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The Agency

Formally known as Enterprise Management Consortium, the Agency supplies operational funds and equipment for most of the operatives' needs as part of a Task Force. Unlike freelancers, the agents are all permanently contracted, and their duties are considered extremely hazardous but all for the greater good… at least, as far as EMC sees it.

Company Info

The Enterprise Management Consortium is a venture capitalist movement operating out of New York and focused on small business contractors - helping them set up and make contacts and establish themselves, usually for the betterment of the turf they are involved in covering. EMC also operates as a private military contractor with groups on several continents, and it is possible that information gathered as part of their civic work is often put to good use on their military side.

Interestingly, EMC seems to proactively seek contractors with significant moral standards; as such, it has yet to come under fire for any major scandal. It's an open question whether this is the result of excellent PR or excellent choices in personnel.


EMC is one of those anomalies in business; they just don't seem to be as nasty or out-to-get-everyone as most people likely to hire you for street work. Typically, they seem to involve themselves in situations that could go very badly if someone doesn't intervene - usually through contracted agents. If you receive an offer from them, it's probably wise to take it or respectfully decline - just don't try to screw them over. It rarely ends well.

Corporate Analysis

The EMC conglomerate is vaguely disturbing to the existing corporate structure. They match independent contractors with corporations, businesses, or even individuals that require their skills and expertise. However, it's been noted that they seem to have a moral compass and are not directly influenced by pure financial gain, which is problematic when you realize how few corporations can meet that high standard for everything they might want done.

Product Line

EMC is a service-based industry, and acts as a skills broker, matching freelance workers with opportunities in exchange for a portion of the proceeds.

rpg/granite_city_limits/organizations/emc.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/05 16:50 by wizardofaus_doku

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