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Plasma Flamers

These weapons fire a low-velocity jet of high temperature plasma. Hydrogen fuel is fed into a magnetic containment chamber, heated and compressed to form a plasma, and then released as a continuous stream.

Flamers are effective incendiary and terror weapons, with a role similar to that of the flamethrower. They’re also useful for disposing of vermin or microbot swarms, vampires and anything else flammable.

Flamers are available in four sizes: the Hand Flamer, suitable for use as a sidearm; the Assault Flamer, a rifle-sized plasma weapon that has seen service in house-to-house fighting and spaceship boarding encounters; the Heavy Flamer, which most resembles its ancestors by being a backpack-powered energy flamethrower; and the Semi-Portable Flamer, which is most commonly used on a tripod to provide suppressive fire, though some battlesuits or particularly strong individuals are capable of using it as a man-portable weapon.

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