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Spell Descriptions

This spellbook contains descriptions for hundreds of spells. Each spell description includes the following information:

Name of Spell and the Class(es) it belongs to. A “(VH)” indicates an IQ/Very Hard spell; an “(A)” indicates an IQ/Average spell; otherwise, it’s IQ/Hard.

Description: The spell’s effects, special rules, etc. If the spell requires particular items, assume it uses them up unless the description states otherwise.

Duration: The time the spell’s effects last. If you maintain the spell, it lasts for another period equal to this. Spells with an instantaneous effect do not list duration.

Cost: The energy (FP or HP) spent when you cast the spell. If given as Base cost, this is the cost per yard of radius of an Area spell. Maintainable spells also give a cost to maintain. You cannot maintain spells with instantaneous effects.

Time to cast: If no time is given, the spell requires one second of concentration and takes place at the end of your turn.

Prerequisites: Other spells you must know (at least one point in the spell) before you may study this spell, as well as any Magery, IQ, or other requirements.

Item: Types of permanent magical item that can be made with the spell, and special rules (if any) for that item. Also includes energy cost to create the item(s) and costs for required materials (if any). If there is no “Item” listing, no magic item can be made with that spell.

Air Spells

These spells deal with the traditional magical “element” of air. Except as noted, assume that “air” is normal breathing air at one atmosphere of pressure. Races who do not breathe an Earth-normal atmosphere may learn Air spells customized for their own atmosphere – i.e., the version of Create Air taught on Neptune might create methane!

The College of Air has strong affinities with the College of Weather.

Purify Air: Area

Removes all impurities from the air in its area of effect. It is often used to neutralize the effects of poisonous gas or vapors. Note that a room full of smoke may safely be purified one section at a time – but truly deadly vapors must all be removed at once, or some may escape.

This spell can also turn old “stale” air into fresh breathable air. The air in a one-yard radius, if not renewed from the outside, lasts 45 minutes for one person at rest, or less for multiple persons or someone violently exercising (GM’s discretion).

Duration: Works instantly. Purification is permanent.

Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 50.

Seek Air: Information

Tells the caster the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant amount of air. Use the long-distance modifiers. In settings where air is understood as a combination of gases, the caster may also seek out a specific gas or combination of gases, rather than ordinary air. Any known source of air may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions it before beginning.

Cost: 1.


A forked stick (usually of bird bone). Cost to create: 60 energy and a $200 onyx.

Create Air: Area

Manufactures air where none exists. When cast where there is already air, it produces an outward breeze lasting about five seconds. When cast in a vacuum, it instantly creates breathable air. When cast within earth, stone, or other material, it fills any empty spaces with air, but does not burst the stone. When cast underwater, it makes bubbles! When cast on a one-yard-radius area, the spell creates about 45 cubic feet of air every second for five seconds; each cubic foot of air will last a single person at rest about a minute. However, in some environments the air created will rapidly dissipate into vacuum or bubble away. This spell cannot be cast inside a living being.

Duration: Breeze, bubbles, etc. last 5 seconds. Air created is permanent.

Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Purify Air or Seek Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.

No-Smell: Regular

Removes the subject’s odor and makes it (or him) totally undetectable by smell. Any possessions are also affected. This spell changes no other properties of the subject.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Purify Air.


Jewelry; only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 150 energy and $300.

Stench: Area

Produces a cloud of vile, yellowish gas that reeks of brimstone. Until it dissipates, anyone who breathes it must make a HT roll or take 1d damage. Roll once per minute. Those in the area begin to suffocate (see Suffocation, p. B436). The cloud is heavy, and “rolls” downhill if the ground is not level. The rate of dissipation depends on the area and presence of wind; indoors, it usually lasts until the spell expires, but outdoors on a windy day, it might only last 10 seconds or so. Those with Doesn’t Breathe or Filter Lungs are immune to the toxic effects of the gas.

Duration: 5 minutes, except in windy areas.

Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Purify Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 60.

Destroy Air: Area

Destroy all air within a designated area of effect. This can create a vacuum within a very strong vessel, but in open air it just causes a momentary thunderclap as surrounding air rushes in. This effect does 1d-2 damage to anyone in the area of effect who fails a HT roll. Any beings with the Body of Air meta-trait (p. B262) take 2d damage. In certain situations (e.g., in an airtight room) this spell can be much deadlier, leaving no air to breathe.

Duration: Lasts only an instant, but destroyed air stays gone.

Base cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Create Air.

Odor: Area

Produces any odor the caster is familiar with. The odor lingers for about an hour, gradually diminishing (outdoors it spreads out and quickly dissipates). The spell produces no other physical effects – for instance, the odor of a poison is not poisonous.

Duration: 1 hour.

Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: No-Smell.


Jewelry that constantly surrounds the wearer with one scent (set at time of casting). Energy cost to create: 40.

Shape Air: Regular

Create movements of air over a small area. The caster must choose a starting point (calculate distance penalties from that point). The wind starts there and blows in a stream one yard wide, for a distance in yards equal to 5 times the energy put into the spell, and then dissipates. This may cause knockback (see Knockback, p. B378) on someone it hits; each second, roll 1d per full 2 points of energy in the spell. Treat this as damage for knockback purposes only (this spell does not cause injury).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 to 10. 1 produces a gentle breeze; 4 a wind; 6 a heavy wind; 8 or more a violent blast. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Create Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.

Air Jet: Regular

Shoot a thin jet of air from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The jet does 2d knockback damage for every point of energy put into the spell, and has a range in yards equal to the number of dice in the attack. The jet does injury damage to vaporous beings or swarms. It is also good for sweeping the floor.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 3. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; if the item is a staff or wand, the air jet comes from its tip. Energy cost to create: 200.

Air Vision: Regular

See clearly through smoke, fog, dust, sand, etc., eliminating any Vision penalties caused by the condition of the air around him. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per mile to cast. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.


Any. Energy cost to create: 200.

Body of Air: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject’s body becomes vaporous, temporarily granting the subject the Body of Air meta-trait (p. B262). Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become vaporous, but lose any magic powers they might have had while in this form.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Unfortunately, as soon as it is activated, the item falls through the user’s hand – thus, a spell cast with this item lasts only a minute. Energy cost to create: 800.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Unlike the previous item, this item becomes vaporous along with the subject, allowing the subject to maintain the spell longer than 1 minute. It loses any other magic powers it might have while in vaporous form. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Devitalize Air: Area

Removes the life-sustaining essence from the air within its area of effect, rendering it unbreathable. Until the “dead” air dissipates, any being who needs to breathe begins to suffocate (see Suffocation, p. B436), and flames within the spell’s area of effect flicker and die. Victims may not notice the spell’s effect until they begin losing FP; roll vs. Per to notice the changed quality of the air. Sleeping victims must roll vs. HT to wake up once they begin suffocating.

The spell lasts until living air diffuses back into the affected area. This takes 1 minute per yard of radius in an unventilated area, or as little as 10 seconds on a windy day outdoors. In an airtight room, the air stays devitalized indefinitely! Purify Air reverses this spell’s effects.

Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Destroy Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 300 energy and a $200 onyx.

Walk on Air: Regular

Temporarily grants the subject the Walk on Air advantage (p. B97). If the subject falls for any reason (e.g., injury), the spell will be broken! If the spell is recast immediately, he falls for only one second (about 5 yards) and then “lands” on the air (taking 1d damage) – unless he hits ground before then. If he’s 10 feet over a lava pit, too bad!

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.


Staff, wand, jewelry, or shoes; only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 500 energy and $1,000.

Wall of Wind: Area

Surrounds an area with a wall of roiling air that impedes movement. The wall is one yard thick and four yards high, but may be made higher by multiplying the cost as you multiply the height (double for 8 yards high, triple for 12 yards high, and so on). Low-tech missiles are buffeted off course as they cross it, and suffer a -10 penalty to hit for every yard of wall they pass through. High-tech bullets suffer a -2 penalty to hit for every yard of the wall of wind they pass through. Beings standing within the wall’s thickness are at -3 DX and suffer 2d of knockback in a random direction every second.

The wall also churns up loose ground material, such as dust, small leaves, insects, and twigs. Each second, beings crossing the wall or standing in it must either shut their eyes or roll vs. HT to avoid being blinded, as per a one-point Sand Jet (p. 52) (unless the GM rules that the area is very clean, with no debris to circulate).

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: The wall appears as soon as the casting starts, initially surrounding a one-yard-radius area; the caster may move the perimeter outward at a rate of one yard of radius per second of concentration.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 400 energy and a $500 onyx.

Windstorm: Area

Create a circular windstorm with an “eye” of calm inside (a good place for the caster to stand). The radius of the eye can be up to half that of the storm – or smaller, if the caster wishes. By concentrating, the caster can move the storm any distance up to its own diameter per second; the eye moves with it. The caster may move up to half his normal Move inside the eye while concentrating on this spell.

Anyone within a full-strength Windstorm must roll vs. ST once per second to avoid being knocked over by the wind. All DX-based skills are at -5, and ranged attacks are at a -10 penalty for every yard of the windstorm they pass through.

For double energy cost, the caster may create a more powerful windstorm, like a tornado. ST rolls to remain standing in such a gale are at -5, ranged attacks through it are impossible, and visibility inside it is a yard at best. This powerful windstorm physically lifts and hurls objects up to 30 pounds per yard of radius.

Duration: 1 minute after reaching full strength.

Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: The storm starts immediately, but the caster must concentrate for a number of seconds equal to the storm’s radius in yards to bring the storm to full strength.

Prerequisite: Shape Air.

Earth to Air: Regular

Turns earth or stone into air, which can be valuable to someone who is trapped underground. The more energy the caster spends, the more earth he can transform, but he is limited to regular shapes with the largest dimension no more than four times the smallest one. This is also an Earth spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 to transform one cubic foot of earth/stone to air, giving enough air for one person to breathe for 1 minute. To transform larger quantities of earth/stone at once, the cost is 5 per cubic yard. Metal may be turned to air for triple cost.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Create Air and Shape Earth.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the stone to be transformed. Cost to create: 750 energy and $1,000 in jewels.

Clouds: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Predict Weather: Information

As listed under Weather Spells.

Wind: Special; Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Rain: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Snow: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Concussion: Missile

The caster creates a ball of highly pressurized air in his hand. When the air strikes a target, it explodes. The blast is extremely loud; anyone within 10 yards must roll against HT-3 or be stunned. Stunned people may roll against HT-3 every second to recover. Protected Hearing gives a +5 bonus to this roll. Concussion has 1/2D 20, Max 40, Acc 1; roll vs. Innate Attack skill to hit.

This is also a Sound spell.

Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for three seconds. For every 2 energy put into the spell, the missile does 1d crushing damage. See Explosions, p. B414, for a full treatment of explosive damage.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Shape Air and Thunderclap (p. 171).


Staff or wand – the missile is thrown from the end of the item. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1,000 energy and a $400 onyx.

Breathe Air: Regular

Breathe air as though it were water; the spell also prevents water creatures from dehydrating in air. This spell is primarily useful for keeping fish, mermen, etc., alive out of water. The subject can also still breathe water normally.

This is also a Water spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Create Water and Destroy Air.


Staff, wand, jewelry, or clothing; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 150.

Breathe Water: Regular

As listed under Water Spells.

Essential Air: Area

Creates the magical essence of Air. Essential Air is “purer” and can be used (breathed or consumed) three times as long before becoming foul. Fire burns hotter (but not faster) in Essential Air, adding an extra point of damage to each die (this will even increase the heat of Essential Flame!). If the air is created in an open area, it disperses within 5 seconds.

Duration: Permanent until dispersed or used up.

Base cost: 2.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: At least six Air spells.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 800 energy and a $400 onyx.

Resist Lightning: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Lightning: Missile

As listed under Weather Spells.

Air Vortex: Area; Resisted by HT or DX

Whisks all persons within the original area of effect to somewhere else inside a giant swirling Air Vortex. The Vortex has a Move of 10. The caster may exclude anyone in the area that he specifies during casting. Those within in the area resist with the higher of their HT and DX scores. Those whisked away by the Vortex are rendered temporarily vaporous, as per the Body of Air spell (p. 24). The Vortex may not penetrate solid objects.

This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Base cost: 8 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Body of Air, and Windstorm.


Staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1200 energy and an $800 onyx.

Explosive Lightning: Missile

As listed under Weather Spells.

Lightning Whip: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Shocking Touch: Melee

As listed under Weather Spells.

Spark Cloud: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Spark Storm: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Atmosphere Dome: Area

As listed under Protection & Warning Spells.

Wall of Lightning: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Warm: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Cool: Area

As listed under Weather Spells.

Ball of Lightning: Missile

As listed under Weather Spells.

Lightning Stare: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Body of Lightning: Regular; Resisted by HT

As listed under Weather Spells.

Lightning Weapon: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Sandstorm: Area

Creates a Windstorm with the addition of flying sand! The sand is created by the spell – it is not necessary for the area to be sandy. The Sandstorm obscures vision (-2 per intervening yard of Sandstorm, excluding the “eye” of the storm).

Each second, every being within the area must shut its eyes or roll vs. HT to avoid being blinded, as per a one-point Sand Jet.

This is also an Earth spell.

Duration: 1 minute after reaching full strength.

Base cost: 3 to cast. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: The storm starts immediately, but the caster must concentrate for a number of seconds equal to the storm’s radius in yards to bring the storm to full strength.

Prerequisites: Windstorm and Create Earth.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Storm: Area

As listed under Weather Spells, p. 195.

Lightning Missiles: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Lightning Armor: Regular

As listed under Weather Spells.

Body of Wind: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject’s body becomes a whirlwind, with a radius of 2 to 4 yards (caster’s choice). In this form, he has a variant form of the Body of Air meta-trait (p. B262); he lacks the listed Vulnerability to vacuum and wind-based attacks, he has No Fine Manipulators rather than the usual No Manipulators, and he has effective ST equal to twice his normal ST. Clothes (up to 6 pounds), also become wind, but lose any magic powers they might have had while in wind-form.

Anyone within the radius of the subject must make a ST roll each second to remain standing. All DX-based skills are at -5, and missile attacks that pass through the whirlwind only hit on a critical success. There is no safe “eye.”

Duration: 5 minutes.

Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Cost does not multiply when casting it on larger creatures, as with most Regular spells.

Time to cast: 2 seconds; the storm springs into full strength immediately upon completion of the spell.

Prerequisites: Magery 3; Body of Air and Windstorm at 16+ each; and one spell from each of five different colleges besides Air.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. As soon as it is activated, the item falls through the user’s hand; thus, a spell cast with this item lasts only a minute. Cost to create: 1,700 energy and a $1,000 onyx.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Unlike the previous item, this item turns to wind along with the wearer, allowing him to maintain the spell longer than a minute. While vaporous, it loses any magical powers it might have while solid. Cost to create: 3,500 energy and a $2,500 onyx.

Elemental Spirit Spells

These spells deal with spirits embodying the four classical elements – air, earth, fire, and water. There are different spells for each of the four elements, but in general they conform to the spells given here for air elementals.

Summon (Air) Elemental: Special

This is a different spell for each of the four elements. It allows the caster to call a nearby elemental – if one exists. In general, the GM should assume that an elemental is available if the location is appropriate, unless the scenario or situation requires that elementals are opportunely absent. The caster determines the elemental’s power level by the amount of energy he spends on the spell, but the GM determines the elemental’s precise capabilities.

The summoned elemental is not under the caster’s control, but must remain for one hour unless it is dismissed or destroys the caster. Note that a dismissal does not guarantee the elemental will leave. If it is hostile, or simply curious, it may choose to stay!

The caster may question the summoned elemental, request a service, etc. The elemental immediately makes a reaction roll to see how it feels about the wizard. On a good reaction, the elemental cooperates for an hour – no longer – and then vanishes. An elemental’s opinion may be swayed with appropriate enticements, assuming a wizard can figure out what an elemental might desire.

Duration: One hour. May not be maintained.

Cost: 1 point per 10 character points used to build the elemental. Minimum energy cost is 4 (although this will not always summon a 40- point being).

Time to cast: 30 seconds. The elemental may take up to 2d minutes to appear.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either eight spells of the appropriate element or four spells of the appropriate element and another Summon Elemental spell.


Staff, wand, or jewelry decorated with appropriate elemental images – a different enchantment is required for each of the four types. Cost to create: 800 energy, $1,300 gold and platinum.

Control (Air) Elemental: Regular; Resisted by higher of ST and Will

Control all actions of a single elemental while the spell continues. For direct control, the elemental must remain within the caster’s view. If the elemental is simply told to leave, it does so. If the elemental is sent to do a task, rather than controlled directly, its IQ must be sufficient (GM’s decision) to comprehend its instructions!

This spell can also be used as an information spell, to judge the four attributes of that type of elemental (within 15 feet). A successful roll is required, but there is no energy cost.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 point per 10 character points used to build the elemental. Half that (round up) to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Summon Elemental for the appropriate element.


Staff, wand, or jewelry decorated with appropriate elemental images – a different enchantment is required for each of the four types. This item does not let the user cast the spell, but gives a noncumulative +2 bonus to any attempt to use the spell. Cost to create: 1,000 energy, $1,300 gold and platinum.

Create (Air) Elemental: Special

Create a spirit of the appropriate element. The caster may determine the capabilities of the created elemental by increasing or decreasing the attributes of the basic elemental of that type; he may only change, add or subtract advantages and disadvantages with GM permission. There are no limits to the alteration of attributes, though a very stupid elemental will not understand complex commands. A newly created elemental serves the caster obediently for one hour. At the end of that time, roll a contest between the caster’s skill with the spell, and the elemental’s combined IQ and ST. If the caster wins, the elemental serves for a further hour, at the end of which another contest is required, and so on. When the caster loses, the elemental escapes control and leaves (or attacks, on a very bad reaction).

Cost: 1 point per 5 character points used to build the elemental.

Time to cast: Seconds equal to the total character points used to build the elemental.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Control Elemental for the appropriate element.

Small Air Elemental

This basic air elemental is summoned by casting Summon Air Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into the spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply means a larger elemental; 1 point of energy is equal to 1 additional point of ST, 5 HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a more exotic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or working one up from scratch.

Small Air Elemental [40]

Attribute Modifiers: ST-4 [-40]; DX-1 [-20]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT-3 [-30].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1; HP+2 [4].

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; Flight (Lighter Than Air, -10%) [36]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100].

Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks x2) [-20].

Animal Spells

These spells relate to animal control and communication. None of these spells give their subjects any special powers; animals controlled cannot do anything they are normally unable to do, but they will follow the caster’s mental commands to the best of their abilities. Likewise, the ability to talk to an animal only lets you learn what the animal knows and understands.

Some spells apply to a single type of creature. The default assumption for these rules is that the animal kingdom is divided into five categories: Vermin (including worms, insects, and other creepy-crawly things), Fish (including most mollusks), Reptiles (including most amphibians), Birds, and Mammals. These categories are loosely based on the “life form” categories that cognitive anthropologists find in most human cultures. However, this pseudo-scientific taxonomy may not reflect the reality of every game setting. In some worlds, the animal categories may be Creatures of the Land, Creatures of the Air, and Creatures of the Sea. In others, every modern biological class may be represented, from Arachnida to Scyphozoa.

The spells of this college only work on nonsapient animals, which typically means species with a racial IQ of 5 or less. There are a few animals, such as the apes, with racial IQ of 6; whether Animal spells or Mind and Body spells are more appropriate to use on them is up to the GM.

All magical items of this college must depict the appropriate type of animal, or contain an inset piece of tooth or bone from that creature.


Some magical monsters are neither fish nor fowl, but unnatural beasts that transcend the usual categories for animals. Gryphons are a classic example – part eagle, part lion. The hippocampus, a legendary beast with the forequarters of a horse and the rear of a fish, is another hybrid.

Animals that combine traits from different animals within a category do not qualify as hybrids. A creature that has a wolf’s head on a donkey’s body is composed of parts from within the Mammal category, and is thus not a hybrid for this purpose.

Any animal that defies classification – giant space amoebas, for example – can be classified as a hybrid, at the GM’s discretion.

Sample Animal Control Energy Costs

Spell Cost
Vermin Control 1/1
Fish Control 2/1
Reptile Control 2/1
Bird Control 3/2
Mammal Control 5/3

Beast-Soother: Regular

Calms a single animal. The beast’s reaction roll to the caster is improved by twice the energy put into the spell.

Duration: Permanent, until something disturbs the animal.

Cost: 1 to 3.

Prerequisite: Persuasion or the Animal Empathy advantage.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 600.

Beast-Rouser: Regular

Excites a single animal. The beast’s reaction roll (to anyone) is worsened by twice the energy put into the spell.

Duration: Until a reaction roll is called for or an hour passes.

Cost: 1 to 3. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: Vexation or the Animal Empathy advantage.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 500.

(Animal) Control: Regular; Resisted by Will

Controls the actions of one large animal (any size) or a single swarm (see Swarm Attacks, p. B461). Remember, however, that subjects larger than SM 0 increase the casting cost. Concentration is required. This spell will not work on a sapient being (racial IQ 6 or higher). There is a separate Control spell for each category of animal.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Variable. Cost to cast is equal to the racial IQ of the most intelligent species within the category. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisite: Beast-Soother.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Allows the user to control a single species of animal. Energy cost to create: 100 energy per point of target species’ racial IQ.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Allows the user to control any animal within a category. Energy cost to create: 200 energy times the cost to cast for that category.

Hybrid Control (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

Controls the actions of one large hybrid creature (any size) or a single swarm (see Swarm Attacks, p. B461). Remember, however, that subjects larger than SM 0 increase the casting cost. Concentration is required. The caster must know all the Control spells relevant to the hybrid (controlling a gryphon would require knowledge of both Mammal and Bird Control, for example); his effective skill with this spell is the lowest of the various spells involved, including Hybrid Control. This spell does not work on a sapient being (racial IQ 6 or higher).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Prerequisites: At least two (Animal) Control spells.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800 (will control only one particular type of hybrid).

Beast Summoning: Regular

Calls one creature of a named type (anything under IQ 6). Range does not matter for this spell. If the spell is cast successfully, the caster knows the location of the closest creature of the type, and how long it will take for that creature to come to him. It moves toward the caster as fast as it can, until the spell ends or the animal can see the caster. It stays nearby, without attacking, until the spell ends. The summoned animal then has a +1 on its reaction to the caster (only). If the caster or someone near the caster attacks the creature, the spell is broken.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. To call many animals, double the cost of the spell. All creatures within a certain area (usually about a 10-mile radius; more for a very successful casting) are summoned. Of course, the time they take to arrive depends on the speed at which they can travel, and if the spell ends before they arrive, they will turn and go about their business.

Prerequisite: Beast-Soother.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400 for an item that summons one particular species, or 800 for an item that can summon any beast.

Master: Regular or Blocking; Resisted by IQ

Holds any beast motionless and quiet as long as the caster maintains eye contact and concentration. Note that darkness breaks eye contact! May be cast as a Blocking spell if the animal is entering Close Combat range with the caster – e.g., to attack.

Duration: Indefinite.

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Beast-Soother.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800.

Beast Link: Regular

Establishes a mental link with an animal. The animal will not stray far from the caster after that (generally not more than a half-hour’s travel). It will then come, once, whenever the caster wishes, at a fast but not killing pace. If it is a wild beast, any reactions must be re-determined when the creature arrives; previous good reactions from Beast-Soother, for instance, no longer hold! This spell is similar to Beast-Summoning, but is cast in advance and on a specific creature.

Duration: Until the beast is next called. This counts as a spell “on.”

Cost: 3.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Beast Summoning.


Matched amulets. The gold one is worn by the human, the silver one by the animal. This gives the human the power to cast the Beast Link, or (if self-powered) creates the link automatically. Energy cost to create: 500 for the pair.

Beast Speech: Regular

Communicate with any animal in the creature’s own “language.” The amount of information exchanged depends on the animal’s intelligence; no creature below the level of a bird is likely to know much of interest. An ant may crawl over gold, but it knows only that the material is hard and inedible. Each minute of the spell allows one question and answer.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Beast Summoning.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,000 for an item that talks to one particular species, or 4,000 for an item that can talk to any creature.

Repel (Animal): Area

Repels animals from an area. The spell resists attempts by animals to enter it (or stay in it) every second; roll a Quick Contest between the caster’s effective skill and the Animal’s ST.

Like (Animal) Control, this is actually several different spells. There is a Repel (Animal) spell for each category of animal. Like all Area spells, the affected area extends 4 yards upward (an important detail for flying animals such as bats or birds). Casters may extend the area upward by spending proportionately more energy; double base cost will create an area 8 yards high, and so on. Beings with Animal Empathy may feel uneasy and irritable while in the affected area.

The caster may exclude specific animals from the spell’s effect at the time of casting; thus, a shepherd may drive off wolves without driving away his flock.

Duration: 1 hour.

Base cost: Equal to the cost to cast (Animal) Control for the affected animal type.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: The (Animal) Control spell appropriate to the type of animal to be repelled.


An area can be made permanently repellent at an energy cost of 100 times normal.

Repel Hybrids (VH): Area

Repels hybrids from an area. The spell resists attempts by hybrids to enter it (or stay in it); every second, roll a Quick Contest between the caster’s effective skill and the beast’s ST.

The caster must know all the Repel (Animal) spells relevant to the hybrid; his effective skill with this spell is the lowest of the various spells involved, including Repel Hybrids. Beings with Animal Empathy may feel uneasy and irritable while in the area.

The caster may exclude specific animals from the spell’s effect at the time of casting.

Duration: 1 hour.

Base cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Hybrid Control.


An area can be made permanently repellent at an energy cost of 100 times normal.

Rider: Regular

Mount and ride a subject creature as though it were a trained, loyal riding animal. The creature must be capable of carrying the caster, and the caster must still make a Riding roll whenever it would normally be required. No concentration is required on the caster’s part.

Duration: 5 minutes.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: At least one (Animal) Control spell. You cannot use the Rider spell on a beast unless you know the appropriate Control spell and cast it first.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. The spell does not affect the creature until the would-be rider actually mounts it. If the rider dismounts, the creature will remain docile for about a minute before fleeing or attacking (whichever is its nature). Energy cost to create: 800 for an item that controls one particular species, or 3,000 for an item that can control any creature.

Rider Within: Regular

Works on any type of animal (but not sapient beings). This is the animal version of the Soul Rider spell. The caster becomes able to see through the subject’s eyes, hear through its ears, etc, as long as he concentrates. (He also remains aware of his own body and may act normally.) The caster exerts no control whatsoever over the subject, and the subject is unaware the caster is “watching.”

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: At least two different (Animal) Control spells. The caster must also know the (Animal) Control spell for the type of animal being “ridden” before he can use this spell on that type of animal.


A pair of identical pieces of jewelry – one gold, one silver. The gold one must be worn by the caster, the silver one by the subject (e.g., on a collar). The spell can then be cast at any time, regardless of distance. Usable only by a mage. If a Powerstone is included in the item, it is in the gold one. If either item is broken, the other loses its enchantment. Energy cost to create: 1,000 (for the pair). Each of the pair must contain an opal worth $100.

Spider Silk: Special; Missile

The caster shoots a strand of spider silk, which stretches from his fingertip to the target. The strands appear wispy and weightless, but are very strong, and can support up to 500 pounds without snapping. As a missile, the strand has 1/2D n/a, Max equal to strand length, Acc 3; use the caster’s DX-4 or Innate Attack to hit. On a hit, the victim as grappled and immobilized as per the Binding advantage with the Sticky enhancement (see p. B40). A single strand has an effective ST of 10 and DR 3. Spider Silk takes triple damage from fire-based attacks.

The caster may shoot as many strands as he has arms from a single casting of Spider Silk; however, the cost to cast is based on the total length of all strands created. Thus, a many-armed spider demon can throw half a dozen strands at once, but it won’t be cheap.

Strands of Spider Silk may also be used to build a web by anchoring successive strands between two surfaces. This web creates an area that will grapple anyone who passes through it; mechanically, this is similar to a Binding attack with the Sticky and Area Effect enhancements (p. B40). The web has ST 10 and DR 3, plus 1 ST for each additional strand.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 to cast per 5 yards of strand length (maximum 100 yards). Half that to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and two Animal spells.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The item must bear a picture of a spider. The strand is shot from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 400.

Beast Seeker: Information

This spell is similar to Seeker, but it works only on animals. It may be cast for any species of animal, an individual, or simply any animal.

Cost: 3. One try per week per species.

Prerequisites: Either Beast Summoning and at least two other Seek spells, or Seeker.


A forked stick (wood, bone, or ivory) or compass-needle (carved out of bone) that will point to a particular species of animal, specified when the item is created, or to any animal. One ounce of bone from the animal species must be used in making the item. Energy cost to create: 500.

Beast Possession: Regular; Resisted by Will

Like Rider Within – except caster is in full control of the subject, “from the inside,” and has full access to the beast’s memories and abilities. While in the subject’s body, the caster may use all its skills and abilities as though they were his own. He may use his own mental abilities, but not his physical ones (so he cannot cast spells unless he knows them so well that they require no speech or gesture). The caster’s own body lies unconscious during the spell, and must be safeguarded.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Rider Within or Possession.


As for Rider Within, but more costly. Energy cost to create: 1,500 (for the pair). Each of the pair must include an opal worth $200.

Permanent Beast Possession (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

Like Beast Possession, but the caster’s consciousness remains in the body of the subject until he chooses to leave or is “exorcised” by a Dispel Possession, Counterspell, Remove Curse, or similar spell. Remember that the caster must know the appropriate (Animal) Control spell for the spell to work on the chosen subject. The caster’s body is in Suspended Animation (p. 94) while the spell continues. If the caster’s body dies, the spell is broken. Whenever the subject body takes damage, the caster must roll against his own body’s HT or take the same damage. If the subject animal dies, the caster must roll vs. HT or die himself!

In addition, the caster must roll against his IQ every day; a failed roll means that he loses one point of IQ. The caster does not need to roll once he reaches the beast’s normal IQ range. The lost IQ is regained when the spell is ended. Should IQ drop to 5, only Remove Curse or Dispel Possession will end the spell.

Duration: Indefinite (could be permanent).

Cost: 20.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Beast Possession.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. The item must bear a picture of the animal form it is usable on. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Protect Animal: Area

Cast on an area, this spell protects all animals of a certain kind within its borders. Attempts to harm them are warded off as if by invisible defenders; protected animals gain DB +3 and DR 5.

This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Armor, Watchdog, and any three Animal spells.

Shapeshifting (VH): Special

Change to the form of an animal. Each animal form is a different spell, to be learned separately. The caster may only learn the form of an animal with which he is familiar. Many worlds have only a limited number of animal forms available. Clothing, jewelry, and armor vanish when the beastform is taken and reappear when the human form is resumed (magical jewelry cannot be detected while “vanished”). Backpacks, carried items, etc., simply fall to the ground.

The caster retains his intelligence, but gains all the physical attributes of the new form. This means that the wearer cannot cast spells unless he knows them so well that they can be performed without gestures! Note that Fatigue Points are not increased for spellcasting purposes.

Each hour that the spell continues, the caster must make a roll against IQ; failure means that the caster loses a point of IQ, continuing until the normal IQ of that beast is reached. Should the caster’s IQ drop to 5, he is trapped in beast form forever unless the spell is removed by Remove Curse (other spells won’t counter it). Lost IQ is regained when human form is reassumed.

For most natural beast forms, an energy cost of 6 to cast and 2 to maintain is appropriate; animals with great strength, for example, tend to be counterbalanced by reduced agility. If the GM allows supernatural creatures as beast forms, however, or if he is concerned about the power of a given animal form, he may wish to change the cost of the spell. A reasonable guideline is to calculate the point value of the physical characteristics of the beast form and charge 1/20 of the form’s cost to cast and 1/60 to maintain, with a minimum cost of 3 to cast and 1 to maintain.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Varies (see above).

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Magery 1, and at least six other spells of any type.


(a) Jewelry. The item must bear the likeness of the shape to be taken; usable only by a mage, or by someone descended from a natural were. It remains with the caster when the spell is cast – therefore, a collar or necklace is most convenient. There is no cost to maintain the spell, but the caster cannot change back unless he still has the item; otherwise, a Remove Curse spell must be used if he is to regain normal form. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

(b) Skin of the shape to be taken. As above, but merges into the subject and so cannot be lost! Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Shapeshift Others (VH): Special; Resisted by Will

As Shapeshifting, but usable on others. The subject cannot end the spell; only the caster, or a Remove Curse spell, can do that. If the spell continues until the subject’s IQ drops to 5, he is trapped in the beast form!

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: As Shapeshifting, but the minimum cost of the spell is 6 to cast and 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisite: Magery 2 and Shapeshifting for that form.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by a mage; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

(b) Skin of the shape to be taken. Always on. Placed on the subject, it puts the spell on him permanently (soon causing IQ loss as per Shapeshifting) until it is taken off by Remove Curse; the item may then be reused. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Permanent Shapeshifting (VH): Regular

Like Shapeshifting, but the subject remains in animal form until he chooses to resume his normal form. He must roll for IQ loss daily rather than hourly.

Duration: Indefinite (could be permanent).

Cost: 5 times the cost of the corresponding Shapeshifting spell.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Shapeshifting for that form.


(a) Jewelry. The item must bear a picture of the form to be taken. Usable only by a mage or a descendant of a natural were. It remains with the subject when the spell is cast; note that the subject cannot end the spell if he loses the item while in beast form (if he does, only Remove Curse can turn him back!). Energy cost to create: 3,000.

(b) Skin of the shape to be taken. As above, but merges into the subject and cannot be lost. Energy cost to create: 4,500.

Partial Shapeshifting (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

As Shapeshifting, but affects only one body part. The subject of the spell can be the caster or someone else. Each variation is a separate spell. The resulting body part preserves the subject’s scale: Shapeshifting a human’s head into a hummingbird’s head results in a human with a human-sized hummingbird head. Some variations bear misleading titles: Crocodile Jaws, for example, transforms the subject’s entire head, not just his jaws – the jaw muscles must be properly anchored!

Some known variations are:

Chameleon Eyes (3 to cast): The subject gains Enhanced Tracking 1 (p. B53) and Peripheral Vision (p. B74).

Crocodile Jaws (5 to cast): The subject’s head becomes a crocodile’s, granting the subject Sharp Teeth (p. B91) and a ST of 20 for the purposes of biting only. Speech is slurred but intelligible. He also gains Peripheral Vision and Colorblindness (p. B127) as side effects.

Elephant Trunk (3 to cast): The subject’s nose becomes a trunk, granting him an Extra Arm (p. B53). He also gains Peripheral Vision and Colorblindness as side effects.

Feathered Arms (3 to cast): The subject’s arms transform into wings, giving him Flight (Winged) (p. B56).

Fish Tail (3 to cast): The subject’s legs fuse into a single powerful fluke, giving him Enhanced Move 1 (Water) (p. B52).

Mountain Goat Hooves (4 to cast): The subject’s feet become mountain goat hooves, granting him Climbing- 14 (only usable while mountaineering) and Jumping-14.

Saber Teeth (5 to cast): The subject’s canines become saber-teeth, granting him Fangs (p. B91) and ST 25 for the purposes of biting only. Speech is slightly slurred. The subject acquires Colorblindness as a side effect.

Scorpion Tail (7 to cast): The subject grows a scorpion’s stinger, complete with poison gland. This is an Impaling Striker (p. B88) with the Follow-Up enhancement; on a successful penetrating hit, a 1d+2 Innate Attack (Toxic, Melee Attack, Resistible) takes effect. A victim may resist the scorpion venom by making a HT-6 roll.

Serpent’s Fangs (3 to cast): The subject’s canines become fangs, able to deliver a venomous bite; this is a 1d+1 Innate Attack (Melee Attack, Contact Agent, Toxic, Resistible (HT-4), Cyclic (daily, expires after three days)).

Skunk Tail (3 to cast): The subject grows a huge skunk’s tail (2 yards long), and gains the ability to use the Stench spell at will. The area of effect is two yards in radius and must be centered on some portion of the tail. This ability costs 2 FP to use.

Spider Arms (7 to cast): The subject grows two Extra Arms and gains one Extra Attack (p. B53).

Tiger Paws (4 to cast): The subject’s hands become tiger paws, granting him Sharp Claws and Striking ST 24, but he also gains No Fine Manipulators (p. B145).

Toad Tongue (3 to cast): The subject’s tongue becomes long and adhesive, serving as an Extra Arm with the Long and Weak enhancements and additional Striking ST – it attacks with the subject’s full strength, but lifts with only 1/4 of the subject’s ST. The subject also gains Peripheral Vision as a side effect.

Turtle Shell (10 to cast): The subject becomes encased in a turtle shell. It has DR 5 and weighs 4 pounds per point of ST of the subject.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Varies; never less than 3. One third (round up) to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Shapeshift Others for the appropriate animal, and Alter Body.


The item’s form depends on the body part affected – gloves to shapeshift the hands, boots for the feet, a mask for the face, and so on. It must bear a likeness of the shape to be taken. There is no cost to maintain; the spell ends when the user mimics pulling off the item. Energy cost to create: 1,000 plus 250 per point of casting cost.

Great Shapeshift (VH): Special

Perform multiple, fast, repeated changes of shape, temporarily accessing the Morph ability (p. B84). The spell lapses, however, if at any point the caster returns to his natural form. The caster is mentally stunned when the spell ends.

Clothing, jewelry, and armor vanish when the spell is cast, reappearing when it lapses (magical jewelry cannot be detected while “vanished”). Items that the caster was carrying when the spell was cast (including backpacks, etc.) simply fall to the ground.

At its minimum cost, Great Shapeshift allows the caster to change into any creature whose racial template costs 0 points or less (note that this is slightly different from the Morph ability). Each additional point of energy, however, adds 5 character points to the maximum point value of the allowable templates.

A caster remains subject to the Magic Rituals requirements (p. 8) while shapeshifted; if he changes into a form that cannot gesture or speak, he cannot use any spell known at a skill less than 20.

Mages who know Great Shapeshift can use Counterspell to hold a Great Shapeshifted caster in whatever form he currently has, for as many seconds as the Counterspell wins the contest by (or until the Great Shapeshift lapses).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 20 to cast, plus 1 per additional 5 character points of template limit. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Alter Body, four types of Shapeshifting, and at least 10 other spells of any kind.


Jewelry, decorated with an abundance of animal motifs. Usable only by mages. The item vanishes when the spell is cast, to reappear when it lapses. Energy cost to create: 5,000.

Body Control Spells

These spells directly affect the body. Except as noted, they only affect living beings.

The College of Body Control is a common starting point for wizards who want to work magic on people. Body Control spells are prerequisites to many spells in other colleges that affect sapient beings.

Climbing: Regular

Gives the subject a strong, sure grip, increasing his Climbing skill.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Same cost to maintain. The increase in the subject’s Climbing skill is equal to twice the energy put into the spell.


Shoes, gloves, clothing, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 250 times the maximum Climbing bonus (no more than 5) the item can give.

Itch: Regular; Resisted by HT

Causes the subject to itch fiercely in a spot of the caster’s choice. The subject is at -2 DX until he takes one full second to scratch (more, if armor, etc. is in the way!). Only one Itch spell can affect a given subject at a time.

Duration: Until subject takes a turn to scratch.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.


(a) Staff or wand; usable only by mages. The item must touch the victim. Energy cost to create: 100.

(b) Any item; always on. The wearer itches constantly, and remains at -2 DX while item is worn. Energy cost to create: 60.

Touch: Regular

The subject feels a light touch at a spot of the caster’s choice. The touch is easily felt, even through armor, but has no effect other than to attract the subject’s attention; it cannot cause pain or discomfort, but it is very likely to distract him.

Cost: 1.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 50.

Perfume: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject smells strongly of any odor that the caster desires. The subject can detect the odor, but does not find it especially offensive (although his companions certainly might), regardless of its nature.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Odor.


Staff or wand. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 200.

Spasm: Regular; Resisted by HT

Can be directed against any of the subject’s voluntary muscles. Directed against a hand, it causes the subject to drop whatever he is holding (usually a weapon). If the subject is in the middle of a lengthy spell requiring gestures, he must make a DX roll or start over. Ingenious casters will find other uses…

Duration: Instant.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: Itch.


(a) Staff or wand; usable only by mages. The item must touch the victim. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) Any item; always on. The wearer must roll vs. HT each time he does something delicate (e.g., pick a lock, cast a spell) or suffer a spasm as above. Energy cost to create: 100.

Stop Spasm: Regular

Stops any seizure the subject is undergoing. This works against epilepsy, vomiting fits, etc. This is also a Healing spell.

Cost: 1.

Prerequisite: Spasm or Lend Vitality.


(a) Staff or wand, decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Physician-15 or higher. Energy cost to create: 400.

(b) Any item. Always on. The item prevents its wearer from suffering seizures (grants a bonus of +5 when resisting Spasm). Energy cost to create: 750.

Tickle: Regular; Resisted by Will

The subject feels he is being tickled. If he does not resist, he is helpless with laughter, jerking about to try to escape from his invisible tormentor. This is a serious ticklefest; the victim is incapacitated as if by a seizure (see Incapacitating Conditions, p. B428). The subject must make a second Will roll if he tries to keep silent. High/Low Pain Threshold has no effect on the spell’s outcome. Unfazeable characters get a +5 bonus to their resistance roll.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain (requires concentration).

Prerequisite: Spasm.


(a) Wand, staff, or feather. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 600.

(b) Chair, cushion, or pillow. Always on. Anyone sitting in it is immediately “attacked” by the spell. A great practical joke. Energy cost to create: 250.

Pain: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject feels a stab of agonizing pain. He must make a Will roll to avoid crying out. If he is in a precarious position (climbing, for instance), he must make a DX roll to avoid catastrophe! His DX and all DX-based skills are at -3 for the next second only. If the subject is in the middle of a spell requiring gestures, he must roll vs. Will or start over. High Pain Threshold gives +3 to the Will and DX rolls above; Low Pain Threshold gives -4.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Spasm.


(a) Staff or wand; usable only by mages. The item must touch the victim. Energy cost to create: 400.

(b) Any item; always on. The wearer feels stabbing pain, as above, continuing until he makes a HT roll. The wearer can do nothing until he succeeds at the roll! Energy cost to create: 300.

Clumsiness: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject suffers -1 to his DX and DX-based skills for every point of energy put into the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Half that to maintain (round up).

Prerequisite: Spasm.


(a) Any item. Always on; reduces the wearer’s DX. Energy cost to create: 100 for each point of DX reduction.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800.

Hinder: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject is at -1 to his Move and Dodge scores for every point of energy put into the spell.

This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 to 4 to cast. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Clumsiness or Haste.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must be pointed at (but not necessarily touch) subject. Energy cost to create: 600.

(b) Any item. Always on; reduces wearer’s Move score. Energy cost to create: 200 for every 1-yard reduction in wearer’s Move.

Rooted Feet: Regular; Resisted by ST

The subject’s feet are glued in place! He may try another resistance roll at -5 every turn, against the original spell skill roll, to break free. While the spell continues, the subject’s skill with any weapon except a ranged weapon is at -2 and his Dodge score is cut in half (round down).

Duration: 1 minute, or until subject breaks free.

Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Hinder.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 400.

(b) Any item. Always on; the wearer must make a (ST-5) roll every turn in order to move. A failed roll means he cannot move. Energy cost to create: 600.

Tanglefoot: Regular; Resisted by DX

The subject trips and falls down.

Duration: Instantaneous.

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Clumsiness.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must be pointed at (but not necessarily touching) the subject. Energy cost to create: 600.

Roundabout: Regular; Resisted by HT

Change the facing of a subject to any direction desired. This is not a teleport-in-place, but a physical spin. On the subject’s next turn, a roll vs. Body Sense or DX-6 is needed to take any action. If the subject moved 2 or more yards the previous turn, he must make an IQ roll to avoid continuing in the new direction.

Duration: Instantaneous.

Cost: 3.

Prerequisite: Tanglefoot.

Debility: Regular; Resisted by HT

Reduces the subject’s ST temporarily. This will affect the subject’s basic damage with weapons, but not HP. It does affect encumbrance, but GMs are free to ignore this detail in the interest of playability.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 for every point of ST reduction (maximum 5). Half that amount (round up) to maintain.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must be pointed at (but not necessarily touch) subject. Energy cost to create: 900.

(b) Any item. Always on; reduces wearer’s ST. Energy cost to create: 100 for every point by which wearer’s ST is reduced.

Frailty: Regular; Resisted by HT

Lowers the subject’s HT temporarily. This affects all considerations that depend upon HT (Basic Speed, HTbased skills, poison and spell resistance, unconsciousness, death, etc.) except for those dependent upon FP, which is unaffected. The cost to cast is not reduced by high skill.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 per point of HT decrease (maximum 5). Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Lend Energy (p. 89).


(a) Any. Always on; the wearer’s HT is lowered while the item is worn. Energy cost to create: 200 per point of HT reduction.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the user must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Might: Regular

Raises the subject’s ST temporarily. This affects damage, encumbrance, and hit points, but does not heal wounds. If, when the spell wears off, the subject’s wounds put him below -HT, he will have to make a HT roll to live. High skill does not reduce cost to cast this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 for every point of ST increase (maximum of 5). Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Lend Energy.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer’s ST is raised while item is worn. Energy cost to create: 1,500 per point of increase (maximum 5).

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Grace: Regular

Raises the subject’s DX temporarily. His Basic Speed and ability with all DX-based skills are also raised. A caster can raise his own DX to increase his chances of hitting with missile spells, etc.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 for every point of DX increase (maximum of 5). Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Clumsiness.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer’s DX is raised while item is worn! This is a very rare item. Energy cost to create: 2,000 per point of increase (maximum 5).

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Vigor: Regular

Raises the subject’s HT temporarily. This affects his Basic Speed, FP, and ability to resist trauma and disease. A caster can raise his HT. If the subject’s FP when the spell wears off is below zero, he will immediately take 1 point of damage for every point of fatigue below zero, risking unconsciousness. High skill does not reduce cost to cast this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 for every point of HT increase (maximum of 5). Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality or Frailty.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer’s HT is raised while item is worn. Energy cost to create: 1,500 per point of increase (maximum 5).

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Boost (Attribute): Regular or Blocking

This spell has four separate variants: Boost Dexterity, Boost Health, Boost Intelligence, and Boost Strength. Each must be studied separately, but all four work identically. This spell raises the subject’s attribute just long enough for a single die roll or short action – one Quick Contest, one attribute check, delivering a blow, readying a weapon, resisting a spell, throwing an object, etc. It cannot be used to increase a roll that represents several seconds of effort, such as a Regular Contest. The boosted attribute affects all secondary characteristics except HP and FP. High skill does not reduce the cost to cast this spell.

Boost Intelligence is a Mind Control spell, not a Body Control spell.

Cost: 1 for every point of attribute increase (maximum of 5).

Prerequisite: Each variant has a different prerequisite:

Spell Prerequisite
Boost Dexterity Grace
Boost Health Vigor
Boost Strength Might
Boost Intelligence Wisdom

Staff, wand, jewelry, or article of clothing. Energy cost to create: 300.

Stun: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject is physically stunned (p. B420) and must roll vs. HT each second to recover.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: Pain.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer is stunned until it is removed. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,100.

Nauseate: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject becomes nauseated (see Irritating Conditions, p. B428).

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisites: Perfume and at least one other Body Control spell.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 100.

Retch: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject loses his lunch, retching for (25-HT) seconds (see Incapacitating Conditions, p. B428).

Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisites: Nauseate and Spasm.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 100.

Fumble: Blocking; Resisted by DX

The subject automatically fumbles the action he is taking. Regular range penalties apply. If the action is an attack or parry, roll on the Critical Miss Table. A fumbled dodge results in a fall, and a fumbled block unreadies the shield. If he was taking some other action (Move, Ready Weapon, etc), the GM should determine the result as he sees fit. “Mental” actions (concentration, speech, and so on) are unaffected, but a spell requiring body motions of some sort is affected!

Cost: 3.

Prerequisite: Clumsiness.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

(b) Jewelry. Always on; only affects the wearer. The wearer keeps fumbling! Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Strike Dumb: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject cannot speak. This makes it impossible to cast any spell that requires speaking (p. 8).

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Spasm.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer cannot speak. Energy cost to create: 500.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Strike Blind: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject is temporarily blinded. See Blindness, p. B124, for a full description of the effects; the most important is that he is at -10 to attack anyone physically, and cannot see to target spells.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Spasm and at least two Light and Darkness spells.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer is blinded. Energy cost to create: 500.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Strike Deaf: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject is temporarily deafened.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Spasm and at least two Sound spells.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer is deafened. Energy cost to create: 400.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Hunger: Regular; Resisted by HT

Inflicts 1 FP of starvation damage, equivalent to a single missed meal. Fatigue taken in this fashion can only be recovered by a day of rest and adequate nourishment (see Starvation, p. B426).

This is also a Food spell.

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Debility, and Decay.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Thirst: Regular; Resisted by HT

Inflicts 4 FP and 1 HP of dehydration damage, equivalent to a full day without water. Dehydration fatigue may be recovered in full with a full day’s rest and plentiful water (see Dehydration, p. B426). HP damage heals normally. Repeated castings may render the subject nearly unable to speak, because his throat will be parched and his tongue swollen.

This is also a Food spell.

Cost: 5.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Debility, and Destroy Water.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Resist Pain: Regular

The subject becomes temporarily impervious to pain. He may ignore Spasm and other pain-causing spells. He cannot be stunned in combat, and does not suffer a shock penalty when he is wounded or slow down when his HT is reduced to 3. However, he does not gain any actual resistance to injury – only to the pain it causes.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Magery 2 and Pain.


Any item; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800.

Hold Breath: Regular

Temporarily eliminates the caster’s need for air, as if he had Doesn’t Breathe (p. B49). He could thus stay underwater, or in a room full of poison gas, without trouble. This spell does not actually provide air; it simply delays suffocation while the caster seeks (or creates) a safer environment. This spell does not supply pressure support against vacuum or deep sea pressure. Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Vigor.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 900.

Ambidexterity: Regular

Subject gains Ambidexterity (p. B39) for the duration of the spell. The spell has no effect on beings that already have the advantage. It also only affects a single pair of limbs; beings with more than two limbs require multiple castings of the spell. Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Grace.


(a) Any. Always on; the wearer becomes ambidextrous. A rare item! Energy cost to create: 1,500.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Balance: Regular

The subject gains Perfect Balance (p. B74) for the duration of the spell. It has no effect on beings that already possess this advantage.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Grace.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) Jewelry or headgear. Always on; affects only the wearer. Energy cost to create: 750.

Reflexes: Regular

The subject gains Combat Reflexes (p. B43) for the duration of the spell. The spell has no effect on beings that already have the advantage.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Grace and Haste.


(a) Any item. Always on; the wearer gains the Combat Reflexes advantage. Rare item! Energy cost to create: 1,200.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800.

Cadence: Regular

Doubles the rate of production of crafted items by both hastening the craftsman’s movements and making them surer, eliminating wasted strokes. Any use of a skill that creates or improves a handmade object can be assisted by this spell; magical craft work (such as scroll writing or enchantment) cannot.

Duration: 1 hour. The spell is broken if the subject interrupts his work.

Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. The spell costs the subject an equal amount of energy every hour, unless it is the caster himself.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Grace and Haste.


Tool. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Hair Growth: Regular; Resisted by HT

Causes the subject’s hair and nails to grow at a million times the usual rate (meaning an inch of hair every five seconds and an inch of nails every 30 seconds). If left unchecked, such growth interferes with vision (as hair falls in the eyes), movement (as the subject trips on his beard) and handling ability (as nails get in the way). Some bald people appreciate this spell, while it lasts (baldness returns within about a month as the hair falls out naturally).

Duration: 5 seconds.

Cost: 1 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisites: At least five Body Control spells.


(a) Any item; always on. Hair starts growing an hour after the item is put on and grows for an hour after the item is taken off. Energy cost to create: 100.

(b) Staff or wand. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 250.

Haircut: Regular; Resisted by HT

Trims the subject’s hair (beard, mustache, fur, etc.) as the caster sees fit. To determine the aesthetic quality of the job, roll against Barber skill (a DX/Average Professional Skill). Can also be used to shear sheep, pluck chickens, or to trim the subject’s nails. The spell will not blunt the subject’s claws or horns (although it may give them a manicure).

Duration: The trim is instantaneous, the cut matter falling at the subject’s feet.

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Hair Growth.


(a) The effect may be made permanent (preventing hair from growing back) for 10 times casting cost.

(b) Headgear. The item trims the hair of whoever puts it on, to the style specified by the creator. Energy cost to create: 150.

© Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 300.

Sensitize: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject becomes extremely sensitive to pain, gaining the Low Pain Threshold disadvantage (p. B142). The spell does not affect characters that already have the disadvantage.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Stun.


(a) Any. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 400.

Agonize: Regular; Resisted by HT

Magnifies the subject’s sense of touch to painful levels: a gentle touch feels like a blow, someone else’s breath feels like a scorching flame, a cool breeze feels like a freezing blast. Even the contact of his own clothes becomes unbearable; the subject feels like his skin is being scraped raw. He is rendered helpless with agony (see Incapacitating Conditions, p. B428).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 8 to cast. 6 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Sensitize.


(a) Any. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 500.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800.

Weaken Blood: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject acquires Hemophilia (p. B138) for the duration of the spell. All wounds will cause severe bleeding.

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 day

Cost: 9 to cast. 5 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Sickness or Steal Vitality.


Any item; always on. The wearer is a hemophiliac! Energy cost to create: 200. (Usually combined with Hex.)

Strike Numb: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject temporarily loses all sense of touch, as per the Numb disadvantage (p. B146). This includes the effects of the Resist Pain spell, so it is sometimes a blessing in disguise. The subject does not feel blows (beyond a jolt), does not feel a pickpocket going through his possessions, does not feel the heat of the stove top he is leaning on… If the caster desires, the spell can selectively numb the subject (numbing only the arms, for instance).

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Resist Pain.


(a) Any. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800.

Choke: Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject becomes unable to breathe (or speak) and suffers the effects of suffocation (see Suffocation, p. B436). The spell cannot be maintained; so constant recasting is required to cut off enough of the victim’s air supply to do any real harm.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least five Body Control spells, including Spasm.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 200.

Control Limb: Regular; Resisted by Will

One of the subject’s limbs (including wings, tentacles, etc) is under the caster’s control! Arms can be made to swing weapons (use the caster’s skill); legs can be made to kick, twist, and so on. The caster must continually concentrate to control the limb once the spell is cast; failure to do so causes the limb to “go dead” for the duration. The victim may attempt to grapple himself to prevent his limb from acting, but he is at -3 on contests of ST or DX with himself!

If a caster forces the subject to attack himself with his own weapon or fist, hit rolls are still required (against the subject’s skill+4), and the victim may Dodge at -2. He can even parry (also at -2) if he has an appropriate weapon in his other hand! Treat as Close Combat for legal weapons and any appropriate penalties.

Duration: 5 seconds.

Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. If cast only on a hand (or analogous limb), the cost to cast or maintain is only 2, but the subject can only be forced to increase or release his grip, and so on. This can still interfere with spellcasting gestures, throwing grenades, and discharging firearms…

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least five Body Control spells, including Spasm.

Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must be pointed at the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Paralyze Limb Melee; Resisted by HT The caster must strike the subject on a limb to trigger this spell (hits elsewhere have no effect). Armor does not protect. Resolve resistance on contact. If the subject fails to resist, the subject’s limb is paralyzed; it is considered crippled for one minute. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained; must be recast. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least five Body Control spells, including Clumsiness. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Total Paralysis Melee; Resisted by HT The caster must touch the subject on the head (-5 to caster’s attack roll). If the subject fails to resist, he is totally paralyzed and cannot move at all for one minute (in the average game, until that battle is over). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Paralyze Limb.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Wither Limb: Melee; Resisted by HT

The caster must strike the subject on a limb to trigger this spell (hits elsewhere have no effect). Armor does not protect. Resolve resistance on contact. If the caster wins, the subject’s limb withers immediately; it is crippled for all purposes (see Crippling Injury, p. B420). The subject also takes 1d damage.

Duration: Permanent unless healed by magic or extraordinary technology.

Cost: 5.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Paralyze Limb.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Strike Barren: Regular; Resisted by HT

Renders infertile any subject that was capable of producing offspring. Restoration or Remove Curse will undo the spell. Used on a plant, this spell prevents it from ever bearing pollen, fruit, or seed.

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 5.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Steal Vitality, and Decay.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 200.

(b) Any item. Always on; the wearer is infertile/barren while the item is worn. Energy cost to create: 800.

Sickness: Regular; Resisted by HT

As listed under Mind Control Spells.

Deathtouch: Melee

The caster must strike the subject to trigger this spell; hit location is irrelevant. The subject takes 1d damage per point of energy in the spell. Armor does not protect. This spell does affect the undead.

Cost: 1 to 3.

Prerequisite: Wither Limb.


Staff or wand; the item must be colored jet black. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Alter Voice: Regular; Resisted by HT

Changes the subject’s voice as the caster wills. If the caster is trying to duplicate an existing voice, the “model” voice should be available. Recreating a familiar voice from memory is at -2 to skill, -3 or worse if the caster has only heard the voice a few times, or a long time ago. Eidetic Memory is helpful here (p. 51).

The subject’s voice can also be altered to make it more pleasing or more grating, granting a bonus or penalty (from +2 to -2) to reaction rolls and skills involving vocal communication for the duration of the spell.

The spell cannot “give” a voice to a mute person. If this spell is used to permanently improve a PC’s voice (giving him the Voice advantage), the GM should require him to pay the appropriate character points!

This is also a Sound spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. The change may be made permanent, as an enchantment, for a cost of 200.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: At least four Body Control and four Sound spells.


Any, but usually jewelry. Gives the wearer a new voice, preset by the caster. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Alter Visage: Regular; Resisted by HT

Changes the subject’s face as the caster wills. Any new organs (e.g., extra eyes) do not really function. Other than that, any change is possible. If the caster is trying to duplicate an existing face, he is at -1 if he does not have the model (or a good picture) available; if he is not too familiar with the model, -2 or worse.

This spell cannot be used to injure the subject. Mages do not get an automatic IQ + Magery roll to realize someone is under this spell.

If this spell or Alter Body (below) is used to permanently improve a PC’s looks, the GM should require him to pay the appropriate character points for the improvement!

Duration: 1 hour unless made permanent. May be removed by Alter Visage, Alter Body, or Remove Curse.

Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain. May be made permanent, as an enchantment, for an energy cost of 40.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Eight Body Control spells and either Shapeshifting or Perfect Illusion.


Any, but usually clothing or jewelry. Gives the wearer a new face, preset by the caster. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Alter Body: Regular; Resisted by HT

As for Alter Visage, except that the subject’s entire body (e.g., skin, hair, limbs) may be altered. The subject’s general form cannot change: humanoids stay humanoid. No extra limbs, wings, etc., may be added. Simpler additions are possible (nonprehensile tails, horns, hooves), but the subject will be unfamiliar with them, and may suffer penalties to DX until a suitable adjustment period (GM’s decision) has passed. The subject’s mass must remain the same; basic stats do not change.

Duration: 1 hour unless made permanent. May be removed by Alter Body or Remove Curse.

Cost: 8 to cast. 6 to maintain. May be made permanent, as an enchantment, for an energy cost of 200.

Time to cast: 2 minutes.

Prerequisite: Alter Visage.


Any, but usually clothing or jewelry. Gives the wearer a new appearance, preset by the caster. Energy cost to create: 4,000.

Lengthen Limb: Regular

The caster’s arm (usually – but legs, pseudopods and so on are also legal) lengthens, becoming like a very long snake. The limb lengthens at a rate of 1 yard per second, with no upper limit. The caster retains his full sense of touch, and must feel his way forward once the end of the limb grows out of view, or use Wizard Eye or some similar spell to guide it. He must remain still; the actual lengthening requires concentration, but the caster may relax once he has achieved the desired length.

The extended limb may make a tempting target for whoever happens on it! When the spell ends, or in an emergency, the limb is “reeled back in” at the caster’s full Basic Speed score. This is useful for reaching the keys outside the cell, or snatching the caliph’s prize jewel as he sleeps.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Shapeshifting.


Wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Decapitation: Regular; Resisted by HT+2

The subject’s head comes off! When this spell is cast, the subject’s head (or one of them, if the subject has several) comes free of its body, but continues to live on its own. The subject is not harmed, but the head takes falling damage if it is not carefully removed or caught! The head can talk, see, and control the actions of its body normally. If the head is somehow blinded (put in a bag, for instance), then it will have trouble telling its body where to walk…

The spell, once cast, is permanent until somebody puts the head back in the proper place and wills it to attach (if the head is unwilling, proceed to a Regular Contest of Wills). If it is cast on a foe, who then regains the head and reattaches it, the caster has no say in the matter, although he can certainly cast the spell again…

This spell, while useful in combat, has several other uses. A mage with a broken leg could leave his body behind and travel with the party as a head! Note, however, that bodies cannot feed themselves without mouths, and if the mage attempted to cast a spell requiring hand motions, the range penalties would apply from his body, not his head!

Duration: As above.

Cost: 4.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Alter Body.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Shrink (VH): Regular

The caster’s size decreases, reducing his Size modifier. For every 1 point of SM reduction, the caster’s ST, HP, and Move are all multiplied by 2/3. For every 2 points of SM reduction, his DR is reduced by 1. The caster’s clothing shrinks with him if he wishes, but jewelry, armor, weapons, carried items, and other substantial volumes of harder substances remain at their original size (though they can be reduced separately with Shrink Object).

IQ, DX, HT, FP, Basic Speed, and Dodge do not change with size. Weight decreases dramatically; every point of SM reduction divides the caster’s weight by 3.5. The caster is harder to hit, as appropriate to his new SM.

The GM may opt to set a floor of 1 HP and Move 1, so that shrunken wizards may still accomplish something on foot. This may not be realistic, but it is in keeping with the traditions of heroic fiction.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 per -1 SM. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds. Shrinkage occurs at a rate of 1 SM per second after the spell is complete.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Alter Body.


(a) Wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) A size change can be made permanent for 100 times casting cost (the GM may require that the subject’s new size be maintained while the enchantment goes on!)

Shrink Other (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

As Shrink, but usable on other beings. The spell can only be countered by the original caster or by Remove Curse. The GM should keep in mind the potential psychological effects of this spell on unaware or unwilling subjects.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 per -1 SM. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Shrink.


(a) Wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) A size change can be made permanent for 100 times casting cost (the GM may require that the subject’s new size be maintained while the enchantment goes on!)

Enlarge (VH): Regular

The caster grows in size, increasing his Size modifier. For every 1 point of increased SM, the caster’s ST, HP, and Basic Move are all multiplied by 1.5. For every 2 points of increased SM, his DR increases by 1. The caster’s clothing grows with him if he wishes, but jewelry, armor, weapons, carried items, and other substantial volumes of harder substances remain at their original size (though they can be enlarged separately with Enlarge Object). See Corpulence for the effects of “bursting” out of armor.

IQ, DX, HT, FP, Basic Speed, and Dodge do not change with size. Weight increases dramatically; every point of increased SM multiplies the caster’s weight by 3.5.

If the caster is enclosed in a room or other space that is too small to accommodate his larger size, his growth stops. However, if his maximum thrusting damage is enough to penetrate the enclosure’s DR, he bursts through in one second per point of DR.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 per +1 SM. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Alter Body.


(a) Wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) A size change can be made permanent for 100 times casting cost (the GM may require that the subject’s new size be maintained while the enchantment goes on!)

Enlarge Other (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

As Enlarge, but usable on other beings. The spell can only be countered by the original caster or by Remove Curse. Cast on a volunteer soldier, this changes him into an instant siege engine… but also makes him a prime target for the enemy’s artillery and magic.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 per +1 SM. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Enlarge.


(a) Wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) A size change can be made permanent for 100 times casting cost (the GM may require that the subject’s new size be maintained while the enchantment goes on!)

Corpulence (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject’s girth temporarily increases by one level, going from Skinny to Normal, from Normal to Overweight, from Overweight to Fat, or from Fat to Very Fat, as applicable (see Build, p. B18, for details). Beyond Very Fat, the subject’s weight increases by 100% of his base weight (not counting Fat or Skinny modifiers from this spell or otherwise) per casting. Subjects already affected resist repeated castings at a cumulative +5 per casting.

In addition to the normal effects of the increased weight, ordinary clothes will rip; each piece of rigid armor will constrict, inflicting DR/3 points of crushing damage (round down), and then suffocate (p. B436). Once the subject is incapable of moving, he may be suffocated by his own weight.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 6 to cast. 6 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Create Earth, Create Water, and at least four Body Control spells including Alter Body.


(a) Any. Wearer acquires the new girth specified by the creator of the item. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Gauntness (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject is temporarily emaciated, losing one level of weight (the opposite of the Corpulence spell). Armor and clothing hangs on the subject, hampering him (-2 DX). Beyond Skinny, the subject loses 20% of his current weight, and loses 1d FP, per casting. Repeated castings on already-affected subjects are resisted at a cumulative +5 per casting.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 6 to cast. 6 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Earth to Air, Destroy Water, and at least four Body Control spells, including Hunger.


(a) Any. The wearer acquires the gauntness specified by the creator of the item. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Transform Body: Special

Take the form of another sapient race. Each race is a different spell, to be learned separately. The caster may only learn the form of a race with which he is familiar. Clothing, jewelry, and armor do not vanish when the transformation occurs; a caster who fails to shed rigid armor may be painfully squeezed (see Corpulence, above, for details).

The caster acquires only the physical traits of the new form, keeping his original mental traits. Note that Fatigue Points are not increased for spellcasting purposes.

The energy cost of this spell depends on the point value of the assumed form’s physical traits; it costs 1/10 of the form’s cost to cast and 1/20 to maintain, with a minimum of 5 to cast and 2 to maintain.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Varies (see above).

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisite: Alter Body and three forms of Shapeshifting.


Jewelry. The item must bear the likeness of the shape to be taken; usable only by mages. There is no cost to maintain the spell, but the caster cannot change back unless he still has the item; otherwise, a Remove Curse spell must be used if he is to regain normal form. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Transform Other: Special; Resisted by Will

As Transform Body, but usable on others. The subject cannot end the spell; only the caster, or a Remove Curse spell, can do that.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: As Transform Body, but the minimum cost of the spell is 10 to cast and 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 minutes.

Prerequisites: Shapeshift Others and the appropriate form of Transform Body.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Transmogrification: Regular; Resisted by Will

Change a person into an inanimate object of similar weight. The object may be anything that the caster is familiar with. A living thing with IQ 0, such as a plant, qualifies as an inanimate object for this purpose. The subject is conscious throughout the duration of the spell, but cannot take any action, including spells or psionic powers. He can dimly hear what goes on around him and feel whatever his transformed self is in contact with, but cannot see or smell anything. If the object is destroyed, the subject dies; if it is damaged, the subject will suffer a proportionate loss of HP upon being returned to his natural form.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 20. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 minutes.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Transform Other, Transform Object, and Flesh to Stone.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5,000.

Communication and Empathy Spells

These spells deal with discerning (or concealing) thought and intent. For spells that manipulate emotions and loyalties, see Mind Control Spells.

Most wizards eventually learn a few basic Communication and Empathy spells; its sensing spells are crucial prerequisites for such diverse colleges as Mind Control, Healing, Protection and Warning, and Necromancy.

Powerful Communication and Empathy wizards often live a very long time – not so much because their own lives are extended, but because they can spend a great deal of time in someone else’s body while their own lies preserved in suspended animation.

Sense Foes: Information; Area

Tells the caster if the subject has hostile intent, and what the degree of hostility is. Can be cast on one person or a whole area. If cast over an area, this spell will only detect that someone is hostile, without telling who.

Base cost: 1 (minimum 2).


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.

Sense Life: Information; Area

Tells the caster if there is any life in the subject area, and gives a general impression (on a good roll) of what kind. The caster can also specify he is looking for a specific sort of life: plants, elves, redheaded girls, or a named person who the caster knows.

Base cost: 1/2 (minimum 1).


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 80.

Sense Emotion: Regular

Know what emotions the subject is feeling at the moment. It works on any living being, though it tends to be most useful on sapient beings. This will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see Loyalty of Hirelings, p. B518).

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Sense Foes.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300.

Hide Emotion: Regular; Resists emotion readings

This spell gives its subject the outward appearance of deep calm. It resists Aura and Sense Emotion (and Sense Foes, at the GM’s option) as well as any attempt to gauge the subject’s emotional state by other means (Empathy, psionics, Body Language, etc). This spell is a great favorite of diplomats, courtiers, and poker players. It can grant up to a +4 bonus (GM’s judgment) to any skill where masked emotions are valuable.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Sense Emotion.


Cap, crown, or other headgear. Energy cost to create: 200.

Persuasion: Regular; Resisted by Will

Used when a reaction roll is required, this spell makes the subject (one sapient creature – racial IQ 6 or better) more likely to react favorably.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Twice the bonus to be added to the roll. Same cost to maintain (maximum 5).

Prerequisite: Sense Emotion.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. The item must include a purple jewel (garnet or amethyst) worth at least $200. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Vexation: Regular; Resisted by Will

Used when a reaction roll is required, this spell makes the subject (one sapient creature of racial IQ 6 or better) more likely to react unfavorably. Frequently used by spies to sabotage diplomatic missions.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Twice the penalty subtracted from the roll to cast. Same cost to maintain (maximum 5).

Prerequisite: Sense Emotion.


Cap, crown, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000; the item must include a purple jewel (garnet or amethyst) worth at least $200.

Truthsayer: Information; Resisted by Will

Tells whether the subject is lying or not. May be cast in two ways:

1. To tell whether the subject has told any lies in the last five minutes.

2. To tell whether the last thing the subject said was a lie.

May also give an indication of how great the lie is. If caster is not touching subject, calculate range as for a Regular spell.

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Sense Emotion.


Crown, helmet, or other headgear. Energy cost to create: 500.

Dream Viewing: Regular; Resisted by Will

View a subject’s dreams; they appear on any smooth surface of your choice (such as a basin of water, mirror, gem facet, etc). Use the long distance and Mind-Reading modifiers (p. 14 and p. 46, respectively). If the caster and subject don’t know each other, there is a further -2 penalty.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Truthsayer or Sleep.


Mirror. Energy cost to create: 300.

Dream Sending: Regular; Resisted by Will

The caster uses this spell to send a dream vision to the subject, who must be asleep at the time of the casting. The message is seen in dream-symbols by the subject, who must roll vs. IQ-5 or a skill such as Fortune-Telling (Dream Interpretation) (p. B196) to interpret it correctly. The margin of success of the roll indicates how well the message is understood. Use of the Dreaming skill by the subject could distort or obliterate the message (GM’s discretion).

The caster tells the GM the exact meaning (it is a good idea to limit the length of the message to as many words as the caster has skill with the spell). The GM, in turn, tells the subject what he understood (roll in secret, as a critical failure will lead to complete misunderstanding!). Use the long-distance and Mind-Reading modifiers (p. 14 and p. 46). If the caster and subject don’t know each other, there is a further -2 penalty.

This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 3. One try per night. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisite: Dream Viewing or Sleep.


Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 400.

Dream Projection: Regular

Using this spell, the caster projects his presence into the subject’s dreams to converse with him. Roll a Quick Contest of the spell’s skill vs. the subject’s Will every minute; once the subject wins, the spell is broken and no further contact is possible that night. Use the long-distance and Mind Reading modifiers (p. 14 and p. 46). If the caster and subject don’t know each other, there is a further -2 penalty. The subject may use his Dreaming skill (see p. B188) to help the process; roll every minute to skip the contest.

This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute. Each minute allows the exchange of two sentences (one from the caster and one from the subject).

Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. One try per night.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisite: Dream Sending.


Headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800.

Hide Thoughts: Regular

Resists all Mind-Reading and Thought-Control attempts on the subject. The “attacking” ability must win a Quick Contest against this spell in order to affect the subject. If the attacking ability pierces Hide Thoughts, the subject still gets his normal resistance roll (roll separately). This spell does not affect previously established mental control.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Truthsayer or Hide Emotion.


Crown, helmet, or other headgear. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Lend Language: Regular

Subject gains a language (sapient creatures only) at the caster’s comprehension level or Accented – whichever is less. The caster must know the language in question.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Either Beast Speech or three Communication and Empathy spells.

Borrow Language: Regular

Caster gains a language at the subject’s comprehension level or Accented – whichever is less. The subject must know the language in question.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Lend Language.

Gift of Tongues (VH): Regular

Give speech and understanding of any language (sapient creatures only). Cannot provide speech or hearing to one who lacks these abilities.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 for Broken comprehension; 4 for Accented comprehension; 6 for Native comprehension. Half to maintain.

Prerequisites: Borrow Language and three languages spoken at Accented or better.


Headgear or jewelry. Only affects the wearer, and only for certain languages. Energy cost to create: 300 per language included (must be known to creator).

Gift of Letters (VH): Regular

Give literacy in any language (sapient creatures only).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 for Broken comprehension; 4 for Accented comprehension; 6 for Native comprehension. Half to maintain.

Prerequisites: Borrow Language and three languages written at Accented or better.


Headgear or jewelry. Only affects the wearer, and only for certain languages. Energy cost to create: 300 per language included (must be known to creator).

Mind-Reading: Regular; Resisted by Will

Read a subject’s mind. Works on any living being, but is most useful on sapient creatures. Detects only surface thoughts (what the subject is thinking at that moment). This spell will not work on sleeping or unconscious subjects. The subject is not aware his mind is being read, except in the case of a critical failure.

Modifiers: -2 if the caster does not know the subject’s native language; -2 if the subject is of a different race – or -4 or more if the subject is totally alien!

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Truthsayer or Borrow Language.


Crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Mind-Search (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

Search a subject’s mind to find deep thoughts and knowledge of things the subject is not thinking about at the moment. In effect, the caster may ask one simple question (answered by no more than 10 words) per minute, and get the most truthful answer the subject can give. The subject is not aware of the intrusion, except in case of a critical failure.

Language is no barrier for this spell, and the subject may even be asleep. Subjects of different races may be harder to mind-search, at the GM’s discretion.

Modifiers: Same as Mind-Reading, above. If the subject has magically been caused to forget something, this spell cannot recover it.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisite: Mind-Reading.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Mind-Sending: Regular

Send your thoughts to a subject in a one-way communication. Transmission proceeds at only talking speed, though the caster may also send simple pictures (the time required is equal to the time it would take the subject to copy the picture on paper or parchment).

When figuring the distance penalty, use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). If caster and subject don’t know each other, there is an additional -4 penalty.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisite: Mind-Reading.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Telepathy (VH): Regular

Full two-way communication, like Mind-Reading and Mind-Sending combined. The subject must be willing. Both caster and subject know the whole of each others’ thoughts and what the other is experiencing; they communicate at the speed of thought. Other people can “enter the link” – a new casting of the spell (by anyone involved) is required for each new person to enter. To eavesdrop on an existing telepathic link without being noticed, there is a -4 skill penalty.

If caster and subject know each other and the subject expects the “call,” there is no distance penalty. Otherwise, assess penalties as for Mind-Sending. The spell cannot work across time, dimensions, interplanetary space, etc.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain, for a 2-way link. Same cost for each additional person added.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisite: Mind-Sending.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Retrogression: Regular; Resisted by Will

Causes a subject to re-experience an event from his past life (or lives!) This can be a torment or as a boon.

Different kinds of memories have different effects. A terrifying memory requires a Fright Check at -3 or more; the memory of one’s violent death, for example (in a campaign where Resurrection is possible), requires a Fright Check at -5. The memory of a wound or illness requires a HT-3 roll; failure inflicts one point of damage. A memory of slavery or degradation reduces Will by 1 for 3d hours unless a Will-3 roll is made. A memory of personal triumph and power increases Will by 1 for 3d hours if an IQ roll is made. The GM judges the effects of any other type of memory.

The caster only specifies the type of event to be relived; he cannot use this spell to “rummage” through the memories of the subject.

Unless stunned, the subject must roll his Body Sense to act on the turn following a Retrogression.

Duration: The memory takes one second to relive (although it may seem like more to the subject).

Cost: 5. Cannot be maintained. One try per day.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Mind-Search and Mind-Sending.


(a) Headgear. Every time it is put on, the wearer relives his worst or best memory (creator’s decision, but GM’s judgment as to which memory that turns out to be). Energy cost to create: 350.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400.

Lend Skill: Regular

Subject gains a skill at (controlling attribute)+4 or increases his existing skill by 4 levels – whichever is more. Subject’s skill cannot become higher than caster’s skill. Caster must know the skill in question (either normally or by Borrow Skill, below). Does not work on languages or spells.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Mind-Sending and IQ 11+.

Borrow Skill: Regular

The caster gains a skill at (controlling attribute)+4 or increases his existing skill by 4 levels – whichever is more. Caster’s skill cannot become higher than subject’s skill. Subject must be willing, and know the skill in question. Will not work on languages or spells.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Lend Skill.

Compel Truth: Information; Resisted by Will

The subject becomes unable to lie, though he may keep silent or tell partial truths (this must be roleplayed). The spell does not force him to volunteer information; he merely cannot say anything he believes to be untrue.

Duration: 5 minutes.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Truthsayer.


Torc or heavy necklace; the wearer cannot lie. Energy cost to create: 600.

Compel Lie: Regular; Resisted by Will

As listed under Mind Control Spells.

Insignificance: Regular; Special Resistance

Causes all beings with whom the subject has social contact to ignore or disregard him. Only beings who have a reason to notice that particular person or someone in his particular situation can resist the spell with Per – the subject himself does not get to resist. Viewers get a bonus to their resistance roll equal to the subject’s total Appearance modifier, whether positive or negative. Thus, viewers of an Attractive subject resist with Per+1, but viewers of an Unattractive subject also resist with Per+1.

The spell’s effects are limited in magnitude; the subject could slip unnoticed through a crowd, but would be stopped by guards if trying to go where he should not. He can get someone’s attention by grabbing him, but is then likely to get a negative reaction. If he steals something or commits some other objectionable act (removing his clothing, perhaps), all witnesses get a new resistance roll. If he attacks someone, that person is automatically released from the spell – furthermore, the victim’s cries for help won’t be ignored!

Insignificance and Presence resist each other.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Persuasion and Avoid.


(a) Cloak, jewelry, or headgear. Always on; the wearer is ignored! Energy cost to create: 700.

(b) Wand or staff; usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 450.

Presence: Regular; Special Resistance

Causes all beings with whom the subject has social contact to pay attention. Each being who attempts to ignore the subject gets to resist the spell with Will – but the subject himself does not get to resist! The spell does not guarantee a good reaction from those it affects – it doubles the positive or negative modifier! If he has no positive or negative modifiers, it gives him a +1 modifier. Most people will assume, if a person stands out for no reason that they can put their fingers on, that there must be something worth seeing.

Someone affected by this spell can easily be followed in a crowd or along city streets. The searcher can simply ask bystanders, “Did you see so-and-so come by here?” and quickly resume the pursuit.

Presence and Insignificance resist each other.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Persuasion and Lure.


(a) Cloak, jewelry, or headgear. Always on; the wearer attracts attention. Energy cost to create: 700.

(b) Wand or staff; usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 450.

Communication (VH): Regular

This spell allows the caster to set up two-way communication with the subject. Each participant sees an image of the other, allowing “real-time” conversation. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14) unless the caster knows the subject and the subject was expecting the “call,” in which case no distance modifiers apply! Apply an additional -4 to skill if the caster does not know the subject.

The communication is audio-visual only. However, if the caster also knows Far-Tasting and Odor, he may add smell to the communication for an extra point of energy (both for casting and maintenance).

Others can join the “conference” at any time – a new casting of the spell (by anyone involved) is required for each new person to enter. This communication is, obviously, not secure.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain. Same cost for each additional person joining the communication.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisites: Wizard Eye, Far-Hearing, Voices, and Simple Illusion.


Headgear, bowl, mirror, or crystal ball. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800.

Message: Regular; Resisted by spells that block sound

As listed under Sound Spells.

Machine Speech/TL: Regular

As listed under Technological Spells.

Soul Rider: Regular; Resisted by Will

The caster can see through the subject’s eyes, hear through his ears, etc., whenever he concentrates. (The caster also remains aware of his own body and may act normally). The caster exerts no control whatsoever over the subject, and does not know the subject’s thoughts. The subject must be sapient (IQ 6 or better). Skill is at -2 if the subject is of a different race; if the subject is totally alien, -4 or more!

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Mind-Reading.


A pair of identical pieces of jewelry – one gold, one silver. The gold one must be worn by the caster, the silver one by the subject. The spell can then be cast at any time, regardless of distance. Usable only by mages. If a Powerstone is included in the item, it is in the gold one. If either item is broken, the other loses its enchantment. Cost to create: 1,000 energy (for the pair), and a $100 opal for each piece.

Control Person: Regular; Resisted by Will

Use all the victim’s senses and control all the victim’s physical actions (the caster has no access to the subject’s memories, skills, spells, etc.). The subject retains his memory and wits and is aware of what is happening – though not of the caster’s identity. The caster can only “animate” one body at a time, and must concentrate to control the subject’s body. When he concentrates, his own body falls limp; when he stops concentrating, the subject regains control of his own body. The caster can move between the bodies freely while the spell lasts.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Soul Rider or Telepathy.


Crown, helmet, or other headgear.

Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Possession (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

Like Control Person – except the victim is unconscious throughout the “possession,” and the caster has full access to the subject’s memories, skills, and spells. While in the subject’s body, the caster has his own skills and spells, and may use all the subject’s skills, spells, and memories as though they were his own (the subject’s physical skills are at -1). The caster’s own body lies unconscious during the spell, and must be safeguarded.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 10 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisite: Magery 1 and either Control Person or Beast Possession.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Dispel Possession: Regular; Resisted by spell on subject

Ends any Soul Rider, Control, or Possession spell (or their animal equivalents) affecting the subject.

Cost: 10.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Soul Rider, Possession, or (GM’s option) “holy” religious status.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the possessed subject. Energy cost to create: 300.

Permanent Possession (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

Like Possession – but the caster remains in the body of the subject until he chooses to leave, or is expelled by Dispel Possession or Remove Curse. The caster’s own body is in Suspended Animation (p. 94) while the spell continues. If the caster’s body dies, the spell is broken. Whenever the subject body takes damage, the caster must roll vs. his own body’s HT, or take the same damage. If the subject body dies, the caster must roll vs. HT or die himself!

Duration: Indefinite (could be permanent).

Cost: 30.

Time to cast: 5 minutes.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Possession.


Cap, crown, helmet, or other headgear. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Exchange Bodies (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will

The caster permanently exchanges bodies with the subject. The subject may be any living creature. The only way this spell can be reversed, once it has been cast, is to cast it again; Dispel Possession or other anti-magic will not work. The attributes of ST, DX, and HT, as well as all physical advantages and disadvantages, go with the body; IQ, memory, personality, and all skills and spells go with the mind.

Note: Exchange Bodies may result in the caster increasing his point value. The GM may wish to charge the old wizard for the difference in character point value. See Mind Transfer (p. B296) for more on this. To help keep body-hopping wizards under control, the GM may wish to require some rare spell materials for this spell (p. 8).

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 120.

Time to cast: 1 hour.

Prerequisites: Permanent Possession and Soul Jar.

Earth Spells

These spells deal with the traditional magical “element” of earth. Except as noted, none of these spells affect stone or metal. More spells for affecting metal appear under Technological Spells.

The College of Earth is not for dabblers. Very few spells are available to wizards who have not mastered all the basic spells of the college, and few spells of any kind are accessible to nonmages.

Seek Earth: Information

Tells the caster the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant amount of any one type of earth, metal, or stone. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any known sources of that material may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning.

Cost: 3.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.


A forked stick with an ounce of the desired earth/stone/metal set in the tip; each stick will find only that one kind of earth. Cost to create: 50 energy, and cash to buy an ounce of the material sought.

Shape Earth: Regular

Move earth about and shape it into any form. If the form is stable (e.g., a hill), it will permanently remain after shaping. An unstable form (e.g., a column or wall) lasts only while the spell continues – no special concentration is required – and then collapses. An Architecture roll may be required to create a stable form.

Earth moved with this spell travels at only Move 2; stone travels at Move 1. It can harm no one except by flowing over an immobile person and burying him. If earth is moved onto a person to bury him – or from beneath him, to create a hole – he may move normally on his next turn, to escape. He is trapped only if he fails to do so.

Anyone buried in loose earth by this spell may try to claw his way out. One roll, at ST-4, is allowed per second. GMs may make this roll harder if the victim is buried under more than 2 cubic yards of earth! The victim can hold his breath (see Holding Your Breath, p. B351), but he eventually risks suffocation (see Suffocation, p. B436). A victim buried in stone may hold his breath, but unless he has some means of digging through solid stone, escape is unlikely.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 per cubic yard of earth shaped (minimum 2). Half that to maintain (round up). Double cost to shape stone; sextuple cost to shape cut or worked stone, like a wall. It’s not easy to make your own door into the castle.

Prerequisite: Seek Earth.


Staff, wand, piece of jewelry, or digging tool. Energy cost to create: 200 (500 for an item that will shape stone).

Seek Pass: Information

Tells the caster the direction and approximate distance of the nearest pass through a mountain range. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14).

Cost: 3.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Seek Earth.

Earth Vision: Regular

See through the earth – to find caves, bodies of ore, buried treasure, entombed victims, etc. Earth and uncut stone (up to 50 yards deep) are transparent to the subject, wherever he looks. Metal is not transparent; neither are cut stone, bricks, etc. Thus, this spell won’t let you look through castle walls.

This is also a Knowledge spell.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Cost: 2 per 10 yards of depth to cast. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Shape Earth.


Any. Energy cost to create: 400.

Earth to Stone: Regular

Turns an item of earth or clay into hard stone (but not gemstone), or turns an item of stone into a simple metal like bronze or iron. For double energy cost, turns an item of earth or clay into metal.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 3 per cubic yard (minimum 3).

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Shape Earth.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300.

Create Earth: Regular

Create good, solid earth where none existed before. This earth must be created in contact with the ground – not hanging in the air or floating in the sea!

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 2 per cubic yard to create earth from nothingness (minimum 2); 1 per cubic yard to solidify mud into good earth (minimum 1).

Prerequisite: Earth to Stone.


Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 500.

Earth to Air: Regular

As listed under Air Spells.

Flesh to Stone: Regular; Resisted by HT

“Petrifies” a living subject (and all his gear!), turning him to stone. Must affect the entire subject.

Duration: Instantaneous, unless reversed by Stone to Flesh.

Cost: 10. For double cost, a subject may be turned into a metallic statue.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Earth to Stone.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. The item must touch the victim for the spell to work.

Stone to Earth: Regular

Turns any kind of stone (including gemstone) into simple earth. Must be cast on a whole stone or block, rather than a part of it. This spell also transmutes metal into stone, or transmutes metal into earth for double cost.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 6 per cubic yard (minimum 6).

Prerequisites: Earth to Stone or any four Earth spells.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400.

Predict Earth Movement: Information

Accurately predicts any landslides, earthquakes, or volcanic activity likely to occur within a given area over a given period. It gives approximate information regarding the nature, location, and severity of the impending disaster. This spell cannot forecast magically created earthquakes or volcanoes.

Cost: 2 times the length of the forecast in days. Double the cost for a place outside the local area (beyond the horizon). Quadruple the cost for a place on another continent.

Time to cast: 5 seconds per day of forecast.

Prerequisite: Four Earth spells.

Sand Jet: Regular

Shoot a thin jet of sand particles from one hand. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. If the spell strikes the face, it causes no injury, but temporarily blinds the target unless he makes a HT roll.

If he fails the HT roll, he is blinded (see Visibility, p. B394) for one second per energy point put into the spell. After the target can see again, blurry vision gives him a -3 penalty to all combat skills for a further 1d seconds. On a critically failed HT roll, the target is blinded for 1d seconds per point put into the spell. On a successful HT roll, the victim closes his eyes for the duration of the spell, and is thus unable to see for one second. On a critical success, the victim is unaffected.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 3. The jet’s range in yards is equal to the energy put into it. Cost to maintain is the same.

Prerequisite: Create Earth.


Jewelry, staff, or wand; usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 600.

Mud Jet: Regular

Shoot a thin jet of mud from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. It does knockback on all targets; it can kill or knock down flying swarm creatures. It will extinguish a one-yard-radius area of normal fire.

If the spell strikes the face, it temporarily blinds the target (see Visibility, p. B394) unless he makes a HT roll. If he fails the HT roll, each energy point in the spell blinds him for one second. After the target can see again, blurry vision gives him a -3 penalty to all combat skills for a further 1d seconds. On a critical failure of the HT roll, the target is blinded for 1d seconds per point in the spell. On a successful HT roll, the victim covers his eyes and is therefore unable to see for one second. On a critical success, the victim is unaffected.

This is also a Water spell.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 3. Does 1d of knockback for every point used. Range is equal to the number of dice. Cost to maintain is the same.

Prerequisites: Water Jet and Create Earth, or Create Water and Sand Jet.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The jet issues from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 600.

Stone Missile: Missile

Create a ball of stone and fire it from one hand, injuring anything it hits. This spell has 1/2D 40, Max 80, Acc 2.

Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. The missile does 1d + 1 crushing damage per energy point.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Create Earth.


Staff or wand – the missile is fired from the end of the item. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400.

Walk Through Earth: Regular

Pass through earth as if it were air. With this spell, the subject could walk through the stone wall of a dungeon or the earthen wall of a hut. This spell does not open a passage so that others can follow. It also doesn’t reveal what is on the other side. If the caster also knows Earth to Air, he will automatically have breathing air during his journey, at no energy cost. Otherwise, he must hold his breath!

Should the spell end before the subject regains the open air, he is buried in earth or stone, as the case may be. He is not automatically harmed, but will suffocate (see Suffocation, p. B436) if he cannot escape.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Double cost to pass through stone. Triple cost to pass through metal.

Prerequisites: Four Earth spells.


Gray cloak or silver jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

Earth to Water: Regular

Turns earth to mud (or water). Various uses of this spell include bogging down enemies or pursuers, making mud packs to treat insect stings, softening earth to use for clay dummies or decoys, etc.

This is also a Water spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 per cubic yard of earth turned into mud. Double to turn earth into water.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Create Water, and Shape Earth.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 500.

Partial Petrifaction (VH): Melee; Resisted by HT

Turns part of a living subject to stone, usually leaving him immobile but still able to talk or be tortured. The caster must touch the subject. The body parts changed are at the discretion of the caster; the spell can petrify anything from a single finger to the entire body from the neck down, but the head can never be affected. The subject’s metabolism is magically altered to survive the experience, but he understandably finds the experience intensely uncomfortable, whatever else is done to him.

Petrified body parts are immobile, numb, and have DR 10. Victims of this spell suffer a DX penalty on any physical action they attempt: -1 or more, depending on details of the casting and the action.

Clothes, jewelry, etc., may be “caught up” in the spell and included in the petrifaction, but magic items or anything carried in the hand or a backpack remain unchanged.

Either Stone to Flesh or Remove Curse is required to negate this spell. Duration: Permanent (until negated). Cost: 12. It costs more to petrify larger subjects, just as if it were a Regular spell (i.e., 24 energy for SM +1, 36 energy for SM +2, etc.)

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Flesh to Stone.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,300.

Rain of Stones: Area

Stones rain from the sky onto the area, causing 1d-1 crushing damage per second to all within it. Characters and creatures under the rain of stones take damage on their own turns; if less than an entire second is spent in the affected area, damage is halved (round down).

The spell can only be cast outdoors. Armor protects in the usual fashion. A shield with a DB of 2 or better can be held overhead to block the stones, but it may take damage (p. B484). This requires two hands and a Ready action, and succeeds automatically in protecting the character once the shield is readied upward, but this unreadies the shield from its normal protective functions!

Inanimate objects, such as buildings, protect with their DR.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 2).

Same cost to maintain. For double base cost, the Rain of Stones does 2d- 2 per second!

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Create Earth.


Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Entombment: Regular; Resisted by HT

The earth instantly swallows the subject. He remains in Suspended Animation (as per p. 94), in a tiny spherical chamber 50 feet underground, until rescued by tunneling or the reverse of this spell. A mage who casts Entombment on himself may elect to stay awake, but this is unwise unless he has some means of breathing while entombed!

Duration: Permanent, unless reversed by this spell.

Cost: 10 (but only 6 to reverse an entombment).

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and five Earth spells.


Wand or staff – must be colored jet black. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200. The item must touch the victim for the spell to work.

Essential Earth: Regular

Creates the magical essence of Earth. Essential Earth is three times as fertile: plants germinate three times faster and grow three times taller or bigger than normal. In addition, if Essential Earth is transformed into stone via the Earth to Stone spell, it will be three times as strong (DR and HP); columns or blocks cut from such stone would support three times as much weight. This Essential Stone is similar to the legendary material adamant, discussed in more detail in GURPS Fantasy.

If Essential Earth is transformed into metal via Earth to Stone, that Essential Metal will also have triple the strength (HP, DR, and carrying capacity) of normal metal; this is similar to the legendary alloy orichalcum, discussed in more detail in GURPS Fantasy.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 8.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Six Earth spells.


Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Stone to Flesh: Regular

Reverses the effects of Flesh to Stone and brings the victim back to life (stunned). Cannot be used to animate a statue that was never alive.

Duration: Instantaneous.

Cost: 10. Double cost to restore a person turned to metal.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Flesh to Stone, and Stone to Earth.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. The item must touch the victim for the spell to work.

Body of Stone (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

Subject becomes an animated stone statue; he temporarily acquires the Body of Stone meta-trait (p. B262). Clothes also become stone, but carried equipment does not. Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 10 to cast. 5 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Stone to Flesh.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Steelwraith: Regular; Resisted by HT

Renders the subject intangible to the touch of metal. Swords pass through him, he cannot hold metal keys or to wear metal armor, he passes through bars and metal floors…

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 7 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Walk Through Earth.


(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

(b) A metallic weapon may be enchanted to counter the spell (so that it may be wielded by or against a Steelwraithed being). Energy cost to create: 250 per pound of weight (minimum 1 pound).

Purify Earth: Area

Removes foreign objects, poisons, and harmful elements from soil, rendering it fit to support growing plants. This spell also remedies any deficiencies in the soil’s composition. Small foreign objects (coins, nails) underground are destroyed; medium ones (swords, artillery shells, chests, statuettes) “float” to the surface. Large objects (coffins, walls, large statues) will cause the spell to fail, but the caster gets a general idea of the reason.

This is also a Plant spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Base cost: 2. Double cost in poor soil such as rocky flats or sandy desert.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Create Earth and Plant Growth.


Staff. Energy cost to create: 400.

Sandstorm: Area

As listed under Air Spells.

Earthquake: Area

Shakes the affected area. The caster probably won’t want the area to include him. Divide the actual distance from caster to edge of affected area by 20 before figuring the skill penalty.

The spell must be cast over a fairly large area to be useful. Shaking one corner of a building will upset the occupants, but won’t wreck the building. Cost depends on strength of the quake:

Tiny: Just a demonstration – a slight swaying. Pay base cost.

Mild: Slight damage to buildings. Multiply base cost by 2. DX roll required, every second, for those in affected area to keep their feet.

Severe: Stone walls crack; towers may fall. Multiply base cost by 4. DX- 3 roll required, every second, for those in affected area to keep their feet.

Duration: One minute.

Base cost: 2 to cast. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least six Earth spells, including Earth Vision.

Volcano: Regular

Causes vapor and lava to spew from a chosen spot of ground. This is not a quick spell, but it is very serious! The volcano starts out small – a small hole spitting stones and vapors – and increase its diameter by a couple of yards per day. This spell can also reactivate a dormant volcano. When the spell is allowed to lapse, the volcano ceases to grow and will soon die (a formerly dormant volcano may stay active at the GM’s discretion).

Duration: One day.

Cost: 15 to cast. 10 to maintain.

Time to cast: One hour until the first effects are visible. Continued concentration for 8 hours each day is necessary to keep the volcano growing.

Prerequisites: Earthquake and at least six Fire spells.

Alter Terrain (VH): Area

Can be used to completely transform vast amounts of terrain. If cast over a large enough area, this spell can turn a city into a lake or sea, or an offshore island into a mountain range.

The profile of the ground (including sea, lake, or river beds) within the affected area can be raised, lowered, or reshaped as the caster chooses, or changed in texture to anything between soft earth and sand to hard granite. Stone or brick buildings and vegetable matter can all be transformed into “natural” stone or earth, but not vice-versa. Submerged areas raised above their natural level become dry land; any area lowered below the local water table may be flooded. The GM should require Architecture, Artist, or Engineer rolls if the caster tries to alter the area into something specific.

Beings and loose items on the surface at the time the spell is cast are simply raised or lowered, with no personal injury. If they are inside buildings, they are gently expelled rather than entombed. Of course, if they find themselves under water, they may have problems…

If the spell is countered or dispelled, the whole area returns to its former condition; even transformed buildings and trees are restored.

Duration: 2d days.

Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum cost 15). Cannot be maintained. Volumes taller than 4 yards may be affected by multiplying the base cost accordingly.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and all four elemental “Shape” spells.


An area may be permanently altered for 100 times casting cost.

Move Terrain (VH): Area; Special Resistance

Enables an entire area of terrain, with all buildings, animals, plants, and people on or in it, to be moved over large distances. Once the spell is cast, the area to be transported vanishes (see below), replaced by bare earth or open water. The caster is now “carrying” that area in invisible, intangible form (this fact can be determined by Detect Magic or something similar). Beings caught in the affected area have a resistance roll based on the best Will among them, modified by -1 for every additional yard of radius of the subject area (thus, Move Terrain with a 2-yard radius is resisted by Will-1). Successful resistance negates the spell.

Once the casting is successfully completed, the subject area “shrinks” in radius at the rate of 1 yard per second, moving toward the caster at the same rate. Victims quick enough on their feet should be able to jump out of the area as it shrinks (this has good dramatic potential) – make DX and IQ rolls! GMs may decide this warrants a Fright Check.

Beings caught by the spell are aware of a wild, swirling sky above their heads and a physically impenetrable barrier all around them. The atmosphere inside remains breathable and comfortable (so this spell cannot be used to suffocate someone!). Spells cast out of the area automatically hit the Move Terrain’s holder – thus, a trapped mage could walk up to the affected area’s edge, lay his hand against the barrier, and cast Deathtouch at the holder! Captive mages could also cast Dispel Magic or Counterspell on the affected area, forcing the spell to end abruptly if they are successful.

When the caster stops maintaining the spell, the terrain reappears. The caster’s location falls anywhere within it or at its edge. The subject area “expands” back to normal size at the same rate it shrank. If there is no suitable space available, anything in the way is moved aside as if by Shape Earth.

The caster may not use this spell again for one full day. The subject area or any part of it cannot be moved again by this spell (from any caster or magic item) for the same period. Cast over a large enough area, this spell can place mountains in the middle of plains, open water (as deep as half the radius of effect, transported from lake or ocean) in the midst of a desert – or shift islands miles inland to form hills!

Duration: 1 hour. (The effects, once the area is “placed,” are permanent.)

Base cost: 10 to cast. 8 to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Alter Terrain and Hide Object.


Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

===Summon Earth Elemental, Control Earth Elemental, Create Earth Elemental=== see pp. 27-28

Small Earth Elemental

This is the basic earth elemental summoned by casting Summon Earth Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into the spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply means a larger elemental; 1 point of energy is equal to 1 additional point of ST, 5 HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a more exotic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or working one up from scratch.

Small Earth Elemental [40]

Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; DX-2 [-40]; IQ-4 [-80].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1.

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; DR 2 [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Vacuum Support [5].

Enchantment Spells

These spells allow mages to make and unmake permanently magical items. They can only be cast with ceremonial magic. A PC may only learn these spells with the GM’s permission; nearly all of them are only available to quite advanced mages.

Enchant (VH): Enchantment

A prerequisite for all other Enchantment spells except Scroll. To enchant an item, the caster must also know this spell. The caster rolls against the lower of his skill with this spell and the specific spell he wishes to place on the item. If he has assistants, they must have skill 15 or higher with both spells, but the roll is based on the caster’s skill.

Duration: Magic items are permanent until destroyed.

Cost and Time: See Enchanting (p. 16).

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least one spell from each of 10 other colleges.

Temporary Enchantment: Enchantment

This lets the enchanter create magic items that only function a few times before losing their enchantment, at a substantial savings in energy cost (and therefore time).

An item can be temporarily enchanted at an energy cost of 15% the normal cost for an item of that type per use. An item with only a single use can be created for 15% of the normal energy, two uses would cost 30%, four would cost 60% (very cost-ineffective under most circumstances) and the cost for an item limited to 7 or more uses actually exceeds the cost of a permanent item.

The temporarily enchanted item acts, in all respects, as a normal item of that type until all of its uses are consumed. Once all the uses of the temporary item are gone, the item is no longer magical.

The Temporary Enchantment spell is used in place of the Enchant spell. A single item may not be enchanted with both temporary and permanent spells simultaneously.

Temporary Enchantment can only be used to give items a one-time ability to cast a certain spell – not to cast the spell on the object. For example, a mage couldn’t make a one-shot set of invisible armor – it would never wear off. He could give the armor the ability to cast the Invisibility spell on itself at normal energy and duration costs.

Temporary Enchantment cannot be used in conjunction with any Enchantment college or Meta-Spell college spells except the following: Hex, Limit, Link, Name, Power, and Speed. Temporary Enchantment absolutely cannot be used to further reduce the cost of enchantments that already have limited uses (e.g., Skull-Spirit).

Duration: Until all of the item’s uses have been expended.

Cost and time: See Enchanting, p. 16.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Scroll: Enchantment

Write a magical scroll charged with a spell from one of the other colleges. If a mage who understands the scroll’s language at Accented comprehension or better reads it aloud, the scroll casts its spell, after which its power dissipates and the writing on the scroll vanishes. Reading a scroll requires twice the normal casting time for the spell; the mage reading the scroll pays the normal energy cost. No skill roll is required when the spell is read unless it is Resisted. In that case, roll using the skill level of the mage who wrote the scroll.

Pronunciation is important when reading a scroll aloud! If the mage reading the scroll has Accented spoken comprehension of the scroll’s language, the scroll casts its spell at a -1 penalty; if he has Broken spoken comprehension, the scroll casts at -3. If he has None, he cannot articulate the words properly and cannot cast the spell.

A scroll can be read silently, to see what it says. Any mage who understands the language will know what spell it is supposed to be. This does not cast the spell! Spells may be written on any material, but parchment is traditional. Damage to a scroll does not affect its power as long as the scroll is legible.

Time to cast: The number of days needed to write a scroll is equal to the energy cost required to cast the spell originally (base cost for area spells), not counting any bonuses for skill. Multiply this by $33 (or the setting’s usual per-point enchantment rate; see pp. 21-22) to get the normal market value of the scroll.

Example: The Rear Vision spell normally costs 3 energy to cast. A Rear Vision scroll would take 3 full days to write, and would normally cost $100. At the end of the writing time, the GM rolls against the writer’s skill with Scroll or the spell being written – whichever is lower. A successful roll means the spell is good. A failure means the scroll will not work. A critical failure means it will cast a flawed spell!

Duration: As long as the spell would normally last. The mage who reads the scroll can maintain the spell, if it could normally be maintained.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and must have at least Accented written comprehension in the language the scroll is to be written in. A mage may not write a scroll for a spell he does not know.

Hex: Enchantment

Makes the item impossible to put down/take off/get out of/etc. In itself, this effect is merely inconvenient, and can even be useful – for instance, you will never drop a hexed weapon, and a hexed pair of glasses will never fall off. However, if the hexed object has another malign spell on it, it becomes much more dangerous. The hex effect is “always on.”

To escape from a hexed object, you must remove or suppress the enchantment, find someone to cast a Remove Curse spell, or amputate the body part involved. Attempts to break or cut off the hexed item will fail (or result in amputation). GMs should permit this rule to have illogical results, if necessary, to keep the hexed object on the victim. Hexes aren’t logical!

A hex may be limited by a Link or Password spell. For instance, a ring could be made with a Hex, the Strike Blind spell, and the password “Gesundheit.” Anyone wearing the ring would go blind – but should they say the magic word, the ring would fall off!

Energy cost to create: 200.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Power: Enchantment

Makes a magic item partially or completely “self-powered.” Each point of Power reduces the energy cost to cast or to maintain any spell on the item by one. Halve this bonus in a low-mana area (round down); double it in a high- or very-high-mana area. Power has no effect on the energy cost of the user’s spells!

If Power reduces the cost to maintain a spell to zero, treat the item as “always on” after the cost to cast is paid – but the wearer must stay awake to maintain the spell. If Power reduces the cost to cast to zero, the item is “always on” for all purposes, although the owner may turn it off if he wishes.

Energy Cost: See table below.

Power Cost
1 point 500
2 points 1,000
3 points 2,000
4 points 4,000

Double the cost for each additional point. May be recast at a higher level, as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Recover Energy.

Speed: Enchantment

Decreases the casting time of any other enchantments on an item enchanted with Speed. Each point of Speed cuts the casting time in half, just as high skill does for a mage. If the casting time is reduced below 1 second, the item can be used to cast the spell without concentration. Energy Cost: See table below.

Speed Cost
1 point 500
2 points 1,000
3 points 2,000
4 points 4,000

Double the cost for each additional point. May be recast at a higher level, as per Accuracy (p. 65).

Prerequisites: Enchant and Haste.

Remove Enchantment: Enchantment

Takes one enchantment spell off the subject item. This does not affect other enchantments on that same item. Exception: A failed attempt to remove a Limiting Enchantment removes all enchantments from the item.

Skill modifiers: -3 if the caster does not know how to cast the enchantment he is trying to remove. -3 if he does not know exactly what that spell is. -3 for each other spell on the item. These are cumulative.

Duration: Removal is permanent.

Cost: 100 or 1/10 of the cost to place the enchantment originally, whichever is more.

Time to cast: see Enchanting (p. 16).

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Suspend Enchantment: Enchantment

As Remove Enchantment, but the enchantment is merely suppressed. It seems to vanish, but reappears when the Suspend Enchantment spell ends. If anyone attempts to study or detect a suspended enchantment, it resists the information spell at -5.

Skill modifiers: -3 if the caster does not know how to cast the enchantment he is trying to suspend. -3 if he does not know exactly what that spell is. -3 for each other spell on the item. These are cumulative.

Duration: One hour.

Cost: 25 or 1/100 of the cost to place the enchantment originally, whichever is more. Half this amount to maintain.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Resist Enchantment: Enchantment

An item enchanted with this spell resists attempts to enchant it further, imposing a penalty on the enchantment skill roll. Further, this enchantment itself resists any attempt to remove or suspend it, imposing twice the regular penalty.

It is possible for the enchanter to set Resist Enchantment to not resist specific further enchantments, but the enchanter himself must cast those spells or be present for the entire casting.

Energy Cost: See table below.

Penalty Cost
-1 50
-2 100
-3 200
-4 500
-5 1,000

Prerequisite: Any Limiting Enchantment.

Lesser Wish (VH): Enchantment

This spell, like the more powerful Wish spells (below), must be cast on a ring, amulet, or jewel. The wearer of that item may then specify the result of any one die roll made in his presence, just before that roll is made – except a die roll involving magic. This is not an “action.” It takes no time, and may be done at any time. Once used, a wish is lost.

Only one roll or action can be affected by one wish; you could use a wish on your attack roll or on the damage, but not both. GMs should feel free to disallow any wish use that they consider abusive or imbalancing.

Cost: 180.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Talisman: Enchantment

A talisman is an item that grants the wearer a one-time boon when attacked by a specific spell or nonmagical attack or affliction. The talisman’s enchantment adds to the resistance roll, attribute check, or defense roll against its specific attack or affliction. The talisman is always “on” while worn by or in physical contact with its owner; otherwise it is inactive. It lasts until the thing it protects against happens; then it loses its enchantment. Talismans may protect against disease, arrows, curses, lightning, and other calamities.

Although most talismans are created using pieces of jewelry, any item may be so enchanted. It is even possible to tattoo a talisman onto its wearer! When creating a talisman against a spell, the enchanter uses the lower of his skills with Talisman and the spell being opposed.

Each protection is a different spell, to be learned separately. Talismans also work against variants of the base spell: a talisman against Fireball also works against Explosive Fireball.

Alchemists can create magical objects called talismans; they are, however, not the same as the items produced by this spell.

Energy Cost: See table below.

Protection Cost
1 point 15
2 points 45
3 points 90
4 points 150

Prerequisites: Enchant and the spell to be opposed by the talisman (if any).

Amulet: Enchantment

An amulet is an item that grants the wearer magic resistance against a specific spell. Amulets are often enchanted with several Amulet spells, to cover a wide spectrum of effects. Although most amulets are pieces of jewelry, any item may be so enchanted. It is even possible to tattoo an amulet onto its wearer!

The enchanter uses the lower of his skills with Amulet and the spell being opposed. Amulets also work against variants of the base spell: an amulet against Fireball also works against Explosive Fireball.

Alchemists can create magical objects called amulets; although they have a similar function, they are not the same as the items produced by this spell.

Energy cost to cast: 50 per point of magic resistance the amulet grants (maximum of 5).

Prerequisite: The appropriate Talisman spell (that is, to learn the Amulet spell to protect from Panic, the caster must know the Talisman spell for Panic).

Adjustable Clothing: Enchantment

Causes an item of clothing to adjust to fit whoever wears it, within limits. The adjustment occurs as the wearer begins to put it on, so the enchantment won’t be discovered if someone picks up the item and immediately discards it as “obviously” the wrong size. When removed, the item returns to its original size. The change in size does change weight as well; an object that doubled in size would increase in weight eightfold.

This enchantment is rare; few enchanters need to make “any size fits all” enchanted clothing. It is sometimes found in extremely expensive theatrical costumes. It is also used when the item is intended to outlive its original wearer, and often commissioned for intended heirlooms.

Energy cost to cast: The cost to enchant a cloth shirt or pair of pants that can increase or decrease in every dimension by 10% is 50. This cost varies widely depending on size, materials, and adaptability; round fractions up.

For gloves, boots, shoes, a belt, a hat, or similar small items, halve the cost. For something ring or earring-sized, use one-third cost. For overalls, or a full-length gown, double cost. For a pressure suit or other item that literally covers the whole body, triple the cost.

An item with a few incidental metal parts (zippers, buttons, etc.) counts as “cloth,” as does thin leather. Leather thick enough to have DR doubles cost. Scale armor, chainmail, or similar items triple the cost. Plate armor and other solid metal clothing multiply cost by five. For exceptionally light clothing (a veil or lingerie), halve cost.

If the item can adjust in size by 25%, double cost. If it can halve or double in size, triple cost. If it can decrease to 1/5 size, or grow to five times size, quadruple cost.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Reshape.

Golem (VH): Enchantment

Create and animate a permanent servant or warrior. Golems make excellent warriors; they never grow tired, and are immune to stunning, pain, and the like. Likewise, there is no known spell to “steal” a golem from its maker. The spell is permanent; the golem is “always on.” A golem follows verbal orders from its maker; the maker may instruct it to obey others. It understands only one language (which must be spoken by the caster). It takes no initiative, and ignores any situation for which it has been given no orders. However, it never forgets anything it sees or is told.

Golems do not heal on their own, and are destroyed if reduced to -HP. They may be repaired with Healing spells (except Resurrection) if cast by the golem’s creator. There is no other way to repair a golem. To create a golem, the creator must make its body – doing all the work himself – then animate it with this spell. Once animated, a golem lasts until reduced to 0 HP or until its creator commands it to cease functioning. No concentration or maintenance is required to control a golem.

A basic clay golem (see below) costs 250 energy to enchant. A more powerful golem costs an additional 2 energy for every extra character point of abilities added to the golem. In most cases, additional abilities should be restricted to extra ST, HP, and DR (a rule of thumb: 20 points of energy buys 1 ST, 5 HP, or 2 DR); however, GMs may allow more sweeping changes to the basic golem if they feel comfortable doing so. More powerful golems may require more durable (and more costly) materials, adding to the cost and time required to create the golem’s body. (Optionally, the GM may allow less powerful golems; golems worth less than 0 points cost 2 less energy for every character point below zero, to a minimum of 130 energy.)

Energy cost to cast: 250 or more.

Prerequisites: Enchant, Shape Earth, and Animation. Other spells may be necessary to work with unusual materials, such as Shape Plant for a wood golem or Restoration for a flesh golem.

Clay Golem

Clay is the default material for golems; it is easily molded, both physically and supernaturally. Golem enchanters often go on to work with more difficult materials – stone, plastic, flesh – but if a golem is needed in a hurry, most enchanters return to clay.

Clay Golem [0]

Attribute Modifiers: ST+5 [50]; DX+1 [20]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT+4 [40].

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood) [45]; Single-Minded [5]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5].

Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Reprogrammable [-10]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Unnatural [-50]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25].

Features: Neither has nor spends Fatigue Points.

Skills: 10 points of skills appropriate to the golem’s intended function [10].

Impression Blocker: Enchantment

Seeker and related spells require an object associated with the item or person sought in order to work. The Impression Blocker Enchantment creates a container that allows people to carry items without them becoming “associated” with the carrier.

An object in a closed blocker container retains the impressions it had when the container was shut. If removed, handled briefly, and replaced, the object will acquire a very faint impression of the handler, but it won’t be enough for a Seeker spell unless the handler does so once a day for decades. It is possible for an object in a blocker container still to be useful; for example, a book open to an important page, and stored in a glass container, can still be read! At sufficiently advanced tech levels, a “waldo” or remote-manipulation box can be enchanted, allowing handling of the object without opening the box.

In some settings, these containers can also be used to preserve evidence. If an object is owned for one person for a long time, and then transferred to a new owner, the original owner’s impressions may wear off. A blocker container preserves the original owner’s impressions. (In other settings, impressions never wear off; they just accumulate, so an item can be used to cast Seeker on any previous owner.)

Energy cost to cast: 20 per pound of capacity, minimum 20.

Prerequisites: Enchant, Seeker, and Scrywall.

Malefice (VH): Enchantment

Through this foul enchantment, the caster can put a victim under his thrall. He must fashion a doll (usually out of wax, but clay, straw, and other materials may be appropriate with the GM’s permission) with something personally relevant to the target imbedded in it. Parts of the body (nail clippings, hair, blood, spittle, etc.) allow a casting at base skill. Other items allow a casting at a varying penalty; for example, threads from a shirt worn for years might be worth -2, while dirt from a fresh footprint might be worth -6.

Malefice is a lasting spell that continues until its Endurance is reduced to 0. It starts with an Endurance equal to its caster’s effective skill.

The doll can be used by its maker (and no one else) to cast harmful spells (such as Pain) on the target, at normal energy cost, while ignoring distance penalties. The caster uses the lower of the Malefice’s Endurance and his skill with the channeled spell. The target resists all such attacks, even if the spell is normally not Resisted (spells without normal resistance rules are Resisted by HT when cast through a Malefice doll).

If the victim resists the very first spell cast upon him through the doll, the enchantment is immediately broken. Otherwise, every successful resistance simply weakens the Malefice, reducing its Endurance by 1. Upon reaching Endurance 0, the Malefice dissipates (though the doll is still a viable item for re-enchantment, and its magical association with the target offsets one point of casting penalty). A critical failure by the channeled spell or a critical success by the subject also breaks the enchantment, reducing the doll’s Endurance to zero.

Destroying the doll breaks the spell, but it also inflicts on the target a Deathtouch of as many dice as the Malefice’s current Endurance divided by 5 (round down, maximum of 3d). This damage occurs as long as the Malefice has any Endurance remaining. Remove Curse frees the target from the Malefice without harm to him.

Energy cost to cast: 250. The wax and special ingredients cost $500.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Seeker.

Ensorcel (VH): Enchantment; Special Resistance

An ensorcelment is a durable spell, usually malign but sometimes beneficial, cast on a single being. The process requires something that is personally relevant to the subject; use the modifiers listed under Malefice.

The caster’s spell roll is determined by the lower of his skills with this spell and the specific spell being placed on the subject. If the caster has assistants, their skills with both spells must be 15 or greater, but the roll is based on the caster’s skill.

Possible ensorcelments include quite a few Body or Mind Control spells and others such as Shapeshift Other, Flesh to Stone, the various “Body of” spells, Walk on Air, the various “Resist” spells, Hide, Invisibility, the various “Vision” spells and Plant Form Other. In all cases, it must be a maintainable Regular spell.

When the spell is cast, the subject gets a resistance roll if the object spell allows one; distance is not a factor. Remove Curse is effective against any ensorcelment.

The cost of the enchantment can be reduced if the caster includes an “escape clause” – a particular action or condition that will break the spell. Examples include speaking a magic word, being kissed as a gesture of true love, abstaining from speech for three years, and so on. The value of the energy reduction depends on just how difficult the condition will be to meet – and the “escape clause” must be at least possible to be worth any reduction. The “discount” can be anything from 10% (for truly difficult or unlikely conditions) to 90% (for something that the subject could easily and automatically do, and easily discover).

Energy cost to cast: 200 times the casting cost of the spell being placed on the subject.

Prerequisite: Malefice.

Spell Stone: Enchantment

A spell stone stores a spell until someone (even a nonmage) uses it. The stone’s user concentrates for a second while crushing the spell stone in his hand, thus casting the spell. At the beginning of his next turn, roll against the spell stone’s Power. If the roll is successful, the spell is cast. If it is failed, the stone is simply wasted. If the stone is crushed without the requisite second of concentration, it is likewise wasted.

The spell’s energy is included in the enchantment; none is required of the user, who also may not opt to supply any power to maintain the spell. Likewise, he may not cancel the spell once cast, although the creator of the stone may specify a shorter duration than ordinary and may also invest extra energy into the enchantment so that the spell will maintain itself. A person may use only one spell stone per second.

A spell stone must be made from a jewel worth $10xP2 + $40xP, where P is the maximum energy of the spell that may be contained.

Any spell except a Blocking or Enchantment spell may be stored in a spell stone. Limiting Enchantments may be put on the stone. If the spell stored in the stone requires that the caster know another spell (Counterspell, for instance), that other spell must be specified at creation time. It is thus possible to create a spell stone that will counter one specific spell, but it is impossible to create a generic Counterspell spell stone.

It is also possible to create spell stones which, when crushed, do not cast the spell for the user, but on him! Analyze Magic reveals which spell a spell stone contains, whether the spell will be cast for or on the caster, how much energy was invested, etc. (one question per casting).

Energy cost to cast: 20 times the spell’s casting cost, including maintenance cost if so desired.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Delay.

Wish (VH): Enchantment

Allows the wisher to change the very recent past. It erases any just-made die roll – except a die roll for spell casting – and replaces it with the wisher’s desired roll. The restrictions on use for Lesser Wish also apply to Wish.

Cost: 250.

Prerequisites: Lesser Wish and at least one spell in each of 15 different colleges.

Hideaway: Enchantment

When cast on an object, Hideaway makes it larger inside than it is outside. Can be used on a pocket, pouch, drawer, pitcher – anything that can normally hold other things. The caster may add any amount of pound-capacity he can afford, while increasing the size of the “inside” by 2 cubic feet for each pound; the extra space may be hidden by a false bottom, etc. Depending on the energy used to cast the spell, objects within the Hideaway may or may not count as encumbrance. The contents vanish forever if the object is destroyed. The time required to find an object in a Hideaway depends on how deep it is!

A large enough Hideaway could hold a person. There is no problem with air unless the Hideaway is sealed off.

Energy cost to cast: 50 per pound of extra capacity if the objects count as encumbrance; 100 if they do not.

Prerequisite: Enchant, Create Object, and Lighten.

Leak: Enchantment

A perversion of the Cornucopia spell. The bag, purse, quiver, backpack, or other container enchanted will have an uncanny tendency to “lose” whatever is put in it (coins, arrows, clothes, etc.). A Leaky purse would lose a coin or two a day, a Leaky quiver would lose an arrow or two a day, a Leaky back-pack would lose a piece of equipment once in a while… The lost items may “drop” out of the container, be whisked away by thieving magpies, or magically vanish into thin air (as the GM’s fancy takes him). Living beings are unaffected.

Energy cost to cast: 100.

Prerequisite: Hideaway.

Simulacrum (VH): Enchantment

Create a golem in the exact image of a particular victim. The golem must be prepared for a specific target; this requires the incorporation of something from the original’s body (hair, blood, etc.) into the creation. Otherwise, any materials appropriate for golems (clay, stone, flesh, etc.) may be used, along with any other materials that the GM approves. An appropriate Shape spell or Artist (Sculpting) skill roll at -10 is necessary to achieve a good likeness – the caster need not do this himself. The simulacrum, once enchanted, appears identical to the target (including such details as eye color and skin tone) through a sort of always-on Perfect Illusion Disguise.

The simulacrum has the same attributes as the underlying golem. Golems intended as simulacra are often designed with higher IQ than ordinary golems, to improve the deception.

Once the simulacrum is activated, it takes on the persona and knowledge of the target, as the caster perceives them. That is, the Simulacrum cannot know something that the target does if the caster didn’t. IQ rolls may be required of the caster as challenges come up (what was the name of his great-uncle, anyway?). Like any golem, the simulacrum is under the direct control of the caster.

Time to build body: As for the underlying golem, adding a week of work.

Energy cost to activate: Double that of the underlying golem.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Golem, Perfect Illusion, and Illusion Disguise.

Doppelgänger (VH): Enchantment

A Doppelgänger is a duplicate of a person, fabricated through powerful magic. The Doppelgänger must be prepared for a specific target; both a sample of the target’s body (hair, blood, etc.) and a cherished personal possession of the target are required. A statue of the original must be sculpted, using some pure elemental “material” – pure ice or snow from a mountaintop, stone or fire from the bowels of a volcano, and so on are all appropriate materials. The likeness is achieved with an appropriate Shape spell or Artist (Sculpting) skill roll at -10.

The Doppelgänger has all the attributes, skills, and knowledge of the original, with the exception of magic; it has no Magery and cannot cast any spells. It gets its knowledge from the embedded object; anything that the History spell could divine, it will know. It acts as the original would, had the Doppelgänger’s creator enslaved him. Suspend Curse paralyzes it, and Remove Curse destroys it. When destroyed, all that is left is a mass of the original material (a puddle of water, a mound of earth, a sudden rush of flames) and the personal possession.

It is very difficult to detect the trickery. Whenever the GM judges an Information spell does not altogether fail to tell the copy from the original, he should let the Doppelgänger spell resist. The Aura spell and the Empathy advantage would be Resisted, for example.

Time to build body: 6 weeks of work.

Energy cost to activate: 1,000.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Golem, History, and Enslave.

Great Wish (VH): Enchantment

This spell can do just about anything. In particular:

(1) It can be used to cast any one spell, at no energy cost, with automatic success and no chance of resistance (for spells with variable cost, the maximum energy available is 1,000). The caster does not have to know the spell, or even have it in a book – he just has to know the spell exists. If the spell is a “continuing” one, it is up to the GM to determine how long it should last.

(2) It can permanently improve a character’s scores. It will increase any one attribute by 1 level, or any one skill or spell by 3 levels. It can also reduce an enemy’s scores, but only if that enemy is present when the wish is made.

(3) It will grant any one advantage worth 20 points or less, or remove any one disadvantage worth 20 points or less. An enemy can likewise be cursed by losing an advantage or gaining a disadvantage, but only if that enemy is present when the wish is made. The enemy does not get a chance to resist!

(4) It can do absolutely anything else that the GM feels will not ridiculously unbalance the adventure or the campaign!

Though incredibly powerful, this spell is not used often. It can never be learned at a level better than 15. Furthermore, any failed roll when creating a Great Wish costs the caster, and each helper, 1 point of IQ and 6d damage! Critical failures have toppled civilizations. Great Wishes are not normally found for sale. If they are, the price should be at least $100,000.

Cost: 2,000.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Wish, and a combined DX and IQ of 30+.

Weapon Enchantments

Unless specified otherwise, the subject of any of these spells must be a weapon, and the last person to pick the item up is its “owner.” All these spells are permanent and require no energy expenditure on the user’s part.

Bane: Enchantment

This is also considered a Limiting Enchantment (p. 68). It is used to make a magical weapon with powers that work only against one type of foe. Successfully cast before any offensive weapon enchantment, it reduces the energy cost of those spells, but they will work only against the named foe. For instance, a sword could be made that did +3 damage, but only against orcs – and this would be easier to enchant than a weapon that did +3 against everything. Note that a Bane spell cannot be removed unless the enchantments it controls are also removed.

The same caster who placed the Bane on the sword must cast the enchantments limited by the Bane. The more specific the bane (GM’s decision) the greater the reduction in the other spells’ cost(s). Banes like “All my foes” are not allowed! Examples of legal Banes:

Against a specific nation, religion, or race: Divide costs by 2.

Against a specific type of creature, or folk of a certain city: Divide costs by 3.

Against all members of one specific family: Divide costs by 4.

Against one specific foe: Divide costs by 10.

Energy cost to cast: 100. The caster must also possess some item or relic pertaining to the person, creature, race, etc. involved.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Graceful Weapon: Enchantment

This enchantment is a toned-down version of Quick-Draw (below). The item does not become unready after attacking or parrying, even on a critical miss. If Graceful Weapon encounters Turn Blade or Bladeturning, it resists those spells with its Power.

Energy cost to cast: 150 per pound of weight (minimum 1 pound).

Prerequisites: Enchant and Apportation.


May be cast on any sort of tool – not just a weapon.

Loyal Sword: Enchantment

The subject weapon seeks to return to the wearer’s hand if it is dropped or thrown – even if the wearer becomes unable to fight. When dropped, it returns on the next turn, as though Quick-Drawn (below). When thrown, it flies until it hits something or falls to the ground, and then returns in as straight a line as possible, with a Move of 12. It avoids enemies and obstacles when returning! If its owner dies, it returns to the body – but after that, it becomes loyal to the next person to pick it up.

A loyal weapon can be trapped, captured out of the air, etc., while returning, but it requires a DX-4 roll to catch it, and its constant attempts to return to its owner give anyone else a -4 to fight with it.

A loyal weapon can be sold or given away at any time, but the transaction must be wholly voluntary; it is then loyal to the new owner. It may have only one owner at a time. Limiting spells may be used to limit the class of people who can use it.

Note that if this spell is placed on a Dancing Weapon (below) it makes the Dancing Weapon spell almost worthless. The effect will be a Loyal weapon that strikes at foes on its way back to its owner (but at no other time).

Energy cost to cast: 750 per pound of the weapon (minimum 1 pound).

Prerequisites: Enchant and Apportation.


May be cast on any sort of tool – not just a weapon.

Quick-Draw: Enchantment

The weapon will leap to the owner’s hand when he wants it, becoming ready instantly (no Ready maneuver required!). Only the owner’s mental command is required; no die roll is needed.

The enchantment does not work if the weapon is more than a yard away, or if it is tied down, peacebonded (tied into the scabbard with rope or wire), within a pack, etc. A weapon with this spell does not become unready after attacking or parrying (p. B382).

Energy cost to cast: 300 per pound of weight (minimum 1 pound); 2,000 for a quiver, bag, etc., from which ordinary missiles will leap into the wearer’s hand at need.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Apportation.


May be cast on any sort of tool – not just a weapon.

Penetrating Weapon: Enchantment

Cutting, impaling, or piercing weapons with this enchantment pass through armor as if it were butter. Specifically, the spell grants the weapon an armor divisor (p. B268). Such a weapon does not do extra damage to unarmored foes. Hardened DR defends against the armor divisor conferred by this spell as normal.

Energy cost to cast: Depends on the armor divisor conferred on the weapon.

Armor Divisor Cost
2 250
3 750
5 2,500
10 7,500
Ignores DR 25,000

Double the cost if the subject is a missile weapon (e.g., a bow). Divide the cost by 10 if subject is a missile (e.g., an arrow). If the item falls in more than one class (weapon, missile weapon, missile), use the higher enchantment cost. In addition to weapons, any sort of cutting tool may be enchanted. Note that this spell may be recast at a higher level as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Find Weakness.

Dancing Weapon: Enchantment

A weapon enchanted with this spell fights on its own at the owner’s command, hanging in the air as though wielded by an invisible warrior. It has a skill of 15, a Basic Speed of 5, and a ST (for damage purposes) equal to its Power. It uses intelligent strategy and follows its owner’s spoken or mental commands about which enemy to attack. It continues fighting until it is dealt with (see below) or its owner dies or tells it to stop. This spell does not work on a missile weapon!

Any attack on a dancing weapon is at a penalty: from -4 (for a polearm) to -5 (a sword or axe) to -6 (a dagger or pistol). If the weapon gets a critical miss, or is struck by a critical hit, it is “stunned” and out of the fight (unless it breaks, in which case it is destroyed). If its owner is killed, it falls to the floor – but if he is merely knocked unconscious, it continues to attack the closest foe. A dancing weapon can also be trapped in a net or bag (same basic roll as to hit it, but the GM can give bonuses or penalties depending on the cleverness of the method used).

The weapon can also be left with orders to attack anyone who approaches within a certain distance; a Link can be used to activate it only if a certain event takes place. Once activated, if its owner is not around, it attacks anyone in range – closest first, unless the Link had other instructions.

A dancing weapon cannot change owners while animated; grasping the handle of a dancing weapon is not enough to make it change sides.

Energy cost to cast: 1,000 per pound of the weapon’s weight (minimum 1 pound). Double the cost to get a weapon with a Basic Speed of 6, or with skill of 18. Multiply cost by 4 to get a weapon with both advantages.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Dancing Object.

Defending Weapon: Enchantment

The subject weapon permits its wielder to parry more skillfully; each level of enchantment will give the wielder a +1 to Parry, up to a maximum of +3. The spell does not protect the weapon from being broken (p. B401).

If this enchantment is combined with Dancing Weapon, the weapon attacks opponents engaged with the owner and wards off blows from attackers when possible. It uses the weapon’s skill as per Dancing Weapon, plus this spell’s bonus. The owner can command it to defend a given side of him (much like Dancing Shield) and to either defend (in which case it gets two parries per turn) or attack (in which case it gets a single attack and a single parry each turn). If a dancing, defending weapon does not parry a blow, the owner may still use any of his own applicable defenses.

This spell can only be cast on a balanced weapon that can normally parry.

Energy cost to cast: 500 for +1 to parry, 1,000 for +2, and 2,000 for +3. The spell may be recast at a higher level as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Dancing Object.

Weapon Spirit (VH): Enchantment

Transfers the personality and some of the intelligence of a recently deceased being (humanoid or not – dogs are popular subjects) to a weapon, usually a sword. The enchantment is at -1 for each full day that elapsed between the donor’s death and the beginning of the enchantment. Most of the body must be present at the beginning of the enchantment, but may disposed of after it commences.

The enchanter can pass on as little or as much of the donor’s IQ as he wishes to the weapon, as well as some of the donor’s skills, advantages, and disadvantages. The weapon has no memory of its former existence. Although it has no sensory organs, it possesses sight and hearing (Per 10). Quirks (or disadvantages reduced to quirk level) are sometimes transferred from the donor to the weapon, whether the enchanter wants them or not (this is why dogs are popular; their personalities tend to make biddable but effective weapons).

The weapon can communicate with its wielder through an extremely basic empathy. When the wielder takes a course of action the weapon approves of, he gets a “good feeling,” and if he takes one the weapon disapproves of, he gets an equivalent “bad feeling.” The weapon may be enchanted with the Voices spell to give it a voice. Various Communication and Empathy enchantments may be added to the weapon to enhance the communication.

Each time it gets a new wielder, the weapon must make a single reaction roll, which sets the tone for its relationship with the wielder from that point on. On a very good reaction, the weapon will do literally anything for its wielder; on a very bad one, it refuses to communicate or cooperate in any way. The GM should record the result; the weapon cannot be forced to roll a new reaction by being passed back and forth between wielders!

The weapon’s skills cannot be improved, although skills such as History or Area Knowledge may be kept current through the absorption of new knowledge.

Energy cost to cast: 100 per point of IQ transferred, plus 25 times the CP cost of each skill, plus 50 times the total CP cost of all the advantages and disadvantages (minimum of zero). Add 300 for Voices.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Summon Spirit.

Cornucopia: Enchantment

Gives a quiver, bag of pellets, or other container of ammunition an “infinite” supply of one type of ammunition – but items must be taken out by hand, one at a time. Each missile exists for one minute after being removed from the container; then it vanishes (or, if picked up by anyone but the Cornucopia’s owner, it vanishes immediately). Therefore, this spell cannot be used to make a single quiver supply enough arrows for an army! It cannot be cast on a weapon. A high-tech wizard could create a pouch that always contained one armor-piercing tracer shell; he could not enchant a .50-caliber machinegun to fire forever.

Energy cost to cast: This is tricky, because skillful players will find many creative ways to pervert this item. GMs who find Cornucopia a nuisance may ban it entirely. In general: Energy cost is equal to 50 times the $ value, in the current game world, of the missile provided by the Cornucopia quiver. Thus, a quiver that provided ordinary arrows ($2 each) would cost 100 energy to create.

This means that a mage in a medieval world could not make a “quiver” for high-tech ammo; that ammo is priceless in his world. A Cornucopia quiver can be made to produce magic arrows, but only if the creating mage is capable of making such an arrow – and the energy cost will be tremendous.

Prerequisites: Enchant and two other Weapon Enchantment spells.

Quick-Aim: Enchantment

The subject missile weapon (bow, sling, etc) gains uncanny responsiveness; in game terms, an Aim action taken with the subject weapon has the effect of two turns of aiming.

Energy cost to cast: 100. For 200 energy, one Aim action may count for three turns of aiming. Halve the cost if subject is a missile (e.g., a javelin or throwing axe). The enchantment doesn’t work on ammunition (like arrows). Note that this spell may be recast at a higher level as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Grace.

Accuracy: Enchantment

Makes a weapon more likely to hit by adding to the user’s effective skill. Cost: See table below. Divide cost by 10 if the subject is a missile (e.g., an arrow or a bullet).

Bonus Cost
+1 250
+2 1,000
+3 5,000

Prerequisites: Enchant and at least five Air spells.

Note: If a weapon already has this spell at a low level, a caster may recast the spell at a higher level (making the weapon more accurate). The cost for the new spell is the difference between the levels; the “old” spell does not add to the item’s resistance to the “new” one.

Puissance: Enchantment

Adds to the basic damage a weapon does when it hits. Cost: See table below. Divide cost by 10 if the subject is a missile (e.g., an arrow or a bullet). Double cost if the subject is a missile weapon (e.g., a bow or a gun).

Damage Bonus Cost
+1 250
+2 1,000
+3 5,000

May be recast at a higher level, as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and at least five Earth spells.

Ghost Weapon: Enchantment

A weapon enchanted with this spell affects ghosts (and other insubstantial beings and spirits) as if they were tangible. If the weapon itself is made intangible (through whatever means the GM deems feasible), the weapon still affects the physical world at the whim of its wielder.

Energy cost to cast: 250 per pound of weight (minimum 1 pound).

Prerequisites: Enchant and Solidify.

Spell Arrow: Enchantment

Similar to a Spell Stone, a spell arrow stores a spell until it is fired. The archer need not be a mage. The arrow’s user must concentrate for the appropriate time to cast to “arm” the spell. This cannot be simultaneous with aiming the bow, and isn’t reduced by high skill (but see Speed Skill Arrow, below). An unused spell arrow disarms after 1 minute. The spell activates when the arrow hits a solid object; roll against the effective skill of the arrow’s enchanter. If the roll is successful, the spell is cast. If it is a normal failure, the spell is simply wasted. Critical failures go to the Critical Spell Failure Table (p. 7). If the arrow is fired without the required concentration, the spell is wasted, but the arrow still does normal damage.

The spell’s energy is included in the enchantment. The archer need not (and cannot) provide any to cast the spell or maintain it. Similarly, the archer may not cancel the spell once cast, though the enchanter may specify a shorter duration than normal, and may also invest extra energy so the spell will maintain itself.

The head of a spell arrow must contain a jewel worth $10xP2 + $40xP, where P is the maximum energy of the contained spell. The gem is destroyed when the spell activates. (The rest of the arrow may be recoverable, but is now nonmagical.)

Any spell that can be enchanted into a magic item can be placed in a spell arrow, except for Blocking spells, Enchantment spells, Melee spells, or spells whose magic item description specifies “must touch.” Note that some permissible spells are pointless (e.g., Beast-Soother), since the archer must hit the target with an arrow anyway. Enchantments may be placed on the arrow itself normally, including limiting enchantments.

The only decision the archer can make is what he’s aiming at. If the spell requires a subject, whatever the arrow hits is the subject. (If it is not a legal subject – e.g., a wooden wall for Strike Blind – the spell is wasted.) What constitutes a “solid object” may require the GM’s judgment (for example, drops of rain are not enough to trigger the spell). If it is an Area spell, the point of impact is the center of the area. If it is a Missile spell, the effect is as if the missile hit the target, in addition to the arrow (the missile does not launch itself from the point of impact). If the spell creates an object, the object appears as close as possible to the point of impact. If the spell would normally affect both a subject and the caster (e.g., (Animal) Control) the archer is treated as the caster. If the spell requires a human target, the spell still works even if the arrow hits clothing instead of skin. The enchanter specifies everything else: duration, area, precise effect, etc.

Analyze Magic can reveal what spell a spell arrow contains, how much energy was invested, and so on (one question per casting). Arrows intended for the consumer market are usually color-coded.

Energy cost to cast: 30 times the contained spell’s casting cost, including maintenance cost if desired, so long as the item is an arrow or crossbow bolt.

The GM may decide this spell can work on other kinds of missiles (e.g., bullets). If so, for those missiles, multiply the contained spell’s casting cost by 1/10 the missile’s Max range, instead of 30. If the missile should pass beyond the Max range (for example, if fired from a more powerful gun) the spell is wasted. (This last rules does not apply to actual arrows and bolts.) Note that the need for a jewel still applies to bullets!

Prerequisite: Spell Stone.

Blank Spell Arrow (VH): Enchantment

This enchantment creates a spell arrow with no spell stored. Instead, any spellcaster may, at a later date, place a spell in the blank spell arrow, and then use it as if it were a normal spell arrow.

Blank spell arrows have a capacity, representing the energy cost of the largest spell they can hold. When a spellcaster wishes to use the arrow, he casts the spell normally, but directs it into the arrow. If the spell is too big for the arrow, it is wasted. After the arrow has been filled, it must be used within one day (by the spellcaster or someone else), or the spell dissipates harmlessly, making the arrow blank again.

All other rules for spell arrows also apply to blank spell arrows, with one exception. If the caster of the spell is also the archer, he can determine its effect at firing time, and maintain it normally. (He cannot put more or less casting energy into the spell at firing; casting energy must be in the arrow.) Energy cost to cast: 30 times the desired capacity. The Spell Arrow rules for non-arrow missiles apply to Blank Spell Arrow as well.

Prerequisite: Spell Arrow.

Speed Spell Arrow: Enchantment

This spell can only be cast on missiles enchanted with Spell Arrow. Like the Speed enchantment, it reduces the time the archer must concentrate to activate the contained spell. Each level of Speed Spell Arrow halves the concentration time. If time is reduced below 1 second, no concentration is required.

Cost: See table below.

Speed Cost
1 50
2 100
3 200

Double the cost for each additional point. May be recast at a higher level, as per Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Speed, Spell Arrow.

Armor Enchantments

These spells work only on clothing, armor, and shields. They are “always on” and are excellent protection. The drawback is that when the item is badly enough damaged, the spell also vanishes. Keep track of the number of times the item is penetrated by enemy blows. When it has been penetrated (DRx5) times, using natural DR, it is damaged enough that the enchantment leaves. If the clothing has no natural DR – e.g., a cotton shirt enchanted into armor – it loses its power after the fifth penetration.

Ordinary repairs may fix the item but do not count against the number of penetrations for purposes of deciding when the enchantment wears off. However, the Repair spell restores the item to its original state. The energy costs listed are for a full suit of armor; individual pieces of armor cost a fraction of the full-suit price (see box).

Fortify: Enchantment

Increases the DR of clothing or a suit of armor.

Cost: See table below.

DR Bonus Cost
+1 50
+2 200
+3 800
+4 3,000
+5 8,000

The spell can be recast to strengthen it, as per Accuracy.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Deflect: Enchantment

Adds a Defense Bonus to armor, clothing, a shield, or a weapon. This adds to all active defense rolls made by the user.

Cost: See table below.

DB Cost
+1 100
+2 500
+3 2,000
+4 8,000
+5 20,000

This spell can be recast to strengthen it, as per Accuracy.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Lighten: Enchantment

Makes armor or shields lighter and easier to carry. The subject becomes lighter only when it is actually being worn. Armor in a backpack would still have its full weight.

Energy cost to cast: 100 to cut the item’s weight by 25%. 500 to cut its weight in half.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Dancing Shield: Enchantment

A shield enchanted with this spell protects its owner as if wielded by an invisible shield-bearer. The shield has Shield-16, Basic Speed 5, and ST equal to the Power of the enchantment (for bashing purposes). It follows its owner’s mental or spoken instructions as to which side to guard. If the owner is knocked out, the shield continues protecting him to the best of its abilities. If the owner dies, the shield falls to the ground.

The shield can Block two different attacks per turn, regardless of its owner’s actions (so the owner could parry any blow that got by the shield, for instance). The shield can be instructed to bash (p. B406), in which case its owner forfeits the shield’s protection until the beginning of his next turn (the shield will travel no more than two yards from the owner to bash).

The shield can be attacked at a penalty of its DB-4. The shield’s defense will be either a Block (using Shield/2) or a Dodge (using Speed); it does not get any DB bonus from itself. The shield could also be netted or bagged (standard to-hit roll). If the shield gets a critical miss or is struck by a critical hit, it is stunned and out of the fight until its owner grasps it and “wakes it up” (a Ready maneuver). The shield loses its magic if destroyed; if penetrated by an impaling or piercing weapon, it loses one point each of Power, Shield skill, and Basic Speed. As always, if Power drops below 15, the item ceases to function.

Energy cost to cast: 250 per pound of the shield’s weight (minimum 1 pound). Double the cost to enchant a shield with Speed 6 or Skill 18. Quadruple the cost to get both. This spell may be recast at a higher level as with Accuracy (p. 65), either to improve or repair the Shield. Prerequisites: Enchant and Dancing Object.

Defending Shield: Enchantment

The enchanted shield allows its wielder to block more skillfully; each level of enchantment gives the wielder a +1 to Block, up to a maximum of +3. The spell may not be combined with Dancing Shield.

Energy cost to cast: 500 for +1 to Block, 1,000 for +2, and 2,000 for +3.

Cost: See table below.

Block Bonus Cost
+1 500
+2 1000
+3 2,000

The spell may be recast at a higher level as with Accuracy.

Prerequisites: Enchant and Grace.

Limiting Enchantments

All these enchantments limit the way that enchanted items work. The GM should make sure that he gets the details in writing, to avoid arguments about when or how an item can work. Since these spells merely limit the way other spells work, they never add an energy cost for the user.

These spells are hard to remove. Name, Password, and Bane cannot be removed unless the spells they limit are also removed. Limit and Link resist removal at +5, and any failure may be treated as “critical.” This can remove all spells on the item, strengthen the limit, or have any other result the GM feels is inconvenient for the clumsy mage.

If an item has multiple spells on it, including one or more limiting spells, the mage casting each new spell determines whether it governs (or is governed by) previous spells. For instance, a named sword might have +3 against orcs for any user, but act as a Dancing Sword only for one who knew its name.

Limit: Enchantment

The enchanted item works only for the user, or class of users, specified by the caster when the Limit is cast. This class of users may be as simple or complex as the caster wishes. A Limit spell may affect all the spells on the item, or just some of them.

Energy cost to cast: 200.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Name: Enchantment

Gives a magical name to an enchanted object. The magic of the subject functions only for someone who knows its name. The user must speak the item’s name the first time he tries to use it, to show he knows the name.

Energy cost to cast: 400, or 200 if the name is written on the item. It must be readable (GM’s decision). It may be small, hidden, or even disguised, but a person examining the item must be able to see it. This provision is a major reason for the popularity of dead and obscure languages among wizards – writing your item’s name on it in an extinct language is almost as safe as not writing it at all, and much cheaper.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Password: Enchantment

The reverse of the Name enchantment. A magical item with a Password functions unless the Password is spoken. If the Password is spoken, the item will be inert until the next time its powers would normally be invoked – or for one minute (choice of person making the item). An item may have some spells that are passworded and others that are not. The details, of course, depend on the spell.


(a) a magic ring that gave the power of flight – but puts the wearer in Suspended Animation unless the password was used;

(b) a Pentagram that can be “turned off” with a word;

© a Dancing Sword that stops swinging for one minute if the password is said. Energy cost to cast: 400. Halve this cost if the password is written on the item (must be readable).

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Link: Enchantment

Same as the “Item” description under Meta-Spells.

Attune: Enchantment

This limiting enchantment, a derivative of Bane, makes a magic item work better against a specific target. It works on any Resisted spell, providing a penalty to the target’s resistance roll. If enchanted into a magic item before the spell to be affected, the cost to enchant the affected spell is halved.

The enchanter must possess something connected to the target. The accuracy of the symbolic representation determines the penalty to the resistance roll.

In every case but the last, the representation must be incorporated into the magic item, though it need not remain intact (e.g., a videotape may be crushed to powder). If the target is present, presumably he has either been misled as to the purpose of the enchantment, or has agreed to it for more complex reasons (for instance, he’s worried he might run amok in the future).

The downside of this enchantment is that, when the item is used against other targets, they get a +5 to their resistance roll. An Attune Enchantment cannot be removed from an item unless the enchantment or enchantments it controls are removed first.

Energy Cost to Cast: 100.

Prerequisite: Bane.

Symbolic Representation Penalty
Minimal (drawing) -2
Small belonging/piece of clothing -4
Hair or fingernail clippings -5
Photographs or blood samples -6
DNA sample or video -7
Target is present during enchantment -8

Wizardly Tools

Items enchanted with these spells can be used only by mages. All these spells are always on.

Powerstone: Enchantment

Infuses mana into an object for later use by a wizard. Traditionally, a gemstone serves as the subject of this spell (for this reason, “Powerstone” is the generic word for an object containing stored mana), but any object can potentially be used. Any wizard touching a Powerstone may take any or all of the energy it contains, using it instead of his body’s own energy to cast a spell.

Each Powerstone is said to have a “capacity.” This is the maximum amount of energy it can hold. Since a wizard can only use one Powerstone at a time, a large Powerstone is more useful than a handful of small ones. A large Powerstone can be used to cast a large spell; a group of small ones can be used one at a time to help maintain a spell, but cannot be used all at once.

A Powerstone “recharges” itself after use, by absorbing mana from the surrounding area. The rate of recharge varies with the area’s mana level.

Local Mana Recharge Rate
None None
Low 1 point/week
Normal 1 point/day
High 1 point/12 hours
Very High 1 point/6 hours

A Powerstone does not recharge if it is within six feet of a larger Powerstone. Stones of the same size split the available mana and recharge at slower speed. This unfortunate fact means that the owner of several Powerstones must let some of them out of his sight to get them recharged!

A Powerstone is enchanted one step at a time. The first time Powerstone is cast on an object, it becomes an uncharged Powerstone with capacity 1. Each additional casting increases its capacity by 1. Thus, 15 castings would create a Powerstone with a capacity of 15. But note that with this many castings, there would be a cumulative chance of nearly 1 in 4 that a critical failure would be rolled at some point, destroying the stone. For 60 successive castings, the cumulative chance of critical failure is 2 in 3!

Further, each ordinary failure while casting puts some sort of magical “quirk” on the stone. Thus, it is possible for work for months and end up with a 20-energy Powerstone that smells like fish and can only be used on Wednesdays… This makes big stones without serious flaws more valuable than others of the same strength. The quirks of a Powerstone are set by the GM, and can be used as a tool for campaign balance. Most of them will be peculiar, arbitrary limitations on how the stone can recharge (e.g., only while bathed in bat blood) or how it can be used (e.g., only on Fire spells; only by a green-eyed virgin; not by anyone wearing a hat). A severe quirk affects the user of the stone (e.g., renders him mute for an hour).

The caster knows if his spell has failed, but not what quirk his Powerstone now has. The Analyze Magic spell can determine what quirks a Powerstone has. Two failures in a row indicate that no further growth is possible for that stone.

Any object may be used to produce a Powerstone. However, it is easier to enchant a Powerstone using an item with intrinsic value. The cost to cast Powerstone is quadrupled if the item being enchanted has a value of less than $10xP^2 + $40xP, where P is the target capacity of the Powerstone. This is one reason gemstones are popular; a valuable stone is compact and durable.

A Powerstone is uncharged when created (though if it already contained energy, that energy is unaffected by a casting to increase its capacity). The energy from a Powerstone cannot be used for further enchantments on that stone – a Powerstone cannot be used to help enchant itself!

Energy cost for each casting: 20.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

“Dedicated” Powerstones

If a Powerstone is attached to an item before that item is enchanted, the Powerstone becomes a part of the magical item. It is then a “dedicated” Powerstone. The item’s user may tap its energy – but only to power the spells cast by or through that item. If a dedicated Powerstone is removed from a magical item, the magical item is automatically broken and loses its enchantment, but the Powerstone is intact, and becomes a “normal” Powerstone again. (Of course, if the Powerstone is built into the item in some way – e.g., set in a magic ring – a successful skill roll may be required to remove it without breaking it.)

The advantage of a dedicated Powerstone is that its energy, being specifically channeled, is used twice as efficiently. A one-point dedicated Powerstone gives two points of energy (but still recharges in one day in a normal-mana area).

“Exclusive” Powerstones

An item can also be made with a built-in Powerstone, in such a way that only its integral Powerstone(s) can power it. This is done exactly as for dedicated Powerstones, but the energy of an exclusive Powerstone is three times as efficient – i.e., a one-point exclusive Powerstone delivers three points of energy, but then the item is useless until the stone recharges.

One-College Powerstones

This is a variation that follows all normal Powerstone rules. A One-College Powerstone is enchanted in such a way that it can provide energy only for spells of a particular college. One-College Powerstones may not be Dedicated or Exclusive.

The advantage of a One-College Powerstone is that each casting only requires 12 energy, not 20.

Manastone (VH): Enchantment

A Manastone is an unrechargeable Powerstone. Use all normal Powerstone rules (limits by value, etc.), except that a Manastone does not recharge its power – although the item may be re-enchanted with multiple applications of the spell. If a Manastone “quirks” in enchanting, the quirks (naturally) must be appropriate to a nonrecharging object (no quirks about recharging limitations!).

Manastones have no effect on the recharge rate of nearby Powerstones.

Energy cost to cast: 5. Each casting charges the stone with a single point of energy.

Prerequisite: Enchant.

Staff: Enchantment

Enchants a magic staff – see Magic Staffs (p. 13) for details. Though many magic items must be in the form of a wand or staff, they do not have to have this spell on them. Many mages use various Limiting enchantments so that others can’t use their staffs – but this is not automatic.

Energy Cost: 30.

Prerequisite: Enchant.


Any rod-shaped piece of organic material (wood, bone, ivory, etc.) up to 6 feet long. May be decorated with other materials, like gems and precious metals. A small staff is often called a “rod,” and a very short and slender one, a “wand.”

Homunculus: Enchantment

Grow a miniature image from your flesh. This image, called a homunculus, has ST 1, DX 0, and no IQ or HT. It must be kept inside a glass bottle and fed at least 1 HP worth of human blood each day to remain alive. If the bottle is broken or submitted to intense heat or light, the homunculus dies.

Whenever he wishes, the caster can move his spirit into the homunculus, no matter how far away it is (as per Possession, p. 49), at an energy cost of 4 for the first minute and 2 for every minute thereafter. He may then observe and communicate with anyone in the homunculus’ presence. Although the caster can cast spells from the homunculus (using his own energy), he cannot perform any physical action, since the homunculus is trapped inside the bottle. The caster may return to his original body at will.

If a hostile wizard gains possession of a live homunculus, he can cast Communication and Empathy spells at the homunculus’ creator at no range penalty! The creator also resists any such spells at -5 when cast through the homunculus. A homunculus is thus a great vulnerability and is only entrusted to the most faithful of servants.

The caster may own several homunculi; he can move his spirit to only one at a time. While thus “away,” the caster’s body is very vulnerable and should be safeguarded.

Energy cost to cast: 800.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and MindSending.

Effigy (VH): Enchantment

A mage can enchant an effigy, a lifesize statue of himself, which attracts hostile magic directed at him to itself. Like Malefice, Effigy is a lasting spell, which continues until its Endurance is reduced to zero. Every time a spell attacks the effigy’s maker, the effigy resists with its current Endurance, modified for the distance separating it from him (use the long-distance modifiers, p. 14). If the effigy succeeds, the spell affects it rather than its maker.

The GM must decide what constitutes a “hostile” spell; for instance, Deathtouch is, but Mind-Reading isn’t. Redirected spells that have no effect on inanimate statues (such as Paralyze Limb or Death Vision) instead “attack” the enchantment. The effigy then resists with its current Endurance. Every such successful attack reduces the effigy’s Endurance by one; when the effigy’s Endurance drops below 0, it ceases functioning. A critical failure by the effigy or a critical success by the attacking spell also breaks the enchantment, as does physical destruction. An enchanter may only have one effigy at any one time.

Energy cost to cast: 1,000.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Enchant, Scryguard, and Ward.

Soul Stone (VH): Enchantment

By transferring his life force to a Soul Stone, a sorcerer becomes immortal. Although his body may still be hurt (burned, cut, crushed…), he may not be killed as long as the soul stone is safe. The caster becomes immune to disease, poison, and aging. He automatically makes all HT “death checks” caused by injury. He may still fall unconscious.

If the soul stone is destroyed, the caster dies, so it is usually hidden in a very hard-to-reach place. Death may also come from some magical causes, such as a Planar Visit failure. Note that the stone need not literally be a piece of rock; examples from folklore and fiction include the caster’s own heart (removed once the spell is cast, presumably!), eggs, and more.

Soul Stone and Soul Jar are mutually exclusive.

Cost: 500. One try; if the enchantment fails, the caster dies!

Prerequisites: Magery 3, Enchant, and Soul Jar.

Crystal Ball: Enchantment

Used in the Crystal-Gazing variant of Divination. Requires a ball of flawless crystal at least 2” in diameter (value $1,000). A 3” ball (value $5,000) gives +1 to divinations. A 4” ball (value $20,000) gives +2.

Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Prerequisite: Divination (CrystalGazing).

Lich (VH): Enchantment

As listed under Necromantic Spells.

Wraith (VH): Enchantment

As listed under Necromantic Spells.

Devotional Enchantment

In some settings, enchantment is not the province of magical craftsmen, but an almost meditative outgrowth of the studies of holy men. Magic items are created as part and parcel of a life devoted to a higher principle.

A practitioner of devotional enchantment must be Very Blessed (p. B40), and a corresponding Discipline of Faith for his chosen faith, worth at least -10 points. Not every faith has devotional enchanters.

Devotional enchanters are not mages, and they use neither mana nor their own personal energies in their enchantments. Instead, they power their creations with character points acquired through study.

Every 200 hours of prayer generates 1 character point that may be spent to create magic items, at a rate of 1 character point per every 25 points of energy (note that this makes devotional enchantment about as efficient a use of time as Slow and Sure Enchantment). Hours spent in religious study accrue usable character points at half speed, and the strict conduct of a virtuous life accrues points at quarter speed. An important meritorious act – pilgrimages, entering a cloister, etc. – grants one character point that may be used for enchantments.

The actual enchantment uses a system essentially similar to symbol enchantment (p. 205); devotional enchanters must learn Symbol Drawing or an equivalent Very Hard skill and the symbols necessary to enchant the desired item. The process of enchanting an item by this method is quite fast, usually a day or less; mage enchanters are often astounded by the seeming effortlessness with which devotional enchanters produce items, not realizing that decades of rigorous practice go into the preparations for such an enchantment. If the rolls for all the symbols are made, the character points are invested in the item and the item is enchanted. On a failure, the points are not spent, but the enchanter may not attempt that enchantment again until he has raised his skill in all the symbols for which he failed the rolls; his knowledge was inadequate to the task. On a critical failure, he may never try that enchantment again; divine displeasure attended the attempt.

Fire Spells

These spells deal with the traditional magical “element” of fire. Should the volume of a particular fire matter in play, assume that the flames created or controlled by Fire spells shoot six feet high. See Flame (p. B433) for rules for setting things on fire.

Ignite Fire: Regular

Produces a single spot of heat, and is used to set fire to a readily flammable object. It works best on paper and cloth, and will not affect any item that would not burn in an ordinary fire. In particular, it will not set fire to a living being! Once ignited, the fire burns normally.

Duration: One second.

Cost: Depends on the amount of heat desired:

1 – As though a match had been held to the subject. Lights a candle, pipe, or tinder in one second.

2 – As though a torch had been held to the subject. Ignites paper or loose cloth in one second, ordinary clothes being worn in four seconds.

3 – As though a blowtorch had been held to the subject. Ignites dry firewood or clothes being worn in one second, leather in two seconds, and heavy wood in six seconds.

4 – As though burning magnesium or phosphorus had been held to the subject. Ignites coal in one second, heavy wood in two seconds.

Cost to maintain is the same as the original cost to cast.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100; item must include a small ruby worth $50.

Seek Fire: Information

Tells the caster the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant fire or source of intense heat. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any known fires or sources of heat may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning. The caster may also specify that he is seeking a specific type of fire, based on the fire’s fuel (natural gas flame, alcohol fire, wood fire, etc.).

Cost: 1.


A forked stick. Cost to create: 50 energy and a small ruby worth $100.

Create Fire: Area

Fills the area of effect with fire that requires no fuel (if cast in midair, it produces a sphere of flame, which falls to the ground). This is real fire, and will eventually ignite any flammable objects it touches. Cannot be cast within rock, foes, etc.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain. Ordinary fires set by this spell do not require maintenance.

Prerequisite: Ignite Fire or Seek Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300; item must include a ruby worth $200.

Extinguish Fire: Area

Puts out all ordinary and magical fires in its area of effect. Has no effect on materials that are intrinsically superheated – molten steel, lava, plasma, etc.

Duration: Once out, a fire stays out.

Base cost: 3.

Prerequisite: Ignite Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400; item must include a ruby worth $300 and a black onyx worth $100.

Shape Fire: Area

Control the shape of any flame. Each shape change requires a second of concentration. Once shaped, the flame keeps that shape until the spell expires, without concentration. Moving a flame requires constant concentration (the flame moves at Move 5, on the caster’s turn). A natural fire cannot move to a place that it can’t burn, but flame made with the Create Fire spell needs no fuel and can move almost anywhere.

Flame shaped with this spell normally retains its volume. If the fire is “spread out” across twice its original area, it only does half damage; if spread across three times its original area, it does 1/3 damage; and so on.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisite: Ignite Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400; item must include a ruby worth $300.

Phantom Flame: Area

Creates an area of imaginary flame. Those nearby feel heat (and pain, if they touch it); items inside appear to burn. However, the flame does not spread, and does no real damage. Even the pain it creates subsides to a tingling after the first shock. Shape Fire and Extinguish Fire both affect this phantom flame; water will not affect it.

This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Shape Fire or Simple Illusion.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200; must include a $100 ruby.

Fireproof: Area

Prevents ignition of fires within the affected area: matches won’t light, flint won’t make sparks, and so on. Does not extinguish a fire brought in from outside the spell’s area, although such a fire would fail to ignite anything else. Useful anywhere that fire is a hazard (as in a gunpowder factory, for example). Any magical attempt to light a fire is at -5 to skill. This spell doesn’t resist really intense heat (as from lava or battle lasers), but it does stop guns from working!

Duration: 1 day.

Base cost: 3. Doubled cost gives a -10 to magical attempts to light fires, and resists all heat less than star-heat. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 minutes.

Prerequisite: Extinguish Fire.


An area may be permanently Fireproofed; multiply the base cost by 100. A small quantity of powdered ruby must be used (about $10 per energy point’s worth).

Slow Fire: Area

Causes flames to cool down, consuming their surroundings (and burning people) at a slower rate. The damage that the flames do is reduced proportionately. This spell acts as a Slow spell on fire elementals and beings with the Body of Fire meta-trait (p. B262). Slow Fire resists Fast Fire.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2 for a fire that burns at half the usual rate, 3 for a fire that burns at 1/3 the usual rate, and so on. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Extinguish Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 350 energy, a $500 ruby, and a $500 black onyx.

Fast Fire: Regular

Makes flames hotter, consuming their surroundings (and burning people) at a faster rate. The damage that the flames do is proportionately increased. This spell acts as a Great Haste spell on fire elementals and beings with the Body of Fire meta-trait.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 for a double-rate fire, 3 for a triple-rate fire, and so on. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Slow Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 375 energy and a $500 ruby.

Deflect Energy: Blocking

Deflects one energy attack about to hit the subject – including a beam weapon attack or a Fireball or Lightning spell. Counts as a parry for combat purposes. If the caster is not the subject, apply distance modifiers as for a Regular spell. Deflected attacks may still hit a target beyond the subject.

Cost: 1.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Shape Fire.

Flame Jet: Regular

Shoot a jet of flame from one fist. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX- 4 or Innate Attack skill to hit, and rolls for damage if he hits. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. Treat it as a hand weapon – a flaming sword without the sword – but it cannot parry! This is a wonderfully flashy spell, good for magic shows, melee combat, burning through ropes, etc. The caster may cast the spell as many times as he has hands and have a Flame Jet in each hand; a Flame Jet held in the caster’s “off” hand suffers the usual -4 penalty to hit.

For cinematic mage-dueling action, the GM may allow a Flame Jet to parry another Flame Jet. This allows fire wizards to duel mano a mano, which some groups may prefer to the casting and dodging of a more typical duel of magic.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 3 points. Does 1d damage for each point put into the spell. The jet’s range in yards is equal to the number of dice. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisites: Create Fire and Shape Fire.


Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800; must include $500 worth of gold and a $300 ruby. Usable only by mages.

Smoke: Area

Creates an area of dense smoke. Even one yard’s thickness of such smoke will block vision. Until it dissipates, it has the effect of tear gas (anyone failing a HT roll is unable to do anything but cough and weep). The smoke is somewhat hot and rises slowly (about one foot per second).

The rate of dissipation depends on the area and the presence of wind; indoors, it usually lasts until the spell expires, but outdoors on a windy day it may last only 10 seconds or so. Duration: 5 minutes, except in windy areas.

Base cost: 1. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisites: Shape Fire and Extinguish Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 50.

Heat: Regular

Raises the temperature of an object. It does not necessarily produce fire, though most things will burn if heated enough. Heat will be radiated away normally. (Use this as a guideline for playable effects – don’t try to turn the spell into a physics exercise!)

Any wizard planning to make extensive use of this spell should arm himself with a list of the melting points of various materials. The spell can have drawbacks. If you were in jail, you might melt your way through the bars… but the radiated heat would probably broil you first.

Duration: 1 minute. Each minute raises the target’s temperature by 20°. Maximum temperature possible with this spell is 2,800°.

Cost: 1 for an object up to the size of a fist, 2 for an object up to one cubic yard, and 2 per cubic yard for a larger object. Temperature change can be doubled to 40° per minute for double cost, tripled to 60° per minute for triple cost, and so on. Slower heating costs no less. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Create Fire and Shape Fire.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400; item must include a ruby worth $300.

Cold: Regular

The reverse of Heat (above). It can reduce the temperature of any object to absolute zero, if maintained for long enough.

Duration, Cost, and Time to cast: Exactly as for Heat, except that each minute lowers the target’s temperature by 20°.

Prerequisite: Heat.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400; items must include a $300 ruby and a $300 sapphire.

Rain of Fire: Area

Fiery droplets rain from the sky onto the area of effect, causing 1d-1 fire damage per second to all within it. Creatures under the Rain of Fire take damage on their own turns; if less than an entire second is spent in the affected area, damage is halved (round down).

The spell can only be cast outdoors. Armor protects in the usual fashion. A shield with a DB of 2 or better can be held overhead to block the flames, but it may take damage (p. B484). This requires two hands and a Ready action, and succeeds automatically in protecting the character once the shield is readied upwards, but this unreadies the shield from its normal protective functions!

Inanimate objects such as buildings protect with their DR, but some structures (see HP and DR of Structures, p. B558) may be damaged or catch fire.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1 to cast (minimum 2).

Same cost to maintain. For double base cost, the Rain of Fire does 2d-2 per second!

Time to cast: One minute.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Create Fire.


Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 600.

Resist Fire: Regular

The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become immune to the effects of heat and fire (but not electricity).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Cost doubles if subject must resist a blast furnace or volcano; cost triples if subject must resist the heat of a star, nuclear bomb, etc. Only the first level of protection is necessary against combat-type Fire spells.

Prerequisite: Fireproof.


Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800; must include a ruby worth $500 and a black onyx worth $200.

Resist Cold: Regular

The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become immune to the effects of cold and frostbite (but not falling ice, magical ice spears, etc.).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Cost doubles if subject must resist cold of -40° or more; cost triples if subject must resist the cold of absolute zero.

Prerequisite: Heat.


Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 800 energy, a $500 emerald and a $200 black onyx.

Warmth: Regular

The subject remains comfortably warm in cold weather, avoiding the risk of frostbite or hypothermia. This effectively increases the subject’s “local temperature” by 30˚F towards his optimum comfort level (p. B93). The spell offers no protection against magical cold attacks such as Frostbite. This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Heat.


Clothing, staff, jewelry, or blanket; only affects the wearer (holder in the case of the staff). Energy cost to create: 200.

Fireball: Missile

Throw a ball of fire from one hand. This has 1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. When it strikes something, it vanishes in a puff of flame. This spell is likely to ignite flammable targets.

Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for three seconds. The fireball does 1d burning damage per energy point.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Create Fire, and Shape Fire.


Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 800; must include a ruby worth $400. Usable only by mages.

Explosive Fireball: Missile

Creates a fireball that affects both its target and things nearby. This has 1/2D 25, Max 50, Acc 1. Can be thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance in yards (round down).

Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for three seconds. The fireball does 1d burning damage per full 2 points of energy.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Fireball.


Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include a ruby worth $500. Usable only by mages.

Essential Flame: Area

As for Create Fire, except that the fire created is the magical essence of fire. Any mage can tell the difference by looking. It cannot be extinguished by ordinary water or ordinary magic, but only by a similar quantity of Essential Water or by a Dispel Magic spell. Essential Flame does +1 damage to anyone it burns (+2 to watery creatures).

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 3. 2 to maintain. This flame ignites all flammable materials, and the entire blaze remains Essential as long as the spell is maintained. If the spell is not maintained, any materials that were ignited continue to burn with ordinary flame.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: At least six other Fire spells.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800; must include a $400 ruby.

Flaming Weapon: Regular

Causes any weapon to burst into flame, which does not harm the user but lets the weapon do +2 damage to foes or flammable objects (after penetrating armor and figuring other bonuses). Metal weapons are not damaged; wooden ones turn to ashes as soon as the spell ends. The weapon also gives off light as a torch.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Heat.


A weapon that flames whenever used, at no energy cost to the user. Energy cost to create: 750; a $400 ruby must be set in the weapon.

Flaming Missiles: Regular

Like Flaming Weapon, but cast on a missile weapon. The weapon itself acquires a shimmering, fiery appearance. Any missile it fires bursts into flame, doing +2 damage as per Flaming Weapon; it burns to ashes after it hits a target or after 10 seconds, whichever comes first.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Cost doubles if the missiles to be fired are stone or metal.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Flaming Weapon.


A missile weapon that fires flaming missiles whenever used, at no energy cost to the user. Energy cost to create: 1,000; a $500 ruby must be set in the weapon.

Flaming Armor: Regular

The subject is sheathed in flames without feeling any discomfort – he, and anything he carries, is under a basic Resist Fire spell. The flames provide the usual illumination and heat to their surroundings. The subject’s melee attacks do an extra point of fire damage.

Any melee attack that hits the subject triggers a 1d Flame Jet backlash along the weapon at the foe. This attack automatically hits the hand holding the weapon if the weapon’s Reach was 1 or less. Should the subject grapple or be grappled, the foe takes 3d burning damage, but the spell will be broken.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Resist Fire, and Flame Jet.


(a) Staff or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 600; must include $300 worth of rubies.

(b) Cape or armor. Only affects the wearer. When activated, the cape seems literally woven of flames; it will protect against attacks from the back and sides, but not from the front, unless it is wielded as a light cloak (see Cloak, p. B184). Energy cost to create: 700 for the cape, 1,000 for armor.

Fire Cloud: Area

Creates a swirling cloud of flames and fiery embers. It does not block vision, but inflicts burning damage to all within it. Creatures in the cloud take damage on their own turns. If less than an entire second is spent in the affected area, damage is halved (round down). Armor protects normally. Only highly flammable materials may catch fire.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Base cost: 1 to 5; the cloud inflicts 1 point of damage per second for every energy point put into the base cost. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 to 5 seconds, depending on base cost.

Prerequisites: Shape Air and Fireball.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 175 energy and a $500 ruby.

Breathe Fire (VH): Regular

Similar to Flame Jet, except that the flame issues from the caster’s mouth, Breathe Fire cannot be maintained, and each energy point buys 1d+1 damage instead of 1d. Caster rolls to hit against DX-2 or Innate Attack skill. This counts as an action; the caster must be facing the target. No hand gestures are required to cast this spell; certain lip and tongue motions are made instead. Thus, Breathe Fire can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Flame Jet, and Resist Fire.


Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000; must include $500 worth of gold and a $500 ruby.

Burning Touch: Melee

Wreathes the caster’s hand in flames. The first target struck after the spell is cast suffers 1d of fire damage for every point of energy that the caster puts into the spell. Armor does not protect, but natural DR does.

Cost: 1 to 3.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least six Fire spells including Heat.


Staff, wand, or glove. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 300.

Body of Flames (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

Subject gains the Body of Fire meta-trait (p. B262) for the duration of the spell. Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become fire, but lose any magic powers they might have had. He can carry nothing while in this form.

Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness.

Cost: 12 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Breathe Fire.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. A severe drawback is that, as soon as it is activated, the item falls through the user’s hand. Thus, a spell cast with this item lasts only a minute. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Unlike the previous item, this item turns to fire along with the wearer, allowing him to maintain the spell longer than 1 minute. While in flame form, the item loses any magical powers it might ordinarily have. Energy cost to create: 6,000.

Burning Death (VH): Melee; Resisted by HT

Causes the victim to burn from within. The caster must strike the subject to trigger this spell; hit location is irrelevant. Every turn, the victim must roll against HT; on a failure (critical or not), he takes 1d-1 fire damage. On a success, he takes no damage that turn; on a critical success, the spell is broken. Neither DR nor Resist Fire protects against this injury! For the duration of the spell, the victim experiences almost unbearable discomfort, equivalent to the effects of a Sickness spell.

If the spell is maintained long enough, the victim’s skin and clothes start to char and little flames dart out here and there. Once the victim dies, his body bursts into flame and burns until only a little pile of ashes remains. Undead beings are not affected. The caster must concentrate while maintaining this spell, but need not remain in physical contact.

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Heat, and Sickness.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Cost to create: 700 energy and a $500 ruby.

Summon Fire Elemental, Control Fire Elemental, Create Fire Elemental

see pp. 27-28

Small Fire Elemental

This is the basic fire elemental summoned by casting Summon Fire Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into the spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply means a larger elemental; 1 point of energy is equal to 1 additional point of ST, 5 HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a more exotic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or working one up from scratch.

Small Fire Elemental [40]

Attribute Modifiers: ST-2 [-20]; DX-1 [-20]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT-3 [-30].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1; HP+2 [4].

Advantages: Burning Attack 2d (Always On, -40%; Aura, +80%; Melee Attack, Range C, -30%) [11]; Charisma 1 [5]; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Combustion, -50%) [10]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; DR 10 (Limited: Heat/Fire, -40%) [30]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100].

Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Weakness (Water, 1d/min.) [-40].

Food Spells

These spells are concerned with food and drink. None of these spells can turn living beings (or the undead) directly into food; they can’t be used in combat. For the purposes of these spells, a “meal” is about a pound of normal food, or half a pound of dried travelers’ rations.

The College of Food is often one of the least respected, but many great healers got their start as food-mages.

Seek Food: Information

Determines the direction, distance, and general nature of the nearest significant source of food. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). The food found will be wholesome, but not necessarily appetizing – e.g., edible insects. Any known sources of food (such as those delicious insects) may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning.

Cost: 2.


A forked stick. Energy cost to create: 300.

Test Food: Information

Identifies whether a substance is good to eat. The spell tells nothing about taste or nutrition; it detects poisons, dangerous decay, or foreign objects (razor blades in fruit). It does not check for magic on food.

Cost: 1 to test a single meal or a single bottle of wine; 3 to check all the food and drink within a 1-yard radius.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100.

Decay: Regular

Makes food rot away immediately and become worthless (it can be saved if a Counterspell is cast, or Purify Food is cast, within a minute).

Cost: 1 per meal destroyed.

Prerequisite: Test Food.


Staff or wand. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 100.

Season: Regular

Spices and seasons a single container of food to the caster’s preference. The caster’s cooking skill determines whether the food tastes any better for it – the spell simply adds the flavors that the caster demands.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 2 per meal.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Test Food.


A spoon which, when stirred through food, will spice it to the owner’s taste. Energy cost to create: 150.

Far-Tasting: Regular

The subject can taste and smell any object that he can see (even at a great distance) or taste/smell through solid objects totaling no more than two yards of thickness. He automatically makes all Taste/Smell rolls, though any substance that would ordinarily be impossible to taste or smell (an odorless, tasteless gas such as carbon monoxide, for example) will remain undetected. This can be especially useful for sniffing out poisons, since the effects of a poison do not transfer via their odors.

This is also a Knowledge spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either Seek Food or Seek Air; cannot have No Sense of Taste/Smell disadvantage.


Clothing or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200.

Mature: Regular

Causes any foodstuff that must age and mature as part of its production to do so more quickly. This is most often used with beer and wine, but it can also be used to accelerate cheese, yogurt, bread dough, or even meat.

Aging processes that normally take days or weeks (beer, wine, aged cheese, pickles, dry-aged meats) take only an hour with this spell. Processes that normally take hours (bread dough, yogurt, fresh cheese) take only a minute. Processes which take years (vintage wines, thousand-year eggs) accelerate a year for every casting of the spell… this is a wonderful way to discover whether a particular vintage will age well.

Duration: The process takes an hour (or a minute, as above), but the food remains mature permanently.

Cost: 1 per pound of food. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Decay or Season.


A small keg that works at no energy cost to the user, but only works a limited number of times per day.

Energy cost to create: 50 per gallon of size, per each time/day the item is usable. For example, a 10-gallon keg that works twice per day costs 50x10x2=1,000 energy to create.

Purify Food: Regular

Removes foreign objects, poisons, and decay, and renders food fit to eat. Works only on an edible or formerly edible item – and if the whole item is unwholesome, the spell removes all the unwholesomeness and leave nothing.

Cost: 1 per pound of material to be purified.

Prerequisite: Decay.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 400.

Cook: Regular

Turns raw ingredients into a finished meal. Produces only simple fare (stews, etc.), which is only as wholesome as the ingredients. No cooking-fire is necessary; the spell provides the heat.

Cost: 1 per meal.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Test Food and Create Fire.


A pot that cooks any food placed within it, at no energy cost to the user. Requires about a minute to cook. The size of the pot does not matter, but each pot can be used only a limited number of times daily. Energy cost to create: 30 per meal per day (e.g., a pot which would cook three meals per day would have an energy cost of 90 to create).

Prepare Game: Regular

“Dresses out” a slain animal. If cast on a deer, for instance, the hide is removed, along with all extraneous body parts and innards. If cast on a fish, it is gutted and scaled. Nothing is destroyed by the spell; all of the parts are simply appropriately separated and cleaned in such a way as to best prepare the animal for cooking.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Purify Food.


(a) Wand, staff, jewelry, or knife. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) Skinning knife, scaling knife, vegetable peeler, etc. Usable only on the appropriate food type. Energy cost to create: 150.

Know Recipe: Information;

Special Resistance When cast on an item of food, this spell places complete knowledge of the components of the food (and the method of preparation used by the cook) into the mind of the caster.

This spell may even be used on alchemical creations. However, such elixirs resist this spell with the skill of the alchemist that made them.

At the GM’s discretion, this spell may be usable to analyze chemicals or drugs.

This is also a Knowledge spell.

Duration: The memory remains crystal clear in the mind of the caster for 1 day. After that, it fades per the Memorize spell (p. 105). Altered recipes may lead to anything from embarrassment (replacing sugar with salt in a dessert) to serious trouble (replacing sugar with salt in a dessert for the King).

Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 15 seconds.

Prerequisites: Far-Tasting and Season.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 450.

Poison Food: Regular

Introduces a physical poison into food. This poison remains indefinitely, but can be detected by Test Food. Anyone eating the poisoned food must make a HT roll. On a successful roll, they merely feel sick and lose 2 HP. On a failed roll, they will be seized by painful stomach cramps and lose 1d+1 HP immediately; they will be at -3 for all skills or spells until the lost HP is restored.

Cost: 3 per meal.

Prerequisite: Purify Food.


Staff or wand. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 600.

Hunger: Regular; Resisted by HT

As listed under Body Control Spells.

Thirst: Regular; Resisted by HT

As listed under Body Control Spells.

Foul Water: Area

As listed under Water Spells.

Preserve Food: Regular

Keeps any organic material from spoiling, drying out, etc. Very useful for travelers!

Duration: 1 week.

Cost: 2 per pound of food. 1 per pound to maintain.

Prerequisite: Decay.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200. (b) Chest or sack; always on; the contents of the chest are preserved indefinitely. Energy cost to create: 20 for every pound of food to be held (round up).

Create Food: Regular

Produces edible food. This spell is easier when used to convert already existing material into food; the closer the starting material is to food, the tastier the end result will be.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 2 per meal to change organic material into food; 3 to change inorganic material into food; 4 to conjure food from thin air.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Cook and Seek Food.


(a) Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable only by mages. The item must touch material to be turned into food. Energy cost to create: 600.

(b) A pot, as described for Cook, which will turn anything placed inside into a cooked meal. Energy cost to create: 200 per meal per day.

© A vessel that will create food from nothing. Energy cost to create: 400 per meal per day.

Essential Food: Regular

Transforms food, or any other material, into unbelievably good, filling, and nutritious food. Essential Food does not spoil, and six meals of it weigh only a pound.

Duration: Indefinite.

Cost: 3 per meal if the starting substance is organic material of some kind; 5 per meal if the original substance is totally inedible.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Six Food spells, including Create Food.

Wizard Nose: Regular

As listed under Knowledge Spells.

Wizard Mouth: Regular

As listed under Knowledge Spells.

Water to Wine: Regular

Turns water or other drinkable liquid into a mildly alcoholic beverage. The nature of the resulting drink depends on the starting material. Water or grape juice becomes wine; fruit juices become “coolers.” The quality of the result depends on the caster’s roll and the quality of the starting liquid.

Duration: Permanent.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Cost: 4 per gallon (half cost for beer, double cost for spirits).

Prerequisites: Purify Water and Mature.


A bottle or drinking vessel that can, once per day, change the contents into an alcoholic beverage. The quality of the result depends on the starting material; seawater would make pretty bad beer, while newly melted mountain snow would give excellent wine. Energy cost to create: 500 per gallon capacity of the container. Note that critical failures with this spell have been known to create dangerous items, such as goblets that poison the wine they create – but no one has yet found an enchantment to do this deliberately!

Distill: Regular

Concentrates a liquid by removing water from it. This spell is mostly used to make strong alcoholic beverages, but alchemists also employ it for other purposes. Each use of the spell halves the volume of the liquid, doubling its concentration. One casting turns wine into fortified wine, two turns it into brandy, and three leaves a distillate of almost pure alcohol. Distill does not work on living subjects.

This is also a Water spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 per original quart of liquid.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Mature and Destroy Water.


A large closed kettle holding up to 5 gallons. Energy cost to create: 400. Illegal anywhere that a mundane “still” is illegal!

Fool’s Banquet: Regular

Makes any item seem like attractive, tasty food. The underlying nature of the matter does not change, but those who eat it will find it delicious – not necessarily nutritious, but delicious. Can only be cast on things that can be eaten; it would work on mud, but not on stones. A classic complement to the often dull provender created with Create Food.

Duration: 1 day.

Cost: 2 per meal. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisites: Magery 1, Cook, and Foolishness.


Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable only by mages. The item must touch the material to be affected. Energy cost to create: 600.

Monk’s Banquet: Regular

Go without food or water for about a day with no ill effects.

Duration: 24 hours.

Cost: 6. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisites: Fool’s Banquet and Resist Pain.


Clothing or jewelry; usable only by mages, or (at GM’s option) a “pure” or “holy” person. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Scents of the Past: Regular

As listed under Knowledge Spells.

Gate Spells

These spells manipulate time, space, and dimensions. As such, the Gate college has a strong affinity with the Movement college; most Gate mages begin as Movement mages. Gate magic is difficult, often dangerous, and always rare. It may not even exist in some settings.

Magical Gates and Portals

Gates (or portals; the terms are used interchangeably) are magical shortcuts between points in time and space. If the campaign setting includes multiple universes or “planes of existence,” then gates can also provide passage among these.

A gate can take nearly any shape or color, but the “default” gate is a rectangle of softly shimmering energy, roughly the size of an ordinary modern doorway, and without any thickness or back side. Gates can be either free-standing or set against a wall, into a floor, into a mirror, and so on. They are not physical in any sense – they are holes in reality.

As long as the gate is large enough, an object or willing being need only step into it to be transported. If an unwilling (or unwitting) person sticks a hand into a gate, removing it can be difficult; 1d seconds of effort, the same amount of FP, and a Will roll is required. Only one try is permissible; if the Will roll fails, the victim has no choice but to either stay stuck in the gateway, or to pass through.

If the gate isn’t large enough, it feels like an impenetrable wall. Gates are impervious to physical attacks and to most magic. They are also opaque to light and nonparticulate radiation in general. Spells other than Information spells may be cast through a gate, at the usual penalty for casting blindly (unless Scry Gate is used). Area spells do not “spill through” an open gate, but matter created by such a spell may. Objects, spells, and beings can step through a gate from its “back” as if it wasn’t there… because it isn’t!

Closed gates can only be detected by the Seek Gate spell. Optionally, the GM may permit Mage Sight to detect them, or even a Magery roll. To tell where a gate leads without stepping through it is difficult; a successful Analyze Magic only reveals the nature of the gate: across distance, through time, or between universes/ planes (or some combination of the three). A critical success reveals the gate’s destination, its opening or closing clauses, whether several gates share the same spot, etc. The Scry Gate spell can also be used to gain clues as to a portal’s “connecting point.”

Gates may be the subject of many spells, but the GM should keep in mind that they are in no way physical objects. A free-standing illusion spell could disguise one, but Illusion Shell could not be used. Gates can be the subject of Invisibility.

Teleport: Special

As listed under Movement Spells.

Teleport Other: Regular; Resisted by Will+1

As listed under Movement Spells.

Blink: Blocking

As listed under Movement Spells.

As listed under Movement Spells.

Timeport (VH): Special

This spell is similar to Teleport, except that it moves the caster to another time instead of another place. Subjective “movement” is instantaneous.

The more “distant” the target time is, the greater the energy cost and skill penalty (see Time modifiers). Unlike Teleport, there is no penalty to timeport to an “unfamiliar” time; the GM may, however, decree that any timeport to the future bears an extra penalty (-2, perhaps).

If this spell takes the caster to the future, it is the most likely of many possible futures. If he returns from that future and acts on the information gained, there is no guarantee that the future he visited will actually occur. Similarly, a caster who returns to the past, changes something, and then returns to his starting time might return to an alternate timeline. The amount of variation between the caster’s “home” timeline and the new one will depend on the GMs view of how “tamper-resistant” the timestream is in his game world(s).

This spell is dangerous – the penalties for a failed roll are the same as for Teleport, substituting time for space. Also as in Teleport, the caster can carry no more than Heavy encumbrance (objects and beings). Roll vs. Body Sense skill upon arrival, modifying the roll for changes in velocity, facing, and orientation.

If the caster wishes to travel simultaneously in both time and space, use the caster’s Teleport or Timeport skill (whichever is lowest), and combine the penalties and costs for distance and time.


Time Cost Penalty
Within 1 minute 4 0
1 to 10 minutes 6 -1
10 minutes to 1 hour 8 -2
1 to 10 hours 10 -3
10 hours to 4 days 12 -4
4 to 40 days 14 -5
40 days to 1 year 16 -6
1 to 10 years 18 -7
10 to 100 years 20 -8
each further 10x +2 -1

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Teleport.


Staff, wand, or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 4,000. An item that will take its user to one, predetermined time costs 2,000 to create; the item’s creator must be very familiar with that time.

Timeport Other (VH): Special; Resisted by Will+1

Same as Teleport Other (p. 147), except that the subject is Timeported away from (or to) the caster.

Apply the usual penalty for Regular spells for the distance between caster and subject; the Timeport penalties apply for the time span over which the caster wants to timeport the subject.

One important difference between Timeport and Timeport Other is that if the caster fails the spell roll or if the spell is successfully Resisted, the subject does not timeport away!

Cost: As Timeport; also uses the Teleport Other weight multipliers.

Prerequisite: Timeport.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 4,000.

Timeslip: Blocking

Avoid an attack by timeporting out of its way. The caster slips a few seconds ahead into the future, reappearing in his original location – unless that spot is now obstructed or occupied! A location is not clear if someone is standing in it. Any lesser obstruction is ignored by the spell.

The caster must roll his Body Sense skill to act on the turn he reappears. If his original location remains obstructed or occupied, the caster stays in limbo, reappearing as soon as the spot becomes clear… even if it takes years! Critical failures have been known to produce similar disastrous effects.

If the caster had any spells requiring concentration “on” when he cast Timeslip, they automatically lapse (unless they had the caster as their subject). Likewise, any spell whose maintenance comes due during the timeslip also lapses (but see Maintain Spell).

Cost: 1 per second of intended displacement. The spell skill roll is at a -1 penalty for every second of intended displacement beyond the first one.

Prerequisite: Timeport.


Clothing, jewelry, or timepiece. Energy cost to create: 500.

Timeslip Other: Blocking

As Timeslip, but usable on others.

Cost: 1 per second of intended displacement. The spell skill roll is at a -1 penalty for every second of intended displacement beyond the first one.

Prerequisite: Timeport.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Rapid Journey (VH): Special

Similar to Teleport and Timeport, except that it allows an immediate return journey. It works only on the caster. It does not work with Plane Shift. Anything carried on the caster’s person, up to Heavy encumbrance, goes with him on the trip.

If the skill roll fails, the caster goes nowhere but otherwise suffers the normal penalties for a failed teleport or timeport (possible damage, disorientation, and stunning). Teleport Shield gets to resist twice; once when the caster leaves, and once when he returns. Once the caster arrives at his destination, he must expend FP to remain there. As soon as he stops maintaining his presence (this includes failing a distraction roll), he snaps back to his starting place or time.

The return trip normally cannot fail. However, if the caster succeeded in the spellcasting by a small margin (3 or less), the caster must make an IQ roll (at the distance/time penalty), while maintaining the spell, to return to his starting point. One roll may be attempted per minute. If he then stops maintaining the spell, he remains stranded where or when he went. He may also be stranded if he is knocked out or if he teleports to a no-mana zone.

This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: As Teleport or Timeport, plus one-fourth the trip’s cost to remain, per minute.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either Teleport (for a Rapid Journey in space) or Timeport (for a Rapid Journey in time, or in both time and space).


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 5,000.

Planar Summons: Special

Summons a creature, such as a demon or a Thing Man Was Not Meant To Know, from another plane of existence. The GM determines the predisposition and abilities of this being. Each plane requires a different Planar Summons spell. Some exceptionally potent entities might require their own spells! If the version of Planar Summons used does not specify an individual entity, the caster has no control over whom the spell summons. Planar Summons cannot be used on the plane for which it is intended.

When the creature appears, the caster must immediately try to control it. Treat this as a Quick Contest between the caster’s Planar Summons skill and the entity’s Will. The caster is at +4 if he knows the creature’s “true name.”

If the caster wins, he can give the creature a single command, which it must carry out. On completing this task – or after one hour in any event – the entity usually vanishes. However, some powerful entities can stay for as long as they wish…

If the caster ties or loses, the creature will react badly. An “evil” being commits violence or vandalism, while a “good” one is more likely to depart in a huff and put in a bad word with the caster’s gods. Wild or chaotic creatures are liable to engage in theft and mischief. Extremely alien entities might react in disturbing and unpredictable ways.

Duration: Until the task is done or one hour, whichever is less. Usually.

Cost: 1 point per 10 character points used to build the summoned entity. Minimum energy cost is 20 (although this will not always summon a 200-point being). The GM secretly determines the capabilities of all summoned creatures. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 5 minutes.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least one spell from each of 10 different colleges.

Planar Visit (VH): Special

The caster leaves his body behind and wanders freely as a spirit on another plane of existence. He is totally insubstantial and cannot affect anything or interact with his surroundings in any way (a blessing in disguise, since this also confers total physical immunity to whatever environment he is traversing). He cannot even cast spells, although he can maintain existing ones. He is likewise immune to magic that does not affect minds or spirits (which the caster is, until he returns to his body). The caster is imperceptible to ordinary senses; only magic (Astral Vision, Sense Spirit, Sense Observation and similar spells) will detect his presence.

There is a different spell for travel to each plane or dimension. Which spells exist, and the precise details of the dimensions they lead to, is up to the GM. The subject’s senses are altered to correspond to the average plane dweller’s; on a plane of perpetual gloom he would have Dark Vision, on the astral plane he would have his senses augmented as per Astral Vision, and on a dimension where all life forms sense only via sound he would have Scanning Sense (Sonar). Visiting very strange alternate planes can be hazardous to the mental health of an unsuspecting traveler…

The most common plane visited in most worlds is the astral, which coexists with the mundane universe and allows visitors to observe real-world places unseen (at least, unseen except by natives of the astral realm, if there are any). While traveling astrally, the caster moves at twice his full unencumbered Speed and may walk through walls, mountains, creatures… He may also walk down into the bowels of the earth or up into the higher atmosphere. Astral Block, Pentagram and the “Utter” spells stop him, while Repel Spirits will resist his intrusion.

If the spell ends before his spirit rejoins his body or if his body is harmed while his spirit is away, he must roll vs. HT, using the long-distance modifiers, to stay alive! Needless to say, his body is totally defenseless for the duration of the spell, though a casual medical examination will reveal it to be (barely) alive.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Some planes may cost more, carry a skill penalty, or both.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and either Projection or Planar Summons.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Although the item stays with the body while the spirit walks about, it may still be used to maintain the spell.

(b) Weapon. Usable only by mages. A spiritual analogue of this item accompanies the spirit of its user! Energy cost to create: 2,000 per pound (minimum of 1 pound).

Plane Shift (VH): Special

Bodily transports the caster – along with anything he is carrying (up to Heavy encumbrance) – to a particular plane of existence. Each plane requires its own Plane Shift spell. This is a one-way trip. To get back, the caster must know Plane Shift for his home plane or get a wizard in the other plane to cast Banish on him. This spell gives the caster no special immunity to his surroundings. To safely visit a plane where the natural conditions are vacuum, flame, etc., you must learn the necessary protective spells.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 20. Some planes may cost more, carry a skill penalty, or both.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Planar Summons for the same plane.


Any item; can be used to travel to a single plane only. Energy cost to create: 100 times the casting cost for the plane.

Plane Shift Other (VH): Regular; Resisted by Will+1

As Plane Shift, but usable on any being or object. A subject who doesn’t expect to be plane-shifted must make his Body Sense skill or be disoriented for one second.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 20. Some planes may cost more and/or carry a skill penalty.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Plane Shift.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; sends the subject to a single plane only. Energy cost to create: 100 times the casting cost for the plane.

Phase: Blocking

Avoid an attack by phasing out of this plane of existence for a moment. The caster actually becomes ethereal just long enough for the attack to pass through him. He neither disappears nor loses track of his surroundings; no Body Sense roll is required.

Cost: 3.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either Plane Shift or Ethereal Body.


Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Phase Other (VH): Blocking

As Phase, but usable on others.

Cost: 3.

Prerequisite: Phase.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Beacon: Area

“Softens up” local space-time, making the area of effect easy to teleport, timeport, or plane-shift to. The energy cost and skill penalties to travel to a beacon are halved (round down). A beacon may also be used to help teleport a subject from its vicinity toward the caster.

A beacon is not private; any caster magically transporting himself (or someone else) to the area will benefit from the spell (however, permanently enchanted areas may be Limited or Named).

The caster must, at casting, specify which travel spells his beacon assists. There is no extra cost to create a multi-purpose beacon.

This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 24 hours.

Base cost: 10 to cast. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisite: Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift. The enchanter must know Teleport to create a teleport beacon, Timeport to create a timeport beacon and Plane Shift to create a plane-shift beacon.


(a) Any area may be permanently enchanted as a teleport beacon for 100 times the normal energy cost.

(b) Any object can be enchanted as a portable beacon; any attempt to magically transport into the vicinity of the object receives the bonus. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Trace Teleport: Information; Resisted by subject spell

When cast soon after someone or something teleports, timeports or plane-shifts in or out, this spell gives the caster a vision of the destination of the teleported subject. The caster also gets a good idea of the magnitude of the skill penalty involved to cast the spell. On a critical success, the actual destination will be known, but any success gives the caster enough of a sense of the destination to follow, if he does so within a minute of casting Trace Teleport.

This is also a Movement spell.

Modifiers: The spell operates at a cumulative -1 for each minute that elapses between the teleport and the casting. There is a further -5 penalty if the caster didn’t witness the teleport.

Cost: 3.

Prerequisite: Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift.


Any. Energy cost to create: 100.

Divert Teleport (VH): Blocking; Resisted by subject spell

When cast on the turn someone or something teleports, timeports, or plane-shifts out, this spell allows the caster to dictate where or when the subject goes.

The caster must know the spell he is diverting; he uses the lower of his skill with Divert Teleport and the subject spell. If the caster wants to divert a Teleport into a plane shift (for example), he must know both spells and uses the lowest of his three skills.

The resistance is resolved by comparing the margins of success of both spells – if the mage who is teleporting makes his roll by 5, then the mage attempting to divert him must make his roll by 6 or more to succeed. The Divert Teleport takes normal range penalties between the caster of Divert Teleport and the caster of Teleport (or Timeport, etc.), and the standard skill penalty for the destination that the caster wishes to send the teleporter to.

The cost to cast the spell is equal to the difference in cost between the teleporter’s intended destination and his new destination. If a mage attempts to teleport 40 miles (9 energy), and another mage forces him to another location only 10 yards away (3 energy), the diverting mage will have to pay 6 energy. The same cost would apply if the destinations were reversed. The minimum cost to cast is 3, in any case (high skill will reduce this normally), and the caster pays the full energy cost whether or not the spell succeeds.

Example: Suppose Severin knows Teleport at 16 and attempts to teleport 100 yards away to his waiting carriage (skill penalty -2, cost 4). Two yards away stands Elsdon, who knows Divert Teleport at 18 and Teleport at 20, and who would prefer that Severin end up just above a lake which happens to be a mile away (skill penalty -4, cost 7).

First, Severin makes his attempt, spending 4 energy and rolling a 10. Since he needed a 14 or less, this is success by 4.

Elsdon, using a base skill of 18 (the lowest of his appropriate spells), takes a -2 for being two yards away from Severin, and a further -4 for his intended diversion – his effective skill is 12. He must roll a 7 (succeeding by 5), to win the contest and divert Severin. Whether he does so or not, the calculated cost is 3 energy, so Elsdon must pay the minimum cost of 3.

This is also a Movement spell.

Cost: As described above; minimum cost 3.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Trace Teleport.


Any. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 700.

Teleport Shield: Area

As listed under Protection Spells.

Create Door: Regular

When cast at the near side of a solid obstruction (wall, hedge, cliff, etc.), this spell creates a short-term, short-range gate leading to the other side. The intervening distance is not actually traversed by the door’s users – they are simultaneously teleported from the near side to the far one. This spell has the advantage over Teleport of allowing access to places unknown to the caster, as well as allowing him to transport more than Heavy encumbrance.

Modifiers: The spell is at a -1 penalty per yard of obstruction thickness; there is no penalty if the obstruction is half a yard thick or less. The GM should not tell the player what the penalty is; he should simply tell him whether the spell failed or not.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 2 per 10 square feet of door size. 2 to maintain. For reference, a modern door is usually about seven feet high and three feet wide. A door created for 2 energy would have to be significantly smaller.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Teleport and any one “Walk Through” spell.


(a) Staff, wand, jewelry, or writing implement (the latter is used to “draw” the door on the obstacle). Energy cost to create: 500.

(b) Portable door. It is activated (if its Power is above 15 after deducting the penalty for obstruction thickness) after leaning it against the obstruction. Energy cost to create: 500 per 10 square feet of size.

Seek Gate: Information

Tells the caster the direction and approximate distance of the nearest gate. Any known gates may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning.

Modifiers: Long-distance modifiers (p. 14), -2 if the gate is currently closed, -5 if seeking a gate’s arrival point, -10 if seeking a gate leading to a specific destination. Note that the gate itself may be Scryguarded or under a Conceal Magic spell.

Cost: 3.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Seek Magic, and one spell from each of 10 colleges.


A forked stick. Energy cost to create: 100.

Scry Gate: Regular

When cast on an open gate, this spell allows images, sounds and smells to come through it from the other side, just as if one were peering through an open window. No corresponding “window” opens at the gate’s other end.

If the gate leads into an area protected by Scrywall, the Scrywall gets to resist the Scry Gate. Sense Observation may pick up the Scry Gate. Scryfool cannot fool Scry Gate, however.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Seek Gate.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.

(b) A gate may also be made to display its destination permanently; this is determined when the gate is created, and adds 100 energy to the creation cost. The gate’s creator must know Scry Gate at a level equal to or greater than Create Gate.

Control Gate: Regular; Resisted by the Gate

Forces an open gate to close, a closed gate to open, or tilts and displaces the subject gate as the caster wishes. Closing a permanent gate does not destroy it; closing a temporary one does (to destroy a permanent gate, use Remove Enchantment).

This spell moves gates at up to 3 yards per second. Control Gate can also be used to “choose” a particular destination of a multiple-destination Gate (see Create Gate).

Once control is relinquished, the Gate reverts to its “programmed” state, moving back to its original place at top speed and by the shortest path.

If several Control Gate spells are active at once on a single Gate, the latter resists them with a single roll, control going to the spell with the largest margin of success.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Seek Gate.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300.

Create Gate (VH): Regular

Creates a temporary magical portal leading to another place, time, or dimension – effectively, a hole in time and space from which those who enter will teleport, timeport, and/or planeshift to a predetermined destination. The more “distance” between the gate and its destination, the greater the energy cost and skill penalty.

To determine the skill penalty, combine the penalties for the equivalent Teleport, Timeport, or Plane Shift spell(s). To determine the energy cost, combine the energy costs from the same spell(s), and multiply the cost by 10. This cost will permit the caster to create a gate of any size up to a 3’ ¥ 6’ doorway (or equivalent surface area). Larger gates are no more difficult, but cost proportionately more energy.

This spell may also be used to enchant a permanent gate, in which case a few more considerations become important. The caster(s) must specify if it will be always open, always closed, or open and closed when certain conditions are fulfilled (opens only on the hour of the full moon, opens only when someone utters a password, etc).

Several gates may share a single location. Only one of them may be open at any time, so it is common to have them cycle in time, giving the net effect of a single gate leading to a choice of destinations. They must be created separately, but otherwise behave as a single gate. Permanent gates can be “anchored” to a physical gateway; they then resist displacement or destruction at a bonus given by the gateway’s DR.

When a gate has a Timeport component, the creator must specify if the gate merely displaces its users in time by a fixed amount (1 year into the past, for example) or if it sends its users to a specific, unchanging point in time (December 25, 1066, say). In the latter case, since subjects that step into the gate at various departure times can’t all arrive at the same time, the gate either “drifts” slowly in time so as to space the arrivals at least a second apart, or the various subjects arrive in different “pasts” (GM’s decision).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 10 times the total energy cost for the Teleport, Timeport, and Plane Shift spells involved (more for larger gates). Same cost to maintain. Making the gate permanent instead costs 100 times as much.

Time to cast: 1 second per energy point.

Prerequisites: Control Gate. The caster must also know Teleport to create a gate leading to another place, Timeport to create a gate leading to another time, or Plane Shift to create a gate leading to another plane of existence.


(a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

(b) A stylus or paintbrush. Usable only by a mage, who must draw an outline of a doorway on a solid surface. Energy cost to create: 900.

Slow Time (VH): Area; Special Resistance

Time in the area slows down. Any unwilling beings within the area when the spell is cast resist with the highest of their ST and IQ; they must all fail for the spell to take effect. Objects and spells may cross the area’s edge without being hampered. Beings crossing into or out of the area must roll vs. IQ or be mentally stunned.

Duration: 1 minute (outside time).

Base cost: One-half normal temporal “speed” costs 2, one-third costs 3, one-fourth costs 4, and so on (no limit, but see the Suspend Time spell, below). Same costs to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, IQ 13+, and at least two spells from each of 10 different colleges.


Staff or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Accelerate Time (VH): Area; Special Resistance

The opposite of Slow Time. Time in the affected area speeds up. Otherwise, all of the rules for crossing the area’s edge, resistance, and so on, are as per Slow Time.

Powerstones recharge at outside rates, so Accelerate Time does not speed up Powerstone recharge. Of course, relative rest-time can be increased, permitting mages to regain lost FP more rapidly.

Duration: 1 minute (outside time).

Base cost: 2 for double, 3 for triple, 4 for quadruple, and so on (no limit, but see the Time Out spell, below). Same costs to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, IQ 13+, and at least two spells from each of 10 different colleges.


Staff or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Hide Object: Regular

The subject (which must be nonliving) disappears into an other-dimensional space from which it can be recalled at will. Failure to maintain the spell causes the object to reappear in mid-air next to the caster. If the subject is being held by a living being, the holder can resist the spell with his IQ.

Seeker won’t find objects hidden by this method; Trace loses touch for the duration of the Hide Object, regaining it when the object reappears in this world. Teleport Shield will oppose this spell (the original margin of success of the Hide Object spell would need to be 5 or better for the object to reappear within an area affected by a base casting of Teleport Shield, for example). The object reappears in the caster’s grasp or in his immediate vicinity (caster’s choice).

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 1 per pound of object weight to cast. Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Hideaway and Teleport.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

(b) Any object may be enchanted to “disappear” and “reappear” at its owner’s command. Energy cost to enchant: 100 per pound of item weight. This is a popular enchantment on illegal objects…

Sanctuary (VH): Special

Opens a door-sized portal to a pocket dimension. The portal closes immediately after the caster passes through it (others may pass through it first, of course). The portal leads to a small dimly lit room with blank walls and no visible exits. When the caster wishes to leave, he simply concentrates and a portal appears on one of the walls, leading back to his original point of departure. The space can have a size up to that of a cube equal to the caster’s skill, in yards, on a side.

The real world completely loses touch with the occupants of the pocket dimension; Seeker won’t find them, Trace will lose them for the duration (but will pick them up as soon as they step back out) and so on. Of course, the reverse is also true.

Long-term visits to the pocket dimension will require the creation of air, food, and water (and decent lighting, for comfort’s sake), as well as the disposal of wastes. This is slightly complicated by the fact that the pocket dimension is low-mana; all spellcasting is at -5, and the Recover Energy spell doesn’t work.

Should the spell expire or the caster lose consciousness, all the room’s contents reappear as if teleported; its occupants each take 1d of damage and are physically stunned if they fail a Body Sense roll. This also happens to anyone who is foolish enough not to exit before the caster!

If the caster wishes to return to the real world, but not to his point of departure, he may cast an appropriate magical transport spell from the pocket dimension as if he were casting it from the departure point (if he is willing to take the risk of a lowmana casting).

Note: This “default” description of the pocket universe created by this spell should by no means be taken as gospel. A less bare-bones version might include opulent (but magical and temporary) furnishings and features, illusionary windows, and so on. In some worlds, this will be determined by the GM’s views on alternate dimensions. In others, the details of sanctuary dimensions might be conscious, or unconscious, reflections of the mage’s personality.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Hideaway and Teleport.


Staff, wand, jewelry, or door. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Suspend Time (VH): Area; Resisted by IQ

Time is suspended in the area; relative to the outside world, the occupants of a time-suspended area will not move, breathe, age, or even think. As far as the affected beings are concerned, no time elapses for the spell’s duration. One moment they were having tea in a pleasant spring meadow, and the next moment winter has come outside the circle of grass they are sitting in…

Any unwilling beings within the area when the spell is cast resist with IQ. They must all fail for the spell to take effect.

From the outside, the area appears to be surrounded by a perfectly reflective surface, which nothing (including magic and magical beings) can cross. Objects thrown at it bounce off. Any spell requiring concentration and lying outside the area immediately lapses if its caster is caught inside. Likewise, any outside spell whose maintenance comes due during the suspended time also lapses (but see Maintain Spell).

Duration: 1 day (outside time).

Base cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 minutes.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Slow Time.


Staff or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Time Out (VH): Area

The area and all within it are temporarily removed from the time stream; the effect is equivalent to having the area’s time accelerated infinitely. Unlike Suspend Time, this spell can only be cast from the inside, centered on the caster (the spell ends as soon as he touches its edge). Should the caster die alone in the area, the spell will never end! The caster and any objects caught in the area would simply seem to vanish from the time stream.

As far as outside observers are concerned, the area “ages” instantaneously (which may or may not be perceptible). One moment five ogres were attacking the party while their wizard cast a spell, and the next moment the ogres were dead, the party magically healed, and everybody was in a different position and drinking rum to celebrate.

From the inside, the area is bounded by a wall (and covered by a ceiling) of utter blackness. Anyone or anything touching the edge of the area is immediately expelled from the area, back into normal time. This causes an automatic mental stun to anyone other than the caster. Missiles of any sort can be thrown blindly out of the area (see Shooting Blind, p. B389) but not into it. Note that, since all missiles fired out of the area will emerge at the same outside time, an archer could create an impressive burst of arrows by simply firing casually for a few subjective hours…

Spells involving the outside simply fail. Any spell requiring concentration and lying inside the area lapses immediately if its caster is left outside. Likewise, any inside spell whose maintenance comes due during the Time Out lapses unless its caster is also inside.

The “flow” of mana into the Timed Out area is effectively nil. Powerstones won’t recharge, enchantment is impossible, etc. Mages still recover lost energy (the physical consequences of manipulating mana go away regardless of the local mana supply), but GMs may decree that spells cost much more, or are impossible, within the timestopped area (since the power must be drawn entirely from the caster’s personal life-force). This is entirely dependent on the GM’s view of mana in his setting.

Duration: An instant (outside time). Within the area, the caster and any other occupants have as much time as they need.

Base cost: 5.

Time to cast: 5 minutes.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Accelerate Time.


Staff or timepiece. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Healing Spells

These spells are the whitest of white magic. Yet ironically, the healing spells are precursors of the dark spells of necromancy. Some healers even refuse to learn Resurrection, because of the necromantic knowledge required to make the spell function.

Most healers are mages; Magery 1 is a prerequisite for even the first few spells of the college, and higher levels quickly become necessary. Some nonmage healers, however, make up for their magical deficit with an abundance of compassion. In many magical hospitals, this leads to a division of labor between the sympathetic nonmages, who handle minor injuries and care, and the mages, who have the power to heal plagues and mortal wounds, but may have the bedside manner of a stump.

Almost every mage at least dabbles in healing; the Recover Energy spell, which can be vital to a practicing mage, belongs to the College of Healing.

Anyone who tries to heal himself has a skill penalty equal to the amount of injury he has. For example, a wizard who is missing 4 HP rolls at -4 to heal himself.

A critical failure with a Healing spell will always have some appropriate bad effect on the patient, aggravating the injury, creating a new wound, or the like.

Body-Reading: Information; Resisted by Will

Creates in the mind of the caster a visual and tactile “image” of the interior of the subject’s body. Useful for diagnosing pain or illness of uncertain origins, this spell reveals organ ruptures and internal bleeding, bone fractures – even the sex of an unborn child. Use Regular range modifiers. Essentially, this is the magical equivalent of a detailed series of X-rays; what the caster can do with the information gained depends on his medical skills.

The spell does not reveal the exact nature of any poisons or diseases that may be affecting the subject, but it gives a +2 to any subsequent Poisons or Diagnosis roll. The caster must touch the subject.

Modifiers: -2 if the subject is of a different species than the caster (an elven wizard reading a human subject, for instance), -4 or worse if totally alien!

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisite: Sense Life or Awaken.


Headgear or jewelry. Works only on wearer. Energy cost to create: 200.

Detect Poison: Area; Information

As listed under Protection and Warning Spells.

Final Rest: Regular

When cast on a dead body, this spell renders the subject immune to all Necromantic magic. The spirit of the deceased cannot be summoned, nor can the body be animated (or Resurrected). It has no physical effect on the body. The spell may be cast at any time after the subject dies, but there is a cumulative -1 penalty for each month that the subject has been dead, to a maximum of -10. Any given caster may attempt the spell only once per subject.

This spell has no effect on a living person, and will not affect the undead who have already risen.

In many settings, this spell is an intrinsic part of funeral rites, and may be restricted to the clergy. GMs may wish to change the prerequisite from Magery to Power Investiture or Blessed. In other settings, this spell is unnecessary; ordinary nonmagical funeral rites are sufficient to safeguard the dead from necromancy.

It is usually assumed that this spell functions by sending the soul of the deceased from the mortal plane into the presence of their deity. Some, however (usually members of one death-cult or another), believe that this spell works by destroying the disembodied spirits of the dead!

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 20.

Time to cast: Minimum 10 minutes.

This spell is always cast ceremonially.

Prerequisite: Magery 1 or Spirit Empathy. “Holy” persons may be able to cast this spell without either prerequisite.


This spell may be consecrated into funerary regalia. Energy cost: 1,200.

Lend Energy: Regular

Restores the subject’s lost Fatigue Points, at an energy cost to the caster. Cannot increase the subject’s FP score above its normal maximum.

Cost: Any amount; the energy spent by the caster goes to the subject as restored FP (e.g., if the caster spends 5 energy, the subject regains 5 lost FP). Casting cost is not reduced by high skill.

Prerequisite: Magery 1 or Empathy (p. B51).


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100.

Lend Vitality: Regular

Temporarily restores the subject’s lost Hit Points, at an energy cost to the caster. Cannot increase the subject’s HP score above its normal maximum. Since restored HP vanish after one hour and the spell cannot be maintained, this spell is only a stopgap measure.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Any amount; the energy spent by the caster goes to the subject as restored HP (e.g., if the caster spends 5 energy, the subject regains 5 lost HP). Casting cost is not reduced by high skill. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Prerequisite: Lend Energy.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 250.

Share Energy: Regular

The caster makes his FP available to another wizard’s spell casting. The caster may only cast this spell on himself. He must specify who can draw FP from him in the next second – nobody else may do so. More than one wizard may be specified, and a limit of 5 FP may be drawn in a single second. The caster may specify a lower limit! HP may not be used to cast this spell.

If a specified wizard does not draw FP before the caster’s next turn, the Share Energy spell expires, costing the caster one FP. The wizard casting the other spell does not have to be aware of the Share spell’s existence. As he casts his spell, he will feel an outside energy attempting to aid him – he may yield to that or deny it, paying the cost himself.

A spell can draw power from only one Share spell. If more than one Share spell is cast, use the closest one; roll randomly if two are equally close. Duration: The FP must be used in a spell that turn. Cannot be maintained.

Cost: Twice the amount actually used by the wizard who draws the FP. The energy spent by the caster goes to power another wizard’s spell. FP beyond that needed by the spell is not transferred to the other wizard – use Lend Energy to do that. The cost to cast this spell is never reduced by high skill. A minimum of 1 FP is always spent when casting this spell.

Prerequisite: Lend Energy.

Recover Energy: Special

Rest and recover Fatigue Points more quickly than normal by drawing energy from the mana around him. A normal person recovers 1 FP every 10 minutes. A mage who knows this spell at skill 15 or higher recovers 1 FP every 5 minutes. A mage who knows this spell at skill 20 or higher recovers 1 FP every 2 minutes. No further improvement is possible. Note that this spell works on the caster himself; it cannot restore FP to others.

The mage must rest quietly, but no ritual or die roll is required. While resting, he can maintain ordinary spells, but not those that require concentration.

This spell does not function in low or no-mana areas.

Cost: None.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Lend Energy.


Jewelry. Permits wearer to recover as though he had this spell at level equal to item’s Power; always on. A very rare item! Energy cost to create: 1,000; must be made of alloyed gold and platinum (minimum value of a small ring $500).

Remove Contagion: Area

Purifies the subject area of contagious disease-causing agents – microbes, disease spirits, foul air, etc. – rendering it sterile and free from infection. This spell can be used to cleanse and sterilize anything from a disease-cult temple to an operating theatre. It will not cure or relieve disease in living creatures; it serves only to cleanse and purify objects and surfaces.

Infectious areas or objects treated with Remove Contagion cannot serve as a source of contagion (see Contagion, p. B443) until reinfected.

Duration: Until disease-causing agents return to the affected area.

Base cost: 3.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Decay, Clean, or Cure Disease.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. Subject must be touched by item. Energy cost to create: 400.

Stop Spasm: Regular

As listed under Body Control Spells.

Awaken: Area

Renders the subject(s) awake and alert. It instantly counters the effects of stunning. If the subject is very fatigued (less than 1/3 basic FP), this spell renders him alert for an hour but costs him 1 FP at the end of that time. It has no effect on those with 0 or fewer FP. Sleeping or unconscious subjects get a HT roll to awaken, at a bonus equal to the caster’s margin of success. A subject rolls at -3 if unconscious due to injury, at -6 if drugged.

Base cost: 1.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.


Wand or staff. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 300.

Relieve Sickness: Regular; Resisted by subject spell

Temporarily relieves a subject of any sickness symptoms he may have been displaying (fever, dizziness, rash, cough, etc.). The spells Sickness and Drunkenness get to resist. Note that only the symptoms are cured. Relieve Sickness will sober a drunk for the duration – but for a permanent cure, use Neutralize Poison.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; must be recast.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 250.

Share Vitality: Regular

The caster heals another’s injuries by transferring them to himself, losing as many HP as the subject heals. If the subject had a crippled limb, it will remain so – only the HP loss is healed. Likewise, the injury applied to the caster will not cripple him (although it could certainly put him into unconsciousness or even kill him; the spell includes no “safety net” for overly kind wizards). The caster does not suffer the normal skill penalty for spending HP to cast spells, nor is he penalized for recasting on the same subject.

Duration: Permanent; the caster can be healed of his new injuries through normal or magical means.

Cost: No energy need be expended; high skill only affects casting time.

Time to cast: 1 second per HP transferred.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.

Resist Disease: Regular

The subject is immune to diseases for the duration of the spell, as per the Immunity to Disease advantage (p. B80). This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Remove Contagion or Vigor.


(a) Jewelry. Always on; the wearer is immune to diseases. A rare and prized item! Energy cost to create: 1,000 for an item that resists one specific disease, 2,500 for one that resists all diseases.

(b) Jewelry. Always on; prevents the wearer from spreading any disease he may have. “Lepers’ Cords” are an example of this item. Energy cost to create: 250.

Resist Poison: Regular

The subject becomes immune to poisons for the duration of the spell. For some very persistent poisons, this is only a delay of the inevitable, since traces of the poison may still be in the subject’s system when the spell ends!

This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Vigor.


Jewelry. The item must bear a picture of a unicorn. Always on; wearer is immune to poison. A rare and prized item! Energy cost to create: 500 for an item that resists one specific poison, 4,000 for one that resists all poisons.

Stop Bleeding: Regular

The subject stops bleeding immediately, as if bandaged by someone with the First Aid skill (p. B195). This restores 1 HP, and prevents further HP loss from bleeding if the optional bleeding rules (p. B420) are in effect. The subject of this spell may not subsequently benefit from further bandaging of the same wounds.

This spell may also be used to stabilize a mortal wound (p. B423), at a substantially higher cost.

Duration: Permanent, although later injuries will bleed normally.

Cost: 1 to stop bleeding on a normal wound; 10 to stabilize a mortal wound.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.


Any item. The item must bear a picture of a pelican. It prevents its wearer from bleeding and from suffering mortal wounds. Energy cost to create: 500.

Minor Healing: Regular

Restores up to 3 HP to the subject. Does not eliminate disease or poison, but will cure damage caused by these things.

This spell is risky if used more than once per day by the same caster on the same subject. If you try, roll at -3 for the first repetition, -6 for the second, and so on.

If you have the Physician skill at level 15 or higher, a critical failure with this spell counts only as an ordinary failure – unless you are trying the spell more than once per day on the same subject.

Cost: 1 to 3. The same amount is restored to the subject.

Prerequisite: Lend Vitality.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by mages, or by nonmages with Physician skill 15 or higher. Energy cost to create: 600.

Major Healing (VH): Regular

Restores up to 8 HP to the subject. Does not eliminate disease or poison, but will cure damage caused by these things.

Otherwise, this spell functions just like Minor Healing: it is at -3 per casting on the same subject in one day, and Physician skill at level 15 or higher will mitigate the effects of a critical failure.

The penalties for repeated casting accrue separately for Minor Healing and Major Healing. For instance, a caster could cast both spells on the same subject in the same day at no penalty.

Cost: 1 to 4. Twice the amount spent is restored to the subject.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Minor Healing.


Wand or staff decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by mages, or by nonmages with Physician skill 20 or higher. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Great Healing (VH): Regular

Restores all of the subject’s missing HP. Does not eliminate disease or poison, nor does it restore crippled or missing body parts, but it can heal HP lost to any of these things.

A given subject can only benefit from this spell once per day, whether cast by the same caster or by a different caster each time. If you have the Physician skill at level 15 or higher, a critical failure with this spell counts only as an ordinary failure.

Cost: 20. One try per day per subject.

Time to cast: 1 minute.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Major Healing.


Wand or staff decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by mages, or by nonmages with Physician skill 25 or higher. Energy cost to create: 4,000.

Cure Disease: Regular

Eliminates one type of disease or infection from the body of the subject. A successful Diagnosis roll (by the caster or another) should precede the casting; if not, spell use is at -5! Does not cure any damage the illness has done to the subject; the spell just eliminates the underlying sickness.

Duration: The illness is gone, but the subject isn’t immune forever…

Cost: 4.

Time to cast: 10 minutes. One try. Prerequisites: Relieve Sickness and Major Healing.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 800 to cure one specific disease, or 1,500 for an item that cures any disease.

Neutralize Poison: Regular

Eliminates all traces of one chosen poison from the body of the subject. A successful Poisons roll (by the caster or another character) should precede the casting in order to identify the poison being treated; if not, spell use is at -5! This spell is of no use against alchemical elixirs other than those that do direct damage. Does not cure existing damage – the spell just removes the remaining poison, avoiding any further damage.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 5.

Time to cast: 30 seconds (beware fast-acting poisons!). One try.

Prerequisites: Either Magery 3 and Test Food or Cure Disease.


Staff or wand decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Physician-20 or higher. The item must touch the subject. Cost to create: 400 for an item that cures one specific poison, 1,500 for an item that cures any poison.

Instant Neutralize Poison (VH): Regular

As Neutralize Poison, but works instantly. A Poisons roll is not required for successful use of this spell!

Cost: 8. One try per day.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Neutralize Poison.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Physician-20 or higher. Energy cost to create: 800 for an item that neutralizes one specific poison, 3,000 for an item that will neutralize any poison.

Relieve Addiction: Regular

Partially replaces a “daily dose” of some drug required by the subject. The subject will still feel the psychological effects of missing a dose (that is, a Will-modified HT roll is still required to count the day toward shaking off the addiction), but will not suffer any physical damage from withdrawal.

Modifiers: This spell is at a -4 penalty if the caster casts it on himself, and at a cumulative -4 per consecutive daily casting on the same subject (thus, it gets harder and harder for the spell to replace the drug). In addition, the withdrawal penalty inherent to the drug is applied to any casting!

Duration: 1 day.

Cost: 6. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Neutralize Poison.

Relieve Madness: Regular

Temporarily restores a subject’s sanity, relieving him from a single Delusion, Phobia, Compulsion, or spell-induced Madness (caster’s choice). The Madness and Permanent Madness spells get to resist. This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Lend Vitality and Wisdom.


Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 850.

Restore Sight: Regular

Temporarily restores the subject’s sight, regardless of what caused the loss (if the loss of sight is magical in nature, however, the responsible spell gets to resist). The eyes must not be completely missing (that requires Regeneration). For a permanent cure, use Restoration.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Equal to half of the restored Vision score (Per + Acute Vision); half to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Minor Healing and either Keen Vision or Strike Blind.


Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Restore Hearing: Regular

Similar to Restore Sight, but for Hearing. The eardrums or other organs of hearing must not be completely missing.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Equal to half of the restored Hearing score (Per + Acute Hearing); half to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Minor Healing and either Keen Hearing or Strike Deaf.


Jewelry (earrings are especially appropriate) or clothing. Always on. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Restore Memory: Regular

Used to cure the victims of memory loss, either mundane or magical. The spell restores one forgotten fact or skill at a time. The Forgetfulness spell resists; Permanent Forgetfulness resists at +5. This spell will not permit the subject to recall something that he never actually memorized in the first place (but see the Recall spell, p. 106).

The spell is risky if used more than once per day on the same subject: each repeat casting is at a cumulative -3 penalty. A critical failure is very hazardous – the memory being sought is destroyed forever, and the subject is plunged into a frightening sequence of buried memories lasting 2d minutes. This causes a Fright Check at a -6 penalty.

If the caster has Psychology skill at 15 or higher, a “critical failure” on this spell counts as an ordinary failure – unless he has already tried the spell more than once that day on the same subject.

Duration: The memory is recovered permanently.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Cost: 3.

Prerequisites: Awaken and IQ 11 or higher.


Wand or staff; the item must bear a picture of an elephant. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 600.

Restore Speech: Regular

Similar to Restore Sight, but for Speech. The tongue and vocal cords cannot be completely missing.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Minor Healing and either Great Voice or Strike Dumb.


Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Stop Paralysis: Regular

Counters temporary paralysis (due to spell, paralysis gun, etc.). An ongoing spell (such as Paralyze Limb or Total Paralysis) gets a resistance roll.

Cost: 1 for a single limb. 2 for the whole body.

Prerequisites: Either Minor Healing and Paralyze Limb or Major Healing.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.

Relieve Paralysis: Regular

Temporarily restores a subject’s use of his paralyzed or crippled limbs. The limbs must not, of course, be completely missing (that requires Regeneration). Since limbs wither with disuse, the GM should use his judgment and assess DX and ST penalties to the use of such restored limbs.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Equal to the crippling threshold for the limbs affected. Same to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Stop Paralysis.


Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Energy cost to create: 200 per point of crippling threshold effectively restored (should the wearer’s crippling threshold be higher than the capacity of the item, assess the difference as a penalty to DX and ST for that limb).

Restoration (VH): Regular

Regain the use of one crippled limb or damaged eye – also restores lost hearing, smell, etc. Will not work on a lost limb or eye – that requires Regeneration. (If a limb has been amputated and is intact, you may try Restoration within the hour, at -5 to skill, to put it back on!)

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 15. One try.

Time to cast: 1 minute to cast the spell; 1 month before the process of restoration is complete. The part may not be used at all until the month has passed; it simply won’t work, even though it may appear to be healthy.

Prerequisites: Either Major Healing or any two of Relieve Paralysis and the various “Restore” spells.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by mages. Subject must be touched by item. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Instant Restoration (VH): Regular

As Restoration, but works instantly.

Cost: 50. One try.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Restoration.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Regeneration (VH): Regular

Regrow one lost limb or eye.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 20. One try.

Time to cast: 1 minute to cast the spell; 1 month before the process of regeneration is complete. The regenerating part may not be used at all until the month has passed.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Restoration.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Instant Regeneration (VH): Regular

As Regeneration, but works instantly.

Cost: 80. One try.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Regeneration.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 4,000.

Cure Radiation


As listed under Technological Spells.

Cleansing: Regular; Special Resistance

Cleanses the subject of any foreign matter in his tissues, including cactus or porcupine spines, arrowheads, barbs, bullets, splinters, etc. Also eliminates external (but not internal) bacteria and parasites. Has no effect against diseases, poisons or drugs. The subject must be willing or totally helpless (e.g., bound or unconscious) and the caster must touch him.

“Foreign matter” that is somehow integral to the subject (gold teeth, steel plates or rods, glass eyes, cyberware, and so on) must be excluded by the caster or it may be destroyed as well! If the caster is careless (or malicious), each item resists separately with HT+5 of the subject.

Cost: 2 to cleanse a hand or foot, 4 for a torso or limb, 6 for an entire body.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Minor Healing and Purify Earth.


Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Surgery-15 or higher. Energy cost to create: 250.

Suspended Animation: Regular; Resisted by HT

Holds the subject in apparent sleep, indefinitely. The effects of severe bleeding, disease, age, etc. are all halted while the spell is in effect. The subject requires neither food nor air, but can still be harmed by fire, weapons, and other natural hazards.

Duration: Remains in effect until broken (the Awaken spell works well).

Cost: 6.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Sleep and at least four Healing spells.


(a) Jewelry, arrow, or clothing. Always on; the item puts its wearer in suspended animation instantly. The spell lifts immediately when the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

(b) Crypt, coffin, etc. Always on; puts the occupant in suspended animation. Energy cost to create: 2,000 per human-sized space.

Healing Slumber: Regular; Automatic Resistance

Subject falls into a deep restorative sleep, and heals 1 HP for every hour of rest. Fatigue is recovered at double the normal rate.

The subject wakes once completely healed, or after 8 hours have passed; any fatigue from lost sleep is also completely recovered after that time. Otherwise, he can only be awakened by a word from the caster, an injury or the Awaken spell (or Remove Curse, Counterspell, etc.). An unwilling subject resists automatically.

Duration: Up to 8 hours (maximum recovery of 8 HP per day).

Cost: 6. For a cost of 10, the speed of recovery is doubled. Maximum recovery is unchanged.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sleep, and Minor Healing.


(a) Wand or staff, decorated in a snake pattern. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Physician-15 or higher. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

(b) Any item. If the wearer is willing to sleep (or faints from fatigue or injury), the item activates. The wearer wakes if the item is removed or once the spell lapses (if the wearer’s HP is still negative, see Recovering From Unconsciousness, p. B423). Energy cost to create: 900.

Halt Aging (VH): Regular

Stops the subject from aging for one month. Cannot be cast again until the first spell wears off.

Duration: One month.

Cost: 20. One try per week.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least eight Healing spells.


Jewelry. Always on; the item prevents aging while it is worn. Kingdoms have been toppled for possession of such things… Energy cost to create: 10,000.

Youth (VH): Regular

Removes one year from the subject’s age. Any attribute levels lost in that period are automatically regained. Does not affect memories, skills, injuries, etc., gained during the “lost” months.

Duration: Subject starts aging again immediately.

Cost: 100. One try per month.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Halt Aging.

Resurrection (VH): Regular

Brings the subject back to life, provided that the body, or most of it, is available. This is the GM’s decision; note that a body that has reached -10xHP is by definition too damaged for resurrection. The resurrected subject has FP and HP 0, and must regain FP and HP in the normal fashion. All his limbs will be intact, regardless of the injuries that killed him. The caster’s skill is at a -1 penalty for each full day between the subject’s death and the beginning of the spell.

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent, until you’re killed again…

Cost: 300. One try.

Time to cast: 2 hours.

Prerequisites: Instant Regeneration and Summon Spirit.


There are persistent rumors of a magic item that will bring the dead to life, but nothing specific is known.

Illusion and Creation Spells

These spells let the wizard create what is not. An “illusion” has no real substance. A “creation” does have substance, while it exists. Each illusion or creation counts as a spell “on,” giving -1 to the caster’s other spell rolls.

The College of Illusion and Creation is challenging; not everyone has the wit and imagination to master the art of illusion. Nonetheless, the principles within the college are necessary to many potent spells in other colleges.

Scary Illusions

Illusions are often used to terrify. If you know your foe has a phobia of reptiles, a well-timed Simple Illusion of a snake can be more effective than a Fireball! However, knowledge of illusion magic permits a wizard to produce images that seem real, but not necessarily images that are scary. A real-looking dragon, with smoke curling from its nostrils and talons gleaming in the sunlight, will likely make anybody nervous – but a creative illusionist will contort the dragon’s expression into a nasty leer, place a few scraps of bloody meat between the talons, and have the beast’s muscles flexing menacingly beneath the scales.

The GM may want to assess an illusion’s Fright Check penalty (if any) based on the player’s description. However, to link an illusion’s impact to character skill rather than player skill, the GM may permit an Artist (Illusion) roll; the higher the margin of success, the more frightening (or beautiful, or moving) the illusion is.

Simple Illusion: Area

Creates a purely visual image that can be seen by anyone in view of the area it occupies. It may be a single object or an entire scene. It may move to a different area, or change size or shape up to its maximum area, if the caster concentrates. Any sapient creature can dispel it by “disbelieving” – taking a Concentrate action and making a successful Will roll. The illusion is automatically dispelled by any attack, any other spell except Control Illusion, or the touch of any sapient creature.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1 to cast. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisites: Caster must be able to see and have IQ 11 or better.

Phantom Flame: Area

As listed under Fire Spells.

Complex Illusion: Area

As Simple Illusion, but affects hearing as well as sight. It is not automatically dispelled by a spell or touch; however, any amount of actual damage will dispel the illusion.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2 to cast. Half that to maintain.

Prerequisites: Sound and Simple Illusion.

Perfect Illusion: Area

As Complex Illusion, but affects all the senses except touch; your hand will go through it. It cannot be dispelled except by Dispel Magic or Dispel Illusion. Any damage at all will temporarily disturb the illusion, revealing it for what it is without dispelling it.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 3 to cast. Half that to maintain. For double cost, even the sense of touch will be fooled, though you cannot “really” warm yourself from an illusionary fire.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Complex Illusion.

Illusion Shell: Regular

This illusion makes a chosen object look, sound, and feel different. The base object must be of the appropriate size and shape. The illusion may be disbelieved, but is otherwise stable. However, it will not move about unless the underlying object moves. Damage done by the underlying object is unaffected. For example, an illusion shell of a horse could be cast over a wooden horse. It would stamp, nicker, and smell like a horse, but could not be ridden! Concentration is not required to maintain the illusion.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 for an object small enough to be hand-held, or 2 for larger objects. Half that cost to maintain.

Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.


For 200 times the base cost, the spell can be made permanent; it will not be disbelieved!

Illusion Disguise: Regular

This illusion disguises a living being. The caster must first create the illusion (using any basic Illusion spell). The Illusion Disguise spell then superimposes the illusion over the subject, so it covers him and moves with him. The better the Illusion spell used, the better and more permanent the disguise; a Perfect Illusion Disguise even fools the sense of touch. Concentration is not required to maintain the disguise. The illusion disguise counts as only a single spell “on.”

Duration: Until the illusion ends.

Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.


Jewelry or clothing; the item casts an Illusion Disguise (specified when the item is enchanted) over the wearer. Energy cost to create: 150 Simple, 300 Complex, 500 Perfect Illusion. There is no energy cost to the wearer!

Independence: Area

This spell can be used with any controlled creation or illusion. It lets the caster “program” the creation or illusion to move about, speak (if it can make sounds), and even react in predetermined ways. All this is done with no further concentration on the caster’s part; it does not count as a separate spell “on.” If faced with something for which it is not “programmed,” it may do nothing or (if an illusion) simply vanish, at the GM’s whim.

Duration: As long as the creation or illusion lasts.

Base cost: 2. Does not require maintenance.

Time to cast: As long as it takes the casting player to describe the instructions to the GM, or to read them aloud if they are in writing (writing them down will save arguments!). Complex instructions take a long time to cast. Minimum 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.

Know Illusion: Information

Tells whether the subject is either an illusion or creation, and if so, just what kind it is. The caster must be able to see the subject.

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Simple Illusion.

Control Illusion: Regular; Resisted by subject spell

Take control of an illusion that someone else has cast. If your spell succeeds, you must pay any further energy costs to maintain the illusion. If you fail, the illusion still belongs to the original caster. This spell does not affect an Illusion Disguise. If the spell is cast over something that is not an illusion, the energy cost is still spent but the spell has no effect.

Duration: Once established, control is permanent unless someone else takes control.

Cost: 1.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Perfect Illusion.


Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 300. The item must touch the illusion to be controlled.

Dispel Illusion: Regular; Resisted by subject spell

Dispels any Illusion or Illusion Disguise. Does not affect creations.

Cost: 1.

Prerequisite: Control Illusion.


Wand or staff; the item must touch the subject illusion. Energy cost to create: 400.

Inscribe: Area; Resisted by Will

Creates an inscription (either writing or images) on any surface. Appropriate specializations of Artist (Calligraphy, Illumination, etc.) should be used to assess the aesthetics of the result. The image can be as stylish as the caster desires: letters of silver flame, simple block-lettering, reflected light on the surface of water, and so on. The inscription is integral to the subject’s surface, fading only when the spell is canceled or expires. Any living things to be inscribed get to resist.

This is also a Making and Breaking spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Minimum 2.

Prerequisites: Simple Illusion and Copy.


(a) Any inscription can be made permanent for 20 times the cost to cast the spell.

(b) A stylus, brush, etc. that can leave inscriptions on anything, without ever needing ink or paint. Energy cost to create: 30.

Phantom (VH): Area

Like Perfect Illusion, but a phantom can impede movement and inflict real damage. The first time any living creature physically contacts a phantom, roll a Quick Contest between the caster’s effective skill and the being’s IQ. If the caster loses, then the phantom is treated as a Perfect Illusion for all purposes with regards to that character.

If the caster wins, the phantom has substance and may proceed to strike, grapple, shove, and so on as if it were real. A phantom may have any ST and DX up to the mage’s skill with the spell for the purposes of contests, damage inflicted, and so on.

When the spell is first cast, the GM should note the margin of success. If a single attack on the phantom inflicts this amount (or more) of basic damage, the phantom is immediately dispelled. Any spells that work on illusions (Dispel Illusion, Control Illusion, Independence, etc.) work on phantoms.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 5. Half that to maintain. For a base cost of 9, the phantom can have twice the normal ST (DX is unchanged).

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Perfect Illusion, Hinder, and Apportation.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300; half cost for an item that will create a single, creator-determined phantom.

Initiative: Area

This spell can be cast on any creation or illusion the caster controls, giving it a semblance of intelligence in order to act on its own initiative. The subject is totally loyal to the caster, and obeys him (or anyone else the caster orders it to heed) to the best of its ability.

The base cost of the spell is based on what knowledge the caster grants the subject. Creations start with their own DX and IQ as listed in the spell description. For the purposes of this spell, Illusions and Phantoms start with IQ 0 and DX 8. The subject’s DX and IQ may be raised as high as the caster’s. The subject may also be given the caster’s skills – every skill granted is known at the same relative level as the caster. Illusions and creations with Initiative may use defaults on any skill.

Once the spell is cast, the subject acts on its own until the spell expires. If the subject comes across a situation that confuses it, it attempts to return to the caster for clarification. Like Independence (p. 96), this spell does not count as a spell “on,” and does not require separate maintenance.

Example: Lady Ann Goulding has created a magical servant to amuse her noble and decadent guests. She wishes it to circulate throughout the party, serving food, dancing with the noblewomen, and showing appropriate respect – without requiring constant supervision, so that she can enjoy herself. It begins with 9 in every attribute, but no skills (Lady Ann could have created a skilled servitor, but she has Create Servant-15 and can maintain an unskilled one indefinitely). To this base she adds 2 points of DX (bringing it up to her own DX of 11), and 2 points of IQ (well below her own IQ of 14) to make it wittier. This is a total attribute increase of 4, for a base cost of 2.

Lady Ann then gives it two skills – Dancing and Savoir-Faire. She has Dancing-14 (DX+3), and since the servant has the same DX as she does, the servant will, too. The lady’s knowledge of Savoir-Faire is considerable (skill 15, or IQ+1), but the servant is not as smart as she, and will only have it at its own IQ+1, for a net Savoir-Faire- 13. These two skills add 2 more to the base cost, for a total of 4. Since the servant is less than 1 yard in radius, a casting at base cost will suffice.

Duration: As long as the subject lasts.

Base cost: 1/3 per point of DX or IQ increase (round up), plus 1 per skill; minimum base cost of 3.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisites: Independence and Wisdom.

Create Object (VH): Regular

Create any sort of simple artifact with which the caster is familiar – e.g., a robe, a sword, a cup. It cannot create a magical item or a living creature.

Limitations: Food created this way will seem nourishing, but in fact is not. Information cannot be created; a book could not be created unless the caster knew all its contents by heart. A work of art will be only as good as the caster could make it by hand. A mechanical device cannot be created unless the caster could build it himself. (GMs – the intent of this rule is to make it almost impossible for mages to create cars, transistor radios, etc. Be strict.)

Duration: The created object lasts indefinitely – as long as it is touching a living, thinking being. Thus, a wizard can create a sword, and use it himself or give it to a friend – but if he creates a coin to cheat a merchant, it will vanish if the merchant drops it on the counter or tosses it in the air! A created item does not actually have to touch flesh, but it must be very close to someone. It could be held in a gloved hand, carried in a pocket, etc., but not stored in a backpack.

Cost: 2 for every 5 pounds the created item weighs.

Time to cast: Equal to cost, in seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Create Earth, and Perfect Illusion.

Duplicate (VH): Regular

Like Create Object, but instead of creating an object from the caster’s mind, the Duplicate spell duplicates an actual item, which must be held or touched by the caster while the spell is cast. This permits a mage with no knowledge of Armoury to create a gun – if he has another one handy to copy. It also permits perfect forgeries of works of art, money, documents, and so on. The magical duplicate follows all normal rules for items made with Create Object – it must remain in contact with a living thing, for instance, or it will disappear.

The mage may also attempt to alter the creation. For instance, he could copy a sword and add inscribed runes, or forge a passport with a different name or picture, etc. In this case, normal rules for the caster’s abilities apply; Forgery skill rolls may be required. A mage with no knowledge of guns could gold-plate a duplicate, but he couldn’t modify the firing mechanism or ammunition capacity.

Duration: As per Create Object (above).

Cost: 3 for every 5 pounds that the created object weighs.

Time to cast: Equal to the cost, in seconds.

Prerequisites: Create Object and Copy.


a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 650.

(b) A duplicate may be made permanent for 100 times casting cost.

Create Servant: Regular

Creates a stupid but obedient servitor (all attributes equal to 9) to do the caster’s bidding. The caster determines the servant’s appearance. This same spell can also create a Brute – a servant with ST of 16, and all other attributes at 9. Or it can create a servant with attributes at 9 and one noncombat non-IQ-based skill at level 16. Any created servant follows simple spoken commands, delivers verbal messages, etc. It is under the GM’s control. It cannot fight or handle confusing situations; it has no skills. Faced with danger, it whimpers, flees, or simply vanishes. If questioned, it knows only who its master is and what its orders are.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. For a skilled servitor, 4 to cast; 2 to maintain. For a Brute, 6 to cast; 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3, IQ 12 or higher, and Create Object.

Create Warrior: Regular

Creates a warrior to fight as the caster commands. He has IQ 10; ST, DX, and HT 12; and skill 16 with any single weapon (or unarmed combat ability) the caster desires. He has no weapons or armor when created, but uses what he is given.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 4 to maintain. Cost to create a Brute Warrior (ST of 16) is 6 to cast; 6 to maintain.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisite: Create Servant.

Create Animal: Regular

Create an animal (IQ 5 or less) that does your mental bidding while it exists. A created living being continues to exist until the caster stops maintaining the spell, or until it is killed, at which point it vanishes.

A living creation must be identical to a “real” living being with which the caster is familiar. You cannot create an imaginary being, or even a real creature of which you have only heard stories. Neither can you create a bear with poison fangs… but some wizards occasionally research private variations on the spell to make unusual creatures.

Create Animal may also be used to create a swarm of small creatures (p. B461). A “swarm” costs 2 energy to create.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2, multiplied by 1 + SM for animals larger than SM 0. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: Equal to cost, in seconds.

Prerequisites: Create Water, Create Object, and IQ 12 or higher.

Create Mount: Regular

Create a stupid but obedient mount on which to ride while it exists. It can also be used as a draft animal. The mount’s traits are equivalent to a pony (p. B460), but the caster sets its appearance at casting time; it can be a horse, camel, dolphin, dwarf elephant, huge ostrich, or anything else the GM agrees to (use the Create Animal guidelines). The mount can only understand very simple spoken commands, such as stop, go, left, right, about face, etc. It is under the GM’s control and cannot fight or handle confusing situations; it has no skills. Faced with danger, it will whimper, bolt, or simply vanish.

The caster may also choose to create a Brute mount with ST 35, a Winged mount with Move 7/14, a Racing mount with Move 18, or a War-Trained mount that remains calm in dangerous situations and can be ordered to trample or attack.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 8 to cast. 3 to maintain. Double the cost for a Brute mount, a Winged mount, a War-Trained mount, or a Racing mount. Triple the cost for a Winged Racing mount, etc.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Create Animal.


(a) A mage may create a permanent mount for 100 times the casting cost.

(b) Horn or whistle. Usable only by mages. Sounding the horn or whistle causes the mount to appear as if summoned. Energy cost to create: 200 times the casting cost for the intended type of mount.

Control Creation: Regular; Resisted by subject spell

Takes control of a living Creation cast by someone else. On a success, further energy costs are necessary to maintain the creation. On a failure, the creation remains the original caster’s. This spell cannot affect an Illusion.

Cost: 1.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Create Animal or Create Servant.


Wand or staff; the item must touch the subject creation. Energy cost to create: 400.

Dispel Creation: Regular; Resisted by subject spell

Destroys any sort of Creation. Does not affect illusions.

Cost: 1 to dispel a nonliving subject, or 3 to dispel a living creation.

Prerequisite: Control Creation.


Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 500.

Knowledge Spells

These spells provide information. Duration is “instantaneous” unless noted otherwise – that is, the caster gets one flash of knowledge, but not a continuing picture.

Measurement: Area; Information

Tells the caster any one of the following things about the subject:

(a) its weight;

(b) its measurements in all dimensions;

© its area;

(d) its volume.

This spell will provide information in the native system of the caster, be that pounds, grams, or stones about the size of your head. The measurement is as precise as the caster can comprehend. In some settings, where other quantities are commonly measured, other measurements may be possible. At high TLs, for example, the wavelength of a color may be determined, or the frequency of a sound. The speed of a moving object or the local gravity are also quantities that could be measured in some settings.

Base cost: 1.


A different item exists for each of the above functions: an enchanted ruler for measurement, scales for weight, a lens for color, or an onyx cube for volume. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 50.

Tell Time: Information

Tells the caster what time it is – as well as the day and year, should that be in doubt.

Cost: 1.


Jewelry that lets the wearer know the exact time whenever he wants. Energy cost to create: 250.

Alarm: Regular

Alerts the subject at a specified time in the future, awakening him if necessary. It will also remind him of one thing (in effect, delivering a message), provided he specified that thing at the time the Alarm spell was cast. Can be set to “go off” up to a week from time of casting.

Duration: 1 week.

Cost: 1. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisite: Tell Time.


Jewelry. It will buzz or vibrate at exactly the same time every day, as set by the original creator. Energy cost to create: 60.

Far-Feeling: Regular

The subject can feel by touch any object that he can see (even at a great distance) or through solid objects totaling no more than 6 feet in thickness. The sensations are one-way (to pinch a wench, use the Manipulate spell); in particular, a mage cannot deliver spells by Far-Feeling!

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Magery 1.


Gloves or jewelry. Affects only the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200.

Find Direction: Information

Tells the caster which direction is North. Alternately, it can tell which way his home is. Note that no one can have more than one true home, and a wanderer may have none!

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Magery 1.


Enchanted compass needle that points north, or to the user’s home, on command. Energy cost to create: 250.

Tell Position: Information

Tells the caster the subject’s exact distance, azimuth, and altitude relative to the caster. The caster must be able to see the subject.

Cost: 1.

Prerequisite: Measurement.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 150.

Test Load: Area; Information

Tells the caster how much weight the subject can support before warping or breaking. This can reveal the capacity of bridges, baskets, ropes, etc.

Base cost: 1 (minimum 2).

Prerequisite: Measurement.


Staff or wand; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 80.

Small Vision: Regular

As listed under Light and Darkness Spells.

Earth Vision: Regular

As listed under Earth Spells.

Air Vision: Regular

As listed under Air Spells.

Detect Magic: Regular

Determines whether any one object is magical. If the spell is successful, a second casting tells whether the magic is temporary or permanent. A critical success on either roll fully identifies the spell, as for Analyze Magic.

This is not the same as the ability to detect magic items that comes with Magery 0; that ability only detects permanent magic items, while Detect Magic detects items, spells, magical creatures, and any other ongoing magical effect.

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Magery 1.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100.

(b) Ring or necklace. Always on. It vibrates, alerting the wearer, when any magical item is within 5 yards. A Limit spell is often used to make it alert the wearer only to certain kinds of magic. Energy cost to create: 300.

Sense Mana: Information

Tells the caster the mana level at the point where he is standing, and whether the local mana is aspected (see GURPS Fantasy) or otherwise unusual. If the spell is successful, a second casting will reveal the precise nature and level of any aspect or other peculiarity.

Cost: 3.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 200.

(b) Ring or necklace. Always on. It vibrates whenever the wearer passes over a boundary between areas of different mana. Energy cost to create: 500.

Aura: Information

Creates a glowing halo, or “aura,” around the subject. This aura gives the caster a general insight into the subject’s personality – the better the skill roll, the better the insight. The aura also shows whether the subject has Magery, Magic Resistance, or Magic Susceptibility (and what level); whether the subject is possessed or controlled in any way; and whether the subject is in the grip of any violent emotion. A critical success will detect “secret” traits, such as lycanthropy, vampirism, and unnatural longevity. All living beings have auras; inanimate things do not. A zombie is detectable by his faint, death-haunted aura, while a vampire retains the aura he had in life. Illusions and created beings have no aura, so a successful casting of this spell distinguishes them from real persons.

Cost: 3 (for any size subject).

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100.

Identify Spell: Information

Identifies what spell or spells have just been cast (within the last five seconds), or are being cast at the moment, on or by the subject. It does not identify the spells on a permanently enchanted item. One casting identifies all spells cast on or by the subject. However, if any of these spells are totally unknown to the caster – not just spells he doesn’t know, but spells he has never heard of – the GM should provide only a vague description; e.g., “Some kind of physical protection.” Wizards have heard of every spell in this book (unless the GM rules that some are secret) but not new spells created by the GM or players.

Cost: 2.

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,100.

Mage Sight: Regular

Detect all magical items in your field of vision. Each such item will have a glow or “aura,” similar to the aura of a living being. This glow is visible through clothes, armor, or up to 1/2” of solid material.

The aura of a permanently enchanted item will be stronger than that of something under a temporary spell. Enchanted (or magical) beings also glow, though mages themselves do not unless they actually have spells on them at the moment. The aura may also give a clue to an item’s nature. On a good roll, for instance, fire spells will have a distinctive red glow, and evil items will somehow seem to have a “black glow” in their auras. A critical success with this spell lets the caster fully identify every magic item he sees. Note that this ability is essentially a more reliable version of the magical sense that comes with Magery 0 (p. B66).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800.

Mage Sense: Information

Tells the caster whether some unseen magical item or creature is nearby. The caster may specify that he is looking for any unseen item, or he may specify a certain object.

Skill modifier: the distance in yards to the object sought. Use the closest distance if the caster moves around during the spell’s duration, and roll at the end of that time. At the GM’s option, some very powerful magic items may be easier to sense.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

Seek Magic: Information

Determines the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant magical item, active spell, or magical being (magical beings include demons, elementals, spirits, etc., but not races or individuals with Magery). Regular range penalties apply. Any known examples of magic may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before casting.

This is also a Meta-Spell.

Cost: 6.

Time to cast: 10 seconds.

Prerequisite: Detect Magic.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

Analyze Magic: Information; Resisted by spells that conceal magic

Identifies exactly what spells are on the subject. If the subject has more than one spell on it, Analyze Magic identifies the one that took the least energy, and tells the caster “there are more spells.” It can then be cast again to determine the next spell, and so on. Name and Password enchantments (p. 68) count as separate spells that resist at +5; any individual wizard may only attempt to Analyze a Name or Password once. Like Identify Spell, above, it will give limited results when the caster is faced with an unknown spell.

Cost: 8.

Time to cast: 1 hour.

Prerequisite: Identify Spell.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

Summon Shade (VH): Information; Resisted by Will

Summons a “shade” of the subject from a possible future, to answer the caster’s questions. The shade will not lie (except on a critical failure) but it will be disoriented; therefore its answers may be unclear and imprecise. One question may be asked per minute the spell is maintained. Since the shade only comes from the most likely future, this spell may be an unsatisfactory augury.

Example: Felix Magister might summon a shade of his friend Rudolph from two months ahead, and ask if his attack on the dragon succeeded – and then, if the answer was “no,” persuade the real Rudolph not to try. The shade simply came from a different future. Of course, the shade might also reply “no – it was called off.”

At the time from which the shade is drawn, the subject will have a vivid dream in which he will see his questioner(s) and remember all that is said – if the predicted event came true.

Skill modifiers: -1 for each year in the future that the shade is drawn; -5 if the subject is not present or -10 if nothing pertaining to the subject (clothing, hair clippings, etc.) is present. -10 if the subjects full name is not known.

This spell may not be attempted more than once per year on the same person. This is a very powerful spell, and GMs may wish to restrict access to this spell, or require expensive materials.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 50 to cast. 20 to maintain.

Time to cast: 10 minutes. One try per year.

Prerequisite: Summon Spirit or Divination.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. The item does not give ability to cast the spell, but gives +2 skill to one who knows the spell. Energy cost to create: 800.

Glass Wall: Regular

See through a single wall, floor, ceiling, or other similar barrier up to 4 feet thick (material doesn’t matter).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Either five other Knowledge spells or Earth Vision.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 600.

Far-Tasting: Regular

As listed under Food Spells.

Far-Hearing: Regular

As listed under Sound Spells.

Water Vision: Information

As listed under Water Spells.

Plant Vision: Regular

As listed under Plant Spells.

Know Location: Information

Gives the caster a reasonable idea of his geographical location (to within a couple of miles). This will be expressed in terms of the nearest named features that the caster has heard of (if in doubt as to whether or not the caster has heard of the feature, the GM should roll against the caster’s Area Knowledge). For example, “You are in the Sahara Desert, roughly 30 miles north of Timbuktu.”

Cost: 2.

Time to cast: 10 seconds. On successive castings, the spell repeats its last answer (right or wrong) until the caster moves a mile or so from the location.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Tell Position.


Any map, globe, etc., can be enchanted to show the user’s location whenever the spell is cast. A mark (chosen by the item’s creator) appears at the appropriate spot if successful. No mark appears if the user is outside the map’s boundaries. If the casting fails, either no mark appears or an erroneous one does. Energy cost to create: 225.

Know Recipe: Information; Special Resistance

As listed under Food Spells.

Wizard Eye: Regular

Creates a physical eye – a 2” ball – through which the caster can see. The Eye can fly through the air, vertically and/or horizontally, with a Move of 10; it moves on the caster’s turn. Concentration is necessary to move the eye, but not to see through it. Any vision-enhancing spells affecting the caster will also be usable through the Eye. The Eye is small, with a SM of -7, so it is hard to hit – but if it is hit by a physical attack, or any spell that would reasonably incapacitate it, it is destroyed.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Apportation and Keen Vision.


An eyeball carved of ivory and inset with jewels. Usable only by mages. At its holder’s command, it will turn into a Wizard Eye; on returning to his hand it will revert to the jeweled form. Cost to create: 1,100 energy; $1,000 for skilled ivory carving, and $600 for emeralds.

Invisible Wizard Eye: Regular

Creates a Wizard Eye that cannot be seen without the See Invisible spell. Anyone who guesses where it is may still attack, but the -7 penalty for SM combined with the -6 penalty for invisibility makes it very hard to hit.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisites: Wizard Eye and Invisibility.


As Wizard Eye, but more costly. Cost to create: 1,600 energy; $1,000 for skilled ivory carving, and $900 for emeralds and opals.

Wizard Mouth: Regular

Creates a replica – about 4” across – of the caster’s physical mouth and lips, through which he can speak as well as taste. The Mouth flies through the air with a Move of 10, on the caster’s turn, though it may not do so without bumping into things unless accompanied by a Wizard Eye or Ear!

Concentration is necessary to move the Mouth, but not to speak or taste through it. Any voice or taste-enhancing spells affecting the caster will also be usable through the Mouth. The Mouth may not cast spells! While tasting through the Mouth, the wizard’s own mouth is insensitive. Every turn, he must specify whether he is tasting through the Mouth or through his own mouth.

The Mouth is small, with a SM of -6, so it is hard to hit – but if it is hit by a physical attack, or any spell that could reasonably incapacitate it, it is destroyed. The Mouth itself cannot inflict any biting damage.

This is also a Food spell and a Sound spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Apportation, Far-Tasting, and Great Voice.


(a) Any item depicting a human mouth may be turned into an immobile Wizard Mouth, through which the holder of a mouth-shaped amulet, enchanted at the same time, may speak regardless of distance. Each such Mouth links to one amulet and vice versa. Energy cost to create: 325.

(b) A mouth carved of red coral and inset with ivory teeth. Usable only by mages. At its holder’s command, it turns into a Wizard Mouth; on returning to his hand it reverts to the object form. Cost to create: 650 energy, $1,000 for skilled coral carving and $400 in ivory.

Wizard Nose: Regular

Creates a disembodied replica – about 2” to 3” long – of the caster’s physical nose, through which he can smell. The Nose flies through the air with a Move of 10, on the caster’s turn, though it may not do so without bumping into things unless accompanied by a Wizard Ear or Eye!

Concentration is necessary to move the Nose, but not to smell through it. Any smell-enhancing spells affecting the caster will also be usable through the Nose. While smelling through the Nose, the wizard’s own nose is insensitive. Every turn, he must specify whether he is smelling through the Nose or through his own nose.

The Nose is small, with a SM of -7, but if it is hit by a physical attack or any spell that could reasonably incapacitate it, it is destroyed.

This is also a Food spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Apportation and Far-Tasting.


(a) Any item depicting a human nose may be turned into an immobile Wizard Nose, through which the holder of a flower-shaped amulet, enchanted at the same time, may smell regardless of distance. Each such Nose links to one amulet and vice versa. Energy cost to create: 475.

(b) A Nose carved of precious stone. Usable only by mages. At its holder’s command, it will turn into a Wizard Nose; on returning to his hand it will revert to the object form. Cost to create: 500 energy and $500 in materials and workmanship.

Wizard Hand: Regular

Creates a replica of the caster’s physical hand, through which he can grasp as well as feel. The hand flies through the air with a Move of 10, on the caster’s turn, though it may not do so without bumping into things unless accompanied by a Wizard Ear or Eye!

Alternatively, it may grope its way along walls, floors, and ceilings at a Move of 3. Concentration is necessary to move the hand, but not to hold or feel through it. The hand may not cast or deliver spells! Any touch-enhancing spells affecting the caster will also be usable through the hand. While feeling through the hand, the wizard’s own hands are insensitive. Every turn, he must specify whether he is feeling through the Hand or through his own hands.

The Hand is small, with a SM of -5, but any hit with a physical attack or any spell that could reasonably incapacitate it will destroy it. The Hand itself cannot inflict any punching damage; it has ST 2 and the caster’s DX.

This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast and 3 to maintain for one Hand; 6 to cast and 4 to maintain for two Hands.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Manipulate and FarFeeling.


(a) Any item depicting a human hand may be turned into a stationary Wizard Hand, through which the wearer of a glove, enchanted at the same time, may feel regardless of distance. Each such hand links to one glove and vice versa. Energy cost to create: 300.

(b) A hand carved of precious wood. Usable only by mages. At its holder’s command, it will turn into a Wizard Hand; on returning to his hand it will revert to the object form. Cost to create: 400 energy and $500 in materials and workmanship.

Plastic Vision: Regular

As listed under Technological Spells.

Metal Vision: Regular

As listed under Technological Spells.

Astral Vision (VH): Regular

See insubstantial entities. Examples include ghosts and subjects of Ethereal Body, Projection, or Astral Trip spells.

This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Sense Spirit and See Invisible.


(a) Wand or staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 900.

(b) Spectacles or jewelry. Affects only the wearer; always on. Energy cost to create: 1,400.

Memorize: Regular

All that the caster perceives at the time of casting (and for 10 seconds thereafter) is implanted perfectly in his memory, as if he had Photographic Memory (p. B51). The spell can be used to memorize maps, faces, an event, etc. It cannot be used to learn a skill or to retain a magically borrowed one. This is also a Mind Control spell. Duration: 1 day. After that, check IQ every day, at a cumulative -1 per day. On a critical success, the memory becomes permanent; on an ordinary success, the memory is still there. On an ordinary failure, the memory fades to the level that the caster would normally have of the event; on a critical failure, a false memory is created (still susceptible to eventual fading). Cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Wisdom or at least six Knowledge spells. Item (a) Jewelry or headgear. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Any. Always on; the wearer can recall one thing specified by the creator. The memory fades completely one hour after the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 400. © A memory can be made permanent for an energy cost of 50, but it must remain intact while the enchantment occurs. Pathfinder Information Tells the caster the direction to a certain place, or the proper way to go to get to that place – his choice. Use longdistance modifiers (p. 14). The GM should apply penalties if the caster has never been to the place, and severe penalties if the caster isn’t sure that the place really exists or what it is like. This spell does not find people or things. A city, mountain pass, or public building can be a place. A certain person’s home or office isn’t a “place” for this spell unless the caster has been there. Cost: 4. One try per day. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or higher, and at least two “Seek” spells. Item A forked stick or compass needle that will point, once per day, toward the goal the user names. It will continue pointing for 10 minutes for each point by which the spell roll is made, based on the item’s Power. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Projection Regular The caster briefly projects his mind away from his body, to any spot within line of sight (use long-distance modifiers, p. 14), to peruse his surroundings from a different viewpoint. His projected self is totally insubstantial and can only see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. Its presence can be detected by Astral Vision, Sense Spirit, Sense Observation, or the like; it is otherwise imperceptible. The Projection cannot cross an Astral Block, Pentagram, or an Utter spell. Repel Spirits will resist its intrusion. The Projection cannot move; it can only turn to look in different directions. The body is catatonic for the duration of the spell; it cannot act. If someone attacks the body, the spell is broken automatically. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Sense Spirit and at least four Knowledge spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 500. Seeker Information Attunes the caster to one individual or manmade object he is looking for. A success gives the caster a vision of the item’s whereabouts – or leads him to it, if it is within a mile. To seek a person, the caster must either know his name or know him well enough to visualize him. For instance, you cannot use this spell to solve a murder by seeking “the murderer” if you don’t know who that is – but if you do, Seeker will find him. Modifiers: Long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Something associated with the item sought (e.g., part of a lost person’s clothing) should be available at the time of casting; if not, roll at -5. The roll is at +1 if the caster has held or is otherwise familiar with the item sought. Cost: 3. One try per week. Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or higher, and at least two “Seek” spells. Item A forked stick (wood, bone, or ivory) or compass needle (carved out of ivory) that will always point to one particular subject, chosen when the item is created. Something pertaining to the subject must be used in making the item, and incorporated into it. Energy cost to create: 500. Trace Regular May be cast on any object or living being. As long as the spell is maintained, the caster will know where the subject is if he concentrates for a second. Either the subject must be with the caster when the spell is first cast, or the caster must first cast Seeker successfully. Long-distance modifiers (p. 14) apply if the subject is not in the caster’s presence. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. One try per day. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Seeker. History Information When cast on any inanimate object (or a 1-yard-radius section of a large object), History lets the caster determine the recent past of that object, user’s personality, and so on – but no names! Cost: 3 for one day’s history; 5 for a week; 8 for a month; 10 for a year. Time to cast: 1 second for each energy point spent. Prerequisite: Trace. Ancient History Information As History, but gives a general impression of an item’s history over a much greater time. Cost: 3 for one year’s history; 5 for 10 years’ history; 8 for 100 years; 10 for 1,000 years. Time to cast: 1 minute for each energy point spent. Prerequisite: History. Prehistory Information This spell is similar to Ancient History, but it gives even less specific information over a period of millennia. The age and function of an item can always be determined, but unless the item took part in an important event, age and function may be the only information available. Fortunately, that’s often enough for the archaeological scholars who most often use Prehistory. Cost: 3 for 1,000 years’ history; 5 for 10,000 years; 8 for 100,000 years; 10 for longer periods. Time to cast: 1 hour for each energy point spent. Prerequisite: Ancient History. Reconstruct Spell Information Tells the caster what spells were cast on, at, or by the subject at a specific point in the past selected by the caster. If there were multiple spells on the subject at the selected point, Reconstruct Spell will identify the spell that cost the least energy and tell the caster “there are more spells.” The Time modifiers (p. 81) apply. Spells are identified as per Identify Spell (p. 102). Cost: 3. The magnitude of the Time modifier is added to the cost, so the spell costs 3 (3 + 0) for “within a minute,” but would cost 8 (3 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.” Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, History, and Identify Spell. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,400. Know True Shape Information Tells if the subject is under any kind of Shapeshifting spell or similar magical effect, including Alter Visage, Alter Body, and illusions. The caster must be able to see the subject. The spell also gives a general idea of the subject’s true shape; on a critical success, it identifies the subject’s true nature (including a common name or description) and the magic used to disguise it. It does not reveal the nature of Hallucinations. Cost: 2. Prerequisites: Magery 1, any one shifting spell (Shapeshifting, Alter Visage or Body, Plant Form, Shrink, etc.), and either Aura or Know Illusion. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry (a favorite is a medallion or coin with an “Aperture of True Vision” in it). Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 250. Recall Regular The subject recalls a single forgotten or obscured fact or event as if he had Photographic Memory (p. B51). The penalties given under Time modifiers (p. 81) apply, based on the time since the forgotten event occurred. Eidetic Memory gives a +5 bonus; Photographic Memory gives a +10 bonus (though individuals with Photographic Memory will only need this spell to restore unnaturally removed memories). Only a critical success allows a magically blocked memory to be recalled. A critical failure could cause a false or distorted memory, or eradicate the memory beyond hope of future recovery! This is also a Mind Control spell. Duration: 1 day. Afterwards, the memory fades as per the Memorize spell. Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Memorize, and History. Item (a) Headgear, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 2,500. (b) A memory can be made permanent for an energy cost of 50, but the memory must remain intact while the enchantment occurs. Remember Path Regular While this spell is active, its subject will perfectly remember any path he treads on. The memory would allow the subject to draw an accurate map of his travels or to retrace his steps without error, even in pitch darkness or through distractions such as combat. Of course, later alterations of previously traveled terrain will be unknown to the subject (a mine cave-in after the subject has left it, for example). Duration: 1 hour. Once the spell lapses, the memory begins to fade as per the Memorize spell, with IQ checks being made hourly, not daily. Once recalled, a memory can be made permanent for an energy cost of 50 (via enchantment), but the memory must remain intact while the enchantment occurs. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Find Direction and Memorize. Item (a) Jewelry or staff. Energy cost to create: 600. (b) A forked stick or compass needle that will point the way along one path specified by the creator. If activated from off the path, it will point to the nearest point along the path. An alternate form of this item is a small magical ball that will roll along the path just ahead of the traveler, at walking speed. Yet another form of this item is footwear that, while worn, guides the wearer along the path to follow. Energy cost to create: 400. See Secrets Regular Causes hidden items, doors, traps, etc., to stand out clearly in the subject’s vision. This spell works only on things that were deliberately hidden – not lost. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Seeker and Aura. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. The item must be carved with a picture of an eye. Energy cost to create: 400. Schematic/TL Information As listed under Technological Spells, p. 177. Scents of the Past Regular When cast on a wall or some object, this spell releases whatever scents it may have been exposed to in the past. The caster specifies the moment from which to start the “playback.” The Time modifiers (p. 81) apply. Each time this spell is cast for the same time period, there is a further -1 penalty to skill. A critical failure wipes away the object’s “memory” of that time period. This is also a Food spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to maintain. The magnitude of the Time modifier is added to the cost, so the spell costs 1 (1 + 0) for “within a minute,” but would cost 6 (1 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.” Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, History, and Odor. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 350. Images of the Past Regular When cast on a mirror or reflective surface, this spell “plays back” whatever images it may have “seen” in the past. The caster specifies the moment from which to start viewing (“Let us see what happened in this room a year ago . . . ”). The Time modifiers (p. 81) apply. Each time this spell is cast for the same time period, there is a further -1 penalty to skill. A critical failure will wipe away the object’s “memory” of that time period. GMs may also allow the spell to be cast on any floor, wall or object, the “playback” manifesting itself as a Simple Illusion. This is also a Light and Darkness spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. The magnitude of the Time modifier is added to the cost, so the spell costs 3 (3 + 0) for “within a minute,” but would cost 8 (3 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.” Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, History, and Simple Illusion. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 700. Echoes of the Past Regular When cast on a wall, floor or some object, this spell “plays back” whatever sounds it may have “heard” in the past. The caster specifies the moment from which to start listening (“Let us listen to what was said in this room a year ago . . .”). Time modifiers (p. 81) apply. Each time this spell is cast for the same time period, there is a further -1 penalty to skill. A critical failure will wipe away the object’s “memory” of that time period. This is also a Sound spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. The magnitude of the Time modifier is added to the cost, so the spell costs 2 (2 + 0) for “within a minute,” but would cost 7 (2 + 5) for “4 to 40 days.” Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, History, and Voices. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.


Unlike more flashy sorts of magic, which have direct and quantifiable effects on the game environment (blasting dragons, healing heroes, calling stone bridges into existence, and so on), divinations and other Information spells deal only with PC knowledge, and thus require special consideration. When PCs have access to information on such a wide scope, many problems can result. Sometimes, the GM doesn’t have an answer to the players’ questions; perhaps he didn’t anticipate that the continent on the other side of the ocean would be relevant this session. At the same time, a particularly insightful question at just the right moment can bring the GM’s plans for the adventure crashing down. Mystery adventures, in particular, are subject to devastation at the hands of divinations. It’s hardly fair, however, to be deliberately evasive or untruthful to players who spent valuable character points to play diviners. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Symbolic visions are viable answers for anything but a yesor-no question, and may often be more interesting than a straightforward answer. Penalties for continued questioning on a single subject may at least buy the GM some time to prepare for the PCs’ line of inquiry. The GM should always roll for the success of the divination, and should feel free to be delphic when appropriate; diviners should never be entirely sure that their visions are complete and reliable. The existence of divinations can also have radical effects on a game world. Most people would want to consult a diviner before embarking on major decisions – marriages, crimes, wars, and the like. Court procedures would be changed radically. Indeed, the law may strictly regulate the use of divination. Not every form of divination will exist in every game world. The GM should select those methods that match the feel and flavor of his setting. Divination Information Gives the caster a vision relevant to his question, or the answer to one yesor-no question. There are many sorts of divination; each is a separate spell, and requires the appropriate materials (see below). Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Those methods that are linked to a particular element or elements will give more detailed answers if the answer has something to do with that element – e.g., lecanomancy would work better than extispicy for a question about the sea. Skill modifiers: Standard long-distance modifiers (p. 14). If repeated questions are asked on the same subject within a day, the “vibes” are muddled; -4 skill for the second question, -8 for the third, and so on. Questions about the past or future are also harder; use the Time modifiers (p. 81). Cost: 10. Time to cast: 1 hour unless specified otherwise. Prerequisites: History, and other spells as specified for the particular method of divination. STANDARD DIVINATIONS Astrology is divination through examination of the heavens, including weather. Observation of the sky is necessary; the caster must be outside, and is at a -5 penalty unless it is a clear night, away from city lights. Without a reference library (cost $2,000; weight 200 pounds), all rolls are at -5. Because astrology relies on the predictable movements of the stars, it excels at divinations into the far past or future; no time modifiers apply to astrological divination. If the divination involves an individual, however, his birthplace and birthdate must be known, or all rolls are at -5. All penalties do stack! Prerequisites: Predict Weather and Astronomy-15+. Augury is the study of portents or omens. The exact nature of the omens is dependent on the culture of the diviner; ancient Roman priests studied the flight and behavior of birds, for instance. Fantasy cultures might find portents in anything from a feeding bear beside a stream to the movement of a breeze through a willow tree; the common factor is the observation of some natural event. When this divination is cast, the GM must roll against the caster’s Vision in secret. On a failed roll, the roll to cast the divination is made at -5. Augury is not ideal for divining the past; time modifiers are doubled when using augury to ask questions about past events. Prerequisites: One spell from each of the four elements. Cartomancy is divination using the tarot or other fortune-telling cards. The cards, symbolic as they are, rarely give a straightforward yes-or-no answer. The only equipment required is a tarot deck (hand-painted and worth $1,000 at TL3 and below, but mass-produced inexpensively at higher tech levels). Cartomancy is highly personal; any attempt to ask questions about people other than the subject is at -5. Prerequisites: One spell from each of the four elements. Crystal-Gazing is the use of a crystal ball (p. 71) or mirror to facilitate a divinatory vision. If it works, the GM describes a scene; it is up to the player to interpret it! The caster may use clear, still water for this divination, but at a -10 to skill. Prerequisite: Earth Vision or Water Vision. Dactylomancy is divination by movement of a pointer around a board with all the letters of the alphabet, plus Yes and No. Dactylomantic divinations are usually straightforward, but extremely unsubtle; a complex question (indeed, almost any question that cannot be answered in five words or less) is likely to produce cryptic gibberish. Prerequisites: One spell from each of the four elements. Extispicy is divination by examining the entrails of a slaughtered animal (must be at least 20 pounds – no pigeons!). It is illegal in many areas. Only one question can be asked per animal. Extispicy is most useful in divining matters of life and death: sickness and health, war and peace, victory and defeat – all are good candidates for extispicy. Other matters are more likely to receive vague and unhelpful answers. Prerequisites: Four Animal spells. Gastromancy requires a willing subject. The subject is placed in a trance, during which he utters things of a prophetic and cryptic nature. When the spell is cast, the subject loses 5 FP in addition to the energy spent by the caster, whether or not the spell was successful. Prerequisites: Hypnotism at 15 or higher and three Mind Control spells. Geomancy is divination by examining the earth. Geomancy must be practiced outdoors, where the geomancer can examine the lay of the land. Geomancy is very location-specific; any questions that do not pertain to the area where the divination is being performed are at -10. Prerequisites: Four Earth spells. Lecanomancy is divination by observing the results of casting objects into water. Like augury, lecanomancy takes different forms in different cultures. Some diviners pour molten metal into water to observe the shapes the metal takes, while others examine tea leaves or simply throw stones into a pool and observe the ripples. Lecanomancy is invariably vague, and is always subject to a -5 penalty; on the other hand, all time modifiers are halved. Prerequisites: Four Water spells. Numerology, or arithmancy, is divination by the various numbers that define an individual, including those derived from name, birthday and, in contemporary settings, even such things as social security numbers. If the birthday of the subject is unknown, the caster is at a -10 to effective skill. Prerequisite: Mathematical Ability. Oneiromancy is the interpretation of the caster’s own dreams. It requires no equipment, but only one question can be asked per night, and there is only a 50% chance that the caster dreams at all! The use of Dreaming skill, or any dream spell, disrupts any attempt at oneiromancy. The GM tells the caster what he dreamed; the player must interpret it. Energy cost is paid on awakening. Prerequisites: Four Communication and Empathy spells. Physiognomy is divination by examining and measuring parts of a subject’s body. Different traditions usually focus on a particular body part – hands, feet, head, etc. Physiognomy is only really suited to answering questions about the subject or his fortune; attempts to divine information about absent persons are at -5. Prerequisites: Four Body Control spells. Pyromancy is divination by staring into fire or smoke. It may produce a vision, or the caster may hear a voice in the flames. Small amounts of certain rare herbs (value $100 per attempt) must be burned. Questions are at -4 unless something pertaining to the question (e.g., hair of the subject of the divination) is also burned. Prerequisites: Four Fire spells. Sortilege is divination through the casting of lots or other objects that reveal information through the pattern in which they fall. The I Ching is a form of sortilege; other cultures have used sortilege by throwing a handful of arrows in the ground to interpret where they fall. Prerequisites: One spell from each of the four elements. Symbol-Casting is divination by means of symbol tokens (p. 205). The caster must have a complete set of tokens for his symbolic language, and is at -1 to skill for each stone missing. Mock symbol tokens work perfectly well, but a full set of true tokens gives +2 to skill. A detailed divination takes 30 minutes, or the caster may simply reach into a bag and pull out one or more stones. In the latter case, energy cost is only 1. The GM tells the caster which symbol(s) he drew; it is up to the caster to interpret this, and the symbols drawn on a failed roll will be misleading. Prerequisite: Symbol Drawing-15 or higher.

Light and Darkness Spells

These spells affect not just visible light, but also infrared and ultraviolet light. Spells that provide illumination will allow those with Infravision and Ultravision to see, while spells that block ordinary vision will also block those senses. Many Light spells can produce varying levels of light. If a Light spell is used as the sole source of illumination, the following Vision modifiers are appropriate. Intensity Vision Modifier Starlight -7 Candlelight or moonlight -5 Torchlight -3 Daylight 0 Light Regular Produces a small light like a candleflame. It stays still unless the caster concentrates on moving it; then it can travel at Move 5. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to cast. 1 to maintain. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Continual Light Regular When cast on a small object (up to fist-sized or 1 pound) or a small part of a larger object, makes that object glow with white light. Duration: Variable. Roll 2d for number of days. Does not count as a spell “on.” Cost: 2 for a dim glow like moonlight, 4 for the brightness of a torch, 6 for a glare as bright as day. Prerequisite: Light. Item Any item can be made to glow permanently, for 100 times the above energy cost (e.g., 200 for a dim glow, etc.). Colors Regular Changes the color of any light. The spell must be cast on the source of the light. If the caster concentrates, multiple color-changes are possible with the same spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain (but the change is permanent on a Continual Light spell). Prerequisite: Light. Remove Shadow Regular; Resisted by Will The subject’s shadow seems to disappear. Unwilling subjects resist with Will. (If there is more than one light source, all shadows vanish!) Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Light.

Item Jewelry. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 100; must include a $100 black onyx. Shape Light Regular With this spell, the caster may transform a uniform light source into a directional one. The caster may specify any number of “baffles” or restrict the illumination to specific beams. Thus, the spell can change a torch into a hooded lantern of sorts. Concentration is required to change the light’s shape, but not to maintain it. The spell can also be used to bend and twist light beams. The GM should allow any effect that isn’t already covered by such spells as Simple Illusion, Small Vision, Invisibility, and so on. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Light. Item (a) The effects may be made permanent for 100 times casting cost (creating a permanent light-sculpture), although the light itself must also somehow be preserved. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Bright Vision Regular Peer safely into intense sources of light (like a roaring fire or the sun) and protect against blinding from the Flash spell, Vision-based attacks, or similar occurrences. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Keen Vision or at least five Light and Darkness spells. Subject must not suffer from Blindness. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry (sunglasses or welding visors are certainly appropriate in more modern settings). Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. Infravision Regular See “infrared” or heat rays in addition to normal light, as with the Infravision advantage (p. B60). This spell does not let invisible objects be seen. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Keen Vision or 5 Light spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; affects only the wearer. Energy cost to create: 100. Night Vision Regular See clearly as long as there is any light at all, as with Night Vision 9. In utter darkness, the subject is still blind. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Keen Vision or 5 Light spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; affects only the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. Hawk Vision Regular Grants the subject extraordinary clarity of vision and the ability to “zoom in” on distant objects, providing the equivalent of Telescopic Vision (p. B92). Each level lets the subject ignore -1 in range penalties to Vision rolls at all times, or -2 in range penalties if you take an Aim maneuver to zoom in on a particular target. This ability can also function as a telescopic sight, giving up to +1 Accuracy per level with ranged attacks provided you take an Aim maneuver for seconds equal to the bonus. These benefits of this spell are not cumulative with those of technological aids such as binoculars or scopes. If you use both, you must opt for one or the other. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 per level of Telescopic Vision. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Keen Vision or 5 Light spells. Subject must not suffer from Blindness or Bad Sight disadvantages. Item Clothing or jewelry, including a picture of a hawk. Affects only the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Small Vision Regular The subject can examine objects within his reach as if they were under ¥100 magnification, as per Microscopic Vision 2 (p. B68). While the spell is on, the subject is extremely nearsighted (see Bad Sight. p. B123): he is incapable of seeing objects further than a yard away clearly – they appear blurred and all melee attacks are made at -2 to skill. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Each doubling of casting cost increases the magnification ten-fold. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Keen Vision or at least five Light and Darkness spells. Subject must not suffer from Blindness or Bad Sight. Item (a) Clothing or jewelry. The item must bear a life-size picture of a flea. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) A gem that works as a magnifying glass. Cost to create: 400 energy, plus the cost of the gem. Dark Vision Regular The subject can see even in pitch darkness, as if he had the Dark Vision advantage. He can also ignore the effects of the Darkness spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Night Vision or Infravision. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Darkness Area Cloaks the area of effect in pitch darkness. A person inside the area can see out normally, but can see nothing else within the area. Those outside the area can see only darkness within. Thus, attacks out of darkness suffer no penalty, but attacks into darkness are at a penalty; see p. B394 for combat rules. The Dark Vision advantage lets you see through a Darkness spell, but Night Vision and Infravision do not.

Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Continual Light. Item Floor, ground, or a rug can be enchanted so that the area above (about 6 feet) is in permanent darkness. Energy cost to create: 12 per square foot. Blackout Area Shrouds the affected area in impenetrable blackness. No one can see into the affected area, and no one within the affected area can see anything; see p. B394 for combat rules. The Dark Vision advantage lets you see through a Blackout spell, but Night Vision and Infravision do not. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Darkness. Item Floor, ground, or a rug can be enchanted so that the area above (about 6 feet) is in permanent blackout. Energy cost to create: 15 per square foot. Glow Area Suffuses an area with a uniform glow. Objects and beings standing in the area won’t project any shadows unless a source of light stronger than the ambient glow is brought in. Duration: Variable. The GM should roll 2d for the number of days. Base cost: 1/2 for starlight; 1 for moonlight; 3/2 for torchlight; 2 for daylight (bright, no Vision penalty). Minimum radius is 2 yards. Time to cast: 1 second per halfpoint of base cost Prerequisite: Continual Light. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 250. (b) An area can be permanently illuminated for 100 times casting cost. Gloom Area Plunges an area into gloom. The more energy is put into the base cost, the gloomier the ambient light becomes. Unlike the Darkness spell, sources of light still work normally within the area. Duration: Variable. The GM should roll 2d for the number of days. Base cost: 1/2 for torchlight; 1 for moonlight; 3/2 for starlight; 2 for total darkness. Minimum radius is 2 yards. Time to cast: 1 second per halfpoint of base cost. Prerequisite: Continual Light. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 250. (b) An area can be permanently darkened for 100 times casting cost. Light Jet Regular Emit a beam of bright light from one finger. This beam can be used like a flashlight. It gives good illumination for 10 yards in the direction it is pointed, and some vision will be possible up to 30 yards away. It can be used as a signal for up to a mile if visibility is good. Can be used in combat to blind foes within 10 yards, but only in relative darkness (e.g., when the combat penalty is at least -5). Each turn, the caster rolls against Innate Attack skill or DX- 4, with a -5 penalty to hit the face. This attack can be dodged or blocked, but not parried. If the target is hit, he will be at a -4 penalty to combat skills on his next turn, and at a -1 penalty for the remainder of the combat. This effect is not cumulative. Foes with Night Vision double these penalties. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Continual Light or Shape Light. Item Glove or ring; the item lets the wearer cast the spell. Energy cost to create: 200. Mirror Regular Creates a reflective surface. It can be cast on an object or can be freestanding (in which case it is twosided). The mirror surface is not necessarily flat; the caster could create fun-house mirrors, for example. In a scientific-paradigm universe, casters with knowledge of physics can use this spell to create parabolic reflectors. A simple curve can be sufficient to cook meat; a large and precise one could be used to melt lead, given sufficient sunlight at appropriate angles. Against living targets, the GM can assume that such a mirror would do 1 point of burning damage per yard radius of mirror every 10 seconds. To ignite things, use the Ignite Fire guidelines (p. 72), substituting the Mirror size for the listed energy cost. An 8- yard-radius Mirror ignites heavy wood in about 10 seconds. Other, similar uses are subject to GM approval. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Colors. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 350; the item must include a tiny mirror.

Flash Regular Creates a brilliant flash of light. This will totally blind some that see it, and reduce the DX of others by 3 (which reduces all DX-based skills). It may affect anyone who is facing the flash and has his eyes open (GM’s decision, if miniatures are not being used). The caster himself is not affected if he closes his eyes as he casts the spell. Each other creature in range must make a HT roll to avoid the worst effects: Cost: 4. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Continual Light.

Remove Reflection Regular; Resisted by Will The subject’s reflection(s) seem to disappear from mirrors, pools, etc. At higher TLs, this may make the subject invisible to sensors that use mirrors as part of their optical pathways, at the GM’s discretion. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Remove Shadow. Item Jewelry. Always on. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200; must include a $100 black onyx. Wall of Light Area Creates a curtain of light around an area. The wall is four yards high, but may be made higher; simply scale the cost as the height (double for 8 yards high, triple for 12 yards high and so on). The only thing it blocks is vision, both ways. It has no effect on spells, beings, sounds, etc. Bright Vision allows one to see through the wall. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Same cost to maintain. The Wall’s glow depends on the energy put into its base cost, as per Continual Light. Prerequisite: Continual Light. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200. (b) A Wall of Light may be made permanent at an energy cost of 100 times normal. Shade Regular As listed under Protection and Warning Spells, p. 169. Blur Regular Makes the subject harder to see and therefore harder to hit with attacks. Each point of energy gives -1 to the effective skill of any attack on the subject, to a maximum of -5. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Darkness or Gloom. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer/holder. Energy cost to create: 100 per point of penalty. Shape Darkness Area Shape and move three-dimensional darkness created with the Darkness or Blackout spells at a Move of 5. It also allows the caster to shape existing two-dimensional shadows into other two-dimensional shadowy shapes. Shadows can be reduced in size easily, but enlarging the shadows makes them slightly transparent. The average casual observer won’t notice, but anyone looking intently at the shadow gets an IQ roll to notice that it doesn’t have the “substance” it should. Shadows do not have to remain attached to the objects that cast them. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. For two-dimensional shadows, the base cost is 1. Prerequisite: Darkness. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200. Hide Regular Makes the subject harder to find. A Vision roll is necessary to see a subject in plain sight; Sense rolls to detect a subject already hidden are at -1 per point of energy spent, to a maximum of -5. These effects only apply while the subject remains still, but if he moves and then stops moving before the spell expires, the effects resume. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Blur or Forgetfulness. Item (a) Jewelry, wand, or staff; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Any item can be enchanted to make it permanently “hidden,” at an energy cost of 200 per point of “hiddenness.” See Invisible Regular Subject can see anything concealed by the Invisibility spell or by “natural” invisibility. These things will be slightly translucent; thus, you can see through them and tell that they appear invisible to others. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Either Dark Vision and Infravision or Invisibility. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Mage Light Regular Creates a small light. However, the illumination that it provides is only perceptible to mages, magical creatures, and those under the influence of Mage Sight. It moves just like Light does. An IQ+Magery roll is not required to see or use the light provided. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 for a dim glow like candlelight, 2 for the brightness of a torch, 3 for a glare as bright as day. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Mage Sight and Light. Item Wand, staff, jewelry, or lantern. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. Continual Mage Light Regular When cast on a small object (up to fist-sized, or 1 pound), or a small part of a large object, this spell makes that object glow with Mage Light Duration: Variable. The GM should roll 2d for the number of days. Cost: 2 for a dim glow like candlelight, 4 for the brightness of a torch, 6 for a glare as bright as day. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Mage Light and Continual Light. Item Any item may be made to radiate mage light permanently, for 100 times the above energy cost (e.g., 200 for a dim glow, etc.)

Sunlight Area The area is illuminated in full daylight – even underground! The area extends skyward, stopping only when it hits some sort of ceiling. If cast in a cave, the area is a huge shaft of light extending upward to the rock. If cast on a cloudy day outdoors, the light appears to break through the clouds above. If cast at night, the light appears to come from an overhead star which brightens to sun level for those inside the area. Treat the light as natural sunlight for all purposes – it can be used to grow plants, get a tan, etc. Creatures who are susceptible to the effects of sunlight (such as vampires) are fully affected. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Glow, and Colors. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 150. Continual Sunlight Area Illuminates an area as per the Sunlight spell, but lasts longer and cannot be maintained. Duration: Variable. Roll 2d for number of days. Base cost: 3. Prerequisite: Sunlight. Item The area may be permanently illuminated for 100 times the cost to cast the spell. Invisibility Regular The subject cannot be seen and does not appear in reflections or photographs. He still makes sounds and can be tracked by scent or footprints. Anything he picks up becomes invisible, unless he wills it to stay visible. Infravision cannot detect him, but See Invisible can. Invisible characters have a great advantage in combat: see p. B394. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Six Light spells, including Blur. Item (a) Jewelry, wand, or staff; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,200. (b) An item can be made permanently invisible at an energy cost of 500 per hex of size or 50 pounds of weight, whichever is greater. Body of Shadow (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT The subject’s body fades away, leaving only his shadow. The subject is now a two-dimensional shadow on the wall or floor, gaining the Shadow Form advantage (p. B83) for the duration of the spell. His clothing (up to 6 pounds) also becomes shadow, but while in shadow form it loses any magic powers it might have had. The rest of his equipment tumbles to the ground; he can carry nothing while in this form. Note that this spell does not augment the subject’s senses to allow him to see in pitch darkness! Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shape Darkness, and at least three Movement spells. Item Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape. Only affects the wearer. A severe drawback of each of these items except the cape is that it falls through the subject as soon as the spell is cast! Energy cost to create: 2,500 (6,000 for the cape). Sunbolt Missile Shoot a bolt of concentrated sunlight from one fingertip. It has 1/2D 75, Max 150, Acc 2; use the Innate Attack skill. The light burns like laser light and does burning damage. Increase a shield’s DB against this spell by 50%, rounding down, if it is highly polished. Whether or not damage gets through armor, a hit to the face blinds the victim unless he makes a HT roll. A hit to the eyes does double damage and blinds the victim unless he makes a HT roll at a penalty equal to the damage suffered. Treat Sunboltinduced blindness as a crippling injury for recovery purposes (p. B420). Any mirror will reflect a Sunbolt; if the GM is uncertain of the exact angle of incidence/reflection (if the Sunbolt hits a hand-held mirror, for instance), determine its new direction randomly. Use the rules for hitting the wrong target (p. B389) to determine if anything along the new path is hit. Deliberately reflected shots are a much trickier matter; range penalties will be for the total range to the target, with an additional -2 for each “bounce.” And unless the mirrors are very large and/or stable and/or deliberately placed for the purpose, the GM may simply declare the shot impossible. Defending characters holding mirrors may attempt to reflect the bolt back at the caster – treat this as a Block defense at a -2 penalty; also apply the normal range penalties from the defender to the caster. The DB of the mirror (if it is large enough to offer any; GM call) adds to this roll normally. The caster may defend normally, unless totally surprised. Sunbolt is not affected by Missile Shield or Reverse Missiles. Force Dome and Deflect Energy do offer protection. Areas of magical Darkness or Blackout resist Sunbolt. Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for three seconds. The bolt does 1d-1 impaling damage per energy point. Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. Prerequisites: At least six other Light and Darkness spells, including Sunlight. Item Staff or wand; the bolt is fired from the tip of the item. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 800 energy and a sunstone worth at least $1,000. Images of the Past Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 107.

Making and Breaking Spells

The College of Making and Breaking is most popular among wizards whose primary vocation is nonmagical; smiths with a touch of Magery often learn Making and Breaking. Inspired Creation (VH) Regular Helps a subject create one craft work – a weapon, suit of armor, painting, etc. – of a quality far beyond his usual ability. The process is grueling, costing the subject 5 HP and 10 FP. The work is as good as if it were made with a critical success by an artisan of skill 5 levels higher than the subject’s actual skill; no roll is required. A weapon created under the effects of this spell is automatically of very fine quality. Such items are not technically magic items, but can be (and often are) enchanted further. At the GM’s option, this spell may be used on works of art other than crafts – books, performances, songs, etc. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 5 per day spent creating the object. Time to cast: The usual time to make the object. Awaken Craft Spirit Regular Every well-crafted object, whether a tool, a weapon, or a work of art, may contain a spirit slumbering within it. This spell allows the caster to awaken the spirit of any item created by an artisan with a margin of success by 5 or more (the GM can assume this was the case for an artisan with skill of at least 15, or for any fine or very fine item). Any item created with Inspired Creation has a craft spirit. The spirit can answer one question per minute regarding its maker or any of its owners. The spirit remains awake for the duration of the spell; it may remain awake or return to sleep when the spell expires, according to its own whim. Not every setting has craft spirits; if the GM does not feel that they are appropriate to the setting, this spell does not exist. This is also a Necromantic spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Inspired Creation and Sense Spirit.

Find Weakness Information Sense the weakest part of the subject. Can be cast on any part of a large object; you would not have to cast it on a whole city wall, for instance, but could check one yard of wall at a time. Of course, many subjects will have no special weakness. This spell can be used to troubleshoot complex objects; a defect that prevents a machine from working usually qualifies as its weakest part. Cost: 1, or 1 per yard radius for a large object. Double this cost if the subject is alive. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: One spell from each of the four elements. Item Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Weaken Regular Does 1d damage to the weakest part of the subject (works only on inanimate items) for every two points of energy put into the spell. See p. B557, for DR and HP of various items. No caster may use this spell on the same subject more than once per hour. Subject’s DR does not protect it. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 2 to 6. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Find Weakness. Item Wand, staff, or glove. The item must be used to strike the subject. Energy cost to create: 200. Restore Regular Temporarily makes a broken inanimate object look as good as new. Other senses will not be fooled, nor will Mage Sight. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Find Weakness or Simple Illusion. Clean Area Cleans the subject area or being (i.e., removes dirt and stains, and polishes surfaces which can hold a polish). Does not remove lingering odors (use Purify Air for that). Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 2. Prerequisite: Restore. Item Staff, wand, or cleaning instrument (broom, feather duster, etc.). The item must touch the affected area. Energy cost to create: 100. Soilproof Regular The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become soilproof. Clothes neither stain nor become dusty, hands won’t collect grime, and so on. The spell doesn’t affect stains already on the subject at the time of casting. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Clean. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) For 100 times casting cost, any item may be permanently soilproofed. The item can be made to also resist Ruin (with the Endurance of the enchantment) at double cost. On an ordinary failure, the enchantment loses one point of Endurance. Upon dropping to Endurance 0, the enchantment ceases to function. A critical failure by the Soilproof or a critical success by the Ruin also breaks the enchantment. Dye Regular Changes the color of any unliving material, as desired by the caster (note that hair is unliving, as is a thin outer layer of skin!). The color fades in 2d days, but is unaffected by ordinary washing or application of solvents. Only a single, uniform, color can be produced – patterns are not possible, but only part of the subject may be affected if the caster desires. Duration: 2d days. Cost: 1 for a small (up to palmsized) object, 2 to change a person’s hair color or an object about a square foot in size, 5 for a person-sized (SM 0) object. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Restore and Colors. Copy Regular Makes one or more copies of a single page of writing. Paper or parchment must be supplied for the copies to be made on. Copies of magical scrolls, rune parchments, and so on do not have magic power. At higher TLs, this spell may be used on digital media; a single casting of this spell will copy about one kilobyte of information. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 2 plus 1 for each copy made. The document copied may be 10 times longer if the caster doubles the energy cost; thus, 4 energy would produce one copy of a ten-page document, while 8 energy would copy a 100-page book. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Dye and at least Accented written proficiency in some language. Rejoin Regular Temporarily fixes a broken inanimate object. If some small parts are missing, skill is at -3, but if the spell succeeds the object holds together without the missing parts. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 1 per 10 pound of subject’s weight (minimum 2) to cast. Half that (rounded up) to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds per 10 pounds of subject’s weight. Prerequisites: Weaken and Restore. Shatter (VH) Regular Similar to Weaken, but quicker – it can be cast in a single second, and may be cast repeatedly. If the spell does not do enough damage to actually break the subject, the subject takes no harm.

This spell only affects inanimate objects. Cost: 1 to 3; does 1d damage for each point of energy put into it. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Weaken. Item Wand, staff, or glove. The item must be used to strike the subject. Energy cost to create: 500. Animate Object (VH) Regular; Special Resistance Animates an existing object (statue, sword, chair . . .). Its abilities and attributes depend on its body – this is entirely up to the GM. Examples: a chair could move about and kick people in the shins or a sword could snake around its wielder’s arm, but a teapot could do little more than scuttle amusingly across a table . . . Concentration is required; the animated object has no IQ score and is little more than a puppet. Independence and Initiative will not work on an animated object. A being holding such an object resists with Will. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to cast for every 5 pounds the object weighs. Double cost to animate stone, triple for metal. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least three “Shape” spells. Item (a) Any object may be permanently animated for 100 times casting cost. (b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Inscribe Area; Resisted by Will As listed under Illusion and Creation Spells, p. 97. Stiffen Regular; Special Resistance Temporarily stiffens a limp object; turns a rope into a pole, for example, or a thread into a lockpick. Does not work on living beings. This spell can be used to make improvised weapons; the GM judges their effectiveness. This spell may also be used to stiffen a foe’s clothes. In this case, the foe resists the spell with his ST+2. If it works, he is at -1 DX for each pound of clothing that was stiffened, and this DX change does affect his Move. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 1 per pound of subject’s weight – minimum 2. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds per pound of weight. Prerequisite: Rejoin. Knot Regular Ties a knot that cannot be untied without magic (though the rope can be cut, of course). The knot unties when someone says the password (specified at casting) while touching the rope at any point along its length. Thus, a rope tied at the top of a cliff will come loose when someone at the bottom of the cliff says the password, if he can touch the rope. Knot also works for string, chastity belts, etc. The Undo spell also unties a Knot spell, but the Knot spell gets a resistance roll. Duration: Until the password is spoken, or the rope is cut or broken! Cost: 2. Cannot be maintained – must be recast if the rope is untied. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Stiffen. Item Rope. Any knot tied with this rope cannot be untied without magic. A password is set when the rope is enchanted. The enchantment is broken if the rope is cut. Energy cost to cast: 20 per foot of rope. Reshape Regular Mold any inanimate substance as though it were clay. Does not convey any additional artistic ability to the subject, however! Any inanimate object the subject picks up while under this spell will soften slightly – this can be troublesome. For instance, if he tries to wield a sword or staff, it does only half damage! A gun fired while “soft” will be ruined. Any material molded will become hard again, in its new form, as soon as the subject removes his hands from it. Inconvenient doors and walls can be removed, at a double-handful of material per second. This spell can even be used to tunnel through rock, but since in effect the subject is digging through soft earth with his hands, it is slow and tiring. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Weaken, and either Shape Earth or Shape Plant. Item Gloves. Energy cost to create: 500. Rive (VH) Regular Pokes holes in inanimate objects, walls, etc. See p. B557, for the DR and HP of common objects. This spell works like a huge piercing attack, punching a 2-foot-diameter hole (the affected area may be smaller at the caster’s discretion).

Cost: 1 per die of damage to be inflicted to the object. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Shatter. Item Wand, staff, or glove. Must strike the object. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Ruin Regular Accelerates the natural process of decay on unliving materials. It rusts iron and steel, but has little effect on other metals unless maintained for a very long time. It causes organic material – leather, fur, wood, plastics, etc. – to decay to uselessness. Ceramics are unaffected by Ruin. Duration: 1 minute. Each 1-minute casting has the general effect of aging the subject 5 years. It will remove 1 DR and 1 HP from most subjects. Weapons simply lose one grade of quality per casting, except for Very Fine weapons, which are unaffected! Cost: 2 per pound of material ruined. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds per pound of material ruined. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Weaken, and Decay. Explode (VH) Regular As Shatter, but the subject, if it shatters, explodes violently, doing fragmentation damage (p. B414). Cost: 2 to 6; does 1d damage for every two points of energy put into it. Double cost to increase damage to 1d+2. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shatter, and Apportation. Item Wand, staff, or glove. The item must strike the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Fasten Regular Ties up the subject with a length of rope or chain (which is not created by the spell, only animated). Useful to wrap packages, moor boats, bind prisoners, and so on. An actively resisting subject resists using DX. The bond is a normal knot (though it may be turned into a magical Knot by increasing the energy expenditure). Duration: Permanent. Cost: 3 to cast (1 extra to have a Knot in it). Prerequisite: Knot. Item A rope or chain which will wrap itself around the subject (which it must touch) when a command word is spoken; the enchantment is lost if it is cut or broken. Energy cost to create: 90 per yard of length. Mapmaker Special When cast on a scroll or any other writing surface (including a previously unfinished map), this spell creates a map of what the scroll’s holder perceives. The caster must declare the scale used for the map, which way is north, the spot on the scroll where mapping begins and which features are to appear on the map. The map thus created is of the same quality as if it had been drawn by someone with a Cartography skill equal to the lower of the caster’s effective skill with this spell and his Cartography skill. It is no better in content than if the holder had taken the time to write it himself – the spell is nothing more than a time-saver. Duration: 1 hour. The spell does not expire if the scroll’s user moves off the edge of the map; it just fails to inscribe anything until he moves back on. The inscriptions themselves are permanent. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Inscribe and Measurement. Item (a) A scroll can be made self-mapping, updating itself whenever its holder enters a new area (and spends energy to activate it). Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 300. Repair Regular Permanently repairs a broken inanimate object. If some small parts are missing, skill is at -5, and the appropriate materials to make the missing parts must be provided – e.g., a lump of gold to make gold filigreework. If the spell succeeds, the missing parts reappear. Formerly magical items do not regain their magic when repaired (although this spell will restore a weakened magic item to full durability). Duration: Permanent. Cost: 2 per 5 pounds of subject’s weight. Minimum cost 6 for objects with moving parts. Time to cast: 1 second per pound (minimum 10). Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Rejoin. Shatterproof Regular Makes a small object (like a weapon, or anything else that a normal human could hold in one hand) resistant to breakage. A cheap or regular metal weapon is treated as a “fine” quality weapon while the spell lasts, and a “fine” weapon as “very fine.” Other items have their hit points doubled, and will never break due to accidental dropping, etc. It doubles the DR and HP of a shield if the shieldbreaking rules are used (p. B484). This spell does not increase resistance to “penetration,” so it’s no good for walls, armor, etc. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisites: Repair and Shatter. Item Any item can be made permanently shatterproof; if the item does break, the pieces are no longer enchanted. Energy cost to create: 400. Sharpen Regular Temporarily produces an extraordinary sharpness on cutting and impaling weapons. +1 or more to basic damage.

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: The formula is 1 energy for every 6” of edge. Typical costs (use these unless the circumstances are very special): 1 to cast on an arrow; 2 for a knife, spear or axe; 3 for a one-handed sword; 5 for a two-handed sword. Double these for +2 bonus, or triple for +3. Half that (round up) to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Repair. Item See Puissance (p. 65). If a weapon already has the Puissance spell on it, the spells don’t add; only the stronger one works. Toughen Regular Makes an inanimate object more difficult to penetrate by increasing its DR. Has no effect on the protective value of armor. If the object takes basic damage equal to or greater than its (toughened) DR, the spell is broken, and must be recast. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 to cast per point of DR (maximum of 8) for an object the size of a fist, double for an object up to a cubic foot, triple for an SM 0 object. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Shatterproof. Item See Fortify (p. 66). Transparency Regular Makes an object transparent. The object’s outlines remain visible and its physical characteristics remain unchanged (hardness, weight, etc.). The caster can choose to tint the object as he desires instead of making it colorless. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Dye and Stone to Earth. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 850. (b) For 400 points (multiplied by 1+SM), any items can be made permanently transparent. Mystic Mark Regular Places an invisible mark on the subject. The mark is visible to the caster at will (simple concentration) and to others using Aura, See Secrets, Mage Sight, Detect Magic, or similar spells. It may be a rune, sigil, monogram, etc. (A Heraldry specialty may be learned to recognize the Mystic Marks in use in the campaign world.) Unwilling subjects resist with IQ. Should Seeker be cast regarding a subject bearing the caster’s Mystic Mark, there will be no need for “something associated with the subject sought.” The mark can be erased with Remove Curse. Duration: Mystic Mark is a lasting spell that fades with time. Every month, roll against the Mystic Mark’s Endurance (p. 10). On an ordinary failure, the Mark’s Endurance is reduced by the margin of failure. On a critical failure or when the Mark’s Endurance reaches 0, the spell expires. Marks placed on durable objects are themselves more durable; apply the DR of the surface as a bonus to the “fading” roll. Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Dye and Trace. Item (a) The mark may be made permanent (no need for the monthly “fading” roll) for 30 energy. (b) Staff, wand or writing instrument (including a branding iron). Energy cost to create: 300. Weapon Self (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT (or by effective skill for magic weapons) The caster’s body magically melds with the melee weapon he is wielding. Clothes (up to 6 pounds) disappear along with him, but the rest of his equipment falls to the ground. The weapon now dances through the air, as if wielded by an invisible opponent. The subject keeps his weapon skill and attributes while assuming a minimum Speed of 5. Attacks on the weapon are at a normal penalty for size (p. B400). The weapon may only dodge or parry, but has natural DR appropriate to its material (p. B483). If the weapon is broken, the spell ends and the subject reappears, unharmed but physically stunned, holding the useless weapon in his hand(s).

The subject may not speak, so he can only cast spells he knows at skill 20 or better. The subject’s HT resists Making and Breaking spells such as Weaken and Shatter. Magic weapons resist the melding with their Power. If the subject wishes to activate any of the enchantments on the magic weapon, he must win a Regular Contest of his Will against the weapon’s Power. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Apportation, and at least six Making and Breaking spells including Reshape. Item (a) Jewelry. The item disappears along with its wearer when the spell is cast, so the caster can maintain it. Energy cost to create: 2,000. (b) Any weapon. Energy cost to create: 500 per pound of weapon weight (minimum 1 pound). © A magical weapon may be enchanted not to resist the melding for an energy cost of 500 per pound of weapon weight (minimum 1 pound). Transform Object (VH) Regular; Special Resistance Changes an object into another object of the same weight. The change can be anything – a gun could be turned into a rag doll, for instance. As with Create Object (p. 98), anything the mage brings into existence must be something he is familiar with. To turn something into a functional object, the caster must have the appropriate skill for making a similar object; the rag doll mentioned above will be a pretty poor rag doll unless the caster has Sewing skill, and if he wants to turn a rag doll into a gun, he’d better have Armoury skill. An object held or worn by someone resists with its owner’s Will. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 to cast for every pound the object weighs (minimum of 1 pound). Double cost to change to (or from) stone, triple for metal. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: Equal to cost, in seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Reshape, and at least four “Create” spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Contract Object (VH) Regular Scales an object down in one dimension. A rope or blade can be made shorter, for instance. This spell could easily render most clothing unwearable. This reduces the object’s Size modifier unless the object is not being contracted in its longest dimension. The object’s DR is unchanged, but its HP usually decreases in direct proportion to the rescaling. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 per pound of original weight (minimum of 1 pound) for every halving of the chosen dimension. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Transform Object. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Extend Object (VH) Regular Scales an object up in one dimension; the opposite of Contract Object (above). Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 per pound of original weight (minimum of 1 pound), per doubling of the chosen dimension. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Transform Object. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Shrink Object (VH) Regular Scales an object down in size while maintaining its proportions, decreasing its Size modifier. Multiply weight by 1/3, and HP by 2/3, for every subtracted point of Size modifier; subtract 1 DR for every 2 subtracted points of Size modifier. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 per pound of original weight (minimum one pound) for every point of SM reduction. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Contract Object. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Enlarge Object (VH) Regular Scales an object up in size while maintaining its proportions, increasing its Size modifier. Multiply weight by 3.5, and HP by 1.5, for every added point of Size modifier; add 1 DR for every 2 added points of Size modifier. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 per pound of original weight (minimum of 1 pound) for every additional point of SM. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Extend Object. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Disintegrate (VH) Regular Similar to Shatter, but leaves only dust (cannot be repaired!). If damage rolled doesn’t destroy the subject, it is unaffected. This spell affects inanimate objects only and cannot affect parts of objects. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 1 to 4; does 1d damage for each point of energy put into it. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Shatter, Ruin, Earth to Air, Destroy Air, and Destroy Water. Item As for Shatter. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Rebuild/TL Regular As listed under Technological Spells, p. 177.


These spells have to do with the structure of magic itself. They are spells about spells, or spells that affect other spells. Only mages can learn meta-spells; even the most basic metaspell requires Magery 1. Counterspell Regular; Resisted by subject spell Nullify any one ongoing spell. It cannot “counter” spells that make a permanent change in the world (e.g., Extinguish Fire, Flesh to Stone, or Zombie), and it cannot affect permanently enchanted items, but it can counter spells cast using magic items. The “subject” of Counterspell may be either the subject of the spell to be countered or the person who cast that spell. Counterspell is a single spell – but to counter a given spell, you must also know that spell. Roll against the lower of your Counterspell skill or your skill with the spell being countered. You must win a Quick Contest with the target spell to cancel it. You can cast multiple Counterspells to negate an Area spell piece by piece. Cost: Half that of the spell countered, not counting bonuses the other caster got for high skill. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1. Scryguard Regular; Resists any Information spells Any information spell cast on the subject must win a Quick Contest of Spells with the Scryguard to “see” him. Identify Spell still detects that the Scryguard is present. Duration: 10 hours. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1. Item This spell may be cast permanently on any item to make it resist any attempt to sense it with magic. Energy cost to cast: 500, multiplied by 1+SM for items larger than SM 0. Suspend Spell Regular; Resisted by subject spell Temporarily nullify any one ongoing spell. The caster must know the spell he suspends. Suspend Spell does not affect magic items, but can affect spells cast through one. Spells that can only be removed by Remove Curse cannot be suspended; use Suspend Curse for those. Suspend Spell is cast at the lower of the user’s Suspend Spell skill and his skill with the spell being suspended. When the suspension expires, the suspended spell “picks up where it left off” and resumes operation. If the subject spell is maintained, its caster will automatically know it is being suspended. Otherwise, roll against Perception + Magery - 3 – distance is not a factor. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1/10 that of the spell suspended to cast, not counting bonuses the other caster may have received for high skill (round up). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Counterspell. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Ward Blocking; Resisted by subject spell When cast immediately after a spell is thrown at its subject, this spell can prevent the opposed spell from working. It works against only a single magical attack. If an attacking spell affects several people, each Ward can only save one subject. It does not protect against missile spells. The caster may only Ward against a spell that he knows at skill 12 or higher; a caster who knows (for instance) Sleep may also ward a single subject against Mass Sleep. The caster rolls at the lower of his Ward skill or his skill in the spell being warded. The caster must announce he is using Ward before the opposed spell’s subject tries a resistance roll. If it turns out the spell being cast is not one the defending mage can ward against, the ward is wasted. Cost: 2 to cast it on yourself, or 3 to cast on anyone you can see. You cannot Ward someone you cannot see. Prerequisite: Magery 1. Seek Magic Information As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 102. Conceal Magic Regular Cast on a single person or item, this spell interferes with any informational spell cast on the subject. Twice the energy put into the spell (up to 5 points) is subtracted from any skill roll made to learn about the item, find it, etc. Example: 4 points of energy are put into a Conceal Magic spell on a ring. Until the spell expires, any Detect Magic spell will be at -8 to work on that ring; Identify Magic will be at -8 to find any spells on the ring; Mage Sight will not see the ring unless the mage made his roll by at least 8 (though he may still see other things) – and so on. Note that this spell has similar effects in some ways to Scryguard (p. 121), but they’re not the same! Duration: 10 hours. Cost: 1 through 5 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Detect Magic. Item This spell may be cast permanently on any item to make it harder to sense or identify with magic. Energy cost to cast: 100 times the cost above – e.g., 200 to give a -4 on all attempts to detect or identify. Reflect Blocking; Resisted by subject spell This spell is an improved version of Ward, and works like it. The difference is that it will reflect the opposed spell instead of negating it. Thus, if the Reflect succeeds, the opposed spell now attacks its original caster as if it had been cast on him to begin with. If the attacking spell is an area spell, a successful Reflect protects its subject and affects the caster as though he were in the area being attacked, but otherwise the area is still attacked normally. Cost: 4 to cast it on yourself, 6 to cast it on someone you can see; you cannot protect someone you cannot see. Prerequisite: Ward. Scrywall Area; Resists any Information spells As Scryguard, but to protect a whole area and everything in it. Duration: 10 hours. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: Seconds equal to energy cost. Prerequisite: Scryguard. Item (a) Any container. It, and everything inside, is protected by the Scrywall spell. Energy cost to cast: 200 per cubic foot (minimum cost 500). (b) Any rug or area of floor; protects people and things standing atop it. Energy cost to cast: 300 per yard radius. Great Ward Blocking; Resisted by subject spell As Ward, but – if it works – protects any number of those who would have been affected by the attacking spell. Cost: 1 per subject protected (minimum cost 4). Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Ward. False Aura Regular, Area; Special Resistance; Resists Information spells Replaces the magical emanations of a being, area, or object with false ones; the term “aura” is only literal for living things. For instance, a human could be made to have the aura of a Zombie, a sword could appear to be enchanted with Dancing Weapon, an area could appear to be under linked Create Fire and Glue spells, etc. Roll a Quick Contest between the False Aura and any spell (Information or Regular) that can see or detect the emanations (such as Aura, Mage Sight, or Analyze Magic). If the False Aura wins, the other spell is fooled. False Aura also works against equivalent senses some creatures may possess. Unwilling subjects resist with IQ. The chosen False Aura must be familiar to the caster – a mage could not put a False Aura of Golem on a statue

unless he knew the Golem spell, for instance. Duration: 10 hours. Cost: 4 to cast. Half that to maintain. When cast on an area, the base cost is 4. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Conceal Magic and Aura. Item (a) Any. Only affects the holder. Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Any object or area may be given a permanent False Aura for 100 times casting cost. Magic Resistance Regular; Resisted by Will+Magery For each point of energy put into the spell (up to 5), the subject’s magic resistance goes up by 2 if he is willing, or by 1 if he tried to resist. This MR works like normal Magic Resistance (p. B67) when spells are cast on the subject. The subject can still cast spells, but at a penalty equal to the MR. Spells already affecting the subject (or already cast by him) continue unchanged. He can use potions and magical items normally. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and one or more spells from each of seven different colleges. Item (a) Wand, staff, weapon, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Usable by anyone, but energy cost is doubled for nonmages. Energy cost to create: 300 per maximum point of magic resistance it can offer. (b) Any item. The item’s own magic resistance is increased by 1 through 10; the user’s magic resistance is unaffected. Energy cost to create: 200 per point of added magic resistance. Does not affect spellcasting ability of its user. Scryfool Regular; Special Resistance Redirect Information spells targeted at a first subject onto a second subject, the “decoy.” Both subjects must be present at casting time; add the range penalties, if any. Unwilling subjects resist with Will. From then on, any Information spell attempting to scry the first subject must win a Quick Contest of Spells with the Scryfool to scry the correct subject. Otherwise, it scries the decoy instead. Duration: 10 hours. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sense Observation, and Simple Illusion. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. This item can only be used to divert Information spells from the wearer. Energy cost to create: 300. Penetrating Spell Regular This spell is cast on another damage-dealing spell, granting it an armor divisor (p. B378). The spells are cast one after the other, with no delays between castings. Penetrating Spell is cast first, and counts as a spell “on” for determining the effective skill for the second spell. A spell fortified with Penetrating Spell does not do extra damage to unarmored foes. Hardened DR defends against the armor divisor conferred by this spell as normal. Duration: Until the second spell expires. Cost: See table below. Armor Divisor Cost 2 2 3 4 5 6 10 8 Ignores DR 10 Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Delay and Find Weakness. Catch Spell (VH) Blocking; Special When cast immediately after a Missile spell is thrown (not when it is cast), this spell allows its caster to catch the missile as it comes within reach of him. Once caught, the spell can be held by the caster just as if he himself had cast it, to be thrown later (back at its original caster, perhaps . . . ). The caster need not know the spell he is catching. If the Catch Spell roll succeeds, its caster physically catches the missile when it comes close enough to grab. If the Catch Spell roll fails, its caster gets hit dead-on by the spell (on a critical failure, he takes maximum damage from the spell!). Cost: 3. Prerequisites: Magery 2, DX 12 or higher, and Return Missile. Item Glove. Usable only by mages. Such a glove can catch only one specific Missile spell. Treat variations (such as Fireball/Explosive Fireball) as a single spell for this purpose. Energy cost to create: 300. A glove that could catch any Missile spell would require 1,200 energy. Suspend Magic Area; Resisted by subject spells Temporarily nullify all other spells within the area. It has no effect on enchanted items. Certain powerful spells are also unaffected – specifically, those which can only be removed by Remove Curse. Each spell resists separately. Suspend Magic is not selective; the caster can choose the shape of the area within the boundaries he pays energy for (as with all Area spells), but may not exclude objects within the affected area. The caster need not know the spell(s) being suspended. To suspend a specific spell without affecting others, use Suspend Spell. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 1 second per energy point spent. Prerequisites: Suspend Spell and at least eight other spells of any type. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Displace Spell Regular; Resisted by subject spell Changes the location of an Area spell, permanently. Certain powerful spells are unaffected – specifically, those which can only be removed by Remove Curse. Each Area spell must be displaced separately, except linked spells, which move together. The caster need not know the spell being displaced. Once the casting is complete, the area moves with Move equal to the caster’s Magery. Each turn, the displaced spell gets a new resistance roll; once it successfully resists, it stops moving and the Displace Spell is broken – though it may be cast anew. The subject spell always rolls to resist, even if its caster doesn’t wish it to (the caster’s own spells resist at -5). While being Displaced, the subject spell remains active (thus, the caster could trigger a Link by moving it over its intended target). If the subject spell is being maintained, its caster will automatically know it is being displaced. Otherwise, roll against Perception + Magery - 3 – distance is not a factor. Duration: Until the caster stops concentrating or the subject spell resists successfully. Cost: 1/4 that of the spell being moved, not counting bonuses the other caster may have gotten for high skill (round up). Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Suspend Magic. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Spell Shield Area; Resists all spells cast through it Resist any spell cast through it at the Spell Shield’s Endurance (p. 10). It also acts as a Scrywall (above). Exception: It does not affect missile spells at all, including Thrown spells. Note that if the attacking spell wins the contest, it gets through, but the Spell Shield is not destroyed – instead, its Endurance is reduced by 1. When a Spell Shield’s Endurance is reduced to 0, the spell dissipates and cannot be maintained. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Scryguard, and Magic Resistance. Item (a) Any container. It, and everything inside, is protected by the Spell Shield. Energy cost to cast: 250 per cubic foot (minimum cost 500). (b) Any rug or area of floor; protects people and things standing atop it. Energy cost to create: 400 per yard radius. Spell Wall Regular; Resists spells cast through it Creates a wall of anti-magic. The wall resists any spell cast through it from one side, specified by the caster upon casting Spell Wall. It also acts as a Scrywall. Exception: It does not affect Missile spells at all, including Thrown spells. If the Spell Wall fails to resist a spell cast through it, the spell breaks through, but the wall still stands, its Endurance (p. 10) weakened by 1. Upon reaching Endurance 0, the wall dissipates. Spells passing through the wall from the “safe” direction (usually the side that the caster stands on!) are not resisted or affected in any way. The wall is cast in one-yard increments, either all at once or piece by piece. When adding new segments to a weakened Spell Wall, the new segments assume the Endurance of the “weakest link.” The only way to “repair” a weakened Wall is to cast it anew. The Spell Wall is four yards high, so it is possible to cast across it from a high enough elevation. Higher walls can be created by spending proportionately more energy (double energy for double height, and so on). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 per one-yard piece of Wall to cast. Same cost to maintain. The Spell Wall may also be cast horizontally, as a “ceiling” or “floor”; each point of energy will then cover two hexes on a battle map. Prerequisite: Spell Shield. Item A Spell Wall may be made permanent for 100 times casting cost. Mages often cover windows or skylights in this fashion. “Permanent” Spell Walls do not weaken when penetrated. Pentagram Special; Resists attempts to cross it Produces a magical barrier, which blocks hostile spells and magical creatures from passing in either direction. The barrier is a star-shaped figure drawn on the floor or ground. Magical creatures (demons, golems, creations, zombies, elementals, and the like) cannot cross the border of a pentagram; neither may they cast spells, or move any physical object, across the border. Nonmagical creatures – including mages – can freely cross a pentagram, though they cannot cast spells across its border. Spells of transport (e.g., Flight, Teleport) cannot be used to enter a pentagram for hostile purposes. Certain very hostile creatures may be summoned within a pentagram; the caster stands outside and summons the creature to a spot inside the pentagram. The caster will open the pentagram only when he is sure he can control the summoned creature.

If part of the pentagram is cut or erased, its power will be lost until the caster can rejoin the pentagram – all this requires is a piece of chalk and time (usually just a second) to draw the line. No magic spell can injure the pentagram, but physical attacks – like walking up and scuffing out a line with your shoe – can succeed if they are made by nonmagical beings. A demon or creation could not do it; an ordinary person could. Likewise, an ordinary person could throw a rock into a pentagram, but a demon or golem could not. A magical creature may try to force its way through a pentagram. Roll a contest between the creature’s (ST+Will)/2 and the skill with which the pentagram was cast. If the creature wins, it destroys the pentagram! No one creature can thus “test” a pentagram more than once per day. Duration: Permanent unless broken. Cost: 1 per square foot protected (minimum 10). When the spell is cast ceremonially, the casters can spend extra energy to increase the effective skill of the Pentagram. A mage can also use the Slow and Sure Enchantment method (though Pentagram is not technically an Enchantment spell) to create a large pentagram by himself. Time to cast: One second per square foot. This time is spent in tracing the line, and is necessary no matter how well the spell is known or how much power is available. Prerequisite: Spell Shield. Item Mages’ Guilds may have permanent pentagrams, inlaid with tile or jewels to avoid accidental scuffing, and cast at a very high level of skill. Such a design can be ritually “cut,” when necessary, by a chalk-mark. But there is no intrinsic difference between these and a regular pentagram – any pentagram is “permanent” until erased or broken. (If a hostile creature breaks through a Pentagram spell, it destroys the enchantment but does not affect the physical design, which can be re-enchanted later . . . if its owner survives.) Suspend Curse Regular; Resisted by subject spell Temporarily nullifies any one of the following spells, among others: Alter (any type), Curse, Enlarge Other, Ensorcelment (any type), Flesh to Ice, Geas (either type), Healing Slumber, Hex, Malefice, Mystic Mark, Oath, Partial Petrification, Plant Form (any type), Possession (any type), Shapeshift (any type), Shrink Other, Stone to Flesh, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Suspend Magery, Suspend Time. It will also suspend any physical or mental impairment caused by an hostile Wish of any kind. If for any reason the skill level of the subject spell is unknown, the GM’s assessment is final. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 10. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and spells from at least 12 different colleges. Suspend Mana (VH) Area The subject area is (temporarily) a no-mana zone, dead to the flow of magic. A critical failure costs the caster a level of Magery for 2d days. At the end of that time, the caster should roll vs. IQ+Magery; any roll except a critical failure means that the lost Magery is regained – a critical failure means the loss is permanent! Duration: The mana is restored at a rate depending on the surrounding mana level. In a low-mana zone, the area affected by the spell shrinks by one yard in radius every three days; in normal mana, by one yard every hour; in high mana or very high mana, by one yard every minute! Base cost: 5. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 10 minutes. Prerequisites: Suspend Magic and spells from at least 10 different colleges.

Dispel Magic Area; Resisted by subject spells Negates other spells within the area if successful. It has no effect on enchantments, but dispels any temporary, lasting, or permanent spell (p. 10), unless the spell specifies otherwise. Each spell resists separately. Dispel Magic is not selective! The caster need not know the spell(s) being dispelled. To nullify a specific spell without affecting others, use Counterspell, above. Duration: Dispelled magic is permanently gone. Base cost: 3. Time to cast: 1 second for each energy point spent. Prerequisites: Counterspell and at least 12 other spells of any type. Lend Spell Regular “Lend” an already-cast maintainable spell to someone else. The recipient acquires full control over and responsibility for the loaned spell, just as if he had cast it himself; he can maintain it or manipulate it at will, within the limits of the spell itself. The recipient must meet all of the advantage and attribute qualifications of the loaned spell, but need not know its spell prerequisites. Thus, a spell requiring Magery 2 could only be loaned to a character with Magery 2, but a spell requiring no Magery and no special advantages or attributes could be loaned to anybody. If the recipient has Magic Resistance, Lend Spell must overcome it. Lend Spell is cast at the lower of the caster’s skill with Lend Spell and the subject spell. The caster must touch the recipient. Modifiers: If the recipient does not know all the prerequisites of the spell to be loaned, the caster gets a -2 to skill. If the recipient knows all the prerequisites, the spell is cast at par. If the recipient actually knows the spell, the caster gets a +2. Duration: Permanent; once “loaned,” the spell no longer belongs to its original caster. Cost: Equal to the maintenance cost of the spell to be lent. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Lend Skill, and spells from at least six different colleges. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. The mage loans the subject spell by activating the item and physically passing the item to the recipient; the item must be held at all times for the magic to work – it may not be thrown. The recipient “owns” the spell for as long as he holds the item, and may pass it along to yet another recipient, whether or not either is a mage. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Remove Curse Regular; Resisted by subject spell Nullifies any one of the following spells: Alter (any type), Curse, Enlarge Other, Ensorcelment (any type), Flesh to Ice, Geas (either type), Healing Slumber, Hex, Malefice, Mystic Mark, Oath, Partial Petrification, Plant Form (any type), Possession (any type), Shapeshift (any type), Shrink Other, Stone to Flesh, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Suspend Magery, Suspend Time. It also negates any physical or mental impairment caused by a hostile Wish of any kind. If for any reason the skill level of the subject spell is unknown, the GM’s assessment is final. Cost: 20. Time to cast: 1 hour. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least one spell from each of 15 different colleges. Charge Powerstone (VH) Regular Recharges a Powerstone at a higher rate than the stone recharges itself. Every 3 energy spent by the caster restores 1 point of energy to the stone, but every point restored is counted as an “advance” against future “natural” recharging. Thus, if a 10-point Powerstone is recharged with this spell in a normal-mana area, it will not begin to recharge for 10 days after it is used. If it is used, and then recharged again using this spell, it will be 20 days until the stone begins to recharge normally, and so on. The presence of multiple Powerstones does not inhibit the casting of this spell. On any ordinary failure with this spell, the Powerstone gains a new quirk (p. 69). On a critical failure, the Powerstone cracks and is destroyed. This spell can safely recharge Powerstones with quirks that limit recharging only if the conditions imposed by the quirk have been met. Attempts to ignore those conditions may cause the Powerstone to shatter. This spell does not work on Manastones. Duration: The energy remains in the Powerstone until needed. Cost: 3 per point of energy recharged. Time to cast: 10 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Powerstone, and Lend Energy. Spellguard (VH) Regular; Resists attempts to tamper with its subject spell This spell is cast on another spell to protect it from tampering attempts. Twice the energy put into the spell (up to 3 points) is subtracted from the skill of any casting of the following Metaspells against the subject spell: Counterspell, Displace Spell, False Aura, Remove Aura, Remove Curse, Steal Spell, Suspend Curse, and Suspend Spell. Twice the energy put into the Spellguard is added to the effective skill of the subject spell’s caster when resisting Dispel Magic or Suspend Magic. When the spell it protects lapses or is dispelled, the Spellguard also lapses. Duration: 10 hours. Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Cost is not reduced for high skill. Time to cast: 1 second for each energy point spent. Prerequisite: Dispel Magic. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) May be cast permanently on an enchanted item or area to make it harder to tamper with; it then hampers Suspend Enchantment and Remove Enchantment as well. Energy cost to cast: 100 times normal cost. Remove Aura Regular; Special Resistance; Resists Information spells Like False Aura, but removes the magical emanations of the subject entirely. When cast on an inanimate object, this spell turns it into a blank slate for spells such as Ancient History, History, See Secrets, or Seeker (in the latter case, the Remove Aura breaks the “association,” so the Seeker is cast at -5). To resolve this, any future casting of the aforementioned spells is resisted by the Remove Aura – whenever the other spell fails, the information it tried to access was successfully removed. Whatever happens to the object after its aura is removed can still be freely accessed by those spells, of course. When cast on a living or magical subject, the Remove Aura only lasts one day and cannot be maintained. It interferes with such spells as Aura, Detect Magic, Seek Magic, or Mage Sight. Unwilling subject beings resist with Will. Duration: Permanent (but see above). Cost: 5. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Dispel Magic and Aura. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 250. (b) Jewelry or clothing. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 750. Drain Mana (VH) Area Remove all mana from an area, leaving it permanently “dead” to magic. Spells do not work there, and magic cannot sense anyone or anything in a no-mana zone; magical spells end, and magical items do not function until they are removed from the area. This spell is used to create areas in which mages, magical creatures, and magical objects can safely be confined or hidden. A no-mana zone stays stable with respect to the earth, but not to objects. Thus, if you make the inside of a box mana-dead, when you move the box, the dead space will stay where it was, rather than moving with the box. A critical failure with this spell costs the caster one level of Magery! Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 10. Time to cast: 1 hour. Prerequisites: Dispel Magic and Suspend Mana. Restore Mana (VH) Area The reverse of Drain Mana; restores mana to a dead zone. The area gains a mana equal to the “average” mana level of the surrounding area, regardless of what it might have been before. Cost, time, and prerequisites are the same as for Drain Mana, but there is no risk of losing Magery. Steal Spell (VH) Regular; Resisted by subject spell Steal control of an already-cast maintainable spell from its original caster. Note that it is cast at the other spell’s caster and is therefore subject to range modifiers. The caster must know precisely what he is stealing – Identify Spell is very useful for this purpose. Spells operating under Maintain Spell can also be stolen; the “caster,” for range purposes, is then the maintained spell’s area or subject. You cannot steal a spell if you do not have the required Magery, advantage, attribute level, or lack of disadvantage (see conditions under Lend Spell, above). A held Missile cannot be stolen. Modifiers: -3 if the caster does not know the spell he is stealing; a further -2 if the caster doesn’t know its prerequisites either. Duration: Permanent; once stolen, the spell no longer belongs to its original caster. Cost: Equal to the maintenance cost of the spell to be stolen. Time to cast: 1 second per energy point spent. Prerequisites: Lend Spell and Great Ward.

Telecast (VH) Special Create and teleport a Wizard Eye to a distant location. The caster may then cast spells through the Wizard Eye as if he was present. Missiles may not be telecast, but Jet spells may. Spells requiring touch may also be telecast, but the Wizard Eye must score a hit and the defender must fail his defense. Use the cost and casting penalties from the Teleport spell (p. 147). Spells cast from the Telecast’s “other end” measure range from that spot. The Telecast counts as a spell “on” and requires concentration. GMs who wish to further limit this powerful spell may apply the penalties for no speech, foot, or hand motions (p. 9). If the Telecast roll is failed by 1, the Wizard Eye reaches its intended destination but the caster is mentally stunned. If the roll is failed by more than 1, the Wizard Eye winds up somewhere else (GM’s choice!) and the caster is still mentally stunned. In all cases, a Body Sense roll at a -2 penalty is required before the caster can get his bearings and start casting another spell; on a critical failure, he is mentally stunned. There are persistent rumors of variants of this spell which Timeport or Plane Shift the Wizard Eye instead. Duration: 5 seconds. Cost: As Teleport to cast; same cost to maintain. High skill does not reduce the cost. The energy is spent whether the spell is successful or not. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Teleport, Wizard Eye, and spells from at least 10 different colleges. Item An eyeball carved of ivory and inset with jewels. Usable only by mages. At its holder’s command, it teleports itself away; when the spell lapses, it reappears in the holder’s hand (unless it has been physically destroyed). Cost to create: 1,900 energy, $1,000 for skilled ivory carving, $600 for jewels. Hang Spell (VH) Special This spell is cast on another spell to delay its activation until the caster wills it. Blocking spells may not be hung. Hang Spell is cast immediately before its subject spell, with no delays between castings. The caster rolls for the Hang Spell when it is cast; the roll for the subject spell is not made until it is activated. Range penalties, spells “on,” magic resistance, mana level changes and the like are applied at the subject spell’s activation time. The caster must pay full energy and time costs for the Hang Spell and its subject must be paid at the time of casting. If the caster hangs a spell tailored to a human-sized subject and then activates it on a larger subject, there is either no effect or a reduced effect, as the GM sees fit. A hung spell counts as one spell “on” (p. 10) for casting purposes; it does not, however, count against itself when it is activated. Thus, if a mage has four hung spells, he casts other spells at -4, but casts any one of the hung spells at -3. A hung spell takes a Concentrate action to activate. Hung spells are susceptible to Dispel Magic and Counterspell (which destroys them), as well as to Suspend Magic and Suspend Spell (which prevents them from activating for the duration). They cannot be stolen or lent because they have not yet been cast. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: Same as the underlying spell’s cost to cast (minimum of 2); same cost to maintain. The hung spell may be maintained normally once it has taken effect. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Delay. Maintain Spell (VH) Special This spell is cast on one of the caster’s ongoing spells, providing it a pool of energy to maintain itself. Once Maintain Spell has been cast, the subject spell draws its maintenance energy from Maintain Spell. It no longer belongs to its original caster; it no longer counts as a spell “on,” may not be cancelled, etc. Maintain Spell may be cast any time the subject spell is active. Some maintained spells may be “programmed” as per Independence (p. 96) or perhaps even Initiative (p. 97) (GM’s discretion). Control of a spell operating under Maintain Spell can be stolen using Steal Spell. Duration: Until the energy pool is drained or the underlying spell lapses. Cost: Equal to the normal maintenance of the subject spell for as long as the caster wants it to last (including the caster’s cost reductions for high skill). Thus, a spell that costs 1 per minute to maintain could be set to maintain itself for 10 minutes at a cost of 10 energy. If the caster can maintain the spell indefinitely for no energy cost (due to high skill), the cost is 1 energy for every five full duration periods. Thus, a mage with Earthquake at skill 20 could set the spell to last 30 minutes for 6 energy. High skill with this spell likewise reduces cost normally! Time to cast: 2 seconds, plus “programming time” if necessary. Prerequisite: Link. Throw Spell Missile; Special This spell is cast on another spell, transforming it into a Missile spell. The spells are cast one after the other, with no delays between castings. The Throw Spell is cast first and counts as a spell “on” when determining the skill level of the subject spell (p. 10). The caster must pay full energy and time costs for Throw Spell and its subject at the time of casting; if the caster throws a spell powered for a human-sized subject at a larger subject, there is either no effect or a reduced effect, as the GM sees fit. The caster rolls for the Throw Spell when it is cast; the roll for the subject spell is not made until it is thrown. Thrown spells have 1/2D n/a, Max 80, Acc 1; roll against DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. All thrown spells take effect at the moment they hit something. Thrown Area spells center on their point of impact. Jet spells take effect at the point of impact, in the direction they were going (treat them as Wild Swings, p. B388). Most other spells simply allow the caster to use spells at longer ranges than normally possible – a thrown Sense Emotion, for instance, or Minor Healing. This spell allows spells that normally require touch to be applied at a distance (Deathtouch, for instance). Missile spells and Blocking spells may not be thrown. Thrown spells may be blocked or dodged, but not parried. However, they can be caught using Catch Spell – by anyone, including enemies! Duration: Until thrown. Cost: 3. The thrown spell may be maintained normally once it has taken effect. Prerequisites: Delay and Catch Spell. Item Any missile weapon may be enchanted to throw one specific spell, which flies just as if the weapon had fired its ordinary ammunition. Energy cost to create: 2,500 times the casting cost of the subject spell. There are rumors of enchanted missile weapons that can throw any spell known to their wielder, but nothing more specific is known about them. Bless Regular A general spell of aid and protection. It must be cast on another; you cannot bless yourself. In some game worlds, only holy men or “good” wizards can cast this spell; this decision is the GM’s to make. The effect of a blessing is as follows: All the subject’s die rolls are modified favorably by one point (or more, for a more powerful blessing). The modification will not affect critical successes and failures. This lasts indefinitely . . . until the subject fails some die roll (or a foe makes a good die roll) and the subject is in some serious danger. Then the blessing miraculously averts or reduces the danger – and ends. It is up to the GM to decide when the blessing has its final effect, and what form the protection takes. If an arrow is aimed at your heart, a 1-point blessing might move it to your arm, while a 2-point one would send it through your hat, and a 3-point one would let it slay a foe behind you. Duration: As above. Cost: 10 for a 1-point blessing, 50 for a 2-point blessing, 500 for a 3-point blessing. Blessings may not be “stacked” – a stronger blessing dispels a weaker one. Time to cast: 1 minute for every point of energy in the spell. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least two spells from each of 10 different colleges. Magery 3 is required to cast a 3-point blessing. A GM may require “holy” or “good” status if he wishes. Item Any. The blessing is cast on the item rather than a person, and affects the wearer of the item. When the blessing finally averts some great danger, the item loses its enchantment. Energy cost to cast: 10 times the cost to cast on a person. Curse Regular Exactly the opposite of Bless. All the subject’s die rolls are modified unfavorably, lasting until he scores some notable success despite the bad rolls – GM’s decision as to exactly what this is. Then the success turns somehow to ashes, and the curse is ended. Cost: 3 for a 1-point Curse, 10 for a 2-point Curse, 20 for a 3-point Curse. Like Blessings, Curses cannot be “stacked.” Time to cast: 2 seconds for a 1-point Curse, 4 for a 2-point Curse, 6 for a 3- point Curse. Prerequisites: As for Bless, except that both very good and very evil characters can curse. Item Any. The curse is cast on the item rather than a person, and affects the wearer of the item. GMs should make rolls in secret, and otherwise do whatever they can, to keep players from realizing they have encountered a cursed item! When the Curse delivers its final “zap,” the enchantment vanishes. Energy cost to cast: 10 times the cost to cast on a person.

Suspend Magery (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will+Magery Temporarily nullifies the subject’s Magery. The caster must touch the subject throughout the casting. The subject retains his knowledge of spells, but cannot cast them – unless he is in a high-mana area, of course, in which case he simply loses the bonus. Even in a high-mana area, the subject cannot cast spells that require Magery of any level. Suspend Magery can only be removed by Remove Curse. A critical failure with this spell costs the caster a level of Magery for 2d days. At the end of that time, the caster should roll vs. IQ+Magery; any roll except a critical failure means that the lost Magery is regained – a critical failure means the loss is permanent! Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 12 to cast. Same cost to maintain. However, the subject gets to resist every time the spell is maintained. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and two spells from at least 10 different colleges. Item Clothing or jewelry (shackles are a favorite). Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,200. Drain Magery (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will+Magery Permanently drains one level of the subject’s Magery advantage. The caster must touch the subject throughout the casting. The subject retains his knowledge of spells (albeit at a lower skill level), but cannot cast those that require a higher degree of Magery than his new one. A critical failure with this spell costs the caster a degree of Magery and a point of IQ! Duration: Permanent. Cost: 30. Time to cast: 10 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Suspend Magery. Item There are persistent rumors of malevolent items that drain Magery from their victims, but nothing specific is known.

Linking Spells

These three spells are related. Delay, a Regular spell, is used for quick coupling of spells, while Link, an Area spell, is more useful for longterm linkings. Reflex is a Special spell cast on another spell to convert it to a one-shot Blocking spell – see pp. 12-13 for rules governing Blocking spells. With any of these spells, the “linking spell” is Delay, Link, or Reflex. A “linked spell” is another spell controlled by the linking spell. Linked spells must be cast by the same person who cast the linking spell, and must be cast within one minute after the linking spell is cast. If any questions arise on the interpretation of a spell’s ability to detect a particular event, or whether a particular spell may be linked, the GM’s word is final. GMs wishing to restrict any of these spells may allow only a small list of spells to be linked, or exclude certain spells. Any item with a spell linked to it is visible as such to Mage Sight but not to a mage’s IQ+Magery roll. Only Analyze Magic can tell the nature of the linked spell. Delay Regular This spell is cast on another spell to delay its activation until a certain thing happens in the linked spell’s presence – that is, in the presence of the item or area on which the linked spell was cast. This triggering event may be as simple or complex as the caster desires; if complex, it should be put in writing. The triggering event must be something that could reasonably be determined by a normal person at the Delay site; the GM’s decision is final. If the Delay is to be triggered by a more esoteric event, an appropriate spell such as Mage Sight may be cast on the Delay. The Delay may also be triggered by the activation of another spell, such as Watchdog or another linked spell. A Delay can activate only one other spell. The spells are cast one after the other, with no delays between spells. The Delay must be cast first, and counts as a spell “on” when determining the skill level of the linked spell – see p. 10. Full cost for the linked spell and for the Delay must be paid at the time of casting. If the caster specifies a spell to affect a human-sized subject, and a larger victim (requiring more energy – see p. 11) actually triggers the Delay, there is either no effect or reduced effect, depending on the spell. The GM’s ruling on this is final. Delay may be cast two ways: to activate the linked spell on a specific subject, or as a trap, to activate the linked spell against any subject that meets the triggering conditions. In the latter case, the Delay and the linked spell are both cast on a “trap item,” and range is figured from the trap item at the moment the spell is triggered. Magic Resistance penalties also apply to the linked spell at the time of triggering.

The caster rolls for Delay when it is first cast; the roll for the linked spell is not made until the triggering event occurs. If the intended subject of a linked spell is not present at the time of casting, there is an additional -5 penalty for the linked spell (but not for the Link) for not being able to touch or see the subject – see p. 11. So, for instance, the dreaded “deathtouch doorknob,” set to “attack” the first person to touch it, would activate at a -5 penalty.

When a Delay is triggered, the linked spell begins to activate, taking effect the next turn. Thus, a Delay cannot be used as a Blocking spell. It can be used as a trap; the victim may be taken by surprise. An unsuspecting victim must make an IQ roll to respond before the linked spell is fully activated – Combat Reflexes gives +6 to this roll.

Both the Delay and the linked spell count as “on” for spellcasting purposes; if an Information spell has been added, it is also on. The linked spell does not need to be maintained, though the Delay or its Information spell may need to be. Once the Delay is triggered, it vanishes, and no longer counts as on. The linked spell continues to count as on as long as it is active. It may be maintained normally. A Delay may also be set to “turn off” an ongoing spell when a triggering event occurs. In that case, the linked spell lasts only while the caster maintains it, but the Delay itself requires no maintenance. Blocking and Missile spells cannot be Delayed – all other spells can. An “instantaneous” spell like Thunderclap will happen once, when activated; then the spell will be gone. A continuing spell like Voices will start when activated, and then operate until it expires. Duration: 2 hours. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and any 15 spells. Link Area Postpones the activation of one or more linked spells cast in its area of effect, until a certain thing happens in the Link’s presence. This triggering event may be as simple or complex as the caster desires, and is governed like Delay (above). The Link may also be triggered by the activation of a spell placed on the area after the Link, such as Watchdog, Delay or another Link. The caster pays the energy costs and makes the skill rolls for the Link spell and all linked spells at the time of casting. Linked spells may not benefit from cost reductions for high skill. If the intended subject of a linked spell is not present at the time of casting, there is an additional -5 penalty for the linked spell (but not for the Link) for not being able to touch or see the subject – see p. 11. The size of the area of the Link spell is determined at the time of casting. Any linked spells may go off anywhere within the Linked area; for instance, if a one-yard-radius Create Fire and oneyard-radius Glue spell were linked to a 20-yard-radius Link to catch intruders, the first intruder to enter the Link’s area would find himself in a zone of flaming glue, but subsequent intruders would be safe (from that Link, anyway). The size of the linked spells must be set at the time of casting. If the subject is larger than the estimated target, the spell either has no effect, or a weaker effect, depending on the spell. The GM’s ruling on this is final. Only subjects within the Linked area are affected, unless the spell results in an effect that would not be bound to that area – summoning a demon, for example! The triggering event may occur outside of the area, however. The time to cast the linked spells is spent when initially set up. There is no delay when the Link is triggered – all linked spells are activated instantly. The linked spells do not count as a spell “on” for any purpose. Every three Link spells on count as one spell on, rounding down. A mage cannot detect a Link simply by looking at it. The Mage Sight spell or the Detect Magic spell will reveal the Link, however. If the mage knows the Conceal Magic spell, the Link may be made harder to detect by magical means. Simply adding the Conceal Magic costs to the base cost of the Link spell accomplishes this effect. The mage must know Conceal Magic to use this option. If the subject of a linked spell is not present at the casting, and has Magic Resistance, refer to the original die roll to determine the results. If the original die roll of the linked spell is not recorded, reroll the spell for this purpose only. Blocking and missile spells cannot be Linked – other spells can. An “instantaneous” spell like Thunderclap will happen once, when activated; then the spell will be gone. A continuing spell like Voices will start when activated, and then operate until it expires. A single Link can be made to activate a spell when the area is entered, and deactivate the spell when the area is left. This may continue until the linked spell expires. As an example, a mage may cast Link on Continual Light. If he then rolls seven days for the duration of the Continual Light spell (168 hours), he can have the Link set up to turn the Light on when he enters the room, and turn it off when he leaves. When 168 hours of light have been used, both spells expire. For instantaneous spells, the Link vanishes after activating the other spells. No maintenance of a Link is required, either for the Link itself, the linked spells, or any information spells cast on the Link to tell it when to trigger. Link may also be set in reverse, to stop one or more spells when a triggering event occurs. In that case, the linked spell will last only while the caster maintains it, but the Link itself requires no maintenance. Link can also be used for Limiting Enchantments (see pp. 68-69). Duration: Until triggered, and its linked spells expire. Base cost: 8; linked spells cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 4 hours – there is no reduction in time to cast, no matter how well Link is learned. Prerequisite: Delay.

Item This spell may be cast permanently on any enchanted item, to determine the circumstances under which it works. The Limit spell would be used to determine the class of users that could use the item, but Link might be used, for instance, to make it work only at night. Energy cost to cast: 200. Any Information spells required to tell it when to trigger (e.g., Detect Magic) must be cast as separate enchantments on the item. For instance, a sword might be Linked with a Light spell and a Sense Life spell, so that it would glow in the presence of orcs. A reversed Link may be cast permanently on any enchanted item, to deactivate it under set circumstances. This is often used to keep magic items from falling into the wrong hands. Energy cost to cast: 200. Reflex Special This spell is cast on another spell. It converts that spell to function as a Blocking spell for one time only, then disappear. Unlike Delay or Link, a Reflexed spell is triggered by the will of the caster, not by an external event. This means that while Reverse Missiles may be Reflexed to activate if the caster sees someone shoot at him, it will not be triggered by a shot in the back. It is treated as an active defense, similar to Parry or Block for all practical purposes (except retreating does not add 3 to the roll). Casting a Reflexed spell will interrupt any spell the caster is concentrating on, and is handled like any other Blocking spell – see pp. 12-13.

When Reflex is cast, the linked spell must be cast immediately after Reflex, by the same caster. Each casting of Reflex will only work on one spell – it is not possible to have multiple spells operate as one Blocking spell. The skill roll for Reflex is rolled at the time of casting, but the roll for the linked spell is not made until it is cast as a Blocking spell. The energy cost for Reflex is paid at the time of casting Reflex, but the energy for the Reflexed spell is not paid until it is cast, whether as an active defense or otherwise. The time to cast a Reflexed spell is spent immediately after the Reflex is cast, but the success roll and energy cost are handled later.

A Reflexed spell counts as one spell “on” for spellcasting purposes – see p. 10. A Reflexed spell does not count as “on” when making the roll to cast itself. Thus, if a mage has four Reflexed spells on, any other spell he casts is at -4, but when he casts one of the Reflexed spells, it is only at -3 for the other three Reflexed spells on.

A Reflexed spell may be cast only once. It then disappears, and no longer counts as a spell on. The effects are immediate, and the duration is instantaneous, not the duration listed for the original spell. This means that it is extravagant or even useless to cast certain spells as Reflexed! A Force Dome, for example, would stop one physical attack, then disappear – a fatiguing, but effective, defense! A Created Animal will appear, then disappear before it can make any action. (It might stop a missile during its brief existence, however. The GM may rule such an animal must be nearly equal in size to the target it is shielding.) Exceptions to this instantaneous result rule are spells with permanent results, such as Major Healing – their effects are indeed permanent.

Any person may carry any number of Reflexes. However, only one spell may be cast in any one turn. Remember also, that if a Reflexed spell is used as an active defense, no other active defense may be used against that attack, unless All-Out Defense is chosen. See p. B366. A Reflexed spell may be cast as a regular action – it does not have to be cast as a defense. It takes one second to cast, regardless of the time it would normally require to cast. All normal modifiers for distance and Magic Resistance are used when casting the Reflexed spell, if the subject of the Reflexed spell is distant from the person or object the Reflex itself is cast on.

Note that a mage may cast a Reflex on another person. The caster (not the subject) may activate it at any time, using long-distance modifiers. If the linked spell is cast on a subject other than the subject of the Reflex itself, the regular modifier for the distance to that subject is added to the long-distance modifier for the caster.

Example: Felix gives Beast-Soother as a Reflexed spell to Rudolph. Felix then activates a Wizard Eye to keep tabs on Rudolph as he goes hunting. Rudolph meets a short-tempered wild boar, which Felix observes through the Wizard Eye. Rudolph cannot activate the spell. Fortunately, he does not have to! Felix activates Beast-Soother as Rudolph tries an Animal Handling roll to calm the boar. Rudolph has gone about two miles into the woods, so Felix is at -3 for long distance. The boar is 3 yards away from Rudolph, so Felix is at another -3 for the range to the subject of the Reflexed spell. He is also at -1 for having Wizard Eye on. Thus, Felix casts Beast-Soother at -7, and pays the energy for the spell at that time. Fortunately he has it at level 21, so he casts it for the maximum effect. The boar is indeed calmed, and Rudolph goes on his way while Felix rests. The Reflexed Beast-Soother spell no longer exists. If Rudolph meets another animal, he’s on his own, though Felix may still be observing any action with his Wizard Eye.

Blocking spells and Missile spells cannot be Reflexed; other spells can be. Duration: 1 hour. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Cost: Equal to the cost to cast the subject spell – minimum of 1. Cost to maintain is the same. Note that skill with the Reflex spell does not affect cost to cast it. Prerequisites: Delay and Ward.

Mind Control Spells

Mind Control spells work only on subjects with sapience (racial IQ 6+) and free will (free will is hard to define, but any being with the Automaton meta-trait (p. B263) doesn’t qualify). Thus, they will not work on most animals, golems, robots, zombies, etc. As a rule, if there’s a specific spell for the purpose of controlling a creature (Control Zombie, Control Elemental, etc.) it cannot be affected by Mind Control spells. Note that none of these spells can improve a faculty that does not exist. For instance, none of the sight-related spells can restore sight to the blind, even temporarily. The spells of the College of Mind Control all require either an unusually sharp intellect or a good grounding in the College of Communication and Empathy. They also have important cross-relationships with Body Control spells; sapient beings cannot be cleanly split into body and mind. Keen (Sense) Regular This spell is actually several different spells, as with (Animal) Control or Boost (Attribute). The most common variants are Keen Vision, Keen Hearing, and Keen Taste and Smell, but variants are possible for unusual methods of perception as Detect, Scanning Sense, or Vibration Sense. Keen (Sense) gives a +1 bonus per point of energy spent to Sense rolls of the appropriate type. Kenn Hearing is also a Sound spell. Duration: 30 minutes. Cost: 1 for each point of increase (maximum 5). Half that amount (round up) to maintain. Item Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 150 per point of improvement.

Dull (Sense) Regular; Resisted by HT The inverse of Keen (Sense), this spell reduces all the subject’s Sense rolls for the appropriate sense. Duration: 30 minutes. Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Half that to maintain. The affected sense drops by 2 for each point of energy put into the spell. Item (a) Clothing or jewelry. The wearer’s Sense score is reduced. Energy cost to create: 50 per point of Sense decrease. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Alertness (VH) Regular Increases all the subject’s Sense rolls.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 2 per point of increase (maximum 5). Half that to maintain.

Prerequisites: Any two variants of Keen (Sense). Item Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300 per point of improvement. Dullness (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT Reduces all of the subject’s Sense rolls. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 2 to 10 to cast. Half that to maintain. Senses are reduced by 1 for each two points of energy put into the spell. Prerequisites: Any two variants of Dull (Sense). Item Clothing or jewelry. The wearer’s Sense scores are reduced. Energy cost to create: 200 per point of decrease. Fear Area; Resisted by Will The subject(s) feel fright. The caster receives a +3 bonus to reaction rolls in potential combat situations and other situations where threats are effective, but suffers a -3 penalty on loyalty rolls and situations where terrorizing NPCs is counterproductive. Duration: 10 minutes unless countered by Bravery. Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Sense Emotion or the Empathy advantage. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes wearer to feel fear. Energy cost to create: 200. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 300. Panic Area; Resisted by Will Those in the affected area flee in mindless fear, away from the caster, for the duration of the spell. A subject who cannot escape can turn and take the All-Out Defense maneuver, if attacked. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Fear. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 500. Terror Area; Resisted by Will Anyone in the area who fails to resist must make an immediate Fright Check at -3. Base cost: 4. Prerequisite: Fear. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 600. Bravery Area; Resisted by Will-1 Makes the subject(s) fearless. Anyone under this spell must make an IQ roll to avoid being brave, should caution be called for. Duration: 1 hour unless countered by Fear. Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Fear. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item maintains a Bravery spell on its wearer. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 500. Rear Vision Regular The subject can see all around himself, as if he had the 360˚ Vision advantage (p. B34). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Alertness. Item Weapon, clothing, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Berserker Regular; Resisted by Will Causes the subject to fight as a berserker (see Berserk disadvantage, p. B124). If known foes are in sight (or even in earshot), they will be attacked first. Duration: 10 minutes, or less if the fight ends and the subject comes out of the berserk rage as per p. B124. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Bravery. Item (a) Staff or wand; usable only by mages. The item must include a representation of a bear, or a bear’s tooth. Energy cost to create: 750. (b) Bearskin cloak which casts the spell on its wearer at no energy cost (normal resistance roll is possible). It serves as a Heavy Cloak with DB 2, DR 2, and 20 HP. If the cloak loses all its HP, the enchantment is destroyed. Energy cost to create: 500. Foolishness Regular; Resisted by Will The subject suffers -1 to his IQ and IQ-based skills (including spells) for every point of energy put into the spell. The GM may also require an IQ roll to remember complex things while under the influence of this spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Half that to maintain (round up). Prerequisite: IQ 12 or higher. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item reduces wearer’s IQ. Energy cost to create: 100 for each point of IQ reduction. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Daze Regular; Resisted by HT The subject looks and acts normal, but does not notice what is going on around him, or remember it later. A dazed guard stands quietly while a thief walks past! Any injury, or successful resistance to a spell, causes the subject to snap out of the daze and return to full alert status. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Foolishness. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes effects of Daze spell. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) Staff or wand.

Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Mental Stun Regular; Resisted by Will The subject is mentally stunned until he can make an IQ roll to recover. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Daze or Stun. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer is mentally stunned until the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,100. Disorient Area; Resisted by Will All within the area lose their bearings. They will not immediately feel lost, but as soon as it becomes necessary to remember the path they’ve taken, or remember their position relative to a landmark, they will draw a blank. Those with Absolute Direction resist at +5. Duration: The subjects can regain their bearings in the usual fashion (Navigation roll, back-tracking, comparing notes, etc.). Time to cast: 10 seconds. Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Foolishness. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 200. Encrypt Regular When cast on any writing or other visual information medium, this spell makes it unreadable to any but the caster. Anyone can see the writing, but they will be convinced that it is hopelessly arcane, complex, or foreign. Other media dependent on the senses (including any arcane taste- or smellbased “writing” that might be used by nonhuman races, as well as Braille in modern settings) may be encrypted if the GM permits it. Duration: 1 week. Cost: 1 for up to 1000 words of plaintext; 2 for up to 10,000 words of plaintext; 3 for up to 100,000 words of plaintext; +1 for each additional 100,000 words. Thus, a stack of six typical GURPS Fourth Edition sourcebooks, at about 175,000 words per book, would cost 12 energy to encrypt. Prerequisite: Daze. Item (a) Any writing may be permanently encrypted for 100 times the cost to cast the spell. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Fascinate Regular or Blocking; Resisted by Will Holds the subject (a sapient being) motionless and unaware of the passage of time as long as the caster maintains eye contact and concentration. Darkness breaks eye contact! May be cast as a Blocking spell if the subject is entering Close Combat range. The caster may move slowly (Move 1) while maintaining eye contact if he knows the spell at level 15 or better; each yard he moves away from the subject allows it another resistance roll to break the spell. The spell is also broken by any attack (physical or magical) on the subject. Duration: Indefinite. Cost: 4. Prerequisite: Daze. Item Mirror, painting, or statuette. Always on. Energy cost to create: 1,000. This item is used as a guardian in some places (the spell is broken when the victim falls unconscious through starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion). Forgetfulness Regular; Resisted by Will or skill Causes the subject to forget one fact, skill, or spell temporarily. The skill or spell cannot be used while Forgetfulness is in effect. If (for instance) a forgotten spell is a prerequisite for other spells, the other spells can still be used, at -2 to skill. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Foolishness. Item Any item. Always on; the item causes the wearer to forget one thing specified when the item is created. The wearer will remember again an hour after the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 500. Sleep Regular; Resisted by HT The subject falls asleep. If standing, he falls – but this does not wake him. He can be awakened by a blow, loud noise, etc., but will be mentally stunned (see Effects of Stun, p. B420). The Awaken spell (p. 90) will arouse him instantly. If not awakened, he will sleep for around eight hours and awaken normally. Cost: 4. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Daze. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item puts wearer to sleep until it is removed. When the item is created, the caster can specify whether its effects are gradual or immediate. Energy cost to create: 600. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Wisdom Regular Raises the subject’s IQ temporarily. This raises his ability with skills, but not with spells! The subject’s IQ cannot become higher than the caster’s. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 for every point of IQ increase (maximum of 5). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: At least six other Mind Control spells. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer’s IQ is raised while the item is worn! This is a very rare and prized item. Energy cost to create: 2,000 per point of increase (maximum 5). (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000.

Boost (Attribute) Regular or Blocking As listed under Body Control Spells, p. 37. Weaken Will Regular; Resisted by Will Temporarily reduces the subject’s Will. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 per point of Will reduction (maximum Will reduction of 5). Half that to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Foolishness. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer has his Will weakened. Energy cost to create: 100 for each point of Weak Will. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 700. Strengthen Will Regular Temporarily increases the subject’s Will. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 for every +1 to Will (maximum Will increase of 5). Half that to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least six Mind Control spells. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer gains up to 5 points of Will. This is a rare item. Energy cost to create: 1,000 per point of Will (maximum of 5). (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Memorize Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 105. Loyalty Regular; Resisted by Will Makes the subject loyal to the caster. The subject follows any direct order the caster gives; in the absence of direct orders, he acts in the caster’s best interest as he understands it. The spell is immediately broken if the caster attacks the subject. If the subject is told to do something very hazardous or against his normal code of behavior (GM’s decision), he gets an IQ roll to break the spell. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. Double this cost if the subject does not know the caster, or triple if the subject is a foe of the caster. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Bravery and two other Mind Control spells. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer becomes loyal to the original creator of the item (when that person dies, the item loses its power). Energy cost to create: 500. Double this cost for an item that makes the wearer loyal to some specific third person. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Command Blocking; Resisted by Will Give a subject one immediate command – a word and a gesture, or at most two words – which the subject must obey. If the subject is unable to fulfill the command immediately or on his next turn, the spell has no effect. Examples: “Drop it!” – the subject drops whatever he was holding. “Look!” – the subject looks in the direction the caster indicates. “Wait!” – the subject takes the Wait maneuver on his next turn. Cost: 2. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Forgetfulness. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 500. Drunkenness Regular; Resisted by Will Makes the victim temporarily intoxicated: he is loud, cheerful, and badly coordinated. Both IQ and DX are reduced by the amount of energy put into the spell. If the victim is a PC, he should be told he feels drunk, and encouraged to roleplay it! When the spell ends, it does so instantly (no hangover). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 for each point of IQ and DX lost (maximum 5). Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Foolishness and Clumsiness. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes the effects of the Drunkenness spell. Energy cost to create: 200 per point of reduction. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. Madness Regular; Resisted by Will-2 The subject is driven temporarily insane; this should be roleplayed. The caster selects the severity of madness he wishes to inflict, and the GM decides which madness at that severity is appropriate to the situation (rolling a die is a perfectly acceptable way to make this decision). On a critical success, the caster may select the madness to be inflicted. Unless noted otherwise, each madness is identical to the disadvantage of the same name. Some madnesses are equivalent to disadvantages that require self-control rolls. The subject always fails his self-control rolls against the magical madness. Mild: Delusion [-5], Flashbacks [-5], Phantom Voices [-5], Phobia [-5]. Moderate: Bestial [-10], Confused, Delusion [-10], Flashbacks [-10], Paranoia [-10], Phantom Voices [-10]. Severe: Berserk, Bestial [-15], Chronic Depression, Delusion [-15], Hallucinations (as the Hallucinating incapacitating condition, p. B429), Phantom Voices [-15]. Extreme: Catatonia (as the Daze incapacitating condition (p. B428), but the subject cannot snap out of it until the spell ends), Flashbacks [-20]. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 for a Mild madness; 3 for Moderate; 4 for Severe; 6 for Extreme. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Forgetfulness or Drunkenness.

Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes the effects of the Madness spell. When the item is created, the caster can specify whether its effects are gradual or immediate, and (if desired) a specific type of madness. Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Emotion Control Area; Resisted by Will Instills the subject(s) with any one emotion the caster chooses. There is no “game system” effect unless the GM feels it necessary, but subjects should roleplay it! Some sample emotions: love, hate, lust, anger, greed, jealousy, hunger, fear, sadness, joy, peace, unrest, depression, patriotism, boredom. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; spell must be recast. Prerequisite: Loyalty or Mental Stun. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer is affected by the emotion instilled in the item when it was created. Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000 for an item that can instill only one emotion, or 2,200 for one that instills any desired emotion. Mass Daze Area; Resisted by HT As Daze, but can be cast over an area. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Minimum radius 2 yards. Time to cast: 1 second for each energy point spent. Prerequisites: Daze and IQ 13 or higher. Mindlessness (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Reduces the subject’s IQ to 1 temporarily, reducing him to babbling idiocy. The subject cannot cast or maintain spells, use skills, talk, or other actions determined by the GM. The subject can walk, laugh, cry, drool, eat with his hands, react to heat and cold, etc. He has a very short attention span and notices only colors, pretty things, movement, and other things that a baby would be curious about. If the subject is a PC, the player should roleplay this state. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Forgetfulness. Item Any item. The item casts Mindlessness on its wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. Compel Lie Regular; Resisted by Will The subject becomes unable to tell the truth: he cannot make any statement he believes to be true, and in fact feels compelled to tell lies, although he may (if he realizes that he is under a spell) choose to remain silent. Compel Lie and Compel Truth resist each other. Aura may be required to find out which spell has won out! This is also a Communication and Empathy spell. Duration: 5 minutes. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Emotion Control. Item Torc or heavy necklace; the wearer cannot tell the truth. Energy cost to create: 600. Lure Area; Resisted by Will Each being who steps within this spell’s area of effect feels compelled to approach the center of the affected region. The GM should roll the creature’s resistance in secret and then tell the unlucky victim that he “feels curious about the chest” or some such subtle hint. Once the victim has reached the center, he is immune to the spell until he leaves the affected area (if he returns, he will once again be “attacked” by the spell). Lure and Avoid are antagonistic spells and thus resist each other. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Emotion Control. Item An area may be made permanently attractive for 100 times normal energy cost. Mass Sleep Area; Resisted by HT As Sleep, but can be cast over an area. Base cost: 3. Minimum radius 2 yards. Time to cast: 1 second for each energy point spent. Prerequisites: Sleep and IQ 13 or higher.

Peaceful Sleep Regular; Special Resistance The subject gets an undisturbed night’s sleep. This spell cures insomnia, allows sleep in noisy, disruptive environments, and protects against nightmares and the Nightmare spell. This period counts double in terms of HP and FP recovery. The caster can awaken the subject with a word. Otherwise, subject cannot be awakened, except by injury or with the Awaken spell. This spell works only on a willing subject; otherwise, resistance is automatic. Duration: 8 hours. Cost: 4. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Sleep and Silence. Item (a) Wand or staff that gives the power to cast this spell. Energy cost to create: 900. (b) Any item. If the wearer is willing to sleep, the item puts him to sleep as per the spell; he awakens in eight hours, or if the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 800. Sickness Regular; Resisted by HT Makes the subject feel sick and nauseated (dizzy, vomiting, etc.). He may run if necessary (at half his normal Move) but may do nothing else except maintain existing spells and give very simple answers. When the spell wears off, the sickness vanishes instantly. This is also a Body Control spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Drunkenness or Pestilence. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes effects of Sickness spell. Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Will Lock Area; Resisted by (ST+Will)/2 Creates a circular zone that traps anyone inside at the moment of its creation. The barrier is purely mental, working on the wills of the people trapped. For this reason, the subjects must be aware they are being circled – if they are not, the Will Lock has no effect on them. Each being trapped inside has one chance to escape each day; roll a Regular Contest between the being’s (ST+Will)/2 and the Will Lock’s Endurance (p. 10). Each being that escapes weakens the Will Lock’s Endurance by 1. Upon reaching Endurance 0 or on a critical failure on its part, the Will Lock dissipates. A critical success by an escaping being does not break the Will Lock. The spell can also be broken if an outside party scuffs the circles away. The beings trapped can freely cast spells or throw missiles across the Will Lock’s boundary. An interesting method of escape is to be knocked unconscious and then thrown bodily outside the Will Lock! Duration: One day. Base cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained; must be recast. Time to cast: As long as it takes the caster to circle the area three times widdershins (counter-clockwise). Prerequisite: Emotion Control. Oath Regular; Special Resistance Similar to Great Geas, but works on a willing subject only. Although the caster casts the spell, the subject must speak the oath. The subject may knowingly attempt to break his oath (rolling vs. Will) no more than once per day. The spell resists the attempt; if the subject overcomes the resistance, he manages to break the oath just this once. A critical success by the subject or a critical failure by the spell breaks the spell. The spell may otherwise be broken only by Remove Curse. Unknowing attempts, such as when the subject is tricked into breaking his oath, are not Resisted by the spell. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 4 Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Emotion Control. Item Jewelry. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 550. Permanent Forgetfulness (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will or skill As Forgetfulness, but permanent. The subject also forgets he ever knew that thing or that he was enchanted. Another mage with this spell can restore forgotten things by recasting the spell and winning a Quick Contest of Spells with the original Permanent Forgetfulness spell. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 15. Time to cast: 1 hour. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Forgetfulness, and IQ 13 or higher. Item Any item. Same effect as for Forgetfulness item, but if it is worn for a full day, the thing is forgotten forever unless the spell is removed by Remove Curse or an opposed Permanent Forgetfulness spell. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Recall Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 106. Vigil (VH) Regular Skip a night’s sleep with no ill effects. Each successive night’s casting on the same subject is at a cumulative -3 to skill. Duration: 1 night. Cost: 8. Cannot be maintained, but may be recast.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sleep, and Lend Energy. At the GM’s option, “holy” status may be sufficient. Item Headgear or jewelry. Usable only by a mage or (at the GM’s option) by “holy” beings. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Rumors persist of an “alwayson” version. Relieve Madness Regular; Resisted by Madness and Permanent Madness As listed under Healing Spells, p. 92. Charm Regular; Resisted by Will The subject becomes caster’s faithful slave until the spell expires, following any orders, no matter how dangerous. There is no mental link – the caster must give his orders to the subject verbally or in writing. However, the subject will protect the caster without orders. In all other respects the subject will be mentally normal and alert. He will be unable to explain (and unwilling to discuss or even think about) his loyalty to the caster. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Loyalty, and seven other Mind Control spells. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the wearer becomes loyal to the original creator of the item (when that person dies, the item loses its power). Energy cost to create: 1,000. Double this cost for an item that makes the wearer loyal to some specific third person. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 3,000. Ecstasy (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will The subject feels an incapacitating rush of pleasure; he can take no action for the duration, not even to move out of harm’s way! High/Low Pain Threshold is irrelevant. Repeated exposure can be dangerous to the subject. If any character has been the subject of an Ecstasy spell three times within 10 days, he must make a Will+2 roll after the third time, and after each subsequent time until five days pass without exposure to the spell. If any of these rolls are failed, the subject gains an Addiction (see p. B122) to the spell, and will beg the caster (or anyone else who is known to have the spell) for more! Withdrawal from the Ecstasy spell follows the normal rules for a psychological dependency (see Drug Withdrawal, p. B440). Duration: 10 seconds. Cost: 6 to cast. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Emotion Control. Item (a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 800. (b) Headgear. Always on. The wearer may not voluntarily remove the item, and addiction occurs within 15 minutes. Energy cost to create: 1,300. Enthrall Special; Resisted by Will The caster tells an enthralling tale. Anyone within earshot who knows the language and pays attention falls under the spell, resisting with Will. An hour of real time passes, but the victims notice only a minute slipping by. Anyone who resists will perceive the caster and his victims as paralyzed, although prolonged examination will reveal they are moving, very slowly. Any subject that is attacked or shaken breaks free of the spell (in the latter case, the victim gets an extra resistance roll for every second that he’s disturbed). This spell may never be higher than the caster’s Public Speaking skill, or Performance if the story is mimed or acted out. Duration: 1 hour (real time). Cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisites: Forgetfulness, Daze, and Slow. Item Staff, comedian’s mask, or musical instrument. Energy cost to create: 500. Permanent Madness (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will-2 As for Madness, but permanent. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 20. Time to cast: 10 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Madness, and IQ 13 or higher. Dream Sending Regular; Resisted by Will As listed under Communication and Empathy Spells, p. 45. Dream Projection Regular As listed under Communication and Empathy Spells, p. 46. False Memory Regular; Resisted by Will Insert a single, simple false memory into a subject’s mind. This spell is often used to avoid paying bills, and is considered highly illegal in many areas. If the implanted memory conflicts with a real memory, the subject’s brain will usually fit the new one in anyway, leaving him slightly confused but convinced. In case of extreme direct conflict – “You remember killing the duke” (when the subject saw the caster kill the duke!) – the subject should be allowed a bonus on his resistance roll; the example above would be a +5 for a loyal subject, but probably only +1 for somebody who wanted to kill the duke. Duration: Variable (see below). When the spell ends, the subject gets a second resistance roll, at -1 for each day the spell lasted. If this roll is failed, the subject will believe the false memory indefinitely, but is likely to remember the truth at some unpredictable time, perhaps as a result of a shock. Cost: 3 for a duration of an hour, or 8 for a whole day. Cost to maintain is 3 per hour if cast for an hour, or 4 per day if cast for a day. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Forgetfulness and six other Mind Control spells.

Item Any item. Always on; the item causes the wearer to remember one false memory specified when the item is created. The wearer will forget the memory one hour after the item is removed. Energy cost to create: 500. Avoid Area Makes the subject area unattractive to all creatures except the caster. Gazes will be averted, and approaching characters will feel an intense unease, an urge to be somewhere else. The spell resists attempts to look at it or to approach it (roll caster’s skill vs. searcher’s Will). Victims won’t be aware of the repulsion if it can act in a subtle way (e.g., you just felt like sitting in front rather than in the middle . . .). This is a subtle spell, and GMs should roll in secret to see if it works. If it does, the victims should not be told “You can’t look in that closet,” but just “you see nothing.” The spell made them think they had checked the closet, or made each searcher think that another one had checked it . . . and so on. If a single caster uses both Hide and Avoid, the GM should not check for the results of the Hide spell unless a searcher penetrates the Avoid spell and looks in the caster’s direction. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 3 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Hide, Fear, and Forgetfulness. Item An area can be made permanently “avoided” at an energy cost of 100 times normal. Nightmare Regular; Resisted by Will When cast on a sleeping subject, this spell causes a nightmare of the caster’s choice. Knowledge of the subject’s fears and phobias gives a +2 to effective skill. The subject gets an IQ-4 roll to realize the nightmare was caused by hostile magic. If the spell succeeds, the subject gets no rest from the night’s sleep, and instead loses 2 FP. Dispel Magic will stop the nightmare while it is occurring, preventing FP loss. This spell is also countered by the Peaceful Sleep spell. If the spell is recast the next night, the effects are cumulative. If the subject’s FP falls to zero due to this spell, he falls into a coma and will lose 1d HP each day until he dies, unless Dispel Magic is cast. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 6. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Death Vision, Fear, and Sleep. Item (a) Wand or staff that gives the power to cast this spell. Energy cost to create: 800. (b) Any item. If the item is worn for more than eight hours a day, it causes a nightmare as per the spell, even if taken off at night! Energy cost to create: 500. Hallucination Regular; Resisted by Will The subject’s perceptions are addled. He is completely convinced that one thing that is not present is (or vice versa); he can see it, hear it, feel it, and so on. This is similar to an illusion in some ways, but it exists entirely in the mind of the subject. The hallucination must concern the presence or absence of a single “thing”: one person the subject knows or knew, one crowd of revelers, one pair of shackles on the subject’s wrists, one pride of lions . . . If it can be described as a single entity in English (without amazing gymnastics), then it should pass. The GM’s judgment is final, as usual. The hallucination does not require concentration: the subject supplies, unconsciously, all the “realism” necessary. By concentrating, the caster can “direct” the hallucination – put words in the mouth of the absent person, have the revelers head off in a certain direction or start singing a particular song, etc. Impossible or obviously false hallucinations (a long-dead uncle, for example) are Resisted at a bonus of up to +5. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Madness and Suggestion. Item (a) Any item. Always on; the item causes the effects of Hallucination spell. When the item is created, the caster must specify the nature of the hallucination. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Lesser Geas (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Give a subject one command, which the subject must obey. This must be a command to do one specific thing. It must be reasonably possible, in the GM’s opinion. “Destroy every tree on this continent” is not a legal geas (at least in a low-tech world). Until the geas is fulfilled or removed (only Remove Curse will do this), the subject must make it his first priority. Duration: Permanent until fulfilled. Cost: 12. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least 10 Mind Control spells, including Command. Item Any item. Always on; the item places a Lesser Geas (specified at the time of its creation) on the wearer. The wearer may not voluntarily remove the item; if it is removed anyway, the geas will persist for a month unless removed by Remove Curse. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Suggestion Regular; Resisted by Will Instills a suggestion in the subject’s mind. It must be one simple idea; language is no barrier unless the subject’s language cannot encompass the idea. If the suggestion goes against the subject’s personal safety, it is Resisted at +5; if it goes against his beliefs, convictions or knowledge, it is Resisted at +3. The subject will try to accomplish the suggestion or otherwise act as if the idea was his own. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Emotion Control and Forgetfulness.

Item Any. Always on; the item causes wearer to have one idea, specified when the object was created. The suggestion dissipates an hour after the object is removed. Cost to create: 400 energy. (b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Cost to create: 500 energy. Mass Suggestion Area; Resisted by Will As Suggestion, but affects an area and all those within it with a single suggestion. Duration: 10 minutes. Base cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain (minimum radius is 2 yards). Time to cast: 1 second per energy point. Prerequisite: Suggestion. Item Musical instrument. The user must be skilled in it (use the lower of spell and musical skills). Energy cost to create: 1,500 energy. Glib Tongue Regular; Resisted by Will The caster can mystically make anything he says be what the subject wants to hear. Whatever the caster says, even total gibberish, will find hearty agreement. However, the caster won’t have a clue what the target thinks he’s saying . . . GMs may give up to +3 on reaction rolls, depending on how cleverly the PC roleplays this. Duration: 5 minutes. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Suggestion. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 650. Enslave (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Like the Charm spell, but permanent. The subject will follow the caster’s orders until the spell ends or is removed. At any time the caster concentrates, he can form a mental link with the subject to see through the subject’s eyes, hear through his ears, and give orders. Cost: 30. Prerequisites: Charm and Telepathy. Great Hallucination (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Like Hallucination, but the subject’s entire environment can be falsified. He might see himself stranded on a cliff side, in a crowded city street, in the middle of a lake, etc. The only limits are the fiendishness of the caster’s imagination and the judgment of the GM. For any significant changes to occur in the subject’s new surroundings, concentration on the part of the caster is required, as per Hallucination. If the caster dramatically changes the subject’s perceptions, the subject may be given a new resistance roll, at the GMs option. Example: the subject is “placed” on top of a giant pillar of stone over a lake of molten lava. By concentrating, the caster could cause the pillar to begin sinking or bucking beneath the subject’s feet, or cause a flying monster to appear. If the caster suddenly decided that the lava turned into a green meadow, however, the subject would get a new Resistance roll. This spell can be used for positive effect; if the subject is required to walk a narrow log across a thousand-footdeep chasm, he might find it easier if the log spans only a shallow streambed . . . Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Hallucination. Item (a) Any item. Always on; only affects the wearer. When the item is created, the caster must specify the nature of the hallucination. Energy cost to create: 2,500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 900. Great Geas (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Give a subject one continuing command, such as “Never touch weapons” or “Slay all orcs.” A Great Geas does not have to be reasonably possible; it can occupy the subject for the rest of his life unless removed. Only Remove Curse will negate a geas. A critical failure on a Great Geas costs the caster an IQ point. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 30. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and at least 15 Mind Control spells, including Lesser Geas. Item Any item. Always on; the item places a Great Geas (specified at time of its creation) on its wearer. The wearer may not voluntarily remove the item; if it is removed, the geas will persist for a year unless removed by Remove Curse. Energy cost to create: 4,000.

Movement Spells

These spells physically manipulate the subject or affect his movement abilities. Unless stated otherwise, Movement spells have a built-in acceleration of just under 1 G; Movement spells can change a subject’s speed by up to 10 yards per second. Movement spells underlie many other spells and enchantments, including the entire Gate college. Haste Regular Increases the subject’s Move and Dodge scores by up to 3. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast per point added to the subject’s Move and Dodge. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Item Shoes or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 250 for every point added to Move score. Apportation Regular; Resisted by Will Move physical objects without touching them. This spell levitates its subject at Move 1 – not fast enough to do damage with it. Living subjects get to resist with Will. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: Varies with the weight of the object. Cost to maintain is the same. Weight Energy Cost less than 1 pound 1 up to 10 pounds 2 up to 50 pounds 3 up to 200 pounds 4 every additional 100 pounds +4 Prerequisite: Magery 1. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch or point at the subject. Energy cost to create: 900. Glue Area Makes a surface extremely sticky, trapping anyone stepping onto the surface as if by a Rooted Feet spell (p. 36). If a victim successfully resists, he is free to act until he moves more than a yard from his original position, at which point he becomes stuck again if he is still in the Glue area. Duration: 10 minutes. Base cost: 3 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Haste. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 900 energy. (b) An area may be made permanently sticky for 100 times the normal casting cost. Grease Area Makes a surface extremely slippery. Anyone stepping onto the surface must roll against DX-2 for every yard he moves within the affected area. If he fails the roll, he falls down. Another DX-2 roll is necessary to stand up (but not to sit or kneel). All close combat, melee attacks, and active defenses are at -3; other physical skills, including missile and thrown weapon attacks, are at -2 for bad footing. This spell can also be cast on vertical surfaces to make climbing impossible. The GM will have to use his judgment with surfaces of intermediate tilt. Unlike Ice Slick, whose effects are nearly identical, Grease cannot be seen by normal means. Also, crampon boots are ineffectual against a Greased surface. Grease and Glue resist each other. Duration: 10 minutes. Base cost: 3 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Haste. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 700. (b) An area may be made permanently slippery for 100 times the normal casting cost. Hinder Regular; Resisted by HT As listed under Body Control Spells, p. 36. Deflect Missile Blocking Deflects one missile about to hit the subject – including any Missile spell. Counts as a parry for combat purposes. If the caster is not the subject, apply distance modifiers as for a Regular spell. Deflected attacks may still hit a target beyond the subject. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Cost: 1. Prerequisite: Apportation. Hold Fast Blocking This spell negates knockback from any source. Cost: 1 for every yard of knockback nullified. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item Footwear or jewelry. The item must bear a picture of an ox or an oak tree. Always on. Energy cost to create: 300. Increase Burden Regular; Special Resistance Increases the weight of an object; the object’s wearer (if such is the case) resists using Will. Useful to slow down a charging knight or to keep things from being blown away by the wind. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 1 per 25 pounds original weight (or fraction) to double, twice that to triple it and twice again to quadruple it. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Apportation. Jump Regular Improves the subject’s ability to jump, increasing his Basic Move for jumping purposes only. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 to 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained. The increase in the subject’s Basic Move is equal to twice the energy put into the spell. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item Staff, jewelry, or footwear. The item must bear a picture of a grasshopper, rabbit, or deer. Energy cost to create: 250 per point of Jumping bonus the item can give (maximum 6). Levitation Regular; Resisted by ST or Will Subject must be a living being. The subject floats through the air, moving as the caster wills. Moving a levitating subject requires Concentration unless the caster is the subject. Leaving a subject suspended in midair requires no concentration. Maximum Move for a levitated being is 3, horizontally or vertically. A caster who levitates uses DXbased skills normally; other subjects use them at -3. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per 80 pounds (minimum 2) to cast. Half (round up) to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. Lighten Burden Regular Reduces the weight of any equipment the subject is carrying. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 3 for 25% reduction; 5 for 50% reduction. Half that (round up) to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item A backpack that reduces the weight of equipment held in it. Energy cost to create: 300 for 25% reduction; 600 for 50% reduction. Locksmith Regular Allows fine manipulation of small parts – e.g., the inside of a lock. Adds 5 to the subject’s Lockpicking skill by letting him move tumblers, etc., without touching them, if he has normal tools available. Lets a wizard with no tools at all attempt to open a lock at his normal Lockpicking skill. Gives a similar bonus for Mechanic and other skills where a “third hand” is useful. Duration: 1 minute. (One minute allows one attempt at the average lock.) Once open, a lock stays open until closed. Cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item A golden key, or a golden amulet in the shape of a key. Its intrinsic value must be at least $300. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Long March Regular; Resisted by ST Halves the subject’s long-distance travel rate (p. B351). It does not affect the combat Move rate or Basic Speed. Duration: 1 day. Cost: 3 to cast. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either Clumsiness or Debility.

Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) Footwear. The item must bear a picture of a snail. Always on; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 300. Poltergeist Missile; Resisted by HT Hurls the subject at caster’s chosen target. The effect is as if a man with ST 15 threw the subject (see Throwing, p. B355). When it strikes something, it does crushing damage. A DX-4 or Throwing skill roll is necessary to hit the target, who may dodge or block normally. Note that only the subject of the spell – not the target – can resist! 1⁄2D 20, Max 60, Acc 1. Figure distance to the target from either the caster or the thing being thrown, whichever starts out farther away. Cost: 1 point for an item up to 10 pounds (1d damage); 2 points for something up to 25 pounds (1d+1 damage). Prerequisite: Apportation. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must point at the subject and then at the target. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Quick March Regular Doubles the subject’s long-distance travel speed. At the end of the day’s travel, the subject loses 10 FP and must sleep. This spell has no effect on Move in combat or on Basic Speed. Duration: 1 day’s march. Cost: 4. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Haste. Item Footwear or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Slow Fall Regular Slows the velocity of a falling subject to 1 yard per second. No damage will be suffered upon landing on a normal surface (spikes, etc. would still do half damage). This spell can be cast before the subject becomes airborne. If the subject is already falling, he/it will fall another 10 feet (assuming standard gravity of 1G) in the second normally required to cast this spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per 50 pounds of weight. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Wallwalker Regular Walk on walls or ceilings as if they were level ground. The subject must keep at least one hand or foot in contact with the surface; otherwise, the spell is broken. Combat is at -2 for both the wallwalker and his foe because of weird angles. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per 50 pounds minimum of 2 points. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Apportation. Item Jewelry or shoes. The item must bear a picture of a spider, fly, or lizard. Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 1,000 energy. Dancing Object Regular Animates a single object to do repetitive work. It can accomplish roughly the same sorts of tasks as a ST 15 man: a bucket could carry water from a stream to a barrel, a broom could sweep a building over and over again, a crossbow could cock itself, etc. The object’s program cannot be changed or respond to events . . . it just does its work, mindlessly. The clever use of Link can make Dancing Objects effectively respond to situations, but this requires some careful thought. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Apportation. Item This spell can be made permanent on any object. Cost to create: 400 energy, $500 magical ingredients. The object must be “walked through” its program once per day while the enchantment is going on. Distant Blow Regular Attacks a subject at a distance. The caster chooses a single melee weapon that, for the duration of the spell, gains infinite reach with regard to the subject only. The weapon must be one that delivers blows – brass knuckles are all right, but a garrote is not! As long as the subject is within the caster’s line of sight, the caster’s weapon can strike him. The subject defends normally (dodge, block, parry), as if an invisible double of the caster was engaging him. The caster’s own body (for punching, biting, and kicking) counts as one weapon for purposes of this spell. If the subject gets inside the weapon’s real Reach, normal rules apply. The weapon does not actually stretch or leap from the caster’s hand; the force of the blow is transmitted magically. Apply standard ranged attack modifiers (p. B548) to the caster’s attacks. Note that magical properties of the weapon (e.g., Flaming Weapon) or the caster (e.g., Melee spells) cannot be used through this spell! Duration: 5 seconds. Cost: 3. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Apportation. Item Staff or other weapon. Energy cost to create: 1,000 per pound of the weapon’s weight (minimum 1 pound). Lockmaster Regular; Resisted by Magelock Opens locks magically. A Magelock spell gets a roll to resist Lockmaster. Any modifiers for the difficulty of the lock that would apply to Lockpicking skill also affect this spell. Duration: Once opened, a lock stays open until closed. Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Either Magery 2 and Apportation or Locksmith.

Item A platinum key, or a platinum amulet in the shape of a key. Its intrinsic value must be at least $800. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Manipulate Regular Allows manipulation of items larger than allowed by the Locksmith spell. Ropes may be untied, doorknobs turned, knives sharpened, handmill cranks turned, etc. The caster need not touch the subject. Any activity complex enough to require a DX penalty gives the same penalty to this spell. Duration: 1 minute. (This allows untying the average knot.) Cost: 4 to cast and 3 to maintain for each 10 pounds manipulated. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Locksmith. Item Wand, staff, or glove. Energy cost to create: 600. Slow Regular; Resisted by HT Slows down the subject a great deal; in effect, the subject has one level of Decreased Time Rate for the duration of the spell. Duration: 10 seconds. Cost: 5 to cast. 4 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Haste, and Hinder. Item (a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Footwear or jewelry. Always on. Energy cost to create: 500. Undo Regular; Special Resistance Unties knots and fastenings of any kind that could normally be undone by hand (but not locks). A critical success would even undo chain mail into its component links! Useful to surreptitiously rob someone of earrings, necklaces, etc. Will unstring bows, unbutton shirts, unlace bodices, unbuckle belts . . . Cost: 3 for a single fastening, one more for each extra target within one yard; 6 will undo everything in a oneyard radius, but a person in that area resists with their Will. Heavier items may be undone at a proportional cost. For instance, if a mage is chained, he might want to Undo a link of the chain, bending it open. The GM rules that it would take ST 20 (twice normal strength) to open a link by hand. So the cost to Undo that link is twice normal, or 6. Prerequisite: Locksmith. Item (a) Wand, staff, or glove. Only affects the wearer; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) Amulet granting immunity from the Undo spell. Energy cost to create: 40. Winged Knife Missile Magically throw any weapon. The weapon is the “subject” for distance purposes when determining whether the spell succeeds. 1⁄2D 20, Max 40, Acc 1. If it hits, it does the damage it would do if hurled by a man of ST 15. Basic thrusting damage for that ST is 1d+1; basic swing damage is 2d+1. Cost: 1 per pound of weapon’s weight. Double cost for a weapon that is not normally thrown (such as a broadsword). Prerequisite: Poltergeist. Item Any weapon. At holder’s command, the weapon will leap from his hand, or from its scabbard, to fly at a target. This is considered an attack maneuver, carried out with DX equal to the item’s power. Energy cost to create: 300 per pound of weapon’s weight – minimum cost 300. Flight (VH) Regular Fly through the air under your own control, without wings, at Move 10. Flight speed is reduced normally by encumbrance. A flying character can move and fight normally, and has a combat advantage if above his foes (p. B402). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Levitation. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,500. Light Tread Regular Walk on any surface (which must be able to bear his weight) without leaving any trace, making tracking impossible. If vegetation is present on the surface, some traces of the subject will remain, making tracking possible at a -8 penalty. This spell will also prevent the subject from triggering pressure-plate traps and the like. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain. If the caster also knows Hide Path, an extra point of energy to cast and maintain will ensure that even vegetation won’t bear any trace of the subject’s passage. Prerequisites: Apportation and Shape Earth. Item Footwear; the item must bear a picture of a doe. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Slide Regular; Resisted by Will Slide down a slope as if skiing. The subject uses the Skiing skill, at default if necessary; assess a -2 penalty for not having poles to guide oneself with. The spell works equally well on all types of surfaces (sand, grass, stone . . . ), but the subject still has to avoid any obstacles! Down a good slope, the subject can sustain a Move equal to the subject’s Skiing skill can be sustained relatively safely. Peak Move, in extremely good conditions, equals twice his Skiing skill. On level ground, the spell is a nuisance; the subject is constantly affected as if he has just entered a Greased area! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Apportation and Grease. Item Jewelry or footwear. The item must bear a picture of an otter. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 350.

Flying Carpet (VH) Regular Transforms a carpet (or any other object one could reasonably stand on or in – cauldron, chair, towel, broom, etc.) into a flying vehicle. It is under the command of the first person to step aboard it. If there are several beings already aboard when the spell is cast, roll a Quick Contest of Will to see who gets control; the caster (if aboard) gets a +5 bonus to this roll. If the pilot leaves the carpet, roll another quick contest of Will between the remaining passengers to see who gets control. The carpet’s maximum Move is equal to the caster’s effective skill, and it can handle 1 G turns without skill rolls being necessary (p. B466). Use the Piloting (Contragravity) skill (p. B214) to control the carpet. In general, a rider cannot fall from a flying carpet unless he jumps off deliberately or is knocked off by an obstacle (such as a tree branch) or attack; the carpet keeps its riders safely on board through a combination of magic and deft maneuvering. A flying carpet does not bank sharply, fold, or bend; the spell specifically provides a stable, level platform (which makes flying through narrow gaps rather hard). Any rider engaged in strenuous activity such as fighting must make a DX roll every turn to avoid falling off (the GM may modify this roll depending on the activity). In all other respects, treat anyone fighting from a flying carpet as being on the ground (ignore the special rules for flying combatants on p. B548). Characters aiming a missile weapon from a moving carpet can only take the Acc bonus; aiming for extra turns gives no further bonus. Of course, someone fighting from a flying broom or chair would be subject to the usual penalties for being seated (p. B547) Generous GMs may stipulate that, after the caster cancels the spell, the conveyance remains airborne for 2d+2 seconds, wobbling more with every passing moment. This sometimes allows a safe, if bumpy, landing. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 1 per square foot of surface. Each square foot will carry about 25 pounds (or less, of made of flimsy material). Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Either Magery 2 and Walk on Air or Flight. Item A carpet may be permanently enchanted for 200 times casting cost. Hawk Flight (VH) Regular A very fast Flight spell. The subject has a Move of 40 (80 mph) without encumbrance; encumbrance reduces Move normally. The subject can move and fight normally, and has a combat advantage if above his foes (p. B402). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Flight. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 3,000. Wizard Hand Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 104. Ethereal Body (VH) Regular The subject becomes ethereal and can move through solid objects and creatures as if they were not there. His clothes become ethereal, but not his equipment. He cannot wield weapons or move things about, and does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while ethereal. He has, in most respects, become a ghost. He can be seen, though he has a translucent appearance, and can be heard if he speaks. Physical attacks and most magic cannot affect someone who is ethereal. However, any spell of the Colleges of Communication and Empathy or Mind Control has normal effect on an ethereal person, and is Resisted at -2! Likewise, Necromantic spells affecting the mind or soul will have normal effect and be Resisted at -2. Ethereal individuals can use magic, but at a -5 to skill; the ethereal plane appears to be a low-mana area. Ethereal bodies can interpenetrate, and cannot harm each other except with spells, as above. Duration: 10 seconds. Cost: 8 to cast. 4 to maintain. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and either Body of Air or six Movement spells. Item (a) Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape; only affects the wearer. A severe drawback is that, with the exception of the cape, the item falls through the caster as soon as the spell is cast! Energy cost to create: 3,000 (8,000 for the cape). (b) Gem that glows and vibrates when any ethereal being is within 50 yards. Cost to create: A gem worth $500, and 100 energy. Great Haste (VH) Regular Speeds the subject up a lot. In effect, the subject has one level of Altered Time Rate (p. B38) for the duration of the spell. Duration: 10 seconds. Cost: 5. Cannot be maintained; must be recast. At the spell’s end, the subject also loses 5 FP (unless the caster was the subject). Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, IQ 12 or higher, and Haste. Item Shoes or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,000. The item costs the wearer 5 FP for each 10 seconds of effect. Pull Regular When cast on a single point, this creates a zone of “attraction.” Objects (including living beings) are pulled to the center point at Move 1 by a force that increases as one gets closer to it. Living beings can “resist” with a Quick Contest of ST every second. The pull has a ST equal to twice the energy put into the spell at the center, reduced by 1 for every yard of distance. The spell does not have any effect on objects heavier than 20 times its ST. Note that, to drag an ordinary human being (weight 150 pounds) along an ordinary floor, the spell would have to have a ST of at least 8.

This spell can only be cast on a point in space or on the ground, not on objects or creatures. A small pile of loose objects, dust, dead leaves, small insects, etc, usually forms at the center. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 for every 2 ST of “pull.” Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least four Movement spells including Levitation. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 250. (b) An area may be made permanently attracting for 100 times casting cost. Repel Regular Like Pull, except that the force now repels objects instead of attracting them. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per 2 ST worth of “repulsion” at the center point. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and at least four Movement spells including Levitation. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 250. (b) An area may be made permanently repelling for 100 times casting cost. Swim Regular Move through water at normal Move (reduced normally for encumbrance). The subject is in full control of his own movement, and can act and fight without the normal penalties for underwater combat. This spell does not provide for the subject’s breathing needs! However, the subject automatically makes all Swimming rolls, regardless of fatigue or encumbrance, unless he is actually dragged totally under the water. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Shape Water and Levitation. Item Staff, wand, jewelry, or cape. The item must bear a picture of a sleek fish. Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 1,000 energy. Teleport (VH) Special Instantly moves the caster to another location. However, the farther away the target spot is, the more energy is required, and the greater is the skill penalty, as follows: Normally, you may only teleport to a place you are looking at or one you are familiar with. Penalties: -2 for a place you have “seen” only through the mind or memories of another, or via television; -2 for a place you have not seen within a month (except, perhaps, your own home!); and -1 to -3 for a place seen only briefly. This spell is dangerous, too. If you fail your roll by 1, you take 1d damage and arrive at your destination physically stunned (HT roll to recover). If you miss your roll by more than 1, you suffer no physical injury – but you go somewhere else. The location is up to the GM! A critical failure with this spell can send the caster anywhere the GM likes – make it interesting! – and cause physical injury, as long as it doesn’t kill the caster outright.

Even a successful teleport can be confusing. A wizard must roll vs. his Body Sense skill (p. B181) in order to act on the same turn in which he teleports. A failed roll means disorientation – no actions except defense are possible on that turn. A critical failure means he falls down, physically stunned. A teleporter arrives in the same position he started in. He may be facing a different direction, but this makes it more likely that he will be disoriented on arrival: -2 to change facing, -5 to go from vertical to horizontal or vice versa! Anything carried on your person, up to “heavy” encumbrance, goes with you. You can also take one person with you by holding hands, if the added weight does not exceed your “heavy” encumbrance limit. On a failed roll, they suffer the same effects you do.

This is also a Gate spell.

Distance Cost Skill Penalty
Within 10 yards 3 0
11-20 yards 4 -1
20-100 yards 5 -2
101-500 yards 6 -3
501 yards to 1.99 miles 7 -4
2 to 9.99 miles 8 -5
10 to 99.99 miles 9 -6
100 to 999.99 miles 10 -7
x10 distance +1 -1

Prerequisites: Either IQ 13 or better and at least one spell from 10 different colleges, or Hawk Flight.


Staff or wand; usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 3,000. An item that will only take the user to one, predetermined place costs 2,000 to create; the caster must be very familiar with that place. Teleport Other (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will+1 Same as Teleport, except that the caster does not move, and the subject can be anything or anyone. A part of an object may not be teleported away; neither may a solid object be teleported into another solid object. Separating two connected objects carries a penalty set by the GM; taking the stopper from a jar might be at -1, while teleporting a locked door from its frame might be a -5. Jewelry or clothing being worn, or an object held tightly by another person, is at -5 to teleport away, and the holder may attempt a resistance roll. This is also a Gate spell. Cost: Costs and skill penalties are as for Teleport, with the following multipliers: Weight Multiplier less than 10 pounds ¥1/2 10-49 pounds ¥1 50-99 pounds ¥2 100-200 pounds ¥3 One additional multiple for each 100 pounds thereafter. The consequences of a missed roll are similar, but inanimate objects are less likely to suffer physical damage. If a sapient subject resists the roll, the caster suffers no ill effects other than the expenditure of energy. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Teleport. Item Staff or wand; usable only by mages. The user must point it first at the subject and then towards the desired destination; this takes a second and cannot be hurried. Energy cost to create: 3,000. Blink Blocking Avoid an attack by teleporting instantly out of its way and into an open spot nearby. A spot is not open if someone is standing in it; any lesser obstruction is “open” for the purpose of this spell. The caster may Blink to any unoccupied spot within 3 yards, in any direction. The caster’s facing remains unchanged. The caster must roll against his Body Sense skill to act on his next turn (p. B181). If there are no open spots within 3 yards, the spell will fail. For combat purposes, the “blink” is treated as a dodge that succeeds automatically if the spell roll is made. A critical failure on this spell is treated like a Teleport critical failure, except that the caster rarely goes more than a mile. This is also a Gate spell. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Teleport. Item Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 800. Blink Other (VH) Blocking As Blink, but usable on others. This is also a Gate spell. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Blink. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,600. Beacon Area As listed under Gate Spells, p. 83. Trace Teleport Information; Resisted by subject spell As listed under Gate Spells, p. 84. Rapid Journey (VH) Special As listed under Gate Spells, p. 82. Divert Teleport (VH) Blocking; Resisted by subject spell As listed under Gate Spells, p. 84. Air Vortex Area; Resisted by HT As listed under Air Spells, p. 26. Freedom Regular Bestows a bonus on the subject’s use of skills or attributes to maintain or regain his freedom of movement. Typical cases include: Contests of DX or ST to avoid being grappled, to break free, or to evade; using Escape or Lockpicking; jumping or climbing restraining walls; bending bars apart or forcing doors; resisting Glue, Levitation, or Paralysis spells, and so on. The spell does not help with Camouflage, Disguise, or Stealth; Mind Control spells; dodging missiles; using Lockpicking, Climbing, or Jumping to get inside some place, and so on. The GM’s judgment is final. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 per point of bonus (maximum bonus +5). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: At least three spells from each of the Body Control, Movement, and Protection and Warning colleges. Item Jewelry or clothing. Always on. The wearer becomes very hard to hold, keep in chains, or behind bars . . . A rare item! Energy cost to create: 500 per point of bonus. Cloud-Walking Regular Walk on clouds (including fog banks) as though they were solid. If the subject falls for any reason (e.g., injury), the spell is broken! If the spell is recast immediately, the subject will fall for only one second (about 5 yards); if he is still in the midst of the cloud, he’ll have to “dig” his way out, which will take about 5 seconds. If he is already through the cloud deck, too bad! This is also a Weather spell. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Walk on Air and Walk on Water. Item Staff, wand, jewelry, or shoes. The jewelry and shoes only affect their wearers. Energy cost to create: 500. Cloud-Vaulting (VH) Regular Travel great distances with a few movements. The subject flips into the sky and bounces to his destination using clouds like trampolines. CloudVaulting can only be cast in open air. Each casting of this spell carries the subject up to 100 miles, plus 100 miles per skill level above DX in Acrobatics. If there are no clouds at all in the sky (a frequent occurrence over deserts), the subject cannot go farther than 100 miles. Storms will likewise block the subject’s path. An Acrobatics roll is required every 100 miles, at a penalty equal to the subject’s encumbrance level. On a failure, the subject falls 3d¥3 yards (p. B431) and lands at a random location along the intended path – Slow Fall will save the subject from damage, but the Cloud-Vaulting spell is still broken. This is a dizzying spell; upon arriving at his destination (or failing his Acrobatics roll), the subject will be physically stunned unless he can roll his Body Sense (p. B181) skill at -1 per 100 miles covered. This is also a Weather spell. Duration: 1 second per 100 miles. Cost: 7 to cast. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Jump, and Walk on Air. Item (a) Footwear. The item must bear a cloud design. Energy cost to create: 4,000. (b) Jewelry, wand, or staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Necromantic Spells

These spells deal with death, the dead, and spirits. They affect corpses and spirits of all races, unless otherwise noted in a racial description. Necromantic magic is nearly always forbidden, aside from the very basic spells that demon hunters and healers use. Necromancers therefore tend to live in secrecy. Death Vision Regular The subject sees a vivid apparition of his own death. This might be a vision of the future or a false vision from another possible future – but it is always chilling. The subject is m e n t a l l y stunned until he can make his IQ roll to shake off the effects of the spell. This spell can also be useful to the subject, by pointing out a possibly deadly hazard. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 2. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 600. Final Rest Regular As listed under Healing Spells, p. 89. Sense Spirit Information; Area Find any ghosts, spirits, undead, or similar supernatural entities within the area of effect. On a good roll, it gives a general impression of what kind of being is present. The caster may, at the time of casting, limit the spell to a specific type of entity, or exclude a given type. Base cost: 1/2 (minimum 1). Prerequisites: Either Magery 1 and Sense Life or Death Vision. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Gem that glows or vibrates when spirits are within its detection radius. Energy cost to create: 100 for a 1-yard detection radius, 200 for a 2-yard radius, and so on.

Summon Spirit Information; Resisted by spirit’s Will Talk to the spirit of a dead person. The subject resists at -5 if he was a friend of the caster. If the spell succeeds, the subject will answer one question, to the best of his knowledge as of the time he died, and one more per minute he remains. If the spell fails, that caster (or ceremonial group) may not summon that spirit again for one year. A critical failure means the caster summoned a malign spirit, who lies deliberately. Modifiers: -5 if you don’t know the subject’s full name. -1 if it has been more than a week since the subject’s death, -2 if more than a month, -3 if more than a year, -4 if more than 10 years, -5 if more than 50 years, and -6 if more than 500 years. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 20 to cast. 10 to maintain. Halve these costs if the spell is cast at the site of death or over the corpse of the person being contacted; quarter these costs if both conditions are met. Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Death Vision. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. The item does not give the ability to cast the spell, but gives +2 to skill. Energy cost: 1,000.

Skull-Spirits A skull-spirit is a ghostly, vaporous form, created from the life force that lingers around a sapient being’s skull. Skull-spirits obey the being who evoked them without question. They cannot be reasoned with, but can sometimes be confused. Skull-Spirit 224 points Attribute Modifiers: ST-10 [-100]; DX+4 [80]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -5; HP +20 [40]. Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Toxic Attack 2 pts (Cannot parry, -5%; Irresistible Attack, +300%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%) [11]; Unaging [15]. Features: Fixed ST. Skills: Innate Attack (E) DX+3 [8]-17.

Animation (VH) Regular Summon a spirit (IQ 9) to animate an existing statue, painting, or other item. The object that is animated must depict or represent a human or animal. Its abilities and attributes depend on its body. This is entirely up to the GM– for instance, a painting could talk, but not move around while a statue might leave its base and move freely. Within its limitations, the animated object will follow the caster’s verbal orders; it has no judgment and will carry out its orders precisely. Unlike a golem (p. 59), it cannot be instructed to follow another person’s orders. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3, multiplied by SM+1 for objects larger than human size. Half that to maintain. Double cost to animate stone; triple to animate metal. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Summon Spirit. Awaken Craft Spirit Regular As listed under Making and Breaking Spells, p. 115. Steal Energy Regular Take FP from the subject to restore your own lost fatigue. The subject must either be willing or totally helpless (e.g., bound or unconscious). The caster must touch the subject. This works on living, sapient subjects only! The spell stops when the caster’s FP is fully restored, when the caster decides to stop, or when the subject’s FP reaches 0 and the subject falls unconscious. Duration: Permanent. Cost: None to the caster! For every 3 FP taken from the subject, the caster regains 1 FP. Time to cast: 1 minute for every 3 FP drained from the subject. Prerequisite: Minor Healing. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. The wearer and the item must both touch the victim. Energy cost to create: 800. Steal Vitality Regular Take HP from the subject to heal your own injuries. The subject must either be willing or totally helpless; the caster must touch the subject. This works on living, sapient subjects only! The spell stops when the caster’s HP is fully restored, when the caster decides to stop, or when the subject’s HP reaches -1 (which automatically kills the subject). Duration: Permanent. Cost: None to the caster! For every 3 HP taken from the subject, the caster regains 1 HP. Time to cast: 1 minute for every 3 HP drained from the subject. Prerequisite: Steal Energy. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. The wearer and item must both touch the victim. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 1,500. (b) Any item. It lowers wearer’s HP by 1 to 5 while it is worn. The wearer regains lost HP when item is removed. Energy cost to create: 200 per lost HP. Materialize Special; Resisted by ST or IQ This spell is used by ghosts and other spirits who cannot ordinarily become visible to beings in the physical world. The spell can also be used by a mage to force a spirit to materialize; in that case, the ghost resists with the better of its ST and IQ. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 5 to maintain. Prerequisite: Summon Spirit. Solidify Special; Resisted by ST or IQ This spell is used by insubstantial spirits to become tangible and affect objects and creatures in the substantial world. A tangible spirit is in all respects like a normal physical being. The spell can also be used by a mage to force a spirit to solidify; in that case, the ghost resists with the better of its ST and IQ. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 50 to cast. 10 to maintain. Prerequisite: Materialize. Affect Spirits Regular When cast on a person or object, this spell allows the subject to interact with incorporeal spirits as if they were solid. A weapon with this spell on it can harm an insubstantial spirit. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Solidify. Item This spell cannot be enchanted into an item, but see Ghost Weapon (p. 65). Weaken Blood Regular; Resisted by HT As listed under Body Control Spells, p. 40. Skull-Spirit Regular Summons a ghostly assassin to do the caster’s bidding (see box, p. 150). Requires the skull of a sapient creature, which is destroyed in the casting. Duration: The spirit lasts for 24 hours unless destroyed first. Cost: 20. Prerequisites: Four other Necromantic spells. Item The skull of a sapient creature. Any user can invoke the skull-spirit by saying a password (chosen by the caster when the skull is enchanted). The skull then crumbles, and the spirit appears as above. Energy cost to create: 40. Turn Spirit Regular; Resisted by Will Causes a single subject in spirit form to retreat from the caster. The caster must be able to see the subject. The subject moves away from the caster at its current maximum Move until the spell ends or the caster loses sight of it. The subject cannot attack the caster in any way during this time; this includes the use of special powers and spells. If the spirit possesses a living entity, Turn Spirit will not force the spirit out of its host. Instead, the spirit will flee using the host’s body. Duration: 10 seconds. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Every point of extra casting energy reduces the spirit’s resistance by 1. Prerequisites: Fear and Sense Spirit. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 350. Zombie Regular The subject of this spell must be a relatively complete dead body. The nature and condition of the corpse determines the nature of the undead creature produced. The animated corpse becomes an undead servant of the caster. Its attributes are based on those of the original body, as are its physical advantages and DX-based skills. It does not have the “soul,” mental traits, IQ-based skills, or memories of the living person. The GM will determine its exact abilities, as appropriate to the campaign. Duration: The zombie remains animated until destroyed. Cost: 8. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Summon Spirit and Lend Vitality.

Undead Templates

The following templates demonstrate three possible types of undead created with the Zombie spell. A normal dead body produces a zombie; a corpse rotted away to bones produces a skeleton (indeed, zombies rot away to skeletons over time); and a desiccated cadaver, or a properly embalmed body, becomes a mummy.

Mummy -107 points Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+4 [8]. Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Immunity (All mind control) [30]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brains, No Vitals, Unliving) [35]; Single-Minded [5]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]. Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly) [-50]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Fragile (Combustible) [-5]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Reprogrammable [-10]; Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]. Features: Affected by Control Zombie, Pentagram, and Turn Zombie; No mental skills; Sterile.

Skeleton -162 points Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX+2 [40]; IQ-2 [-40]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed+1 [20]. Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; DR 2 [10]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Immunity (All mind control) [30]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain, No Eyes, No Vitals, Unliving) [40]; Single-Minded [5]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5]. Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Automaton [-85]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly) [-50]; Fragile (Brittle) [-15]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Mute [-25]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Reprogrammable [-10]; Skinny [-5]; Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Vulnerability (Crushing Attacks; ¥2) [-30]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]. Quirks: Cannot Float; Sexless. [-2] Features: Affected by Control Zombie, Pentagram, and Turn Zombie; No mental skills; Skull has only 2 total DR.

Zombie -168 points Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; IQ-2 [-40]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+4 [8]. Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Immunity (All mind control) [30]; Indomitable [15]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving) [25]; Single-Minded [5]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]. Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Automaton [-85]; Bad Smell [-10]; Cannot Learn [-30]; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly) [-50]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Reprogrammable [-10]; Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Unhealing (Total) [-30]; Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]. Quirks: Sexless. [-1] Features: Affected by Control Zombie, Pentagram, and Turn Zombie; No mental skills; Will become a Skeleton.

Control Zombie Regular; Resisted by Zombie spell Take control of an undead creature raised with the Zombie spell by some other wizard. If the caster wins a Quick Contest of Spells with the original Zombie spell, the undead in question will obey the caster as if he had raised it. The Zombie spell resists at +2 if the original caster is within 100 yards, and at -2 if he is dead. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 3. Prerequisite: Zombie. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. It does not give the ability to cast the spell, but gives +2 skill to one who knows the spell. Energy cost to create: 500.

Turn Zombie Area Inflicts 1d of injury on anything in the area that was animated using the Zombie spell; DR does not protect. In addition, roll 1d for each zombie. On a 1, it turns and flees from the caster. Duration: Successfully turned undead will avoid the caster for one day. Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained; must be recast. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Zombie, or “holy status” (GM’s discretion).

Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. At the GM’s option, this item may work only for a person with Blessed or Power Investiture. Energy cost to create: 600. Zombie Summoning Special Calls the nearest zombie to the caster (for the purposes of this spell, a zombie is any undead creature created with the Zombie spell). Range is irrelevant. Upon a successful casting, the caster knows the location of the closest zombie (any known zombies may be excluded if the caster mentions them before casting) and how long it will take to reach him. The zombie moves toward the caster as fast as it can, until it can see him or the spell ends. If it can reach the caster, it stays nearby, without attacking or obeying, until the spell ends. The spell is broken by any attack on the zombie, and if the zombie fails to reach the caster before the spell duration ends, it will simply turn and go about its business, or wander off if it had none. Zombies will not answer the summons if it conflicts with their master’s orders (so you cannot Summon zombies away from whatever they were guarding, for instance). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. To call many zombies, double the cost. All zombies within a 10-mile radius (more for a very successful casting) will be summoned. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Zombie. Mass Zombie (VH) Area Similar to Zombie, but reanimates all relatively complete dead bodies in the area of effect. As with Zombie, different sorts of corporeal undead are made from different qualities of bodies; a mix of undead types may result from a single Mass Zombie. A corpse must be lying in its tomb or at its place of death to be affected by this spell; otherwise, it won’t be affected. Corpses in graves up to 4 yards deep will claw their way up to the surface to join their new master. Undead created by this spell become the loyal servants of the caster. However, they can only be commanded as a group; individual members of the horde cannot be given separate tasks. If this spell is cast ceremonially, the leader of the circle is the master. The zombies regard the other members of the circle as his lieutenants; their orders are obeyed, but the master’s orders take precedence. Optionally, the mages involved in the casting may divide the horde equally, each mage becoming master to his own segment. In most likely casting locations, this spell will raise (R¥R)/2 undead (round down), where R is the radius of the spell. It might yield fewer undead in an upper-class cemetery where the dead have lots of elbowroom in their crypts, or more at a mass grave. Undead created with this spell are identical to those created with the Zombie spell. They use the same templates and are affected the same way by magic. Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 7. Minimum radius 2 yards. Time to cast: A number of minutes equal to the radius. Prerequisites: Zombie and Charisma 2 or better. Astral Vision (VH) Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 105. Slow Healing Regular; Resisted by HT Makes the subject less likely to heal or be healed. The spell subtracts from any natural recovery roll (p. B424) or healing skill (First Aid, Physician, Surgery, etc.), including Healing spells. Illness, FP recovery and HT-based resistance rolls are not affected. Only Remove Curse can break this spell. Duration: 1 day. Cost: 1 to 5 to cast. Same cost to maintain. The same amount is subtracted from any healing roll. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Frailty, and Steal Vitality. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 175. (b) Any weapon. The wounds it inflicts are very difficult to heal; the penalty applies until the wound is completely healed or the curse is removed. When attempting healing, one must specify whether or not the weapon’s wounds are included; if they are, the penalty applies. Energy cost to create: 100 per point of penalty. Double cost if subject is a missile weapon (e.g., a bow). Divide cost by 10 if subject is a missile (e.g., an arrow). If the weapon falls in more than one class, use the higher cost. Stop Healing Regular; Resists Healing As Slow Healing, except that this spell resists the natural recovery process and healing skills and spells. Every healing attempt on the subject must be made as a Quick Contest between the healer’s skill and the Stop Healing spell’s Endurance (p. 10). Every failure by the spell to stop a healing attempt weakens its Endurance by one; upon reaching Endurance 0, the spell dissipates. A critical failure by the Stop Healing or a critical success by the Resisted spell, skill, or process also breaks the enchantment. Otherwise, Remove Curse is required to undo the spell. Duration: Until dissipation of the spell. Cost: 10. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Slow Healing. Item Staff, jewelry, or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500. Command Spirit (type) Regular; Resisted by spirit’s Will Like Charm (p. 139), but only affects spirits. Each class of spirits (banshees, spectres, manitous, etc.) requires its own spell. No version exists for demons or elementals; use Summon Demon or Control Elemental as appropriate. Unlike the subject of a Charm spell, the spirit may try to pervert the caster’s orders, like a demon (see Summon Demon, p. 155).

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 point per 10 character points used to build the spirit. Half that (round up) to maintain. (If the GM does not have a character sheet for the spirit, 5 energy is a good baseline for minor spirits, or 10 energy for a more formidable being.) Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Summon Spirit, Turn Spirit. Strike Barren Regular; Resisted by HT As listed under Body Control Spells, p. 41. Age (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT Makes the subject older! The subject ages one year for every 10 points of energy put into the spell. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 10 to 50 points. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Either Youth or six other Necromantic spells. Item (a) Any item. Always on. If worn (not just touched), it will age the wearer by one year for every day it is worn (so two hours’ wearing would age you by a month). Energy cost to create: 500. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Pestilence Regular Infects the subject with a loathsome plague of the caster’s selection (though the GM may veto an inappropriate selection). The disease takes its normal course; infection will not normally be apparent for some time. Duration: Permanent until cured. Cost: 6. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1, Steal Vitality, and Decay. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. The item’s creator sets the plague transmitted upon creation. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Evisceration (VH) Melee; Resisted by HT or IQ Reach with one hand into a subject’s body and withdraw a vital organ, leaving an open cavity. Extracting the brain instantly kills the body, but the brain itself may survive for a few minutes! Roll vs. HT each second; on a success, the brain remains alive and conscious but loses 1 FP; on a failure, it dies. While it survives, it can cast any spells it knows well enough to cast without ritual. Remember that the brain has no senses of its own and is therefore casting blindly. Extracting the heart demands a HT-6 roll each turn from the victim; on a failure he falls unconscious and dies five seconds later. Extracting other organs requires a HT roll at a penalty from 0 to -5 to remain conscious. Most extractions kill within a minute; however, some organ losses can be survived – a lung, a kidney, etc. In this case, the victim will still bleed seriously. Restoration is required to replace a lost organ. An extracted organ dies within a minute. Cost: 10. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Apportation, and Steal Vitality. Animate Shadow Regular; Resisted by HT Summons a spirit that animates the subject’s shadow and attacks him. The shadow has IQ 9, HT 10, DX equal to the caster’s effective skill, and ST and Move equal to the subject’s ST and Move. The shadow wields whatever weapon the subject had in hand at casting time (even if he drops it later on!), inflicting basic damage only (ignore cutting and impaling bonuses) as fatigue. Armor does not protect, but the shadow’s attacks may be parried or blocked if the weapon or shield used to defend is one that the subject had when the spell was cast. When the subject’s FP reaches zero, he falls unconscious and the spell is broken. An animated shadow may be attacked as per a Body of Shadow subject (see p. 114); if its HP reaches zero, it is “killed” and the subject regains his normal shadow. Duration: 5 seconds. Cost: 4. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Skull-Spirit and Shape Darkness. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 450. Rotting Death (VH) Melee; Resisted by HT The victim, who must be touched by the caster, rots from within. Every turn, he must roll against HT; on a failure, he takes 1d-1 damage; 6 points on a critical failure. A successful roll means he takes no damage that turn; a critical success breaks the spell. DR does not protect! For the duration of the spell, the subject feels crippling discomfort, equivalent to the effects of a Sickness spell (see p. 138). The victim appears to be undergoing a devastatingly rapid gangrene. Hit location should be rolled each time the spell inflicts damage; once crippled, a limb is considered to have rotted off! Once the victim is dead, its body quickly deliquesces, until only a puddle of evil-smelling goo is left. Undead are not affected. The caster must concentrate while maintaining this spell, but need not remain in physical contact. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Sickness, and Pestilence. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 700. Soul Jar (VH) Regular Traps the subject’s soul in some object (which must be present). If the subject is not the caster, then he must be present, and either willing or unconscious. If your soul is in a “jar,” you are unaffected until either your body dies, or the jar is destroyed. The death of your body does not kill you. Your consciousness shifts to the “jar,” where you are able to see, hear, and even cast any spell that you know at skill 20 or above (i.e., castable without speech or gesturing). You may communicate at

a distance via telepathy-type spells, if you know any – or by direct mental contact, without a spell, with anyone who handles the jar. Your FP remain the same as when you had a body. You may not spend HP, but you may use any Powerstone currently in contact with your jar. If a new body comes near the jar, you may try to take it by a Possession, Permanent Possession, or Exchange Bodies spell if you know such a spell. In that case, the soul of that body goes into the jar. But if your soul is in a jar, anything that destroys the jar will kill you permanently – beyond hope of resurrection – even if your body is unharmed. The spell may be cast again to switch the soul to a different “jar.” Duration: Permanent. Cost: 8. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Magery 1 and six Necromantic spells, including Steal Vitality. Summon Demon Special This version of Planar Summons (p. 82) raises demons; see that spell description for details. If the caster fails to control the demon, it always attacks him! If it cannot reach the caster (if, for example, the caster is protected by a Pentagram), the demon will vanish (if trapped) or escape to wreak havoc in the outside world. If he manages to control the demon and give it a command, the demon will carry out the letter of its orders, doing its best to pervert their spirit to the caster’s disfavor. It will also work incidental mischief, unless specifically instructed not to. At the GM’s discretion, a caster may summon a flock of minor demons whose values add up to 200 character points or less (a caster summoning minor demons may never spend more than 20 energy on this spell). In this case, the caster controls the entire flock at once, contesting the highest Will in the flock. A flock of minor demons is not restrained to a single task; they always stay for the entire duration of the spell. Duration: Until the demon’s task is done, or one hour, whichever is less. Cost: 1 point per 10 character points used to build the demon. Minimum energy cost is 20 (although this will not always summon a 200-point being). Those tempted to summon powerful demons should bear in mind that such demons tend to have high Will, with all that implies for control . . . Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least one spell from each of 10 different colleges. Item Certain artifacts are known to make summoning (or summoning a particular demon) easier. Those who deal with demons prize such items, but (fortunately!) the technique for making them is not commonly known.


This type of demon most commonly appears on the mortal plane, a hulking brute with bat-like wings and razor-sharp claws and teeth. Demons are not especially smart, but they are strong, tough, and vicious. Their malicious sense of humor is legendary, and they leave a swath of destruction behind them no matter what task they are set to. Demons vary widely; these stats are merely a convenient average.

Demon [200]

Attribute Modifiers: ST+7 [70]; DX+2 [40]; HT+4 [40]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+8 [16]. Advantages: Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; DR 5 [25]; Flight (Winged, -25%; +5 yards per second) [40]; Immune to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Immunity to Mind-Affecting Magic [30]; Magery 0 [5]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Striking ST+2 [10]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]. Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous) [-20]; Bloodlust (12) [-10]; Bully (12) [-10]; Callous [-5]; Cannot Harm Innocents (Prevents direct harm of truly good or holy folks only, -50%) [-5]; Fragile (Unnatural) [-50]; Sadism (12) [-15]; Selfish (12) [-5]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]. Features: Affected by True Faith and Pentagram. Skills: Acting (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Brawling (E) DX+2 [4]- 14; Broadsword (A) DX [2]-12; Fast-Talk (E) IQ+2 [4]-12; Hidden Lore (Demon Lore) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9; Intimidation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12; Stealth (A) DX [2]-12.

Demonic Contracts

Some would-be mages become frustrated at the time it takes to master advanced spells, or at the limits imposed on them by their own Magery (or lack thereof). For those wizards who cannot come to terms with their limitations, there is another, darker option. The aid of demons is ready for the asking.

Casting a spell with demonic aid begins by summoning a demon. In most settings, it takes a relatively advanced mage to summon a demon; in some worlds, however, Summon Demon may not require Magery, or even prerequisites! If demons want to be summoned, they may have easy ways of contacting them.

Once summoned, the caster must negotiate a contract with his chosen demonic patron, and sign it with his own blood (wise wizards usually prepare a contract ahead of time, or take one from a book; the contracts that demons draft are murder).

After the contract is signed, the contracting wizard may draw on demonic assistance to cast spells at any time without summoning the demon again. Spells cast with demonic aid receive energy and support from dark, extradimensional forces; the caster may reduce the cost of a spell by any amount up to triple his skill in Occultism or Thaumatology (whichever is higher), before applying cost reduction for high skill.

However, demonically assisted magic has its limitations. It can never be used to benefit others directly unless to do so would somehow further the demon’s dark ends (GM’s discretion). It can be used in service of the caster’s comfort, however. Any attempts to bend demonic energies to positive ends may cause the demon to suspend the contract, preventing the caster from using demonic energies until it is suitably appeased. Any failure on a demonically assisted spell is treated as a critical failure; any critical failure is treated as if the caster had rolled an 18 on the Black Critical table (see p. 157).

Black Magic

Black magic also has costs. Channeling foul energies leaves a taint upon the caster’s soul. At the end of any day on which the wizard casts a demonically assisted spell, he must make a Will+Magery roll at a penalty equal to the total energy “borrowed” that day from demonic helpers. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the wizard gains a level of the Black Penalty for every 10 points (of fraction thereof) by which he failed.

The Black Penalty is a skill penalty to any spell cast without demonic assistance. Its presence is obvious to the Aura spell, and anyone with Magery 3 or higher may notice the taint when first encountering a black magician if they make a Vision roll. Any spell cast by a wizard suffering the Black Penalty is treated like a demonic spell with regards to failures and critical failures.

A caster may only gain 10 levels of the Black Penalty. At that point, his soul has become completely blackened; any virtuous disadvantages, such as Honesty or Pacifism, are lost and often replaced by some dark perversion of the original virtue. He also gains a -10-point Addiction to demonic energies (demonic magic is cheap, highly addictive, and usually illegal). Such wizards must still make Will+Magery rolls at the end of any day when they use demonic magic, but at +10. Failure results in a loss of 5 character points – either as a reduction of attributes, loss of advantages, or acquisition of a new disadvantage – for every point by which he failed the roll!

A demonologer who repents may try to cleanse his spirit of the Black Penalty, but the process is difficult. Each level requires a period of reflection and abstinence from all magic use and all sensual pleasures for a period of (20-Will) days (minimum 1 day) for its removal. This is difficult enough for a tyro; a wizard who must also struggle with the Addiction has an almost impossible task ahead of him. The Black Penalty is a disadvantage worth -3 points/level. A contract with a demon is a perk (p. B100).

Black Critical Table

After any failure using demonically assisted magic, the GM rolls 3d on the table below. Use these results as guidelines; improvise wildly to customize the awfulness and to convey the prickly uncertainty of demonic aid. A failure should never result in the caster’s intended effect, or even accomplish it accidentally. Failure Effect 3 – Spell appears to work, but is only a useless illusion. 4 – Spell fails entirely. Somewhere else, demonic “backblast” does something awful to something the caster values; the level of awfulness varies with the power and intent of the spell. 5 – Caster loses one level of Will. 6 – Caster loses one level of Appearance in a manner appropriate to the spell attempted. A Create Fire spell might cause unsightly burn scars, while a Madness spell might subtly unhinge the caster’s eye sockets for a wild, staring effect. 7 – Spell is cast on loved ones, friends, allies, innocent bystanders, or the caster (in that order) if malevolent, on foes if benevolent. 8 – Spell fails entirely; caster takes 2 points of injury and the wound immediately becomes infected (see Infection, p. B444). 9 – Caster must make a Fright Check at -5 as horrific visions of the hells fill his eye sockets. 10 – Spell does nothing except drench the room in a conspicuous odor of brimstone centered on the caster. 11 – Spell produces the reverse of the intended effect. 12 – Spell produced the reverse of the intended effect, on a random friendly or neutral target. 13 – Spell fails entirely; caster takes 1 point of injury as his arms erupt in boils. 14 – Spell fails entirely; room fills with buzzing insects pouring from caster’s mouth. 15 – Spell creates vermin (rat, giant cockroach, immense tapeworm) inside the caster (stomach, throat, etc.). Depending on the nature and location of the vermin, this may do severe damage; an agitated rat in one’s innards would do up to 2d damage directly to the vitals! 16 – Spell withers caster’s hand. 17 – Spell fails entirely; caster ages 4d years. 18 – Spell fails entirely and summons a different demon who attempts to wreak havoc (attacking the caster if he gets in the way). The mage may use black magic to fight this demon; demons will happily fight each other.

Banish: Special; Resisted by Will

Sends an extradimensional visitor (e.g., a demon) back to its plane of origin. It can only be cast by a caster in his home dimension. In an alien plane, you could not “banish” yourself back home, but a native of that plane could banish you. This spell will not work on a creature that is already in its home dimension.

Resolve the Banish attempt as a Quick Contest: the caster’s Banish skill vs. the subject’s Will. If the caster wins, the subject immediately returns to its home plane. It cannot return for one month. Anything that it brought with it when it appeared (e.g., weapons) will vanish with it. Other things it may be carrying (e.g., screaming victims) stay behind.

Note that certain powerful creatures are resistant or even immune to this spell.

Modifiers: +4 if the caster knows the entity’s “true name”; -5 if the caster does not know the subject’s plane of origin… and an extra -1 if he believes he knows where the creature came from, but is wrong!

Cost: 1 point per 10 character points the subject is worth. Minimum energy cost is 10. The caster will not know in advance how much energy the spell will require, and may fall unconscious or even wound himself in casting the Banish. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least one spell from each of 10 different colleges. Item Some “holy” artifacts are of aid in banishing actual demons, and items from the home planes of extradimensional creatures may help in understanding and banishing them. Some rumored amulets worn by planar travelers help them resist banishment. Burning Death (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT As listed under Fire Spells, p. 76. Resurrection (VH) Regular As listed under Healing Spells, p. 94. Entrap Spirit Special Enables the caster to seal a container or chamber so that a spirit within cannot get out for the duration of the spell. Getting the spirit into the trap in the first place is a separate question; usually Command Spirit is required, but trickery can be just as effective. The container can be any size, from a small bottle up to an entire building, but it must be fully, tightly closed (watertight is good enough), and the mage must touch it while casting the spell. The spirit cannot resist the spell, but the casting cost is directly proportional to its power. The total cost is equal to the spirit’s ST + IQ, divided by 5 to cast and by 10 to maintain. It takes a true effort to restrain a powerful spirit! The caster is informed of the energy cost when the spell takes effect and spends the energy then; if he cannot meet the cost, the spirit is unaffected. If the caster spends half the energy cost, the spirit takes one second to break out of the trap; this is a bad deal, but sometimes buying even a second is a worthwhile thing to do. If multiple spirits are trapped in a single container, add half the others’ ST and IQ to the full ST and IQ of the most powerful spirit before calculating cost. The spirit cannot damage the container or affect anything outside of it, nor can it use shape-shifting powers to help it escape in any way. It can communicate with anyone within a yard or so of the container in the normal fashion. Duration: 5 minutes. Cost: Spirit’s (ST+IQ) divided by 5 to cast, by 10 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Soul Jar, and Turn Spirit.

Repel Spirits Area Repels spirits from an area. The spell resists attempts by spirits (as well as other insubstantial beings such as an Ethereal Body or Astral Trip subject) to enter it or stay in it. Each spirit may try to enter the area once per hour, rolling a Regular Contest between its Will and the caster’s effective skill (each stage of the Contest lasts a second). Once inside, the invader resists with its Will; the spirit is expelled from the area on its first failure. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 4 to cast. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Banish and Turn Spirit. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 100. (b) Any area or container can be made permanently repellent at 100 times casting cost. Bind Spirit (type) (VH) Regular; Resisted by spirit’s IQ Similar to Enslave (p. 141), but for spirits. Like Enslave, it allows mental contact with a turn of concentration. There is a separate Bind Spirit spell for each Command Spirit spell. The spirit may interpret its orders creatively, as per Command Spirit. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 1 per 3 character points used to build the spirit (minimum cost 30). Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisites: Command Spirit (same type), and Soul Jar. Item A spirit may be bound to an item or place. Bound spirits will serve the owner of the item and will not dissipate. Energy cost to create: 4 times the cost above, halved if the spirit is willing. Steal (Attribute) (VH) Regular; Resisted by appropriate attribute This is actually four separate spells. Steal Might steals the subject’s ST, Steal Grace steals DX, Steal Wisdom steals IQ, and Steal Vigor steals HT. Each spell must be studied separately, but all four work identically. The spell transfers basic attributes on a level-for-level basis to the caster from the subject (who must be a living, sapient being). The caster cannot lower the subject’s attribute below the subject’s racial average (10 for a human). Thus, a subject must have an exceptional score for this spell to work. Secondary characteristics are affected by the attribute loss. The caster must touch the subject and hold on to him for the entire casting time; neither can do anything while the spell is being cast. The caster increases his own attribute (whichever applies) as if he had spent the character points stolen from the subject. Example: Rolfe, with an IQ of 14, wishes to steal the wisdom of a victim with IQ 13 (this is legal; it is assumed that any character has knowledge and experiences that would expand the capabilities of another, even if the score is lower). If he drains the subject to IQ 10, he has stolen 3 levels of IQ, raising his IQ to 17. Duration: 1 day; at the end of that time, both the caster and the subject regain their normal attributes. Cost: 1 per character point stolen (minimum cost 10). Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 3. In addition, there are different spell prerequisites for each version of the spell: Spell Prerequisites Steal Might Steal Vitality and Debility Steal Dexterity Steal Vitality and Clumsiness Steal Wisdom Steal Vitality and Foolishness Steal Vigor Steal Energy and Frailty Steal Skill (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Transfers one skill from the subject to the caster. The caster must touch the subject and hold on to him for the entire casting time; neither character can do anything for that duration. The outcome of the struggle (i.e., the resistance roll) remains unknown until the casting is complete. The caster may abort his casting at any time; the energy is still spent. The caster gains the skill as if he had himself spent the character points stolen from the subject. This spell can be used to steal spells. If the victim had other skills based on the stolen one, he retains them fully, but the loss of a prerequisite causes a -2 penalty to skill use. Example: Severin wishes to sell some ill-gotten gains, but lacks much in the way of business sense. To remedy this, he casts Steal Skill on the first bazaar merchant he passes, taking his Merchant skill. The merchant has IQ 10, Business Acumen 2, and Merchant-15, having spent 12 points on Merchant. Severin gains Merchant as if he had spent 12 points on the skill – with Severin’s IQ of 14, his Merchant skill is now 17. He does not gain the benefit of the merchant’s Business Acumen Talent. Duration: 24 hours. Cost: 1 per character point stolen (minimum cost of 10). Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Borrow Skill, and Daze. Steal Youth (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT Take another’s youth. For every 10 points of energy put into this spell, the caster grows one year younger and the subject (who must be of the same race) grows two years older. The subject must either be willing or totally helpless; the caster must touch the subject. A critical failure of this spell costs the caster 1 point of IQ and ages him by 20 years instantly. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 10 to 30. Time to cast: 1 hour. Prerequisite: Youth, Age, and Steal Vitality. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. The wearer and the item must both touch the victim. Usable only by mages. This item can only be used once a year, and only to steal one year at a time – so one item keeps one mage young, but no more. Energy cost to create: 8,000.

Steal Beauty (VH) Regular Transfers the subject’s beauty to the caster. The caster gains one or more appearance levels (p. B21) while the subject loses an equal number. Beauty can only be stolen from someone of better appearance than the caster, and the caster cannot gain better appearance than the subject’s initial appearance level. The subject must be of the same species and sex as the caster. In addition, the subject must either be willing or totally helpless and must be touched for the entire casting time. A critical failure of this spell instantly makes the caster Hideous. At the GM’s option, this spell may also be used to steal Charisma and the Voice advantage. People with stolen Charisma simply become less scintillating; those with stolen Voices become mute. Critical failure on either of these applications results in muteness for the caster! Duration: 24 hours; at the end of this time, both the caster and subject regain their normal appearance. Cost: Equal to the character point difference between the subject’s original and final appearances (or equal to the cost of the stolen advantage, in the case of Charisma or Voice). Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Alter Visage, and Steal Vitality. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. The wearer and the item must both touch the victim. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 2,500. Astral Block Area No spirit or insubstantial being may cross an astral block’s boundaries for the duration of the spell. In addition, insubstantial creatures within an astral block cannot become substantial, and vice versa. Thus, a sorcerer could not cast Ethereal Body within the area of a spell, while a ghost would be unable to use Solidify. A ghost already in a tangible state could not become insubstantial! Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 4 to cast and 2 to maintain if cast as an Area spell. 15 per cubic yard if cast on a container, and half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Summon Spirit and Repel Spirits. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 600. (b) Any area or container may be permanently enchanted for 100 times casting cost. © A container of any size (from a stoppered bottle to a starship) may be enchanted for an energy cost of 500 per cubic yard or fraction thereof. The container must be at least airtight when fully closed. This creates a mobile astral block. Any spirit coaxed into the enclosure (or in it when the spell is cast) will be affected by the spell when it is closed. Opening the container temporarily suspends the spell. Lich (VH) Enchantment This spell lets the caster become a lich, a wizard preserved into undeath with powerful magic and alchemy. He retains his personality, knowledge, IQ, skills, and spells, and all his mental advantages and disadvantages (including Magery), but gains the physical and supernatural traits of a lich, as determined by the GM. The more powerful that package, the higher the energy cost. After the GM determines the lich template (and hence, the energy cost), the mage casts this spell as with any other enchantment, but with himself as the subject. At the end of the enchanting, he rolls against skill. Any failure does 6d damage to the caster. A success prepares the wizard’s body for the next step.

To complete the transformation, the would-be lich must drink an alchemical elixir of Lichdom. The elixir of Lichdom is prepared like any other alchemical elixir (see p. 210); it requires $13,500 in materials and 50 weeks of brewing. It defaults to Alchemy-7. Anyone not currently under the effects of a Lich spell who imbibes an elixir of Lichdom is affected as if he had drunk an elixir of Death (p. 215). However, an elixir of Lichdom cannot be counteracted, even with an alchemical Antidote. The elixir of Lichdom is forbidden everywhere, and formularies for it are almost impossible to find; most liches are compelled to reinvent it from scratch. When a wizard under the Lich spell drinks a potion of Lichdom, he must roll vs. HT. If he succeeds, he dies, rising as a lich in 2d days. If he fails, he just dies. Luck, as well as the Bless and Wish spells, can influence this HT roll. This is also an Enchantment spell. Energy Cost to Cast: Equal to the lich’s point total in his undead form, including his personal abilities and those on the lich template. It costs more for a more powerful subject because there are more abilities to preserve. Minimum cost is 100. Prerequisites: Magery 3, IQ 13 or higher, Enchant, Soul Jar, and Zombie.

Lich: 105 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX+2 [40]; HT+2 [20]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed+1 [20]; HP+3 [6]; FP+3 [9]. Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; DR 2 [10]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain, No Eyes, No Vitals, Unliving) [40]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15]; Vacuum Support [5]. Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous; Universal, +25%) [-25]; Dependency (Mana; common, constantly) [-50]; Fragile (Brittle) [-15]; Fragile (Unnatural, Mitigated by potion, monthly, -70%) [-15]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Skinny [-5]; Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Vulnerability (Crushing Attacks; ¥2) [-30]. Quirks: Cannot Float; Sexless. [-2] Features: Affected by Pentagram; Can be turned using True Faith; Skull has only 2 total DR. Racial Skill Modifiers: +1 to Thanatology [2].

Wraith (VH) Enchantment; Resisted by HT Enchants a ring or an amulet that will turn the wearer into a wraith, an undead guardian sustained by magic. It attempts to affect the wearer every time it is put on. The spell is Resisted normally by HT. If the subject ever fails to resist (or chooses not to), he “dies” and rises as a wraith 24 hours later. The GM determines the exact abilities of the wraith, but mental traits are preserved as per the Lich spell. The wraith always has a Dependency (p. B130) on the Wraith item (a rare item, required constantly, for -150 points), and shrivels and dies if it is removed or destroyed. This item isn’t Hexed; the victim can remove it and die if he wishes. Only Remove Enchantment can reverse the Wraith spell without harm. Each Wraith item can sustain one wraith at a time. Once a given item has produced a wraith, it has no effect on other wearers until its wraith has been destroyed. The Wraith spell has no effect on the undead. At double energy cost, the enchanter can create an item that makes the wraith his undead servant. The wraith automatically gains Reprogrammable (p. B150) with the enchanter as his master in addition to his Dependency, and cannot remove the Wraith item himself. At half cost, the enchanter can create an item that turns the wearer into an undead tomb guardian. This works exactly as a regular Wraith item, except that the undead gains Compulsive Behavior (Remain in tomb and guard it; kill abductors and return if forcibly removed from tomb) [-15].

This is also an Enchantment spell.

Energy Cost to Cast: 500. Prerequisites: Magery 3, IQ 13 or higher, Enchant, Halt Aging, and Soul Jar.


A ring or funerary amulet, which need not be ornate.

Wraith: 233 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+5 [50]; HT+5 [50].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+5 [10].

Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe [20]; DR 4 [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brains, No Vitals, Unliving) [10]; Magery 1 [15]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Supernatural Durability (Spells, Magic Weapons) [150]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Unaging [15]; Unfazeable [15].

Disadvantages: Appearance (Horrific) [-24]; Bloodlust (12) [-10]; Callous (12) [-5]; Dependency (Wraith item; rare, constantly) [-150]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Social Stigma (Dead) [-20]; Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, Pallor) [-15]; Unhealing (Can heal with Steal HT) [-20].

Quirks: Loves battle; Sexless. [-2]

Racially Innate Spells: Deathtouch-15 [20]; Steal Health-15 [20]; Ethereal Body-15 [20].

Plant Spells

These spells detect, modify, control, and communicate with plants. Unless noted otherwise, the subject plants gain no special powers. Seek Plant Information Obtains the direction and approximate distance of the nearest growth of plants, or of one specific plant type. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any known plants may be excluded if the caster mentions them before casting. Cost: 2. Item A carved wooden wand, staff, or figurine. Energy cost to create: 50. Identify Plant Information Determines the type and species of any one plant. It also gives basic information about it (edible, poisonous, etc). A successful casting of this spell gives +3 to Naturalist or Physician skill for determining medicinal or other special properties of the plant. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Seek Plant. Item Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 200. Heal Plant Area Heals plants within the area of disease, parasites, and damage. The plants must still be alive for the spell to work. Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 3. Trees larger than saplings require a radius of at least 3 yards. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Identify Plant. Item Staff. The item must touch the plant. Energy cost to create: 400. Shape Plant Regular Shape and mold plants and plant material with hands. Gives +2 to Carpentry and Artist (Woodworking), or allows the caster to work without any tools at -1 to skill. Useful for building houses and furniture, repairing shields and equipment, and removing wooden obstacles. It can be used on a foe’s weapon in combat, doing 2d damage to wooden weapons; see Striking at Weapons (p. B400) for details on damaging weapons. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Double cost if the material is no longer living. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Identify Plant. Item Gloves of plant material. Energy cost to create: 500. Bless Plants Area Causes the plants within the area of effect to grow faster and stronger for the rest of their growing season. The crop yield within the area of effect is doubled. Duration: One crop or growing season. Base cost: 1. To be affected, the plants must be entirely within the area of effect. Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisite: Heal Plant. Item Staff. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 500.

Hide Path Regular Enables the caster and up to five other man-sized creatures, or one caster on horseback, to pass through grass, undergrowth, or jungle without leaving any sign. Any tracking attempt made on this hidden path is at -8! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Heal Plant. Item Cloak of plant material. Energy cost to create: 300. Plant Growth Area Causes the equivalent of one month’s growth in one minute. Trees change only slightly, while weeds grow tremendously. Useful for gardening (after removing all the weeds!), and starting seeds. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Heal Plant. Item Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 300. Plant Vision Regular See through vegetation to find overgrown buildings, lurking enemies, etc. Natural plant growth is transparent to the spell’s subject. Magical plant growth, dead wood, and wooden constructions are not. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 30 seconds. Cost: 1 per 10 yards of range to cast (100 yards maximum). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Shape Plant. Item Any. Energy cost to create: 300. Pollen Cloud Area; Resisted by HT A cloud of pollen fills the area; anyone within it begins sneezing, weeping, and coughing. All victims suffer a -2 DX penalty for as long as they are in the cloud and for 3d turns thereafter. The rate of dissipation depends on the area and the presence of wind; indoors, it usually lasts until the spell expires, but outdoors on a windy day it may last only 10 seconds or so. Duration: 5 minutes or less. Base cost: 1. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Shape Plant. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Blight Area Causes the plants within the affected area to grow more slowly and more weakly for the rest of their growing season. The crop yield within the area is halved. Immediate effects include loss of leaves, fruit, and blossoms; the affected plants recover (partially) in the following days. Duration: One crop or growing season. Base cost: 1. To be affected, the plants must be entirely within the area of effect. Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisite: Plant Growth. Item Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500. Blossom Area Causes plants within the area of effect to bloom and bear fruit within the one-hour duration of the spell. To be affected, the entire plant must be within the area of effect. The plant remains in this condition for 24 hours, at the end of which it enters its fall phase – leaves of deciduous trees will turn color, blossoms and fruit drop off, etc. The spell may be limited to a single plant, or a single type of plant, at the time of casting. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 2. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisite: Plant Growth. Conceal Area Causes the local vegetation to grow quickly over any objects in the area, concealing them from casual inspection. Anyone looking into the area must make a Quick Contest (their Vision vs. the caster’s skill), to notice objects hidden by the concealing growth. Large objects may be camouflaged into “hills” by growing a carpet of grass or moss over them. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: In a forest or jungle setting (or underwater), 1 to cast; in plains or savanna, 2; in tundra, 3. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Plant Growth. Item Wand or staff. Energy cost to create: 250. Forest Warning Area As Nightingale (p. 167), but only works on areas with plants. Duration: 10 hours. Base cost: 1⁄2 (minimum 2). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Sense Danger or four plant spells. Item Can be cast permanently on an area of plant growth. Energy cost to create: 100 per yard radius. Tangle Growth Area Causes grass or other ground plants within the area to grow and become obstacles (movement cut to 1⁄2 Move, -2 to dodge), or bushes and low trees to grow into barriers that must be removed to pass. Treat such a barrier as a 3” wooden slab (p. B558) per yard of width. Anyone in the area when the spell is cast may move normally on the next turn; only if they fail to leave will they be caught. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 1 for grass, 2 for bushes and trees. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Plant Growth.

Item An area may be made permanently “tangled” at a cost of 20 per yard radius for grass, or 30 per yard radius of trees and bushes. Purify Earth Area As listed under Earth Spells, p. 54. Create Plant Area Brings forth vegetation where nothing grew before. Whether this vegetation survives depends on the area. Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 4 for grasses; 8 for bushes; 15 for trees. Time to cast: 1 second per energy point. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Plant Growth. Item Staff. Usable only by a mage. The item must touch the area where the plants are to be created. Energy cost to create: 1,000. False Tracks Regular; Resisted by Will The subject leaves tracks that appear to be those of some animal or other being. Unwilling subjects resist with Will. A Quick Contest between a tracker’s Tracking skill and the caster’s Naturalist skill (or his skill with this spell, whichever is lower) determines whether or not the tracker is fooled. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Shape Plant and Shape Earth. Item Footwear. The item must bear a picture of the animal or being whose tracks it leaves. Energy cost to create: 300. Plant Sense Regular; Resisted by Hide Path The subject sees and hears minute details known by the plants around him – such as disturbances caused by passing or hiding creatures. This gives a +4 bonus to Tracking, a +2 bonus to all Sense rolls, and the ability to detect the presence of invisible or magically hidden creatures with a normal Sense roll. Works only in areas with thick plant growth (jungles, forests, etc.); may work at half effect (with no chance to sense invisible or magically hidden creatures) in sparser terrain. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Forest Warning and Hide Path. Item Staff or figurine. Energy cost to create: 500. Rejuvenate Plant Regular Causes a dead, dying, or old plant to undergo a sudden burst of life. Tables (or longbows!) sprout leaves, an aging fruit tree bears fruit once more, etc. Whether the plant can sustain this new vitality depends on its immediate surroundings. A rejuvenated chair would die slowly unless its legs could grow roots into nourishing soil, for example. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 3. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Plant Growth. Item Staff. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 700. Wither Plant Area; Resisted by HT Causes plants within the area to wither and die. The caster can choose to affect only one type of plant, or everything but one type of plant, if he wishes. Any large plants or animated vegetable foes should be assigned a HT score with which to resist this spell – see Animate Plant. Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 2. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Blight. Item Staff or wand of dead wood. Energy cost to create: 200. Walk Through Plants Regular Enables the subject to pass through grass, undergrowth, heavy forest or jungle without any hindrance from the vegetation. He can travel as if the land were open (normal movement rates); plants move aside to let him pass and then resume their previous position behind him.

The spell makes tracking difficult, giving a penalty from -1 to -8, depending on the thickness of the local vegetation. If used against Tangle Growth, a Quick Contest of spells must take place every second. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Hide Path and Shape Plant. Item Cloak of plant material. Energy cost to create: 400. Walk Through Wood Regular Enables the subject to pass through solid wood (dead or alive) as if it were air. It does not open a passage so that others can follow, nor does it reveal what is on the other side . . . The subject should hold his breath, as the spell does not supply any air! Should the spell end before the subject regains the open air, he is buried in wood. He is not automatically harmed, but suffocates (p. B436) if he cannot escape. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Walk Through Plants. Item Cloak of plant material. Energy cost to create: 500. Plant Control Regular; Resisted by Will Control the actions of one large vegetable (any size) or a group of small ones, up to about 100 pounds total – useful only if the plant can move spontaneously to start with. Concentration is required. This spell will not work on a sapient vegetable (IQ 6 or higher). Note that this spell makes possible the use of Rider, Rider Within, Beast Possession, and similar spells on vegetable creatures. Plant Control is Resisted by Animate Plant. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Plant Sense. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 600 (will control any type of vegetable). Essential Wood Regular Transforms any intact wood into the magical essence of wood. Essential Wood is three times as strong as regular wood, with three times the HP and DR listed on p. B558, and three times the ability to support weight. It is difficult to ignite with regular flames (Highly Resistant, according to the chart on p. B433), but once lit burns three times as long. It also burns hotter, adding an extra point of damage to each die (this will even increase the heat of Essential Flame!). Manufactured objects made of wood can be turned into objects made of Essential Wood; living plants, however, may not be transformed. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 8. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Six Plant spells. Item Staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 800 energy. Animate Plant Regular As Animation (p. 150), except only one living plant may be animated. An animated plant gains a HT score equal to twice the energy put into the spell. Note that woody plants often have a high DR and make frightening foes. A sapient (IQ 6 or higher) plant may not be animated. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. Half that to maintain. Double cost if the plant is to pull itself up and walk (Move 4) on its roots! Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Seven Plant spells. Plant Form Special Assume the form of any natural plant or tree between 1⁄2 and five times your own size. Clothing vanishes, to reappear when you regain your form; large possessions fall to the ground, while small ones (up to bracelet or wand size) may remain imbedded in your plant form. The caster cannot move about, attack, etc., unless a plant with those abilities exists in the game world and he takes that form, or unless Animate Plant is cast on his plant form. A wizard in plant shape may cast no spells unless he knows them so well that he can cast them without speech or gesture! He may hear normally but may not see except to sense light and darkness. He may not speak. Injuries taken in plant form carry over proportionately. This means, for instance, that an arrow wound to a tree is a pinprick to a man; some GM flexibility is required here! Time spent in plant form automatically counts as “rest” unless the plant is under attack. However, he must roll against IQ every hour that he stays in plant form. A failed roll temporarily reduces his IQ by 1. If IQ drops to 5, he is trapped in plant form, with a plant’s IQ, until someone else frees him with Remove Curse. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and six Plant spells. Item Staff or wand. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Plant Speech Regular “Converse” with plants in a very rudimentary fashion (semi-telepathically; the mage must speak aloud). The older the plant, the more detailed the information that can be gained. For instance, grass could only tell that it had been stepped on recently (about a day), while an ancient oak could recall details of mounts, dress, aroma . . . Sapient vegetables can hold much better conversations. Duration: 1 minute. Each minute allows one question and answer. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Plant Sense. Item Staff. Energy cost to create: 750 for an item that will talk to one particular species, 2,000 for one that will talk to any plant.

Rain of Nuts: Area

Causes a rain of nuts to fall within the area, issuing from the nearby trees as if they were suddenly filled with crazed squirrels. The noisy torrent plinks on helmets, stings bare skin, and interferes with missile fire. Any characters in the area take a -1 penalty to any tasks requiring concentration or skill, including combat and spellcasting. There’s an additional visibility penalty of -1 per 8 yards distance, applied to missile attacks and Vision rolls. The caster may elect to exclude any in the area from the effects of the spell, focusing the “ire” of the wood on enemies.

This spell may only be cast outdoors, in a forest. It won’t work in the dead of winter, or in very sparse woods. Depending on the species of trees, the nuts may turn out to be edible. Human mages rarely use this spell (most feel it is beneath their dignity), but sylvan species and nature spirits use it to drive intruders from their woods.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 1/10 to cast. Same cost to maintain. For double cost, the caster may double the effect of the spell (-2 skill penalties and visibility -1 per 4 yards), if the GM agrees that the woods are sufficiently dense and wild.

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least six Plant spells including Shape Plant.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 500.

Arboreal Immurement: Regular; Resisted by HT

Similar to Entombment, except that a tree, instead of the earth, confines the subject. The subject is instantly swallowed by the nearest tree large enough to contain him. He remains in suspended animation (as with the spell; see p. 94) in a tiny cylindrical chamber inside the tree, until rescued by chopping through the tree or the cancellation of the spell. A mage who casts Arboreal Immurement on himself may elect to stay awake, but this is unwise unless he can create air!

Modifiers: Apply the long-distance modifier (p. 14) for the distance from the subject to the nearest tree large enough to hold him.

Duration: Indefinite.

Cost: 8 to cast. 5 to reverse an Arboreal Immurement.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Walk Through Wood.


Wand or staff. The item must be wooden, and works only with trees of that wood. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Plant Form Other (VH): Special; Resisted by Will

As Plant Form, but usable on others. Only the caster or a Remove Curse spell can end the spell. IQ loss will soon transform the subject into a true vegetable!

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 30 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Plant Form.


Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Body of Wood: Regular; Resisted by HT

Subject becomes an animated wooden statue, temporarily granting him the Body of Wood meta-trait. Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become wood, but lose any magic powers they might have had. He may still speak, cast spells, etc. A subject under the effects of Body of Wood may also merge into wooden objects as if he had the Permeation (Wood) advantage (p. B75).

Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness.

Cost: 7 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Plant Form.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,300.

Body of Slime: Regular; Resisted by HT

The aquatic equivalent of Body of Wood. The subject becomes an animated mass of green slime – algae, pond scum, and other muck you might find in a swamp – temporarily granting him the Body of Slime metatrait. Clothes (up to 6 pounds) are also transformed, but lose any magic powers they might have had.

Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness.

Cost: 6 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2, Plant Form, and Shape Water.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,300.

Protection and Warning Spells

The College of Protection and Warning is a common second specialty for mages. It’s a particularly accessible college; most of its spells have only a few prerequisites. Besides, a wise mage is a mage with a contingency plan. Sense Danger Information Tells the caster if any immediate danger is nearby; can also detect a faraway danger if it threatens to come close and strike! Gives the nature of any danger that is only a minute or so away; if there is a danger within five minutes, the spell produces foreboding but no details (except possibly on a critical success). Duration: Instantaneous. Cost: 3. Prerequisite: Sense Foes or the advantage of Danger Sense. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. Detect Poison Area; Information Reveals the presence of toxins and gives a +2 on any subsequent Poisons roll to identify the exact agent(s). The caster may exclude any types of poisons he wishes upon casting (to specifically search for nerve agents, for instance, or to exclude “benign” poisons like alcohol). This is also a Healing spell. Base cost: 2. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Sense Danger or Test Food. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 250.

Magelock: Regular; Resists Lockmaster spell

Locks a door magically. The door does not open unless the spell is removed (Counterspell and Lockmaster will both counter it) or the door itself is destroyed.

Duration: 6 hours.

Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain.

Time to cast: 4 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 1.


A golden key that must touch the door. Energy cost to create: 200.

Block Blocking An instantaneous version of the Shield spell – adds to the subject’s DB for a single defense roll. This spell is not cumulative with the effects of Shield – use the highest value.

Cost: 1 per point of DB (maximum of 5). Prerequisite: Magery 1. Hardiness Blocking An instantaneous version of the Armor spell – adds to the Damage Resistance of the subject for one attack. This spell is not cumulative with Armor – only the stronger spell applies. Remember that only one Blocking spell may be cast in a turn. A mage cannot follow up a failed Iron Arm with a Hardiness spell, for instance. Cost: 1 per point of DR (maximum of 5). Prerequisite: Block. Watchdog Area When cast around an area, this spell warns the caster of anyone or anything crossing with hostile intent. If the caster is asleep, he wakes instantly without being stunned. The spell is not destroyed if triggered; it lasts until its natural expiration. Duration: 10 hours. Base cost: 1 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Sense Danger. Item Can be cast on an area of floor or ground, or on a rug. Energy cost to create: 200 per yard of radius. Protect Animal Area As listed under Animal Spells, p. 32. Nightingale Area Makes a door or section of floor “noisy.” A door squeaks loudly when opened; a patch of ground becomes full of snapping sticks when someone walks over it; a floor squeaks, etc. This automatically alerts or awakes the caster if he is within hearing range, and probably alerts others nearby as well (make an IQ roll if there is other noise around). Duration: 10 hours. Base cost: 2 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Sense Danger. Item Can be cast on an area of floor or ground, or on a rug. Energy cost to create: 100 per yard of radius. Sense Observation Area Alerts the caster if someone or something spies or scries upon the subject area, by means magical or otherwise. A Quick Contest is rolled between the spy’s IQ or the effective skill of the Information spell’s caster (Trace, Seeker, Crystal Ball, any of the “Sense” spells . . .) and the effective skill of the Sense Observation spell’s caster; if the caster wins, he becomes aware that the subject area is being observed. A critical success (on the Contest) might give the caster an idea of who or what is doing the scrying or spying. If the caster then tries to seek out the spy, the margin of success of the Sense Observation contest can be added as a bonus to the Seeker roll, up to a maximum of +5 (effectively neutralizing the -5 penalty for having nothing associated with the person sought). Another possible course of action is to Counterspell the scrying spell; distance penalties do not apply, but the -5 penalty for absent subject does. Sense Observation can also be cast on a being; in that case, the caster can choose to have the spell alert the subject instead when eavesdropping is detected. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1 to cast. Half that to maintain. When cast on a being, the cost is 3. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Sense Danger or Scryguard. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. (b) Jewelry or clothing. Always on. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Shield Regular Conjures an invisible shield of magical force that moves to protect the subject from frontal attacks. The Defense Bonus granted by this spell is cumulative with that from an actual shield, but this spell does not allow a subject without a shield to block. Defense Bonus granted by Shield is not cumulative with any granted by Block (p. 166). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: Twice the Defense Bonus given to the subject, to a maximum DB of 4 (cost 8). Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Magery 2. Item None with this spell – but the armor enchantment called Deflect (p. 67) can increase your Defense Bonus by 1 to 5 points. Armor Regular Adds to the Damage Resistance of a living subject. DR from this spell is treated for all purposes like DR from armor, and is cumulative with that from actual armor. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: Twice the Damage Resistance given to the subject, to a maximum DR of 5 (cost 10). Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Shield. Item None with this spell – but the armor enchantment called Fortify (p. 66) can increase the Damage Resistance of your armor by 1 to 5 points. Turn Blade Blocking Makes an incoming blade turn in its wielder’s hand, inflicting only crushing damage instead of cutting. This also unreadies the weapon. Only good against blade attacks – it is useless against a spear, club, or the teeth and claws of an animal. This spell does not count as an active defense itself; it may be combined with a normal Parry, Block, or Dodge. If the caster is not the one being attacked, apply regular range modifiers between the caster and the attacker. Cost: 1. Prerequisite: Apportation or Spasm. Item A bracelet or other piece of arm apparel. Energy cost to create: 300.

Bladeturning Regular A continual version of Turn Blade – all blades attacking the subject are turned, doing only crushing damage and becoming unready. For each bladed attack, roll a Quick Contest between the wielder’s DX and the caster’s effective skill to see which wins out. Useful only against blade attacks, as per Turn Blade. Note that, unlike Turn Blade, the spell is cast on the one being attacked, not on the attacker. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Shield or Turn Blade. Item Wand, staff, jewelry, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 300. Umbrella Regular As listed under Water Spells, p. 185. Deflect Missile Blocking As listed under Movement Spells, p. 143. Missile Shield Regular Turns any missiles harmlessly aside by the tiniest fraction needed to ensure they miss the subject; the game effect is that the missile continues in a straight line past the subject. Works on all kinds of missiles – arrows, bullets, falling rocks, missile spells, shrapnel, cream pies – everything. The GM should conceal the existence of the spell from the caster’s foes as long as possible, saying they just missed! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Apportation or Shield. Item Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 400. Catch Missile Blocking The caster catches one missile about to hit him. This spell is cast with a modifier depending on the nature of the missile caught. Considered a Parry by the caster for combat purposes. The missile is unready when caught. To catch a missile spell, use Catch Spell. Missile Type Penalty Large thrown weapons +4 (axes, spears, etc.) Thrown knives +2 Arrows 0 Blowgun darts, crossbow bolts -5 Bullets, Impossible supersonic missiles Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Deflect Missile. Item Glove. Energy cost to create: 300. Reverse Missiles Regular Turns any ranged attack (including Missile spells) back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” roll is successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. The game effect is as though the missile had bounced straight back from the spell’s subject to the attacker. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 7 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisite: Missile Shield or Force Dome. Item Wand, staff, weapon, or armor. Energy cost to create: 600. Return Missile Blocking Causes one missile (including spells) about to hit the subject to turn back upon the attacker. If the attacker’s “to hit” was successful, he hits himself – if not, he sees the missile fly back toward him and miss. Considered a Parry (by the caster) for combat purposes. Apply Regular range modifiers if the caster is not the subject. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Catch Missile. Item Jewelry, weapon, or shield. Energy cost to create: 400. Reflect Gaze (VH) Blocking; Resists gaze attacks Resists one gaze attack (includes Lightning Stare, Fascinate, and any power which requires eye contact) about to hit the subject. If successful, the gaze attack is reflected away from the subject; a success by 10 or more, or a critical success, reflects the gaze back upon the attacker. If failed, the gaze attack affects the subject normally. Considered a parry by the caster for combat purposes. Apply Regular range modifiers if the caster is not the subject. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Mirror. Item Jewelry. Energy cost to create: 600; must include a tiny mirror. Mystic Mist Area Produces a dense, opalescent fog that confuses anyone entering it; figures more than 2 yards away cannot be seen except by Mage Sight. Those who were within it when it was cast are immune to its effects; they can sense it as a dim shimmering, but it does not affect their vision or confuse them. Others must roll vs. (IQ + Magic Resistance) every second, or use Mage Sight, to avoid losing their way and walking in randomly chosen directions, unless they have a guide. Absolute Direction avoids this problem. A Fright Check is also required of intruders first entering the mist, and again every 5 minutes. Anyone failing the first Fright Check will be very reluctant to enter! Dangerous animals simply avoid the mist, but suffer normal effects if for some reason they must enter it. Those “native” to the mist have a +1 to their defense rolls when attacked by interlopers, and interlopers have a -1 to their own defense rolls against “natives.” This spell is an excellent defense for a party camping in dangerous territory. The caster must cast Mystic Mist in an area centered on himself. The wider an area he can cover, the better! Duration: 10 hours. Base cost: 1. Cost to maintain is the same.

Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either Watchdog or Shield. Item (a) Amulet that keeps wearer immune to the effects of Mystic Mist. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) It is rumored that there is an object that creates a permanent Mystic Mist, controllable in some way, but nothing more is known at present. Shade Regular Provides shade for the subject. This prevents sunburn and provides some relief from heat (reducing the effective temperature around the subject by 10˚F, if hot light is a significant source of the heat). The effect is that of an invisible parasol. This is also a Light and Darkness spell. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 1 to cast. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Continual Light or Shield. Item Staff or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 100. Resist Poison Regular As listed under Healing Spells, p. 91. Resist Disease Regular As listed under Healing Spells, p. 90. Resist Sound Regular As listed under Sound Spells, p. 173. Resist Water Regular As listed under Water Spells, p. 186. Resist Lightning Regular As listed under Weather Spells, p. 196. Warmth Regular As listed under Fire Spells, p. 74. Coolness Regular As listed under Water Spells, p. 187. Iron Arm Blocking Stop a blow with only an arm. If the spell succeeds, the arm becomes harder than iron, momentarily – and automatically parries the a t t a c k i n g weapon without harm to the caster. If the spell fails, the wizard is simply parrying with his arm! This spell can parry no attack that a sword could not parry, and is considered a parry for purposes of combat. Cost: 1. Prerequisites: Resist Pain and DX 11 or higher. Item A bracelet or other item worn on the arm. Energy cost to create: 600. Weather Dome Area Creates a shimmering dome that repels bad weather of all types (up to and including Windstorm spells, volcanic ash, and rains of frogs, as well as flying insects!). Floods, landslides, and similar catastrophes destroy the dome. Inside the dome, the air remains fresh and the temperature remains comfortable for the caster. This is also a Weather spell. Duration: 6 hours. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: At least two spells from each of the four elements. Atmosphere Dome Area Creates a shimmering dome that is selectively permeable to gases. It can either drive out specified gases, or draw them in. When the dome is created, the caster defines a target atmospheric composition; when the target level for each component gas is reached, the dome ceases acting on that gas until conditions inside the dome change. The composition selected by the caster specifies both proportions and total pressure; this spell can thus be used either to change the composition of the air within the dome or its pressure relative to the surrounding area, or both. An Atmosphere Dome cannot create gas where none exists; if there is no oxygen in a planet’s atmosphere, a dome set to accumulate oxygen remains empty. This is also an Air spell. Duration: 6 hours. Base cost: 4 to cast. Half that to maintain. Prerequisites: Purify Air and Weather Dome. Resist Pressure Regular Protects the subject from the effects of pressures higher or lower than his native pressure, providing the equivalent of Pressure Support (p. B77) or Vacuum Support (p. B96). The caster must select that advantage the spell grants and at what level at the time of casting. This spell is most appropriate in scientific-paradigm settings; if the space between the planets is filled with ordinary air and the bottom of the ocean is much like the bottom of a river, there’s not much use for this spell. Resist Pressure does not enable the subject to breathe in the environments it renders survivable; Breathe Water or Hold Breath may be useful in these situations.

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: Varies with the advantage conferred. Advantage Energy Cost Pressure Support 1 2 to cast; 1 to maintain Pressure Support 2 3 to cast; 2 to maintain Pressure Support 3 5 to cast; 3 to maintain Vacuum Support 3 to cast; 2 to maintain Prerequisite: Weather Dome. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 900. Resist Radiation Regular As listed under Technological Spells, p. 182. Resist Acid Regular As listed under Water Spells, p. 190. Freedom Regular As listed under Movement Spells, p. 148. Teleport Shield Area Any attempt to Teleport (or Blink) into or out of the area of effect is at -5 to skill. Failed attempts to teleport in have the normal effects. Failed attempts to teleport out leave the caster where he started, physically stunned and having spent all the energy for the attempt! Doubling the energy cost increases the penalty to -10; tripling it increases the penalty to -15! This spell works against Teleport, Timeport, Plane Shift, Timeslip, and all their variations. This is also a Gate spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1⁄3 to cast (minimum 3- yard radius). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Watchdog and either Spell Shield or Teleport. Item Can be cost on an area of floor or ground, or on a rug or similar item. Energy cost to create: 50 per yard radius. Force Dome Area As Weather Dome, but the Force Dome repels any physical force or missile spell. Nothing can enter except light, and only enough light to see by (the interior is always in twilight). Likewise, nothing can leave the Force Dome except light – and not even that, if the caster wills it. However, magic, and magical creatures and items, pass through the Force Dome as though it did not exist. Once cast, a Force Dome takes a full second to form; anyone inside the Dome’s area at the time it is cast has one turn to leave. Duration: 10 minutes. Base cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Weather Dome, and Apportation. Force Wall Regular Creates a shimmering barrier, which physical forces and missile spells cannot cross. Only light and non-Missile spells may pass. The Force Wall is four yards high. Higher walls are possible at a proportionately increased energy cost (double for double height, etc). Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 2 per yard length to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Force Dome. Item (a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300. (b) A Force Wall may be made permanent at an energy cost of 100 times normal. Utter Dome Area Protects against physical and magical attack; has the effect of a combination Force Dome and Pentagram. However, creatures cannot be summoned within it, and there is no marking to erase. Can only be removed by Dispel Magic or Counterspell. Resists any attempt to look through with magic. Like Force Dome, an Utter Dome takes a full second to form once cast. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 6 to cast. 4 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Force Dome, and Spell Shield. Utter Wall Regular; Resists intruding spells As Force Wall, but protects against physical and magical attack; has the effect of a combination Force Wall and Spell Wall. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 per yard length to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Utter Dome and Spell Wall. Item (a) Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) An Utter Wall may be made permanent at an energy cost of 100 times normal.

Sound Spells

For any spell that produces sound, the “subject” is the spot from which the sound comes. Sound Regular Produces any sort of meaningless sound the caster wishes – the drone of an insect, the distant babble of voices, the clatter of something falling, or anything similar. The spell cannot produce loud noise. It requires no concentration once the spell is cast. Duration and cost: 1 to create 5 seconds of sound; 2 to create a sound that lasts for a full minute; 1 per minute to maintain. Item Any. Continually produces the specified sound (though Link is often used to turn it on and off). Energy cost to create: 50. Keen Hearing As listed under Mind Control Spells, p. 133. Silence Area Creates an area of quiet. No one within this area can hear anything, and nothing that happens in this area makes any sound. It is the area that is affected and not the people in it; anyone moving out will be able to speak. Note that an area of silence will prevent spoken spells from working! Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Sound. Item An area can be permanently silenced; the spell is on the floor or ground, and is broken if that area is torn up. Or a large rug can be enchanted for a portable silent area. Energy cost to create: 80 per yard radius, but only one spell is required for the whole area. Sound Vision Regular The subject sees by sound, like a bat or dolphin, as if he had the Scanning Sense (Sonar) advantage (p. B81). The Silence and Wall of Silence spells are equivalent to Darkness to the subject, while someone using Hush or MageStealth will be effectively invisible to Sound Vision. The subject may still see with his normal vision, if he wants to and there is light to do so. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Keen Hearing or the Acute Hearing advantage. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400. Thunderclap Regular Produces a single loud sound like an explosion or crash of thunder. The “subject” is the spot the caster chooses as the spell’s center. Outdoors, anyone within 3 yards of this place must make a HT roll or be deafened; anyone deafened may roll vs. HT every hour to recover. In an enclosed area – less than 10 yards in any dimension – increase this distance to 6 yards! The caster makes his roll at HT+2. Cost: 2. Prerequisite: Sound. Item Gloves, staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300.

Voices Regular Produces a meaningful sound – voices, music, etc. – of normal speaking volume. Requires constant concentration on the part of the caster. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Sound. Item Any. The item repeats a single saying over and over (unless limited with Link). Energy cost to create: 20 per word. Garble Regular; Resisted by Will The subject (a living being) can no longer make meaningful sounds; it comes out completely garbled. This spell could make an opposing wizard powerless! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Voices. Item (a) Clothing or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Always on. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Imitate Voice Regular; Resisted by HT Alters the subject’s voice to precisely imitate that of a single other being known to the caster (including special inflections and accent). Recreating a familiar voice from memory is a -2 penalty to skill, -3 or worse if the caster has only heard the voice a few times or a long time ago (Eidetic or Photographic Memory is helpful here). To determine whether someone familiar with the imitated being’s voice is fooled or not, roll a Quick Contest between the spell and the listener’s IQ when he first hears it. Modifiers: +2 for close acquaintances of the imitated being; -2 for listeners who are not expecting trickery or aren’t paying close attention. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Voices. Wall of Silence Area Surrounds the affected area with a wall that sounds will not pass. Those within it cannot hear outside sounds, or be heard by those outside. Casting of spoken spells is unaffected. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Silence. Item As for Silence, but the cost is 100 per yard radius. Hush Regular; Resisted by Will The subject (an object or living being) can make no sounds, either accidentally or on purpose. Add 3 to the subject’s Stealth skill whenever a roll is necessary, or subtract 5 from the Hearing roll of anyone listening for the subject. This spell can silence an opposing wizard in battle! Duration: 10 seconds if subject attempted to resist, 1 minute otherwise. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Silence. Item Clothing or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. Mage-Stealth Regular The subject can move quietly, breathe without sound, etc., but can still talk when necessary. Other benefits are as for Hush. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Hush. Item Clothing or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 500.

Great Voice Regular The subject can be heard clearly and distinctly by everyone he can see, even at a great distance. The subject can choose to be heard by only a few chosen targets if he specifies before speaking (those within ordinary earshot will hear him whether he wants it or not, of course). Note that, for instance, one could not cut off the subject’s voice by ducking behind a rock. This spell is widely used by ship captains, military commanders, and public speakers. The sound may become irritatingly loud if the original voice is loud, but will not deafen or cause harm. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Voices and Thunderclap. Item Staff, wand, helm, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200. Noise Area Fills an area with meaningless, continuous, very loud noise. No one within this area can have a conversation or hear other sounds. Use of any IQ-based skill is either distracted (spells, for example), or at -3 (or both! GM’s choice). A Wall of Silence surrounds the affected area. Resists (and is Resisted by) Silence. Duration: 5 seconds. Base cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisite: Wall of Silence. Item An area can be permanently made noisy; the spell is on the floor or ground, and is broken if the area is torn up. Or a large rug could be enchanted for a portable noisy area. Energy cost to create: 100 per yard radius, but only one spell is required for the whole area. Delayed Message Area Creates an oral message, which can be delayed to go off until a certain person, specified at casting, arrives in the area. The recipient hears it clearly, regardless of other noise, but nobody else hears it. A Detect Magic spell cast in the area reveals that it contains a delayed message, but only a critical success reveals more. A critical success reveals one of the following (roll randomly): the sender, the intended recipient, or the words (not any hidden meanings) of the message. This does not count as a “continuing spell” – the mage casts it and forgets about it. Duration: Until the specified person arrives. Cost: 3 per simple sentence – one idea per sentence. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Voices, and Sense Life. Resist Sound Regular The subject (person, creature or object), and anything he carries, becomes immune to the effects of sound: Thunderclaps won’t deafen him, sonic weapons won’t harm him, Sound Jet won’t stun him, and so on. Noise may still distract, however. Very popular at high TLs. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: At least four Sound spells. Item (a) Any. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. (b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Sound Jet Regular Shoot a thin beam of very shrill sound from a fingertip. Each turn, the caster rolls versus Innate Attack or DX-4 to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The spell does no actual damage, but anyone hit by the jet must roll versus their HT minus the energy cost of the spell or be stunned (see Effects of Stun, p. B420). DR gives a +1 bonus to the target’s effective HT for every five points of DR. Every turn, a stunned person may roll vs. HT minus the energy cost of the spell to recover. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 4 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Range in yards is equal to energy cost. Prerequisite: Great Voice. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 400. Concussion Missile As listed under Air Spells, p. 26. Converse Regular Allows the caster and his subject to converse quietly without fear of eavesdropping, even in a noisy environment (such as a raucous party). Each one will hear the words of the other clearly regardless of the surrounding din. Other beings within earshot will hear a meaningless buzz of conversation. Converse resists spells that block sound such as Silence or Noise. Duration: As long as eye contact is maintained. Cost: 2. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Garble, and Silence. Item Any. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 150. Far-Hearing Information The caster can hear any conversation that he can see, even at a great distance, or hear through solid objects totaling no more than six feet of thickness. He automatically makes all Hearing rolls. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Magery 1 and four other Sound spells. May not have Deafness or Hard of Hearing;. Item Clothing or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 400.

Scribe Regular Animates a pen, which writes down whatever the caster dictates for the duration of the spell. If the caster fails by only 1 or 2 points, the pen is still animated, but the transcription is not perfectly accurate! Therefore, the caster should always double-check his work. At higher TLs, this spell may also be used with typewriters, computer keyboards, and other transcription devices. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Voices, Dancing Object, and must have Accented or better written comprehension in at least one language. Item A pen may be permanently animated at an energy cost of 250. For an additional 100 points of energy (which may be a separate enchantment) the caster may attune it to someone else’s words. Musical Scribe Regular Animates a pen, which records in musical notation any tune that the caster hums, sings, or plays on an instrument. The caster may also attune the pen to the sounds created by another person (or by a radio, etc.), instead of himself. The pen records only the music; if lyrics are to be recorded simultaneously, a second pen with Scribe cast on it can follow along and do so! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Increase cost by 1 (both casting and maintenance) if the paper supplied is not properly ruled for musical notation (the pen has to work harder supplying the lines as well as the notes!) Prerequisite: Scribe. Item A pen may be permanently animated at an energy cost of 350. The caster can command it to change which source it is “attuned to” at will. Message Regular; Resisted by spells that block sound Send a spoken message to a subject. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). If the caster doesn’t know the subject, he is at -2. If he doesn’t know the subject’s whereabouts, he is also at -5 (a successful Seeker spell will eliminate this). These penalties may be cumulative. A successful Trace gives a +5 bonus. The subject hears the message clearly and distinctly whatever his sonic surroundings, but nobody else hears it. Silence, Wall of Silence, and Noise will resist the incoming message. This is also a Communication and Empathy spell. Duration: The message travels to the subject at 50 mph. This speed doubles when the casting cost is doubled. Cost: 1 per 15 seconds of message duration. Time to cast: Equal to the message’s duration, as spoken by the caster. Prerequisites: Great Voice and Seeker. Item A conch one speaks into while concentrating on a mental picture of the subject and his surroundings. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Wizard Mouth Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 104. Alter Voice Regular; Resisted by HT As listed under Body Control Spells, p. 41. Silver Tongue Regular Grants the subject the Voice advantage (p. B97). The spell has no effect on beings that already have the advantage. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Voices and Emotion Control. Item (a) Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 200. (b) Jewelry; must bear a picture of a nightingale. Always on, only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 600. Echoes of the Past Regular As listed under Knowledge Spells, p. 107. Wizard Ear Regular Creates a replica of the caster’s physical ear, through which he can hear. The ear may move about without bumping into things (as if it had Sound Vision), though it cannot “see” more than the general size and shape of halls and rooms. This spell may be cast on an already existing Wizard Eye (regular or invisible); this does not change its shape, but allows it to hear conversation and other sounds. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Apportation, FarHearing, and Sound Vision. Item Any painting or sculpture depicting a human ear may be turned into an immobile Wizard Ear, through which the holder of an ear-shaped amulet, enchanted at the same time, may hear regardless of distance. Each such Ear links only to one amulet, and vice versa. Energy cost to cast: 450. Invisible Wizard Ear Regular Creates a Wizard Ear that cannot be seen without the See Invisible spell. Anyone who guesses where it is may still attack, but the cumulative modifiers from invisibility and its small size make it nigh impossible to hit. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisites: Wizard Ear and Invisibility.

Technological Spells

Traditionally, most magical settings are TL4 or below – pre-industrial. Introducing magic to a postindustrial setting, however, can create fascinating new developments for players and GMs to explore. In a setting where high technology and magic coexist, spells that manipulate and support the tools and features of the mechanized world must logically arise.

Unlike other spells, many Tech spells are technological skills (p. B168) and must be learned at a particular TL. When a mage is expert with magic designed to interact with TL10 technology, he is at a penalty when trying to power a TL11 blaster or trying to drain the energy from a TL7 flashlight battery.

These penalties also affect prerequisites. To use a Tech spell as a prerequisite, you must have it at the level associated with spending one character point on the spell. Thus, a mage trying to learn Reveal Function/TL9 must either know Seek Machine/TL9 at IQ-2, Seek Machine/TL10 at IQ-1 (to compensate for the -1 penalty), or Seek Machine/TL8 at IQ+3 (to compensate for the -5 penalty).

Machine Spells

For the purpose of these rules, a machine is a tool that in some way uses, stores, or transforms power in order to do its job. Thus, a hand drill doesn’t qualify, but an electric drill does. A spring-powered pocketwatch is a machine, while a sundial is not. The GM has final say regarding any gray area. In some cases, it may be important to assign an attribute to a machine for purposes of determining spell resistance. For most purposes, the machine’s HT is appropriate for this purpose; most machines have HT 10, unless specified otherwise. Machine spells are intended for use on machines without sapience or free will; as a rule, they should not affect any being that would ordinarily be built as a character. They should affect most machines with IQ 5 or less, and some machines with the Automaton meta-trait. AIs and other sapient machines should be controlled with Communication and Empathy or Mind Control spells (though the GM may wish to assess a -4 penalty for controlling an “alien” mind). At the GM’s discretion, the more physical Machine spells, like Glitch or Malfunction, may work on sapient machines. Seek Machine/TL Information Identifies the direction and approximate distance of the nearest machinery of any sort. The caster can also specify that he is looking for a specific sort of device; lasers, computers, light sources, etc. Any known examples of technology may be excluded if the mage specifies them before casting. Use long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100.

Reveal Function/TL Information; Resisted by spells to conceal magic Reveals the functions of the subject machine. If the subject has more than one function, the spell reveals them in order of complexity (simplest first), and tells the caster “there are more functions.” Later castings will reveal the remaining functions, one per casting. The spell can also be used to reveal how to activate known functions (i.e., which button to press); the caster gets one try, at -5! If successful, the caster can then use the machine with the appropriate skill (or IQ-6) at a penalty of only -1 for unfamiliarity. Cost: 8. Time to cast: 10 minutes. Prerequisite: Seek Machine. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Machine Control/TL Regular Control the actions of one machine (anything under IQ 6, of any size) or a swarm of small ones, up to about 1,000 machines or 100 pounds total. The caster must be aware of the machine’s functions to control it. The spell does not supply the skill to use the machine – the caster must use his own skill at Gunner, Computer Operation, Driving, and so on. Concentration is required. The spell acts through the machine’s triggers and controls, mechanical or electrical. A mage could use the spell to make a camera snap a picture, a robot strangle its evil creator, or a gun discharge all of its ammunition. He could not aim the object, or move it, unless it was selfaiming or self-propelled (at least without adding an Apportation spell). If something else has control (an AI in a vehicle or a human operator at the driver’s seat, for instance), then he/it may dispute control of the machine every second with a Quick Contest of the caster’s effective skill vs. the operator’s skill (or Will+TL for cybernetic control). A mage who knows this spell may use the Rider or Rider Within spells on machines; note, however, that a machine’s sensory apparatus may not be readily intelligible to a human being! Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisites: Reveal Function, Locksmith, and Lightning. Item Staff, wand, headgear, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,000 for an item that controls a specific type of machine, 2,000 for one that will control any machine. Machine Summoning/TL Regular Call one machine of a named type (anything under IQ 6). Range does not matter for this spell. If the spell is successfully cast, the caster knows the location of the closest machine of the type and how long it will take for that machine to come to him. It moves towards the caster as fast as it can, until the spell ends or the machine reaches the immediate vicinity of the caster. Of course, the machine may not be very good at finding its way, or it may run out of fuel or power, etc. For example, a TL7 refrigerator would be unable to move at all. A TL7 car would proceed in a straight line at top speed, unaware of (and thus unable to avoid) obstacles such as pedestrians, ditches, lampposts . . . Once the machine reaches the caster, it stays nearby, without attacking, until the spell ends. The spell is broken if the caster or one of his companions attacks the machine. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Machine Control. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 500 for an item that summons one particular machine type, 1,000 for an item that can summon any machine. Machine Speech/TL Regular Communicate with any machine (of any IQ) in the machine’s own “language.” Unless the language is sound-borne, the subject has to maintain physical contact with the machine’s interface port or antenna. The amount of information exchanged depends on the machine’s intelligence; no machine below IQ 3 will be likely to know much of interest. Each minute of the spell allows one question and answer. This is also a Communication and Empathy spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisite: Machine Summoning. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200 for an item that talks to one particular machine type, 5,000 for an item that can talk to any machine. Glitch/TL Regular; Resisted by HT The machine equivalent of Spasm (p. 35). This spell causes something to go wrong for a moment with the subject machine. It may drop whatever it was holding, eject a part, miss a cog in its drive train, or garble a data packet. Ingenious casters will find all sorts of uses. The game effects can be anything from a trivial annoyance (if cast on a flashlight, for instance), to potentially deadly (if cast on an automedic in the middle of laser surgery). Duration: An instant. Cost: 3. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Machine Control. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 300. Malfunction/TL Melee; Resisted by HT The mechanical equivalent of Total Paralysis. The subject machine simply ceases to function for the duration of the spell (an airplane falls, a sensor is “blind,” and so on). The caster must touch the subject. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5. Cannot be maintained; must be recast. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Glitch. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 2,000. Schematic/TL (VH) Information Creates detailed technical “blueprints” of the machine subject in the caster’s mind. The caster can browse through the mental schematic at his leisure or the same rate that he could examine actual hardcopy plans for the machine. However, this spell grants no appropriate skills; to interpret, for instance, a schematic of a starship’s fusion power plant, the caster would need some skill in Engineering (Fusion). To make any use of a schematic of a weapon, either Armoury or some sort of weapons Engineering would be required. The duration is the length of time that the image stays with any useful clarity in the caster’s mind. The caster must touch the subject during the casting. The schematic can either represent the current state of the object (showing any internal damage, alterations, and wear), or the ideal state of the object, at the caster’s discretion. Both can be useful. The latter use even gives plans for an object based only on a tiny fraction of it (at least 5% of the machine’s total mass needs to be present). This could be used to form a complete picture from a fragmented Precursor device, for instance . . . In either case, the cost to cast the spell is based on the mass of the intact machine. The schematic image, even when maintained by the mage, does not count as a spell “on” for penalty purposes. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 for a one-ton or smaller object; add 1 energy to the cost for each additional ton or fraction. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Reveal Function and History. Item Blueprint or headgear. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 200. Rebuild/TL (VH) Regular This spell is an improved version of Repair. It totally rebuilds any object, from even a fragment. The caster must first successfully cast Schematic on the subject, and, while the schematic is still in mind, begin casting Rebuild. Schematic is unnecessary for simpler objects. With enough power, you could rebuild a starship from a scrap of bulkhead! The object re-forms at a rate of 500 pounds of missing mass per second, beginning after the casting is completed. Thus, it would take a 30-ton tank two minutes to completely rebuild itself. Exotic materials may inflict a skill penalty or slow the rebuilding process. On objects simpler than machines, ignore the TL modifiers. Magic items cannot be rebuilt. This is also a Making and Breaking spell. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 30 if the final mass will be 500 pounds or less; the object’s current state of repair is not a factor. Add 1 to cost for every additional 500 pounds or fraction of final mass. Time to cast: 1 second per point of energy required. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Repair, Create Object, and at least three spells of each element. Schematic is required to cast the spell on machines. Animate Machine/TL (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Summons a spirit to animate a machine the mage is touching. Characters with the Machine metatrait (p. B263) can be affected by this spell, though intelligent machines do get a chance to resist. The summoned spirit controls the animated machine just as if it were being operated in the normal fashion. It also controls all the mechanical or electronic accessories (including weapons) built into the machine. The spirit has DX 10 and IQ 9 with the Automaton and Spirit meta-traits (p. B263). It obeys the orders of the caster or anyone the latter designates – but the spirit takes all orders literally! “Drop me off” is a particularly unfortunate command to give to an animated helicopter. In such cases, roll against the spirit’s IQ to see if it uses the colloquial or literal meaning of the phrase. On a critical failure during casting, a demon enters the machine. It then attempts to kill its summoner and anyone else it can reach. The caster cannot dispel the demon animating the machine – it uses its own 15 FP to keep the spell going! In other respects, the demon is similar to the spirits ordinarily summoned. Duration: One minute. Cost: 8 for a machine of up to one ton in mass, 9 for two tons or less, 10 for four tons, 11 for eight tons, 12 for 16 tons, and so on, with each extra point of energy doubling the capable mass of the spell. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: One second per energy point. Prerequisites: Machine Control and either Animation or Animate Object.

Machine Possession/TL Regular; Resisted by Will Like Animate Machine, except that it is the caster’s own spirit which animates the machine. The machine must have IQ 5 or less. The caster animates the subject just as if he was at its controls. He has full access to the machine’s memories and abilities; he may use all its skills and abilities as though they were his own. He may use his own mental abilities, but not his physical ones (so spells cannot be cast unless they are known so well that they require no speech or gesture). The spell allows the caster to keep his own sensory apparatus in addition to the machine’s; otherwise, he would be severely handicapped, since machines of TL6 or less are basically blind and deaf. The caster’s own body lies unconscious during the spell and should be safeguarded. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Machine Control and either Rider Within or Soul Rider. Item An pair of identical pieces of jewelry, one of silver, one of gold. The caster wears the gold one, the machine bears the silver one. The spell may then be cast at any time, regardless of distance. If a Powerstone is included, it is in the gold one. If either item is broken, the other loses its enchantment. Energy cost to create: 1,500 (for the pair). Each of the pair must include a synthetic gemstone worth $200. Permanent Machine Possession/TL (VH) Regular; Resisted by Will Like Machine Possession – but the caster remains in the subject machine until he chooses to leave or is exorcised by an appropriate spell (Dispel Possession, Remove Curse, Counterspell, etc). The caster’s body remains in suspended animation (p. 94) while the spell lasts. If the caster’s body dies, the spell is broken. Whenever the subject machine takes damage, the caster must roll on his own body’s HT or take the same damage. If the subject machine “dies,” the caster must roll vs. HT or die also! In addition, the caster must roll against his Will every day; a failed roll means that he loses one point of IQ. The caster does not need to roll any more once he reaches the machine’s normal IQ or Will range. The lost attribute is regained when the spell is ended. Should the caster’s IQ drop to 5, only Remove Curse or Dispel Possession will end the spell. Duration: Indefinite (could be permanent). Cost: 30. Time to cast: 5 minutes. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and Machine Possession. Awaken Computer/TL (VH) Regular Similar to Awaken Craft Spirit, this spell awakens a computer’s spirit, granting it awareness and sapience. If the computer is already inhabited by a sapient program, that program may resist this spell; if it fails to resist, it is rendered unconscious for the duration of the spell. The spirit awakened by the spell has IQ equal to the computer’s Complexity + 5. It has complete access to all its host computer’s databases and peripherals, though it cannot read encrypted information in its host’s databases. It can access networked computers like any other being using its host computer; it has Computer Operation and Computer Programming at its IQ. It obeys the caster’s orders faithfully, but otherwise has free will (also, true to its nature, a computer spirit can be infuriatingly literal-minded). Computer spirits often have quirky personalities all their own. They remember what happens each time they are awakened; the time in between awakenings is one of slumber, not nonexistence. If a critical failure is rolled the first time a given computer is awakened, its spirit is malicious and evil, and seeks to do harm to the caster and anyone else it can hurt. It has Computer Hacking at a level equal to its host’s Complexity; if nothing else, it erases important data just because it can. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 8 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Animation and Wisdom. Item A computer may be permanently awakened for 100 times casting cost.

Energy Spells

For the purpose of these rules, “power” means any energy used by a machine to do its job. At TL8, this generally means electricity. Earlier TLs might use mechanical power from a waterwheel or steam engine; later TLs might use exotic forms of beamed power. “Fuel,” by contrast, means any substance that is consumed to provide power. Fuel takes many forms, from wood to coal to antimatter. The TL of a fuel or power source is determined by the TLs at which people use it to operate machines. If a fuel has more than one TL, use the TL most favorable to the caster when making calculations.

Many of the spells below require conversions between standard power sources and GURPS spell energy. The default assumption is that one kilowatt-hour (kWh) is equal to 10 energy; thus, 360 kilowatts (kW) is equal to 1 energy/second, and 360 kilowatt-seconds (kWs) or kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 1 energy. Some settings may have different assumptions, however; energy spells can become extremely powerful in settings with antimatter reactors, and the GM may want to change the conversion rate to compensate.

Seek Power/TL Information Identifies the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant source of power. Use the longdistance modifiers (p. 14). Any particular types or known sources of power may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning. Power sources that are not currently being drawn from (a battery not connected to a circuit, for example) are harder to locate than power sources in use; double the longdistance penalty. Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item A wand that will point in the direction sought after and glow in proportion to the importance of the source detected. Energy cost to create: 60. Seek Fuel/TL Information Identifies the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant source of fuel. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any particular types or known sources of fuel may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning. Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item A thin graduated metal stick, which will point in the direction sought after and give an indication of the amount detected. Energy cost to create: 60. Test Fuel/TL Information Identifies if a substance can be used normally as fuel for a specific purpose. The spell reveals nothing about the substance’s chemistry or stored energy, but it detects impurities, decay, and foreign objects that might interfere with normal use. It does not check fuel for magic. Cost: 1 to test a single pound or gallon of fuel; 3 to check all the fuel in a 1-yard radius. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100. Preserve Fuel/TL Regular Prevents fuel from spoiling, decaying, or otherwise becoming unusable. Wood does not rot, gasoline does not evaporate – even the radioactive decay of nuclear fuels is suppressed! Duration: 1 week. Cost: 4 per pound of fuel. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Test Fuel. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) Chest or container; always on; the contents of the chest are preserved indefinitely. Energy cost to create: 40 for every pound of fuel to be held (round up). Purify Fuel/TL Regular Removes foreign objects and impurities from a fuel, rendering it fit to use. If the fuel has been completely corrupted by the impurities, the spell will remove them . . . leaving nothing! Cost: 1/2 per pound of material to be purified (minimum cost of 1). Prerequisite: Purify Water or Decay. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. The item must touch the subject fuel. Energy cost to create: 200. Create Fuel/TL Regular Turns any natural substance into the primary solid or liquid fuel for the spell’s TL. At TL5, this will turn rocks into coal; at TL7, it would turn rocks into uranium. Other Energy spells such as Steal Power or Draw Power cannot tap magically created fuel or a machine using created fuel for energy. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 1 per TL per pound; a TL5 fuel, therefore, costs 5 energy per pound to create. Minimum cost 1 per pound. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Seek Fuel and any two transmutation spells. Item (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable only by a mage. The item must touch the material to be turned into fuel. Energy cost to create: 400. (b) A pot or container that will change the contents into solid fuel. Energy cost to create: 100 per pound of the daily capacity of the container. Essential Fuel/TL Regular Turns any regular fuel into the magical essence of fuel. Essential Fuel burns 10 times as long as regular fuel, with one-third the usual pollution (smoke, radiation, etc.). Vehicles running on Essential Fuel have 10 times the Range; in a secret-magic setting, this spell may give rise to urban legends about 200-mpg carburetors. The increased potency of Essential Fuel only applies when the Fuel is used in a machine; hay treated with Essential Fuel does nothing if fed to a mule. Other Energy spells such as Steal Power or Draw Power cannot tap Essential Fuel or a machine using Essential Fuel for energy. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 1 per pound Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Any six Energy spells. Stop Power Area Stops the flow of power in the area, causing all powered devices to cease to function. This may or may not cause permanent damage to the devices, depending on their design. Barring this, any affected device works normally when it leaves the area. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 3 to cast. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Seek Power. Item Wand or staff, usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 800. Lend Power/TL Regular The caster expends energy to magically power a device. In theory, a large enough circle of mages could use this spell to power a starship and its weapons. The spell cannot be used to directly charge batteries or other storage devices. It could, however, power a machine designed to recharge them . . . Duration: Indefinite. Cost: The GM will have to convert the device’s power requirement into an energy rate equivalent (see pp. 178- 179). Minimum energy cost is one per hour; high skill does not reduce cost. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Seek Power. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Any device can be enchanted so that any mage willing to lend it power (possibly in addition to its normal power source) can do so. The mage need not know the spell; the enchantment supplies the magic. The enchanted device will also accept a Powerstone or Maintain Spell. Energy cost to create: 1 per 100 pounds of device mass (round up); the minimum cost is 250. Propel/TL Regular Uses magical energy to operate any device that converts power or fuel into motion, from a lawn mower to a stardrive. In almost all cases, these devices are vehicles of some sort; see Vehicles, p. B462, for more details. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: Multiply vehicle Lwt. (in tons) by the desired Move (up to the vehicle’s Top Speed), then divide by the caster’s skill. Minimum cost is 1 energy; high skill does not reduce casting cost. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Create Fuel and Dancing Object. Example: A mage with Propel/TL7- 15 wishes to move his sports car (p. B464) at its top speed of Move 75 (150 mph). The car weighs 1.8 tons. To move the car at Move 75 for the duration of the spell requires (1.8¥75)/15 = 9 energy. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Any engine can be enchanted so that any mage willing to propel it can do so. The mage need not know the spell; the enchantment supplies the magic. The enchanted device will also accept a Powerstone or Maintain Spell. Energy cost to create: 20 per ton of vehicle Lwt. (round up); minimum cost is 200. Conduct Power/TL (VH) Special Turns the caster into a power conduit, a link between an active power source and a device in need of it. The spell has two “subjects”: the source and the sink. The range penalty is based on the total distance from source to caster plus caster to sink. If either the source or the sink is not visible to the caster, the roll is at -5; if neither is visible, the roll is at -10! A device may draw power through one mage or circle of mages at a time; if several mages are competing to supply a device, roll a Quick Contest of Skill between casters, adjusting for range. The maximum power a mage may safely serve as a conduit for is (HT) ¥ (Magery squared)/4, in megawatts. Thus, a wizard with HT 10 and Magery 2 could handle a steady stream of 10¥(2¥2)/4, or 10 megawatts, safely. If a mage’s safe level is exceeded, every second he must take 1 fatigue per excess MW (or fraction thereof) and roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, he loses HP equal to the fatigue loss for that turn. On a critical failure, he suffers a heart attack (see Mortal Conditions, p. B429) and collapses. A source for this spell need not be a source of electricity or some other energetic essence; particularly in its low-TL versions, Conduct Power may tap into mechanical energy from natural sources. However, a power source must be in a form that could be directly used by a machine; thus, a water wheel would be a viable source, but a waterfall would not be. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: None to cast. 1 to maintain (due to the strain of the power’s passage). This maintenance cost isn’t reduced by high skill. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Seek Power. Example: The spell could be cast on the fusion plant in a starship (the source) and a blaster pistol in the mage’s hand (the sink). While the spell is maintained, the fusion plant powers the pistol. If the blaster is in the mage’s hand and the plant is 3 yards beneath the catwalk he is standing on, the total distance is 3 yards, for a -3 range penalty. If the catwalk obscures the mage’s view of the power plant, he is at a further -5 (note that the caster need not be looking at the power plant while firing the gun – just while casting the spell!). Steal Power/TL (VH) Regular The caster steals power from a stored power source (such as a battery) to restore his FP. Cost: The caster regains energy at a percentage efficiency equal to his skill with the spell; a caster with skill 15, draining a battery completely, would himself gain 15% of the power potential contained in the battery (or less, if less would completely restore the caster’s FP). The rest of the power in the battery is wasted. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Minor Healing, and Conduct Power. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. The mage and the item must both touch the source. Energy cost to create: 1,000. Draw Power/TL (VH) Special Identical to Conduct Power, except that the subject is a spell; a wizard with HT 10 and Magery 2 could use a 10 MW fusion plant to provide him with a steady stream of 28 energy per second to power his magic! The Draw Power must be cast first and counts as a spell “on” when casting the subject spell.

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: None to cast. 1 to maintain (due to the strain of the power’s passage). This maintenance cost is not reduced by high skill. Prerequisites: Steal Power and at least two spells from 10 different colleges. Magnetic Vision Regular Reveals magnetic fields to the subject. They are brightest where densest and seem to flow from one magnetic pole to the other. If the subject has Physics/TL6 or higher at a skill of 12 or more, he can use it to estimate the strength of the magnetic field. If no magnetic object stronger than a kitchen magnet is within 1 yard of him, the subject can determine magnetic north. Combined with 1,000¥ Microscopic Vision (p. B68), the subject can directly read magnetic data storage media (each format is a distinct language, which must be known at Native level to read in real time). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Keen Vision. Item Jewelry or spectacles. The item must include a small magnet. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 150. Radio Hearing Regular The subject can “tune” his hearing to the radio and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, as if he had Telecommunication (Radio) (Receive Only, -50%) (p. B91). Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisite: Keen Hearing. Item Jewelry (earrings are particularly appropriate). Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 150. Some enchanters create items (conchs, or small radios or earplugs, typically) that turn the radio signal into an audible one; the user tunes it by concentrating. Spectrum Vision (VH) Regular The subject can perceive any portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, as if he had Hyperspectral Vision with the Extended Low-Band and Extended High-Band enhancements (p. B60). The GM may require rolls against various scientific skills to allow the subject to understand what he sees. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Infravision. Item Jewelry or spectacles. The item must include a small prism. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 750.

Radiation Spells

Radiation is insidious; it is odorless, invisible, and silent. Fatal exposure can be reached in a few minutes, but death can take weeks to come – an ugly, agonizingly painful death. See p. B435 for details on the effect radiation can have on a person. Under some circumstances (particularly with spells such as Radiation Jet), a victim may have only part of his body irradiated. Such doses of radiation do not have the same effect as a dose distributed over the entire body. To assess the dose’s effects, one must convert the body part’s dose into an “equivalent whole-body dose”: divide a dose received by the head or limbs by 15, one received by the torso by 8 and one received by the vitals by 4. See Radiation Regular Makes all radioactive items visible in the subject’s field of vision. Each such item glows in proportion to its activity. Items hidden under clothes, behind walls, etc, give off a glow depending on the amount of radiation getting through the shielding. Spells such as Radiation Jet also become visible. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. Seek Radiation Information Identifies the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant source of radiation of any sort. The caster can also specify that he is looking for a specific sort of radiation (gamma, neutron, etc.). Any known radioactive sources may be excluded if the mage specifies them before casting. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: See Radiation. Item A wand or stick that will point in the direction sought and click or ping in proportion to the strength of the source found. Energy cost to create: 60. Irradiate Area Makes an area radioactive. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1 per 10 rads/hour. Half that to maintain. Prerequisites: At least two Earth spells and two Fire spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Extinguish Radiation (VH) Regular Removes harmful radioactivity from the subject. Duration: Permanent. Cost: 1 per 10 rads/hour. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Extinguish Fire, Earth to Air, and Irradiate.

Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Resist Radiation Regular The subject (person, creature or object) and anything he carries becomes resistant to radiation. This is expressed in terms of Protection Factor (see p. B436). This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 for PF 10, 2 for PF 100, 3 for PF 1,000. Half that (round up) to maintain. Prerequisites: At least three Radiation spells. Item (a) Any; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,000. (b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Cure Radiation (VH) Regular Heals the subject of radiation damage; this spell reduces the inherent radiation dose in the subject’s body, including the 10% “permanent” retained dose (the permanent dose, however, is the last to be healed). It does not restore already-lost HP or other injury, which must be healed by other means. This is also a Healing spell. Duration: The dose is cured permanently. Cost: 1 per 10 rads removed from the subject’s body; minimum cost 5. Time to cast: 30 seconds. Prerequisites: Resist Radiation and Major Healing. Item Wand or staff. The item must touch the subject. Usable only by a mage or a nonmage with Physician 20 or higher. Energy cost to create: 1,500. Radiation Jet Regular Shoot an invisible beam of radiation from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked (though only shields which are impervious to radiation will be any use), but not parried. The jet inflicts 10 rads per point of energy in the spell to a human-sized target. The spell can also fog photographic films, scramble electronics, and so on. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 3. Range in yards is equal to energy cost. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Irradiate and Resist Radiation. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The jet issues from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 600. Breathe Radiation (VH) Regular Similar to Radiation Jet, except that the radiation issues from the caster’s mouth and it cannot be maintained. Caster rolls to hit against DX-4 or Innate Attack skill. This counts as an action; the caster must be facing his target. No hand gestures are required to cast this spell; certain lip and tongue motions are made instead. Thus Breathe Radiation can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Radiation Jet. Item Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200.

Metal and Plastic Spells

For the purposes of these spells, a “metal” is any conducting material. A “plastic,” by contrast, is any artificial nonconducting unliving polymer material. If it isn’t (a) animal, (b) stone/earth/ceramic/glass, © water/simple liquid, (d) air/gas, (e) plant/wood (living or dead), or (f) metal, then it’s “plastic.” Seek Plastic Information Identifies the direction and approximate distance of the nearest significant quantity of plastic. Use the long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any particular types or known quantities of plastic may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning. Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 60. Identify Metal Information Identifies a metal’s type. The caster must touch the metal to be identified. Cost: 1. Prerequisite: Seek Earth. Identify Plastic Information Identifies a plastic’s type. The caster must touch the plastic to be identified. Useful for sorting recyclables. Cost: 1. Prerequisite: Seek Plastic. Shape Metal Regular Move solid and liquid metal about and shape it into any form. If the form is stable, it remains permanently after shaping. An unstable form lasts only while the spell continues – though no special concentration is required – and then breaks and collapses. A successful Architecture roll may be required to create a stable arch, overhang or other structure. Solid metal moved with this spell travels at Move 1/2; liquid metal flows at that speed uphill, but goes much faster horizontally (Move 4) or downhill (up to Move 10).

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 (4 for soft metals such as lead, gold or magnesium). Half that to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either Shape Earth or at least six Tech spells. Shape Plastic Regular Similar to Shape Metal, but affects “plastic.” Material moved with this spell travels at Move 1/2 or faster if ductile or liquid. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 6 to cast. 3 to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and either Shape Plant or at least six Tech spells. Metal Vision Regular See through metal to gaze upon whatever lies beyond – past the door, inside the chest, etc. Certain metals (lead) resist or block this spell outright. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 30 seconds. Cost: 2 per 5 yards of depth (maximum 50 yards) to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Shape Metal. Item Any. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. Plastic Vision Regular See through plastic. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 30 seconds. Cost: 2 per 5 yards of depth (maximum 50 yards) to cast. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Shape Plastic. Item Any. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. Body of Metal (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT The subject becomes an animated statue of metal, temporarily granting him the Body of Metal meta-trait (p. B262). Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become metallic, but lose any magic powers they might have had. Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness. Cost: 12 to cast. 6 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Shape Metal. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

Body of Plastic (VH): Regular; Resisted by HT

The subject becomes an animated statue of plastic, temporarily granting him the Body of Plastic meta-trait (see box). Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become plastic, but lose any magic powers they might have had.

Duration: 1 minute. The spell expires if the subject loses consciousness. Cost: 10 to cast. 5 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Shape Plastic. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 2,500.

Water Spells

These spells deal with the traditional magical “element” of water. Except as noted, none of these spells affect the water in a human body or any other living creature. Water comes in a variety of forms, and GMs may want details on the weights and densities of these forms. Liquid water weighs 8.3 pounds per gallon. Ice weighs about 7.5 pounds per gallon. Snow’s density varies greatly, ranging from hard-packed snow, which is virtually ice, to new-fallen snow, which can be as fluffy as 100 parts air to one part water. There are about 8 gallons to the cubic foot. Another substance that falls within the College of Water is acid. In nature, acids come in a variety of strengths; acid spells, however, assume a uniform potency of acid. “Acid,” for magical purposes, includes highly alkaline corrosive solutions. Splashing someone with acid does 1d-3 points of corrosive damage; immersion in acid does 1d-1 points corrosive damage per turn. Each gallon of acid can cause 8 points of damage before becoming neutralized into an inoffensive salty solution. Armor does protect against acid damage, but the acid will corrode away 1 point of DR for every 5 points of damage done in a single second. Objects (including armor!) are also attacked by contact with acid. If acid splashes a victim’s face, he must roll vs. HT to avoid blinding. On a failure, he takes acid damage to the eyes, and if more than 2 points are inflicted, the victim is blinded (see Crippling Injury, pp. B420-422). A critical failure causes permanent Blindness. Water spells affect acid normally. In steam form, acid does the higher of its scalding and burning damage, not both. Magical acid attacks all substances but glass, most stone, and certain metals. Seek Water Information Determines the direction, distance, and general nature of the nearest significant source of water. Use the longdistance modifiers (p. 14). Any known sources of water may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before beginning. Requires a forked stick; roll at -3 if this is not available. Cost: 2. Item A forked stick (may also be carved of bone or ivory). Cost to create: 40 energy and $300 in spell materials. Seek Coastline Information Tells a caster at sea the direction and approximate distance of the nearest coastline. Use long-distance modifiers (p. 14). Any known coastline, such as that of a nearby island, may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions it during casting. Cost: 3. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Seek Water. Purify Water Special Remove all impurities from water by pouring it through any hoop or ring (or, in a pinch, his own fingers) into a container. Only one skill roll is required, as long as the flow continues. Duration: Purified water stays pure unless recontaminated. Cost: 1 per gallon purified. Time to cast: Usually 5 to 10 seconds per gallon, unless a large container and ring are used. Prerequisite: Seek Water.

Item A hoop of bone or ivory. Energy cost to create: 50. Create Water Regular Creates pure water out of nothing. This water may appear in any of

several forms. It may appear within a container, or as a globe in midair (it falls immediately). Or it may appear as a dense mist of droplets; in this form, one gallon of water will extinguish all fires in a one-yard radius. Water cannot be created inside a foe to drown him! Duration: The created water is permanent. Cost: 2 per gallon created. Prerequisite: Purify Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200. Destroy Water Area Causes water (in any form) to vanish, leaving a vacuum – or perhaps specks of dry impurities. If more water is all around, it will rush in to fill the hole. Good for drying things out, saving a drowning victim, etc. Cannot be used as a “dehydrating” attack on a foe. Duration: Permanent. Base cost: 3. In deep water, the area is only 2 yards in height (or depth). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Create Water. Item Wand, staff, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Icy Weapon Regular Causes any weapon to become freezing cold. This does not harm the user or the weapon, but an attack with the weapon will do +2 damage to most foes if it penetrates DR. Multiply this bonus for any Vulnerability (p. B161) to ice or cold. Add this bonus to the final injury inflicted by the attack – for instance, an “impaling” icy attack is still only good for +2 damage, not +4. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Create Water. Item A weapon that becomes freezing cold whenever wielded, at no energy cost to the user. Cost to create: 750 energy, $2,000 spell materials. Shape Water Regular Sculpt water (including ice or steam) into any form, and even move it about. Once given a shape, the water holds it without further concentration until the spell ends. Water moved with this spell travels at Move 3. A useful shape is a wall of water to stop fiery attacks – 20 gallons make a wall 2 yards high ¥ 1 yard wide. This stops Fireball spells and ordinary fire. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 1 per 20 gallons shaped. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Create Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. Frost Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 193. Umbrella Regular Walk in any slight precipitation without getting wet. An invisible “shield” is seen to deflect incoming raindrops. Umbrella does not work against intense (or magical) hail, rains of stones or frogs, etc. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 10 minutes. Cost: 1. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water or Shield. Item Jewelry. Always on. Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 100 energy. Body of Water Regular; Resisted by HT Temporarily grants the subject the Body of Water meta-trait (p. B262). Clothes (up to 6 pounds) become liquid along with him, while other possessions drop to the ground. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. A severe drawback is that, as soon as it is activated, the item falls through the user’s hand – thus a spell cast with this item lasts only a minute. Energy cost to create: 1,200. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Unlike the previous item, this item turns aqueous along with the wearer, allowing him to maintain the spell for longer than a minute. While aqueous, the item loses any magical powers it might ordinarily have. Energy cost to create: 2,500. Foul Water Area Renders water undrinkable. Foul water is readily recognizable by its uninviting color and smell, whereas fouled beer or wine may be more difficult to detect. Anyone foolish enough to drink it must make a HT roll. On a successful roll, he merely feels sick and loses 2 HP. On a failed roll, he is seized by painful stomach cramps, losing 1d+1 HP; he is at -3 for all skills until the lost HP are restored. Foul water also fails to satisfy thirst, and cannot support fish or other water-dwellers (a fish of any sort slowly suffocates in fouled water; a sea-mammal becomes ill from ingesting it). In a body of water, the foul water is eventually diluted to harmlessness; if cast in a mountain stream, for instance, this spell effectively lasts only a second or two. Base cost: 3. Prerequisites: Purify Water and Decay. Item Staff or wand. The item must touch the subject water. Energy cost to create: 100. Freeze Regular Turns water into solid ice. The ice retains the shape of its container; in open water, the affected volume freezes as a sphere or cube, at the caster’s option. A Shape Water spell may be cast to form the water before it is frozen, or to alter the shape of the ice after it is frozen.

Duration: The ice lasts until it melts naturally. Cost: 2 for an object up to the size of a fist, 4 for up to a cubic foot, 6 for a cubic yard, 3 more for each additional cubic yard. If the temperature is above freezing, the caster may maintain the spell by expending the casting cost once every 10 minutes. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 200 energy, $100 blue gem. Fog Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 193. Ice Slick Area Covers the floor or ground with a quarter-inch sheet of clear ice. Footing on this ice slick is very precarious. All close combat and melee attacks, and all active defenses, are at -3 on an ice slick. Other physical skills, including missile and thrown weapon attacks, are at -2. Even walking across an ice slick is usually difficult – in general, anyone attempting to walk or run across an ice slick must roll against DX-2 for every yard of distance he covers. If he fails this roll, he falls to the ice. He may, with another DX-2 roll, attempt to stand on his next turn. Spiked footwear negates all penalties on ice. Ice slicks are very difficult to see. Anyone not actively watching the ground for ice must make a roll against IQ-3 to notice an ice slick before stepping onto it. An ice slick will extinguish an area of normal fire that it overlaps, and vice versa. Duration: An ice slick lasts until it melts naturally. Base cost: 3. Time to cast: 2 seconds per yard of radius. Prerequisite: Frost. Item (a) Rug or mat. Cost per 10 square feet: 100 energy, $250 spell materials. (b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Cost to create: 250 energy, $500 blue gem. Ice Sphere Missile Throw a ball of ice from your hand. When it strikes, it does crushing damage and vanishes in a gout of water. A 1-die Ice Sphere can also extinguish fire in a 1-yard radius, if accurately aimed. It has 1⁄2D 40, Max 80, Acc 2. Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. The sphere does 1d damage per point of energy. Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff or wand – the ball is fired from the end of the item. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 400; the staff or wand must be tipped by a $500 sapphire. Icy Missiles Regular Like Icy Weapon, but cast on a missile weapon. The weapon itself becomes cold to the touch, but won’t harm the wielder. Any missile it fires becomes freezing cold, doing +2 damage to most foes; it shatters after it hits a target or after 10 seconds, whichever comes first. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Icy Weapon. Item A missile weapon that fires icy missiles whenever used, at no energy cost to the user. Energy cost to create: 1,000; a $500 sapphire must be set in the weapon. Melt Ice Area Turns solid ice into water. Duration: Permanent above freezing; 10 minutes below freezing. Base cost: 1 (minimum 2). Below freezing, the cost to maintain is the same. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Heat or Freeze. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 300 energy, $100 spell materials. Resist Water Regular The subject (person, creature, or object) and anything he carries become immune to the effects of dampness, remaining dry even if completely submerged. The spell protects against the dampening effect of steam or ice, but not against the scalding or freezing itself! This also protects against water-like substances; a spilled drink does not stain, for instance. Its protection against acid is limited – the subject is granted 2 points of DR against acid spills or immersion. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Prerequisites: Either Shape Water and Destroy Water, or Umbrella. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Always on. Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 200 energy and a $200 emerald. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 400 energy and a $200 emerald. Snow Shoes Regular Cross ice or snow as though it were regular ground. Snow Shoes eliminates any movement, DX, or skill penalties normally assessed for ice or snow. The subject is still subject to penalties caused by an unstable surface, such as a rocking ice floe or an avalanche. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Shoes, boots, or sandals. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 350. Walk on Water Regular Walk on water as with the Walk on Liquid advantage (p. B97).

Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 3 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 4 seconds. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, jewelry, or clothing. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 500. Waves Special; Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 194. Water Jet Regular Shoot a thin jet of water from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls vs. DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. It does knockback to all targets, and damage to creatures of flame; it can kill or knock down flying swarm creatures. It can extinguish a 1- yard-radius area of normal fire. Anyone hit in the face by a Water Jet is at a -3 penalty to combat skills next turn for each point of energy put into the jet. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 3. Does 1d damage for each point put into it. Range is equal to the number of dice. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. If the item is a wand or staff, it must have a blue tip (or a bluejeweled tip); the jet comes from the tip. Energy cost to create: 600. Water Vision Information See through water, snow, and ice – to find sunken treasure, lurking monsters, etc. This is also a Knowledge spell. Duration: 30 seconds. Cost: 1 per 20 yards of depth to cast (up to 200 yards). Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Any. Energy cost to create: 200. Whirlpool Area Create a circular whirlpool in a body of water (lakes, rivers, seas, but also ponds and pools). By concentrating, the caster can move the Whirlpool any distance up to its own diameter per second. The caster may move at half speed while concentrating. The whirlpool has a “funnel” in its center, the radius of which (at the surface) may be up to half that of the whirlpool. The depth of the funnel may be up to twice the radius of the whirlpool. The funnel gets progressively narrower as one nears its bottom. The outermost yard of the whirlpool moves at Move 1, the next inner ring at Move 2 and so on. Anyone caught in the whirlpool will be dragged towards its bottom; a Swimming roll, at a penalty equal to the current ring’s speed, must be made every revolution to avoid being dragged into the next inner ring (in addition to the usual consequences for failure – p. B354). A success by 3 or more means the swimmer managed to move outward one ring (if he so wills). The whirlpool has little effect on beings and objects weighing more than 90 pounds times its radius in yards. While in the whirlpool, all DXbased skills (except aquatic ones such as Swimming or Scuba) are at -5, above and beyond any penalty for being in water in the first place. Duration: 1 minute after reaching full strength. Base cost: 2 to cast. Half that to maintain. Time to cast: The Whirlpool starts immediately, but the caster must concentrate for a number of seconds equal to the Whirlpool’s radius in yards to bring it to full strength. The Whirlpool takes a like time to stop once the spell lapses, although no concentration is required. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 200 energy and a $500 emerald. Coolness Regular The subject remains comfortably cool in warm weather, avoiding the risk of dehydration or heat stroke – but not sunburn! Effectively, the subject gains Temperature Tolerance 3 (p. B93) toward heat for the duration of the spell. The spell offers no protection against actual flame or fire-based attack spells. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 hour. Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Cold. Item Clothing, staff, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 200.

Create Ice Regular Creates a quantity of ice or snow. It may appear as: a solid block of any shape; within a container (which must be large enough); hanging in mid-air (it falls immediately); as a mass of ice shavings (great for cooling drinks); or as a cloud of snow (which settles to the ground). It takes 60 gallons of ice shavings or snow to put out a one-yard radius area of fire within one second. A gallon of snow, depending on its fluffiness (p. 195), will cover a oneyard-radius area to a depth of two to 18 inches. Duration: Permanent; the ice lasts until it melts naturally. Cost: 2 per gallon of ice created. Prerequisite: Freeze. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 200 energy and a $100 sapphire. Dehydrate Regular; Resisted by HT Removes the water from a subject’s tissues, causing damage or death. Affects the whole victim if cast from a distance; if the caster touches the subject, damage is limited to the part touched. Armor does not protect! Duration: Damage done is permanent until healed. Cost: 1 per 1d-1 damage done, up to 3. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisite:s At least five Water spells, including Destroy Water. Item Wand or staff. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Cost to create: 700 energy and $1,000 in spell materials. Ice Dagger Missile Create and hurl a razor-sharp icicle. When it strikes, it does impaling damage and melts instantly. It has 1⁄2D 30, Max 60, Acc 3. Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for 3 seconds. Does 1d-1 impaling damage for each point of energy put into it. No extra effect on creatures of fire. Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Ice Sphere or Water Jet. Item Jewelry; the item must have a dagger shape or design. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 400. Icy Touch Melee Covers the subject with a coating of ice. The caster must touch the subject to trigger this spell; hit location is irrelevant. The subject is immobilized and may take no action until he breaks through the ice with a successful ST roll at a -1 penalty for every 1/4” of ice. The ice can be chipped off from the outside at a rate of 1/4” of ice for every point of basic damage; it has DR 1 per 1/2” of ice. If rescuers are not careful, however, they may smash through the ice to injure the subject (see Overpenetration, p. B408). While encased in ice, the subject is vulnerable to thermal shock (p. B430); he must roll vs. HT immediately. On a success, he loses 1 FP; on a failure, he loses FP equal to the margin of failure. The HT roll must be repeated every minute that the subject remains encased in ice. If the situation becomes dire enough that the subject must start making death checks, a critical success means that the subject has fallen into suspended animation, as per the spell. Duration: Permanent. If the temperature is above the freezing point, the ice coating may be maintained by spending as much energy as in the original casting every 10 minutes. Cost: 2 per 1/4” of ice; must affect the entire subject, not just a part of it! Every 1/4” will inflict 1d-1 of damage to flame creatures. Time to cast: 1 second per 1/4” of ice. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least four Water spells. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. The item’s tip must be white. Energy cost to create: 800. Walk Through Water Regular Pass through water or ice as if it were air; the subject can walk through glaciers, along the bottoms of lakes, etc. Like the Swim spell, this negates combat penalties for fighting in water. In liquid water, the subject requires a surface to walk on. The spell may cost more if resistance to high pressures is necessary. The spell neither opens a passage so that others can follow, nor reveals what is on the other side . . . If the caster (or the subject) knows a spell to let him breathe, the subject will have no difficulty breathing during his journey, at no energy cost. Otherwise, he must hold his breath! Should the spell end before the subject regains the open air, he finds himself submerged. He is not automatically harmed, but drowns (or suffocates, if in ice) if he cannot escape. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 4 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1 and Shape Water. Item Clothing or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,100. Dry Spring Regular Dries and blocks the waterflow within a spring, reducing its output. Duration: Permanent. Note, however, that the local geology may eventually shift, restoring the spring’s output to its previous level. Cost: 3 times the reduction in the spring’s output, in gallons per hour. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Destroy Water and Shape Earth. Item Staff. Cost to create: 450 energy and a $500 emerald. Earth to Water Regular As listed under Earth Spells, p. 52.

Essential Water Regular Like Create Water, but the water created is the magical essence of water. It extinguishes any type of fire in the same proportion that ordinary water extinguishes ordinary fire. It is also three times as thirst-quenching as ordinary water – in other words, a mere quart of Essential Water will keep someone hydrated for a full day of exertion in hot climates (p. B426). Duration: Permanent until used; if it is used to put out a fire, for instance, the steam created is ordinary water. Cost: 3 per gallon created. Prerequisite: At least 6 other Water spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 800. Frostbite Regular; Resisted by HT Lowers the temperatures in the body tissues of the subject, causing damage or death. Affects the whole victim if cast from a distance; if cast by touch, damage is limited to the part touched. Armor does not protect. Duration: Damage is permanent until healed. Cost: 1 per die of damage done, up to 3. Time to cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Frost and Freeze. Item Wand or staff. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Cost to create: 700 energy, $500 spell materials, and a $500 blue gem. Snow Jet Regular Shoot a thin jet of snow from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. It does knockback on all targets and damage to creatures of flame; it can kill or knock down flying swarm creatures. It can extinguish normal fire within an area one yard in radius. If the spell strikes the target’s face, it temporarily blinds him unless he makes a HT roll. If the HT roll is failed, each energy point in the spell blinds the target for one second. After the target can see again, blurry vision will put him at a -3 penalty to combat skills for a further 1d seconds. On a critically failed HT roll, the target is blinded for 1d seconds per point of energy in the spell. On a successful HT roll, the victim covers his eyes and is therefore unable to see for one second. On a critical success, the victim is unaffected. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 3. The jet does 1d of knockback for every point put into it. Its range is equal to the number of dice. The cost to maintain is the same. Prerequisites: Water Jet and Freeze. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The jet issues from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 600; the staff or wand must be tipped by a $500 sapphire. Breathe Water Regular Allows the subject to breathe water as though it were air, temporarily granting Doesn’t Breathe (Gills) (p. B49). The subject does not lose the ability to breathe ordinary air! At the GM’s discretion, this spell may also include the equivalent of Pressure Support 1 (p. B77), allowing the subject to venture into deep water without concern. This is also an Air spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Prerequisites: Create Air and Destroy Water. Item Clothing or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 400. Breathe Air Regular As described under Air Spells, p. 26. Swim Regular As described under Movement Spells, p. 147. Body of Ice (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT Temporarily grants the subject the Body of Ice meta-trait (p. B262). Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become ice, but lose any magic powers they might have had. Duration: 1 minute. Expires if the subject loses consciousness. Cost: 7 to cast. 3 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Body of Water, and Freeze. Item Staff, wand. or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 1,300. Boil Water Regular Turns water into steam. Water expands considerably in going from liquid to gas; a mere pint of water makes a lot of steam. The scalding effect of steam is such that a steam hex should be treated exactly as a fire hex, except that it cannot ignite anything. Duration: Permanent, though the steam will recondense naturally (within about 10 minutes). Cost: 2 for a fist-sized quantity of water (makes about a hex of steam), 4 for a cubic foot’s worth (makes about 40 cubic yards of steam), 6 for a square yard of water to a foot’s depth (makes about 400 cubic yards of steam), 3 for each additional third of a cubic yard. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: Shape Water and Heat. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 200 energy and a $100 carnelian. Condense Steam Area Turns steam into roomtemperature water. Duration: Permanent, though the water may boil again. Base cost: 1 (minimum 2). Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisite: Cold or Boil Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 300 energy and a $100 emerald.

Create Acid Regular Creates a strong acidic solution out of nothing. It may appear in any of several forms. It may appear within a container (which should be of glass or of some special stone or metal if the acid is not to attack it), as a globe in mid-air (which falls immediately), or as a dense mist of droplets (which inflicts splashing damage). Duration: The created acid is permanent, but is neutralized as it reacts with objects and beings. Cost: 4 per gallon created. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Create Water and Create Earth. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300. Create Spring Regular Increases a spring’s output, or creates one where none exists. Duration: Permanent. Note, however, that the local geology may eventually shift, reducing the spring’s output to its previous level. Cost: 5 times the increase in the spring’s output, in gallons per hour. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: Dry Spring and Shape Water. Item Staff. Cost to create: 675 energy and a $500 emerald. Current Special; Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 194. Tide Special; Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 194. Flesh to Ice (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT “Petrifies” a living subject (and all his gear!) into ice. Stone to Flesh can reverse the effects of this spell, but the caster is at a -4 penalty unless he also knows Flesh to Ice. Remove Curse can also break the spell. Duration: Permanent until reversed by another spell or substantial melting (or breakage) takes place. Cost: 12 to cast; must affect the entire subject, not just a part of it! Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Frostbite, and Body of Water. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages; the item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Create Steam Area Produces a cloud of steam. Until it dissipates, anyone standing within the area of effect is at risk of scalding (treat as if surrounded by fire, pp. B443-444, except that steam cannot set anything aflame). The steam tends to rise; the rate of dissipation depends on the area, ambient temperature and the presence of wind – indoors, it usually lasts until the spell expires, but outdoors on a windy or cold day it may last only 10 seconds or so. Duration: 5 minutes or less, as above. Base cost: 2 to cast. Cannot be maintained. Prerequisite: Boil Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 400 energy and a $100 carnelian. Distill Regular As listed under Food Spells, p. 79. Resist Acid Regular The subject (person, creature or object) and anything he carries become immune to the effects of acid. This is also a Protection and Warning spell. Duration: 1 minute. Cost: 2 to cast; 6 if subject must resist Essential Acid. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Create Acid. Item (a) Staff, wand, or jewelry; only affects the wearer. Energy cost to create: 800. (b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Summon Water Elemental, Control Water Elemental, Create Water Elemental see pp. 27-28

Small Water Elemental This is the basic water elemental summoned by casting Summon Water Elemental at the minimum energy cost of 4. More energy put into the spell summons a more powerful elemental. Usually, this simply means a larger elemental; one point of energy is equal to 1 additional point of ST, 5 HP, or 2 points of DR. However, the GM may choose to build a more exotic elemental, adding unusual traits to the following template, or working one up from scratch. Small Water Elemental 40 points Attribute Modifiers: ST-3 [-30]; DX-2 [-40]; IQ-3 [-60]; HT-2 [-20]. Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -1. Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Chameleon 1 [5]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Sleep [20]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) [100]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Slippery 5 [10]. Disadvantages: Invertebrate [-10]; Vulnerability (Dehydration) [-10]

Rain Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 195. Snow Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 195. Hail Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 195. Mud Jet Regular As listed under Earth Spells, p. 52. Geyser (VH) Area Causes a geyser of scalding-hot water to gush forth from the ground. It creates a hole equal to its radius, as set by the caster. All those within the geyser suffer 3d damage. They are automatically pushed out of the area of effect, and must make a DX-5 roll to stay afoot! Two seconds after the geyser starts, the water begins to fall back as spray. Under normal conditions, it affects an area double the radius of the original geyser. All those within this new spray area suffer 1d damage per second. Example: A geyser of 2 yards radius is created. All those in that area suffer 3d damage. Two seconds later, all those within 4 yards, but not within 2 yards, suffer 1d of damage.

If the caster is in the geyser area, he takes normal damage, but if he is in the spray area, he is unharmed. The geyser must always spring from the earth; it would not work on a rooftop. If cast under unusual circumstances, it can produce interesting effects, such as a continuing stream of scalding water flowing downhill at foes, but these must be controlled by the GM. Duration: 1 second. Base cost: 5 to cast. 2 to maintain. Time to cast: 5 seconds. Prerequisites: Six Water spells, including Create Spring, and either four Earth spells or four Fire spells. Rain of Acid Area Droplets of acid rain from the sky onto the area, causing 1d-1 acid damage per second to all within it. Characters and creatures under the rain of acid take damage on their own turns; if less than an entire second is spent in the affected area, damage is halved (round down). The spell can only be cast out of doors. Armor protects in the usual fashion. A shield with a DB of 2 or better can be held overhead to block the droplets, but it may take damage (p. B484). This requires two hands and a Ready action, and succeeds automatically in protecting the character once the shield is readied upwards, but this unreadies the shield from its normal protective functions! In addition, acid rain eats objects away at the rate of 1 HP every 10 seconds; the object’s DR protects it completely for 3 seconds per DR. This includes buildings. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 3. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Create Water, and Create Earth. Item Staff. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,200. Steam Jet Regular Shoot a thin jet of scalding steam from one finger. Each turn, the caster rolls versus DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. This attack may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. It does knockback on all targets in addition to its regular damage; it does double damage to creatures of flame or ice. It can extinguish normal fire within an area 1 yard in radius. If the spell strikes the target’s face, it temporarily blinds him unless he makes a HT roll. If the HT roll is failed, each energy point in the spell blinds the target for one second. After the target can see again, blurry vision will put him at a -3 penalty to combat skills for a further 1d seconds. On a critically failed HT roll, the target is blinded for 1d seconds per point of energy in the spell. On a successful HT roll, the victim covers his eyes for one second and is therefore unable to see for one turn. On a critical success, the victim is unaffected. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 3. Does 1d-1 of scalding damage for every point put into it. Range is equal to the number of dice. Cost to maintain is the same. Prerequisites: Water Jet and Boil Water. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The jet issues from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 700; the staff or wand must be tipped by a $300 carnelian. Acid Ball Missile Throw a ball of acid from one hand. When it strikes something, it bursts, inflicting acid damage. It has 1/2D 20, Max 40, Acc 1; use the Innate Attack skill. Cost: Any amount up to your Magery lever per second, for three seconds. The Acid Ball does 1d damage per energy point. Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Create Acid. Item Staff or wand – the missile is fired from the tip of the item. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 300.

Acid Jet Regular Shoot a jet of acid from one hand. Each turn, the caster rolls against DX- 4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. The jet may be dodged, but not parried or blocked. The jet does knockback as per Snow Jet; if the jet strikes the face, the acid may blind the victim as detailed on p. B428. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 3. Does 1d-1 of damage for every point used. Range is equal to the number of dice. Cost to maintain is the same. Prerequisites: Magery 2, Water Jet, and Create Acid. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by mages. The jet issues from the item’s tip. Energy cost to create: 400. Rain of Ice Daggers Area Ice Daggers rain from the sky onto the area, causing 1d-2 impaling damage per second to all within it. Characters and creatures under the Rain of Ice Daggers take damage on their own turns; if less than an entire second is spent in the affected area, damage is halved (round down). The spell can only be cast out of doors. Armor protects in the usual fashion. A shield with a DB of 2 or better can be held overhead to block the ice, but it may take damage (p. B484). This requires two hands and a Ready action, and succeeds automatically in protecting the character once the shield is readied upwards, but this unreadies the shield from its normal protective functions! Inanimate objects such as buildings protect with their DR. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 1 (minimum 2). For double base cost, the Rain of Ice Daggers does 1d per second! Prerequisites: Magery 2, Hail, and Ice Dagger. Item Staff. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 800 energy and a $1,000 sapphire. Storm Area As listed under Weather Spells, p. 195. Icy Breath (VH) Regular The caster expels a deadly hail of ice and cold air from his mouth. The caster rolls to hit against DX-4 or Innate Attack skill. This counts as an attack; it can be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The caster must be facing his target. No hand gestures are required to cast this spell; certain lip and tongue motions are made instead. Thus, Icy Breath can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 4. Does 1d+1 damage for every point of energy in the spell. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Snow Jet, and Resist Cold. Item Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 400 energy and a $500 sapphire. Breathe Steam (VH) Regular Similar to Steam Jet, except that the steam issues from the caster’s mouth, Breathe Steam cannot be maintained, and each energy point buys 1d damage instead of 1d-1. Caster rolls to hit against DX-2 or Innate Attack skill. This counts as an attack; it may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The caster must be facing his target. No hand gestures are required to cast this spell; certain lip and tongue motions are made instead. Thus, Breathe Steam can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 1, Steam Jet, and Resist Fire. Item Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1,000 energy and a $500 carnelian. Spit Acid (VH) Regular Similar to Acid Jet, except that the acid issues from the caster’s mouth, Spit Acid cannot be maintained, and each energy point buys 1d damage instead of 1d-1. Caster rolls to hit against DX-2 or Innate Attack skill (p. B201). This counts as an attack; it may be dodged or blocked, but not parried. The caster must be facing his target. No hand gestures are required to cast this spell; certain lip and tongue motions are made instead. Thus, Spit Acid can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill. Duration: 1 second. Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained. Time to cast: 2 seconds. Prerequisites: Magery 3, Acid Jet, and Resist Acid. Item Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 400. Essential Acid (VH) Regular Turns regular acid into the magical essence of acid. No substance is immune to its bite, and it inflicts three times as much damage before being neutralized. Essential Water or Flame, in like quantity, will nullify Essential Acid. If frozen with the Freeze spell, it is harmless until thawed. At the GM’s option, this spell may produce alkahest (p. 220). Duration: Permanent until neutralized. Cost: 8 per gallon. Prerequisites: Magery 3 and all six Acid spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 1,100.

Weather Spells

GMs willing to give weather mages more potential may wish to have all Weather/Area spells cast using longdistance modifiers (from the caster to the edge of the affected area). Frost Area Creates a covering of frost on all surfaces in the area of effect. The frost is real, and lasts indefinitely if the temperature is below freezing. In warmer conditions, the frost quickly melts to a dew. When cast upon a real or magical fire, the frost produces a cloud of steam and causes the flames to hiss for a few seconds. Only a tiny fire – a match or candle – would actually be extinguished by a Frost spell. A Frost spell cast upon a fire elemental or other flaming creature does one point of damage to the creature, but is more likely to anger it than drive it away. This is also a Water spell. Duration: The frost lasts until it melts naturally. Base cost: 1. Prerequisite: Create Water or Cold. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Cost to create: 200 energy, $350 blue gem. Fog Area Creates an area of dense fog. Even one yard of fog blocks vision. Flaming weapons and missiles lose their extra power in fog. A Fireball loses 1 point of damage per yard of fog it must traverse (e.g., a 3d Fireball that crosses 5 yards of fog inflicts 3d-5 damage), while victims of an Explosive Fireball may count each yard of fog as two yards of distance from the blast. However, no amount of fog will extinguish a fire. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 2 to cast. Half that to maintain. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Predict Weather Information Forecasts the weather accurately for a given location over a given time. This forecast does not take magical meddling into account, or predict the actions of other wizards! This is also an Air spell. Cost: 2 times the length of the forecast, in days. Double the cost for a location outside the general area (say, over the horizon). Quadruple the cost for a place on another continent. This spell cannot predict weather on planets or planes other than the one where the caster currently is. Time to cast: 5 seconds per day forecast. Prerequisites: At least four Air spells.

The Beaufort Scale

Beaufort Degree Description Wind Speed (mph) Average Wave Height at Sea (feet) Notes

0 Calm – 0 1 Light Air 1-3 0 2 Light Breeze 4-7 0-1 3 Gentle Breeze 8-12 1-2 Breaking crests 4 Moderate Breeze 13-18 2-4 Some foam 5 Fresh Breeze 19-24 4-8 6 Strong Breeze 25-31 8-13 Some spray 7 Moderate Gale 32-38 13-20 Some spindrift 8 Fresh Gale 39-46 13-20 9 Strong Gale 47-54 13-20 Sea begins to roll 10 Whole Gale 55-63 20-30 Visibility affected 11 Storm 64-72 30-45 12 Hurricane 73-82 45 13 Hurricane 83-92 14 Hurricane 93-103 15 Hurricane 104-114 16 Hurricane 115-125 17 Hurricane 126+

Waves Special; Area Changes the surface calmness of any large body of water. Each application of the spell can increase or decrease the wave height by one point on the Beaufort scale (above); to achieve multiple-point changes, multiply the spell’s cost accordingly. The wind is unaffected. Note that the Beaufort scale is specific to ocean waves; waves produced on lake shores are generally much lower relative to wind speed (GM’s judgment). The spell may be cast on an area, affecting the waves moving across it. It can also be cast on an object, such as a ship, which it must then encompass in its entirety (typically, 10 to 30 yards in radius). The area of effect then moves with the object. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/60 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Shape Water. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Clouds Area Creates or dispels normal outdoor cloud cover, as the caster chooses. This is also an Air spell. Duration: 10 minutes, after which normal clouds leave or return unless the spell is maintained. Base cost: 1/20 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 10 seconds. Prerequisites: At least two Water spells and two Air spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Current Special; Area Affects the currents of any large body of water. Each application of the spell can shift the current direction by 22.5 degrees or speed by 1 mph (or knot). To achieve combined direction/speed changes, or more extreme changes in one or the other, increase cost proportionately. The spell may be cast on an area, affecting the current moving under it for 40 yards in depth. It can also be cast on an object, such as a ship, which it must then encompass in its entirety. The area of effect then moves with the object. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/50 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: At least six Water spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Tide Special; Area Each application of this spell can raise or lower the water level by one foot; for larger changes, increase the spell’s cost proportionately. The “hill of water” thus created spreads naturally from the area affected, dropping by one foot for each yard beyond the actual area of the spell. The spell may be cast on an area, affecting the tide in it. It can also be cast on an object, such as a ship, which it must then encompass in its entirety. The area of effect then moves with the object. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/30 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisites: At least eight Water spells. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 225. Wind Special; Area Modifies the current outdoor wind conditions. Each application of the spell can shift the wind direction by 22.5 degrees (from W to WSW, for example), or change wind speed by one level on the Beaufort Scale (see box). To achieve combined direction/speed changes, or more extreme changes in one or the other, increase cost proportionately. The spell may be cast on an area, affecting the wind moving over it from the ground to an altitude of about 300 feet. It can also be cast on an object, such as a sailing ship, which it must then encompass in its entirety. The area of effect then moves with the object. This is also an Air spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/50 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Windstorm. Item Staff, wand, or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 300. Rain Area Creates (or prevents) 1 inch of rain in a normal outdoor setting. This is also an Air spell and a Water spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/10 (minimum 1). Cost to make rain doubles in a desert or other area (GM’s determination) where rain is unnatural. Cost to prevent rain doubles in a naturally rainy or swampy area. Same cost to maintain. Time to cast: 1 minute. Prerequisite: Clouds. Item Staff or wand. Usable only by a mage. The item must be kept in water when not in use; it loses its powers if it stays dry for more than an hour. Energy cost to create: 600. Snow Area Creates (or prevents) 1 inch of snow, in a normal outdoor setting. To work properly, this spell must be cast when the temperature is 32°F or lower. When cast under warmer conditions, this spell simply summons a thin drizzle, dampening the ground but not leaving any significant puddles. This is also an Air spell and a Water spell. Duration: 1 hour. Base cost: 1/15 (minimum 1). Each additional 1/15 energy per yard radius increases the amount of snow by 1 inch per hour. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisites: Clouds and Frost. Item Staff. It must be kept cool when not in use; it loses its powers if it is exposed to temperatures over 90° for more than two hours. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 450. Hail Area Makes hail fall. The temperature must be above freezing. The main effect is to provide intense distraction to whoever is being pelted with hail; wizards must make a Will roll each second to keep their concentration. For 5 times the cost, the GM may allow really big hailstones, doing 1d-2 crushing damage per second. This is also a Water spell. Duration: 1 minute. Base cost: 1/5 (minimum 1). For damaging hailstones, base cost is 1. Same cost to maintain. Prerequisite: Snow. Item Staff. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 500.

Warm: Area

Raises the ambient air temperature of an area. This could be used to dissipate Fog, for example. The spell cannot raise the temperature above 100˚F.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Time to cast: 1 minute per base cost application.

Base cost: 1/10 (minimum 1). Each base cost application raises the ambient temperature by 10˚F. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisites: Heat and at least four Air spells.


Staff. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 150.

Cool: Area

Lowers the ambient air temperature of an area. This may cause fog to appear if the conditions are right. The spell cannot lower the temperature below about -40˚F.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Time to cast: 1 minute per base cost application.

Base cost: 1/10 (minimum 1). Each base cost application lowers the ambient temperature by 10˚F. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisites: Cold and at least four Air spells.


Staff. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 150.

Storm: Area

Creates (or dispels) a storm. Depending on ambient temperature and humidity, it may be a simple windstorm or include rain, snow or hail – the odd lightning bolt, too. This is particularly effective at sea. The spell is unpredictable in its effects (which is to say the GM decides what the storm does…)

The spell can also be used to dispel a storm; the effectiveness of the spell depends on the relative sizes of the affected area versus the natural storm’s full area.

This is also an Air spell and a Water spell.

Duration: 1 hour.

Base cost: 1/50 (minimum 1). Same cost to maintain.

Time to cast: 1 minute. An incipient storm will take about an hour to gather and reach full strength. Once the spell lapses, it may take a varying length of time to calm down – it may even keep going on its own for hours yet! A dispelled storm will also take about an hour to calm down.

Prerequisites: Rain and Hail.


Staff. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 1,000.

Weather Dome: Area

As listed under Protection and Warning Spells.

Cloud-Walking: Regular

As listed under Movement Spells.

Cloud-Vaulting: Regular

As listed under Movement Spells.

Resist Lightning: Regular

The subject and anything he carries become immune to the effects of lightning and electricity. In low-tech settings, this is most often used to guard against hostile magic; in higher-tech worlds, it becomes a valuable professional tool.

This is also a Protection and Warning spell and an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Prerequisites: Any six Air spells.


(a) Any. Only affects the wearer. Cost to create: 1,000 energy and $1,000 in platinum.

(b) Wand, staff, or jewelry. Cost to create: 1,500 energy and $1,000 in platinum.

Lightning: Missile

Shoots a bolt of lightning from a fingertip. This bolt has 1/2D 50, Max 100, Acc 3. Treat any metal armor as DR 1 against this spell! If the target is wounded, he must make a HT roll, at -1 per 2 HP suffered, or be stunned. He may attempt a HT roll each turn thereafter to recover. Against electronic equipment, treat this attack as if it had the Surge damage modifier (see p. B105).

Lightning behaves unpredictably around conductors. A lightning bolt cannot be fired through a metal grid, between bars, from within a car, etc. – it jumps to the metal and is lost. However, the GM may (for instance) allow a wizard to shoot a lightning bolt into a metal floor. This would not electrocute those on it, but could shock them all, interrupting concentration and doing slight damage (no more than 1 point, and possibly none at all). The GM may encourage creative use of lightning until it becomes a nuisance. This is also an Air spell.

Cost: Any amount up to your Magery level per second, for three seconds. The bolt does 1d-1 burning damage per energy point.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds (the caster’s fingers sparkle as the spell builds).

Prerequisites: Magery 1 and at least six other Air spells.


Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from the end of the item. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 800 energy, $1,200 for platinum decorations.

Explosive Lightning: Missile

Creates a lightning bolt that affects both its target and things nearby. This has 1/2D 50, Max 100, Acc 3. It can be thrown at a wall, floor, etc. (at +4 to hit) to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone closer to the target than one yard takes full damage. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance in yards from the explosion (round down). The effects of lightning damage listed under Lightning apply.

This is also an Air spell.

Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for three seconds. The lightning bolt does 1d-1 burning damage per full 2 points of energy.

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Lightning.


Staff or wand – the bolt is fired from end of item. Usable only by a mage. Energy cost to create: 1,200; must include platinum decorations worth $500.

Lightning Whip: Regular

Creates a whip of lightning in the caster’s hand. It is wielded like a normal whip (p. B404), except that it always takes only one second to ready, and it cannot be used to parry or entangle. The whip inflicts 1d burning damage every time it strikes. The effects of lightning damage listed under Lightning apply.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Cost: 1 to cast per two yards of reach (maximum of 8 yards). Same to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisite: Lightning.


Glove, whip, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Energy cost to create: 350.

Shocking Touch: Melee

Charges the caster’s hands or staff with lightning. The caster must strike the subject to trigger this spell; hit location is irrelevant. The subject takes 1d+1 burning damage per point of energy in the spell. Armor does not protect. Shocking Touch has unusual side effects on electronics and conductive materials, as per Lightning (above).

This is also an Air spell.

Cost: 1 to 3.

Prerequisite: Lightning.


Staff, wand, or glove. The item must touch the subject. Energy cost to create: 1,500.

Spark Cloud: Area

Creates a ground-level cloud of electrical sparks. It does not block vision, but it inflicts burning damage to anyone standing in it. Armor protects in the usual fashion (metallic armor provides the same minimal protection that it does against Lightning). This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.

Base cost: 1 to 5; the cloud inflicts 1 point of damage per second for every point of energy put into the base cost.

Time to cast: 1 to 5 seconds, depending on base cost. Cannot be maintained.

Prerequisites: Shape Air and Lightning.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 150 energy, $500 in platinum, and a $500 opal.

Spark Storm: Area

Creates a normal Windstorm, with a dangerous addition: every turn Lightning strikes one random victim in the area of effect. To resolve the bolt’s attack, roll against the caster’s Spark Storm skill, without any range adjustments. The victim gets an active defense, as usual.

At the GM’s option, the lightning strikes may not be completely random: tall targets may be at more risk than short ones, and metal armor may tend to attract the lightning. Mages who use this spell know what the true rules are in their world.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute after reaching full strength.

Base cost: 2 (1d-1 Lightning), 4 (2d- 2 Lightning) or 6 (3d-3 Lightning) to cast. Half that to maintain.

Time to cast: The storm starts immediately, but the caster must concentrate for a number of seconds equal to the storm’s radius in yards to bring the storm to full strength.

Prerequisites: Windstorm and Lightning.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 300 energy, $500 in platinum ,and a $500 opal.

Wall of Lightning: Area

Creates a shimmering, crackling curtain of lightning around an area. The wall is four yards high, but may be made higher by scaling the cost as the height (double for 8 yards high, triple for 12 yards high and so on). Every turn, anyone crossing or touching the wall suffers burning damage. It impedes vision and hearing through it: -1 to these Sense rolls.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base cost: 2 to 6 to cast. Same cost to maintain. Each turn, the Wall inflicts 1d-1 burning damage for every two points of energy put into its base cost.

Prerequisite: Lightning.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 500 energy and a $500 opal.

(b) A Wall of Lightning may be made permanent at an energy cost of 100 times normal.

Ball of Lightning: Missile

Creates a ball of lightning in the caster’s hand. Unlike a regular Missile spell, however, a Ball of Lightning floats away in the direction the caster wills it to; it cannot be hurled in the usual fashion. The ball is utterly silent and moves in a straight line at a maximum speed equal to the caster’s skill divided by 5 (round down), regardless of wind and nonmetallic obstacles – the ball floats right through windows, curtains, walls, etc. It maintains its heading and speed unless the caster concentrates to change it. The ball explodes on the mental command of the caster or upon contact with a living being or metallic object. If the spell is allowed to expire, the Ball winks out of existence without exploding.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Any amount up to twice your Magery level per second, for three seconds; half that to maintain. The ball inflicts 1d-1 burning damage for every 2 full points of energy to anyone within 1 yard of the explosion. Those further away divide damage by three times their distance in yards (round down).

Time to cast: 1 to 3 seconds; the ball grows in the caster’s hand as the casting progresses.

Prerequisites: Apportation and Lightning.


Staff, wand, or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 600 energy and a $500 opal.

Lightning Stare: Regular

The caster shoots lightning from his eyes, using DX-4 or Innate Attack skill to hit. The caster must be facing the target to use this spell. The typical ritual for this spell uses facial motions rather than hand gestures; thus, Lightning Stare can be cast “no hands” at any level of skill.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 to 4. Cannot be maintained. Does 1d burning damage per point of energy put into the stare. Range is 2 yards per point of energy.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Lightning, Resist Lightning.


Jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1,000 energy, $500 worth of platinum, and a $500 opal.

Body of Lightning: Regular; Resisted by HT

Subject becomes an animated shape of lightning, temporarily granting him the Body of Lightning metatrait. Clothes (up to 6 pounds) also become lightning, but lose any magic powers they might have had.

Stop Power acts as Glue and Steal Power acts as Steal Strength on the subject.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute. The spell is broken if the subject loses consciousness.

Cost: 12 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Time to cast: 5 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Lightning.


(a) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. A severe drawback is that, as soon as it is activated, the item falls through the user’s hand – thus a spell cast with this item lasts only a minute. Energy cost to create: 3,000.

(b) Staff, wand, or jewelry. Only affects the wearer. Unlike the previous item, this item turns to lightning along with the wearer. While in lightning form, it loses any other magical powers it might ordinarily have. Energy cost to create: 6,000.

Lightning Armor: Regular

The subject is sheathed in crackling lightning, without feeling any discomfort (the subject and anything he carries are under a Resist Lightning spell). The subject’s melee attacks do an extra point of burning damage. Any metallic weapon that hits the subject triggers a 1d-1 backlash of burning damage along the weapon.

This attack automatically hits the hand that is holding the weapon, regardless of the weapon’s length, as long as its entire length is conducting. Should the subject grapple or be grappled, the foe takes 3d-3 burning damage, but the spell will be broken.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 7 to cast. 4 to maintain.

Prerequisites: At least six Lightning spells including Resist Lightning.


(a) Staff or jewelry. Usable only by mages. Cost to create: 1,000 energy and $300 worth of platinum and opals.

(b) Cape or armor; only affects the wearer. When activated, the cape seems like a piece of sheet lightning; it will protect against attacks from the back and sides, but not from the front, unless it is wielded as a light cloak (see Cloak, p. B184). Energy cost to create: 700 for the cape, 1,000 for armor.

Lightning Weapon: Regular

The subject melee weapon becomes charged with lightning, visibly spitting and sparking, without harming its wielder. The weapon must be at least partly metallic; weapons made entirely of wood and/or stone won’t hold the spell. The weapon does an additional 2 points of injury after armor penetration and wounding modifiers have been figured. Against metallic armor, the weapon inflicts at least 1 point of damage on any hit.

This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 1 to maintain.

Time to cast: 2 seconds.

Prerequisites: Magery 2 and Lightning.


A weapon that becomes electrified whenever used, at no energy cost to the user. Energy cost to create: 750; at least $300 must be spent in platinum and opal decorations.

Lightning Missiles: Regular

Like Lightning Weapon, but cast on a missile weapon. The weapon itself becomes surrounded with an electric halo. Any missile it fires becomes charged with lightning, doing 2 additional points of injury as per Lightning Weapon. The missile’s wooden parts turn to ash after it hits a target or after 10 seconds, whichever comes first. This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 4 to cast. 2 to maintain. Cost doubles if the missiles to be fired are nonmetallic.

Time to cast: 3 seconds.

Prerequisite: Lightning Weapon.


A missile weapon that fires lightning missiles whenever used, at no energy cost to the user. Energy cost to create: 1,000; at least $400 must be spent in platinum and opal decorations.

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