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Chelsea Costello

255 CP spent

7 CP unspent

(former Felicia-A-C CHL-0527, Charlemagne, medium duty model)

ST 10 (0)

DX 15 (100)

IQ 11 (20)

HT 11 (10)


Damage: 1d-2 thr, 1d sw

Basic Lift 20 lb

HP 10

FP 11

Will 11

Fright Check 11

Perception 13 (10)


Basic Speed 7.25 (25)

Basic Move 7

Build: 5'8, 120 lb (Skinny) (-5, no HT above 14, -2 to ST resist knockback, -2 Disguise, -2 Shadowing)



Absolute Direction (5)

Ambidexterity (5)

Appearance (Attractive) (Androgynous) [4]

Brachiator (5)

Catfall (10)

Claim to Hospitality: SIN Sorority (2)

Claim to Hospitality: Former Charlemagnes (2)

Combat Reflexes (15 points)

Flexibility [5]

Night Vision 3 [3]

Perfect Balance [15]

Sharp Claws [5]

Hard To Kill 1 (2 points)

Hard To Subdue 1 (2 points)

Trained by a Master (30)

Zeroed: Bioroid [10]

Signature Gear: Chel's Gun, Armored Gecko Suit [250]

Earned Contacts

1 point towards GCWE-PD Contact - While the GCWE-PD isn't entirely thrilled that the Hellraisers aren't 'neutralized', they are thankful that you rescued their people and saved an officer in critical condition. (Contact: Law (Police) skill 12, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)

2 points towards Hellraiser Contact - The Hellraisers are basically getting a less strongly contested base area and their people back. A few of them are likely to hold grudges, but they'll shut up if Bael tells them to. (Contact: Streetwise skill 15, available 9 or less, somewhat reliable.)


Pacifism: Reluctant Killer (-5)

Extra Sleep 1 [-2]

Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]

Unnatural Features 2 [-2] (Ears and tail)

Impulsiveness (-10)

Lecherousness (12 or less) [-15]

Duty (Agency; Extremely Hazardous; 12 or less) [-15]

Sense of Duty (Team) [-5]

Enemy: Charlemagne Luxuries (Medium-sized group of less-powerful people) [-20] (Watcher) [x1/4] (9 or less) [x1]: [-5]



SOP: Loot the Bodies


Convincing Nod


  • Nosy
  • Distractible
  • Likes: Wind chimes
  • Responsive
  • Habits: Perching


Area Knowledge: Granite City (IQ/Easy): 12 (2)

Climbing (DX/Average): 16 (4)

Acrobatics (DX/Hard): 15 (4)

Holdout (IQ/Average): 13 (4)

Pickpocket(DX/Hard): 14 (2)

Streetwise (IQ/Average): 11 (2)

Stealth (DX/Average): 15 (2)

Urban Survival (Per/Average): 13 (2)

Tracking (Per/Average): 13 (2)

Escape (DX/Hard): 14 (2)

Filch (DX/Average): 14 (1)

First Aid (IQ/Easy): 12 (2)

Gesture (IQ/Easy): (11) (1)

Judo (DX/Hard): 15 (4)

Jumping (DX/Easy): 16 (2)

Brawling (DX/Easy): 16 (2)

Running (HT/Average): 12 (4)

Swimming (HT/E): 11 (1)

Driving (Motorcycles) (DX/A): 14 (1)

Computer Operation (IQ/E): 11 (1)

Guns (Pistol) (DX/E): 15 (1)

Guns (Rifle) (DX/E): 15 (1)

Liquid Projector (Sprayer) (DX/E): 15 (1)

Beam Weapons (Pistol) (DX/E): 15 (1)

Beam Weapons (Projector) (DX/E): 15 (1)

Throwing (DX/A): 15 (2)

Observation (Per/A): 12 (1)

Search (Per/A) (2): 13


Scaling: Climbing -3 +1 (2)

Rope Up: Climbing -2 +1 (1)


Judo: Ju go that way. Base skill 15, techniques as listed.

Brawling: For improvised combat, punches, etc.

  • Punch: Skill 16; d6-3 thr cr
  • Kick: Skill 14; d6-2 thr cr
  • Claws: Convert damage to cut, +1 damage
  • Two attacks: -3 to hit on both (if skill ⇒ 15)
  • Three attacks: -6 on all (will unlock when skill ⇒ 18)

Combat Style: Jeet Kun Do

Base Skills: Judo-15; Karate-14. Techniques:

  • Arm Lock (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
    • Must have two hands free and make a successful barehanded parry; on first turn following parry if foe is still in range you can Arm Lock them as an attack. If you succeed you are at +4 in Quick Contests to maintain the lock, and opponent is at -1 to further contests every time they fail. On the next turn after trapping them, you can attempt to damage the limb; Quick Contest of higher of your ST or Judo vs higher of their ST or HT. Success inflicts crushing damage equal to your margin of victory. Rigid DR protects normally. If arm is crippled, opponent drops whatever is in that hand and takes no further damage, but checks can still be made to see if they are shocked/stunned. You can also use this offensively by making a successful grappling attack; if they fail to break free you can then use Arm Lock on your next turn. Once an Arm Lock is made, you can simultaneously make close contact attacks on your opponent, who defends at -4 in addition to any penalties due to injury caused by the grapple. If you decide to throw him using the lock, this -does- count as an attack.
  • Breakfall (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
  • Choke Hold [0] (skill -2): 13
  • Counterattack (Karate) [0] (skill -5): 9
    • Foe at -2 to parry, -1 to block or dodge
  • Ear Clap (Karate) [0] (skill -3): 11
    • if successful, roll contest vs target HT or physically stun and deafen target
  • Elbow Strike (Karate) [0] (skill -2): 12
    • thr -1 cr damage, range C
  • Evade (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
    • Replaces DX when trying to evade. Normal penalties apply.
  • Eye-Poke (Karate) [0] (skill -9): 6
  • Eye-Gouging (Judo) [0] (skill -5): 10
    • if they fail to defend against grapple, they can't see; each eye takes thr-3 cut damage on subsequent turns due to claws
  • Eye-Rake (Karate) [0] (skill -5): 9
    • rake clawed hand across face and eyes; inflict thr cut damage with claws for purposes of penetrating DR; victim makes HT roll or blinded for 1 minute x margin of failure, crit cripples.
  • Feint (Karate) [0] (skill): 14
    • Allows you to make and resist feints
  • Finger Lock [0] (Arm Lock -3): 12
    • As Arm Lock, except that damage is to the hand, which is easier to cripple.
  • Ground Fighting (Judo) [0] (skill -4): 11
  • Handcuffing (Judo) [0] (skill -1): 14
  • Head Butt (Karate) [0] (skill -1): 13
    • thr - 1 crush damage
  • Head Lock (Judo) [0] (skill -3): 12
  • Judo Throw (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
  • Kicking (Karate) [0] (skill -2): 12
    • thr crush damage; +1 cut if barefoot
  • Knee Strike (Karate) [0] (skill -1): 13
    • reach C, opponent defends at -2 if grappled and groin shots are no penalty; thr crushing damage
  • Leg Grapple (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
  • Leg Lock (Judo) [0] (skill): 15
  • Roll with Blow (Judo) [0] (skill -2): 13
  • Stamp Kick (Karate) [0] (-3): 11
    • only vs prone or the feet, thr+1 cr damage
  • Sweep (Judo) [0] (skill -3): 12


Cell Phone (Complexity 3 tiny computer, 1TB storage capacity)

Bioplas Swimsuit (TL10): +2 to Basic Move for the purpose of figuring Water Moves. This suit is similar to the biomimetic swimsuit, but incorporates a layer much like slickskin. It also heals any rips automatically. $100, 0.1 lb. ($150, 0.2 lbs. with fins).

Armored Night Vision Glasses (“Night Shades”) (DR 15, eyes): Night Vision 8 and 4x magnification. $400, 0.1 lb., A/10 hr. LC4.

Chel Special: +1 laser sight

  • Electrolaser Pistol: HT-4(2) aff. Acc 4, Range 40/80, Wt 2.2 lb. RoF 3, Shots 36 TL9, ST 4, Bulk -2, Rcl 1. $1,800. LC 4.
  • + Sonic Stun Pistol: HT-3(5) aff. Acc 3, Range 30/100, Wt 0.9 lb. RoF 1, Shots 66(3). ST 4, Bulk -2, Rcl 1. $325, LC 4.
  • + EMP Gun: HT-3 aff (1 yd). Acc 6, Range 90/270, Wt 0.9 lb. RoF 1, Shots 33 TL9, ST 4, Bulk -2, Rcl 1, $325, LC 4.
  • + C Cell: 0.5 lb.
  • = Total cost: 4.5 lb, Bulk -2, gets at least 60 shots per cell. $2450.

Spray Can with Sleep Gas: Range 2, 1.5 lb, 10 shots, $30 including sleep gas.

Tangler Pistol: 1d pi++ plus Tangler effect, Acc 1, Rng 20/130, 2.5 lb, 4+1 shots, ST 10, Bulk -3, Rcl 2, $300.

Vortex Pistol: Acc 2, Range 15, Wt 1.8/0.8, Rof 1 Shots 5(3), ST 7, Bulk -2, Rcl 1, $100.

Gecko Gloves/Toesocks: Climbing gear can use gecko pads to allow near perfect adhesion to any surface. It requires nerve-impulse detectors, proximity sensors, and dedicated control software. The user can crawl up walls and ceilings at half Move (brachiators get full Move). A single thumbprint-sized patch is enough to support a human, so falls are extremely rare. A whole body stocking gives +7 to Climbing (gloves give +3, toe-socks give +2, the rest of the body gives +2), doubled for the individual part to maintain footing or grip (grappling and wrestling, holding ropes, Retain Weapon checks). In addition to the expected outer surfaces, the inside surface is covered with stick pads to distribute the climber’s weight. The base material is diaphanous ballistic armor (DR 0) for good tactile feedback. The control software errs on the side of caution: A user must make an unadjusted Climbing roll with familiarity penalties to deliberately release all the gear at the same time!

Pair of gloves is $1500, 0.5 lbs., 2A/1,000 hrs. LC3.

Pair of toe-socks is $1000, 1 lb., 2A/1,000 hrs. LC3.

Bodysuit is $5,000, 5 lbs., B/1,000 hrs. includes powering gloves and socks. LC3. System is currently Unreliable (16) until it receives tech service.

Adjust for SM. Can be manufactured into clothing or any flexible suit of armor or environmental suit.

Nanoweave Suit: $1200, DR 18/6*, all locations.

2155 Suzuki Burgman 400-E Electric Scooter

  • 85 mph max speed, touring range 340 miles on one charge. (Original 170 miles on one 3-gallon tank.)

UTILITY TOOL (TL9^): The utility tool is the advanced version of a multi-function pocket tool. It fits comfortably in the user’s palm. The device includes a monowire cutting blade (Ultra-Tech, p. 163) about 3” long, one or more tools to open and close common physical fasteners, and one or more tools for grasping and manipulating objects too small to be handled with fingers. The tool also has adapters for various physical data ports, and can help the user to connect two or more devices (computers or equipped with computer controls) physically; it can also serve in place of a missing or damaged transmitter for common wireless-connection types. Common utility tools cost $100 and have negligible weight at TL9^. LC is typically 6, although, in some settings, paranoid governments may give it LC3 due to the monowire edge on the cutting blade. Schools, hospitals, and ports may restrict or forbid the carrying of the tool, classifying it as a weapon due to the presence of a cutting blade on it. Used as a weapon, the monowire blade does sw+1d(10) cutting damage with Reach C, 1.

$2,940 personal money

3 sets of beautiful wind chimes (crystal, metal, bone)

Tangler rifle + 40 rounds tangler, 45 rounds strobe

Protected Hearing earpods

Tangler grenades (64mm) x 5

Strobe grenades (64mm) x 5

Tracker darts (fired from tangler rifle) x 10

Sonic Screen

Nanoweave balaclava (covers skull, face, neck, identity!)

Tangler grenades (64mm), 2

Sleep grenades (64mm), 2

Sleep grenades (25mm), 4

QuickHeal injection

Bandage spray (6 uses), 0.5 lb

First aid kit (contains a bandage spray can, ointments, etc. It gives a +1 (quality) bonus to First Aid skill, or +2 when using the bandage spray to treat bleeding. 2 lbs.

rpg/granite_city_limits/chelsea.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/07 18:48 by wizardofaus_doku

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