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Spacecraft Types

Autonomous Kill Vehicle (AKV): A cybershell space fighter. AKVs are small, fast, and heavily armored. They carry various close-in munitions packs such as a kinetic-kill or nuclear-pumped X-ray laser bombs.

Deep Space Operations Vehicle (DSOV): These vessels are built to establish far-off outposts or transport major science expeditions. They have fusion drives and lots of reaction mass, and carry plenty of industrial equipment.

Executive Space Vehicle (ESV): A fusion-drive space yacht, with a few luxury cabins, a staff of bioroids or cybershells, but little cargo.

Heavy Lift Vehicle (HLV): A single-stage laser rocket (sometimes chemical rocket) designed to transport a load of cargo into space.

Heavy Space Transport Vehicle (HSTV): The largest fusion-drive interplanetary transports. HSTVs can carry cargo, but are often equipped with external cradles to sling heavier cargo pods into high velocity trajectories. The HSTV then heads for home, and on the other end, a receiver HSTV intercepts and catches the cargo.

Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV): A cheap 'space truck' for short-range hops between adjacent orbital facilities, or quick voyages such as Earth orbit to Lunar orbit or L4/L5. Most OTVs use chemical rocket or fission drives. Passenger OTVs lack cabins, instead having airplane-style seating.

Passenger Space Vehicle (PSV): A fusion-drive 'fastliner' with lots of cabins and spin gravity.

Remote Survey Vehicle (RSV): A cybershell probe controlled by telepresence or on-board AI. Some use fusion drives; others, slow plasma sails.

Space Dominance Vehicle (SDV): A heavily armored vessel propelled by a fusion or antimatter pulse drive. Armed with particle accelerators, laser irises, and 2-6 AKVs. They often carry a squad of troops.

Space Defense Platform (SDP): An orbital battle station. These heavily armored vessels range from small warsats to asteroid-sized monitors. They bristle with weapons, but have little or no mobility. Many are uninhabited.

Transatmospheric Vehicle (TAV): A single-stage-to-orbit cargo or passenger vehicle. Usually powered by chemical or laser rockets, though some TAVs are hybrid craft with air-breathing engines for atmospheric flight.

Utility Space Vehicle (USV): A generic 'freighter' used to carry people, haul cargo, prospect, etc. Usually fusion-powered, but older models may use plasma sails or mass drivers.

Work Pod: A cheap one- or two-person spacecraft with manipulator arms and a simple chemical-rocket engine.

rpg/granite_city_limits/encyclopedia/spacecraft_types.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/09 18:17 by wizardofaus_doku

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