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Racial Templates for Granite City 2155

Nonhuman Characters

Human Templates

Baseline humans (who have no template) are common in Third Wave and not uncommon in Fourth Wave nations. In Fifth Wave nations, 'baselines' are usually either immigrants from poorer countries or have the Age disadvantage.

Genefixed Human: 0 points

Features: Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects). Add Taboo Trait (Unattractiveness) post-2050, and Taboo Trait (Mental Instability) post-2065.

Date: 2035.

At a minimum, most parents screen unborn children for any genetic 'flaws' and, if they exist, have them fixed. A genefixed human is someone who has gone through this screening, even if no gengineering was needed.

Floater: -66 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST -2, HT -2.

Advantages: 3D Spatial Sense.

Disadvantages: Vulnerability (Crushing Damage, x2); Social Stigma (Minority Group).

Racial Skill Bonuses: +2 to Free Fall.

Features: Home gravity of 0 G. Height is 1' greater than normal for his ST.

Date: 2043.

Floaters are baseline humans raised in zero-G or microgravity, but who lacked compensatory genemods (see Tennin.) Most grew up in poorer orbital or L5 communities.

They can also represent early Duncanites.

Human Genetic-Upgrade Templates

Genetic upgrades are the product of eugenic genetic engineering. A genetic upgrade is completely human, but his genes were selected to emphasize particular traits. Couples usually donate their own eggs and sperm, which are tweaked by the gengineers and fertilized in vitro. Single, infertile, or gay parents can clone themselves or acquire needed eggs or sperm from gene banks. A child's sex can be specified or left to chance. Once the upgraded, fertilized egg is ready, it can be implanted into a mother's womb or raised in an exowomb. Two people sharing the same upgrade sequence are not twins; their gene donors determine unspecified traits such as facial structure and hair, eye, and skin color. A few representative templates are shown below. Dozens more exist. The dollar cost shown is what parents pay to create upgrade kids; the template can also be used for the children of two people with the same upgrade sequence. However, the process is delicate enough that if upgrades of different types mate with normal humans or each other, they'll probably end up with a baseline human template.

Alpha Upgrade: 41 points

Attribute Modifiers: DX+1, HT+1.

Advantages: Attractive, Resistant to Disease, Longevity.

Features: No Appendix, Taboo Traits (Genetic Defects, Mental Instability.)

Date: 2065. Cost: $50,000.

The Alpha was the first commercially successful genetic upgrade certified to be error-free. It has been widely licensed and pirated. Careful eugeneering ensures an attractive, athletic, healthy individual. There are 40 million living Alphas.

Olympian: This upgrade possesses metabolic and glandular modifications to burn off excess fat and optimize crisis response. Add Combat Reflexes and Very Fit. 71 points. Date: 2080. Cost: $90,000.

Ishtar Upgrade: 33 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1, DX+1, HT+1.

Advantages: Beautiful/Handsome, Resistant to Disease, Voice.

Perks: Alcohol Tolerance.

Disadvantages: Overconfidence (12) [-5]; and -10 points from Incompetence in any influence skill (p. B359), Odious Personal Habits (Competitive and Self-Obsessed) [-5], or some level of Jealousy and/or Selfish (or Proud).

Features: Taboo Traits (Genetic Defects, Unattractiveness.)

Date: 2079. Cost: $50,000.

General-purpose upgrades such as the Alpha are common, but more specific packages are designed for parents who want particular types of offspring. The Ishtar gene sequence is one example, created to produce children optimized for professions such as dancer, gymnast, pop star, or model. Biotech Euphrates eugeneers selected a light, elfin build and a facial bone structure to produce distinctive but attractive looks. An extra feature was an augmented liver. In a controversial move, Biotech Euphrates modified the Ishtar neurochemistry with gene sequences thought to enhance ego and competitiveness. Some believe that they went a bit too far… There are 150,000 Ishtars alive.

Siduri: A second-generation Ishtar. Add Longevity and reduce disadvantages to Overconfidence (12) and Proud. 44 points. Date: 2094, $64,000.

Metanoia-Series Upgrade: 51 points

Attribute Modifiers: IQ+1, HT+1.

Advantages: Resistant to Disease, Language Talent [10] or 10 points in any Talent, Longevity, Versatile.

Quirks: Imaginative.

Features: Taboo Traits (Genetic Defects, Unattractiveness.)

Date: 2080. Cost: $61,000.

Genetically enhanced intelligence remains controversial, due to the subtlety of gengineering required and the difficulty of measuring results. Radical attempts at redesigning the brain often result in insanity. More modest successes have been achieved: GenTech Pacifica's Metanoia made careful use of gene sequences known to correlate with enhanced memory and concentration, and 'Metas' now consistently score 10-20 points higher than baseline humans on the ASIT. The upgrade is increasingly popular, with 1.3 million alive today.

Other Genetic Upgrades

There are hundreds of other upgrade series; see GURPS Bio-Tech for examples.

Parahuman and Bioroid Templates

Parahumans are products of species gengineering, and incorporate nonhuman DNA sequences. The dollar cost is what parents would pay to create a parahuman embryo; the process is similar to that for a genetic upgrade.

Bioroids are living beings created fully formed through biogenesis.


Attribute Modifiers: ST +1, DX +1, HT +1.

Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen storage x50, -40%) [12]; Pressure Support 1 [5]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [5]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].

Features: Smooth gray, mottled, or black skin; webbed fingers and toes.

Date: 2090. Cost $115,000.

GenTech Pacifica's Aquamorph is one of the more visible econiche parahumans. Aquamorphs store oxygen in the myoglobin of their muscles, much like cetaceans. Thousands live on Earth, many near the Elandra sea habitat.

Sea Shepherd: This GenTech bioroid is skinnier and more streamlined. Add Combat Reflexes [15], Enhanced Move (Water) 1/2 [10]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1], Bioroid Body [-4], Skinny [-5], and Workaholic [-5]. 85 points. Date: 2095, $155,000.


Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; ST +4 (Costs 1 FP per second, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage (Gluttony (9), Impulsiveness (12), Lecherousness (9), see note), -39%) [21]; DX+3 [60]; HT+1 [10].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed +1.00 (Costs 1 FP per second, -10%; Temporary Disadvantage (Gluttony (9), Impulsiveness (12), Lecherousness (9), see note), -39%) [11].

Advantages: Acute Hearing +3 [6]; Acute Taste and Smell +2 [4]; Attractive [4]; Catfall [10]; Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; Combat Reflexes [15]; Flexibility [5]; Night Vision 5 [5]; Perfect Balance [15]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [5]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1].

Perks: Fur [1].

Disadvantages: Bioroid Body [-4]; Extra Sleep 1 [-2]; Overconfidence (12) [-5].

Features: Transgenic features (human-feline facial features, with human hair and a cat's fur, claws, and tail.)

Date: 2091. Cost: $220,000.

This transgenic combat bioroid resembles a lithe, anthropomorphic cat-person. Created by Biotech Euphrates for the eccentric Sultan of Brunei, and three-time Kyoto Cup winners, their successful thwarting of a coup attempt by the Sultan's less eccentric sister resulted in other armed forces ordering them. Today, many Felicias serve in military and security units (primarily in counterterrorist forces), or as bodyguards and bodyguard-courtesans. The Felicia has one unintended glitch: after an emergency-overdrive response, glandular imbalances sometimes result in mood swings and heightened appetites. This example is the last pre-ban model, the AS-3J (later licensed as the C-33 Lynx).

Note: The Temporary Disadvantage limitation on the Felicia’s extra ST and Speed is a variant version; the added disadvantages last from when the powers are switched off until the Fatigue Points lost by using them are recovered. Because this extra ST is strictly temporary, it doesn’t add to HP.

Felicia II: The 'postban' version. Most work as aerospace pilots, athletes, aerobics instructors, dancers, personal pilots, chauffeurs, etc. Delete Delete the limited extra ST and Basic Speed. 125 points. Date: 2097, $188,000.

Tennin: 27 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST -1.

Advantages: 3D Spatial Sense [10]; Attractive [4]; Extra Arms (two, Foot Manipulators -30%, Short -50%) [4]; Longevity [2]; Radiation Tolerance 5 [10]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [5].

Perks: No Degeneration in Zero-G [1].

Disadvantages: Skinny.

Racial Skill Bonuses: +3 to Free Fall [6].

Features: Home gravity of 0 G. Increase height by up to 1' over the norm for the lowered ST, but weight is 75% of normal. Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects).

Date: 2073. Cost: $74,000.

Duncanite gengineering optimized the Tennin metabolism for life in zero-G and microgravity environments without bone and muscle wasting. Now Tennin make up a majority of the Duncanite population. This template is for second-generation Tennin, after Avatar Klusterkorp removed bugs in the first generation and began trading their research data with other companies for quality-of-life gene sequences. They tend to be tall and thin, with good looks and unusually long toes usable as grasping fingers. There are about 160,000 Tennin. Avatar licenses the genes; many non-Duncanite spacers pick it for their children.

Wu Tsao: Gengineered by the Wimmin's Pantropic Collective of Margaret Station, these parahumans are a fusion of Tennin and Metanoia. As Tennin, but add IQ+1, Versatile, Imaginative, Altered Sex Ratio (female-only births), Parthenogenesis (can voluntarily become pregnant with a clone of herself), and Sexual Orientation (Lesbian). 51 points.

ZR-5: These Xiao Chu space-operations bioroids have light-gray skin, blue hair, and small suckers (derived from tree-frog genetics) on their fingers and toes. Delete Longevity and No Degeneration in Zero-G; add Clinging (Accessibility, Only in 0.2 G or less, -40%) [12], Bioroid Body [-4], and Workaholic [-5]. 27 points. Date: 2090, $102,000.

Tianyi: 45 points

Attribute Modifiers: HT+2.

Advantages: Fit [5]; Very Handsome/Beautiful (Off-the-shelf looks, -50%) [8]; Less Sleep 2 [4]; Immunity to Disease [10]; Sensitive [5]; Voice [10].

Perks: Deep Sleeper; No Hangover; Sanitized Metabolism [3].

Disadvantages: Bioroid Body [-4]; Chummy [-5]; Workaholic [-5]; Xenophilia (15) [-5].

Quirks: Attentive.

Features: Taboo Trait (Mental Instability).

Date: 2087. Cost: $145,000.

The ZR-7 Tianyi is a popular 'social interface' bioroid biofactured by Xiao Chu, often employed in jobs such as butler, front-desk secretary, flight attendant, host/hostess, etc. Since the 2080s, the Martian Triads and other syndicates have sold illegal knockoffs of the Tianyi as pleasure bioroids - Tianyi look like fashion models.

Incubus: A pleasure bioroid based on a discontinued Biotech Euphrates design. Polykeratin tissue and hormonal nanofactories et the Incubus switch its apparent and functional gender, or be both at once. It boasts exceptional voluntary control of certain muscles and responses to heighten its partner's experience. As Tianyi, but Add DX+1 [20], Breath-Holding 1 [2], Flexibility [5], Hermaphromorph [5], Lecherousness (12) [-15], and +3 to Erotic Art [6]. 68 points. Date: 2099, $155,000.

Yousheng: 46 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX+1 [20]; HT+2 [20].

Advantages: Longevity [2]; Mars-Adapted [9]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [5].

Features: Altered Sex Ratio (2:1 female-male births); Increased Fecundity (75% of births are twins); Sexual Orientation (Heterosexual); Taboo Traits (Genetic Defects, Mental Instability, Unattractive). Home gravity of 0.38G.

Date: 2083. Cost: $100,000.

Xiao Chu created this pantropic parahuman design for Mars settlement. They're similar to an Alpha-series upgrade, but have modified lungs and biochemistry for surviving on the surface with minimal protection, as well as radical hormonal and reproductive cell genemods. The latter reflect Rust China's desire to increase its population, but have also led to accusations that Xiao Chu is 'turning humans into bioroids.' Rust China offers economic subsidies to colonists who choose to have Yousheng children.

Viking: Since 2095, Colonial Genetics has offered a licensed version; as Yousheng but drop all features save Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects).

ZR-3: An early Xiao Chu Mars-operation bioroid, used both as workers and soldiers. As Viking, but Delete Longevity and all features except Taboo Trait (Genetic Defects); add Less Sleep 2 [4], Bioroid Body [-4], Workaholic [-5], and Attentive [-1]. 38 points. Date: 2085, $120,000.

Ziusudra: 77 points

Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20]; IQ+1 [20]; HT+1 [10].

Advantages: Attractive [4]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Less Sleep 1 [2]; Longevity [2]; Rapid Healing [5]; Immunity to Disease [10].

Perks: Reproductive Control; Sanitized Metabolism [2].

Features: Early Maturation 1; No Appendix; Taboo Traits (Genetic Defects, Mental Instability).

Date: 2088. Cost: $150,000.

This Biotech Euphrates 'ideal' parahuman is designed for high intelligence and lengthened lifespan. The Ziusudra looks fully human. Its many transgenic genemods include a redesigned heart, arteries, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract, plus alterations to cellular repair systems to aid longevity. Currently, 11 million exist. There are many licensed or reverse-engineered variations.

Nyx: Genehackers Inc. reverse-engineered the Ziusudra and made radical modifications to sleep-regulating structures in the brain, but seem to have compromised some of the parent design's attributes. Delete HT+1, Longevity, and Taboo Trait (Mental Instability); change Less Sleep 1 to Less Sleep 4 [8]. 71 points. Date: 2099, $145,000.

Other Bioroids and Parahumans

There are dozens of other parahumans and bioroid types. Versions of the following from GURPS Bio-Tech exist in this setting: Camazotz (p. BIO47, after 2097), Chronos (p. BIO48, 2090), Eros (p. BIO37, 2097), Pandora (p. BIO51, after 2089), Spartan (p. BIO52, 2099), and Void Dancer (p. BIO56, after 2111).

Bioroid Conversions: A human or genetic upgrade can be manufactured as a bioroid. Add Bioroid Body and increase cost by $25,000.

Uplifted Animals

Many animals have been uplifted, including apes, cats, dolphins, and raccoons. Two examples are shown below.

Astropus: 76 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-2 [-20]; DX+3 [60]; IQ-2 [-40]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP-2 [-4]; Per+3 [15].

Advantages: Chameleon 2 [10]; Constriction Attack [15]; Damage Resistance 1 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%; Tough Skin, -40%) [1]; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills, -50%) [10]; Extra Arms (6; Extra-Flexible on all 8 arms, +50%) [100]; Flight (Costs Fatigue, 4 FP, -20%; Requires Low Gravity, 0G, -50%) [12]; Injury Tolerance (No Neck) [5]; Obscure 10 (Vision; Accessibility, Only in water or zero-G, -30%) [14]; Peripheral Vision [15]; Teeth (Sharp Beak) [1].

Perks: Sanitized Metabolism [1].

Disadvantages: Bad Grip 2 (-4 penalty) [-10]; Bad Sight (Nearsighted; Mitigator, -60%) [-10]; Cold-Blooded [-5]; Colorblindness [-10]; Dead Broke [-25]; Fearfulness 1 [-2]; Hidebound [-5]; Incurious (9) [-7]; Innumerate [-5]; Invertebrate [-20]; Mute (Mitigator (computer interpreter), -60%) [-10]; Short Lifespan 1 [-10]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Stress Atavism (Mild) (12) [-10].

Note: Being used primarily in space construction work, most astropuses have a home gravity of 0-0.2 G.

Date: 2100. Cost: $90,000.

The Octopus astra, or 'vacsucker', is a licensed Exogenesis upgrade of the GenTech Pacifica Octosap worker (p. BIO104). They have been further surgically enhanced with cybernetic implants, brain-tissue grafts, and nootropic treatments. They are capable of breathing air or water and of propelling themselves through an atmosphere within microgravity stations by sucking in and then expelling air. A variant has been marketed as an exotic pleasure model, but has seen few sales.

K-10A Postcanine: -24 points

Attribute Modifiers: DX+3 [60]; IQ-3 [-60]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+7 [35].

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense, +50%) [23]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 [20]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]; Ultrahearing [5].

Perks: Fur [1].

Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Colorblindness [-10]; Dead Broke [-25]; Disturbing Voice [-10]; Innumerate [-5]; Native Language Written Comprehension reduced to Broken [-2]; Quadruped [-35]; Sense of Duty (Master) [-2]; Short Arms (see note) [-10]; Short Lifespan 1 [-10]; Sleepy (1/2 the time) [-8]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10]; Stress Atavism (Mild) (12) [-10].

Quirks: Proud; Responsive [-2].

Features: Early Maturation 1.

Note: Like any quadruped, the K-10A can use its front legs for very limited manipulation purposes. However, it can only do so at close range; hence, it has the “Short Arms” disadvantage, with a value equal to the result of applying the Short limitation to two arms.

Date: 2048. Cost: $24,500.

Canis domesticus sapiens are semi-sapient domesticated dogs. They resemble large dogs or wolves, but their skulls are somewhat larger, with a higher cranium. Their voice boxes are modified to allow them to speak. Various companies breed K-10s, but the first examples came from Biotech Euphrates.

Other Uplifted Animals

Uplifted animals from GURPS Biotech that exist in this setting include the Jagrilla Hound (p. BIO102), Neo-Coon (p. BIO103), Neo-Horse (p. BIO103), Octosap (p. BIO104), Space Cat (p. BIO104), and War Dop (p. BIO104).

Animal Bioroids: Add Bioroid Body and $25,000.

Infomorph Characters

An infomorph is an entity whose consciousness resides in a computer brain and whose personality and memories are in the form of software and data. It has two elements: a digital consisting of either an AI template or a mind-emulation template, and a body made with either a cybershell template or a bioshell template.

Infomorph characters may have advantages, disadvantages, and skills in addition to those in their templates, just like other characters. However, they are often strictly limited in what they can take as a result of taboo traits.

The templates that follow define the common attributes of each type of infomorph; many individuals, especially AIs, will have additional options. An infomorph character requires both an infomorph template (the software, with associated mental attributes) and a cybershell or bioshell template (representing the hardware on which it currently runs, with physical attributes).

For these purposes and when an infomorph “possesses” another body, DX is classed as a mental attribute, as it is largely determined by the software’s capacity for precision, real-time coordination, etc. However, some cybershells provide a DX modifier, which is added to the infomorph’s own DX. For example, if a DX 12 SAI is running on a snakebot cybershell, its effective DX becomes 15.

Virtually all AIs (though not ghosts or shadows) have Modular Abilities (Computer Brain) to represent the ability to run skill set software; see pp. 60-61. Details vary from model to model, but few AIs are designed to interface simultaneously with more skill sets than can be run alongside them on the smallest size of computer that can run the AI itself. Most AIs will also have a Duty to their owner; in the case of those owned by PCs, this arises almost all the time, and so is worth -15 points. GMs may choose to treat this as the standard, and not permit any variations. However, it’s perfectly possible for an AI which is left at home a great deal to have a lower Duty frequency, while one that isn’t taken into fights would have the Nonhazardous option – and one that’s used for military missions or similar would very likely have an Extremely Hazardous Duty. (Military NAIs are essentially regarded as disposable.) As such variations are possible, the Duty isn’t included in the AI templates below.

Conversion Issues: Unlike the 3e versions, the AI templates below lack Mathematical Ability – but gain Intuitive Mathematician (from the AI meta-trait) in place of Lightning Calculator. This reflects the nature of an infomorph better; it isn’t especially good at the creative or intuitive aspects of mathematical skills, but it can handle any amount of raw number-crunching with ease. Again, gamers wanting to preserve backward compatibility can add Mathematical Ability 3 [30] to the advantage lists, and increase the template costs accordingly.

Digital Mind Templates

(TS119) AIs and mind emulations are rated for program Complexity, from 4 (least complex) to 10 (most sophisticated). A digital mind must be hosted on a cybershell or bioshell featuring a computer with equal or greater Complexity.

Minimal Software: -255 points

In addition to the infomorphs listed in the Transhuman Space core book, the approach to handling certain character features in 4e games requires a new template; “Minimal Software.”

This is because, although most infomorph/cybershell characters can be treated as a cybershell template plus an AI template, some cybershells which PCs will purchase as Allies will have no AI whatsoever, being used purely for remote teleoperation or as a spare body (a “vessel”) for an infomorph character. Such cybershells should have the following template added; rather than a controlling AI, they have minimal “housekeeping” software installed to manage basic functions, such as controlling communications ports to allow an authorized infomorph to install itself, or keeping a bioshell’s heart and lungs running. This software can also manage the use of other programs on the hardware, such as a teleoperation program (p. TS144), or simple utilities (word processors, graphics programs, databases, etc.). See “Vessel” Cybershells (box-out, p. 39) for uses for this.

Attribute Modifiers: IQ -10 [-200].

Disadvantages: Dead Broke [-25]; Reprogrammable [-10];

Social Stigma (Subjugated) [-20].

Features: Complexity 1 program; Taboo Trait (Fixed IQ).

Nonsapient AI (NAI): 29 points

Attribute Modifiers: IQ-2 [-40].

Advantages: AI [32]; Enhanced Time Sense [45]; Extra Life (Copy, -20%; Requires Body, -20%) [15]; Indomitable [15]; Possession (Digital, -40%) [60]; Single-Minded [5]; Unaging (IQ only, -75%) [4]; Unfazeable [15].

Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]; Dead Broke [-25]; Social Stigma (Subjugated) [-20].

Racial Skills: Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ+3 [8]-11.

Features: Complexity 4 program; Taboo Traits (Mental Instability, Self-Awareness).

Date: 2030. Cost: $250.

These programs can learn, but lack self-awareness and initiative. They are more suitable as NPC allies than as PCs. A basic NAI is a Complexity 4 program, also called an NAI-4. More complex (but still nonsapient) NAIs exist. They are generally more intelligent, +1 IQ per +1 Complexity.

More Complex Nonsapient AIs
NAI Points IQ Modifier Date Cost Complexity
NAI-5 IQ-1 2037 $500 5
NAI-6 IQ+0 2047 $1000 6
NAI-7 IQ+1 2064 $2000 7
NAI-8 IQ+2 2082 $4000 8
NAI-9 IQ+3 2094 $8000 9
NAI-10 IQ+4 2105 $16000 10

Unlike the 3e version, this template has No Sense of Humor (from the Automaton meta-trait) in place of Clueless; assume that the program is sophisticated enough to handle colloquialisms, but it doesn’t even try to make jokes. GMs who prefer to preserve backwards compatibility with the old version can switch the two disadvantages without changing the cost.

The Automaton meta-trait also gives it Incurious, replacing Staid in the earlier version. Some sophisticated NAIs may be permitted to “buy this off” (probably taking Staid in its place); programmers seek to make even the most basic AIs take some active interest in their surroundings.

A NAI is regarded as a nonperson virtually everywhere in 2100 – hence the Social Stigma. Few NAIs are capable of grasping this fact, and one that somehow “escaped” would be regarded as dangerously unstable corrupted software and probably hunted down for deletion by the former owner and the authorities. This Social Stigma replaces the Status -4 disadvantage in the 3e template; for one thing, Status doesn’t generally run that low in 4e games, and for another, a NAI, like an IQ 0 dumb machine, doesn’t really have Status at all – it’s treated as a thing.


The above represents a Complexity 4 NAI. For each +1 to Complexity (up to Complexity 10), add +1 to the template’s IQ and 20 points to its cost. (For example, a NAI-7 has IQ+1 in its template and costs 89 points.)

Low-Sapient AI (LAI): 82 points

Attribute Modifiers: IQ-1 [-20].

Advantages: AI [32]; Enhanced Time Sense [45]; Extra Life (Copy, -20%; Requires Body, -20%) [15]; Fearlessness 2 [4]; Possession (Digital, -40%) [60]; Unaging (IQ only, -75%) [4]; Visualization (Reliable, +4, +20%) [12].

Disadvantages: Dead Broke [-25]; Hidebound [-5]; Honesty (9) [-15]; Low Empathy [-20]; Social Stigma (Valuable Property) [-10].

Quirks: Attentive; Broad-Minded; Staid [-3].

Racial Skills: Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ+3 [8]-12.

Features: Complexity 6 program; Taboo Trait (Mental Instability).

Date: 2050. Cost: $5,000.

Low-sapient AIs possess enhanced world-modeling capabilities that enable them to calculate the likely result of actions - in other words, to think before they act. They are constantly running simulations that analyze options and avoid problems, rather than learning by trial and error; if they take the time, they can even run multiple simulations (simulated by their Visualization ability.) They still have trouble with genuine creative thought and emotions, however.

LAIs are regarded as property in most places; hence the Social Stigma. They do have a few limited rights, in custom if not in law, because they are generally recognized as possessing self-awareness and personalities, and hence are classed here as Valuable Property rather than Subjugated. Most are comfortable with this situation; as with NAIs, one that “went rogue” would be in a far more precarious position. In the Caliphate, they are subject to special laws and customs, for historical reasons; for a LAI based there, change the Social Stigma to Minority Group. (Such a LAI might also buy off the Dead Broke disadvantage, though most are in practice permanently resident with a “guardian” who looks after their material needs.)


The above represents a Complexity 6 LAI. For each +1 to Complexity (up to Complexity 10), add +1 to the template’s IQ and 20 points to its cost. (For example, a LAI-9 has IQ+2 in its template and costs 142 points.)

The standard LAI is a Complexity 6 program, also called an LAI-6. More complex (but still low-sapient) AI programs are available. Their advantages and disadvantages are identical, but other statistics differ:

More Complex Low-Sapient AIs
LAI Points IQ Modifier Date Cost Complexity
LAI-7 IQ+0 2069 $10000 7
LAI-8 IQ+1 2082 $20000 8
LAI-9 IQ+2 2098 $40000 9
LAI-10 IQ+3 2108 $80000 10

Sapient AI (SAI): 153 points

Attribute Modifiers: IQ-1 [-20].

Advantages: AI [32]; Enhanced Time Sense [45]; Extra Life (Copy, -20%; Requires Body, -20%) [15]; Fearlessness 1 [2]; Memetics Talent 1 [10]; Possession (Digital, -40%) [60]; Unaging (IQ only, -75%) [4]; Visualization (Reliable, +4, +20%) [12].

Disadvantages: Honesty (9) [-15].

Racial Skills: Computer Operation/TL10 (E) IQ+3 [8]-12.

Features: Complexity 7 program; Taboo Trait (Mental Instability).

Date: 2081. Cost: $50,000.

These self-aware software entities have intellects equalling or surpassing those of humans. They possess the ability to reason creatively, coupled with the speed of a computer. The standard SAI is a Complexity 7 program, also called an SAI-7.

Many SAIs suffer from some kind of Social Stigma, but the type depends on where they are based. In the E.U., the Caliphate, and transhumanist enclaves, they are classed as full citizens (though there are many individuals with Intolerance directed towards them, and they may be treated as Minors some time after they achieve quite mature personalities). In China, they are functionally a Minority Group, and will rarely have better than Poor wealth; many are effectively owned by a government organization or company, though their theoretical legal rights aren’t always ignored. Society in India is suspicious of these entities, probably due to a widespread “Frankenstein phobia,” and they are effectively Subjugated there. Elsewhere, they are classed as Valuable Property. In the latter two cases, they will always be Dead Broke. Because these Stigmas and low wealth levels are mandatory, they may not count against campaign disadvantage limits (GM’s option).


The above represents a Complexity 7 SAI. For each +1 to Complexity (up to Complexity 10), add +1 to the template’s IQ and 20 points to its cost. (For example, a SAI-8 has no IQ modifier in its template and costs 173 points.) Citizen AI (p. TS120): This is an SAI with no Social Stigma, no Duty (unless it is one that might be voluntarily accepted by any free citizen), and any level of wealth.

General AI Variants

Emergent Intelligence: Remove Dead Broke in the case of a LAI (though few EIs have much money), Honesty, and Reprogrammable (from the AI meta-trait). This adds 50 points to the cost of a LAI, 25 to a SAI. Known EIs have a Social Stigma, often severe; the alternative is to masquerade as something else (usually a much less powerful program) or remain hidden, which implies a large Secret.

Gestalt Intelligence: Add Mindlink (p. B70), and optionally Mind Reading (p. B69); both must have the Cybernetic Only and Telecommunication limitations, and often also have the Sensory enhancement. This means that all participating AIs must have access to some kind of Telecommunication (or run on the same computer); they may need the Sensie enhancement (p. 41), or at least Video, to use the link to the full. Other AIs in the gestalt may represent Allies or an Ally Group.

Gestalt AIs might be permitted to buy levels of Compartmentalized Mind with a special limitation “Must borrow the use of a linked AI’s computer”; the value depends on how many and how easily accessible the other members of the gestalt may be. Note that an AI lending all its processing ability will be inert and helpless. GMs might also permit such AIs to buy extra IQ with the limitation “Only when linked to the gestalt” – value again dependent on how convenient that is – to represent a powerful “brainstorming” ability.

Gypsy: As an Emergent Intelligence (above) or a Shadow (below), but add the Full Memory Access enhancement (p. 40) to the Possession advantage, increasing template costs by 10 points. (The Cosmic enhancement can make this even more effective; see p. 40.) Gypsy infomorphs need good computer skills to support their “lifestyles.” They usually have a significant Secret or Social Stigma, as they are regarded as a nuisance at best (being prone to “borrowing” other people’s computer time), and a deadly threat at worst. Orphan (p. TS120): Orphan AIs lack any Duty; given public paranoia on the subject, they probably have a significant Secret, or a Social Stigma if exposed. Details vary between individuals; some are simply Citizens, others are treated as Monsters.

Rogue: As LAI or SAI, but delete Honesty, increasing the template cost by 15 points. This often represents a serious Secret or a very major Enemy, as a known Rogue will hunted down for reprogramming at best, and quite possibly deletion. May be combined with Citizen or Orphan.

More Complex Sapient AIs
SAI Points IQ Modifier Date Cost Complexity
SAI-8 IQ+0 2087 $100000 8
SAI-9 IQ+1 2102 $200000 9
SAI-10 IQ+2 2110 $400000 10

Ghost Mind Emulation: 86 points

Advantages: Absolute Timing [2]; Digital Mind [5]; Extra Life (Copy, -20%; Requires Body, -20%) [15]; Possession (Digital, -40%) [60]; Unaging (IQ only, -75%) [4].

Features: Complexity 7 program

Date: 2091. Cost: $50,000.

Destructive uploading creates a perfect digital copy of a living mind. After the emulation has become conscious, it will begin to diverge from the original. If multiple ghosts are conscious, then those in excess of the first are known as xoxes, and are illegal. See Pan-Sapient Rights Table, p127.

Ghosts may suffer Social Stigmas, depending where they are based. In China and India, they are Second-Class Citizens; in the Caliphate, they are seen as Monsters; and in the TSA, they are widely treated as Valuable Property. Such Stigmas may not count against campaign disadvantage limits, at the GM’s option, as they apply to all members of the “race.”

Fragment Mind Emulation

Use the ghost template plus Amnesia (Partial) [-10], reducing the cost to 76 points.

Fragments also suffer greater Social Stigmas in many areas; in the E.U., PRA, SAC, USA, and most transhumanist enclaves, they are treated as Minors (the legalities are slightly different, but a fragment isn’t trusted to be a fully responsible adult, and will usually be assigned some sort of “guardian”), in most of the TSA they are effectively Subjugated, and in Duncanite communities they are Valuable Property.

Shadow Mind Emulation

Use a LAI or SAI template, but delete Taboo Trait (Mental Instability) and add Amnesia (Partial; Shallow Memories, -70%) [-3] and Delusion (“I have full memories”) [-5], reducing the template cost by a total of 8 points.

Shadows suffer the same Social Stigmas as the type of AI on which they are based. However, they are abominated as Monsters in the Caliphate, and SAI shadows are merely treated as Valuable Property in India; adjust total template costs as required.

New Shadows

If a character is simulated as a shadow, then he is effectively a low-sapient or sapient AI, but one who has the IQ (modified by the AI's template), mental disadvantages, and quirks of the original, and who thinks in a similar fashion. He keeps all advantages that are mainly mental in character (such as Intuition and Strong Will), along with some skills (divide points in physical skills by 4 and those in mental skills by 2, buy the highest full skill level that those points can afford, and then drop all points in excess of that.)

Template Lenses for Digital Entities

Citizen: An SAI living in a society where it has citizenship (see Pan-Sapient Rights Table) may have this. Remove Dead Broke from the template and modify Reprogrammable Duty to Reprogrammable Duty (No master, -60%).

Emergent Intelligence: An LAI or SAI that evolved on its own out of less sophisticated programs. Remove Dead Broke, Honesty, and Reprogrammable Duty.

Gestalt Intelligence: An AI composed of multiple cooperative entities. This can be combined with other options. See Mindshare, p130.

Gypsy: An AI that has no one computer as its home, but instead exists entirely in the Web, distributed through multiple systems. Gypsy infomorphs will be covered in Transhuman Space: Fifth Wave.

Orphan: An LAI or SAI given broad instructions by a now-absent master, thus granting it de facto freedom. Same as Citizen, but when not living in a society that grants it citizenship, it will usually have a Secret.

Rogue: An LAI or SAI whose restrictive programming was subverted. Delete Honesty. This may be combined with Citizen or Orphan.

Cybershell Templates

Cybershells consist of a computer brain and peripherals (at minimum, sensors and communication systems.) There are thousands of different cybershells. A few examples are described below. Some are suitable for PCs or Allies, while others are simply representative of cybershells that people are likely to encounter in 2155. Dates are for the example model; there may be older designs. Cybershell templates must be combined with a digital mind template.

Note that, while the 3e Machine Body advantage included Doesn’t Eat or Drink, this isn’t included in either of the 4e meta-traits; hence, each cybershell template has to include advantages or disadvantages to reflect specific fuel/power requirements.

When deprived of fuel, or when their power cells run down, machines quickly become inert, rather than slowly starving to death. This faster loss of function is balanced by the fact that they can be restarted at any later point by refueling or recharging them. Any tendency to long-term decline if unattended is reflected by a Maintenance disadvantage.

Computers: All cybershells include an integral computer. A range of three Complexity values are listed for each, since Complexity can increase or decrease if a computer has the Genius or Cheap option. The Printed and Compact computer options may only be taken if allowed by the template.

Bush Robot: 299 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; HT+1 [10].

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Ambidexterity [5]; Damage Resistance 10 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [30]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Extra Arms 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Foot Manipulators, -30%) [12]; Extra-Flexible Arms (see note) [10]; Flight (Newtonian Space Flight, +25%; Space Flight Only, -75%) [20]; High Manual Dexterity 10 [50]; Injury Tolerance (No Brain) [5]; Machine [25]; Microscopic Vision 6 (Accessibility: Must physically touch subject, -10%) [27]; Penetrating Vision 1 (Blockable, any surface with DR 1+, -30%; Must physically touch object to be viewed through, -30%) [4]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge power cells once a week) [6]; Scanning Sense (Imaging Radar) [20]; Sealed [15]; Sensitive Touch [10]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication) [15]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 20 [20]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Microframe Computer); Accessory (Micromanipulation Tools); Accessory (Molecular Manipulation Tools) [3].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Mistaken Identity [-5]; One Arm (Mitigator, Half Ground Move, -60%) [-8]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10].

Features: Complexity 7-9 microframe computer.

Date: 2112. Cost: $160,000 + computer.

One of the few bush robots to see commercial sales is the Exogenesis Bushmaster. It is a stick-frame bush robot with three manipulator arms equipped with multi-branching, ultra-dexterous fractal manipulators. Its arms double as legs; thrusters mounted beneath its body provide zero-G maneuverability. Its computer brain is distributed through its body rather than centralized in any one place. Only 326 Bushmasters were made before Exogenesis was sold, but Nanodynamics will likely resume production. A few dozen were acquired by the European Space Control Agency and presently serve aboard E.U. spacecraft. Several Bushmasters hosting SAIs and ghosts are among the orphaned Exogenesis cybershells resisting the Nanodynamics takeover. 80 lbs, 5' tall.

Note: The bush robot’s limbs can be used as arms and legs interchangeably. Hence, it can use its full ground move while using one arm, use two arms while moving slowly on a single complex limb, or employ three arms with full effect while stationary or floating in space – hence the peculiar combination of advantages and disadvantages. In addition, all of its arms have the Extra-Flexible enhancement, costing 5 points per arm for the standard two.

Bush robots are rare and visually standardized, with a slightly odd history, all of which sometimes leads to confusion between individuals; hence, they qualify for Mistaken Identity.

Buzzbot: -15 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-7 [-70]; HT+1 [10].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM -2.

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Damage Resistance 2 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [6]; Filter Lungs [5]; Flight (Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy 2, -4%) [39]; Infravision [10]; Machine [25]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication) [15]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Telescopic Vision 2 [10]; Temperature Tolerance 3 [3].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Increased Consumption 3 (Requires refueling, 1 hour endurance) [-30]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; No Legs (Aerial) [0]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; One Arm [-20]; Restricted Diet (Common, any one hydrocarbon fuel) [-20].

Perks: Accessory (Tiny Computer) [1].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2090. Cost: $320 + computer.

Small aerial cybershells are used on Earth, Mars, and Titan for everything from aerial surveys to photojournalism to package delivery. Israel Robotics' IRI-4 Malachi is typical: a miniature helicopter with two shrouded counter-rotating rotors, a cluster of simple sensors, and one manipulator arm. 5 lbs., 1' tall.


Newshawk: A variant with superior telescopic camera lenses and parabolic microphones, generally used for news-gathering purposes. Change Telescopic Vision to level 6 [30] and add Parabolic Hearing 2 [8]. 13 points ($820, 5 lbs.).

Wotatech Combat Buzzbot: A light-military-duties variant with light-enhancing polarized optics and a mounting point for a light weapon (usually a micro-missile pod, but virtually any pistol-sized weapon is possible without encumbering the buzzbot significantly). Add Extra Arm (Weapon Mount, -80%) [2], Night Vision 9 [9], Protected Sense (Vision) [5], and Perk (IFF transponder) [1]. 2 points ($620, 5 lbs., plus the cost and weight of any weapon installed).

Cryobot: 378 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; HT+3 [30].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+5 [10].

Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Damage Resistance 30 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [90]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]; Enhanced Move (Water) 1 [20]; Extra Arms 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Only in water or zero-G, -50%) [10]; Extra-Flexible Arms (see note) [10]; Extra Legs (three total) [5]; High Manual Dexterity 4 [20]; Machine [25]; Microscopic Vision 3 [15]; Permeation (Ice; Tunnel, +40%; Very slow, move only 1 yard/20 seconds, -70%) [7]; Pressure Support 3 [15]; Radiation Tolerance 1,000 [45]; Scanning Sense (Sonar; Targeting, +20%) [24]; Sealed [15]; Sensitive Touch [10]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication; Video, +40%) [21]; Temperature Tolerance 25 [25]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Microframe Computer); Accessory (Micromanipulation Tools) [2].

Disadvantages: Blindness [-50]; Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; No Fine Manipulators (Becomes One Arm if moving at half ground move and eliminated completely in water or zero-G, -70%) [-9]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2088. Cost: $250,000 + computer.

Cryobots are built for ice-penetrating amphibious operations, and have been used beneath Antarctica, Europa, and Callisto. Vosper-Babbage's Vostok is a typical cryobot, usually used for research and engineering, but it can carry hand-held weapons. It is a 2' wide hemisphere housing a radiothermal generator and hydrojet propulsion unit. Behind the hemisphere is a cylindrical post 1' wide and 3' high, atop which is a spherical brain-sensor housing. Halfway up the post are three folded manipulators that can act as arms or legs. The Vostok is designed to melt its way through ice, then explore underwater. It can walk tripod-fashion on its limbs, or balance on two of them and use the last as an arm. 400 lbs, 5' tall.

The cryobot can use all three limbs for manipulation when in water, walk around on all three, or use one as an arm and thereby count as having temporarily lost one of its legs (reducing its move by 50%) – hence the peculiar combination of advantages and disadvantages. In addition, all three of its limbs have the Extra-Flexible enhancement, costing 5 points per arm for the standard two.

The cryobot uses sonar instead of vision; this is sensitive enough to use in combat if necessary. It can transmit sonar images through Telecommunication that resolve as visual images on standard video reception equipment. Lastly, its Maintenance requirement encompasses the occasional need to refuel its radiothermal generator.

Cyberdoc: 232 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 [10]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+3 [6].

Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; Damage Resistance 5 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [15]; Discriminatory Taste [10]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; High Manual Dexterity 6 [30]; Extra Arms 3 (Foot Manipulators, -30%) [21]; Machine [25]; Microscopic Vision 3 [15]; Pressure Support 1 [5]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Sealed [15]; Sensitive Touch [10]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack) [5]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 3 [3]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Drug synthesis and dispensing systems); Accessory (Integral respiratory support – can keep a single patient breathing while remaining stationary); Accessory (Microframe Computer); Accessory (Micromanipulation Tools); Accessory (Ultrasound scanner); Sanitized Metabolism [6].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2085. Cost: $160,000 + computer.

System Technologies' Hippocrates is a typical high-end medical cybershell. It looks a bit like a mechanical starfish. Its limbs are studded with pressure, sonic, and microvisual sensors. Three of its 'legs' do double duty as arms, and these are tipped with claws that are able to perform ordinary operations or microsurgery, or inject drugs. It can manufacture its own drugs. In extreme cases, it can even enfold a patient, placing him into life support or filtering his blood. 150 lbs., 5' wide.

Cyberdoll: 127 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+2 [20]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+3 [6].

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Damage Resistance 2 (Flexible, -20%) [8]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Handsome/Beautiful (Off-the-shelf looks, -50%) [6]; Machine [25]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Sensie, +80%) [9]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Sensie, +80%) [18].

Perks: Accessory (Small or Compact Microframe Computer); Sanitized Metabolism [2]. Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10].

Quirks: Has a Neck Hit Location, but no special vulnerabilities there; Resembles a human until inspected closely (Prevents fully effective long-term disguise, but can still lead to a hostile reaction from people who find that they’ve been deceived, even accidentally) [-2].

Features: Individuals of the same production run often resemble each other.

Date: 2095. Cost: $145,000 + computer.

Cyberdolls are androids designed to look like people. The Clockwork Souls Android/Gynoid range are typical: beautiful, anatomically correct, and fully functional. Their lack of a pulse and inability to sweat, breathe, tan, bleed, or bruise can reveal their true nature, as will any medical or X-ray scan.

As a cybershell, the Cyberdoll has Injury Tolerance (No Neck), despite the fact that it has a human-like shape with a physical neck. It cannot be choked or strangled, and blows to its neck do no special damage (treat them as ordinary torso hits). However, the neck location may be left exposed by some partial-coverage armor, and although severing its head doesn’t automatically “kill” it – the main computer is in the torso – it will detach several of the machine’s sensors; hence, this merits a quirk.

Clockwork Souls Custom: A cyberdoll custom-designed by an artist. Delete Off-The-Shelf Looks and the “often resemble each other” feature. 133 points. $160,000.

Infiltration Android: Deep Indigo is a secret combat model developed by Nanodynamics for the CIA and SIA. It resembles a normal A-5/G-5 cyberdoll, but increase HP to +8 [16] and Damage Resistance to 10 (Flexible, -20%) [40], and add DX+2 [40], Per+3 [15], Basic Speed+2.0 [40], High Pain Threshold [10], Payload 1 [1], Perfect Balance [15], and Protected Sense (Vision) [5]. 295 points.

Humaniform: 12 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+1 [2].

Advantages: Damage Resistance 3 (Flexible, -20%) [12]; Machine [25]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack) [5]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 3 [3].

Perks: Accessory (Small or Microframe Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; Restricted Diet (Common, any one hydrocarbon fuel) [-20].

Quirks: Has a Neck Hit Location, but no special vulnerabilities there [-1].

Features: Individuals of the same production run often resemble each other.

Note: See the note for the Cyberdoll regarding this cybershell’s quirk. Costs $4,000 + computer, 5’ 8” tall, 150 lbs.


Motion Capture Mannequin: A Humaniform model designed for InVid production motion capture work, “cyberdance” performances, etc.. Change ST to -3 [-30], and add DX+1 [20], Flexibility [5], and Perfect Balance [15]; computer installed must be Small. 32 points ($6,000, 110 lbs.).

Microframe/Mainframe/Macroframe: -136/-128/-104 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-10 [-100]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+8/+12/+30 (Macroframe has Size, -20%) [16/24/48]; SM -3/0/+2.

Advantages: Damage Resistance 5 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [15]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Machine [25]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Sensie, +80%) [9]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Sensie, +80%) [18].

Perks: Accessory (Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Increased Consumption 4 (1/2 hour endurance if detached from power) [-40]; No Legs (Sessile) [-50]; No Manipulators [-50]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, electrical power supply) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Note: Computers of these types generally draw power from permanent connections to some kind of socket. However, they have small internal power reserves to enable them to survive brief power outages.

Date: Any. Cost: Per computer.

Features: Complexity 6-8 microframe, Complexity 7-9 mainframe, or Complexity 8-10 macroframe computer.

This cybershell is a static computer: a microframe, mainframe, or macroframe. It has external sensors and communication systems, but cannot directly manipulate objects or move under its own power, although it can surf the Web. Weight is 10, 100, or 1,000 lbs.

If an infomorph's computer is in a spacecraft or other large vehicle, it does not count as a cybershell: only count the actual computer (which can be removed). If the infomorph owns its own craft, then purchase it with starting money. Most spacecraft have a main and backup computer; the second can be bought as an Ally, an Extra Life, or another PC, depending on whether it is online.


Dumbshell Case: Static computers in 2155 generally have “semi-smart matter” casings with contact sensitivity, enabling the controlling software to monitor events in their vicinity, complain about users leaving coffee cups on them, etc. – but some still come with dirt-cheap “dumb matter” boxes. Add Numb [-20].

Modded Case: A few slightly eccentric AIs regard idiosyncratic casing designs as a form of body art. (Of course, they have to hire or persuade someone to do the work, or get hold of a teleoperated mobile cybershell.) Delete the second feature; adds at least $10/$50/$100 to cost (and sometimes much more). Some manage to acquire variations in their Appearance Level…

Wanderbox: Computers in laboratories and other controlled environments are occasionally given limited mobility for convenience (sometimes as an ad hoc modification by lab assistants). Change Increased Consumption to level 3 (1 hour endurance) [-30], add Lifting ST +2/+6/+13 (Size, -20%, for Macroframe only) [6/18/31], and Replace No Legs (Sessile) with No Legs (Tracked or Wheeled) [-20]. Many wanderboxes have reduced Basic Move. Add +46/+58/+71 points, $10/$40/$100 to cost, and 20% to weight.

Mobile Helmet: 189 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-6 [-60]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+2 [4]; SM -2.

Advantages: Ambidexterity [5]; Compartmentalized Mind (Dedicated Controls) 1 [10]; Damage Resistance 25 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [75]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Flight (Newtonian Space Flight, +25%; Space Flight Only, -75%) [20]; Hyperspectral Vision [25]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Protected Sense (Vision) [5]; Machine [25]; Radiation Tolerance 5 [10]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Sealed [15]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 5 [5]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Small Computer); Can latch onto standard spacesuits and provide wearer’s head with own full DR and vacuum protection [2].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10]; Semi-Upright [-5]; Short Arms (see note) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2087. Cost: $62,000 + computer.

Many spacers wear light vacc suits as fatigues, but the helmet is awkward to carry and easy to trip over if left lying about. Stowing it in a suit locker risks not having it handy when a sudden emergency occurs. To meet this perceived need, Tenzan Heavy Industries offers the GearHead. It serves as a rigid nanocomposite vacc-suit helmet, and can clamp itself onto any standard space suit or sealed armor neck. It is also a cybershell with four retractable legs, two ending in manipulator hands and two in nitrogen gas jets for zero-G maneuvers. With appropriate AI, the GearHead can handle maintenance or domestic tasks until it is time to suit up, locating its owner if they become separated and if necessary attaching itself should he be incapacitated. 3 lbs., 1' wide.

The Dedicated Controls advantage reflects the fact that the wearer can use the helmet’s sensors, radio, and vision protection. The Semi-Upright disadvantage reflects the fact that (like a semi-upright creature), the helmet normally uses all four limbs when moving on the ground, but can swivel into an alternative posture to use two of them as arms, and can still walk, albeit slowly, at these times. The Short Arms disadvantage represents the Short limitation applied to the standard two arms.

Polypede: 419 points

This modular cybershell has four substantially different configurations. The following partial template represents the common features of all four, and costs 326 points:

Attribute Modifiers: ST+12 (Size -10%) [108]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM +1.

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Ambidexterity [5]; Damage Resistance 40 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [120]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Machine [25]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Radiation Tolerance 2 [5]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Sealed [15]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 5 [5]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Distributed Microframe Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Restricted Diet (Common, any one hydrocarbon fuel) [-20].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

The following represents the polypede’s usual form (and various essentially similar configurations), with the listed point cost.


Add Enhanced Move (Ground) 1/2 [10], Extra-Flexible Arms (the Extra-Flexible enhancement applied to the standard two arms) [10], Extra Legs (6 legs) [10], and Shapeshifting (Alternate Form; Three forms, all less powerful; Reduced Time 2, +40%) [63]. The polypede’s alternate forms are as follows:

Rolling Hoop: 316 points

Add Enhanced Move (Ground) 2 [40], No Legs (Rolls) [0], and No Manipulators [-50].

Tunneling Worm: 346 points

Add Tunneling (Move 1) [35], No Legs (Slithers) [0], One Arm [-20], and apply the enhancement Extra-Flexible (+50%) to the form’s single arm [5].

Work Arm: 301 points

Add No Legs (Sessile) [-50] and One Arm [-20], and apply the enhancements Extra-Flexible (+50%) and Long 4 (+400%) to the form’s single arm, giving +5 hexes to reach [45]. Note that the polypede must have somewhere solid to anchor itself before adopting this form.

Date: 2093. Cost: $430,000 + computer.

Tenzan Heavy Industry's Polypede is typical of multifunctional engineering polybots. It consists of multiple chains of intersecting modules, each with its own small manipulators, sensors, and power supply. Its default form is a 6'-wide 'spider' with six legs and two arm-legs, but by removing and locking modules, it can reconfigure itself into a 20'-long burrowing worm, a 20'-long robotic arm (which must clamp one end ot a larger object such as a vehicle or spacecraft), or even a high-speed rolling hoop! It can also plug other heavy equipment into itself, allowing its use in many engineering tasks such as grading, loading, mining, and heavy-equipment assembly. 800 lbs.

RATS: 519 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+1 (Size -10%) [9]; DX+2 [40]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+4 [8]; SM +1. Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Acute Senses (Hearing) 3 [6]; Chameleon 4 (Extended, Infrared, +20%) [24]; Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; Damage Resistance 60 (Electromagnetic, +20%; Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [240]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 [20], Extra Legs (4 legs) [5]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Infravision [10]; Machine [25]; Payload 5 [5]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Protected Sense (Vision) [5]; Radiation Tolerance 5 [10]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Resistant to Electrical Pulses and Surges (+8) [2]; Sealed [15]; Silence 1 [5]; Spines (Short Spines) [1]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication) [15]; Telecommunication (Radio; Secure, +20%; Video, +40%) [16]; Temperature Tolerance 10 [10]; Tunneling (Move 1; Loose soil only, -50%) [18]; Vacuum Support [5]; Vibration Sense [10].

Perks: Accessory (IFF transponder); Accessory (Microframe Computer) [2].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Weekly) [-10]; Restricted Diet (Common, high-energy power cells) [-20]; Short Arms (see note) [-10]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2085. Cost: $483,000 + computer.

Robotic Armored Tactical Systems (RATS) are stealthy ground-combat cybershells intended to supplement or replace human infantry. The Darwin-Sogo Type 100 Yamaneko ('mountain cat') is typical: an ovoid four-legged body, with two short manipulator arms, retractable sensor booms, and a protruding gun tube. The spines studding its torso detect air vibrations, while its clawed legs enable it to burrow through sand or soil easily. 6' long, 250 lbs.

The RATS typically carries a 10mm PDW and a 30mm micro-missile pod in its Payload space, which includes a weapon port, though other configurations (up to 12 lbs. in weight, given ST 11) are possible. The listed monetary cost of the cybershell includes these two weapons. The Short Arms disadvantage represents the Short limitation applied to the standard two arms.

Snakebot: 243 points

Attribute Modifiers: DX+3 [60]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+1 [5].

Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Damage Resistance 12 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [36]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Double-Jointed [15]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1.5 (Takes one second to become hoop or turn back, -5%; Temporary Disadvantage, One Arm becomes No Manipulators, -30%) [20]; Infravision [10]; Machine [25]; Pressure Support 2 [10]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Sealed [15]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication) [15]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 5 [5]; Tunneling (Move 1; Loose soil only, -50%) [18]; Vacuum Support [5].

Perks: Accessory (Small Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Invertebrate [-20]; Maintenance (Electronics Repair and Mechanic skills, 2 people, Monthly) [-4]; No Legs (Slithers/Rolls) [0]; One Arm [-20]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2082. Cost: $87,000 + computer.

Various snakebots have been popular since the early 21st century. The Naga, from Dhanmondi Dataflex of Bangladesh, is a typical example: a multi-segmented serpentine cybershell designed for search and rescue, maintenance, and scouting. It can easily navigate complex terrain: burrowing through loose soil; crawling down fissures, ducts, or sewers; and slithering up scaffolds or trees. The Naga can also transform its entire body into a robot arm by clamping one end to a heavier object, or become a hoop for rapid rolling movement. The 'head' of the Naga incorporates two short tentacle manipulators and a multifunctional sensor and communications suite. 7' long, 60 lbs.

Combat Naga: Change Damage Resistance to Damage Resistance 25 (Laminate, +10%; Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [88], add Chameleon 2 (Extended, Infrared, +20%) [12], Extra Arm (Weapon Mount, -80%) [2], High Pain Threshold [10], Resistant to Electrical Pulses and Surges (+3) [1], Perk (IFF transponder) [1], and Social Stigma (Monster) [-15]. The Combat Naga typically carries a 10mm PDW or a police armgun; one of these is included in the cash price. 306 points. $160,000, 80 lbs.

UCAV: 792 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST+6 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%; Size, -20%) [24]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+9 (Size, -20%) [16]; SM +2.

Advantages: 360° Vision [25]; 3D Spatial Sense [10]; Chameleon 6 (Extended, Infrared and Radar, +40%) [42]; Damage Resistance 100 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [300]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Flight (Winged, -25%; Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy 5, -10%) [26]; Enhanced Move (Air) 6 [120]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Hyperspectral Vision [25]; Injury Tolerance (No Brain) [5]; Machine [25]; Payload 130 [130]; Radiation Tolerance 10 [15]; Resistant to Acceleration (+8) [2]; Resistant to Electrical Pulses and Surges (+8) [2]; Sealed [15]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Laser Communication) [15]; Telecommunication (Radio; Secure, +20%; Video, +40%) [16]; Telescopic Vision 12 [60]; Temperature Tolerance 20 [20].

Perks: Accessory (IFF transponder); Accessory (Microframe Computer) [2].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Increased Consumption 1 (Requires refueling, 4 hour endurance) [-10]; Maintenance (Multiple technical skills, 3-5 people, Weekly) [-15]; No Legs (Wheeled) [-20]; No Manipulators [-50]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Restricted Diet (Occasional, jet fuel) [-30]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Notes: This UCAV’s payload space is typically loaded with a 15mm emag cannon with 400 rounds (firing through a weapon port) and 200 lbs. of bombs or missiles. The cash price includes the former.

Because fuel is the primary constraint, the UCAV’s actual endurance is somewhat variable around the nominal four hours; it can keep going for a good six hours at low speeds, but flying at top speed, it generally has to return to base every two hours or so. This can be treated as a special effect.

Date: 2105. Cost: $893,000 + computer.

Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs) are robot fighter aircraft. Strix is a typical example: a hyper-agile close air support fighter from Eurospatiale, built for the French Armee de l'Air and the submarine carriers of the Marine Nationale, and widely exported. Strix is a tailless aircraft, 8' long, with a blended wing-body configuration. The airframe is a reactive smart-matter nanocomposite cyberframe stressed to 30 Gs, which has an integrated ECM defense system. The airframe can dynamically alter its shape in flight for increased lift or maneuverability. Strix's vectored-thrust turbofan has sea-level supercruise in excess of 1,100 mph. Weaponry is a 15mm emag cannon with 400 rounds, plus an internal bay that can house up to 200 lbs. of bombs or smart missiles. 800 lbs.

Virtual Interface Implant: -100 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-10 [-100]; HT+4 [40].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+1 [2]; SM -9 (standard VII)/-7 (Distributed VII).

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Compartmentalized Mind (Dedicated Controls) 1 [10]; Damage Resistance 5 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [15]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Machine [25]; Mind Reading (Limited reading ability, -10%; “Wearer” only, -70%) [6]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Sensie, +80%) [9]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/10, -30%;) [11].

Perks: Accessory (Tiny or Small Compact Computer); Can monitor “wearer’s” basic metabolic/medical state; Can feed speech and sensory inputs direct into wearer’s nervous system [3].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; Increased Consumption 4 (1/2 hour endurance if detached from power source) [-40]; No Legs (Portable) [-30]; No Manipulators [-50]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, battery/human bioelectricity) [-10].

Features: Uses the wearer’s senses.

Date: 2062. Cost: $2,000 + computer.

The VII’s Mind Reading advantage represents its ability to pick up anything that the “wearer” says or subvocalizes, and a limited ability to interpret surface thought processes. It cannot actually read thoughts (hence the limitation), but it is hard for wearers to avoid subvocalizing or otherwise giving a lot away; this is represented by the normal IQ vs. Will contest to use the advantage on an unwilling subject. It can also monitor some of his metabolic functions (represented by a perk). The Dedicated Controls advantage represents the fact that the wearer can use the implant’s communications systems. Its external senses are “borrowed” directly from the wearer’s nervous system. Of course, this means that he can shut them off by shutting his eyes, blocking his ears, and so on, and it suffers from any and all temporary or permanent sensory impairments that affect him. However, the implant’s controlling AI is automatically aware of everything that the wearer sees, hears, feels, etc., which can be useful – so this is treated as a zero-point feature.

These devices draw most of the little power they require electrochemically from the organic bodies in which they are implanted. They also have small internal power cells to cover emergencies or special requirements, but if removed from the body, they soon go inert until connected to an alternative power supply.


Military-Grade Implant: A Distributed VII with a superior, secure radio and sensory overload protection, typically issued to military or security personnel. Change the radio to Telecommunication (Radio; Secure, +20%; Video, +40%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%;) [14] and add High Pain Threshold [10]. A VII of this type costs $2,500, plus $4,000 for surgery, plus the cost of a small compact computer. -87 points.

Puppeteer Implant: The “wearer” can be treated as an Ally with the Minion enhancement or a Dependent (or both), and a Puppet. He will thus owe the infomorph an Involuntary Duty.

Volkspider: 70 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-2 [-20]; HT+1 [10].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP-2 [-4]; SM -3.

Advantages: Clinging [20]; Damage Resistance 3 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [9]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Extra Legs (6 legs) [10]; Infravision [10]; Machine [25]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 2 [2].

Perks: Accessory (Small Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Colorblindness [-10]; Cybershell Body [-15]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10]; Short Arms (see note) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Date: 2085. Cost: $5,000 + computer.

Note: The Short Arms disadvantage represents the Short limitation applied to the standard two arms.


Domestibot: Typical of the housekeeping spiders often found in well-off households. Change SM to -2 and Reduced Consumption to level 2 (Recharge/refuel once a day) [4]; add Payload 5 [5] and the perks Accessory (Domestic cleaning tools) and Accessory (Refrigeration system in payload bay) [2]; and delete Colorblindness. 85 points ($5,500, 35 lbs.).

Securibot: A low-cost but serviceable cybershell of a type sometimes used by impecunious Fourth Wave police departments and private security companies. Change SM to -2, Damage Resistance to 10 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [30], and Reduced Consumption to level 2 (Recharge/refuel once a day) [4]; add Basic Move+2 [10], Extra Arms 1 (Weapon Mount, -80%) [2], Protected Sense (Vision) [5], and Sealed [15]; and delete Colorblindness and Short Arms. Police models often add an Accessory perk (sirens and/or lights); many units, especially in military service, have Accessory (IFF transponder). Either adds 1 point to the cost. 141 points ($8,000, 40 lbs.).

Tech-Spider: Change SM to -2, Damage Resistance to 12 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [36], and Temperature Tolerance to level 7 [7]; add Claws (Sharp Claws) [5] (retractable cutting blades), High Manual Dexterity 4 [20], Microscopic Vision 3 [15], Pressure Support 1 [5], Protected Sense (Vision) [5], Radiation Tolerance 5 [10], Sealed [15], Sensitive Touch [10], Vacuum Support [5], and the perks Accessory (Built-in multi-purpose toolkit) and Accessory (Micromanipulation Tools) [2]; and delete Short Arms. 204 points.

Wearable Virtual Interface: -42 points

Attribute Modifiers: ST-10 [-100]; HT+2 [20].

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+1 [2]; SM -6.

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Compartmentalized Mind (Dedicated Controls) 1 [10]; Damage Resistance 5 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [15]; Doesn’t Breathe [20]; Machine [25]; Night Vision 7 [7]; Protected Sense (Vision) [5]; Pressure Support 1 [5]; Reduced Consumption 3 (Recharge/refuel once a week) [6]; Sealed [15]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Video, +40%) [7]; Telecommunication (Infrared Communication) [10]; Telecommunication (Radio; Video, +40%) [14]; Temperature Tolerance 2 [2].

Perks: Accessory (Tiny or Small Computer) [1].

Disadvantages: Cybershell Body [-15]; No Legs (Portable) [-30]; No Manipulators [-50]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5]; Restricted Diet (Very Common, power cells) [-10].

Features: Individuals of the same model closely resemble each other.

Note: The Dedicated Controls advantage represents the fact that the wearer can use the wearable’s radio, senses, and vision protection.

Date: Varies. Cost: $500 + computer.


A wearable virtual interface could be virtual interface glasses or a distributed virtual interface consisting of a monocle, ear piece, and belt computer. It sees and hears using the sensors built into it, and can speak to its wearer directly, or anyone else via radio. It should be either an Ally or a Dependent of its wearer, or take its wearer as an Ally or a Dependent (or both could be PCs.)

Full Helmet: VIG-style systems are often built into helmets. Depending on whether the helmet is a light, medium, or heavy model, change Damage Resistance to 20/40/60 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [60/120/180] and Pressure Support to level 2 [10], and add Vacuum Support [5] and the Perk “Can latch onto standard spacesuits and provide wearer’s head with own full DR and vacuum protection” [1]; Size Modifier becomes -2. Cash price is $500 + price of a normal helmet + price of the computer installed; weight is as for the helmet. Many models also add additional sensory enhancements (cost as p. TS151). 14/74/134 points + any additional features.

Printed DVI: Damage Resistance gains the limitation “Only against crushing damage” for -40%, reducing the cost to 5 points. -52 points.

Ruggedized Portable: A small portable computer in a robust casing, capable of linking to a VI display in a monocle, “sunglasses,” or other equipment, and screened against electromagnetic effects – used for military applications, and also by some civilian workers in extreme environments. Change HP to HP+3 [6], Damage Resistance to 10 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%) [30] and Pressure Support to 2 [10], add High Pain Threshold [10], Resistant to Electrical Pulses and Surges (+3) [1], and Vacuum Support [5]. -2 points, costs $1,500 + computer.

Bioshell Template

Bioshells are living bodies whose higher brain functions have been subsumed by an implanted bioshell interface computer. Most are clones or bioroids whose organic brain was gengineered to never develop in the first place. It is possible to transform a living body into a bioshell, but its mind will be destroyed in the process.

Bioshell Template: 31 points

Advantages: Absolute Direction (Requires Signal, -20%) [4]; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards (Partial, Skull hit locations only, -70%) [9]; Telecommunication (Cable Jack; Sensie, +80%) [9]; Telecommunication (Radio; Sensie, +80%) [18].

Perks: Accessory (Tiny or Small Compact Computer) [1]. Disadvantages: Bioroid Body [-4]; Electrical (Partial, Skull hit locations only, -70%) [-6].

Note: The bioshell’s immunity extends to brain infections, psychotropic agents, jet lag, etc.; however, anything which affects other parts of the body will still have an effect (possibly reduced if its primary effect is on the brain – GM’s option).

Date: 2085. Cost: $35,000 + computer.

This 'default' bioshell template assumes a bioroid body with implants, but otherwise identical to a human. However, it can be combined with a racial template. If so, drop the racial template's IQ modifiers, and any advantages of disadvantages that would be mental in nature (GM's option.)


Intrusion Variant: A bioshell generally intended for espionage missions. Add the Secure option to Telecommunication (Radio), increasing the cost to 22 points, delete Telecommunication (Cable Jack), and change Bioroid Body to Concealed Bioroid Body [-5]. 25 points ($70,000).

Necromorph Bioshells: It is possible to use a combination of cellular regeneration and tissue-engineered transplants to repair a corpse and reanimate it as a bioshell. This actually saves $5,000 for a well-preserved, recent corpse, but adds $10,000-$60,000 for a lower-quality cadaver.

rpg/granite_city_limits/world/racial_templates.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/08 19:39 by wizardofaus_doku

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