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notes——————— Non Template Mods -2 ST (+20)

Low Pain Threshold (P): -10 points

Oblivious (M): -5 points You understand others' emotions but not their motivations. This makes you awkward in situations involving social manipulation. You are the classic “nerd”! You have -1 to use or resist Influence skills (see Influence Rolls, p. 359): Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Intimidation, Savoir-Faire, Sex Appeal, and Streetwise.

Overconfidence (M): -5 points* You believe that you are far more powerful, intelligent, or competent than you really are. You may be proud and boastful or just quietly determined, but you must roleplay this trait.

Squeamish (M): -10 points* You dislike “yucky stuff”: little bugs and crawly things, blood and dead bodies, slime, etc. When exposed to such things, you react just as if you had a Phobia. Note that you do not suffer from the standard fears of insects, reptiles, dirt, and the dead! What bothers you isn't huge bugs or reptiles, ordinary “clean” dirt, and ghosts; it's nasty creepy things, filth, and bits of grue.

Pacifism (M): Variable You are opposed to violence. This can take several forms. Choose one of the following:

Reluctant Killer: You are psychologically unprepared to kill people. Whenever you make a deadly attack (e.g., with a knife or a gun) against an obvious person whose face is visible to you, you are at -4 to hit and may not Aim. If you cannot see the foe's face (due to a mask, darkness, or distance, or because you attacked from behind), the penalty is only -2, save in close combat. You have no penalty to attack a vehicle (even an occupied one), an opponent you do not believe is a person (including things with Horrific or Monstrous appearance), or a target you can't actually see (e.g., a set of map coordinates or a blip on a radar screen). If you kill a recognizable person, the effect on you is the same as for Cannot Kill (see below). You have no problem with your allies killing; you may even supply ammo, loaded weapons, and encouragement! You just can't do the killing yourself. -5 points.

less sleep 2/Level (2 hrs less sleep) Penetrating vision (10) Circuit sense: Electrician, Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, and Engineer (Electrical and Electronics). Born to be wired: Computer Hacking, Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Cryptography, Electronics Repair (Computers), and Expert Skill (Computer Security).

250 points available.

Attributes: ST 8 [-20]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 11 [10].

Secondary Characteristics: Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [0]; Per 13 [-10]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 [5]; Basic Move 6 [0].


  1. Born to Be Wired 4 [20];
  2. Luck [15];
  3. Quick Gadgeteer (H4xx0r, -50%) [25].

30 +20 Stats + 55 Disavantages = 96/105

  1. Quick Gadgeteer (Solder and Duct Tape, -50%) [25] WIRE RAT
  2. Circuit Sense 4 [20]; WIRE RAT
  3. Gizmos 1 [5]
  4. Absolute Timing [2]
  5. Photographic Memory [10]
  6. less Sleep 1 [2]
  7. Telecomunication - Radio (Reduced Range, x1/10, -30%; Secure, +20%; Sensie, +80%) [17]
  8. Ally: Combat Droid (Freq. 15 or less, Minion) [15]

• A further 30 points chosen from among lens advantages (pp. 4-5) IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Absolute Timing [2], Artificer 1-3 [10/level], Business Acumen 1-3 [10/level], Daredevil [15], Eidetic Memory [5] or Photographic Memory [10], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], Intuition [15], Mathematical Ability 1-3 [10/level], Pitiable [5], Signature Gear [Varies], Wild Talent 1 [20], Zeroed [10],

Disadvantages: (base 40) +55

  • Duty (Agency; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or less) [-15]
  • Sense of Duty (Team) [-5]
  • Greed† [-15*]
  • Duty (Triad, unwilling, 9) [-10]
  • Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
  • Curious [-5*],
  • Oblivious [-5]
  • Skinny [-5]
  • Squeamish [-10]
  • Overconfidence [-5]
  • Pacifist - reluctant killer [-5]
  • Low Pain Threshold [-10]

Duty (Agency, mob, service, or similar; 9, 12, or 15 or less) [-5, -10, or-15], , Secret (Past hacks) [-5 or -10], Sense of Duty (Team) [-5], or Social Stigma (Criminal Record or Minor) [-5]. Delusion (“The real world works just like the Internet!”) [-5], Clueless [-10], Gullibility [-10*], Honesty† [-10*], Loner [-5*], Oblivious [-5], Shyness [-5 or-10], or Trademark (Particular hack or “calling card”) [-5 or -10]. Bad Temper [-10*], Cowardice [-10*], Easy to Read [-10], Impulsiveness [-10*], Jealousy [-10], Klutz [-5] or Total Klutz [-15], Laziness [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Slow Riser [-5], Squeamish [-10*], Stubbornness [-5], Trickster [-15*], .

Primary Skills:

  • Computer Operation (E) IQ+4 [1]-19‡;
  • Electronics Repair (Computers) (A) IQ+3 [1]-18‡;
  • Computer Programming, Cryptography, and Expert Skill (Computer Security), all (H) IQ+2 [1]-17‡;
  • Computer Hacking (VH) IQ+3 [4]-18‡.

Secondary Skills: Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12.

• Six of

  • Stealth (A) DX+1 [4]-13;

Cartography, Electronics Operation (Communications, Media, Security, Sensors, or Surveillance), Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Accounting, Forgery, or Intelligence Analysis, all (H) IQ [4]-15; or Scrounging (E) Per+2 [4]-15.

Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (pp. 4-5). - Bicycling (E) DX [1]-12 or Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle) (A) DX-1 [1]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. † Honesty is for “white hats” and security experts, and normally precludes Greed and Obsession as motivations (but not Secret or Social Stigma!). ‡ Includes +4 for Born to Be Wired.

Combat Droid [250]

ST 20 [100] DX 12 [40] IQ 8 [-40] HT 12 [20]

Metatraits: Machine [25]; Cybershell Body [-15], Nonsapient AI [29].

159 points spent, 91 points remaining for Innate Attack, skills, extra limbs.

Extra Arms (Weapon Mounts)?

rpg/granite_city_limits/echo.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/14 15:32 by wizardofaus_doku

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