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In an era where everything is computerized, any otherwise innocuous device might be concealing data, and there are industries expressly devoted to finding new ways to conceal data storage. A mass-produced object the size of a modern USB 'thumb drive' without any camouflaging can hold 8 to 64 petabytes and still be fairly inexpensive; cheaper models that hold downwards to 128 terabytes are common 'giveaway' items. A device made to accept an unorthodox data storage system will usually hold less data for higher prices. One item making its rounds on the market is the 'E-Star' data concealment system; it uses what appears to be an ordinary B-sized rechargeable energy cell (roughly the shape of a modern AA) that in all ways operates as a standard battery. However, when hooked to an E-Star recharger that is then networked to a computer through its charge cable, it can access a concealed datachip within the battery that stores 1 petabyte of encrypted data.

rpg/granite_city_limits/encyclopedia/computers/datatabs.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/06 12:19 by wizardofaus_doku

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