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Islamic Caliphate

The Islamic Caliphate is a loose alliance of 13 nations: Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The Palestinian Enclaves (the Gaza Strip and West Bank) are associated with the Caliphate, but are not full members.

The Caliphate is essentially an alliance of the so-called 'moderate Arab' states of Southwest Asia. A number of major Islamic states are not members, notably Iran, Pakistan, and the Arab states of North Africa.

Oil revenues remain important to the Caliphate's economy, albeit primarily as a source of plastics and fertilizer base rather than energy. The Caliphate has invested heavily in solar power and fusion energy resources, often in partnership with the European Union.

The Caliphate treats sapient AIs as citizens, but is hostile towards ghosts, shadows, and bioshells. The Caliphate has uneasy relations with Israel and Turkey (the latter marred by disputes over water rights), and a rocky relationship with a now-secular Iran.

Quick Facts: Islamic Caliphate

Population: 568 million.
Gross Domestic Product: $8.6 trillion (2155 estimated).
Government Type: Military and diplomatic alliance, unified by support of a figurehead religious leader (the Caliph of Medina). All member states are predominantly Sunni Muslim. Several are strong monarchies, and all allow a significant role for Sharia (Islamic law) in internal institutions.
Typical Control Rating: Varies widely in the range CR 2-6. Most members are at CR 4-5.

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