: 5 x Weight: .9 x AC: -1 Magic: +2 Attack: Normal Damage: +1 Init: -1 Dwarvish Steel is an alloy between steel, gold, and minute quantities of White Mithril.

Dwarvish Steel is the steel made most commonly by dwarves. It usually contains gold in the alloy but periodically contains another precious metal, such as silver, instead. It is golden in appearance, and is often traded with humans for other goods as it is well crafted and not very rare, all things considered. The dwarves are proud of it nevertheless, and only accept top prices for it because it is “part of their blood”

Dark Steel

Cost: 10 x Weight: .08 x AC: -1 Magic: +3 Attack: Normal Damage: +1 Init: -1 Dark Steel

Dark Steel is used in the Underdark, and is not stable in sunlight.

Dark Steel is an enhanced steel alloy with a small amount of adamantium and radioactive materials. The steel performs well underground, but must save vs disintegration every day it is exposed to sunlight. Failure means that the weapon is permanently rendered useless and will break into small fragments when next struck with force. This happens because the radioactive materials' half-lives are significantly reduced when exposed to UV radiation, and therefore can no longer act as a bonding agent between the adamantium and ordinary steel.

Abyssimal Red Steel

Cost: 400 x Weight: .40 x AC: -1 Magic: +2 Attack: +2 Damage: +1d2 Init: -1

This metal is very similar to Green Steel, but is a little more scarce (counts as Rare). It is also a standard armament in the Blood War is it acts just the same as Green Steel with regard to the creatures it may harm. Items of Red Steel weigh 40% less and cost 400x more. Weapons gain +2 hit, -1 bonus to speed, and do 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +1 bonus. All items also have a +2 to saves and can strike all creatures of +2 enhancement.

Baatorian Green Steel

Cost: 300 x Weight: .40 x AC: -1 Magic: +2 Attack: +1 Damage: +1d2 Init: -1

This is the first of the purely Planar metals that is common used for armor and weapons. While it is the most common of the better metals, it is considered an Uncommon find. It is used in the Blood War not only because it is far superior to normal steel, but it can also strike any planar creature, regardless of magical restrictions.

Items made of Green Steel weigh 40% less and cost 300x more than normal. Weapons gain +1 to hit, -1 bonus to speed, and do 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +2 bonus. All items also have a +2 to saves and can strike all creatures of +2 enchancement.

Forest Steel

Cost: 40 x Weight: 0.75 x AC: -1 Magic: +2/+4 Druids Only Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: -1 Forest Steel is a peculiar blend of ordinary steel and the wood that makes up the trees in the Forest of Eternal Trees on Arborea.

It is favored in situations where one expects to travel around numerous animals - for, when in plain sight, this dark green marbled steel invokes friendship amongst natural plants and animals. For game purposes, adjust the reaction modifier by two for each clearly visible item made from Forest Steel. Of course, there is a drawback as well - for some reason, all attacks against natural plants and animals automatically miss.

When being enchanted, it has only a +2 capability - unless a druid is enchanting. In such cases, it can hold a +4 level enchantment.

When making a saving throw on an item made from Forest Steel versus fire; the save is made at a -2 penalty.

Meteoric Steel

Cost: 150 x Weight: .5 x AC: -2 Magic: +3 Attack: Normal Damage: +2 Init: -3

Meteoric Steel is found exclusively in rare pockets of the Prime Material Plane.

Meteoric Steel is almost impossible to find. It is without a doubt one of the best metals available in the Prime Material Plane. It is capable of the most powerful enchantments, it is light, it is sturdy, and it is never left in favor of another treasure. Meteoric Steel is very difficult to work, but with the right tools and a flame rivaling elemental heat, it is very rewarding.


Cost: Normal Weight: .25 x AC: Normal Magic: Normal Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: +1

This was the first metal used to make armor and weapons. It has some drawbacks that caused it to be replaced by steel. However, there are times when are fighting a creature that is vulnerable to this metal, thus a small number of weapons are still crafted from it. Although Iron doesn't cost any more than Steel (1x), it weighs 25% more and can rust if not carefully maintained. Weapons suffer a +1 penalty to weapon speed.

Meteoric Iron

Cost: 150 x Weight: .25 x AC: -1 Magic: +2 Attack: +1 Damage: +1d2 Init: -1

This metal is only found on the Prime Material and even then is uncommon at best. It is forged from ore garnered from stars that have fallen to ground, or harvested from amongst the rocks of space. It suffers from the same weight penalty as Normal Iron, but doesn't rust and performs much better in combat.

Items made of Meteoric Iron weigh 25% more and cost 150x as much. Weapons gain a +1 to hit bonus, do 1d2 MORE damage, but suffer a -1 penalty to speed; Armor gains a +1 bonus. Additionally, objects made of this metal gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws and have the ability to strike creatures which normally require +1 magical blades to harm them.


Cost: 20 x Weight: 0.7 x AC: -1 Magic: +4 Attack: Normal Damage: +1 Init: -2 The alloy of White Mithril and small quanities of Adamantium forms a substance known as Black Mithril.

Created almost exclusively by dwarves, this substance is slightly sturdier and weighs slightly less than White Mithril. Most importantly, it can hold a higher level of enchantment than White Mithril, without needing large quantities of Adamantium. For this reason, wizards frequently seek out small quantities of Black Mithril for small magic items such as rings, amulets, and sometimes even wands.

White Mithril

Cost: 10 x Weight: .75 x AC: -1 Magic: +3 Attack: Normal Damage: +1 Init: -1

White Mithril is an excellent armor made primarily by dwarves.

White Mithril is solid, glowing white in color. While it emits no light naturally, it can hold light- and sun- based spells without limiting its enchantment levels. It is made by dwarves in fairly deep tunnels, where it must be heated by geothermal furnaces to be forged. It is somewhat rare and prized by paladins, who love the solid white glow mixed with the good level of enchantment it can possess.

Silver Mithril

Cost: 250 x Weight: .30 x AC: -1 Magic: +2 Attack: +2 Damage: +1d2 Init: -1

This rare metal is only found in the hands of the elves of the Prime Material. The secrets of its making are closely guarded; any who have tried to steal them are dead.Silver Mithril is usually the metal most treasured by the Clueless, both for its excellent combat performance and for the fact that it affects monsters the same as normal Silver.

Items made of Silver Mithril weigh 30% less and cost 250x more. Weapons gain a +2 hit bonus and 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +1 bonus. Additionally, objects make of this metal gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws and have the ability to strike creatures which normally require +2 magical blades to harm them.

Githyanki Mithril

Cost: 600 x Weight: 0.30 x AC: -3 Magic: +3 Attack: +2 Damage: +1d2 Init: Normal This is a Very Rare Planar metal. It resembles the silver expanse of the Astral Plane, making it both good protection and camoflage at distance. It is the exclusive property of the Githyanki. All of their special Silver Swords are made from this metal, as well as the armor of any Gith of importance in their society. In addition to bonuses similar to the Green and Red Steels (affects all Planar creatures), it has the added benefit of not hindering psionic activity in the slightest (i.e. no penalties for wearing metal armor if made from Gith Mithril).

Items made of Gith Mithril weigh 30% less and cost 600x more than normal. Weapons gain +2 hit, and do 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +3 bonus. All objects have +3 to saves and can strike creatures of +3 enchantment.


Cost: .67 x Weight: Normal AC: -1 Magic: nil Attack: nil Damage: nil Init: Normal This metal is the bridge between Iron and Steel. Many cultures exclusively use Bronze due to its greater availability and cheaper cost.

Items made of Bronze cost 0.67x that of Steel. Armor suffers a -1 penalty. (While functionally the same as Steel, it is a softer metal. Thus, there should be more maintenance required as well as an increased chance of breaking.)


Cost: 25 x Weight: Normal AC: +2 Magic: Normal Attack: Normal Damage: -1d2 Init: Normal

While normally reserved for jewelry and monetary uses, there are certain creatures which are vulnerable to this metal - especially undead and lycanthropes. As such, weaponsmakers usually keep a small supply of Silver weapons on hand. Being a softer metal, it is not preferred for everyday use.

Items made of silver cost 25x more than Steel. Weapons do 1d2 LESS damage (ie. A 1d6 short sword now does 1d4); Armor suffers a -2 penalty to its protective value.


Cost: 200 x Weight: 100 x AC: +4 Magic: Normal Attack: Normal Damage: -1d4 Init: +4

Again, this metal normally finds it use as an object de arte or as money. But nobles like to make ceremonial items from it, and there are a few rare monsters which can only be hurt by golden weapons.

Items made of Gold cost 200x more than normal, and weigh 100% more. Weapons do 1d4 LESS damage and suffer a +4 penalty to weapon speed; Armor suffers a -4 penalty.


Cost: 150 x Weight: Normal AC: -1 Magic: +1 Attack: +1 Damage: +1d2 Init: Normal This is much less pure alloy of normal Adamantium. While it is not as strong as its parent metal, it has the advantage of not dissolving in sunlight (if used by Drow). It is most commonly used by raiding parties from the Underdark in cases where the risk of people and equipment being captured is high.

Items made of Low-grade Adamantium weigh the same as their steel counterparts and cost 150x more than normal. Weapons gain a +1 to hit and +1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +1 bonus. Items count as +1 magical weapons and gain a +1 to all saving throws.


Cost: 500 x Weight: -25% AC: -2 Magic: +5 Attack: +3 Damage: +1d2 Init: Normal This is the most powerful of the Prime metals as well as the rarest (counts as Very Rare). It is only found within the depths of certain Prime worlds; as such, it usually only in the hands of those who live deep underground.

Items made from Adamantuim weigh 25% less and cost 500x more than normal. Weapons gain +3 to hit and 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +2 bonus. Items also have +3 to saving throws as well as being able to affect creatures of +3 enchantment restrictions.


Cost: 150 x Weight: .75 x AC: -3 Magic: +4 Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: -2 Celestium is the metal native to Mount Celestia, the plane of law and good.

Celestium is found only on the outer plane of Mount Celestia in its native ore form. Once refined, it is a powerful compound. Though preferred construction lies in armor, due to its defensive nature, weapons of Celestium can be found periodically. The metal itself is bluish-white marble in appearance. Quite enchantable, most weapons made of this metal are enchanted somehow to make up for their offensive deficiencies. Non-good beings possessing this metal can expect to be sought out for questioning by powerful forces of good.

Dwarven Blackrock

Cost: 1000 x Weight: .5 x AC: -4 Magic: +4 Attack: +3 Damage: +1d4 Init: -1 Dwarven Blackrock is found only in the very depths of the Dwarven Mountain in the Outlands and Mt. Clenedaggen in Aracadia. Like the other planar metals, it can harm any planar creature.

Items made of this VERY VERY RARE metal weigh 50% less and cost 1000x normal Steel. Weapons gain +3 to hit, -1 bonus to speed, and do 1d4 MORE damage; Armor gains a +4 bonus. Objects gain +4 to all saves and can strike +4 magically protected creatures.

Ellician Diamond

Cost: 2500 x Weight: .75 x AC: Normal Magic: +5 Attack: Normal Damage: +4 Init: -1 Ellician Diamond can be created only at the base of the Great Spire, in the Outlands.

This metal is an alloy between diamond and adamantite (stronger raw material form of adamantium), heavy on the diamond. There are possibly more ingredients, unknown of at this time. This alloy creates a substance that is incredibly sharp and incredibly difficult to bend. For this reason, no armor can be made of Ellician Diamond. This material is enchantable to quite a degree, and is valued by magical weaponmakers everywhere on the planes. One of the most popular enchantments for this weapon is for it to be given the properties of a dimensional blade – a process this metal seems to take very easily. When imbued with a dimensional blade spell along with permanency, this metal takes on an interesting additional property - it will return to the casters hand when thrown, perfectly, every time.


Cost: 175 x Weight: .75 x AC: -1 Magic: +1 Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: -2

Illithium is a rare metal worn and used by the illithid and ullitharid on certain occasions.

Illithium is often used as a form of armor by the elusive illithid and their royal counterparts for one very obvious reason: the armor does not hinder psionic activity. The armor can, in fact store up to 250 Psp's.

Thankfully for most citizens of the multiverse, this metal is extremely rare. In appearance, the metal is a dark steel gray that is matter - so light does not reflect well off of it. This makes the wearer of the metal even more difficult to see. Due to limited quantities, the illithid will usually only wear such armor when acting as a leader of a larger group, so there is less of a chance of losing the powerful metallic armor.


Cost: 200 x Weight: 1.25 x AC: -1 Magic: +3 Attack: Normal Damage: +1 Init: Normal

Mechanium is the metal native to and rarely found even on, Mechanus - Plane of Ultimate Law.

Mechanium is found only on Mechanus. It is essentially a steel composed of tiny gears and machinery - so tiny that no one can see without special help. These gears provide decent defensive and offensive bonuses - but more important is their ability to overcome damage. Unless completely disintegrated, the machinery will repair itself. To represent this, re-roll any damaging save throw once every hour. When it is successful, the metal has fully repaired itself of that damage. For this reason, Mechanium is normally found in objects other than weapons or armor.

Be aware, the modrons of Mechanus are very protective of the sources of this metal. They consider it alive. Is it?


Cost: Unpurchasable Weight: Normal AC: Normal Magic: +0 Attack: Normal Damage: None Init: Normal

Neutralite is a decidedly unique metal used mostly by diplomats.

Neutralite appears to be normal steel. Most wish it was. Neutralite holds the force of neutrality within it, which is a curse to most planewalkers as we know their desire for violence. Neutralite in any amount on a person has two effects: The owner can neither cause damage nor take damage in combat. The owner can hack away at an enemy all day and never seem to pierce their skin - and vice versa as well. The same holds true for magical attacks. Even creativity is not awarded - causing a rockslide on one's enemies will simply result in a large number of rocks to bounce off the now protected opponent. It isn't known exactly where this metal comes from, although the Outlands are strongly suspected. As such, no mines have ever been located and no raw supply of this metal has ever been found. Perhaps items of this substance are an extension of Concordant Opposition itself. Perhaps.

Temporal Silver

Cost: 1000 x Weight: .01 x AC: Normal Magic: +3 Attack: Normal Damage: Normal Init: -5

Temporal Silver is the lightest metal in existance.

Although it does not provide damage or AC bonuses and only retains a rating of +3 in magic, Temporal Silver is prized for its weight - almost nothing. Even a suit of full plate decked out with a great helm will weigh less than a pound. Due to their weight, weapons made of Temporal Silver are almost always lightning fast in combat. The incredible saving throws come not from durability, but from the metal being multiphasic - it exists in multiple points of time simultaneously and is therefore very difficult to damage.

Temporal Silver can only be discovered in Temporal Prime. It is found shortly after a timestorm has ripped a segment of time apart - the compressed leftovers are metallic in nature. Only magic refinement can turn this raw material into Temporal Silver- if the material is not refined within 4 hours, then the material vanishes into the timestream - possibly forming a new timeline in that stream.


Cost: 1.5 x Weight: x .15 AC: nil Magic: +2 Attack: nil Damage: +1* Init: Normal

This black stone is primarily found where Minotaurs rule. This rock is jet black, so black that it doesn't take light very well, you can't cast any kind of light spell on this rock type. If you handle this rock well and work it into a weapon, you will get a weapon that is immune to acid and corrosion. The weapon is also slightly heavier that a weapon of same type and size made in metal (15%). These heavy weapons also gives a bit more damage, any Bludgeoning and Slashing weapons does +1 damage, while Piercing weapon does not gain by this increase in weight. The Iron Rock is also very difficult to to work and it takes 2.5 times longer to work than metal does.

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