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GURPS Biotech


Bioengineers employed by research or medical companies are often financially better off than those in academia or government service.

Prerequisites: Bioengineering 14+.

Job Roll: Bioengineering. On critical failure: demoted, reduce income by 10%.

Wealth Level: Corporate: Very Wealthy. Supports Status 3. Academic or colony: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.


No reputable company or university will employ you, so you use your skills on the street, supplying biotech to the disenfranchised, criminals, and extremists.

Prerequisites: Bioengineering 12+.

Job Roll: Bioengineering. On critical failure: displease a client or suffer an accident; suffer 3d of injury.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 0.

Successful Executive

A biotech executive either owns his own company, or operates one on behalf of other owners and investors.

Prerequisites: Administration 14+.

Job Roll: Administration. On critical failure: lose 3x base income.

Wealth Level: Filthy Rich. Supports Status 4.

Struggling Executive

Some executives run biotech concerns that are struggling to get by in a competitive market.

Prerequisites: Administration 12+.

Job Roll: Administration. On critical failure: company folds, lose job.

Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.

Ecological Engineer

Ecological engineers can be employed by private companies specializing in local ecosolutions, or by governments engaging in large-scale engineering or terraforming operations.

Prerequisites: Biology (Ecology) 13+ and one of Bioengineering (Genetic Engineering) 13+, Geography (Physical) 13+, or Engineer (Nanotechnology) 13+.

Job Roll: Biology (Ecology). On critical failure: lose 3¥ base income.

Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.


Many epidemiologists work at health departments or with health care facilities, focusing on disease surveillance and public health measures, such as vaccinations and patient quarantines. They also respond to local epidemics and educate the public regarding health-related subjects.

Prerequisites: Expert Skill (Epidemiology) 12+, Mathematics (Statistics) 11+, and Research 11+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: make an error that potentially costs lives; lose job.

Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0.

Research Epidemiologist

Whether you are a grant-funded academic employed by a university or a high-priced scientist with private industry, you work with your team to design studies, collect data, and analyze results.

Prerequisites: Expert Skill (Epidemiology) 14+, Mathematics (Statistics) 13+, and Research 14+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: publish incorrect data or accused of research fraud; gain -1 Reputation in research community.

Wealth Level: Academic: Comfortable. Supports Status 1. Private: Very Wealthy. Supports Status 3.

Disease Hunter

Yes, it’s morbid, but you live for a good outbreak. Be it a natural infection or a bioengineered plague, when the call comes in, you’re sent out. You travel around the world and work with people from almost every field, uncovering the causes of epidemics and stopping the spread of disease. You will typically be employed by a federal disease-control center, but military positions are also possible.

Prerequisites: Expert Skill (Epidemiology) 14+, NBC Suit 12+, and Research 12+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: infected with a disease.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.

Containment Specialist

Once a biohazard is identified, it’s your job to contain and eliminate it. It might be a disease, or gengineered pest species gone rogue. You may work for a disease-control center, police force, military unit, or corporation, or be a freelancer hired to clean up others’ messes.

Prerequisites: Hazardous Materials 12+, NBC Suit 12+.

Job Roll: Hazardous Materials. On critical failure: suffer 2d of injury or contract a disease.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.

Forensic Pathologist

Forensic pathologists usually work for law enforcement agencies. This could be a local police department, or a broader federal or international group charged with investigating crimes that cross jurisdictions.

Prerequisites: Diagnosis and Forensics 13+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite skill. On critical failure: demoted, income reduced 10%.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.


You care for patients in a hospital, nursing home, the military, or perhaps privately.

Prerequisites: Physician 12+, Diagnosis 10+.

Job Roll: Physician. On critical failure: Medicate a patient incorrectly, lose job.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.


You are usually the first responder in an emergency situation, dispatched from the hospital that you work for.

Prerequisites: First-Aid 12+, Driving or Piloting 11+.

Job Roll: Lowest prerequisite. On critical failure: Injured in a hazardous situation or vehicle accident, 1d-2 damage.

Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0.


Organlegging is a dangerous freelance occupation, that pays off in big scores interspersed with quiet periods.

Prerequisites: Streetwise and Surgery 12+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: arrested and suffers 1d of injury.

Wealth Level: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.

General Practitioner

Physicians can work for salary in a public health system or set up a private practice and earn freelance income.

Prerequisites: Diagnosis and Physician 12+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: sued for malpractice, lose 5¥ base income and gain -1 Reputation.

Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.

Ship’s or Spaceship’s Doctor

You see all sorts of things in this job. Crewmen come to me with broken bones, plasma burns, strange alien viruses picked up from god knows where. And that’s just after they get back from shore leave.

You are dedicated to healing the sick, but also have an adventurous spirit that led you to a life of travel. Depending on tech level, this could be on an ocean-going vessel or a spacecraft. You could be part of a medical staff, or the only person on board with any medical knowledge at all.

Working with limited facilities, you have to deal with every sort of medical problem under the sun. In the good times you can get away with prescribing antibiotics for “social” infections, but when things get rough you’ll be facing diseases nobody has ever seen before or treating fellow crewmen injured in combat. In a pinch you may even have to help man the vessel.

A ship’s doctor can be enlisted in the military and assigned to a naval vessel, or can hire on with a civilian crew. The former has greater job stability, but can be riskier!

Prerequisites: Diagnosis and Physician 12+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: fired and gain -1 Reputation.

Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.


The bad news is your condition doesn’t respond to any established treatment, and experience shows you probably have about six months to live. The good news is we have an experimental procedure that we’d like you to consider agreeing to try.

You know everything there is to know about a particular field of medicine, and general practitioners send their patients to you when they are not sure about something. You’re the last line of medical care when patients have an unusual or life-threatening condition – if you can’t help them, no one can. As such, you need to keep on top of all the latest developments in your field. You are also likely to be involved with advancing your chosen specialty through research and conducting clinical trials on patients with nothing to lose.

Your chosen field could encompass a specific condition (cancer, degenerative diseases, sleep disorders) or a particular type of patient (pediatrics, gynecology, geriatrics). As a leader in the area, your research may provoke public interest – or outrage – and you may be called upon to defend your work.

A specialist may be tenured at a university or medical research center, and see only a select few patients, or could operate a medical practice and contribute less to research.

Prerequisites: Diagnosis and Physiology 14+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: sued for malpractice or research fraud, lose 5¥ base income and gain -1 Reputation.

Wealth Level: Very Wealthy. Supports Status 3.


You use your skill and dexterity to perform operations on patients. Your specialty might involve trauma surgery, therapeutic operations, or elective biomodifications. Either way, it’s a stressful job with long hours. You might do it for the satisfaction of applying your talents to improving the lives of others. On the other hand, surgeons are the elite of the medical profession, and you earn high social standing and considerable wealth, which may be motivation enough. Surgeons are often eagerly sought by both public and private hospitals. The military also requires surgeons.

Prerequisites: Diagnosis and Surgery 14+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: sued for malpractice, lose 5¥ base income and gain -1 Reputation.

Wealth Level: Very Wealthy. Supports Status 3.


Welcome to the Clinique Rouge, monsieur. Our discretion is assured.

If you don’t quite have the talent, or the connections, or you made one mistake too many and were ejected from the medical fraternity, you could still practice your trade on the streets. Congratulations, you’re an outlaw medic. A street doc. A “splicer.” There are any number of reasons to walk this road. You could just be an out-of-work or struggling student moonlighting for extra cash, and as ethical as any licensed physician. Or maybe you enjoy working in the shadows, for an ultra-tech black clinic, for the opportunity to test cutting-edge procedures on live subjects, or to perform experiments that would never be approved by government regulators.

Splicers take whatever work they can get, usually on a single contract basis, making their pay freelance. They may be employed on a recurring basis by wealthy individuals wanting multiple operations on themselves or their subordinates.

Prerequisites: Streetwise 12+ and Surgery 13+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: arrested and suffers 2d of injury.

Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports Status 2.

Lab Assistant

You do the menial gruntwork in a biotech lab, under the direction of a senior researcher. This is likely to be in a private biotech company, but could also be in a government agency such as a disease-control center.

Prerequisites: Electronics Operation (Scientific) 11+, and either Biology (any) or Bioengineering (any) 12+.

Job Roll: Worst prerequisite. On critical failure: lose 2¥ base income.

Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0.

Surrogate Mother

You offer the service of your womb as the growth environment for someone else’s baby. Although it’s sometimes considered a degrading job, the employers are usually grateful and it pays reasonably well.

Prerequisites: Female (or male with androwomb implant), HT 11+.

Job Roll: HT. On critical failure: miscarriage; lose job and suffer 1d damage.

Wealth Level: Average. Supports Status 0. (If illegal: Comfortable. Supports Status 1.)

Test Subject

You volunteer for experimental biotech procedures. This can be risky, but it provides income for people with no skills or other opportunities. You might get access to new biomods or vaccines before they are released to the public – or declared safe.

Prerequisites: HT 11+.

Job Roll: HT. On critical failure: lose job and suffer 2d damage or contract a disease.

Wealth Level: Struggling. Supports Status 0.

rpg/gurps/core/jobs.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/29 14:35 by wizardofaus_doku

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