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Transpacific Socialist Alliance

The TSA is an alliance of nations with nanosocialist governments and economies. Its membership has fluctuated; while some nanosocialist states are 'one-party democracies', others have joined or left following democratic changes of government - or coups. The TSA suffered a setback during the Pacific War, but nanosocialist ideology continues to spread.

TSA members are mainly nations transitioning between Third and Fourth Wave economies, seeking a shortcut to bootstrap themselves into prosperity. Some are notorious for 'pirating' software, nanotech blueprints, genetic templates, or 3D printer programs designed elsewhere. As a result, they suffer under heavy trade sanctions. However, they are not isolated; many large TSA cities benefit from sizable expatriate populations of nanosocialist ideologues from Fifth Wave nations. Several TSA members are in an economic shambles, but others are prospering, notably Bangladesh, Peru, and Indonesia. Mexico has recently elected a moderate infosocialist government (which worries its neighbors), but it is not a TSA member.

TSA military power is not insignificant, due to the large and fairly experienced ground forces of some member states, but its real power is memetic. The TSA's archenemy is China, although various blocs - especially the Pacific Rim Alliance, Islamic Caliphate, and United States - engage in low-level conflicts with TSA-sponsored insurgencies. The TSA is ideologically at odds with the various Duncanite colonies; despite this, they share many of the same enemies, which can be a closer bond.

Quick Facts: Transpacific Socialist Alliance

Population: 1.20 billion.
Gross Domestic Product: $20.6 trillion (2155).
Government Type: Military and diplomatic alliance of nations which share a common ideology. Most member states have authoritarian governments, with few or no democratic institutions.
Typical Control Rating: Varies.
The Transpacific Socialist ALliance is composed of 15 member nations: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burma, Cambodia, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Peru, and Vietnam. The member nations vary widely in population and wealth. In theory, there is no distinction between major and minor members, but the high-population members located in Southeast Asia, and ideological bastion Peru, dominate the alliance.

rpg/granite_city_limits/nations/transpacific_socialist_alliance.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/12 21:37 by wizardofaus_doku

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